Ideas for addressing the what, why, and how of ...

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what Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison might have felt after failing hundreds of times in their quest to invent the telephone or lightbulb. What did Jane ...
By Donna Farland-Smith and William McComas


eachers have the important responsibility for providing students with accurate and engaging science content while also helping students establish authentic views of scientists. The National Science Education Standards suggest that science as a human endeavor should be taught as early as the elementary grades, “in order to provide a foundation for the development of sophisticated ideas related to the history and nature of science that will be developed in later years” (NRC 1996, p. 141). These recommendations include developing the understandings that men and women have made countless contributions to science and technology throughout time and that many people choose science as a career, derive pleasure from doing science, and devote their lives to studying it. These standards were developed with a clear goal of humanizing science and portraying it as an interesting and exciting career goal. As Roach and Wandersee (1993) state, the human dimension of science must take its place in the classroom alongside traditional science content and must be systematically and deliberately taught to young children. Though there are numerous curriculum materials to assist in the teaching of science content, we’ve found that methods and materials to teach science as a human endeavor are practically nonexistent. With that lack in mind, we offer these suggestions and strategies, which begin with first assessing students’ range of impressions of science as a human endeavor and follow with the use of several teaching strategies that can help you enhance and broaden students’ understandings of scientists.

48  Science and Children

Ideas for addressing the what, why, and how of students’ perceptions of scientists Assess With E-DAST With any goal for science instruction—including the human element—it is important to assess students’ knowledge of that concept. For many years, versions of the Draw-A-Scientist Test (DAST) have been used to assess students’ views of scientists (Barman 1996, 1997, 1999; Chambers 1983; Finson, Beaver, and Cramond 1995, and Mason, Kahle, and Gardner 1991). In its most basic form, students are asked to draw a scientist with inferences made by teachers and researchers from that illustration. We have identified two shortcomings of the traditional DAST: (1) students are asked to draw only one image, and that may not be reflective of the range of views they possess; and (2) the general lack of an interpretive rubric fails to provide a consistent examination of student drawings. With this in mind, we developed a modification of the classic DAST known as E-DAST, or Enhanced Draw-A-Scientist Test (Figure 1), and using it can greatly enhance the information you can derive from your students’ pictures. With E-DAST, students are asked to construct multiple drawings of scientists, which helps teachers identify a wider range of what students really know about scientists. Most of us, if asked to draw only one image of a scientist (or anything else for that matter), are likely to draw a stereotypical image to get the point across even though we may understand the limitations of that single drawing.

Through E-DAST, if a student draws Figure 2. scientists of differing ethnicities and genders doing work in a variety of settings, it is reasonable to assume that they have Student drawings. a sufficiently robust view of who can be a C A B scientist and in what typical settings. On the other hand, if a student draws essentially the same image three times, there is reason to believe that it is the only view they possess. We found that 76% of the time, a students’ first (and typically only) drawing is not their only perception of a scientist (Farland and McComas 2007). Let’s see how this works in practice by evaluating a sample set of drawings from an 11-year-old female student (Figure 2). The first drawing of the set (Figure 2a) is a stereotypical drawing of a male scientist working with test tubes, etc. Figures 2b and 2c indicate that the student has additional impressions of scientists. For example, Figure 2c indicates that this student recognizes that ANSWER KEY: Using the DAST rubric to evaluate the drawings: females can be scientists. Figure 2 also can be used to demonstrate APPEARANCE: 2,1,3; LOCATION: 2, 1, 2 and ACTIVITY: 2, 1, 2. how to evaluate issues of appearance, location, setting of secrecy, scariness, or horror, often with elaborate and activity by using the DAST Rubric (Figure 3, p. 34, equipment not normally found in a laboratory) for its Farland 2003). Using the answer key, Figure 2a scores a inclusion of lightning bolts. If we had only examined “2” in appearance and location because of the traditional the first picture (Figure 2a), we would not know that this elements of a white male in a lab. Figure 2b scores a “1” student harbored some sort of sensationalized association for a sensationalized location (meaning the drawing regarding the location of scientists. contains a location that resembles a basement, cave, or Even without the use of the rubric, however, it is clear that the student who drew the images in Figure 2 did not Figure 1. make the same drawing each time, validating the use of the strategy of having students make multiple illustrations E-DAST instructions. before concluding how much a given individual knows 1. Give students a piece of legal-sized white paper and ask them about the nature of scientists. to fold it into three equal parts widthwise (like folding a sheet of paper to insert in an envelope); 2. Instruct students to place the paper with only one-third of the paper showing. (Note, it is important that students do not know in advance that they will be asked to make multiple drawings.); 3. Read the following directions to students: Imagine that tomorrow you are going on a trip (anywhere) to visit a scientist in a place where the scientist is working right now. Draw the scientist busy with the work this scientist does. Add a caption that tells what this scientist might be saying to you about the work you are watching the scientist do. Instruct students to draw a picture of a scientist on the one-third of the paper available to them; 4. Monitor the class to ensure students draw in only one section of the paper and are working independently; 5. When the students are finished, instruct them to unfold the paper and draw two more scientists on same side of the paper as the first using the directions previously described.

Follow With Explicit Instruction Once a teacher has accessed children’s prior knowledge about scientists (E-DAST) and assessed students’ perceptions (DAST Rubric), he or she can transition to the next step, intentional or explicit teaching of science as a human endeavor. Consider using the strategies suggested below to help you teach the human dimension of science: Expose children to the different fields of science, and refer to the scientists of each specialty. For example, if your students are studying insects, discuss entomologists, and share videos of entomologists at work. If studying about rocks, share images of geologist at work, and refer to the children as geologists during their rock investigations. In this way, students will both gain a better idea of what these scientists do, and also begin to think of themselves as scientists.

Summer 2009  49

Incorporate questions that require students to think about science as a human endeavor. For example, to get students thinking about the role that men and women have played in the history of science and technology in an Earth science unit, you might ask questions like, What did scientists used to think about the Earth? What evidence did scientists collect for them to believe otherwise? In addition, ask questions that challenge students to consider the ongoing nature of science (i.e., Is science finished? Will it ever be?). Although men and women have learned much about the objects, events, and phenomena in nature, call students’ attention to the fact that much remains to be understood. Applying this notion to an Earth

science study, you might ask students, “What are some questions geologists are studying or wondering today? What else do we need to understand about the Earth’s crust?” (for example, the ability to predict earthquakes) Also, ask questions that challenge students to think about scientists as a group. Are there any common characteristics among scientists? If so, what are they? (Since scientists are people who ask questions and wonder about the world around them, they are curious people. They also use various scientific methods and creative ways as a means of answering their questions.) Do those who study science enjoy it? Do they display a passion for the nature of science? For example, after a field trip with a scientist, ask students, “Does it sound like

Figure 3.

The DAST rubric.

Award points for each category by circling the appropriate number. Attribute

Can’t Be Categorized




Examples • No Scientist • Historical Figure • Reflects teacher or student

Male or female who resembles a monster, or who has clearly geeky appearance (example: crazy hair, odd appearance, cape).

Female, person of difStandard-looking ferent ethnicity, or two white male or standard-looking scientist or more scientists. unable to determine gender. This scientist clearly lacks any references that are bizarre (Example: humpback).

Difficult to discern Score LOCATION

0 Difficult to discern

Score ACTIVITY (with support from caption)

0 Difficult to discern


50  Science and Children


1 Resembles a basement, cave, or setting of secrecy and/or horror. Often elaborate, with equipment not normally found in a laboratory (example: bubbling beakers).

2 Traditional lab setting-a table with equipment in a normal-looking room (Example: beakers without bubbles).

Broader Than Traditional

3 Anywhere other than a traditional lab setting.




The scientist’s work is either magical or destructive, or embellishes the drawing with a storyline that is about spying, stealing, killing, or scaring. Often science done unrealistically under hazardous conditions (example: destructive, toxic potions, or explosives).

“The scientist is studying or is trying to…” but the caption does not show how the scientist is studying or researching. Student sees the scientist involved in work miraculous in nature (naïve on the part of the student), not destructive.

“The scientist is studying…” and the caption or drawing shows HOW the scientist is doing this. Indicates that the student is portraying the type of work that a scientist might actually do with the tools needed.




Teaching the Human Dimension of Science they enjoyed what they do?” Or after showing students pictures of scientists, ask if that particular job looks like fun, giving students the opportunity to identify with scientists in a positive way.

University in Mansfield, Ohio. William McComas is the Parks Family Endowed Professor of Science Education at the University of Arkansas, in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Use biographies to help students identify with the human struggles of doing science. Have students consider what Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison might have felt after failing hundreds of times in their quest to invent the telephone or lightbulb. What did Jane Goodall think when she was hired as a waitress to get enough money to go to college? Biographies reveal many personal struggles and can humanize a scientist. Effective science biographies feature the following characteristics: (a) contain a simplified version of a story; (b) demonstrate a nonstereotypical appearance of a scientist, (c) contain accurate information; (d) are age-appropriate; (e) focus on the processes of science (i.e., struggles and perseverance) in contrast to the ideas of science as miraculous events; and (f) have colorful illustrations and may be enjoyed repeatedly (Farland 2006).

Barman, C.R. 1996. How do students really view science and scientists? Science and Children 34 (1): 30–33. _____. 1997. Students’ views of scientists and science: Results from a national study. Science and Children 35 (1): 18–23. _____. 1999. Completing the study: High school students’ views of scientists and science. Science and Children 36 (7): 16–21. Chambers, D.W. 1983. Stereotypic images of the scientist: The draw-a-scientist test. Science Education 67 (2): 255–65. Farland, D. 2003. Modified draw-a-scientist test. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of Massachusetts, Lowell. _____. 2006. Trade books and the human endeavor of science. Science and Children 44 (3): 35–37. Farland, D., and W.F. McComas. 2007. The Enhanced Draw-A-Scientist-Test: A more valid, efficient, reliable and complete method of identifying students’ perceptions of scientists. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching Conference, New Orleans, LA. Finson, K.D., J.B. Beaver, and B.L. Cramond. 1995. Development and field test of a checklist for the draw-a-scientist test. School Science and Mathematics 95 (4): 195–205. Flick, L. 1990. Scientist in residence program: Improving children’s images of science and scientists. School Science Mathematics 90 (3): 204–14. Mason, C.L., J.B. Kahle, and A.L. Gardner. 1991. Draw-ascientist test: Future implications. School Science and Mathematics 91 (5): 193–98. National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Roach, L.E., and J.H. Wandersee. 1993. Short story science: Using historical vignettes as a teaching tool. The Science Teacher 60 (6): 18–21.

Invite a scientist to class. Researchers have suggested that a classroom visit from a scientist—particularly those who represent the range and diversity of those engaged in the scientific enterprise—would give students a firsthand opportunity to get to know the person, building their understanding of science as a human endeavor (Flick 1990). Make sure the scientist can talk to young children in an age-appropriate way. Through questioning, help the scientist share his or her passion and love for science, which can encourage young children begin to identify with the scientist. A good strategy to use to foster this kind of appreciation is to focus questions on the same three areas as the rubric (What do you wear to work? Where do you work? What kinds of things do you do?).

Conclusions and Implications Use of the E-DAST will enable teachers to evaluate students’ perceptions both in depth (by having them draw multiple scientists) and in complexity (by using the rubric to examine appearance, location, and activity of the scientist illustrated). This knowledge will assist educators in sampling examining preconceptions, for use in pre- and postinstruction measures of teaching effectiveness and, of course, in inspiring evidence-based conversations with students about their conceptions and how valid those perceptions are. Pointing out scientists on field trips and in media will generate discussion among even the youngest future scientists. To reinforce teaching the nature of science, remind students that they are all scientists. n Donna Farland-Smith ([email protected]) is an assistant professor of science education at The Ohio State


Connecting to the Standards This article relates to the following National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996):

Content Standards Grades K–8 Standard G: The History and Nature of Science •Science as a human endeavor National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Summer 2009  51