English Journal_I_13_14 [Compatibility Mode]

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Oct 24, 2013 ... Entry 8. Do you get along well with your sibling(s)? If you are an only child, do you think you would be able to get along with sibling(s)? Explain.

English Journal Worth 80 points Keep in separate section of notebook Must be at least 2 complete sentences for each topic

You are responsible for making up missed entries SAMPLE: Entry 1 – Aug. 26

Entry 1 What is your favorite book of all time? Explain.

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

What is the worst book you ever read in an English class? Explain.

Do you prefer to have someone read a book to you or to read the book yourself? Explain.

Could you be “embarrassed into” taking a dare as Jem was? Why or why not?

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Would you rather watch a bad movie in color than a good one in black and white? Explain.

Did you ever get punished unfairly by a teacher or other adult? Why or why not? Explain.

Do you agree: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”? Explain why or why not.



Entry 8

Entry 9

Entry 10

Do you get along well with your sibling(s)? If you are an only child, do you think you would be able to get along with sibling(s)? Explain.

When a writer uses a Southern or other dialect, does that make it harder for you to understand? Explain.

Are you a leader or a follower? Explain.

Entry 11

Entry 12

Entry 13

Do you have an adult you can talk with as a friend as Scout did with Miss Maudie? Why or why not? Explain.

How do you react when you get caught doing something wrong like Jem, Scout and Dill did? Explain.

Do you easily catch on to the meaning of symbols in what you read, such as the broken pocket watch and the tree that is either healthy or sick? Explain.

Entry 14

Entry 15

Entry 16

Do you cry easily and often, or with difficulty and rarely? Explain.

How would you deal with a major disaster such as a fire or flood? Explain.

How do you react to someone who wants to know your business? Explain.



Entry 17

Entry 18

Entry 19

Do you get along with your relatives other than your immediate family? Explain.

Do you easily believe urban legends, or are you skeptical and doubting? Explain.

How did you react when you were punished when you were a kid? Did you stay mad long? Explain.

Entry 20

Entry 21

Entry 22

Are you able to keep secrets as Uncle Jack did after he found out why Scout smacked her cousin? Explain.

Do you appreciate the talents of your parents/guardians or are you like Scout, who doesn’t think Atticus does anything special? Explain.

Do you think you have a “duty” to do something for your school or community as Atticus did when he accepted defending Tom Robinson? Explain.

Entry 23

Entry 24

Entry 25

Do you get along with people the age of your grandparents? Explain or why not.

What would you do if your parent/guardian made you read or do some other chore for an old person you didn’t like? Explain.

Why do you think that Atticus made a point that Mrs. Dubose was more of a hero than someone who fires a gun? Explain.



Entry 26

Entry 27

Entry 28

Why do you think Calpurnia talked and behaved differently at her church than she did at the Finches’ house? Explain.

How do you or would you respond to someone like Aunt Alexandra who takes over everything? Explain.

Do you try to keep your family’s secrets secret or would you go on an afternoon talk show to spill your guts? Explain.

Entry 29

Entry 30

Entry 31

Are you like Aunt Alexandra, looking down at people and thinking that you are better than them? Explain.

Have you ever been tempted to do what Dill did and run away? Explain.

Do you agree with Atticus that courage is doing something that you know will not succeed? Explain.

Entry 32

Entry 33

Entry 34

Do you react to crisis situations as calmly as Atticus? Explain.

When you are in or just past a very stressful, tense situation, do you react emotionally as Atticus and Scout did? Explain why or why not.

Do you make it a habit to thank people? Explain.



Entry 35

Entry 36

Entry 37

Do you get caught up in watching sensational trials that are featured on TV and the Internet? Explain why you do or do not.

Do the characters in the movie match up with the ones you pictured in your imagination after reading the book? Explain.

Would you want to serve on a jury in a major murder case? Explain why you would or would not.

Entry 38

Entry 39

How do you think you would react if you were being cross-examined by a lawyer at a trial? Explain.

Do you do the journals every day or do you wait until the very end to try to do them all at once? Explain why.