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Registration Instructions for FSU CoM Mobile Medical Resources for iPhone/iPod .... Guides, Medline Search, and Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics].
Apple iOS Loading Instructions


Registration Instructions for FSU CoM Mobile Medical Resources for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad These instructions assume that you do not have subscriptions to any of the following products. Do the following before you start: STEP 1: Get an iTunes account. Have your account username and password handy. Every time you install a product from the App store, your device will ask for your iTunes password. STEP 2: Find your CoM Username and password so you can log in to EZProxy. STEP 3: On a computer go to the medical library, log in to EZProxy if off campus, and click on Mobile Resources, which is the page with links to all the software registration sites.

Table of Contents Subscription Resources Epocrates Essentials ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Dynamed in Skyscape Medical Library............................................................................................................................ 2 Dynamed in Skyscape OMNIO ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database .................................................................................................................. 3 PEPID ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Pediatric Care Online ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 uCentral .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Access Medicine ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 The Medical Letter .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Essential Evidence Plus ................................................................................................................................................... 7 ACP Smart Medicine........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Recommended Free Mobile Medical Apps: ....................................................................................................................... 7 CDC Vaccination Schedule .............................................................................................................................................. 7 ePSS (free resource) ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Medscape (free resource) ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Backing up your Device ..........................................................................................................................................8


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


Epocrates Essentials Epocrates Mobile License: 1 smartphone, 1 tablet with one license. Register and purchase Epocrates Essentials Online: STEP 1: You must use Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Go to FSU CoM library website and click on Mobile Resources, select Epocrates Essentials in the table. You must use this link. The FSU CoM ID is embedded in this link. (You will have to sign in to eZProxy.) Once on the Epocrates page, scroll down and fill out the form and select “GET IT NOW”. You will now be directed to a new Epocrates page. STEP 2: If you already have an Epocrates account, log in. If you DO NOT have an Epocrates account, create one now by selecting “Register Now”. An account is needed before proceed further. STEP 3: You should now be at the shopping cart, and the price should be discounted 100%, from $159 to a total of $0. Click Check Out. [If your total is not $0 make sure you used EZProxy on the CoM Library website. Do not put in your credit card number. Contact Terri Johnson at [email protected] for help.] STEP 4:The next screen confirms the order, and requests that you update your email address if it has changed since you set up the account. Click on CONFIRM. The next screen will give you instructions on downloading Epocrates to your mobile device. You will also receive an e-mail with these instructions. On your phone/iPod: STEP 5: Go to App Store, search for Epocrates. Click on FREE, then Install the free Rx version. STEP 6: OPEN the program after it has installed. It will ask you for your Epocrates username and password. When you log in, it will download the entire Epocrates Essentials. Make sure you see the icons for Diseases, Labs, and ID Tx Selector to confirm you have the full Essentials and not just the free version.

Dynamed in Skyscape Medical Library DynaMed Mobile License: up to 5 devices of any platform with one license. Register for a Skyscape Account: Click on the Dynamed link on the Mobile Resources page which will take you to Skyscape. Click on My Account, then Create an Account. Complete the form and record the new username and password. Get a Dynamed serial number: We will provide one for you. You can either email [email protected] and request a serial number, or ask your regional campus IT coordinator for one.


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


On the iPhone/iPod: STEP 1: Go to the App Store. Using the search box at the top, find and Install the free Skyscape Medical Library iPhone App from the App Store. STEP 2: OPEN the Skyscape app. Sign in with the username and password you created. It will then ask you to install free resources. Uncheck any you do not want. Once those have come in… STEP 3: Select Settings at the bottom of the screen by putting your finger on the little hand in the bottom right corner, dragging up and left finding Settings. Then tap Add Resource. Then tap Have a Serial Number. Enter your Dynamed serial number. Select Continue. Assure DynaMed is checked and select Register And Download again. If WiFi is not enabled, Skyscape will ask for confirmation that you want to download over your data connection, select OK. DynaMed will download and is about 60 MB in size. This may take a while. It may now say that all resources are up to date.

Dynamed in Skyscape OMNIO Mobile License: Up to 5 devices of any platform. Another option is to use Dynamed in the new Skyscape OMNIO app. It has a number of nice tools included, such as news and featured journal articles, a drug database, interaction checker, calculators and such. You might check out both apps and see which one you like best. OMNIO seems to be better on a tablet.

Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database NMCD Mobile License: 1 smartphone, 1 tablet with one account. Register: STEP 1: Go to the CoM library website Moble Resources and follow the link to the Natural Medicines Database. You need to be either on campus or logged in to EZProxy. STEP 2: In the top right corner CE ID# box, follow the link to “I don’t have a CE ID#.” Fill out the form and click continue. Certify you are at FSU. They give you a number. Write down your CE ID# which should be similar to FSU-LastnameInitialxxxx with the last 4 of your social. STEP 3: Log off the site and close the browser when through to allow others to register. On the Phone/Tablet: Now go to the App Store on your device, search for natural medicines, find the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database FREE (not the one that says Consumer. Read the description to get the correct one.) and install. Put in your CE ID#, which is case sensitive, leaving the password blank. Click Log in and hopefully the content will install.


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


PEPID Pepid Mobile License: 1 mobile device (smartphone OR tablet) Register: STEP 1: Go to FSU CoM library website and click on Mobile Resources, select PEPID. You will get to the “PEPID PDA Usage Agreement” page. Click on the link. You will be prompted to log in to EZProxy. STEP 2: Once you log in, the PEPID registration will pop up. If you have registered before, make sure to use the same email address and password to re-register. Do not forget to select faculty or student and also make sure your platform is checked before submitting. [If you already have a PEPID account and do not remember your password, you will need to go to and click on “My Account” tab on the top right of the home page and select “Forgot User Name or Password”. Put in your PEPID registered e-mail and you will receive your password in the e-mail very shortly.]

STEP 3: After you submit, you will see a message that says; “PEPID Subscription Sign Up. Your PEPID subscription has been processed. You will receive an e-mail shortly with more information.” At this point, you DO NOT have to wait for that e-mail to install PEPID. You are finished registering your product and have obtained your license for your mobile device. On your phone/iPod: STEP 4: Go to the App Store, search for PEPID. Select the one with the blue caduceus and install. STEP 5: OPEN the app. You will see a blue “+” sign on the top right of your screen. Click on it and enter your e-mail and password registered with PEPID. This will take you to “Product Download” page. You should see two products, the PEPID: Medical Dictionary and the PEPID: CRC Platinum Suite. STEP 6: tap on “PEPID: Medical Dictionary” and install your dictionary. Say “OK” once installed. STEP 7: tap on “PEPID: CRC Platinum Suite” and let this content come in. The amount of time for the installation varies with the speed of your connection. Sometimes an LTE(4G) connection is faster than Wifi. So please be patient while PEPID is transferring the medical databases from their server. STEP 8: Once installed, you will see “….successfully installed.” Say “OK” again and you are finished installing PEPID on your Apple Mobile Device. If not, you will see “…unsuccessfully installed.” Try again later in a spot where you have a fast wireless available. Troubleshooting: If the device is not showing any products to download, something is wrong with the registration. You have to call PEPID support at 888 321 7828 ext 206 and tell them the problem. They will ask for your email with which you originally registered. During normal Central time business hours, you can also go to , and use Live Chat with Customer Support to resolve the problem.


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


Pediatric Care Online PCO Mobile License: 1 smartphone, 1 tablet must have the same operating system. Register: STEP 1: If you have an AAP membership, you will need your AAP ID number. If you are not a member yet, you need to register and get an AAP ID number. We have discovered that the registration form only works in Internet Explorer. Follow the link from the CoM library website and click Mobile Resources, select Pediatric Care Online. STEP 2: On the PCO main page click on MOBILE at the top. If it asks if you want only the contect that is secure, say YES. If you are a member already, put in your AAP ID number and click on REGISTER to re-activate your AAP ID. STEP 3: If you do not have an AAP ID number yet, click on REGISTER without filling any information and select new customer registration. Enter your e-mail address and press “Go”. Select INDIVIDUAL. Fill the form and they will email you a AAP ID number. WRITE THIS DOWN! Put in your email address and create a password (write it down somewhere). Create a password question and answer. Then click Continue. STEP 4: You will receive an email with your AAP ID in it. Save this so that you can get back into the site when you need to renew this product. On your iPhone/iPod: go to the App Store and search for Pediatric Care Online. It says it is free. Install it. Run it. It will ask for your userID which is your AAP # and your password. Put those in and log in. It will download all the content.

uCentral [Currently includes: 5 Minute Clinical Consult, Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination, Clinical Evidence, Harriet Lane, Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, Johns Hopkins ABX, Diabetes and HIV Guides, Medline Search, and Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics]

uCentral Mobile License: 1 smartphone, 1 tablet must have the same operating system. Register Online: STEP 1: Go to FSU CoM library website and click on Mobile Resources, select uCentral while on campus or after logging in to EZProxy if off campus. STEP 2: Click on Mobile at the top of the screen. New users must REGISTER and create your own username and Password. Write down your new username and password.

uCentral Registration page

On your phone/iPod:

STEP 3: Go to Apps Store and search for uCentral Medical References. Install the software.


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


STEP 4: OPEN the app. When it asks you for your userID and password, put in the one you created. It should install all the software you have subscriptions for in Unbound. Look to see if you have all of the resources: 5 Minute Clinical Consult, Bates’, Clinical Evidence, Harriet Lane, Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, Johns Hopkins ABX, Diabetes and HIV Guides, Medline Search, and Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutic.

AccessMedicine [Currently includes: Quick Medical Dx & Tx, Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas of Clinical Dermatology, Diagnosaurus, and Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests.]

Access Medicine Mobile License: Multiple devices but must authenticate once every 90 days. STEP 1: Go to FSU CoM library website and click on Mobile Resources, select AccessMedicine while on campus or after logging in to EZProxy if off campus. STEP 2: Click the down arrow next to Florida State University in the top right corner. Then “Login or Create a Free Personal Account” STEP 3: A popup window will appear. Select “Don’t have a MyAccess account?” and fill in the requested information and then select “Create Account” On your iPhone/iPod/iPad: STEP 4: Go to Apps Store and search for AccessMedicine. Install the software. STEP 5: OPEN the app. When asked, enter your userID and password and log in. It should install all the content.

Authentication: You must log in to AccessMedicine’s website every 90 days with your username and passoword.

The Medical Letter This lets you search the journals for articles on a topic like Drugs for XXX or a specific drug. The articles are provided in PDF. So it isn’t elegant, and likely more useful on an iPad where you could easily read the article.

Register Online: STEP 1: Follow the link to The Medical Letter from the Library Mobile Resources site. STEP 2: Click on Mobile App, on the left side of the screen. Fill out the form, using the CoM address (1115 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, 32306), your email and create a password WITHOUT any crazy characters (letters and numbers only). On the device: go to the App Store, search, find and install The Medical Letter. Run it and put in your CoM email and the new password you created.


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


Essential Evidence Plus Essential Evidence Plus is not an app, but a mobile formatted web page. You will set up a shortcut icon on the Home Screen through EZProxy. On the Phone/iPod/iPad: STEP 1: Open Safari, and navigate to the CoM Medical Library,, STEP 2: Tap the EZProxy button. Log in to EZProxy with your CoM username and password. STEP 3: Back on the Library page, tap on the MedResources button and pick Essential Evidence Plus. It should recognize that you are accessing the web page on a mobile device and give you the mobile formatted version. STEP 4: Tap the

on the bottom of your screen and select Add to Home Screen.

STEP 5: Change the Essential Evid…. To EE+. Move the new icon and put it with the rest of your medical apps icons. Once you have logged in to EZProxy the first time you use it, your smartphone/device should save your CoM username and password so that you will just have to tap Log in. Also, if any resource is open in the browser in EZProxy, you will not be prompted to sign in.

ACP Smart Medicine ACP Medicine is not an app, but a mobile formatted web page. You will set up a shortcut icon on the Home Screen through EZProxy. On the Phone/iPod/iPad: STEP 1: Open Safari, and navigate to the CoM Medical Library,, STEP 2: Tap the EZProxy button. Log in to EZProxy with your CoM username and password. STEP 3: Back on the Library page, tap on the MedResources button and pick ACP Smart Medicine. It should recognize that you are accessing the web page on a mobile device and give you the mobile formatted version. STEP 4: Tap the

on the bottom of your screen and select Add to Home Screen.

Move the new icon and put it with the rest of your medical apps icons. Once you have logged in to EZProxy the first time you use it, your smartphone/device should save your CoM username and password so that you will just have to tap Log in. Also, if any resource is open in the browser in EZProxy, you will not be prompted to sign in. Other mobile formatted Medical Reference subscription sites that can be accessed on a smartphone or iPad in the same manner include: Access Medicine, Pediatric Care Online (which includes the Redbook), and Pubmed.

Recommended Free Mobile Medical Apps: CDC Vaccination Schedule No Registration is necessary. On your device: go to the App Store and search for CDC vaccination schedule. “FREE” button on the top right and it will turn into green “INSTALL” button. Click the Install button. Put in


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014

Apple iOS Loading Instructions


your iTunes password.

ePSS (free resource) No Registration is necessary. On your phone: go to the App Store and search for AHRQ EPSS. Click on blue “FREE” button on the top right and it will turn into green “INSTALL” button. Click the Install button. Put in your iTunes password.

Medscape (free resource) Register: go to and Register, creating an account, username and password. On the phone/iPod: Go to the App Store, search for Medscape and install. Run the app and put in your Medscape username and password.

Backing up your Device You should backup you device so that you can restore all the applications in the event your device breaks and you get a new one. This can be done by either connecting your device to your personal computer and use iTunes to sync apps, or use the iCloud backup function on your device which is found in Settings. Instructions are here:


FSU College of Medicine – Medical Informatics – updated August 11, 2014