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IEEE COMPER SOCIETY. The Computer Society is an association of people with professional interest in the field ofcomputers. All members of the IEEE areĀ ...
IEEE COMPER SOCIETY The Computer Society is an association of people with professional interest in the field of computers. All members of the IEEE are eligible for membership in the Society upon payment of the annual Society membership fee of $8.00. Members of certain professional societies and other computer professionals are also eligible to be members of the Computer Society. For information on joining write to IEEE Computer Society, P.O. Box 639, Silver Spring, MD 20901.

T. FENG, President 4425 Hardwoods Dr. West Bloomfield, MI 48033

E. A. PARRISH, JR. First Vice President Software and Applications TIC University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22901

Officers M. C. MULDER Second Vice President Conferences and Meetings Bonneville Power Admin. P.O. Box 3621 EMRB Portland, OR 97208 Goveming Board

0. N. GARCIA, Secretary Comput. Sci. Prog., EES Dep. (LIB. 630) University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620

M. E. SLOAN, Treasurer Dep. Elec. Eng. Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI 49931

Term Ending December 31, 1980 M. E. SLOAN L. D. AMDAHL E. D. JENSEN K. R. ANDERSON G. J. LIPOVSKI H. S. STONE R. E. TREISEN 0. N. GARCIA S. E. MADNICK R. L. Russo Executive Secretary Junior Past President H. HAYMAN N. R. KORNFIELD R. E. MERWIN C. V. RAMAMOORTHY M. G. SMITH Box 639 Vice President Vice President Vice President IBM T. J. Watson Res. Cen. Silver Spring, MD 20901 Chapter Activities Systems Technology TIC Publications Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Technical Committee Chairmen IEEE Division V Director Standing Committee Chairmen Computer Architecture, Admissions and Advancement, COMPSAC, S. S. YAU R. E. MERWIN D. E. ATKINS, III COMPSAC 1979, W. B. SMITH E. A. PARRISH, JR. Computer Communications, Computer Standards, Awards, R. RICE Representatives to Other K. J. THURBER R. G. STEWART Chapter Activities, Organizations C. V. RAMAMOORTHY Computer Elements, Conferences and Meetings, AFIPS Directors, T. FENG, P. VERHOFSTADT M. C. MULDER Area Committees M. G. SMITH, S. S. YAU Computer Packaging, A. D. CLOSE Constitution and Bylaws, Mideastern, C. B. HENSLEY AFIPS Executive Committee, R. E. THEISEN Data Base Engineering, S. MADNICK Midwestern, W. HUEN M. G. SMITH Design Automation, P. LOSLEBEN Education, D. RINE Northeastern, R. MATTESON Annual Simulation Symposium, Ohio Valley, R. HOELZEMAN Distributed Processing, C. VICK Fellows, S. LEVINE 0. N. GARCIA Fault-Tolerant Computing, Finance, M. E. SLOAN Southeastern, D. W. CARROLL IEEE Council on Ocean Engineering, J. F. MEYER Intersociety, M. G. SMITH Southwestern, W. K. KING G. N. WILLIAMS, Machine Intelligence and Pattern Membership and Transfers, Western, R. N. NILSEN D. H. STOMBERG Analysis, H. FREEMAN R. E. THEISEN Eastern Hemisphere and Latin IEEE Liaison with Information Mass Storage, I. TJOMSLAND Nominations, M. G. SMITH America, R. C. BARQUIN Theory Group, R. E. MILLER Mathematical Foundations of Publications, R. E. MERWIN Chapter Development, Computing, R. V. BOOK R. E. THEISEN Student and Faculty Relations, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Council, R. A. HENLE, F. K. BUELOW Microprogramming, S. HussoN 0. N. GARCIA Distinguished Visitors Program, Institute for Certification of E. REINGOLD MinilMicrocomputers, P. L. HAZAN Computer Professionals, Ocean Engineering, D. H. STOMBERG Newsletter, L. MAXSON J. N. SNYDER, D. JACOBSOHN Student Activities Program, Operating Systems, H. APEELBAUM National Computer Conference 0. N. GARCIA Security and Privacy, G. DAVIDA Board, D. B. SIMMONS Tutorial Program, D. PESSEL Simulation, N. SCHNIEDEWIND COMPCON Software Engineering, D. W. FIFE Test Technology, K. R. ANDERSON Spring, S. FERNBACH TIC-Software and Applications, Spring 1979, D. BROWN E. A. PARRISH, JR. Fall, D. HARTMANN Fall 1979, P. ISAACSON TIC-Systems Technology, N. KORNFIELD Tutorial Programs, W. LucIw THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC. Officers JEROME J. SURAN, President C. LESTER HOGAN, Vice President, Technical Activities LEO YOUNG, Executive Vice President BENJAMIN J. LEON, Vice President, Educational Activities DONALD S. BRERETON, Secretary-Treasurer ROBERT W. LUCKY, Vice President, Publication Activities PAUL F. CARROLL, Vice President, Regional Activities BRUNO 0. WEINSCHEL, Vice President, Professional Activities RICHARD E. MERWIN, Division V Director Headquarters Staff ERIC HERZ, Executive Director and General Manager RICHARD M. EMBERSON. Executire Consultant ELWOOD K. GANNETT, Staff Director, Publishing Services ROBERT K. ASDAL, Staff Director, Field Services NEIL D. PUNDIT, Staff Director, Technical Activities THOMAS W. BARTLErr, Controller CHARLES F. STEWART, JR., Staff Director, Administration Services DONALD CHiRISTIANSEN, Editor of Spectrum JOHN F. WILHELM, Staff Director, Educational Services IVAN G. EASTON, Staff Director, Standards LEo FANNING, Acting Staff Director, Professional Activities Publications Department H. JAMES CARTER, Associate Staff Director Production Managers: ANN H. BURGMEYER, CAROLYNE ELENOWITZ*, GAIL S. FERENC, ISABEL NAREA Supervisor, Special Publications: JOSEPH MORSICATO Associate Editors: PRuONO HARDJowiRoGo, PATRICLA H. NOLAN, KALLIE ZAPITI * Responsiblefor this Transactions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS is published monthly by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 345 East 47 Street, New York, NY 10017. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members: IEEE Service Center (for orders, subscriptions, address changes): 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Telephones: Headquarters 212-644 + extension: Information -7900, General Manager -7910, Controller -7748, Educational Services -7860, Publishing Services -7560, Regional/Section Services -7750, Standards -7960, Technical Services -7890. IEEE Service Center 201-981-0060, Washington Office/Professional Services 202-785-0017. NY Telecopier: 212-7524929. Telex: 236-411 (International messages only). Individual copies: IEEE members $5.00 (first copy only), nonmembers $10.00 per copy. Annual subscription price: IEEE members, dues plus Society fee. Price for nonmembers on request. Available in microfiche and microfilm. Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. Copyright law for private use of patrons: (1) those post-1977 articles that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center: (2) pre-1978 articles without fee. Instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. For other copying, reprint, or republication permission, write to Director, Publishing Services at IEEE Headquarters. All rights reserved. Copyright ( 1979 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Second-class postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Term Ending December 31, 1979 G. I. DAVIDA J. D. GRIMES R. RICE P. H. ENSLOW P. L. HAZAN J. N. SNYDER K. S. Fu R. T. YEH R. E. MERWIN C. V. RAMAMOORTHY