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References. Achimas A.: Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice medicale, Editura Iuliu Haţieganu, Cluj-. Napoca, 1999. Drugan T, Calosi H, Bolboacă S, Alchimas A,.
Annals of RSCB

Vol. XVII, Issue 1/2012

HEMATOLOGICAL CHANGES IN RATS SUBMITTED TO THE ACTION OF PULSED SHORT WAVES (DIAPULSE) Gabriela Bombonica Dogaru1, G. Bódizs1, T. Călinici2, I. Onac1, L. Pop1 UMPH CLUJ-NAPOCA: 1. CLINICAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL; 2.DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND BIOSTATISTICS Summary Pulsed short waves are electromagnetic waves. They have been demonstrated to increase systemic blood flow without changing pulse or blood pressure. They also stimulate the activity of the reticulo-histiocytic system, increase gamma globulin levels and leukocyte infiltration, stimulate hematopoiesis. The aim of the experimental study was to monitor some hematological parameters before and after treatment: erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin, leukocytes, thrombocytes. For the experiment, white female Wistar rats were used, which were divided into four groups (no. = 10 animals groups I, II, III, no.= 5 animals group IV, control): group I exposed to a dose of 1/80 impulses/sec, 10 min/day, group II exposed to a dose of 4/400 impulses/sec, 10 min/day, group III exposed to a dose of 6/600 impulses/sec, 10 min/day, during 15 sessions, and group IV, the unexposed control group. The mean erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, thrombocyte values increased after treatment (day 16), with statistically significant differences compared to day 1, before exposure to pulsed short waves, in groups I, II and III. The mean leukocyte values increased on day 16, with statistically significant differences only in group III. Key words: pulsed short waves, rats, red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, thrombocytes.

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Introduction (Mindlin et al., 1975). Pulsed short waves could stimulate cell structures to maintain and enhance their natural histofunctional capacities of defense and regeneration (Rădulescu, 2004) by stimulating the activity of the reticulo-histiocytic system, increasing blood gamma globulin levels (Pop, 1985), increasing leukocyte infiltration (Mindlin et al., 1975), stimulating hematopoiesis, favoring the formation of collagen in tissue repair processes.

Pulsed short waves are short electromagnetic waves that are emitted intermittently for a fixed duration and are separated by free intervals of variable duration (Pop, 1985). Dr. W. Erdman (Philadelphia, 1960) has demonstrated that short pulsed waves increase systemic blood flow without changing pulse or blood pressure. This could be most probably due to the capacity generated by Diapulse fields to induce a certain alignment of white and red blood cells, similarly to a strand of pearls, which allows blood cells to pass more efficiently through a given vascular space (Erdman, 1960). Changes in biohumoral parameters under the influence of pulsed short waves have been monitored (erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases, plasma cortisone). Only slight increases in leukocyte and alkaline phosphatase levels have been found

Material and methods The experimental study consisted of the exposure of laboratory animals to the action of pulsed short waves at different parameters and the monitoring of hematological changes, i.e. changes in erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, thrombocytes, before and after exposure. 191

Annals of RSCB

Vol. XVII, Issue 1/2012

Animals. White female Wistar rats with a weight of 180-280 g were used for the experiment. Equipment. The Diapulse device (Diapulse Corporation of America) produces high frequency currents of 27.12 MHz, with a 11.06 m wavelength. The frequency of impulses is dosed in six steps, between 80-600 impulses/sec, and penetration ranges from 1 to 6 (Rădulescu, 2004). Experimental model. 35 animals were assigned to four groups. Group I included 10 animals exposed to pulsed short waves at a dose of 1/80 impulses/sec for 10 minutes a day; group II, 10 animals exposed to a dose of 4/400 impulses/sec for 10 minutes a day; group III, 10 animals exposed to a dose of 6/600 impulses/sec for 10 minutes a day; and the control group, 5 unexposed animals, kept under the same life conditions as the animals of the first three groups. The duration of the experiment was 15 days. The entire body of the animals was exposed to pulsed short waves. During the experiment, there were no food or liquid restrictions. All procedures were performed according to EU ethical norms regarding the rearing and sacrificing of experimental animals. Before treatment and immediately after it, 3 ml blood were taken with heparinized capillaries from each animal, from the retrobulbar sinus at the internal angle of the eye. Statistical analysis was aimed at evidencing whether there were any statistically significant differences between the values obtained before and after treatment in the four groups. The T test for the comparison of the means in paired samples, the F test for the comparison of variations (Drugan et al., 2003), the T test for the comparison of the means in independent samples assuming equal variations, and the T test for the comparison of the means in independent samples assuming unequal variations (Drugan et al., 2010) were used. The data were collected and analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2007.

Results and discussion a) Erythrocytes Mean erythrocyte Mean values (x106 /ul) erythrocyte before exposure, values after day 1 exposure, day 16 Group I 7.471 8.339 Group II 7.681 8.229 Group III 7.877 8.623 Group IV 8.434 8.444 Table 1. Mean erythrocyte values on days 1 and 16

The mean erythrocyte values on day 16 were increased compared to day 1 in the groups exposed to pulsed short waves, with statistically significant differences (p