Habitat partitioning between woodland caribou and moose in Ontario ...

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1 School of Forestry, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, P7B 5E1. 2 Ministry of Natural .... Ontario some 40-50 years after moose immigration.
T h e Sixth N o r t h A m e r i c a n C a r i b o u W o r k s h o p , Prince George, British C o l u m b i a , Canada, 1-4 M a r c h , 1994

Habitat partitioning between woodland caribou and moose in Ontario: the potential role of shared prédation risk H . G . d i m m i n g , D . B . Beange & G . Lavoie 1






S c h o o l o f Forestry, Lakehead University, T h u n d e r B a y , Ontario, Canada, P 7 B 5 E 1 . M i n i s t r y o f Natural Resources, N i p i g o n , O n t a r i o , Canada, P O T 2J0. D é p a r t e m e n t de sciences biologiques, U n i v e r s i t é de M o n t r é a l , C . P . 6128, Succursale A , M o n t r é a l , Q u é b e c , Canada, 3 C H 3J7.

Abstract: T h i s paper explores mechanisms o f coexistence for w o o d l a n d caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) and moose (Akes alcei) preyed u p o n by gray wolves (Canis lupus) i n northern Ontario. Autocorrelation analysis o f winter track l o c a tions showed habitat partitioning by caribou and moose. N u m b e r s o f Delaunay l i n k edges for moose-wolves d i d not differ significantly from what w o u l d be expected by random process, but those for caribou-wolves were significantly fewer. Thus, habitat partitioning provided implicit refuges that put greater distances between caribou and wolves, presumably decreasing p r é d a t i o n o n the caribou. Y e t , direct competition cannot be ruled out; b o t h apparent and direct competition may be involved i n real-life situations. A synthesis i n c l u d i n g b o t h explanations fits ecological theory, as w e l l as current understanding about caribou ecology.

Key words: apparent competition, autocorrelation, competition, gray wolf, Rangifer, Akes, Canis

Rangifer, Special Issue N o . 9, Introduction Knowledge i n woodland caribou ecology, until recently, has lacked the maturity necessary for broad generalizations. B u t some attempts have been made. In Ontario, Devos & Peterson (1951) pointed out that caribou range continued to shrink, despite closure o f legal hunting i n 1929 (supported by Cringan, 1957). S i m k i n (1965) suggested that a caribou decline following moose immigration about 1900 was due to increased biomass supporting higher predator densities; similar to those later reported i n British C o l u m b i a (Bergerud & Elliot, 1986). Bergerud (1974, 1985) hypothesized that all caribou i n Ontario w o u l d need islands or shorelines as escape habitat for calving. Other studies supported this generalization (Simkin, 1965; Bergerud, 1985; C u m m i n g & Beange, 1987; Bergerud et al., 1990). C u m m i n g & Beange (1987) concluded that caribou i n the boreal forest show fidelity to wintering areas similar to that o f white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus, Halls, 1978). C u m m i n g & Beange (1993) further showed that timber harvesting i n portions o f these wintering areas temporarily terminated their use by caribou, the non-use period lasting for at least 10 years; circumstantial evidence


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suggested that the displacement resulting from entire wintering areas being cut led to extinction o f the local caribou band. Elsewhere i n N o r t h America, earliest hypotheses tended to be applied to all N o r t h American caribou, only incidentally including woodland caribou; even then, views sometimes appeared diametrically opposed (e.g. Scotter, 1972; Bergerud, 1974). Bergerud (1974, 1980) hypothesized that, across N o r t h America, predation sets caribou stocking limits at 0.40.8/km or less, well below the levels that would be set by food availability. Support for the importance of predation came from subsequent studies: (Gauthier & Theberge, 1986; Edmonds, 1988; Elliott, 1985; Bergerud & Elliot, 1986; Elliott, 1989; Hayes et al, 1989; Bergerud, 1992). Bergerud (1992) later revised his density figure downward for woodland caribou to 0 . 0 4 / k m . In line w i t h this initial generalization, studies o f predator avoidance by cows w i t h calves have provided a catalogue o f strategies used by woodland caribou to reduce predation during calving: to the use o f islands and shorelines has been added dispersion i n mountains (Bergerud et al., 1984) and forest wet-land habitat (Pare & Huot, 1985; B r o w n et al., 1986). Bergerud (1992) pointed out that, where 2



special geographic features are not available, caribou can still reduce predation during calving by dispersing to create rareness. Predation during the rest o f the year has received less attention, sometimes for good reason. A t Quesnel Lake, and Wells Gray Park, British C o l u m b i a , high elevations provided winter refuge (Seip, 1989; Seip, 1990) and, clearly, calf mortality was limiting the caribou population. Still, Bergerud & Elliot (1986) calculated adult mortality across N o r t h America at 18-21% (9% after predators were reduced), and other studies have shown the i m p o r tance o f winter mortality. Edmonds (1988) reported 22% adult mortality o f woodland caribou i n Alberta, all during winter and mostly due to wolves; fall recruitment o f calves averaged 15%, a level high enough to have sustained the herd (Seip, 1990; Bergerud, 1992) i f it had not been for the high adult mortality. In the Burwash area o f the Y u k o n , Gauthier & Theberge (1986) found disproportionate consumption o f caribou relative to available b i o mass during the rutting and winter periods, but not during calving. Hayes et al. (1989), i n the Findlayson area o f the Y u k o n , found l o w recruitment (10%) and high adult mortality (27%) before w o l f control; wolves relied heavily o n caribou for prey i n the areas they occupied, but o n moose i n other areas. Lately, Seip (1985, 1989, 1992) hypothesized that w o l f predation is the major cause o f caribou population decline i n southeastern British C o l u m b i a , that w o l f populations are sustained p r i marily by moose, and that w o l f predation o n carib o u is greater where caribou live i n close proximity to the moose. T h e above studies suggest that this generalization might apply whether the proximity was during calving time or winter. Yet, apart from populations theory (e.g. Eber¬ hardt, 1991) and optimal foraging theory (Belovsky, 1991) little reference has been made i n caribou literature to general ecological theory. In this paper, we present an initial attempt at relating caribou research findings with general theory; toward that end, we present as an example a study o f habitat partitioning during winter i n Ontario; and we introduce autocorrelation analysis, a statistical method not previously used to analyze caribou data. Woodland caribou findings and ecological theory Mathematical models have provided a body o f theory i n general ecology that seems useful for understanding caribou ecology i n a wider context. H o l t (1977) drew attention to the fact that although competition for resources is widely recognized, competition to avoid predation is not. H e investigated the possibility w i t h multiple models and found that a predator necessarily imposes "reciprocal equi-


librial abundances" upon alternative prey species, even i f these species are otherwise independent. H o l t (1977) argues that, at equilibrium, the alternate prey species o f most food-limited predators should exhibit this "apparent competition". In some cases, the less productive prey can be eliminated. H o l t (1977) points out that to some extent, all species i n the predator's diet w i l l be to blame for the exclusion o f one, and concludes that understanding the factors controlling a species' density requires examination o f the entire community i n w h i c h the species is embedded. H o l t (1984) then investigated requirements for co-existence w h e n two prey species share a c o m m o n predator. H e observes that an influx o f predators into a habitat should reduce prey density; however, i f a predator can choose where to forage without interference from other predators, (at least) as many species o f prey can coexist i n the predator's diet as there are distinct patches discriminated by the predator. "Habitat partitioning can permit coexistence even w h e n predation is intense, essentially because it allows the number o f predators exploiting a given prey to be determined independently o f the availability and productivity o f alternative prey," (c.f. Seip, 1992). Further models (Holt & Kotler, 1987) show that a rare prey species may benefit from co-occurring i n patches with a more c o m m o n prey species (particularly i f the rarer prey is less preferred). Consumption o f one prey species reduces time available for encountering and capturing the alternative prey; thus, predator selectivity may provide an "implicit refuge" for a low-quality prey. The predator should depart from a patch when its instantaneous rate o f foraging decreases to the average rate o f yield over the entire habitat i n w h i c h the predator is foraging. F r o m these results it is possible to plot "constantyield isoclines". A predator might be expected to leave patches o f prey that are unusually l o w i n average foraging return compared with other patches. O n the basis o f Seip's (1992) generalizations about woodland caribou and these aspects o f ecological theory, we hypothesized that caribou i n Ontario some 40-50 years after moose immigration was complete should be spatially separated from moose and wolves i n winter. T o test the hypothesis we flew transects over a selected study area during four winters (1981-84), plotting locations o f tracks for woodland caribou, moose and wolves. Methods Study area T h e study area encompassed 6 500 k m o f boreal forest located 125 k m north o f Thunder Bay, Ontario. Centered o n W a b a k i m i Lake, it lies o n the 2


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eastern edge o f glacial Lake Agassiz. Streams and highly divided lakes abound. Stony sand and till thinly cover the Archean granitic uplands, typical o f the heavily glaciated Precambrian shield. T h e terrain displays a smoothly rolling surface into w h i c h lakes w i t h gently sloping sides are set (Teller & Clayton, 1983). T h e surficial geology map shows 24% o f the area classified as bedrock. Summer temperatures are cool (mean daily temperature 16°C), winters cold (mean daily January temperature 2 0 ° C ) . Total precipitation averages 750 mm/year. The m a x i m u m snow depth recorded during the 4 winters o f the study at Flat Lake, an Ontario Ministry o f Natural Resources snow station located i n the southeast corner o f the study area, was 95 c m . The number o f weeks during January to M a r c h w i t h snow depth over 50 c m were, by year, 2, 11, 4, 14; the numbers o f weeks reporting heavy crusts were 1,0,3,5, usually i n M a r c h . In addition, winter rains or brief thaws occasionally left thin skims o f ice across the snow that w o u l d not have been recorded as crusts. Wildfires have left a mosaic o f stands, primarily black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana), but w i t h a few mixed stands including trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and white birch (Betula papyriferd). Mosses, such as Pleurozium schreberi cover m u c h o f the forest floor, but patches of ground lichens (e.g., Cladonia mitis, C. rangiferina, and C . alpestris) grow under poorly stocked stands of jack pines o n sand flats and under scattered spruce on rock outcrops (Antoniak, 1993). Tree lichens, e. g., Usnea comosa and U. dasypoga, are c o m m o n but not especially abundant (Ahti & Hepburn, 1967). N o logging had taken place and no roads entered the study area. T h e few human activities were extensive i n nature: canoe enthusiasts and fly-in anglers (using small boats w i t h outboard motors) traversed major waterways i n summer; tourist outfitters flew hunters into remote lakes during autumn; trappers, mostly native, crossed some parts of the area during winter. Tourist outpost camps, trappers' cabins, and some private cottages constituted the only permanent human dwellings. T h e southern boundary o f the study area is approximated by the transcontinental line o f the Canadian National R a i l w a y . N o r t h o f the study area the forest stretched unbroken and undisturbed to the H u d s o n Bay Lowlands. Data collection W e plotted tracks of woodland caribou, moose, and wolves o n l:126,720-scale maps during transects flown about 300 m above ground level at 3 - k m intervals during 4 winters (1980-84). Data from a subsequent survey i n 1988 were analyzed but not


Special Issue N o . 9 , 1 9 9 6

included here because a thin layer o f ice prevented location o f w o l f tracks. Transects oriented northsouth i n the southern 2/3 o f the study area became east-west i n the northern 1/3 to permit boundaries at least 2 transect widths beyond any caribou tracks on all sides, thus including all contiguous and close (i.e. w i t h i n about 20 km) winter aggregations o f caribou centered around W a b a k i m i Lake. W e n o t i ced no difference i n observability o f tracks due to direction. W e recorded tracks wherever located, not only directly o n the transect lines, and we turned aside from the transects to examine any tracks seen i n the distance, or to follow individual track sets until the species was positively identified, using criteria described by C u m m i n g & Beange (1987). The 3-km spacing o f transects left an unexamined strip between transects, but due to the mobility o f the animals, and our turning to look at tracks, we believe that we missed few tracks for this reason. Some tracks may have been missed i n the northern quarter o f the study area when fuel shortages curtailed circling. Since densities o f all species were l o w , track aggregates were not frequent. Because a letter representing a species covered about 0.05 k m at this scale, we made no effort to delineate track aggregates, but simply recorded presence o f tracks wherever a transect crossed them, or allowed them to be located. W e recorded w o l f tracks by packs, rather than by individual animals. A l l flights took place during sunny days, at least 3 days after a snowfall, and between 10 A M and 3 P M . O n e complete survey required about 4 days. Flights were carried out during m i d to late February, except for 1983-84 w h e n the survey was delayed until early M a r c h . 2

W e looked for tracks i n snow rather than for animals because neither woodland caribou nor w o l ves can be located reliably i n forested country. As snow cover was continuous each year from late N o v e m b e r to early A p r i l , tracks provided records o f animal locations from the day o f the flight backward i n time until at least the last previous snowfall, and sometimes up to a m o n t h or more before i n the case of "old tracks". A l t h o u g h woodland caribou return to traditional areas each winter ( C u m m i n g & Beange, 1987), m u c h like white-tailed deer, they are not so restricted by deep snow and do not congregate under heavy conifers the way deer do. Hence, although tracks i n dense conifers are more difficult to locate than tracks i n hardwoods or i n the open, few animals o f the species investigated w o u l d remain so sedentary under heavy conifers that their tracks could not be observed around the edges o f these stands. S n o w conditions probably affected track observability, especially the rare winter rains or thaws that formed icy crusts and made location of w o l f tracks difficult. This factor may have contri-


buted to the l o w number o f w o l f tracks recorded i n the first 2 winters. T h e high number o f w o l f tracks recorded i n 1984 may have been partly due to the heavy crust (but no ice) that made travel easy. Thus, although we might easily have missed predator prey interactions or their results, such as carcasses that become impossible to locate after a few weeks, we obtained reliable data on animal locations. Estimates o f animal numbers were difficult to obtain. A l t h o u g h track densities may imply relative animal densities, we made no effort to arrive at numbers o f animals from this method. Rather we totaled numbers o f caribou seen o n the ice on a single day i n M a r c h for a m i n i m u m estimate o f caribou ( C u m m i n g & Beange, 1987), obtained moose densities from routine management aerial surveys, and calculated w o l f densities from numbers o f packs and size o f the only pack i n w h i c h the animals were seen. Statistical analysis The use o f tracks rather than direct observations may have influenced the spatial data. Animals may have been more widely separated than the tracks indicated due to time considerations, i . e., a first animal may have been far away by the time a second left tracks near the same location. H o w e v e r , the reverse could not occur. Therefore all track data show m i n i m u m distances among individuals and species. Field data were analyzed using an ( A R C / I N F O ) Geographic Information System (GIS) at the Center for the Application o f Resources Information Systems, School o f Forestry, Lakehead University. W i t h this system, we easily, and w i t h minimal error, transferred field maps to a computerized base map i n layers by species and year. T o establish computer cells w i t h real reference, we used the distance between transects to determine cell size (approximately 3x3 k m , actually 9.29 km ). Cells were then located adjacent to each other centered o n transect lines, totaling 697 cells for the entire study area. D u e to the l o w densities o f w o l f tracks, the within-species dispersion o f w o l f packs could not be studied using statistical procedures similar to those for moose and caribou. 2

Chi-square tests W e compared frequency o f repeated use o f same computer cells from year to year (1-4 winters) for caribou and moose using % , the null-hypothesis being that the frequency distributions were not significantly different among years. 2

Autocorrelation analysis Traditional methods o f examining space-related data have been criticized by Legendre & Fortin


(1989) w h o advocate instead analysis o f spatial autocorrelation, pioneered by Cliff & O r d (1973). A variable is said to be autocorrelated w h e n values at some points i n space can be predicted from k n o w n values at other k n o w n positions. T h e assumption o f independence o f observations underlying many traditional statistical methods is not met whenever spatial structure is present, since each new observation contributes an u n k n o w n proportion to 1 degree o f freedom. W e used a spatial autocorrelation analysis program caUed A U T O C O R R E L A T I O N for Macintosh (Legendre & Vaudor, 1991) to calculate standard normal deviates (S.N.D.'s) for each distance class from w h i c h we plotted correlograms. T h e null hypothesis for S.N.D.'s is the randomization assumption i n w h i c h the locations o f the points are randomly distributed over the area. T h e theory behind these computations can be found i n Sokal & O d e n (1978), C l i f f & O r d (1973) and U p t o n & Fingleton (1985). W e plotted correlograms for all 3 species and cross-correlograms for pairs o f species. As recommended by O d e n (1984), we used a Bonferroni correction to assess the significance o f correlograms. T h e total level o f significance for a correlogram was fixed at 0.05 w h i c h was divided by the number o f distance classes (20) to test the S. N . D . coefficient value at every distance class. Schoener's Index of overlap Spatial overlap between species was examined by calculating Schoener's (1970) index (following M c C u U o u g h etai, 1989):

where C is the overlap o f species i o n species h, P^ is the proportion o f all observations o f species j that occurred i n grid cell j, is the proportion o f the other species (h) i n the j grid cells. Ranges for C extend from zero (no overlap) to 1 (complete overlap). M u l t i p l y i n g C by 100 provides percentage overlap. This is the same as Whittaker's (1952) index o f association for community studies. jh

Nearest neighbor analysis T o interpret some results from autocorrelation analysis, we tested presence o f clumping using the Clark & E v a n (1954) distance to nearest neighbor index. A l t h o u g h an older index, R (Ward & Parker, 1989) continues to be widely used (e.g., K e n k e l , 1988) and improved (e.g., Petrere, 1985). R is the ratio between the observed mean distance to nearest neighbor and the expected nearest neighbor distance from an identical population randomly distributed o n an infinite plane. Values 1 indicate C



Rangifer, Special

Issue N o . 9 , 1 9 9 6

uniform dispersion, referred to the standard normal distribution. This index assumes a lack o f interdependence that our data do not necessarily show, but errors from this source are relatively small (Donnelly, 1978). M o r e important i n many studies is the edge effect, for w h i c h D o n n e l l y (1978) p r o posed a correction. H o w e v e r , a study area o f 6 500 k m approaches the theoretical infinite plane closely enough to negate the necessity for such a correction (J. Jarvis, G . B e l l , pers. comm.) 2

Expanded nearest neighbor analysis Distance to nearest neighbor holds special significance for studies involving predation. Distance from prey to predator could be expected to be negatively correlated w i t h predation risk because predators w i l l require more time to find prey when individual prey animals are located at greater average distances (Cumming, 1975). W e measured our distances directly w i t h GIS and compared them w i t h t-tests. W e further analyzed the data using Delaunay triang¬ ulation (see U p t o n & Fingleton, 1985), w h i c h calculates the number o f near neighbors rather than measuring their distances. A program called L I N K S (Legendre & Vaudor, 1991) examined (x, y) coordinates o f track sightings for each year, both within and among species. The program then used the Delaunay triangulation method to link each point i n a plane to its nearest neighboring animals i n any direction. G i v e n any triplet o f points, the triangle uniting these points was included i n the triangulation if, and only if, the circle passing through the 3 points included no other point i n the set o f study. Thus the number o f link edges indicated h o w many times an animal's neighbor was a caribou, moose or wolf. W e subdivided the resultant list o f link edges by species for comparisons i n contingency table analyses, followed, where significant % values warranted, by Bonferroni confidence intervals (Byers et ah, 1984). F r o m Bonferroni's inequality ( N e u et ah, 1974), a set o f simultaneous confidence intervals was constructed such that "one can be at least 100(1 - 0t)% confident that the intervals contain their respective true proportions, Pi: 2

?r a/ Wi';( Z



- ? , • ) / " ^ Pi ^ Pi + a/aW J>; ( ! - ] > , • ) / « Z

where Z k upper standard normal table value corresponding to a probability tail area o f (X/2k; k is the number o f categories tested" (Byers et ah, 1984. p. 1052). W h e r e the expected proportion P- does not lie w i t h i n the interval, the expected and actual values differ significantly, i n our case w i t h the level o f significance fixed at 0.05. These exploratory tests o f link edges may not be valid, because reference to a % table assumes the l s







S p e c i a l Issue N o . 9, 1996

Fig. 1. C a r i b o u track densities revealing a core area w i t h 10+ tracks recorded during 4 winters (by 9.29 k m grid cells). 2

independence o f the observations, a condition that is not met here. T o improve confidence i n our tests, we replaced observed data for each study year w i t h animal codes randomly assigned to the available x, y coordinates, a m e t h o d similar to some described by M a n l y (1991) and C r o w l e y (1992). B y maintaining identical numbers o f caribou, moose, and w o l f sightings, we could follow the same procedures as before to produce links between animals. Observed link counts were then entered into a contingency table, and the % statistic calculated for the random simulation data. B y doing this w e simulated a randomization hypothesis technique that does not require independence o f observations (Murchison, pers. comm.). T h e species names become merely labels that could be rearranged i n any combination. T h e random assignment o f animal codes to existing points seemed preferable to random selection o f new coordinates since the former procedure is i n accordance w i t h the autocorrelation hypothesis, and avoids the chance o f choosing a location that does not make sense i n the real w o r l d . 2

Results How were caribou, moose and wolves dispersed? Transects totaling 7 634 k m during 4 winters revealed 557 caribou tracks, 631 moose tracks, and 157 wolf-pack tracks. C a r i b o u tracks were located i n 22% (1,422 km ) o f the study area cells (Fig. 1). These occupied cells showed a strong central ten2


2 2 .

2 1





1 1

1 1



2 ..

1 3

3 4 .












2 3 2 2





dency: 10 o f the 138 tracked cells, located centrally, showed >10 tracks during the 4 years; generally farther from the center, another 14 cells contained 4¬ 10 tracks each; i n the remaining cells at greater distances from the core, fewer than 4 tracks/cell were found (Fig. 1). T h e caribou showed more fidelity to this same central area than to the rest o f their range, returning to a 9 9 - k m central area each winter (Fig. 2), an additional 81 k m generally surrounding the core 3 o f the 4 years, and another 288 k m , for the most part farther from the core, 2 years; peripheral cells totaling 95 k m were used only one year. Moose tracks, o n the other hand showed no such central tendency: few moose tracks were located i n the area occupied by caribou; elsewhere, moose tracks were distributed without obvious pattern throughout the study area (Fig. 3). O u t o f 324 computer cells i n w h i c h moose tracks were recorded, none totaled > 5 tracks/cell for the 4 years. T h e frequency w i t h w h i c h moose repeated use o f the same cells from year to year showed a highly significant difference from that o f caribou (Table 1, X =21.8, d.f=3, P=0.0001): moose used the same cell 1 or 2 years more frequently, while caribou used the same cell during 4 years more frequently. Thus space use by caribou was less homogeneous than that o f moose.

Fig. 2. N u m b e r s o f years (out o f 4) for w h i c h winter tracks o f w o o d l a n d caribou were found i n 9.29k m computer-generated grid cells. In each winter, a core area w i t h tracks was surrounded by other areas used less consistently by caribou. 2

" Vë.. i 1


Inspection o f field maps suggested that wolves inhabited the entire study area, but perhaps at lower densities where caribou were located. Concentrations o f tracks were most numerous i n the northeast; fewest i n the southwest. W e identified from tracks about 5 w o l f packs i n the 6500 k m study area, or about 1 300 k m per pack, but we could not be certain all were present i n the more difficult survey years. W e saw only one pack o f wolves, 8 i n number. 2


MOOSE 1981


" Vj.p •i




=0.0001 2


Special Issue N o . 9 , 1 9 9 6




30 20













10 12 14' 16 18 20 22

0 ' 2 ' 4 ' 6 ' 8 ' 10'





' 2 ' 4 ' 6 '

4 ' ib

12' M

16' 1« 20 22


Fig. 4. Spatial correlograms based on standard normal deviates ( S N D ) showed a tendency for caribou to be positively correlated w i t h other members o f its o w n k i n d at close distances. Negative correlations at longer distances indicated that an individual was not as likely to be found at distance from others o f its kind as w o u l d be expected by chance. A similar patter was shown i n only one year by moose, and i n less than half the first 8 classes by wolves. Black squares represent significant values at the a = 5 % level; white squares are non-significant values. Distance classes were 3 . 8 k m .

positive autocorrelation for short distance classes and significant negative autocorrelation for longer distance classes (Fig. 4). This correlogram pattern is typical o f a single large patch (Legendre & Fortin, 1989). In these correlograms distances beyond about class 16 should not be considered because too few pairs o f points are available for meaningful analysis. In contrast, moose locations i n 1981 were negatively autocorrelated for short distances and highly positively correlated for longer distances. Such a pattern can be explained as a "hole-effect" (Joumel & Huijbregts, 1978) resulting from the "doughnut" type o f dispersion shown by moose, to some extent each year, but especially i n 1981. T h e more obvious "hole-efFect" i n 1981 was due to the greater n u m ber o f observations along the western boundary o f the study area completing the "doughnut" pattern. T o confirm this diagnosis, we removed 46 (from 325) o f the western records to destroy the doughnut pattern. T h e result was a correlogram showing no significant differences, similar to that for 1982, p r o ving that the earlier result was, i n fact, a hole-efFect artifact, rather than real negative and positive autocorrelation. M o o s e tracks i n all other years showed random distributions over the first 6 distance classes. This finding was unexpected since moose i n northern Ontario are usually found i n small groups o f up to six animals during winter (Curnming, 1972). T o further assess these distributions, we calculated Clark & Evans (1954) distance to nearest neighbor indices (RCE) f ° species (Table 2). T h e expecr e





S p e c i a l Issue N o . 9 , 1 9 9 6







10 12 14 16

Table 2 . Dispersion o f caribou, moose and wolves i n n o r thern O n t a r i o as measured by distances to nearest neighbor (Clark & Evans, 1 9 5 4 ) from tracks i n snow during 4 winters. Species


























































R C E is the ratio between the observed mean distance to nearest neighbor and the expeced nearest neighbor distance, w i t h values < 1 indicting clumped dispersion ab values > 1 indicating u n i f o r m dispersion.


C is related to the normal curve, therefore any value exceeding + 1 . 9 6 differs significantly from a random dispersion at the 5 per cent level (Clark & Evans, 1 9 5 4 ) .









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T-r t I T I I i i r

DISTANCE C L A S S E S Fig. 5. Spatial cross-correlograms based o n standard normal deviates ( S N D ) for pairs o f species show negative correlations at shorter distances, indicating that an individual is not as likely to be found near another species as w o u l d be expected by chance. B l a c k squares represent significant values at the a=5% level; white squares are non-significant values. Distance classes were 3.8 k m .

ted clumped dispersion for caribou was indicated by numbers w e l l below one. A similar l o w index, but less pronounced, was shown for moose, confirming that moose also clumped together at least to some extent. D u e to relatively small numbers o f w o l f observations (Fig. 3), we prepared a w o l f correlogram only for 1984 when most tracks were recorded. A t lags 4, 5, and 7, the graph showed only slight evidence o f the negative autocorrelation that w o u l d be expected from a territorial animal ( Fig. 4). R values (Clark & Evans, 1954) revealed no trend here, as they sugC


gested slight clumping tendency for two years, and random dispersion for the other two (Table 2). What was the autocorrelation structure between species? Correlograms for caribou-moose always showed strong negative cross-autocorrelations at short distance classes and positive cross-autocorrelations at longer distance classes, indicating negative spatial structure between these species (Fig. 5). Caribou and w o l ves showed no cross-autocorrelation during 1981, 1982, but the 1983 and 1984 cross-correlograms again showed negative cross-autocorrelation at short

Table 3. O v e r l a p p i n g use o f habitat by w o o d l a n d caribou and moose shown by use o f 697 possible 9.29 k m grid cells 2

each year d u r i n g 4 winters. Year

N u m b e r o f cells w i t h tracks

Cells w i t h b o t h caribou

C a r i b o u cells

and moose tracks

w i t h moose tracks i n adjacent cells





































Rangifer, Special

Issue N o . 9 , 1 9 9 6

Table 4. Schoener's Index o f overlap for caribou, moose, and wolves i n the W a b a k i m i Lake study area, based o n tracks o f each species per computer cell. Comparison




















N o t e : Zeros indicate no occurrences o f tracks by different species i n the same cells.

distances and positive cross-autocorrelation at longer distances. W e explain the lack o f cross-autocorrelations i n the first 2 years by the small number o f w o l f track observations. Thus, i n years when numbers o f w o l f track observations were adequate, caribou and wolves also showed spatial separation. N o pattern o f cross-autocorrelation appeared for moose and wolves except i n 1981, when the expected negative crossautocorrelation at short distance classes was observed (although this result might also be explained i n part by the same hole effect as for moose alone).

tracks o f both species during any year o f the study (Table 3). O f 835 cells for w h i c h tracks o f one or the other o f these 2 species were recorded, only 10 included tracks o f both during the same year, and only 27% o f cells w i t h caribou tracks showed m o o se tracks even i n adjoining cells (Table 3). W o l f tracks seemed to be more associated w i t h the moose than w i t h the caribou (Fig. 3). Values o f Schoener's C index proved to be extremely l o w for all 3 species, the highest indicating *> *
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