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Fathorrahman. (Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma) ... researcher implemented projector as media to improve .... Arsyad, Azhar. 2009.
ISSN 2337-6384

JP3, Volume 1, No. 1, Pebruari


IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH LCD PROJECTOR AS MEDIA OF TEACHING Fathorrahman (Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Unisma) Abtract. This study aims at improving students’ achievement of second grade students of SMP. The goal of the study was to improve the students’ English Achievement at SMP Islam Banyuglugur Situbondo by using LCD Projector. By using this way the researcher hopes that the result of students’ achievement will be better than before. This study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research was conducted in a cyclic process starting from, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The criterion of success is 70% students get score 70, after implementing LCD Projector, the criteria of success has been fulfilled. It means that the students’ English achievement is better than before. It is related to the student active participation, student interest, student enjoyment learning English having been implemented LCD Projector. It can be concluded that the English achievement of second year students of SMP ISLAM Banyuglugur Situbondo is improved. It is proved by the improvement of the average of English score in cycle I to cycle II, the average of English score in cycle I is 64%, and in cycle II improve to 70% as the target of criteria of success is 70% get score 70. Besides, the students have interactive in teaching and learning process. Key Words: LCD Projector, Technique, English Achievement.

INTRODUCTION Education and teaching are enough complicated problems which many factors influence, one of the factors is teacher. Teacher is component teaching who handling the impotent one of teaching learning because the successful of learning process is very decided by teacher factors. The teacher obligation is to transfer the learning materials to the student by interactive communication in teaching learning process that done. The successful of teacher based on fluent communication between teacher and student in transferring the materials. The researcher finds some problems concerning the English students’ mastery. The problems are: a) many students tend to keep

themselves in silent when the teacher asks them to say Basic English which has given by the teacher in the previous meeting. b) the teacher’s teaching strategy is less from happy activity. The teacher usually teaches with comment strategy in applying an idea method of teaching. Thus, the students tend to memorize the target English mastery. c) the material of teaching mastery need additional time to fulfill the target of the semester. Consider those facts; the researcher conclude that the students need to be stimulated to be enthusiasm in learning English, and the teaching effectiveness and efficiency is needed to fulfill the semester target of teaching English mastery. The researcher is greatly to apply the LCD 37

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Projector in the classroom as the technique in teaching-learning process, because applying projector in the classroom, many benefits will be gotten, those are; interesting, efficiency and effectiveness.

METHOD The research design employed for this research is CAR (Classroom Action Research). The researcher used Kemmis and Mc Taggart’s model (Mc Niff, 1998:27) the researcher made lesson plan in conducting the classroom action research. The researcher used two cycles, it has several phases: planning, action, observation, and reflection. McNiff (in wahyuni, 2007: 28) explain that action research seen as a way of activities that are designed to improve the quality of education by using new technique or method in teaching. To know whether this research is successful or failure, the writer set indicator of success in this strategy during the teaching and learning process. The indicator is 70 % students are able to improve their English with score ≥70. The planning here is Preparing Teaching Procedure, designing lesson plan. After the planning of the action was finish, go to the implementation or action, the researcher implemented projector as media to improve students’ achievement. The researcher asked another researcher to help this process as collaborator. The next is observation, Latief ( 2003) in Wiriaatmadja, Rochiati said that observation is an activity of collecting data related to the events in the teaching and learning process and also problem solving and developing learning strategy. This activity is done by the observer and collaborator. The observation is conducted when the action is happening in the classroom. All the information would be collected by using observation sheet, field notes, questionnaire and test of English skill. The last is reflection. This part deals with the activity to analyze the implementation of the action during the cycle which is obtained through the result of observations. It includes the discussion of how far the developed

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strategy solves the problems and factors that might be the causes of the unsuccessful strategy applied. The research makes reflection to judge whether this classroom action research need to be continued or not. If it is not, it continues to the next cycle. The result of the analysis is consulted with the criteria of success. Meanwhile, the weakness in the first cycle is improved to the next cycle. This cycle is stopped when the criteria of success are fulfilled.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Nowadays is the technology era. According to As Chapelle (2001: 1) (in Tuan and Doan: 2010) states, As we enter the 21st century, everyday language use is so tied to technology that learning language through technology has become a fact of life with important implications for all applied linguists, particularly for those concerned with facets of second language acquisition. Technology not only facilitates the teachers’ tasks and saves their time and effort but also gives immediate, accurate and individual feedback which interests students and benefits students who are not confident doing their tasks in front of the class. Applying LCD Projector, the students motivated in teaching and learning activity. Students can acquire their lessons better and more interestedly than other ways. The main focus of using of LCD Projector in the classroom was not only to help students to learn more effectively but also to have fun. And also applying LCD Projector can help teacher in explaining material easily. The Classroom Action Research was conduct in the 2nd grade of SMP Islam Banyuglugur, Situbondo. There was two cycles of this study, then there were four topics presented in two cycle. The first topic was expression of surprise, the second topic was expression of sadness, the third expression like and dislike, and the fourth topic was “expression of love”. They were presented by using LCD Projector. Then, the researcher prepared a test for students. The 38

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topic’s taken from the material which has been given in each meeting previously. In conducting the test, students got the multiple choices to solve the problem. Then, students had to answer the question correctly to measure the student’s English achievement. The teaching procedure here related of Richards and Rodgers (in Brown, 2001:14) said that “procedures are the techniques and practices that are derived from one’s approach and design. Here, the researcher will show the techniques of teaching English or the practice of teaching English applied by the teachers. The teachers of English applied various procedures in teaching. They used the three or more techniques in teaching English, such as; memorizing technique, presentation technique, discussion technique, etc. the researcher applied technique of LCD Projector as media of teaching. The researcher finds some problems concerning the English students’ mastery. The problems are as follows: a. Many students tend to keep themselves in silent when the teacher asks them to say Basic English which has given by the teacher in the previous meeting, b. The teacher’s teaching strategy is less from happy activity. The teacher usually teaches with comment strategy in applying an idea method of teaching. Thus, the students tend to memorize the target English mastery, the material of teaching mastery need additional time to fulfill the target of the semester. Consider those facts; the researcher conclude that the students need to be stimulated to be enthusiasm in learning English, and the teaching effectiveness and efficiency is needed to fulfill the semester target of teaching English mastery. The researcher is greatly to apply the LCD Projector in the classroom as the technique in teaching-learning process, because applying projector in the classroom, many benefits will be gotten, those are; interesting, efficiency and effectiveness. Based on the criteria of success, the 70% students are able to improve their English with score ≥70. In the cycle I, there were three meeting; the two meeting is for

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teaching material, and one meeting for the test. Based on the students` score in the first test of cycle I that the mean score was 64,7. It means that the achievement of student in learning English was under standard of success, the teaching needed to continue for the next cycle because the test result not satisfying yet. Researcher planned to do another cycle in order that the teaching English by using LCD projector can improve students’ achievement. In the cycle II, after implementing LCD Projector, the criteria of success were fulfilled. It means that the students’ English achievement is better than before. It is related to the student active participation, student interest, student enjoyment learning English having been implemented LCD Projector. It can be concluded that the English achievement of second year students of SMP ISLAM Banyuglugur Situbondo is improved. It is proved by the improvement of the average of English score in cycle I to cycle II, the average of English score in cycle I is 64%, and in cycle II improve to 70% as the target of criteria of success is 70% get score 70. Besides, the students have interactive in teaching and learning process.

CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS This part presents the conclusion and the suggestion. The conclusions are made on the basis of the research findings and discussions as explained in the previous part. After LCD Projector is implemented, it can be concluded that the English achievement of second year students of SMP ISLAM Banyuglugur Situbondo is improved. It is proved by the improvement of the average of English score in cycle I to cycle II, the average of English score in cycle I is 64.7%, and in cycle II improve to 70.3%. Besides, the students have interactive in teaching and learning process. In brainstoarming step, while the researcher showing up a picture or giving the questions, the students are active to answer the leading question, the students are happy and enthusiastic in doing the activity while the learning. It is also proved by the 39

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result of field notes and observation check list. The following are the activities of LCD Projector that is implemented: (1) brainstorming to the students by giving some questions and showing a picture that is related with the topic, (2) giving the students material in applying flash dictionary and flash game (3) repeating the words that shown by flash dictionary, (4) asking the difficult word (5) discuss what the LCD Projector shows. The suggestions are directed to For The English Teachers and for the future researchers. Concerning with the strategy, the researcher suggests to the English teachers to use LCD Projectoras one of the Medium technology while teaching and learning English especially to improve the students’ English achievement. The class is also fun thus it can entertain their learning. The English teachers can present the LCD Projector by supported flash dictionary, flash game that can support the materials to make the students easier in teaching-learning process. For the Future Researchers. The researcher also suggests for the future reseachers with some topic focusing on visual media but on different subject. The researcher also gives suggestion to the future researchers that can make another topic, material, steps, etc. The purpose to make the classroom action research better.

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