Genetic alterations in cervical cancer - NOPR

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pathogenesis of cervical cancer is presented in Fig. I. ... I - Schematic overview of HPY associatcd molecular evcnts in cervical carcinogenesis. The earliest ...
Indian Jou rnal of Expcrimcntal Biolo: Vol. 4 1, August 2003. pp. 789 -796

Review Article

Genetic alterations in cervical cancer Khalida Wani & C K K Nair* Radiation Biology Di vision. Bhabha Atomic Rcsearch Ccntrc, Mumbai 400085. India In thc path ogc ncsis or cc r vical cancer the role or hUl11an papillomavirus (HPV ) infection is wcll cs tabli shcd . However. ot her than HPV in fect ion th e gCIll:t ics o f cerv ical ca ncc r rcmai ns poorl y undcrslOod. I n the path ogenesis of cerv ical can ce r th rec major faclOrs arc invol ved. two of whi ch arc relat ed to the prcsencc of H I'\! and thc third is Ihc recurrent genctic al teration s not linkcd to HPV in fecti on. Seve ral chro mosomal reg ions w ith recurrent loss or heterozygos it y (LOH ) in cervical cance r ha ve been identiried . Howe ve r: Ihe putative tumor suppressor genes locatcd in these chromosoma l loeali ons arc ye t to be iden ti fied. Recurrcnl ampl ification s ha ve been mapped to the shorl arm or chromosome 3 in in vasive cancer. Microsatellite instability and mutator phen ol ype do not pl