Geomajas Utility plugins guide

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This plug-in provides extra utility widgets for the Geomajas GWT faces (both SmartGWT and. PureGWT). These widgets are not necessarily GIS related.
Geomajas Utility plugins guide

Geomajas Developers and Geosparc

Geomajas Utility plugins guide by Geomajas Developers and Geosparc 1.15.0-SNAPSHOT Copyright © 2011-2014 Geosparc nv

Table of Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 2. Configuration ........................................................................................................... 2 1. Dependencies .................................................................................................... 2 2. GWT Modules .................................................................................................. 2 3. Widgets ........................................................................................................... 2 3.1. Ribbon .................................................................................................. 2 3. How-to .................................................................................................................... 7 1. Configuring a custom RibbonColumn widget .......................................................... 7 1.1. Create a custom RibbonColumn implementation ........................................... 7 1.2. Register your custom RibbonColumn .......................................................... 9 1.3. Using the custom type in the configuration .................................................. 9 2. Defining a custom Ribbon style ......................................................................... 11 2.1. Overriding the default theme ................................................................... 11 2.2. Creating a custom style .......................................................................... 12


List of Examples 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.

Plug-in dependency ................................................................................................. 2 Loading the GWT modules ...................................................................................... 2 Example Ribbon configuration .................................................................................. 4 Example Ribbon configuration .................................................................................. 5 Custom RibbonColumn implementation ...................................................................... 8 Registering your custom class ................................................................................... 9 Custom type in configuration .................................................................................. 10 Applying a custom style ......................................................................................... 12 Defining the myRibbon style ................................................................................... 13


Chapter 1. Introduction This plug-in provides extra utility widgets for the Geomajas GWT faces (both SmartGWT and PureGWT). These widgets are not necessarily GIS related. Examples are a Ribbon (office like toolbar), a Wizard, a file upload widget, etc. In order to know which widgets, are already present within this plug-in, visit the roadmap on the Geomajas issue tracker.

Caution At this moment, all widgets are based upon the SmartGWT widget library, and are thus best used within the Geomajas SmartGWT face.


Chapter 2. Configuration 1. Dependencies By default plug-ins are not added to a Geomajas project, so in order to use this plug-in make sure it is included in your project. If you are using Maven, you can add the following dependency to your pom to use the SmartGWT widgets:

Example 2.1. Plug-in dependency org.geomajas.widget geomajas-widget-utility-gwt 1.15.0-SNAPSHOT

2. GWT Modules Once you have the plug-in on your classpath, you still need to load the required GWT modules. This plug-in contains GWT widgets based on the SmartGWT library. Therefore, we have tried to follow the SmartGWT way of working, whereby multiple GWT modules have been defined: one for the widgets and several for the supported SmartGWT themes. By default SmartGWT supports the following themes: "Enterprise", "Enterprise Blue", "Graphite" and "Simplicity". The idea is to have an extension for each of these themes within this plug-in, so that you can apply the same style on these custom widgets as you have for other SmartGWT widgets.

Note Currently only the SmartGWT "Enterprise" theme has been supported. Others will folow in future versions. The following is an example that loads the GWT module for the widgets plus the Enterprise theme extension:

Example 2.2. Loading the GWT modules