Fractional Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities

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Jul 16, 2014 - Abstract. This work focuses on an improved fractional Sobolev inequality with a remain- der term involving the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev ...
Fractional Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities arXiv:1404.1028v2 [math.FA] 15 Jul 2014

Gaspard Jankowiak* *

Van Hoang Nguyen**

CNRS – Ceremade, UMR7534 – Universit´e Paris-Dauphine ** School of Mathematical Sciences – Tel Aviv University July 16, 2014 Abstract

This work focuses on an improved fractional Sobolev inequality with a remainder term involving the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality which has been proved recently. By extending a recent result on the standard Laplacian to the fractional case, we offer a new, simpler proof and provide new estimates on the best constant involved. Using endpoint differentiation, we also obtain an improved version of a Moser-Trudinger-Onofri type inequality on the sphere. As an immediate consequence, we derive an improved version of the Onofri inequality on the Euclidean space using the stereographic projection.

* [email protected]

** [email protected] *


Place de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris, France School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

Keywords: Fractional Sobolev inequality, Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality, best constant, stereographic projection, nonlinear diffusion, pseudodifferential operators MSC 2010 : 26D10, 35K55, 46E35, 47G30




The sharp Sobolev inequality and the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality are dual inequalities. This has been brought to light first by Lieb [19] using the Legendre transform. Later, Carlen, Carrillo, and Loss [6] showed that the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality can also be related to a particular Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality via a fast diffusion equation. Since the sharp Sobolev inequality is in fact an endpoint in a familly of sharp Gargliardo-Nirenberg inequalities [10], this eventually led to Dolbeault [11] pointing out that a Yamabe type flow is related with the duality between the sharp Sobolev inequality, and the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality. Still relying on that flow, he proved an enhanced Sobolev inequality, with a remainder term involving the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and also provided an estimate on the best multiplicative constant. This was soon extended to the setting of the fractional Laplacian operator by Jin and Xiong [18]. This approach heavily relies on the use of the fast diffusion equation, which introduces technical restrictions on the dimension or the exponent of the Laplacian operator. A simpler proof is provided in [13], which lifts some of these restrictions, and provides better estimates on the best constant. Let us now go into more details. The sharp fractional Sobolev inequality states (see e.g. [23, 8, 19]) that Z  2q q ˙ s (Rn ), |u(x)| dx ≤ Sn,s kuk2s for all u ∈ W (1.1) Rn

where 0 < s < n2 , q =

2n , n−2s

and the best constant Sn,s is given by Sn,s

 Γ n−2s 2  = 2s s 2 π Γ n+2s 2

Γ(n)  Γ n2

! 2sn

Moreover, equality in (1.1) holds if and only if u(x) = c u∗ x0 ∈ Rn and where n u∗ (x) = (1 + |x|2 )−( 2 −s)

. x−x0 t


for some c ∈ R, t > 0,

is an Aubin-Talenti type extremal function. The best constant Sn,s has been computed first in the special cases s = 1 and n = 3 by Rosen [22], and later for s = 1 and n ≥ 3 by Aubin [2] and Talenti [24] independently. For general 0 < s < n2 , this best constant has been given by Lieb [19] by computing the sharp constant in the sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality, !1− nλ  Z Z n−λ λ Γ Γ(n) f (x)f (y) 2   dxdy ≤ π 2 kf k2Lp (Rn ) , (1.3) n λ λ |x − y| Γ 2 Γ n− 2 Rn ×Rn

where 0 < λ < n and p = where

2n . 2n−λ

0 There is equality in (1.3) if and only if f (x) = c Hλ( x−x ) t λ

Hλ (x) = (1 + |x|2 )−(n− 2 ) , 2


1 is the Green’s with c ∈ R, t > 0, and x0 ∈ Rn . For 0 < s < n2 , 2−2s π − 2 Γ((n−2s)/2) Γ(s) |x|n−2s s function of (−∆) , so that the inequality (1.3) can be rewritten in the following equivalent form, by taking λ = n − 2s Z −s ≤ Sn,s kf k2 p n . f (−∆) (f ) dx (1.4) L (R ) Rn

The sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality was first proved by Lieb based on a rearrangement argument (see [19]). Recently, Frank and Lieb (see [16]) have given a new and rearrangement-free proof of this inequality. Their method was also used to prove the sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality in the Heisenberg group (see [17]). See also [6, 15] for the other rearrangement-free proofs for some special cases of the sharp Hardy-LittlewoodSobolev inequality. Using duality, Jin and Xiong state in [18, Theorem 1.4] that when 0 < s < 1, n ≥ 2, and n > 4 s, there exists a constant Cn,s such that the following inequality r 2

Sn,s ku k


L n+2s (Rn )


ur (−∆)−s ur dx


≤ Cn,s kuk

8s n−2s 2d L d−2s (Rn )

Sn,s kuk2s

− kuk



L n−2s (Rn )

, (1.5)

˙ s (Rn ), where r = n+2s . Moreover, the best value C ∗ for the holds for any positive u ∈ W n,s n−2s n  n+2s − 2s ∗ Sn,s . This adapts to the fractional setting constant Cn,s is such that Cn,s ≤ n 1 − e the original result of Dolbeault [11, Theorem 1.2] which was restricted to the case s = 1. In (1.5), the left-hand side is positive by the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality (1.4), and the right-hand side is positive by Sobolev inequality (1.1), so this is an improvement of the Sobolev inequality. The strong condition on the dimension required for (1.5) stems from the heavy reliance on a fast diffusion flow to achieve these results. Although the constraint on n can be removed by lifting the flow to the sphere, Dolbeault and Jankowiak propose in [13] a new, simpler proof that brings a number of benefits in the case s = 1: the role of duality is made more explicit, and it holds for any n ≥ 3. The aim of this paper is to extend and unify these results in the fractional setting. We provide a better estimate on the best constant and by taking limits in s, we also derive an improved Moser-Trudinger-Onofri inequality, and recover the Onofri inequality for n = 2. Our paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we detail our results, both in the Sobolev (Theorem 1) and Moser-Trudinger-Onofri (Theorem 2) settings. Sections 3 and 4 are dedicated to the proof of our main theorem using a completion of the square and linearization techniques, respectively. Next we provide a proof of Theorem 2 in Section 5, by taking the limit s → n2 . Finally, in Section 6, we complete the proof of Theorem 1 using a fractional nonlinear diffusion flow.




Let us first introduce notation. First recall the definition of the homogeneous Sobolev space ˙ s (Rn ) with s ∈ R. A Borel function u : Rn → R is said to vanish at the infinity if the W Lebesgue measure of {x ∈ Rn : |u(x)| > t} is finite for all t > 0. For s ∈ R, we define the fractional Laplace operator (−∆)s u by the distributional function whose Fourier transform is |ξ|2s uˆ(ξ), where uˆ is the FourierR transform of u. For a test function u in the Schwartz space S(Rn ), uˆ is defined as uˆ(ξ) = Rn e−ihx,ξiu(x)dx. From the Plancherel-Parseval identity, n we have kukL2 (Rn ) = (2π)− 2 kˆ ukL2 (Rn ) . We know that the Fourier transform is extended ˙ s (Rn ) is to a bijection from the space of the tempered distributions to itself. Then W defined to be the space of all tempered distributions u which vanishes at the infinity s ˙ s (Rn ), we define and (−∆) 2 u ∈ L2 (Rn ). For u ∈ W Z Z s 1 2s 2 2 2 |ξ| |ˆ u(ξ)| dξ = u(x) (−∆)s u(x)dx . kuks := k(−∆) 2 ukL2(Rn ) = (2π)n Rn n R With these notations, our main result is the following Theorem 1. Let n ≥ 2, 0 < s < n2 , and denote r =

n+2s n−2s

(i) There exists a positive constant Cn,s for which the following inequality r 2

Sn,s ku k


L n+2s (Rn )


ur (−∆)−s ur dx Rn

≤ Cn,s kuk

8s n−2s 2n L n−2s (Rn )

 Sn,s kuk2s − kuk2


L n−2s (Rn )


˙ s (Rn ). holds for any positive u ∈ W ∗ (ii) Let Cn,s be the best constant in (2.1). It is such that

n − 2s + 2 ∗ Sn,s ≤ Cn,s ≤ Sn,s . n + 2s + 2


Additionally, in the case 0 < s < 1 we know that: ∗ Cn,s < Sn,s .


Theorem 1 contains both the result of Dolbeault and Jankowiak [13, Theorem 1] in the case n ≥ 3 and s = 1 and the one of Jin and Xiong [18, Theorem 4.1] in the case s ∈ (0, 1), n ≥ 2 and n > 4s for positive u. The proof of Jin and Xiong is based on a fractional fast diffusion flow and some estimates on the extinction profiles. They also provide the n ∗ upper bound Cn,s ≤ n+2s (1 − e− 2s ), a bound which is larger that 1 when n > 4s, so that n Theorem 1 not only extends the result of Jin and Xiong to all n ≥ 2 and s ∈ (0, n2 ), but also improve the constant Cn,s on the right-hand side of (2.1). 4

Before continuing, we introduce the logarithmic derivative of the Euler Gamma function Ψ(a) = (log Γ(a))′ for a > 0, and also define Hk , the space spanned by k-homogeneous harmonic polynomials on Rn+1 restricted to S n . In the following, dσ denotes the normalized surface area measure on S n induced by the Lebesgue measure on Rn+1 . In the spirit of [3, 7], we consider the limit s → n2 and obtain an inequality between the functionals associated with the Moser-Trudinger-Onofri and the logarithmic HardyLittlewood-Sobolev inequalities. Details will be given below, but let us first state our result. Theorem 2. There exists a positive constant Cn such that for any P real-valued function F n defined on S with an expansion on spherical harmonics F = k≥0 Fk where Fk ∈ Hk , then the following inequality holds: 2 " X Z # Z Z Z 1 Γ(k + n) eF dσ Cn eF dσ |Fk |2 dσ + F dσ − log 2n Γ(n)Γ(k) S n Sn Sn Sn k≥1 ZZ ≥n eF (ξ) log |ξ − η| eF (η) dσ(ξ)dσ(η) S n ×S n

2   n  Ent (eF )  n σ Ψ(n) − Ψ − log 4 + R + e dσ , (2.4) F dσ 2 2 e n Sn S R R R where Entσ (f ) = S n f log f dσ − ( S n f dσ) log( S n f dσ). Moreover, if Cn∗ denotes the best constant for which the above inequality holds, then Z


1 ≤ Cn∗ ≤ 1. n+1


The inequality (2.5) is proved in the same way as item (ii) in Theorem 1. We will expand both sides of the inequality (2.4) around the function F ≡ 0 which is an optimal function for the Moser-Trudinger-Onofri inequality (2.9). A direct consequence of Theorem 2 written for n = 2 is an improved version of the Euclidean Onofri inequality with a remainder term involving the two dimensional logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality. We will use the following notation dµ(x) = µ(x)dx,

µ(x) =

1 , π (1 + |x|2 )2

x ∈ R2 .

Corollary 3. There exists a positive constant C2 such that for any f ∈ L1 (µ) and ∇f ∈ L2 (R2 ), the following inequality holds: Z  Z 2  Z 1 f 2 f f dµ − log e dµ k∇f kL2 (R2 + C2 e dµ 16π R2 R2 R2    Z 2  Z ef µ ef µ f R log R f dx ≥ e dµ 1 + log π + f 2 e dµ R2 R2 R2 e dµ R Z − 4π ef (x) µ(x) (−∆)−1 (ef µ)(x) dx. (2.6) R2


Moreover, if C2∗ denotes the best constant for which the inequality (2.6) holds, then 1 ≤ C2∗ ≤ 1. 3 As above, the right-hand side of (2.6) is nonnegative by the logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood1 Sobolev inequality since Green’s function of −∆ in R2 is given by − 2π log (|x|). The inequality (2.6) is a straightforward consequence of (2.4) since Ψ(2) − Ψ(1) = 1, and the fact that if f (x) = F (S(x)) with S is the stereographic projection from R2 to S 2 , then Z Z 2 |∇f (x)| dx = 4π |∇F |2 dσ. R2


Another proof of Corollary 3 is provided in Theorem 2 of [13] by using a completely different method. More precisely, Dolbeault and Jankowiak use the square method to obtain an improved version of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities on the weighted spaces, and then take a limit to get (2.6). The proof of (2.1) is similar to the one of Dolbeault and Jankowiak [13] which is based on the duality between the Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities, in fact a simple expansion of a square integral functional. The first inequality in (2.2) is proved n−2s by expanding both sides of (2.1) around the function (1 + |x|2 )− 2 which is an extremal function for the fractional Sobolev inequality, and thus is a zero of both the left-hand side and right-hand side. To solve the linearized problem, we recast it to the unit sphere S n using the stereographic projection, and then identify the minimizers using the Funk-Hecke theorem (see [14, Sec. 11.4]). The Funk-Hecke theorem gives a decomposition of L2 (S n ) into the orthogonal summation of the spaces Hl ’s, that is 2


L (S ) =

∞ M l=0

Hl ,


Moreover, the integral operators on S n whose kernels have the form K(hω, ηi) are diagonal with respect to this decomposition and their eigenvalues can be computed explicitly by using the Gegenbauer polynomials (see [1, Chapter 22]). By using stereographic projection, we can lift the sharp Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality (1.3) to the conformally equivalent setting of the sphere S n as follows Z Z Z  p2 F (ξ)F (η) p (2.8) |F (ξ)| dσ(ξ) , dσ(ξ)dσ(η) ≤ Bλ λ S n ×S n |ξ − η| Sn with

Bλ = 2


 Γ n−λ Γ(n) 2 ,  λ Γ n − 2 Γ n2


2n , 2n − λ

and dσ is the normalized surface area measure on S n . Note that the distance | · | is the distance in Rn+1 , not the geodesic distance on S n . Some geometric and probabilistic informations can be obtained from this inequality through endpoint differentiation arguments 6

(see [3]). Carlen and Loss, but also Beckner considered the limit case of (2.8) when λ = 0 while studying the two dimensional limit of the Sobolev interpolation inequality on the sphere, pioneered by Bidaut-V´eron and V´eron in [4, Corollary 6.2]. In this limit, they proved the following Moser-Trudinger-Onofri inequality. For any real valued function F P defined on S n with an expansion F = k≥0 Fk , where Fk ∈ Hk , the following holds log


F (ξ)




1 X Γ(n + k) ≤ F (ξ)dσ(ξ) + 2n Γ(n)Γ(k) Sn Z




|Yk (ξ)|2 dσ(ξ).


Moreover, equality holds in (2.9) if and only if F (ξ) = −n log |1 − hξ, ζi | + C, for some |ζ| < 1 and C ∈ R. When n = 2, the inequality (2.9) becomes the classical Onofri inequality on S 2 (see [20, 21]). Under the stereographic projection, this inequality is equivalent to the following inequality  Z Z Z 1 g(x) e dµ(x) − g(x)dµ(x) ≤ |∇g(x)|2dx (2.10) log 16π 2 2 2 R R R

for any g ∈ L1 (µ) and ∇g ∈ L2 (R2 ). The Onofri inequality (2.10) plays the role of Sobolev inequality in two dimensions, see for example [12] for a thorough review and justification of this statement. This inequality has several extensions, for instance to higher dimensions, which are out of the scope of this paper. Just like the dual of the fractional Sobolev inequality is the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality, the Legendre dual of (2.9) is the logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality, first written in [7] and [3]. It states that for nonnegative function F such that R F dσ = 1, Sn −n


S n ×S n

F (ξ) log |ξ − η| F (η)dσ(ξ)dσ(η) n  n ≤ Ψ(n) − Ψ − log 4 + 2 2


F log F dσ , (2.11)


where we recall Ψ(a) = (log Γ(a))′ . We remark that the appearance of the logarithmic kernel −2 log |ξ − η| is quite natural since it is Green’s function on S 2 . We can rewrite inequality (2.11) in two dimensions and on R the Euclidean space, and get that for any 1 2 nonnegative function f ∈ L (R ) such that R2 f (x)dx = 1, with f log f and (1 + log |x|2 )f in L1 (R2 ), we have Z ZZ f log f dx + 2 f (x) log |x − y| f (y) dx dy + (1 + log π) ≥ 0. (2.12) R2

R2 ×R2


This more common version of the logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality is the Legendre dual of the Onofri inequality (2.10). It has already seen a number of applications, e.g. in chemotaxis models [5]. In this paper, we take a step towards unification of the results of [11, 13, 18]. However, a number of questions remain unanswered. The restriction 0 < s < 1 in (2.3) comes from the representation of the fractional Laplace operator, is this purely technical? To extend this part of the result to Theorem 2, it would make sens to consider a fractional logarithmic diffusion flow. However, this raises difficulties which are already presented in [11, Proposition 3.4], so we cannot exclude the case Cn∗ = 1 yet. Finally, the computation ∗ of the exact value of Cn,s is still open and probably requires new tools.


Upper bound on the best constant via an expansion of the square

In this section, we give a proof of Theorem 1 by the completion of the square method. Proof of Theorem 1. By a density argument, it suffices to prove the inequality (2.1) for any positive smooth function u which belongs to Schwartz space on Rn . For such functions, integration by parts gives us Z Z − 1+s 2 |∇(−∆) 2 v| dx = v(−∆)−s v dx, Rn


n+2s and, if v = ur with r = n−2s , Z Z s−1 − 1+s 2 2 v dx = ∇(−∆) u ∇(−∆) Rn

where q =

2n . n−2s

u(x)v(x) dx = Rn


u(x)q dx,


Using these equalities, we have

2 4s s−1 − 1+s n−2s dx s 2 u − ∇(−∆) v 0≤ S kuk ∇(−∆) q n n,s L (R ) n R Z Z 8s 4s 2 n−2s n−2s 2 q = Sn,s kukLq (Rn ) kuks − 2Sn,s kukLq (Rn ) u(x) dx + Z


ur (−∆)−s ur dx. (3.1)


Further, since q = pr, we have kukqLq (Rn ) = kukqLpr (Rn ) = kur kpLp (Rn ) . This shows that Z q−2 4s n−2s q r p q kukLq (Rn ) u(x) dx = ku kLp (Rn ) kur kpLp (Rn ) = kur k2Lp (Rn ) . Rn

Since the left hand side of (3.1) is nonnegative, it implies Z 8s  r 2 2 2 Sn,s ku kLp (Rn ) − ur (−∆)−s ur dx ≤ Sn,s kukLn−2s q (Rn ) Sn,s kuks − kukLq (Rn ) . Rn

This is exactly (2.1) with Cn,s = Sn,s .



Lower bound via linearization

Let us start this section by briefly recalling some facts about the stereographic projection from the Euclidean space Rn to the unit sphere S n . Denote N = (0, · · · , 0, 1) ∈ Rn+1 the north pole of S n and consider the map S : Rn 7→ S n \ {N} defined by   |x|2 − 1 2x , , S(x) = 1 + |x|2 1 + |x|2

the Jacobian of S is then given by

JS (x) =

2 1 + |x|2



If F is an integrable function on S n then F (S(x))JS (x) ∈ L1 (Rn ) and Z Z F (S(x))JS (x) dx = F (ω)dω, Rn


n where dω is the unnormalized surface area measure on  S induced by the Lebesgue meaωn sure on Rn . The inverse of S is given by S −1 (ω) = 1−ωω1n+1 , · · · , 1−ω with Jacobian n+1 ˙ s (Rn ) and JS −1 (ω) = (1 − ωn+1 )−n , where ω = (ω1 , ω2 , · · · , ωn+1 ) ∈ S n \ {N}. Given f ∈ W 2n n q = n−2s , we define the new function F on S by 1

F (ω) = f (S −1 (ω))JS −1 (ω) q . Then we have

and ZZ

Rn ×Rn



f (x)2 dx = 2−2s (1 + |x|2 )2s


F (ω)2 dω,

(4.1) (4.2)


f (x)2 f (y)2 −n+2s |x − y| dx dy (1 + |x|2 )2s (1 + |y|2)2s ZZ −4s F (ω) |ω − η|−n+2s F (η) dω dη. (4.3) =2 S n ×S n

Equality (4.3) is derived from the fact that |S(x) − S(y)|2 =

2 2 2 |x − y| . 1 + |x|2 1 + |y|2

Next, we prove inequality (2.2). For this purpose, let us denote F and G the positive functionals associated with the Sobolev and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities, respectively: ˙ s (Rn ) , u∈W F [u] = Sn,s kuk2s − kuk2Lq (Rn ) , Z 2 G[v] = Sn,s kvkLp (Rn ) − v(−∆)−s v dx, v ∈ Lp (Rn ) , Rn


and recall that F [u∗ ] = 0 and G[ur∗ ] = 0. The inequality of Theorem 1 thus reads 8s

r Cn,s kukLn−2s q (Rn ) F [u] ≥ G[u ] ,

and we are interested in a lower bound for ∗ Cn,s = sup

˙ s u∈W

G[ur ]


8s n−2s q L (Rn )


F [u]

Consider now u = u∗ + ǫf where f is smooth and compactly supported such that Z u∗ (x) f (x) dx = 0 . (4.4) 2 2s Rn (1 + |x| ) By using the fact that u∗ is a critical point of F and as such solves   22s Γ n+2s 22s Γ n+2s u∗ (x) s r 2 2 (−∆) u∗ (x) = , u (x) = ∗ (1 + |x|2 )2s Γ n−2s Γ n−2s 2 2


Proposition 4. With the above notation and f satisfying (4.4), !  n+2s+2 Z 2s 2 2 Γ F [uǫ ] f (x) 2  = ǫ2 kf k2s − dx + o(ǫ2 ). 2 )2s Sn,s (1 + |x| n Γ n−2s+2 R 2


we in fact have the following.

Proof. By a direct computation, we have d (F [uǫ])ǫ=0 = 2Sn,s dǫ



f (−∆)s u∗ dx − 2

 q2 −1 Z uq∗ dx




u∗q−1f dx = 0,

here, we use the fact that (−∆)s u∗ and u∗q−1 are proportional to u∗ (x)(1 + |x|2 )−2s . Taking the second derivative of F [uǫ ] at ǫ = 0, we obtain d2 (F [uǫ ])ǫ=0 = 2Sn,s kf k2s − 2(q − 1) dǫ2 = 2Sn,s




22s Γ n+2s+2 2  kf k2s − Γ n−2s+2 2

 q2 −1 Z dx




f (x)2 dx . (1 + |x|2 )2s

Since F [u∗] = 0, using Taylor’s expansion, we get (4.6). Let us denote F[f ] =

kf k2s

22s Γ n+2s+2 2  − n−2s+2 Γ 2 10



u∗q−2f 2 dx !

f (x)2 dx. (1 + |x|2 )2s

Now, we introduce the new functions f0 (x) = u∗ (x),

fi (x) =

We remark that

2xi u∗ (x), i = 1, · · · , n, 1 + |x|2

fi (x) = − and

2 ∂x u∗ (x) n − 2s i

fn+1 (x) =

|x|2 − 1 u∗ (x). 1 + |x|2

i = 1, · · · , n,

 n 2 ∂λ λ−(s− 2 ) u∗ (λx) λ=1 . n − 2s Using these relations and (4.5), we get fn+1 (x) = −

Lemma 5. The following assertions hold:  22s Γ n+2s f0 (x) 2 (−∆) f0 (x) = , n−2s (1 + |x|2 )2s Γ 2  22s Γ n+2s+2 fi (x) s 2  , i = 1, · · · , n + 1. (−∆) fi (x) = 2 )2s (1 + |x| Γ n−2s+2 2 s

We also notice that Z fi (x)fj (x) dx = 0, 2 2s Rn (1 + |x| )

i, j = 0, 1, · · · , n + 1,

(4.7) (4.8)

i 6= j.

Next, we consider the other functional G associated with the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality as defined above. Proposition 6. With the above notation and f satisfying (4.4), we have  2 n + 2s r 2 G[(u∗ + ǫf ) ] = ǫ G[f ] + o(ǫ2 ), n − 2s


where ) Γ( n−2s+2 2 G[f ] = 2s n+2s+2 2 Γ( 2 )



f (x)2 dx − (1 + |x|2 )2s



f (x) (−∆)−s (1 + |x|2 )2s

f (x) (1 + |x|2 )2s


Proof. First, ur∗ solves the following integral equation which is the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with G:  Γ n−2s −s r 2  u∗ . (−∆) u∗ = 2s n+2s (4.10) 2 Γ 2 Then

d 2Sn,s q (G[(u∗ + ǫf )r ])ǫ=0 = dǫ p



 p2 −1 Z uq∗ dx


u∗q−1f dx Z − 2r



u∗r−1 f (−∆)−s ur∗ dx = 0,

since u∗q−1 and u∗r−1 (−∆)−s ur∗ are proportional to u∗ (x)(1 + |x|2 )−2s . By taking the second derivative, we get  p2 −1 Z Z 2Sn,s q(q − 1) d2 q r u∗ dx u∗q−2 f 2 dx (G[(u∗ + ǫf ) ])ǫ=0 = dǫ2 p n n R R Z − 2r(r − 1) u∗r−2 f 2 (−∆)−s ur∗ dx n R Z u∗r−1f (−∆)−s (u∗r−1 f ) dx − 2r 2 n " R  Z n−2s+2 Γ f (x)2 2  dx = 2r 2 2s n+2s+2 2 2s 2 Γ Rn (1 + |x| ) 2 #   Z f (x) f (x) − dx . (−∆)−s 2 )2s (1 + |x| (1 + |x|2 )2s n R This concludes the proof. Next, by Legendre duality, we have Lemma 7. Suppose that g satisfies the following conditions: Z g(x)fi (x) dx = 0, i = 1, · · · , n + 1. 2 2s Rn (1 + |x| )


Then 1 2



g(x)2 dx = sup (1 + |x|2 )2s f



f (x)g(x) 1 dx − 2 2s (1 + |x| ) 2



 f (x)2 dx , (1 + |x|2 )2s

and 1 2



g(x) (−∆)−s 2 2s (1 + |x| )

g(x) (1 + |x|2 )2s

dx = sup f



 f (x)g(x) 1 2 dx − kf ks , (1 + |x|2 )2s 2

where supremum is taken over the functions f satisfying the conditions (4.11). Proof. The proof of this proposition is elementary and is completely similar with the one of the dual formulas in [13]. ˙ s (Rn ), we consider the function F defined by (4.1) and its decomposition Given f ∈ W on spherical harmonics ∞ X Fk (ω), (4.12) F (ω) = k=0

where Fk ∈ Hk . Using the Funk-Hecke theorem and the dual principle for k · ks , we obtain the following. 12

Lemma 8. With f and F taken as in (4.1)-(4.12), we have Z ∞ X Γ 2k+n+2s 2 2  Fk (ω)2 dω . kf ks = 2k+n−2s Γ Sn 2 k=0 Proof. We have  Z 2 kf ks = sup 2 g


= sup 2 g



f (x) g(x) dx − f (x) g(x) dx −



 g(x) (−∆) g(x) dx −s


n−2s 2 π n/2 22s Γ(s)



Rn ×Rn


g(x)|x − y|−n+2sg(y) dx dy .

Defining the function G on S n by 1

G(ω) = g(S −1 (ω))JS −1 (ω) p ,


2n , n + 2s

P and considering its decomposition G = ∞ k=0 Gk , Gk ∈ Hk , we then have  ZZ Z Γ n−2s g(x)|x − y|−n+2s g(y) dx dy 2 f (x) g(x) dx − n/2 2s2 π 2 Γ(s) Rn ×Rn Rn  ZZ Z Γ n−2s 2 =2 F (ω) G(ω)dω − n/2 2s G(ω)|ω − η|−n+2s G(η) dω dη. π 2 Γ(s) n n n S S ×S n−2s


Since |ω − η|−n+2s = 2− 2 (1 − hω, ηi)− 2 , by [17, Propostion 5.2] the integral operator Γ( n−2s ) with kernel πn/2 22s2 Γ(s) |ω − η|−n+2s is diagonal with respect to the decomposition (2.7), and its eigenvalues are given by (see [17, Corollary 5.3])  Γ 2k+n−2s 2 , γk = k = 0, 1, 2 · · · . (4.14) Γ 2k+n+2s 2 This implies that 2



f (x) g(x)

n−2s dx− n/2 2s2 π 2 Γ(s)


∞  Z X 2 = k=0



Rn ×Rn

g(x)|x − y|−n+2s g(y) dx dy

Fk (ω) Gk (ω)dω − γk

Z ∞ X 1 ≤ Fk (ω)2dω. γk S n k=0




Gk (ω) dω Sn

As a consequence, if f satisfies the conditions (4.11), then f satisfies the following Poincar´e type inequality:  n+2s+4 Z 2s 2 Γ f (x)2 2  dx. (4.15) kf k2s ≥ 2 2s Γ n−2s+4 Rn (1 + |x| ) 2

Indeed, using the stereographic projection, we have Z Z F (ω)dω = f (x)f0 (x)(1 + |x|2 )−2s dx = 0, Sn


and Z

F (ω) ωi dω = Sn



f (x) fi (x) (1 + |x|2 )−2s dx = 0,

i = 1, 2, · · · , n + 1.

This shows that F0 = F1 = 0 in the decomposition (4.12) of F , then Z Γ n+2s+4 2 2  F (ω)2dω kf ks ≥ n−2s+4 Γ Sn 2  n+2s+4 Z 2s 2 Γ f (x)2 2  = dx. 2 2s Γ n−2s+4 Rn (1 + |x| ) 2 To sum up, we have

Proposition 9. ˙ s (Rn ) satisfies the conditions (4.11) then (i) If f ∈ W  Z 22s Γ n+2s+2 4s f (x)2 2  F[f ] ≥ dx. 2 2s n − 2s + 2 Γ n−2s+2 Rn (1 + |x| ) 2


(ii) If g satisfies the conditions (4.11) then

 Z Γ n−2s+2 g(x)2 4s 2  dx. G[g] ≥ 2 2s n + 2s + 2 22s Γ n+2s+2 n (1 + |x| ) R 2


Proof. Item (i) follows immediately from the definition of F[f ] and (4.15), while for (ii), from (4.15) and Corollary 7, we have  Z   Z Γ n−2s+4 g(x) g(x)2 g(x) −s 2  dx ≤ (−∆) dx. 2 2s 2 2s (1 + |x|2 )2s n (1 + |x| ) 22s Γ n+2s+4 Rn (1 + |x| ) R 2 Using the definition of G[g], we obtain (4.17).


˙ s (Rn ) and satisfies the conditions (4.11), then Corollary 10. If f ∈ W G[f ] ≤ 2−4s

n − 2s + 2 n + 2s + 2



n−2s+2 2  n+2s+2 2

F[f ],


and equality holds if and only if the function F defined by (4.1) belongs to H2 . Proof. Considering the function F defined by (4.1) and its decomposition F = we know that X 1 Z 2 Fk (ω)2dω, kf ks = γk S n k≥2


k=2 Fk ,

where γk is given by (4.14). Using equality (4.2), we also have Z


f (x)2 dx = 2−2s (1 + |x|2 )2s



F (ω) dω = 2



∞ Z X k=2

Fk (ω)2 dω.


From these equalities, we get ! Z Γ n+2s+2 1 2  F[f ] = Fk (ω)2dω − n−2s+2 γ n Γ k S 2 k=2 Z ∞ X = αk Fk (ω)2 dω, ∞ X

with αk =


n+2s+2k 2





n−2s+2 − Γ n−2s+2k 2 2   n−2s+2k n−2s+2 Γ 2 2


n+2s+2 2


Denote g(x) = f (x)(1+|x|2 )−2s . Using the integral expression of (−∆)−s and equality (4.3),  ZZ Z n−2s −s −4s Γ 2 F (ω)|ω − η|−n+2s F (η) dω dη g(x)(−∆) g(x) dx = 2 n/2 22s Γ(s) π n n n S ×S R X Z γk Fk (ω)2 dω. = 2−4s Sn


Therefore, we get G[f ] = =

∞ X

n−2s+2 2  n+2s+2 4s 2 Γ 2 k=1 Z ∞ X

1 24s


Fk (ω)2 dω,



γk − 4s 2




Fk (ω)2 dω Sn


with βk =


n+2s+2k 2


n−2s+2 − Γ n−2s+2k 2 2   n+2s+2 n+2s+2k Γ 2 2

n+2s+2 2



We have αk , βk > 0 for all k ≥ 2. Moreover, we can prove that  !2 n−2s+2 Γ βk β2 n − 2s + 2 2  , for all k ≥ 2, ≤ = n+2s+2 αk α2 n + 2s + 2 Γ 2 and equality holds if k = 2. From this inequality, we have

Z ∞ n − 2s + 2 1 X βk Fk (ω)2 dω ≤ 2−4s G[f ] = 4s 2 k=2 n + 2s + 2 Sn



n−2s+2 2  n+2s+2 2

F[f ].

This proves the inequality (4.18). Additionally, we see from the proof that equality in (4.18) R occurs if and only if S n Fk (ω)2dσ(ω) = 0 for all k ≥ 3, hence F ∈ H2 . As a consequence, we have

n − 2s + 2 G(f ) = 2−4s sup n + 2s + 2 f F (f )



n−2s+2 2  n+2s+2 2



˙ s (Rn ), f 6= 0, and f satisfying the conditions (4.11). where supremum is taken over f ∈ W We can now prove the first inequality in (2.2) of Theorem 1. ˙ s (Rn ), f 6= 0 and f satisfies the conditions (4.11), denote Proof of (2.2). For all f ∈ W uǫ = u∗ + ǫf , then 8s G[urǫ ] ∗ . Cn,s kuǫ k n−2s ≥ 2n F [uǫ] L n−2s (Rn ) Let ǫ → 0+ , we get

∗ Cn,s

1 ku∗ k

8s n−2s 2n L n−2s (Rn )


n + 2s n − 2s


G(f ) F (f )

˙ s (Rn ), f 6= 0, and f satisfying the conditions (4.11), usTaking supremum over f ∈ W ing (4.21) and the fact that  Z Z n 2n n Γ 2 u∗ (x) n−2s dx = (1 + |x|2 )−n dx = π 2 , Γ(n) n n R R we get ∗ Cn,s ≥

n − 2s + 2 Sn,s n + 2s + 2

as desired. 16


Improved Moser-Trudinger-Onofri inequality via endpoint differentiation

This section is dedicated to the proof of Theorem 2. By an approximation argument, it suffices to Rprove the inequality (2.4) for bounded functions. We first prove for functions F such that S n F (ξ)dξ = 0. We define a new function u on Rn by   n n − 2s F (S(x)) JS (x)−(s− 2 ) . (5.1) u(x) = 1 + 2n n Since F is bounded, then u is positive when s is close P enough to 2 . Considering the expansion of F in terms of spherical harmonics F = k≥1 Fk with Fk ∈ Hk , it follows from Lemma 8 that n+2s 2 X Γ( 2k+n+2s ) Z n (n − 2s) 2 n Γ( 2 ) 2 Fk2 dσ. kuks = |S | n−2s + |S | 2k+n−2s 4n2 n Γ( 2 ) ) Γ( S 2 k≥1

Using the stereographic projection, we get kuk2 n−2s 2n L

(Rn )

= |S n |

For simplicity, we denote t = Sn,s kuk

8s n−2s 2n L n−2s (Rn )

n−2s , 2n

Sn,s kuk2s

! n−2s 2n   n−2s n n − 2s . 1+ dσ F 2n Sn


n−2s n

then 2

− kuk n−2s 2n (Rn ) L "Z

2−4t Z 2−2t # 1 1 Γ(nt) (1 + tF ) t dσ = |S n | − (1 + tF ) t dσ Γ(n(1 − t)) Sn Sn # Z " 2−4t 2 2 X Γ(k + n(1 − t)) Z 1 t Γ(nt) n 2 + |S | (1 + tF ) t dσ Fk dσ . (5.2) Γ(n(1 − t))2 Γ(k + nt) Sn Sn k≥1

Since Γ(nt) ∼ 1/(nt) when t → 0+ , by taking t → 0+ (or s → n2 ) in (5.2), we obtain  8s limn Sn,s kuk n−2s 2n

s→ 2

L n−2s (Rn )

 Sn,s kuk2s − kuk2 n−2s 2n L

2|S n | =− nΓ(n)


(Rn )





e dσ log e dσ Sn # Z " 2 X Γ(k + n) Z |S n | 2 F Fk dσ e dσ . (5.3) + 2 n Γ(n)2 k≥1 Γ(k) Sn Sn Sn


We also have Sn,s ku Z

n+2s n−2s




L n+2s (Rn )

|S n |Γ(nt) = Γ(n(1 − t))


1 t

(1 + tF ) dσ





u n−2s (−∆)−s u n−2s dx




|S n |2 Γ(nt) = s n 4 π 2 Γ(s)



(1 + tF (ξ)) t (1 + tF (η)) t dσ(ξ) dσ(η) |ξ − η|2nt S n ×S n Z 2 1−t |S n |Γ(n − nt) (1 + tF ) t dσ = n 4s π 2 Γ(s) Sn ZZ 1−t 1−t |S n |2 Γ(nt) (1 + tF (ξ)) t (1 + tF (η)) t + s n dσ(ξ) dσ(η) . 4 π 2 Γ(s) (|ξ − η|−2nt − 1)−1 S n ×S n

Letting s →

n 2

(i.e. t → 0) in (5.4)-(5.5), we obtain

 n+2s limn Sn,s ku n−2s k2

s→ 2



L n+2s (Rn )



n+2s n−2s


(−∆) u


n+2s n−2s


2   n 2 Entσ (eF ) e dσ Ψ(n) − Ψ − log 4 + R 2 n S n eF dσ Sn Z Z  |S n | eF (ξ) log |ξ − η|2 eF (η) dσ(ξ)dσ(η) , (5.6) + Γ(n) S n ×S n R R R where Entσ (f ) = S n f log f dσ − ( S n f dσ) log( S n f dσ). Now, applying the inequality (2.1) to function u defined by (5.1), then letting s → n2 , and using the equalities (5.3) and (5.6), we obtain 2 " X Z # Z Z 1 Γ(k + n) eF dσ eF dσ |Fk |2 dσ − log 2n Γ(n)Γ(k) n n n S S S k≥1 ZZ  n eF (ξ) log |ξ − η|2 eF (η) dσ(ξ)dσ(η) ≥ 2 S n ×S n Z 2   n  Ent (eF )  n σ F + e dσ Ψ(n) − Ψ − log 4 + R . (5.7) 2 2 eF dσ n S Sn R For any bounded function F , applying (5.7) to function F − S n F dσ, we obtain (2.4) with Cn = 1. 1 . Indeed, for any The above proof shows that Cn∗ ≤ 1. Let us now prove Cn∗ ≥ n+1 R P function F such that S n F dσ = 0. Considering an expansion of F by F = k≥1 Fk , with |S n | = Γ(n)




Fk ∈ Hk and applying inequality (2.4) to the function ǫF with ǫ > 0, we get Cn∗



e dσ


Z # Z ǫ2 X Γ(k + n) 2 ǫF |Fk | dσ − log e dσ 2n k≥1 Γ(n)Γ(k) S n Sn ZZ  n eǫF (ξ) log |ξ − η|2 eǫF (η) dσ(ξ)dσ(η) ≥ 2 S n ×S n Z 2   n  Ent (eǫF )  n σ ǫF + e dσ Ψ(n) − Ψ − log 4 + R . (5.8) 2 2 eǫF dσ Sn Sn

2 "

When ǫ is small, we have


Moreover, since Z then ZZ

Z ǫ2 |F |2 dσ + o(ǫ2 ), e dσ = 1 + 2 n n S S Z ǫ2 ǫF Entσ (e ) = |F |2dσ + o(ǫ2 ). 2 Sn ǫF

 n   log |ξ − η|2 dσ(η) = − Ψ(n) − Ψ − log 4 =: A(n), 2 Sn

 eǫF (ξ) log |ξ − η|2 eǫF (η) dσ(ξ)dσ(η) S n ×S n Z X Γ(n)Γ(k) Z 2 2 2 = A(n) + ǫ A(n) |F | dσ − ǫ |Fk |2 dσ + o(ǫ2 ). Γ(n + k) n n S S k≥1

Substituting these above estimates into (5.8), we obtain  Z Γ(n + k) ǫ2 ∗ X C −1 |Fk |2 dσ + o(ǫ2 ) 2 n k≥2 Γ(n + 1)Γ(k) n S  Z Γ(n + 1)Γ(k) ǫ2 X 1− |Fk |2 dσ + o(ǫ2 ), ≥ 2 k≥2 Γ(n + k) Sn since Γ(n + 1) = n Γ(n) Γ(1). If Fk 6= 0 for some k ≥ 2, then dividing both sides by letting ǫ → 0, we get   P Γ(n+1)Γ(k) R |Fk |2 dσ k≥2 1 − Γ(n+k) Sn ∗ R  . Cn ≥ P Γ(n+k) 2 dσ − 1 |F | n k k≥2 Γ(n+1)Γ(k) S 19

ǫ2 2


Taking supremum over F =


k≥1 Fk ,

Fk 6= 0 for some k ≥ 2, we obtain

R   P 2   k≥2 1 − Γ(n+1)Γ(k) |F | dσ X n k Γ(n+k) S ∗ R  Fk , Fk 6= 0 for some k ≥ 2 : F = Cn ≥ sup P Γ(n+k)   2 dσ − 1 |F | k≥1 n k k≥2 Γ(n+1)Γ(k) S =

1 . n+1

This completes the proof of Theorem 2.


Fractional fast diffusion flow

∗ At this point, we know using the expansion of the square that Cn,s ≤ Sn,s , so that if we define ∗ Cn,s C= , Sn,s

we know C ≤ 1. In this section we will show that in fact C < 1 when 0 < s < 1. This condition is enforced throughout this section. With the notations above, we consider the following fractional fast diffusion equation: ∂t v + (−∆)s v m = 0 ,

x ∈ Rn ,

t > 0,


n − 2s 1 = . r n + 2s


v(0) = v0 . T 2n according to [9, Theorem 2.3]. We which is well posed for v0 ∈ L1 Lℓ for some ℓ > n+2s will take initial datum v with sufficient decay at infinity, e.g. in the Schwartz space. Let us define Z Z p G0 = G[v0 ] J[v(t)] = v = uq , J0 := J[v0 ] . Rn


which is such that d J := J = −p dt ′



(−∆) 2s u 2 ,

We can now consider the evolution along the flow of the functional G associated to the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality. An easy computation gives ′

− G [v] = 2


v Rn

2n n+2s



F [v m ] = 2 J n F [u] ,

which is nonnegative according to the fractional Sobolev inequality (1.1). Hence, − G[v] is nondecreasing and stationary only when u is an extremal function for (1.1). This and the 20

following computations are a straightforward extension of those done in [11]. Going one step further, we compute − G ′′ = −

2s J′ ′ G − 4 m Sn,s J n K , J

R with K = v m−1 |(−∆)s v m − Λ v|2 , Λ = the following:

n+2s J′ . 2n J

Then, using the fact that G ′ ≤ 0, we have

Lemma 11. With the above notation and assuming 0 < s < 1, G ′′ J′ ≤ . G′ J Using Lemma 11 and (1.1), we have − G ′ ≤ κ0 J


κ0 :=

− G ′ (0) J0

Since J is nonincreasing in time, there exists Y : [0, J0 ] → R such that G(t) = Y(J(t)) . Differentiating with respect to t gives −Y′ (J) J′ = − G ′ ≤ κ0 J , then, substituting J′ in the inequality of Theorem 1 (ii) we get ! 4s κ0 2 J1+ n 1+ 2s C − Sn,s ′ + Sn,s J n + Y ≤ 0 . p Y With Y′ =

d Y, dz

we end up with the following differential inequality for Y:   2s κ0 2 1+ 4s z n , Y(0) = 0 , Y(J0 ) = G(0) . Y′ C Sn,s z 1+ n + Y ≤ C Sn,s p

We have the following estimates. On the one hand Y′ ≤

2s p Sn,s z n κ0

and, hence,

2s 1 κ0 Sn,s z 1+ n ∀ z ∈ [0, J0 ] . 2 On the other hand, after integrating by parts on the interval [0, J0], we get Z J0 2s 1 1 n + 2s 1+ 2s 2+ 4s 2 2 n n G(0) + C Sn,s J0 C Sn,s z n Y(z) dz . G(0) ≤ C κ0 Sn,s J0 + 2 4 n 0

Y(z) ≤



Using the above estimate, we find that Z J0 2s 1 2+ 4s 2 Sn,s z n Y(z) dz ≤ J0 n , p 4 0 and finally

1 2 1 1+ 2s 2+ 4s 2 G0 − C Sn,s J0 n G0 ≤ Cκ0 Sn,s J0 n . 2 2 Altogether, we have shown an improved inequality that can be stated as follows. Theorem 12. Assume that 0 < s < 1. Then we have  2s  −1 1+ 2s ˙ s (Rn ) , v = ur n n ϕ J F [u] − G[v] , ∀ u ∈ W 0 ≤ Sn,s J where ϕ(x) :=


C 2 + 2 C x − C for any x ≥ 0. 1+ 2s n

Proof. We have shown√that for u ∈ S, y 2 + 2 C y − C κ0 ≤ 0 with y = G0 /(Sn,s J0 This proves that y ≤ C 2 + Cκ0 − C, which proves that  p 1+ 2s n 2 G0 ≤ Sn,s J0 C + C κ0 − C

) ≥ 0.

after recalling that

2s G′ 1 κ0 = − 0 = J n −1 F [u] . 2 J0 ˙ s (Rn ). Arguing by density, we recover the results for u ∈ W

Remark 1. We may observe that x 7→ x − ϕ(x) is a convex nonnegative function which is equal to 0 if and only if x = 0. Moreover, we have ϕ(x) ≤ x ∀ x ≥ 0 with equality if and only if x = 0. However, one can notice that ϕ(x) ≤ C x



1−C . C

We recall that (6.1) admits special solutions with separation of variables given by v∗ (t, x) = λ−(n+2s)/2 (T − t) n−2s

n+2s 4s



x−x0 λ


where u∗ (x) := (1 + |x|2 )− 2 is an Aubin-Talenti type extremal function, x ∈ Rn and 0 < t < T . Such a solution is generic near the extinction time T , see [18, Theorem 1.3]. Corollary 13. With the above notations, C < 1. 22

Proof. Argue by contradiction and suppose C = 1. Let (uk ) be a minimizing sequence for F [u] the quotient u 7→ G[u r ] . Thanks to homogeneity, we can assume that J[uk ] = J∗ = J[u∗ ] with J∗ fixed, so that in fact G[urk ] is a bounded sequence. There are two possibilities. Either limk→∞ G[urk ] > 0, and then, up to a subsequence, limk→∞ F [uk ] > 0, and then 

4s n

 0 = lim Sn,s J∗ F [uk ] − G[uk ] k→∞   2s  4s 1+ 2s −1 = lim Sn,s J∗n F [uk ] − Sn,s J∗ n ϕ J∗n F [uk ] k→∞   2s   1+ 2s −1 + lim Sn,s J∗ n ϕ J∗n F [uk ] − G[uk ] . k→∞

The last term is nonnegative by Theorem 12, and since limk→∞ F [uk ] > 0, the first term is positive because of the properties of ϕ, see Remark 1. This is a contradiction, so in fact we have limk→∞ G[urk ] = limk→∞ F [uk ] = 0. Since J[uk ] = J∗ , vk = urk maximizes  Z −s v(−∆) v dx : kvk 2n = J∗ n+2s


According to [19, Theorem 3.1], up to translations and dilations, vk converges to v∗ = ur∗ , [uk ] and then the limit of the quotient FG[u r ] is given by the linearization around the Aubink Talenti profiles. That is F [uk ] n + 2s + 2 1 1 = lim , ≥ r Sn,s k→∞ G[uk ] n − 2s + 2 Sn,s ∗ which is a contradiction. Thus, Cn,s < Sn,s .

Inequality (2.3) holds by Corollary 13, and the proof of Theorem 1 is complete.

Acknowlegments. The authors want to thank Jean Dolbeault and Yannick Sire for their valuable input and comments. V.H.N is supported by a grant from the European Research Council and G.J. by the STAB, NoNAP and Kibord (ANR-13-BS01-0004) projects of the French National Research Agency (ANR). c 2014 by the authors. This paper may be reproduced, in its entirety, for non-commercial



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