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Trichoderma spp. on growth and yield of BARI tomato-14. Four Trichoderma treatments were performed, for instance, T0, 0 Control; T1, 100 g/m2; T2, 200 g/m2 ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, SOCIAL AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ISSN: 2309-7892, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, Page: 117-122, January-March 2016 Review Paper

EFFECTS OF Trichoderma SPP. ON GROWTH AND YIELD CHARACTERS OF BARI TOMATO-14 A.F.M. Jamal Uddin*1, H. Ahmad1, M.R. Hasan1, S. Mahbuba2, and M.Z.K. Roni3 A.F.M. Jamal Uddin, H. Ahmad1, M.R. Hasan, S. Mahbuba, and M.Z.K. Roni (2016) Effects of Trichoderma spp. on Growth and Yield characters of BARI Tomato-14. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 4(2): 117-122. Retrieve from http://www.ijbssr.com/currentissueview/14013137 Received Date: 09/12/2015

Acceptance Date: 09/01/2016

Published Date: 10/01/2016

Abstract The experiment was carried out in Department of Hortiuclutre, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, during mid-January 2015 to end April 2015, to evaluate the performance of Trichoderma spp. on growth and yield of BARI tomato-14. Four Trichoderma treatments were performed, for instance, T0, 0 Control; T1, 100 g/m2; T2, 200 g/m2 and T3, 300 g/m2 in Randomized Completely Blocked Design (RCBD) with three replications. All characters of tomato plant showed significant variation among Trichoderma treatments. However, a higher percentage of survival observed in 100 g/m2 and lower was controlled. On the other hand, chlorophyll percentage was maximum for T2 (69.4%) and minimum (43.2%) was in control (T0). Moreover, highest yield/plant (3.0 Kg) obtained for 100 g/m2 treatments of Trichoderma and lowest (1.4 Kg) was for control.

Key Words: Survival percentage, Chlorophyll percentage, and Yield. Introduction Trichoderma spp. are very common fungi, contains many species and strains, of which some are saprophytic while others are pathogenic to other fungi such as Pythium. Trichoderma spp. are widely used in agricultural biotechnology and have been already used as a biocontrol agent against a wide range of economically important aerial and soil-borne plant pathogens (Papavizas, 1985). The biological control is the application of Trichoderma spp. which is known to parasitize hyphae of pathogens. The most beneficial Trichoderma strains that are able to colonize the root and inhabit the rhizosphere are known to have the "rhizosphere competence" (Harman et al., 2004; Ahmed et al., 2011) and stimulate plant growth response (Lo et al., 2002). Biological control has attracted attention from researchers for over five to ten years (Harman, 2006), primarily because of the interest in developing more environmentally “friendly” means of disease management in the absence of pesticides. In few practical applications have become established for the control of plant diseases, in most cases antagonists to pathogens are added to the ecosystem. They have a rapid growth rate, sporulate abundantly, and compete well with other soil microorganisms. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is popular vegetable fruits which are distributed in all over the world. Furthermore, the tomato is a glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit which is eaten as a vegetable or in salad and it contains carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Tomato yields in smallholder cropping systems are generally far below the potential of the crop, poor crop husbandry and pests and diseases. However, the major constraints that caused this decline were high prices of inputs and poor crop management practices in tomato production. For this reason, the methods of controlling the disease have to be explored inclusive of biological control methods. Application of Trichoderma spp. may result in the promotion of plant growth, yield and increase nutrient availability. In addition, several species of Trichoderma spp. are well known producers of different kinds of secondary metabolites that are important for plant growth regulation in some commercial crops (Shanmugaiah et al., 2009; Bal and Altintas, 2008; Babeendran et al., 2000; Zheng and Sheety, 2000; Phuwiwat and Soytong, 1999; Lynch et al., 1991). Particularly, Chacon et al. (2007) showed that Trichoderma spp. is able to promote tomato plant growth by colonizing the roots, increasing the foliar area and secondary roots, as well as changing the root system architecture under sterile condition (Bjorkman et al., 1998). The effect of Trichoderma on plant growth improvement is not the result of Trichoderma isolate and plant species, but also the complex interaction of many factors may have an influence on the Trichoderma-plant interaction such as environmental parameters, soil microorganisms and soil-plant interaction (Harman et al., 2004), and micronutrient and minerals such as Fe, Mn and Mg that have important role in plant growth (Altomare et *Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] 1*Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, 2 Department of Agricultural Botany, Sher-e-bangla Agricultural University, 3The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Japan

Trichoderma spp. on BARI Tomato-14


al., 1999), secretion of exogenous enzymes, sidrophores (Jalal et al., 1987) and vitamins (Inbar et al., 1994; Kleifield et al., 1992), as well as indirectly with the control of the major and minor root infecting pathogens (Harman et al., 2004). Consequently, the mechanisms indicate the multiple modes of action (Harman, 2006; Harman et al., 2004) that lead to an increase in nutrient availability and uptake, resulting in the stronger nutrient uptake by the plant, and thereby developing the root system. Trichoderma spp. influence growth, yield attributes, yield and quality of crops under field conditions, increase yield and quality of tomato. The present study aimed to find out the appropriate dose of Trichoderma spp. for the production of the tomato plant growth, yield, and quality. Materials and methods The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of Horticulture Farm, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU), Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh, during the mid-winter period from January 2015 to April 2015 to study on the influence of Trichoderma spp. of the growth, yield and quality of BARI Tomato 14 (Solanum lycopersicum). The study arranged in four treatments Trichoderma spp. viz. T0, 0 Control; T1, 100 g/m2; T2, 200 g/m2 and T3, 300 g/m2 in Randomized Completely Blocked Design (RCBD) with three replications. Plenty of sunshine and moderately low temperature prevails during October to March (Rabi season), which is suitable for tomato growing in Bangladesh (BARI, 2011 and Ahammad et al., 2009). The soil was prepared using NPK inorganic fertilizers with 1:1:1 ratio and it was applied before in plowing time. After that, compost & well-rotted cowdung and NPK were used in 16 beds with four treatments and thoroughly mixed with soil. Soil pH ranged from 6.0- 6.6. Beds were filled up 7 days before Trichoderma spp. used. After 5 days were used Trichoderma spp. in per bed recommended treatment below and covered with polyethylene 20 days for cloning Trichoderma spp. where selected the treatment beds are randomly. The soil was well prepared for each bed and the experimental bed was determined in 1.6 m2 with each replication. All Trichoderma spp was collected from Krishibid Nursery, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 64 seedlings for transplanting in 16 beds, each bed have 4 seedlings transplanted in such a way that bed plans do not go another bed. Data were collected in respect of following parameters, for example, number of leaves and branches, plant height, days to first flower bud initiation (visual observation), days to first flowering, days to first fruit set, days to first fruit harvest, number of flowers /plant, number of fruits /plant, fruit weight, total fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter. Chlorophyll percentage was measured by SPAD (Manitoba, Japan) with non devastating method. Collected data were statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C computer package programmed. The mean for every treatment was calculated and analysis of variance for each one of characters was performed by F–test (Variance Ratio). The difference between treatments was assessed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% level of significance (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).

Figure 1. Photographic view of BARI tomato-14 with four treatments of Trichoderma spp. viz. T0, 0 Control; T1, 100 g/m2; T2, 200 g/m2 and T3, 300 g/m2 Results: Plant height: Plant height was showed significant variation with Trichoderma spp. treatments. Tallest plant height in (123.8 cm) was found T1 and the shortest (103.6 cm) were in T2.


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A number of branches: Significant variation was observed a number of branches with different treatments. The four treatments T1 contain maximum numbers of branch 6.0 and T0 contain minimum numbers branch 3.0. Number of Leaves: Significant variation was observed a number of leaves in different treatments. It was indicated that the maximum number of leaves (38.6) was found T1 and the minimum (28.0) was in T0. Chlorophyll Percentage: Significant variation was observed in chlorophyll percentage. The highest percentage of chlorophyll (69.4) was found in T2 tomato leaf and the lowest (43.2) was in T0. Survival Percentage: From the above experiment, the significant variation was observed in survival percentage, it was indicated that the higher percentage of survival plants (87.1) was T1 and the lower (57.9) was T0. Table 1. The performance of Trichoderma spp. on growth related attributes of Tomatox Number Chlorophyll Survival of Percentage (%) Percentage (%) Leaves 109 ab 3 b 28 c 43.2 c 57.9 D T0 124 a 6 a 38.6 a 55.8 b 87.1 A T1 104 b 4.7 a 34.8 b 69.4 a 80.3 B T2 114 ab 5 a 33.2 b 54.7 b 69.7 C T3 LSD 18.6 1.4 3.5 7.5 2.9 CV (%) 12 22 7.6 9.8 2.9 x In a column means having similar letter (s) statistically are identical and those having dissimilar letter (s) differ significantly as per 0.05 level of probability y In temperature treatments: T0, 0 Control; T1, 100 g/m2; T2, 200 g/m2 and T3, 300 g/m2 Treatmentsy

Plant height (cm)

Number of branches

Number of Flowers: The number of flower per plant of tomato showed significant variation in Trichoderma treatments. A maximum number of flower per plant was found from T1 (41.4) and a minimum number of flower per plant was found T0 (16.0). Number of Fruits: The number of fruits per plant of tomato, significant variation was observed with different treatments. A maximum number of fruits per plant was found from T1 (26.6) and a minimum number of fruits per plant was found T0 (11.8). Fruit Length: Significant variation was observed for fruit length with four Trichoderma treatments. The highest fruit length (57.8 mm) was recorded from the T1 treated fruits. Conversely, the lowest fruit length of (46.2 mm) was recorded from the T2 treated fruits. Fruit Diameter: Tomato fruits are showed significant variation in terms of fruit diameter. Maximum fruit diameter was found from T1 (69.7mm), while minimum T0 (58.2mm). Single Fruit Weight: Significant variation was obtained in single fruit weight with trichodermin treatments. The result showed that the maximum individual fruit weight was found in the T1 (132g) the minimum was in T0 (95.2 g). Yield/Plant: The total fruit yield per plant of tomato, which was significantly variable from each treatment. The weight of minimum fruit yield per plant was recorded 1.4 Kg in the T0 and 3.0 Kg recorded in T1 plots which are maximum than others. Table 2. The performance of Trichoderma spp. on yield-related attributes of BARI-14 tomatox Fruit Fruit Single fruits Yield per length diameter weight Plant (mm) (mm) (g) (kg) T0 16 d 11.8 d 51 b 58.2 d 95.2 d 1.4 c T1 41.4 a 26.6 a 57.8 a 69.7 a 132 a 3.0 a T2 29.9 b 23.9 b 46.2 c 64.5 b 126.7 b 2.2 b T3 24.4 c 19.8 c 46.3 c 62.0 c 120.2 c 2.1 b LSD 3.4 2.7 2.6 2.1 3 0.3 CV (%) 8.8 9.5 3.8 2.4 1.9 10.8 x In a column means having similar letter (s) statistically are identical and those having dissimilar letter (s) differ significantly as per 0.05 level of probability y In temperature treatments: T0, 0 Control; T1, 100 g/m2; T2, 200 g/m2 and T3, 300 g/m2 Treatmentsy

Number of flowers

Number of fruits


Trichoderma spp. on BARI Tomato-14


Discussion Application of Trichoderma spp. increased tomato growth, yield, and some quality characteristics however the increases were statistically significant. Trichoderma spp. can reduce the severity of plant diseases by inhibiting plant pathogens in the soil through their highly potent antagonistic and mycoparasitic activity. It`s well established that Trichoderma is very common biocontrol mediator against the pathogen (Chet et al., 1979; Harman et al., 1980). Consequently, Trichoderma may inhibit pathogenic, but not nonparasitic microorganisms, in the rhizosphere or destroy their phytotoxins. Responses to application of Trichoderma spp. are characterized by increased plant height and a shorter germination time in vegetables (Baker et al., 1984; Paulitz et al., 1986) and earlier flowering and an increased number of blooms in Periwinkles (Vinca minor L.) and Petunia (Petunia hybrida Vilm) (Baker et al., 1984; Chang et al., 1986). Accordance with results Chet (1990), McGovern et al. (1992) and Datnoff and Pernezny (1998) had been shown that Trichoderma spp. stimulated the growth of tomato plants. Table 1 showed the growth related characters of tomato, which morphologically developed by Trichoderma application. Apparently, the increased growth response caused by Trichoderma spp. is not merely the result of protection against minor pathogens. On the other hand, Trichoderma also produce plant hormone production (Baker et al., 1984; Chang et al., 1986, Okon and Kapulnik, 1986, Windham et al., 1986), and vitamin production or conversion of materials to a form useful to the plant (Barber and Lynch, 1977; Brown, 1974). Furthermore, Trichoderma helps to release nutrient from soil or organic matter (Barber, 1978, Barber and Lynch, 1977; Brown, 1974) and increased uptake and translocation of minerals (Brown, 1974; Okon and Kapulnik, 1986). Moreover, Trichoderma spp. produce auxins that are able to stimulate plant growth and root development (Contreras-Cornejo et al., 2009). It has been observed that plant-derived sucrose is an important resource provided to Trichoderma cells to facilitate root colonization, the coordination of defense mechanisms, and increased rate of leaf photosynthesis (Vargas et al., 2009). Consequently, higher photosynthetic rate increases in the uptake of CO2 in leaves by Trichoderma root colonization in soil (Vargas et al., 2009), which responses the chlorophyll activity in Trichoderma affected crops. Determination of chlorophyll and carotenoids in tomato were obtained in Trichoderma (Nagata et al., 1990). The contrast of results showed the survival percentage of the plant from diseases also responsible for Trichoderma. It beneficial effects of Trichoderma on beside abiotic stress have been well documented (Donoso et al., 2008; Bae et al., 2009). Mastouri et al. (2010) reported that the treatment of tomato seeds with T. harzianum accelerates seed germination, increases seedling vigor and ameliorates water, osmotic, salinity, chilling and heat stresses by inducing physiological protection in plants against oxidative damage. According to table 2, Trichoderma influenced the tomato yield and it was significant variation. Hence, the number of flowering and other yield related characters, for example, a number of fruits and fruit size, are positively influenced by results on Trichoderma application in soil. Total yield and individual fruit weight were significantly varied in tomato plants (Bal and Altintas, 2006). Mazhabi et al., (2011) stated that Trichoderma spp. had additional and promoting effects on vegetative and qualitative traits of tulip bulbs and cut flowers. The present authors determined that Trichoderma spp. did not increase onion yield and plant characteristics significantly (Altintas, 2008). Conclusion In conclusion, based on the present study was found that Trichoderma spp. as a bio-fertilizer for reducing tomato disease, increase tomato root zone and nutrients availability and absorbed that Trichoderma spp. are influences on growth, yield, and quality of tomato. Among four treatments showed the significant variation and the maximum survival percentage of plants were for T1 (87.1) and the minimum was T0 (57.9). The minimum weight of total fruit yield per plant was recorded 1.4Kg in the T0 and maximum 3.0 Kg recorded in T1 plots which were higher than others treatments. Reference Ahmed, L., Martin-Diana, A.B., Rico, D. and Barry-Ryan, C., 2011. The antioxidant properties of whey permeate treated fresh-cut tomatoes. Food Chem.124, 1451–1457. Altintas S. and Bal U. 2008. Effects of the commercial product based on Trichoderma harzianum on plant, bulb and yield characteristics of onion. Scientia Horticulturae, 116(2): 219-222. Altomare C, W. A. Norvell, T. Bjorkman and G. E. 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