Hempstead NY Sentinel 1906-1909 - FultonHistory.com

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begun the erection of the new school building at West ... New Yorker, was entered by burglars last week, and .... and Miss Adeline R >tondo were married last ...



The bay men of Peoonie Bay hare Mr. aud Mrs. A1«X Cameron and decided to form a Baymen*s Union. daughter Edith, of Southampton, •ailed laet week for 8ootlaod. Mrs. Laura Davis recently dislo Contractor Elmer W. Howell has eaied her shoulder while in bathing at begun the erection of the new school Port Jefferson. building at West Babylon. The Forest I*ke Realty Co. of The Hortou's Point Hotel property Patcbogue, has been incorporated with at 8outhold has been told by Patrick a capital of $150,000. lyn parties. Supervisor Julius Haueer has pur Matthew J. Jouati, 23 yea re of age' chased 75 acres of land on Church was recently drowned while rowing street, north of Sayville. about the bay near Shelter Island. ,

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232 pieces of property are to be Annie R Rose ha* conveyed te C. sold at the Court Houae on October Wesley Raynor, 12 acres of land on 9th, for unpaid (axes. the old Country road at West Hamp: ton. „'•"*••' It is reported that twenty'five year* ago the population of 8outhold village The store of Meyer Brothers of Sag waa 1,221. It it UDW about 1,200. Harbor was entered one night last week, and a quantity of clothing Wm. Chalmers & Co. of Huntingstolen. • ton, commission merchants, have inIn one day last week thirty three corporated with a capital of $10,000. ear loads of potatoea were shipped from the east end of the Island to the Chat. Thome of Mauhanset Manor, New York markets. Shelter Island, is erecting a large The Quantuok Water Works Com ioy baa purchased from Robert P. rifting, aa referee, 40 acres on Old Country road at Quogue.


Mrs. Ellen L. Bund rick of Deer Park, has sold her 65 acre farm, to* gether 70_acres of timber land, to Randolph F. Soper. — During the thunder storm last week the house of Rev. Dr. John F. Nicoli of Sag Harbor, was struck and burned with its contents.

MRS. F. STINER, Fashionable Dressmaker

BALDWIN. Mies Mabel Southard is sojourning at Lake Mobonk

A t NOME 01 OUT. Formerly at Altaian'*, IS. Y. HEHPSTEAB Tred. Smith has been appointed 189 Washington tt. deputy warden at tbe County jail. Mies Ethel Golder is entertaining Miss Florence Ramaden of Brooklyn. .I

"Sterling Pianos



A number of young people enjoyed Fine road horse sound gentle, per* fectly safe and freedI river, afraid a straw ride to Long Beach Saturday of nothing. Price $300 evening. Canopy top Surrey, rubber tires, fine condition f 160 Contractor Charlea P. Cook is Rubber tired * Runabout in good condition $ 60 erecting a cottage for Mrs. H. May Two sets Rarneaa. kels on Bayview avenue.

DeMott & Cramer, A cottage is being erected for J. H. Johnson on Grove street; and oue for 348 Fulton A v e . , Hempstead, N. Y. William Ilsemann on Mtlburn avenue. Wheeler Glover is making extensive improvements to bis recently purchased property on the Merrick Road.

American Coal Co. KKKPS THS

Best Grade of Coal

Are p o s i t i v e l y t h e b e s t p i a n o s m a d e for t h e m o n e y , a n d since C h a r l e s A . S t e r l i n g f o u n d e d t h e S t e r l i n g busin e s s , o v e r 4 5 y e a r s a g o , n o p i a n o h a s been m a d e t h a t c a n s t a n d t h e severe c l i m a t e of L o n g I s l a n d e q u a l t o a " S t e r l i n g . " I t i s n o t high-priced, b u t w i t h i n t h e p u r s e l i m i t s o f t h o s e of m o d e r a t e m e a n s . W e a r e t h e l a r g e s t m a n u facturers o f s t r i c t l y h i g h - g r a d e p i a n o s i n t h i s c o u n t r y . W h e n y o u b u y f r o m u s y o u p a y a fair profit a b o v e t h e actual cost t o manufacture, but n o more. P i a n o s of the s a m e grade are sold in other stores a t $ 5 0 t o $ 1 0 0 above o u r prices. • C• W e h a v e o t h e r j s i a n o s fully g u a r a n t e e d , a t tnv. f o l l o w i n g prices: $X60, $175, $190, $200, $225, $250, $275 a n d $300. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Book of Information on Pianos, alio our bargain list of little used and second-hand pianos. Old pianos and organs taken in exchange as part payment for new ones. If TOO do not wish to pay cash, you can take advantage of onr monthly ayment plan, which is fair and liberal. We do not charge interest, nor o we take a note or mortgage. You simply agree to pay a stated amount each month.

Mrs. George Clark has returned to her home in Brooklyn, after having spent the Summer with Mrs. Charles W a s M a n t i e ». JVtlwS) P o r t l a n d C e m e n t , Buckley. S e w e r t>Ia»e. Plue Lining John Farrow, for many years en- Poats>, No. 1 B r i c k , building for the raising of mushroom?. gineer at the local water works, has Manufacturers STERLING, BUILDING Six Immense Floors P a i n t e r s ' S u p p l i e s , J1 been tra inferred to the Ridge wood and Hardware 518-520 PULTON STREET, cor. of Hanovr Place. BROOKLYN, N. Y. * A number of horses at Riverhtad pumping station. OPKN tATDMDAV BVKN1NCS 72 Columbia St., Hempstead have been killed during the pait ml Telephone 171-R-2. tf two weeke, because of an infection of LYNBROOK. glanders. ROBT. SEABUlSY TELEPHONE CALL, 94 W 1 HBMPfTBAD REBECCA A. SPRICK, ALBERT H. SEABURY Contractors have tbe new house for Stewart Wallace of Brooklyn, while Voice Culture, Singing, Piano, German LAW OFFICE. at Sayville one day last week, had hi? O. J. Smith, on Union Place enclosed. Cor. Main sad Fulton 3treet«, Hempstead 2 Hempstead Avenue, Hempstead. arm badly Crushed In the chain and A. H. Seabury will be at Hempstead on SaturMrs. Lillie Watts of tbe Bronx, has SANITARY cogs of hia auto. PLUMBING o'clock. days from a to 5 P. M. and evenings, 5 to 6 Tuesdaya and Fridays at been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. West"The Garfield" 888-840.W 66th St.. N. Y. City. Ranges and Heaters erfield. The 21st annual meeting of the riAXSON & JONES, COOK S T O V E S Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen's Over $1000 dollars will be cleared Mme. A. C. 0AKF0RD, Association will be held in Bridge Attorneys and Counsellors at Law from tbe fair held for the benefit of tbe bampton, October 10th. »S3 BROADWAY building fund of the new R. C. Cburcb. Fashionable Dressmaking mm




The Sterling Piano Co.

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M. Kelly & Son

High Grade Blue Rams. Stoves


Recently, while Mrs. Addie Hapner (B. Of Hanhattan) New York City. of Patchogue, was carrying a boiler $2.50 and $3.50, Edward Johanknecht of Patchogue Hempstead Office, 45 Terrace Ave. AND TAILOR WORK. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gray have filled with hot water, she fell and bad JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. has purchased a tract of land in VirW. R. JOKES had as their gueat for several weeks, H. L. M A A S I I N . ly scalded her back and right arm. ginia one mile square, and will en their daughter Miss Annie Gray ot 35 Plain Street, HEMPSTEAD, L. I. 94 Main St., Hempstead. L. I. LAW OFFICES gage in stock raising. Philadelphia. The Udall villa, at Babylon, ocKELLOGG, PARSONS & GRIFFITHS cupied by John S. Standt, a wealthy Nassau Building. Thotnaa D. Curiale of this village The trustees of Patchogue will hold New Yorker, was entered by burglars Main and Front Streets last week, and looted of a quantity of a public meeting on October 4th, to and Miss Adeline R >tondo were Hempstead. N. Y. give the people a chance to discuss the married last week at the 14th street Telephone Connection silverware. Frederick H. Kellogg question of village owning its own Church, New York City. Theophilus Parcons IF YOtJ WANT GOOD HORSES _ H Wlllard Griffiths Silas Tuthill, a well known Long water. AND CARRIAGES, POLITE AND | » Mies Aogeline Mauric and Michael Islander, died recently at the resiCAREFUL DRIVERS, CALL AT Jtuie M., a valuable trotter owned Sorentine of Rockville Centre, were J. 5 E Y H 0 U R S N E D E K E R dence of his daughter at Weathampton by John Whitney of Riverbead was married laet week at the home of Loni. Upholstering in all its branches Beach, in his 94th year, from pneukilled by lightning, during last week's ga Curisale, Rev. Father Qualey of promptly attended ,to. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law • null.. IM in storm. The mare was entered in sev Rockville Ceutre officiating. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office, Corner (lain and Fulton Streets, Many residents Qf Jslip have en- eral of the fair events. HEnPSTEAD, N. Y. hours from 9 A. M, to 6 P. M. tered Complaint?, to the effect that Independence League Delegates. Mattresses Made Over NotaryOffice Public—Will go to private houses on call. the gas furnished is far below the An auto owned by Jas. L. Breeze The follewing delegates aud alter standard. The Company has been of Southampton, valued at $10,000, Carpets sewed-and laid. 75-79 Main St„ Hempstead. while going at a 40-mile gate, smashed nates were named by tbe Inde called on to "make good. * Expert curtain hanger, and against a telegraph pole at Westbury, pendence League in Nassau County to slip cover cutting. HORSE8 BOARDED BY DAY, tbe Hearst State Convention ; John B. W. Benjamin of Baiting took fire, and was consumed. WEEK, MONTH OR SEASON. eiTy PKieas. From the town of Hempstead : DelSPECIAL RATES FOR SEASON. Hollow died^suddenly last~weea\ He" egates, George Wallace, of Freeport; HORSES CLIPPED PROMPTLY. JBJMLP_irJP*J!*g8 tqgo to the firemen's A tract of 100 acres near Warden- James M. Seaman, of Wantagh; (Jhaa, Ckursh and Train Calls Given Prompt tournament, wTJenhe suddenly lell eljffe, baa been purchased by the Rev. Miller, of Baldwin; John Pitz, of Lyn Attention. 1 * U n i o n P l a c e , over and expired. Horace G Miller of Manhattan for a brook; Frank G. Holly, of Hewlett; Telephone 34 Hempstead. Francis Brill,-of Hempstead; Robert HEMPSTEAD, N. colony of negro families, who will cul K. Neill, of Hempstead. Alternates, The Southold fire companies have tivate it after the manner of the ex- Charles C Moore, of Freeport; Chas. Work and orders can be left with M. J. UILDEKSLKEVE. cor. Main andCenAllen, of Bellmore; Joseph Pbilstrom, each received substantial checks from perimental Farm at Wading River. tre8ta.,andfctiMl8S SEAMAN'S, Greenof Baldwin; Robert V. Dibble, of ValGoldsmith & Tuthill, in recognition of wich Street. ley Stream; William Darmstadt, of valued services at • the recent fire at Our wagon calls for and dsllvors Greenport entertained a large crowd Hewlett; George Hague, of Hempwork In all parts of the villa?*. their lumber yards. on Tournament Day, in* spite of the stead; Henry Agnew, of Hempstead. N. Y. AN. J. Telephone, 187 L 1„ Hempstead^ rtO^ From the Town of North Hemprain. The events were won by the stead : Delegates, Allan M. Stoddart, The L. I. Guarantee Company of following :—Juvenile, H.