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Jul 14, 2018 - Email: [email protected]. Funding information .... Novo%20Codigo%20Florestal.pdf), almost 75% of these habitats are deforested and used ..... ments in English usage made by Caitlin Stern and Bruce Peterson through the ... Banks-Leite, Robert M. Ewers and Jean Paul Metzger Source. Ecology,.


Received: 3 November 2016    Revised: 29 May 2018    Accepted: 14 July 2018 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4448


Functional Redundancy in bird community decreases with riparian forest width reduction Lucas A. Maure1

 | Rodolpho C. Rodrigues2 | Ângelo V. Alcântara1 | 

Bruno F. C. B. Adorno1 | Douglas L. Santos1 | Eduardo L. Abreu1 | Rafael M. Tanaka1 |  Rute M. Gonçalves1 | Erica Hasui1 1 Instituto de Ciências da Natureza,  Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brazil 2

Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Correspondence Lucas A. Maure, Instituto de Ciências da Natureza, Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, MG, Brazil. Email: [email protected] Funding information CNPq

Abstract 1. Riparian ecosystems are suffering anthropogenic threats that reduce biodiversity and undermine ecosystem services. However, there is a great deal of uncertainty about the way species composition of assemblages is related to ecosystem function, especially in a landscape fragmentation context. 2. Here, we assess the impact of habitat loss and disturbance on Functional Diversity (FD) components Functional Redundancy (FRed), Functional Evenness (FEve), and Functional Richness (FRic) of riparian forest bird assemblages to evaluate (a) how FD components respond to riparian forest width reduction and vegetation disturbance; (b) the existence of thresholds within these relationships; (c) which of the main birds diet guild (frugivores, insectivores, and omnivores) respond to such thresholds. We predict that FD components will be affected negatively and nonlinearly by riparian changes. However, guilds could have different responses due to differences of species sensitivity to fragmentation and disturbance. We expect to find thresholds in FD responses, because fragmentation and disturbance drive loss of specific FD components. 3. Our results show that FRed and FEve were linearly affected by width and disturbance of riparian habitats, respectively. FRed was significantly lower in riparian forests assemblages below 400 m wide, and FEve was significantly higher above 60% disturbance. These responses of FD were also followed to the decline in insectivores and frugivores richness in riparian forests most affected by these changes. 4. Consequently, our study suggests communities do not tolerate reduction in riparian forest width or disturbance intensification without negative impact on FD, and this becomes more critical for riparian area  0.8).

ern Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil (Figure 1, Supporting Information Table S1). Regional climate is classified as Cwa (humid subtropical climate) by Köppen-­Geiger system, with a tropical rain-

2.3 | Predictor variables

fall pattern in summer and dry winters. Average annual temperature

In addition to width, we used four disturbance indices to evaluate

is 20.2°C, and annual precipitation being around 1,516 mm (available

the disturbance levels at our riparian forest study sites:

in The relief is formed by gentle hills that are primarily structured formed by old orogens and the altitudes are often >800 m a. s. l. The studied forest remnants lie in a transitional region between

Disturbance index (%): We created a disturbance index that expressed the relative local disturbance intensity at each riparian forest. Within each bird sampling plot (30 m radius), we measured the

the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, two of the most biologically rich and

number of vertical forest layers, maximum vegetation height, per-

highly threatened biomes in Brazil (Myers, Mittermeier, Mittermeier,

centage of canopy cover and the frequencies of epiphytes, vines

da Fonseca, & Kent, 2000). The original forest type in this region

(i.e., herbaceous or sub-woody climbing plants, which commonly

is described as semideciduous seasonal Atlantic Rainforest (IBGE

grow in disturbed places or forest edges), and invasive plant spe-

2012), but in much of the region, this has been drastically reduced

cies (i.e., Brachiaria spp.) (Imaflora 2008). We counted the number

to small and sparse forest fragments. In the study area, 99% of re-

of vertical stratification layers (i.e., emergent, canopy, understory,

maining forest patches are smaller than 20 ha, and 78% of the land-

shrub, herbaceous ground cover), using the maximum height

scape in which these patches occur have forest cover below 20%.

of the different trees, ontogenetic stages, and plant life form.

Even with specific protection laws for riparian forests (New Forest

Usually, preserved forests had greater proportions of tall trees

Code (Law 12,651/2012: available at:

(height 20–25 m), more vertical strata (>2 strata), a more closed

Novo%20Codigo%20Florestal.pdf), almost 75% of these habitats

canopy, presence of young individuals of tree species in the un-

are deforested and used for pasture, coffee, and sugarcane planta-

derstory forest, and higher epiphyte frequency (i.e., Cactaceae,

tions or other agricultural uses (E. Hasui, personal communication).

Bromeliaceae, and Orchidaceae). In contrast, disturbed forests were characterized by more open canopy, fewer strata (1–2

2.2 | Riparian forest selection We selected the riparian forest sites by combining information from

strata), higher densities of short trees (1–15 m), higher frequencies of vines, and presence of invasive species. We standardized these data to reduce the variance between them and used principal

land cover and drainage network maps. The land cover map was

components analysis (PCA) to summarize information for these

built by unsupervised classification (oriented object method) of six

vegetation variables into one orthogonal variable (first axis) (Zar,

RapidEye satellite images (5-­m resolution, total area = 3,586 km²)

1996). The first PCA axis was positively affected by the number

from 2010 using ENVI-­E X 4.8 software. To assess the land cover

of vertical strata, canopy cover, total height and was negatively

map accuracy, we performed a visual inspection using Google Earth

affected by the frequency of invasive plant species (Supporting

satellite images and validated this information with field visits.

Information Table S3). It accounted for 45.4% of the total variance

The drainage network map was digitalized from topographic maps

in vegetation measurements (Eigenvalue = 2.73) and carried in-

(1:50.000 scales) produced by IBGE (available at http://www.ibge.

formation about vegetation structure and disturbance conditions We

of the sample points in riparian forests. Therefore, higher values

identified riparian forests by then using this map to produce images

can be interpreted as well-protected old-growth forest and lower

containing buffers 15-­m wide beside each stream and 200 m around

values as young-regenerating forests or forest growing under reg-

the Furnas water reservoir.

ularly disturbed conditions. Prior to further using this variable, we

Next, we divided the region in 102 landscape hexagons (each

transformed it with Min-Max-Scaling means (Mf- min Mf)*100/

landscape area = 500 ha) and measured patch and landscape met-

(max Mf – min Mf) to standardize the range of values between

rics (patch size, shape, riparian forest width, and percentage of for-

0 and 100. After this, we subtracted 100 from each value. Thus,

est cover) for each fragment lying within these landscapes. We used

disturbance index = 100% is the most disturbed condition and

these metrics to select 24 riparian forests that varied widely in riparian forest width and local and landscape contexts. Those selected

disturbance index = 0% is the least impacted condition. NDVI mean: We used dry season (cloud-free) Landsat TM 5 2011

sites ranged from 30 to 1,420 m in width considering both sides of

images to calculate the normalized difference vegetation index

the stream, from 0.88 to 496.18 ha in patch size from 3% to 67% in

(NDVI) for each riparian forest cell (30 m resolution) using the for-

forest cover, presented a similar forest shape (we excluded complex

mula: NDVI = (NIR − red)/(red + NIR) (Marabel & Alvarez-Taboada,

forms or riparian corridors connected to other forest fragments),

2013). Then, we used zonal statistical analysis to calculate NDVI



MAURE et al.

values for each riparian study forest. NDVI is sensitive to photo-

indicate that riparian forest is composed by a mosaic of patches at

synthetically active biomass and is positively correlated with plant

different successional stages, whereas narrow range of NDVI point

productivity (Pettorelli et al., 2005). NDVI values range from −1.0

to a greater homogeneity in photosynthetic activity within areas.

(indicate nonvegetated surface features such as water, barren

NDVI coefficient β: We created this index to express the “historical

rock) to 1.0 (maximum green vegetation). Thus, the maximum val-

dynamic” or “the resilience” of the riparian forest as the slope of

ues are indicative of riparian forests possessing fully recovered

the curve (coefficient β) of NDVI per unit time (i.e., per year). Here,

above-ground biomass levels (old-growth forests), while lower

high positive values mean that riparian forests possess periods of

values indicate low values for, or absence of, photosynthetic ac-

higher growth rates, while low values indicate periods of lower

tivity due to the existence of canopy gaps, young regrowth, or

growth rates or higher stability in primary productivity (Viedma,

extensive edge effects.

Meliá, Segarra, & García-Haro, 1997). Negative values represent

NDVI range: Within a given riparian forest, spatial and biological dis-

forest degradation or loss over the time. To calculate this index,

turbance can create a mosaic of patches at different successional

we used 10 Landsat Tm 5 dry season images from 1985 to 2011.

stages, implying spatial variation in the timing or intensity of distur-

First, we used zonal statistical analysis to calculate mean normal-

bance, and consequently varying capacities for ecosystem services

ized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values for each riparian

delivery (Ferraz et al., 2014). To represent this spatial pattern, we

forest in each image. Then, we applied linear regression between

used NDVI range values for each riparian forest for 2011. This index

the mean NDVI values by year and estimated the slope of the

expresses the spatial heterogeneity of riparian forest in terms of

curve of this relationship for each riparian forest site (Supporting

plant productivity (i.e., above-ground biomass). Thus, higher values

Information Figure S1).

TA B L E   1   List and description of traits used to calculate predictive variables (Functional Redundancy, Functional Evenness, and Functional Richness) and define functional group richness


Ecological relevance to ecosystem process





Diet (seven items)


Based on the percentage contribution of each food item to the total dietary records for the species: seeds, fruits, nectar, other plant material, scavenging, invertebrates, and vertebrates

Percentage of each food category defines an important niche dimension and can reflect the niche breadth in terms of specialist and generalist. From the percentage food category, it possible to infer to which ecological processes each species is most likely to be linked (i.e., seed dispersal, pollination, removal of carcasses, controlling invertebrates, regulation of vertebrates

Wilman et al. (2014)

Foraging strata (three items)


Indicates whether foraging stratum estimates are based on species level data: ground, understory, and canopy

Foraging strata relate to the location of resource acquisition

Wilman et al. (2014)

Body mass


Based on the average of adult body mass (g)

Ecologists think about diet niche breadth in terms of prey size range, and the general pattern observed was that prey size tends to be directly proportional to the size of the predator, both within and between species

Wilman et al. (2014)

Dependence on forested habitat a


Response trait to habitat loss and fragmentation (categories: high, medium, and low forest dependence)

Forest dependence reflects environmental tolerances, habitat, or ecological preferences of bird species and, consequently, relates to the location of resource acquisition (Violle et al., 2007). In addition, the trait attribute varies in response to changes in habitat loss and fragmentation


Dependence on forested habitat: we used habitat specialization as one of the traits to calculate overall species functional diversity. For habitat specialization groups, we used this trait a priori to define each group and not to calculate functional diversity.


MAURE et al.


2.4 | Bird sampling

Functional Richness (FRic): FRic values represent the niche space occupied by the species present in a community. This space is a

We used point counts to sample birds (Develey, 2003). We selected

convex hull volume defined by linked extreme values of species

three stream-­side point count locations in each riparian forest, with

traits. From this, an algorithm calculates the volume inside the hull

each point separated by at least 200 m. Each sampling location

(Supporting Information Table S2). Thus, communities composed

was visited once between 2013 and 2017, and we defined as the

of species with similar functional traits have lower FRic values

sampling area a zone of 30-­m radius around each point. Sampling

(Villéger et al., 2008).

observations occurred always in the three first hours after sunrise and consisted in recording all individuals seen and/or heard inside

We also calculated Functional Group Richness (FGR), which

the 30-­m buffer during 10 min of observation at each point. We ex-

represents the number of functional groups per riparian forest

cluded Trochilidae (hummingbirds) from our samples because of the

based on a dendrogram of species traits. We used Gower distances

difficulty of identifying them using point counts. We calculated the

(15 height) to cluster species in this dendrogram (Supporting

relative abundance of each species by adding the number of all indi-

Information Figure S2, Laliberté & Legendre, 2010). Although the

viduals observed (avoiding double counting of the same individuals)

choice of cut-­off point in the dendrogram depends on many ana-

in the three point locations of each riparian forest.

lytical decisions and may be arbitrary, we reduced this arbitrari-

For each sampled species, we compiled information of morpho-

ness by checking each functional group a posteriori. We observed

logical traits and foraging attributes (Table 1) that are related to bird

that species with traits values distance lower 15 height are asso-

species function in the ecosystem (Flynn et al., 2009). We chose

ciated with similar ecosystem functions (Supporting Information

traits reflecting habitat preferences and resource use requirements,

Table S2).

including body size, diet, foraging habitat, and location (Wilman et al., 2014; Birdlife database available at datazone/species/search). We define a functional group as a set of species that respond similarly to a particular habitat condition.

2.6 | Data analyses and modeling To analyze the relationship of FD metrics with riparian habitat and vegetation variables, we tested the relationships of depend-

2.5 | Response variables We used two matrices, containing the relative abundance of bird

ent (FRed, FEve, FRich), and predictive, variables (riparian forest width, disturbance index, NDVI mean, NDVI range, and NDVI Coefficient β) using simple linear models (lm R function) (R Core

species sampled in each riparian forest, and the key functional

Team 2014), and selected the best predictor variable based on

traits (Table 1) of those species, to calculate three components of

Akaike information criterion (AIC, see below) (Bolker, 2008).

Functional Diversity—Functional Redundancy, Functional Evenness,

Then, we looked for nonlinearity in the relationships among

and Functional Richness. We calculated all indices in R software (R

Functional Diversity components and riparian vegetation char-

Core Team 2014) using the “picante,” “FD,” and “ade4” packages. We

acteristics by comparing linear, saturating (monomolecular), and

used these three components to relate Functional Diversity with

null models using AIC values. Linear models show an increasing

environmental predictors because they did not show strong auto-­

or decreasing constant trend in the relationships between de-

correlations between them (Spearman correlation, r