Handbook of Social Neuroscience

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cognitive neuroscientists focus mostly on representations and processes such as attention and memory. The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience.
OXFORD LIBRARY OF PSYCHOLOGY Jean Decety, Ph.D., is Irving B. Harris Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of $IJDBHPBOEUIFDP%JSFDUPSPG UIF#SBJO Research Imaging Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Social Neuroscience: Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind Edited by Alexander Todorov, Susan Fiske, and Deborah Prentice The Neuroscience of Social Interaction: Decoding, Imitating, and Influencing the Actions of Others Edited by Christopher D. Frith and Daniel Wolpert The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience Edited by Kevin N. Ochsner and Stephen M. Kosslyn

“This astonishing volume is an intellectual romp across the social and biological sciences. It treats fundamentally interesting ideas—from altruism to empathy to affection—clearly and comprehensively. From neurons to networks, from genes to groups, this volume marks the birth of social neuroscience as a new, integrative paradigm for viewing humans. It’s a learned and riveting tour de force.” Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Sociology, Harvard University “No other book comes close to being such a comprehensive reference work on social neuroscience or such a browsable collection of fascinating papers in this field.” Martha J. Farah, Ph.D., Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania “Social neuroscience is a dynamic and diverse new field of neuroscience, and this outstanding handbook features many of its leaders and emerging leaders. It presents exciting new ways of looking at how the social environment for both humans and animal species affects brain and behavior as well as the rest of the body.” Bruce McEwen, Ph.D., Alfred E. Mirsky Professor, The Rockefeller University

Contributors: Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Ralph Adolphs, David G. Amaral, Franco Amati, Daniel L. Ames, David M. Amodio, $SBJH""OEFSTPO 4ZMWBJO#BJMMFU ,JSB#BJMFZ "SPO,#BSCFZ +PIO"#BSHI 4JNPO#BSPO$PIFO +PTFQI8#BSUFS  Bruce D. Bartholow, Melissa D. Bauman, Janelle Beadle, Jennifer S. Beer, Pascal Belin, Matthew K. Belmonte, Gary G. Berntson, ,FOU#FSSJEHF 4ZMWJF#FSUIP[ .FHIBOB#IBUU 8FOEZ#JSNJOHIBN +BNFT#MBJS 4BSBI+BZOF#MBLFNPSF &MJ[B#MJTT.PSFBV  Jos A. Bosch, Victoria Burns, John T. Cacioppo, Colin F. Camerer, McKenzie Carlisle, Laura L. Carstensen, C. Sue Carter, Bhismadev Chakrabarti, Thierry Chaminade, Joan Y. Chiao, Markus Christen, James A. Coan, Paul T. Costa, Jr., 8JMMJBN"$VOOJOHIBN 'JFSZ$VTINBO 1BVM8$[PUZ 3JDBSEPEF0MJWFJSB4PV[B 'SBOT#.EF8BBM +FBO%FDFUZ  Mauricio R. Delgado, Kathryn E. Demos, Sally S. Dickerson, Cheryl L. Dickter, Robin Dunbar, Jiska Eelen, Naomi I. Eisenberger, Christopher G. Engeland, Martha J. Farah, Susan T. Fiske, Nathan A. Fox, Hiroki Fukui, Valeria Gazzola, "OESFB-(MFOO .BSJF(PNPU +FBO1IJMJQQF(PVJO +PSEBO(SBGNBO +PTIVB%(SFFOF 5BSB-(SVFOFXBME  Ingrid Johnsen Haas, Jonathan G. Hakun, Liisa V. Hantsoo, Louise C. Hawkley, Todd F. Heatherton, Rachel S. Herz, Catherine A. Hynes, Marco Iacoboni, Tiffany A. Ito, Andrew Jahn, Vanessa Janowksi, Yoko Kamio, Ina Maria Kaufmann, .JUTVP,BXBUP +VMJBO1BVM,FFOBO .BSHBSFU&,FNFOZ $ISJTUJBO,FZTFST +BOJDF,,JFDPMU(MBTFS .JDIBFM-,JSXBO  Hedy Kober, Patricia K. Kuhl, Daniel D. Langleben, Lauren A. Leotti, Martin A. Lindquist, Michael V. Lombardo, Christopher J. Machado, C. Neil Macrae, Marcus Maringer, Svenja Matusall, Robert R. McCrae, Werner Mende, 1FUFS.FOEF4JFEMFDLJ +PSHF.PMM %SBLF.PSHBO &[FRVJFM.PSTFMMB .JDIBFM"/BEFS "OUIPOZ+/FMTPO 1BVMB./JFEFOUIBM  Greg J. Norman, Howard C. Nusbaum, Kevin N. Ochsner, Hanna Oh, Lisa A. Parr, Tomás˘ Paus, Stephen W. Porges, Lydia Pouga, 4UFQIBOJF%1SFTUPO +PÑMMF1SPVTU 4VTBO2VBEnJFH "ESJBO3BJOF ,ZMF(3BUOFS (SFHPSZ34BNBOF[-BSLJO %BWJE4FFMJH  4JNPOF(4IBNBZ5TPPSZ 5BM4IBOZ6S 4IMPNJ4IFS 5BOJB4JOHFS 5JNPUIZ84NJUI 7BMFSJF&4UPOF "OHFMJOB34VUJO  Shelley E. Taylor, Marc Thioux, Shozo Tobimatsu, Alexander T. Todorov, Daniel Tranel, Bert N. Uchino, Tor D. Wager, Dylan D. Wagner, Bridget M. Waller, Kathleen Wermke, Michele Wessa, Robert West, Lauren K. White, Bruno Wicker, Piotr Winkielman, Roland Zahn, Leslie A. Zebrowitz, Yi Zhang, Caroline F. Zink

Cover image: © Shutterstock







The complexities of the brain and nervous system make neuroscience an inherently interdisciplinary pursuit, one which comprises disparate basic, clinical, and applied disciplines. Behavioral neuroscientists approach the brain and nervous system as instruments of sensation and response; cognitive neuroscientists focus mostly on representations and processes such as attention and memory. The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience marks the emergence of a third broad perspective in this field. With an emphasis on the neural, hormonal, cellular, and genetic mechanisms underlying social behavior, social neuroscience places emphasis on the associations and influences between social and biological levels of organization. This complex interdisciplinary perspective demands theoretical, methodological, statistical, and inferential rigor to effectively integrate basic, clinical, and applied perspectives on the nervous system and brain. This comprehensive volume includes:

The Oxford Handbook of

ISBN 978-0-19-534216-1




The Oxford Handbook of

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Advance praise for The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience

Decety Cacioppo


John T. Cacioppo, Ph.D., is the Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor and Director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago.

Oxford Handbooks offer authoritative and up-to-date reviews of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned chapters from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates, as well as a foundation for future research. Oxford Handbooks provide scholars and graduate students with compelling new perspectives upon a wide range of subjects in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.



tFWPMVUJPOBSZBOEIJTUPSJDBMQFSTQFDUJWFTPO human social behavior tJOTJHIUJOUPUIFOFVSPCJPMPHJDBMQSPDFTTFT  behind attachment, desire, and motivation tBQQMJDBUJPODFOUSJDDIBQUFSTUIBUFMVDJEBUFUIF potential impact of social neuroscience on education theory, information processing, and strategic thinking Reflecting the diverse perspectives that make up this field, The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience brings together perspectives from across the sciences in one authoritative volume.