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shop when the course starts). Michael Vince-Paul Emmerson:First Certificate Language practice-English Grammar and Vocabulary-. Macmillan 2007.


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English (II) Anna Rita Marconcini

Course Level: Advanced Semester: First Number of credits: 6 Teaching language: English

Course description The course aims to supply the students with deeper communicative competence and relevant knowledge of the complex current political scenario on the international stage as well as on the home front of English speaking countries. The analysis of texts and speeches delivered by major political leaders give students the opportunity to improve and widen their linguistic competence in a specialized field and increase their ability to understand the language used by contemporary politicians thus getting a deeper insight into relevant political issues.

References Transcripts of speeches delivered by major political leaders (photocopies available at the nearby photocopy shop when the course starts) Michael Vince-Paul Emmerson:First Certificate Language practice-English Grammar and VocabularyMacmillan 2007 Any monolingual dictionary:Oxford,Cambridge, Collins Cobuild Didactic material and newspaper articles

Teaching methods The content of the speeches recorded on CDs are listened to, analyzed, discussed and commented on. Supporting articles on the issues dealt with in the speeches will be introduced to stimulate the students’ oral debate and their written remarks. Commentaries will show how language is used by contemporary politicians and how it is part of a wider process of political discourse.

Evaluation methods The students’ competence is assessed by means of a written questionnaire based on the content of the analyzed speeches

If you have any questions about this course, please email [email protected]_

English (II) Anna Rita Marconcini

Course Level: Advanced Semester: First Number of credits: 3 Teaching language: English

Course description The course is based on an introduction to the theory and practice of textual analysis of British and American newspaper articles. It aims to develop the students’ understanding of how texts work by showing them some of the patterns which make up the structure of the text, by placing texts within the context in which they occur and by exploring relationships between them. It points towards a deeper understanding of the way that texts can be transformed, manipulate and distorted .The analysis of texts is based on the principle of Critical Discourse Analysis.

References The language of Newspapers-Danuta Reah (second edition)-Routledge The language of Politics—Adrian Beard –Routledge Newspaper articles from British and American papers (available at the nearby photocopy shop when the course starts) Michael Vince-Paul Emmerson:First Certificate Language practice-English Grammar and VocabularyMacmillan 2007 Any monolingual dictionary: Oxford,Cambridge, Collins Cobuild

Teaching methods Newspaper articles and editorials are examined, discussed commented on so as to elicit oral discussion and written comments. A range of tasks and activities are related to the articles proposed.They are introduced in order to explore the way in which the press portrays current events,from the ideological bias of the press to the role of the headlines in newspaper articles to the way in which newspapers relate to their readership.

Evaluation methods The students’ competence is assessed by means of a written questionnaire focusing on the linguistic analysis and the socio-political content of the text proposed.

If you have any questions about this course, please email [email protected]

Public Finance Angelo Lombari Course Level: Semester: Number of credits: Teaching language:


2 Level Degree Course (Specialist) st 1 Semester 6 Italian

Course description 1.Public sector in a mixed economy 2. Public choice 3. Efficiency and equity 4. Public and private goods 5. Introduction to Taxation 6. Tax incidence 7. Aggregate analysis 8. Public Debt 9. Theory of distribution of wealth 10. Theory of distribution of tax 11. Tax system in Italy 12 The fiscal federalism

References Cosciani C., Scienza delle Finanze, Utet Brosio G., Economia e finanza Pubblica, Nis, 1993

Teaching methods 36 Hours of teaching

Evaluation methods Written and oral exam

If you have any questions about this course, please email :

[email protected]

Administrative Law Alessandro Cioffi

Course level: Semester: first Number of credits: 6 Teaching language: Italian

Course description Aim of this course is to get main concepts about Italian administrative law. So the course will focus on administrative action, administrative organization, administrative justice.

References Student’s choice will be among the followings: 1. G. CORSO, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, Torino, Giappichelli, 2006 (terza edizione) 2. D. SORACE, Diritto delle amministrazioni pubbliche, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006 (terza edizione) 3. V. CERULLI IRELLI, Lineamenti del diritto amministrativo, Torino, Giappichelli, 2006

Teaching methods Front lessons, case analysis, excercises

Evaluation methods Oral exam

If you have any questions about this course, please email : [email protected]

Private International Law Maria Beatrice Deli

Course Level: Advanced st Semester: 1 Number of credits: 6 Teaching language: Italian

Course description

This course is aimed at giving the students a basic knowledge of the conflict of laws and jurisdiction, with particular interest in international trade.

References BALLARINO, MILAN, Corso di Diritto Internazionale Privato, CEDAM, Padova, 2006.

Teaching methods During the lessons students are constantly invited to discuss and relate on Italian and foreign cases involving conflicts of laws and jurisdictions.

Evaluation methods Oral examination

If you have any questions about this course, please email [email protected]

Statistics (Adv.) Mario Di Traglia

Course Level: advanced Semester: second Number of credits: 6 Teaching language: italian

Course description - PROBABILITY Conditional dependence and independence, and its relationship with the tables of frequencies. Random variables : Poisson, Pascal, Exponential. Introduction to Linear Algebra (basic concept) - DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS The matrix of Variance and Covariance, the Correlation Matrix. Simple analysis of squared matrix: eigenvalues and eigenvectors: practical mining Multiple regression and model diagnostic. Non linear regression (polynomial and logistic). Analysis of frequencies table, CHI squared and Cramer’s C. - INFERENZIAL STATISTICS Sampling: Stratified design and two stage design. The sample design by Central Statistical Institute (ISTAT). Evaluation of sampling estimation (sample error) and calculation of sample size. Still on to estimation techniques for the parameter µ (mean): confidence interval building for µ whit variance known and unknown and standard error for the estimator in finite population sampling.

References C. Iodice, Elementi di statistica, edizione SIMONE, 2005. Other didactics equipment given by teaching staff

Teaching methods Classical lessons, exercises and cases study in computer room.

Evaluation methods Written and oral examination

If you have any questions about this course, please email [email protected]_

Contemporary History Giuseppe Pardini


Course Level: Scienze politiche europee e internazionali (1 year) Semester: II Number of credits: 6 Teaching language: italian

Course description The course covers the stages of the evolution and the cultural transformation of the end of the XX century, outlining the characters of the radical nationalism of the first years of the century. Particular attention is turned to the development of the Italian Fascismo and to the development of the authoritarianism in the center-meridional Europe. The reconstruction of the totalitarian model imposed to Germany from the nationalsocialist totalitarianism implies deep transformations of the relations between the several ideologies of the radical right in Europe, ragion for which the course proposes the study of the Italian model of them, until the end of the II World War. In the second part of the course, it comes taken in consideration the evolution of the radical right in the all Europe (with particular reference to France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Austria) until to the days ours. References S. G. Payne, Il fascismo. Origini, storia e declino delle dittature che si sono imposte tra le due guerre, Newton & Compton, Roma, 2006. P. Milza, Europa estrema. Il radicalismo di destra dal 1945 ad oggi, Carocci, Roma, 2003. Teaching methods Frontal lessons Evaluation methods Oral test

If you have any questions about this course, please email [email protected]

Rocco Pezzimenti History of Contemporary Political Thought

Course Level

Second level Degree: International and European Political Sciences



Teaching Language


Course Description th th Marxism at the end of the 19 century. Revolutions of the 20 century. The Russian Revolution and an analysis of its protagonists and theories. The First Chinese Revolution: Mao. The Second Chinese Revolution. The Cuban Revolution. The crisis of liberal democracies. The advent of the mass party system. Populism. Elitism. Authoritarianism and Totalitarian Systems. Rise of American power. The depression of 1929 and President Roosevelt: the rebirth of liberal thought: Dewey. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: Schumpeter. Contestation and Revolt: Marcuse reinterprets Hegel, Marx and Freud in an anti-capitalistic key. Liberal Radicalism. The Italian Case/Situation: the most important Communistic Party in the Western World- long term revolutionary incidents (Gramsci) and the logic of reform. Catholics and the Italian Party System. The religious aspect in Italian Idealism. The temptations of historical compromises. Social thought of the church in relationship to the political and social context of the 1900s. The Catholic school of thought. Autonomy and Development: Don Sturzo. The theology of liberation. The fervour of new nations. Justice, equality, liberty and ecclesial thought in Latin America. 1968 in Europe. Delusions with Social Realism. The Anti-American/Anti-Capitalistic Revolution in Third World Nations. The Chinese Model imported into the Western World and its failure. The crisis of Western Marxism particularly in France. The Impact of the Council and its interpretations. The role of Utopia in debates and political actions in the 1900s. (Mainheim). Utopian Marxism: the case of Bloch’s heresy. Liberalism in the Austrian school and its repercussions on the Western World. Society according to Popper. Extreme Liberalism: Von Mises, Von Hayek, Friedman. A liberal position of the Left: Dahrendorf. The crisis of 1989. The fall of Communism in the Soviet Bloc. Political thought of the Arab World and Islamism versus reform, integration and modernism.

References G. M. BRAVO, C. MALANDRINO, Il pensiero politico del ’900, Piemme. Further didactic material will be provided in class.

Teaching Methods Evaluation Methods

Lectures Reports regarding topics covered in class. The final examination is oral.

Policy Analysis Fabio Serricchio Course Level: Specialist Degree Semester: Number of credits: 6 Teaching language: ITALIAN

Course description The course has three main goals: 1. to introduce students to policy analysis’ main concepts 2. to study European policy making 3. to study the impact of Europeanization in Italy in certain policy domains The course is divided into two parts: I) • Policy analysis: the history of discipline, definitions and main goals • The policy cycle II) • •

European policy making The impact of Europeanization in certain policy domains: the case of Italy

References • Howlett M., Ramesh, M., Come studiare le politiche pubbliche, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003 • Capano, G., Giuliani, M., (a cura di), Dizionario di politiche pubbliche, Roma, NIS, 1996 • Graziano, P., L’europeizzazione delle politiche pubbliche italiane, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 Teaching methods: ORAL LESSON/SEMINAR Evaluation methods: WRITTEN EXAM

If you have any questions about this course, please email: [email protected]