Indian Sorghum Landraces and Their Protection

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Feb 23, 2005 - Rajasthan. IS - 17976. 1890 Anthana. Rajasthan. Kota. IS - 4201. 1891 Arnipanth. Rajasthan. Chittorgarh. IS - 4128. 1892 Balagarh. Rajasthan.
1. Introduction Decline in global biodiversity threatens plant genetic diversity. Biotic diversity provides the raw materials we rely upon for food, fiber, medicine and industrial products. Plant Germplasm represents the inter- and intra-specific reservoir of potentially useful genetic material. This essential natural resource provides insurance against crop pests and environmental stresses that affect agricultural production. Decline in global biodiversity threaten plant diversity at the species level, and within species, at the genetic level. Complementary conservation strategies include the protection of wild species, plant populations and traditional crop varieties where they have evolved (in situ conservation) with the collection and preservation of inter- and intraspecific diversity in gene banks and botanical gardens (ex situ conservation). Ex situ genetic resource collections maintain germplasm in the form of seed or live plants, representing current, obsolete and primitive crop varieties, wild and weedy relatives of crop species, and wild species collected or donated from around the world. This material is conserved, but is also available to a broad scientific community for basic research and development into improved crop cultivars. The Green Revolution in the 1960's which resulted in the development and widespread acceptance of high yielding hybrids, was the initial impetus in shifting the focus of germplasm activities from "exploitation" to "conservation" in an effort to preserve traditional varieties and landraces from displacement. Information associated with germplasm accessions is as important as the actual plant material held in gene banks. Germplasm collection documentation facilitates involve not only the management but use of germplasm collections. To varying degrees, most genetic resource collections have developed and continue to improve databases that describe collection holdings. The question of Plant Variety Protection (PVP) or Plant Breeders' Rights (PBR) was brought into worldwide focus by the Agreement on Trade Related (aspects of) Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), which is a part of the General Agreement on Tariffs (GATT) establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995. UPOV (1991) Act of Plant Variety Protection (PVP) in the form of PVP Act, 2001 in India has come into force and it will have its impact on Indian agriculture. Therefore, many developing countries like India, also included PVP clause in their legislation considering their own strength in variety development, testing and commercial release. Obviously, in view of the requirements of Distinctness, Uniformity, and Stability (DUS) under UPOV to grant PVP certificates to new varieties, consideration has to be given to obsolete varieties no longer in trade. They are of common knowledge, even if they are known by incomplete and imprecise description in literature. In a new PVP-opting country, its extant varieties can thus initially serve as basic material to study DUS followed by establishing DUS in new crop varieties alongside the references developed from extant varieties. These extant varieties can serve as example varieties, for comparison for character states of particular characteristics, and for studying DUS of new crop varieties. In DUS testing, the principal test is that of distinctness, and detailed examination of diagnostic characteristics of crop varieties and their parental lines. Landraces or farmer varieties are the basic material for developing any variety or hybrid. Landraces are the varieties nurtured and cultivated by the farmers through traditional method of selection over the decades. Land races can be defined as follows: “An autochthonous landrace is a variety with a high capacity to tolerate biotic and abiotic stress, resulting in a high yield stability and an intermediate yield level under a low input agricultural system” (Zeven, 1998). “Landrace” means primitive cultivar that was grown by ancient farmers and their successors (Biodiversity Act. 2002). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 1 of 88

Through the genetic resources, one recognized contribution of sorghum improvement has been the establishment of a world sorghum collection. This collection is an outgrowth of an effort which began in 1959 to collect the sorghums and several of the millets in India, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The collection was obtained by request from different sorghum growing countries. The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) along with NARS partners was responsible for this collection, and the collecting programme continues to this day. The collection has grown from about 10,000 accessions in 1972 to 36,774 accessions in February 2004 as active collection, with base collection of 31,669 accessions. Among these 35,780 accessions are held in FAO trust. Among the total collection 22,473 accessions are classified as core collections; under these 2,247 accessions have been classified as core subset (10 % of total core collection of the world). From these collections 30 varieties have been directly released in different countries, and 372 accessions have been used in breeding material for release of varieties. From the total collections, about 83.2 % accessions are distributed to researchers of the world at least once, which encompass landraces (83 %), breeding lines (16 %) and wild races (1%). In fact, 12 accessions belonging to zera zera have been supplied to researchers for more than 99 times. Under ICAR-ICRISAT projects, 14,637 accessions have been repatriated from ICRISAT to NBPGR genebank. These are maintained at ICRISAT and at the long term storage facility of the USDA at Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, and a set of every country collection remains with individual country. The landraces collection at ICRISAT is depictrd in Fig. 1 and that at NRCS in Fig. 2. At ICRISAT, the maximum landraces collected are from Madhya Pradesh (523) and Maharastra (520) followed by Karnataka (266). The maximum state-wise new land race collections at NRCS are from Madhya Pradesh (39) followed by Maharastra (43) and Andhra Pradesh (16), Tamil Nadu (6), Rajesthan (5) and Uttar Pradesh (4). Landraces are the sources of diversity for further use in crop improvement programmes. Unless landraces are collected, and conserved and protected, we can not have legal right on these diverse lines. Hence, they need to register first with NBPGR and then protect them under Plant Variety Protection Act 2001, so that bio-piracy and extinction of these valuable resources, is prevented. It is the responsibility of all engaged in sorghum research to collect, conserve and protect them in a scheduled timeframe on mission mode basis.

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Fig. 1: Sorghum Land races Statewise collection available at ICRISAT (Total number of acc. 2294 - Source: ICRISAT Database) Andhra Pradesh, 179

West Bengal, 30

Assam, 2

Uttar Pradesh, 131

Bihar, 109

Tripura, 8

Delhi, 9

Tamil Nadu, 103

Gujarat, 109 Haryana, 2

Rajasthan, 100

Himachal Pradesh, 4 Jammu & Kashmir, 7

Punjab, 90 Orisa, 58

Karnataka, 266

Kerala, 7 Maharastra, 520

Madhya Pradesh, 523 Andhra Pradesh






Himachal Pradesh

Jammu & Kashmir



Madhya Pradesh





Tamil Nadu


Uttar Pradesh

West Bengal

Fig. 2: Sorghum Land races State-wise collections at NRCS Total number of accession - 130, Source: NRCS

Uttar Pradesh, 4 Tamil Nadu, 6

Andhra Pradesh, 16

Rajasthan, 5 Karnataka, 17

Maharastra, 43 Madhya Pradesh, 39 Andhra Pradesh


Madhya Pradesh



Tamil Nadu

Uttar Pradesh

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2. Sorghum genetic resources: origin and domestication Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is one of the most important cereals of the semi-arid tropics. It is the third important cereal crop in India after rice and wheat. India used to produce from 16.35 m ha in 1970’s. Now we produce about the same amount of 8.27 tonnes of sorghum grain from much reduced area of 9.2 m ha. During which period sorghum area has come down from 10.7 m ha to 4.9 m ha in kharif and from 6.8 m ha to 5.08 m ha in rabi. This was possible only through productive hybrids and varieties and improved production technologies developed by the Indian sorghum programme. In the last three decades, productivity has gone up by 84.0% in case of kharif sorghum, and 70% in rabi sorghums. This has enabled the country to spare 7.52 m ha land (in many cases fertile land with even supplementary irrigation facility) for the horizontal spread of commercial crops such as oil seeds, pulses, soybean and cotton and even maize in the recent years. India has the largest sorghum grower in the world (9.2 m ha) with the USA ranking second. In terms of production, the situation is reverse, India ranking seventh among the nine countries growing more than 1 m ha under sorghum. During the TE 2003, China topped in productivity with 3625 kg/ha. Sorghum productivity in India during the same period constitutes only 21% of productivity of China or 53% of the global productivity. The area under sorghum is declining in every continent except in Africa, and the global production and productivity are declining except in China, Burkino Faso and India. The increase in the productivity in China (45%) compared with that of India (8%) during TE 1981 to TE 2003 is a notable development. The yield gaps in India are higher due to varied soil, climatic conditions across the various zones it is being cultivated. Where as in china sorghum cultivation is under high management, where in Indian it is still a subsistance crop and evidently pushed to marginal lands with very little use of inputs. Traditionally, sorghum is used as whole meal flour and milled fractions. The whole meal flour has been used for making ‘rotis’ (bhakri), and gruel. To a limited extent, sorghums are also used for puffing and making some special dishes. Fortified foods a blended food product containing grain sorghum and quality protein sources such as soybean have been developed in countries like the USA, these have more relevance to India but they are yet to catch off. Sorghum malt is used as food in many parts of the world. The kafir beer of Africa is a traditional drink of Bantu people. Modern malting techniques used in the malting of barley have been successfully applied to grain sorghums. Sorghum is a multipurpose and bio-energy crop; the grain, stem and glumes are the useful parts. The grain is used as human food (bread, baby food, popped, parched, flakes); livestock feed for poultry, farm animals (rabbits, ducks and pigs); alcohol production (potable and industrial), fuel; malt (malt syrup, beer, beverages; glucose liquid/powder), and other industrial productions: starch, dextrin, dextrose, glue, liquid glucose, alcohols, plastics, textiles, paper board, ‘U’ – foam industries; stem is used in the production of syrup, jaggery, alcohols and sugar; baggase obtained as byproduct is used as fodder and in the manufacture of fuel, paper, particle and corrugated boards. Natural colour is extracted from glumes (Rana, 2000). Sorghum is considered as an industrial and high-energy crop with its diverse use in all values of human life. The sorghum alcohol, syrup, liquor, beer, malt plays important role for small industries. Making commercialization of sorghum lies in proper utilization of its diverse economic importance (Elangovan, 2005). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 4 of 88

Origin of sorghum

Sorghum is of African origin (Kimber 2003) and Africa has largest diversity of cultivated and wild sorghum (Doggett 1988; deWet and Harlan 1971; deWet 1977). In Indian Subcontinent, evidence for early cereal cultivation was discovered at an archaeological site in western parts of Rojdi (Saurashtra) dates back to about 4500 before present (Damania 2002) and considered to be secondary center of origin of sorghum (Vavilov 1992). proposed that centres of origin must contain great variation within a plant species and classified these Based on variations, Vavilov (1951) established eight centres of origin of agriculture. Vavilov indicated that Ethiopia was a centre of diversity; centre of origin for sorghum. Harlan (1971) expanded on Vavilov’s work and proposed that agriculture originated independently in three different areas and that, in each case, there was a centre of origin and several non-centres in which activities of domestication were dispersed over a spatial span of 5,000 to 10,000 kilometers. Harlan (1975a) argued that sorghum was an example of a non-centric crop. Its distribution of variation did not lend itself to a specific centre of diversity or a centre of origin. Sorghum was first described by Linnaeus under the name Holcus. In 1974, Moench distinguished the genus Sorghum from genus Holcus (Celarier 1959; Clayton 1961). Sorghum is classified under the family Poaceae, tribe Andropogoneae, subtribe Sorghinae, genus Sorghum Moench (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). Celarier (1959) further divided the genera into five subgenera: sorghum, chaetosorghum, heterosorghum, parasorghum, and stiposorghum. Variation within these five subgenera, except the subgenera Sorghum, has been described by Celarier (1959). The subgenera sorghum includes cultivated sorghums. Classification within these subgenera was further developed by deWet in 1978 and three species in the subgenera sorghum were recognized, viz., S. halepense, S. propinquum and S. bicolor. S. bicolor was further partitioned into three subspecies: S. bicolor subspecies Bicolor, S. bicolor subspecies. Drummondii, and S. bicolor subspecies Verticilliflorum (formally subspecies Arundinaceum). S. halepense and S. propinquum are wild and S. bicolor subspecies Drummondii and S. bicolor subspecies Verticilliflorum are annual weedy forms, while S. bicolor subspecies Bicolor are cultivated sorghums (Mann et al. 1983). Wild Sorghum

Southern Eurasia, east to India is the native of Sorghum halepense, a perennial plant with well developed, creeping rhizomes, and has been introduced as a weed to all warm temperate areas of the world (de Wet, 1978). Sorghum propinquum is another perennial with stout rhizomes and occurs primarily in Sri Lanka and southern India. It is also found between Burma eastward to the islands of southeastern Asia. S. bicolor has two wild subspecies associated with it, S. bicolor subsp. drummondii and S. bicolor subsp. verticilliflorum. Subspecies drummondii is an annual weed associated with both cultivated sorghums and their wild relatives. Subspecies drummondii occurs primarily in Africa and hybridizes with subspecies bicolor; all wild relatives to produce shattercane type weeds. The four main races of sorghum under S. bicolor subsp. verticilliflorum consist of verticilliflorum, arundinaceum, virgatum and aethiopicum (Doggett, 1988). According to de Wet (1978), the races are so closely related morphologically and ecologically that they do not deserve formal taxonomic status and are considered to be essentially well defined ecotypes. Subspecies aethiopicum is associated with the dry areas of West African savannas and extends from Mauritania to Western Ethiopia. It is characterized by small, short inflorescence with strongly divided, sub-erect --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 5 of 88

branches. Along the moist tropical forests of the Guinea coast and the Congo, the subspecies arundinaceum is found. It is characterized by large, open inflorescence, with flexible branches that are undivided at the base. Subspecies verticilliflorum is closely associated with arundinaceum and is a common grass found across most of the African savanna. The subspecies is characterized by spreading, divided branches and a large inflorescence. Also, the subspecies virgatum, having narrow inflorescence and sub-erect branches, is found along irrigation ditches and streambanks in central Sudan and extends along the Nile northward to Cairo (de Wet and Huckabay, 1967; de Wet and Harlan, 1971; de Wet, 1978; Doggett, 1988). The different sorghum earhead cmpactness and shapes are presented in Figure 3.

Very lax panicle (typical of wild sorghum) Very loose erect branches Very loose drooping branches Loose erect branches Loose drooping branches Semi-loose erect branches

1 2 3 4 5 6

Semi-loose drooping branches Semi-compact elliptic Compact elliptic Compact oval Half broom corn Broom corn

7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 3: Earhead compactness and shape (Source: ICRISAT) Domesticated and Cultivated Sorghums

The origin and early domestication of sorghum took place in northeastern Africa, north of the Equator and east of 10oE lat., approximately 5000 years ago (Mann et. al. (1983). New evidence, however, may place the origin at 8000 years before present (BP), 3000 years earlier than previously thought and 10-15o latitude further north than had been reported earlier, since --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 6 of 88

carbonized seeds of sorghum, with consistent radiocarbon dates of 8000 years BP, were excavated at an early Holocene archaeological site E-75-6, at Nabta Playa, near the Egyptian-Sudanese border (Wendorf The differences that the primitive domesticated sorghums must have exhibited from their wild counterparts may be in morphological and physiological characters such as awn robustness, glume size and rigidity, grain size and shape, number of fertile florets, photosynthetic rates, and hairiness of the panicle and glumes. The two most significant adaptive changes would have been the loss of wild-type dormancy and shattering. Food gatherers in the early part of agicultural evolution, acted as physical agents of dispersal, can be considered as part of the natural system in which wild sorghums would have developed. Thus civilized man,s first cereal crops must, therefore, have been sown from seeds gathered from wild stands, and the first cereal crops must have been essentially of the wild type (Hillman and Davies,1990). It was, therefore, in the course of cultivation that domestication occurred”. Here we begin to see the profound effect humans had on crop evolution in terms of their impact on both selection and dispersal. Sorghum bicolor subspecies bicolor contains all of the cultivated sorghums and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench is divided into five major races, bicolor, guinea, caudatum, kafir and durra and 10 intermediate races or all combinations of the basic races (Harlan and de Wet, 1972). It is to be noted that bicolor is the most primitive race and durra is the advanced race. Snowden (1936) suggested that the durra may have arisen from introgression in the wild aethiopicum. Harlan and Stemler et al., (1976) felt that durra sorghums were selected from early bicolor which had been carried to India before 3000 before present. The spikelet characteristics of five major races of cultivated sorghum are presented in Figure 4.






Fig. 4: Races of sorghum (Source: ICRISAT)

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3. Sorghum landraces and global diversity Early domestication of sorghum occurred in an area extending from near the Ethiopian border, west through Sudan and up to Lake Chad Harlan (1975). There is great diversity in this area as well as the presence of the primitive race bicolor (Harlan and de Wet, 1972). It is likely that this race arose from the domestication f the aethiopicum verticilliflorum complex some 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. The finding at Nabta Playa may cause some rethinking of dates; however, it is not clear if these 8,000 year old seeds were from plants that did not shatter grains, although altered chemical composition would indicate some selection. Bicolor sorghum has spread over much of the old sorghum growing world, being found in India. It is the likely progenitor of the kaoliongs of China (Mann, 1983). The race guinea arose from bicolor with the possibility of interaction with the wild race arundinaceum in the higher rainfall areas of West Africa. The guinea are now the dominant sorghum of West Africa but have spread and are found in Tanzania and Malawi. The guinea race arose more than 2,000 years ago. The race caudatum also likely arose from bicolor. Today, the caudatums are most abundant from east Nigeria to eastern Sudan and southward into Uganda. The race durra was selected from early bicolor that had moved into India some 3,000 years ago. With Arab migration the durras moved into Ethiopia around 615 A.D., and are today the dominant race in India, Ethiopia, the Nile Valley of Sudan and Egypt. Race kafir was probably derived from bicolor but there is also evidence of association with the wild race verticilliflorum. The kafirs are found primarily in eastern and southern Africa (Mann et. al., 1983). Sorghum found its way into the Americas after 1850. A survey of 300 randomly selected fields in Ethiopia in the North and South Welo regions examined factors maintaining crop genetic diversity at the field level, including the influence of farmers' selection criteria, variation in classifying sorghum plants, folk taxonomy, and farmers' storability knowledge. The owner of each field was asked why he/she planted different species and varieties of crops and relationships between crop genetic diversity and human and natural selection factors were quantified. This study demonstrates that for sorghum farmers' varieties in Ethiopia, diversity increases with altitude, field size, and farmers' selection criteria, and that both inter-and intra-specific crop diversity decrease with distance from the homestead. Thirty four sorghum landraces collected from five agroecological sites (ecosites) in North Shewa and South Welo regions of Ethiopia were classified. Morphological variation for the 14 qualitative characters that showed two or more phenotypic classes were estimated using the Shanon-Weaver diversity index (H '). The value of H' for all landraces varied from 0.32 to 0.98 with an overall mean of 0.77 + 0.04. Panicle compactness and shape as well as stalk juiciness were the predominant characters in grouping the landraces into their respective clusters. Panicle compactness and shape also contributed relatively more to altitudinal and ecological differentiation. This differential distribution of landraces with panicle types with respect to compactness and shape revealed the adaptive significance of panicle compactness and shape that reflected the patterns of distribution of different races in north Shewa and south Welo. χ2 test of all characters did not show significant differences between the frequencies of observed and expected characters (Abdi et al., 2002) Fourteen phenotypic characters were chosen for the purpose of obtaining taxonomic evidence on the resemblances of 177 accessions of sorghum from North Shewa and South Welo regions of Ethiopia. Sorghum landraces represented by 44 accessions. Multivariate analyses grouped the 177 accessions into three clusters linked by a few phenotypic intermediate landraces. A botanical key was established for easy classification of the sorghum crop plants grown in the study area. The number of accessions of the five most common landraces named by the farmers formed dissimilar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 8 of 88

groups, suggesting that farmers‘naming of these Sorghum landraces are consistent. Midrib color, grain color, grain size, glume color, glume hairiness, and grain shape were the leading morphological characters used by the farmers in naming these Sorghum landraces (Teshome et al., 1997) Twenty-eight Eritrean sorghum landraces were characterized to compare this diversity to representative samples of the world sorghum collection. Pools of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were sized and scored on automated DNA-sizing gels. An exceptionally high level of diversity was observed among the 28 Eritrean landraces. Individual landraces were found to carry a high level of within-population diversity and heterozygosity, and between-population diversity was equally high. Eight of the Eritrean landraces grouped with other sorghums in the world collection, particularly those from Ethiopia/Sudan and India or of the durra and caudatum races, but most Eritrean sorghums clustered in a separate subgroup. These results indicate that a great deal of germplasm diversity and genetic novelty are available in Eritrean sorghums, and that SSR markers can contribute to the wise use of this diversity for sorghum study and improvement (Ghebru et al., 2002) Chinese sorghum landraces (Kaoliang) have played an important role in the development of Rlines while foreign germplasm have played an essential role in the development of A-lines. Because cytoplasmic male-sterility has not been certainly found in Chinese sorghum, cytoplasmic and nuclear genetic backgrounds of A-lines will continue to depend on foreign sorghum types in the future. Genetic diversification including cytoplasmic diversification has to be a priority in future hybrid breeding and production (Yu Li and Cuizhen Li., 1998) The study on assessing the phenotypic diversity and compared pattern of distribution among Sudanese sorghum landraces collected from different geographical regions reveals that phenotypic diversity among landraces was high, as expressed by the large range of variation for mean quantitative traits and the high (0.81) Collections from Kassala showed a higher frequency of landraces with kernels that were more difficult to thresh. Landraces from Blue Nile tended to have greater agronomic eliteness with higher proportion of landraces with white kernels, poorly covered and that were easy to thresh. Sorghums from the Upper Nile tended to have loose panicles with poorly covered kernels that may result from adaptation to high rainfall of the Southern region (Grenier et al., 2004) Field survey data of sorghum landrace populations grown by traditional farmers in four adjacent communities in the Ethiopian highlands are used to analyze and project the local risk of loss of individual landraces under three scenarios: wild population, traditional farming and agricultural modernization. The risk of loss in the wild population scenario is based on landscape ecology theory which evaluates total population size, spatial distribution and patch occupancy, with high values for each factor and the sum of the factors decreasing the risk. This wild population analysis forms the basis for comparison with the other scenarios. In the traditional farming scenario, the deliberate actions of farmers must be taken into account through the recognition that the farmers favour various traits of the sorghum for specific reasons – yield, taste, storability, etc. – and will balance plant numbers according to quantity and quality requirements. In the agricultural modernization scenario, which includes the introduction of high-yield varieties and the tendency toward monocultures and agricultural chemical use, the traits of the landraces that are most likely to be displaced are hypothesized, as are those of the landraces that are likely to be retained on the basis of cultural or other factors (Tunstall et al., 2001). A sorghum collection (36,000 accessions) was earlier stratified into four clusters according to the photoperiod sensitivity. Then, considering the core collection strategy, three random sampling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 9 of 88

procedures were used to determine the specific accessions to be included in the core [i.e., a constant portion (Core C), a proportional (Core P), and a proportional to the logarithm (Core L)] of the photoperiod group size sampling strategy. Both the Core C and L were significantly different from the landrace collection with better representation of the smallest groups, such as landraces insensitive to photoperiod. Despite differences between the three core collections, estimates of global diversity through the Shannon-Weaver Diversity Indices were of the same magnitude as the landrace collection. When compared, the Core C and L were significantly different. Core L sampled better for the characters, the race, and the latitudinal classes that were related to the photoperiod-sensitive landraces. Thus, for establishing a core collection with the widest range of adaptation to photoperiod, use of a logarithmic sampling strategy, which identifies a broadly adapted set of genotypes is proposed (Grenier et al., 2001) Amsalu and Endashaw (1998) evaluated a total of 415 sorghum accessions for 15 quantitative characters and reported significant levels of variation within the regions of origin and within the adaptation zones. Panicle compactness and shape contributed relatively more to regional differentiation. The differential distribution of the different panicle types indicated the adaptive significance of panicle compactness and shape and at the same time reflecting the distribution patterns of different races of sorghum in Ethiopia. The plant height is an important character which varies due to environmental factors and also agronomic characters of primary interest in sorghum breeding. The similar results were also obtained by Amsalu and Endashaw (1999 and 2000) on morphological variation to group 415 sorghum accessions for 15 quantitative characters. Of the 5000 sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Monench) germplasm accessions assembled at ICRISAT Asia Center (IAC), over 4000 accessions from 11 major sorghum growing states in India were evaluated for morphological and agronomical characters. Diversity was more among states than within states. Variation among the seasons was also considerable. Days to flowering ranged from 42 to 129 days during postrainy and 33 to 180 days during the rainy season, indicating their day length sensitivity. Plant height ranged from 65 to 330 cm during postrainy and 75 to 655 cm during rainy season. Panicle length ranged from 5 cm to 52 cm and panicle width from 1 to 51 cm. Erect and compact panicles are more frequent although all possible panicle shapes and compactness were found. All the 5 basic and 10 intermediate sorghum races were found in India though durra or half-durra predominate. Racial diversity is maximal in the state of Andhra Pradesh followed by Maharashatra state. In the world collection a majority of the sources of resistance to shoot fly, stem borer, and striga are from India. Based on diversity for morphological and agronomical characters, India could be considered as the secondary center of diversity. Sorghum germplasm from India is useful for good quality large grain (Appa Rao et al., 1999). Multivariate methods, including principal component, cluster and discriminant analyses, were used to assess the patterns of morphological variation and to group 415 sorghum accessions for 15 quantitative characters. The first five principal components explained 79% of the total variation with plant height and days to 50% flowering being the most important characters in the first principal component (Amsalu and Endashaw, 1999). Twenty-two sorghum genotypes were evaluated for grain mould response, 13 morphological and biochemical traits thought to contribute to resistance, and 3 agronomic traits related to utilization. Harder grain, higher levels of seed phenols, and darker glumes contributed to grain mould resistance (Audilakshmi et al., 1999). As a landrace has a complex and indefinable, however, it is suggested that an autochthonous landrace is a variety with a high capacity to tolerate biotic and abiotic stress, resulting in a high yield stability and an intermediate yield level under a low input agricultural system (Zeven, 1998). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 10 of 88

Important steps in the modern day improvement of sorghum have been the diversification of the genetic base, improved hybridization, modification in plants so as to shorten their time to maturity, shorter stature than locals (better grain/straw ratio), control of insects, diseases and weeds, better response to drought, temperature and acidic soils, and improved grain and forage qualities. Several categories are maintained in the world collection: accessions from farmer’s landraces, wild types, sources of useful traits, and released or elite varieties and parents of hybrids. Concerned scientists in many countries have contributed their collection to the world collection and have facilitated collection in their country. Almost all sorghum breeding programmes have benefited from introductions from the collection, and from other breeders, in diversifying their germplasm base. The major proportion of varieties and hybrids released in India since 1960 involve introductions directly or from crosses with local varieties. The tremendous source of variability available in the world collection has made a significant contribution to the more than three fold increase in yield during the past 45 years, and has become one of the most environmentally friendly crops because of its in-build resistance traits.

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4. Sorghum genetic enhancement through landraces and improved genetic stocks Sorghum in India is grown in two seasons, namely rainy (kharif) and post-rainy (rabi) season in India. The requirements of varieties are different for two seasons. The emphasis is that the rainy season adapted varieties should be photosensitive, dwarf stature, and short duration to escape with infection by grain mold. On the other hand, varieties for the post-rainy season adaptation should be tall, high yielding with reasonable levels of terminal drought tolerance to sustain receding residual moisture. During the past four decades, remarkable progress has been made by diversifying the parental lines for yield (both grain and fodder), maturity, height, disease and insect resistance and quality improvement by utilization of indigenous and exotic germplasm. In India, the varietal improvement programme was initiated in 1930’s. The locals were tall, late maturing, flowering after the rainfall seized, generally photosensitive and characterized by localized adoption and low harvest index. Their response to improved management in terms of the increased yield was very poor. Most of the improved varieties were the result of pure line selection practiced in principal local varieties. Local x local hybridization followed by selection resulted in varieties with marginal increase in grain yield. Notable among these varieties developed during the early period and still under cultivation are the Co-series in Tamil Nadu; the PJ kharif and rabi selections, Saoner, Ramkel, Aispuri, the Maldandi, Guntur and Anakapalle series of Andhra Pradesh; the bilichigan, fulgar white, fulgar yellow, kauvi, Nandyal, hagari, yanigar varieties of the erstwhile Mysore state (Rao, 1972). With the discovery of workable cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterillity and initiation of the accelerated sorghum project (which later became as All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project) in 1962 hybrid breeding was given due emphasis. Initially, the germplasm from the USA (kafir milo cytoplasm and other germplsm) and hybrid combinations by making temperate x temperate crosses were tested. During 1962 – 1969, out of temperate x temperate and temperate x tropical crosses, three hybrids i.e. CSH 1, CSH 2 and CSH 3 were released. Introduction of CSH 1 in farmers’ fields during 1960’s resulted in quantum jump in productivity and production as the hybrid responded well to improved management practices as compared to old varieties. It became popular with farmers as it had high yield potential, suited to light soils and low rainfall areas. The second hybrid CSH 2, was based on the same male sterile, CK 60A as that of CSH 2and a new R line IS 3691, which was a yellow endosperm selection of Hegari from USA. Later on, a new male-sterile line, 2219 B was identified from germplasm line kafir shallu and a hybrid CSH 3, was developed by using 2219 A and IS 3691 (R line of CSH 2). CSH 2 and CSH 3 did not become popular due to inherent seed production problems. During next decade (1970-1979), three hybrids, CSH 4, CSH 5 and CSH 6 were released. Hybrid CSH 4, based on ms 1036 A had better fodder yield. The line of this hybrid, ms 1036 A was developed from a cross of CK 60B and PJ 8K (a local variety from Maharashtra) and the R line, being a selection from IS 3924. Though this hybrid was good for grain yield, the hybrid was not popular among the farmers as its grain quality was not better than CSH 1. In general, grain yield of improved cultivars was tripled by utilization of exotic breeding material in hybrid programme, however, these cultivars especially hybrids were not well received by the farmers because of the increased susceptibility of hybrids to major pests and diseases and inferior grain quality compared to locals. Keeping the above factors in mind, new male-sterile lines were developed with different genetic backgrounds. The ms lines and R lines were developed from derivatives of crosses between temperate x tropical crosses. The ms line of CSH 5, (2007B) was developed from IS 2046, a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 12 of 88

germplasm line from Senegal. The hybrid CSH 5, based on converted lines ms 2077A and CS 3541, contributed not only to substantial yield improvement but revolutionized sorghum seed industry. The hybrids were tolerant to mites and aphids also. This improvement was achieved by introduction of genes from tropical material IS 3541. An early maturing hybrid CSH 6 developed from early MS line 2219A and CS 3541 became very popular as hybrid suited for inter-cultivation with pigeon pea. Further increase in grain yield was achieved by development of hybrids like CSH 9, CSH 10 and CSH 11 based on new MS line 296 A during 1980-1989. Indian germplasm line karad local was crossed with American material IS 3922 to develop the MS line 296A, which was the best combiner. This MS line has a very compact panicle with more number of primary branches. CSH 9, a medium duration hybrid is widely adapted and extensively grown. The hybrids CSH 10 and CSH 11 developed from the same ms line, 296B, showed marginal superiority for grain yield. During 1990’s, most of the hybrids tested in all-India trials were based on 296A with various restorers but could not make any remarkable dent for grain yield over CSH 9. Though there was no significant grain yield improvement, useful diversification for early maturity and higher fodder yield has been earlier achieved with the release of CSH 13 and CSH 14. The fodder yield of CSH 13 is 40% more than that of CSH 9 although its grain yield is marginally improved. The R line of this hybrid, RS 29 that contributes to heterosis for fodder yield is developed from SC 108, an American elite line and SPV 126 (a tall mutant of CS 3541). Another, hybrid CSH 14 is about 10 days earlier than CSH 9 maintaining same level of grain yield. The need for diversification of female parent was felt in view of seed production problems and stagnating yield level. Another high yielding hybrid, CSH 16 was developed from new ms line 27A, and R line C 43. This hybrid showed further improvement in grain mould tolerance as the new genes from Ethiopian germplasm line IS 23549 were introduced into its R line. The R line has very compact panicle. In contrast to 296B, ms line 27A of this hybrid is long and loose panicle with bold and round seed likes that of post rainy season genotype that has consumer preference. 27B has been developed from multiple crosses using germplasm lines like IS 3687, IS 3922 and 2219B. Recently two hybrids CSH 17 and CSH 18 were released. Though, the yield levels are on par with CSH 16, these were diversified for early maturity and high fodder yield, respectively. By utilizing local variety Vidisha 60-1 at Indore centre, the ms line of CSH 18 (ms IMS 9A) was developed. The local variety, Vidisha 60-1 not only contributes for high stover yield but also for improved grain quality. The R line of this hybrid, Indore 12 is developed from multiple crosses of SSV 53 and SPV 475 germplasm lines. Whenever there was a change in male sterile line the yield benefit was obvious. Hence, there is a need for developing new male sterile lines having better combing ability in comparison to that of available ms lines. So far, several germplasm lines of different botanical races have been utilized in development of parental lines. The grain yield levels of rainy season hybrids have reached the plateau and there is a need to exploit unused germplasm and land races to diversify the genetic base. Simultaneously, varietal improvement was achieved by introducing temperate and tropical material. First variety, CSV 1 is a direct introduction of American line IS 3924. By crossing temperate and tropical germplasm, subsequent varieties CSV 2 and CSV 3 were developed. CSV 4, which was used as restorer of three most popular hybrids, CSH 5, CSH 6 and CSH 9, became a very popular variety. The variety is a converted line of an African germplasm line IS 3541, and developed by crossing it with a US germplasm line, IS 3675. CSV 5, another variety was developed from Indian local and US line IS 3687 has striga resistance. CSV 10, which became popular for high fodder value was developed from a cross between American elite variety SC 108 and Indian elite variety CS 3541. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 13 of 88

Another variety which became very popular, SPV 462, (from Coimbatore) was developed from multiple cross involving IS 2947 and IS 3687 from USA and IS 1151 and BP 53, locals of Maharashtra and Gujarat in India, respectively. The variety is high yielding for grain and fodder with good grain quality. CSV 13, yet another variety developed from multiple cross having exotic and local genetic base is high grain yielding with medium height. The latest variety, CSV 15 developed from SPV 462 and CSV 13, is dual purpose variety having grain yield equal to the of hybrid CSH 5 and fodder yield equal to CSH 10. Germplasm has been used for trait based breeding in rainy season sorghums especially for resistance to major diseases and pests. Though present day varieties and the restorer lines posses moderate level of resistance, the male sterile lines are highly susceptible. Genetic stocks such as IS 14387, IS 14374, and IS 25017 were extensively used for incorporation of grain mold resistance into male sterile lines. Recently, grain mold tolerant ms line 219 was developed by crossing AKMS 14B (ms line of hybrid CSH 14) with grain mould resistant line IS 14387. Similarly, many grain mould tolerant lines, GMRP and SR, were developed at Parbhani and Surat centers. Important resistant lines are GMRP 9, GMRP13, SR 839, and SR 384. Similarly, shootfly resistance material is developed at Rahuri and Akola centers of AICSIP by using germplasm lines. Seed of varieties bred for rainy season is not as remunerative as that of rabi varieties because the seed is not bold and lustrous. Now, efforts are being made to breed varieties with bold and lustrous seeds by using guinea caudatum and durra caudatum. Some of the germplasm lines contributing bold grain size are IS 51, IS 3142, 9742, IS17600, IS 19305, IS 31690, etc. The attempt to develop heterotic hybrids for postrainy season with whole grain quality matching with that of local variety Maldandi has met with limited success, Maldandi has unique feature which combines good grain quality with drought and shoot fly resistance as required for rabi season cultivation. The hybrids like CSH 7R, CSH 8R, CSH 12R were based on ms lines developed from rainy season lines, and R lines were developed from local x US lines that did not show much superiority over M 35-1 for yield and quality. Another rabi hybrid, CSH 13 is superior to the rabi local for grain yield but inferior to M 35-1 for grain quality. Recently released hybrid CSH 15R, is based on rabi adapted MS line having good grain quality and shoot fly tolerance. The R line of this hybrid is developed from rabi locals and CS 3541, an elite kharif variety. Postrainy season varieties were developed by crossing Indian locals, M 35-1 and IS 2644 with American germplasm lines. Marginal improvement was achieved for grain yield over the most popular local variety M 35-1. Recently released variety, CSV 216R (CSV 16) is a landrace selection from rabi germplasm from Maharashtra. The need for further critical evaluation of germplasm and its utilization in grain and forage sorghum improvements is keenly felt. Sorghum collection missions may be further arranged on the specific targeted germplasm availability areas based on the usage like sweet sorghum, pop sorghum, dual-purpose sorghum and sorghums resistant to pests & diseases etc. Landraces are known to possess local adaptation and stability and may offer opportunities for direct utilization. On the other hand, improved varieties with diverse genetic base are likely to show wider adaptation and enhanced performance. Judicious combination of both in recombination breeding programmes can further lead to upgradation of yield potential. As discussed earlier, so far caudatum and durra types have been exploited. Inclusion of guinea germplasm may bring further increase in yield potential, tolerance to grain mold and lodging resistance.

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Concurrent with continued conservation, evaluation, and documentation of germplasm, efforts to fully exploit the greater genetic diversity of the world collection of sorghum must be escalated. In sorghum, as in other crop species, need to investigate alternate methods for evaluation and enhancement of exotic germplasm has reached a critical stage. Quantitative traits governing adaptability, such as yield and stress tolerance, will be extremely important in future improvement projects. Although height and maturity conversion of exotic germplasm allows for some evaluation and utilization for these traits, other alternatives must be considered. The evaluation of an exotic source could be conducted prior to conversion in the native environment, where the source is better adapted or another location where information from the collection site is utilized. This evaluation phase will be critical to the increased use of either partially converted lines or the germplasm source per se. Increased use of sorghum germplasm in future also may depend on the practical application of molecular techniques. DNA marker techniques to identify diverse segments of the chromosomes controlling inheritance of quantitative traits will become necessary in germplasm enhancement programs. Genetic transformation with exotic genes also plays a major role in sorghum improvement since many desirable genes exist in the World Collection. The challenge to sorghum improvement will be to concentrate on utilization of desirable traits that may aid in evolving superior improved lines aiming to surpass the present productivity plateau combined with better drought, disease and pest resistance and improved grain quality. However, to achieve the same collection, conservation and protection of germplasm and landraces must proceed on a fixed time frame.

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5. Mechanisms ensuring protection of landraces and genetic stocks Accession of India to WTO in national interest and consequent commitment to comply with the embodied agreements is causing a sea change in the national IPR regime. Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), one of the parts of the comprehensive Agreements, mandates India to put in place all legal and administrative changes required on IPR domains. Under this commitment, India is required to grant patent/protection to all inventions, whether processes or products, in all field of technology. TRIPs further demand member countries, to grant patent to microorganisms, microbiological and non- biological process and plant and animal produced by non- biological processes. It also requires protecting plant varieties either by patent, or an effective system of sui genes protection, or a combination of these two. It is in this context India initiated its legislative process to protect plant varieties. While there are three options for providing such protection, by patent or by a system of Sui generis protection or by the combination of patent and a system of sui generis protection. India opted the sui genes system for protection of plant varieties in view of its unique agricultural system. Indian legislation on protection of plant varieties is an outcome of intense public debate involving all interested groups and an elaborate exercise by a Joint Convention on Biological Diversity and the FAO Declaration on Farmer's Rights to which India is a party. This legislation called "Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer's Right Act, 2001" seeks to establish an independent National Plant Variety and Farmer's Rights Protection Authority with a Chairman appointed by the Govt. of India and 15 ex-officio and nominated members as well as a subordinate office of Registrar General of Plant Varieties. The Registry will have its head quarters at New Delhi, with regional offices at Bangalore, Pune, Bhopal, Patna and Guwahati. The act also provides to establish a Plant Variety Tribunal with the status of District Court for settlement of disputes connected with this Act. The main functions of the Authority are: 1) registration of plant varieties, 2) characterization and documentation of registered varieties, 3) documentation indexing and cataloguing of farmers' varieties, 4) providing compulsory cataloguing facility for all plant varieties from India and abroad, 5) ensuring that seeds of all registered varieties are made available to the farmers, 6) collection of comprehensive statistics on plant varieties, and 7) maintenance of national register of plant varieties. The Act provides protection to three types of plant varieties, namely, newly bred varieties, extant varieties and farmer's varieties. Extant varieties are those which were released under Indian Seeds Act. 1966 and have not completed 15 years after notification as on the date of application for their protection. Farmers' varieties are those which have been traditionally cultivated, including landraces and their wild relatives which are in common knowledge, as well as those evolved by farmers. Among the newly bred varieties, essentially derived varieties (EDV) are distinguished for the purpose of a different treatment for the grant of their protection. EDV is defined as a variety, which is predominantly derived from an initial variety and retains the essential characteristics of the latter while having limited difference(s) to qualify for distinctness from the initial variety. The legislation stipulates gaining protection to all newly bred varieties, while novelty is not required for the protection of extant and farmers' varieties. The DUS requirements of a candidate variety are to be tested under specially devised single or multi-location field trials. Such a test may collect comprehensive data on the phenotypic and genotypic attributes of the candidate variety and compare such data with those of the varieties under common knowledge to determine its DUS attributes.

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A variety is deemed novel when it has not been placed for commercial use in India for a period not exceeding 12 months as on the date of application for its protections, if the candidate variety is bred in India. The variety bred outside India is deemed to have novelty if its protection is sought within a period not exceeding 4 years in the case of annuals and six years in case of vines and trees from the date of its first registration in another country. Distinctive demands that the candidate variety should be different from all other varieties of common knowledge in India and outside for at least one essential character. Uniformity means phenotypic similarity among plants subject to the variation that may be expected and allowed due to the specific nature of the reproduction of the crop such as vegetative, self and cross-pollinated. For this purpose hybrids are to be treated like self-pollinated plants. Stability refers to the phenotypic similarity across generations. Protection of a candidate variety is initiated by submitting an application in the prescribed form providing required description on its distinct denomination, uniformity and stability aspects, complete passport data of its parental lines, geographical origin, if drawn from Indian biodiversity, a declaration on the acquisition of the parental material, an affidavit swearing absence of genetic use restriction technology, such as terminator gene and all specified fees and samples seeds of candidate variety and parents in the case of hybrids for deposition in the genebank and conducting DUS test. The steps prescribed for granting protection subsequent to an application include notification of the application with a view to invite opposition, if any, for granting registration of the candidate variety, defence by the applicant against such opposition, resolution of opposition by the Registrar General/ Authority and DUS testing and such other testing, including analysis of protein profile, DNA finger printing, etc., as may be deemed by the Authority to establish eligibility for the registration.

The Intellectual Property Right accorded with a registration of a plant variety is called Plant Breeder's Right (PBR). The PBR grants right to the breeder, his successor, his agent, his licensee to exclude others from producing, offering for sale, selling, marketing, distributing, exporting or importing the propagating material of the variety for a period of 15 years in the case of annuals and 18 years in the case of vines and trees, in lieu of the registration. The PBR excludes Researchers' Rights (RR) and Farmers' Right (FR). The Researchers' Right (RR) allows the use of a protected variety by any person for conducting experiment or research or its use as an initial source for creating another variety without prior approval of the PBR holder, provided that such use does not involve repeated use of the protected variety as a parental line or reproduction or multiplication of its propagating material for commercial purpose. FR includes entitlement to save, use sow, re-sow, exchange, share or sell farm produce including seed of a protected variety in the same manner as the farmer was entitled before this act come into force. However, this right to sell the seed does not cover the branded seed of a protected variety. Branded seed means any seed placed in a package or any other container and labeled to indicate that such seed is that of a protected variety. The PVP & FR Act, 2001 is notable for elaborate farmers' rights and integration of some of the important elements of the CBD, such as, the concept of benefit sharing and creation of gene fund for strengthening agro-biodiversity conservation. The Farmers' Rights embodied in this Act, apart from the right of the farmer on the seed of the protected variety as mentioned above, also include, right to register farmer's varieties, right to claim compensation for under-performance of a protected variety from the promised level, benefit sharing for use of biodiversity conserved by farming community, protection from legal proceedings of any alleged infringement and exemption from paying fee for any legal proceedings either in the Tribunal or in the higher courts. According to the concept of benefit landrace, it is the extant variety submitted or in the higher courts. According to the concept of benefit sharing, whenever a variety submitted for protection is bred --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 17 of 88

with the possible use of a landrace, extant variety or farmer's variety, a claim can be referred either on behalf of the local community or institution for a share of the royalty. However, such claims can be made only by citizens of India or institution totally incorporated in India. When such claim is proved and admitted by the Authority, the concerned breeder is required to pay compensation as determined by the Authority. The compensation shall be first deposited in the Gene Fund. The rules of this Act are expected to provide a framework for sharing the Gene Fund among the stakeholders. Another important feature of the PVP & FR Act, 2001 is provision of a compulsory licensing clause. According to this clause, when a breeder or an institution or their licensee fail to produce and supply enough planting material of a protected variety to farmers and causes its non-supply or short supply or charge prohibitively high prices for such planting material, the authority can intervene in the interest of the farmers. It can authorize another party for commercial production and marketing of the planting material of the said variety for a period, it may deem appropriate with even regulating the sale price of the propagating material. Under such circumstance, the Authority may determine a reasonable compensation to be paid to the PBR holder by the compulsory licensee. The genera and species for the purpose of protection of the varieties other than extant and farmers’ varieties under this Act are to be notified periodically by the Govt. of India in the Official Gazette. It is expected that protection may start with a few major crop species in a year from now and eventually may increase to cover all agricultural, horticultural and perennial species, It is generally perceived that IPR promotes innovation and increases return from investment and the investment in R&D. Under the Indian scenario varietal improvement hitherto was largely undertaken by the public research system with very little involvement by the private sector. The impact of this Act on public research and private research could possibly be different. The liberal Farmers' Rights on the use of seed of protected varieties and Researchers' Rights provided in the Act may restrict the entry of increased research investment from private sector in self pollinated and vegetatively propagated crop plants, but public sector is expected to continue its predominant role and interest of our farmers in best national interest is expected to be protected as per policy of Govt. of India. Also, private interest in pollinated crops with higher volume annual seed trade is likely to continue to supplement public sector efforts. Thus, private investment in varietal improvement under this legislative regime is expected to increase in selective sectors, such as, hybrid varieties of commercially attractive crop species and self/vegetatively propagated crop species offering high volume annual seed sale. Consequently, the public sector research is expected to face stiff competition in these sectors from the private sector. Technological superiority supported with genetic diversity, increased investment, advancement in frontier areas and efficiency may critically determine the competitive edge of these sectors. In view of the large crop diversity and practices in crop diversification by the farmers, the Indian agriculture, with several of the crop species not offering a commercially attractive scale of operation for the private sector, the public research may be required to continue its attention on the varietal improvement of these crop species with least competition from the private sector. Varietal protection may influence the public research priorities. While it may be possible that all varieties of crop plants bred by the public research may not be protected or that all protected varieties may not be licensed out, all competitive varieties of major crop plants are expected to be protected and licensed for a consideration. Such flow of return may provide incentive to the concerned breeders and help in encouraging their competitiveness and a general improvement in the competitiveness across the public system. Public sector can also be equally successful as much as the private sector in acquiring new genetic diversity from elsewhere through material transfers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 18 of 88

agreements. Public research can put up a match to the private sector by streamlining its research management to enhance efficiency, speed and competitiveness. Such a change may also encourage private-public collaboration to take advantage of the impressive infrastructure and HRD capability available with the public sector in the diverse areas of crop improvement. It is estimated that currently more than 400 private firms are involved in the Indian seed sector. Out of these, only very few have their own R&D capability on varietal improvement. In other words, these firms have been staying in the seed business with the varieties and hybrids freely available from the pub1ic sector. Under the emerging regime, viability of those firms with little R&D backup may also become increasingly difficult. Accordingly, Indian private seed industry has also been changing with its lead players acquiring foreign tie-ups. Such tie-ups are likely to lead to acquisitions and mergers to eventually create a few private majors with increased compatibility and monopolistic control on varietal improvement and seed trade. Public sector research has a lesson to be learnt from the European experience with the introduction of varietal protection. Within a decade of introduction of such protection in Europe, much of its public research ceased to operate with reputed public research institutions sold out to the private sector. While such changes are not likely to happen with such speed in India, the possibility of such change in the long run cannot be ruled out. Considering the necessary of the public research and development system, including the general realization for its further strengthening, it is expected that the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act is likely to bring an advantageous change in crop improvement and variety development efforts to fulfill the overall interests of Indian agriculture.

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6. Guidelines for registration of plant germplasm with National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) REGISTRATION OF PLANT GERMPLASM PREAMBLE Whereas the need for recognition to the developers of new improved varieties as per release procedure available for the purpose has been served in the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in India by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR); Whereas the ICAR operates the mechanism for identification and recommendation for release of crop varieties and the Ministry of Agriculture provides mechanism for notification of released varieties and production of quality seeds. While duly recognising the requirements for the intellectual property protection and related issues, to an extent they have been addressed with existing system of variety release and notification, keeping in view the developments concerning Plant Breeder’s Rights, Farmer’s Rights and other forms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Further, recognising that the recognition should be accorded to those associated with the development/identification of improved/unique germplasm and genetic stocks and, also recognising the need for an authentic national documentation system of valuable sovereign genetic resource with known characteristics/inheritance factors and that a mechanism for “Registration of Plant Germplasm” has been provided at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi –110012 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) that this mechanism will finally develop into sole recognised institution for registration of “Plant Genetic Resources” material at national level. Material registered with this institution will not be eligible for registration elsewhere without the permission of ICAR II. GUIDELINES FOR IDENTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION OF PLANT GERMPLASM 1.

Nature of material to be identified/ registered

Germplasm/genetic stock of agri-horticultural, commercial and other economic crops, including agroforestry species, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants, ornamental crop species, which is unique and has potential (verified/verifiable) attributes of scientific/ commercial value. The following categories of materials shall not qualify for registration i)

Varieties/hybrids released at the country/ zone/ state levels. However, parental lines of hybrids will be considered. ii) Germplasm/Genetic stock without accompanying authentic evidence for the claim made in the application. iii) Material for which any form of protection has been sought elsewhere 2.

Criteria for eligibility for registration

All claims concerning the material submitted for registration should accompany scientific evidence for uniqueness and value in the form ofi) Publication in standard Peer Reviewed Journal (a copy of reprint to be submitted). AND/ OR ii) Evaluation data under All India Co-ordinated Research Project (AICRP) trial/nursery tests supported with relevant extracts of the documents/verification by concerned Project Director (PD)/Project Coordinator (PC). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 20 of 88

AND/ OR iii) One year of validation test of the claimed attribute by any institution as per the advise of registration authority. 3.

Germplasm Registration Committee

A Registration Committee of the following constitution shall be the Authority for Registration of Plant Germplasm as per ICAR Order No. 24(2)/96-F.C.II/Seed Dated 24.3.1996. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)

Deputy Director General (Crop Science) Chairman Assistant Director General (Horticulture) Member Director, NBPGR Member Assistant Director General (FC) Member One representative from SAUs Member Representative of DoAC Member Need based 3 specialists with reference to the material Members under consideration (To be identified by the Chairman) A senior level scientist of NBPGR (To be identified Member Secretary by the Director, NBPGR)?

4. Application Form Application shall be made on the prescribed Performa (FORM A). The Germplasm Registration Committee shall meet at least twice a year, with the concurrence of the Chairman, for consideration of applications and related matters and decision thereupon. 5. Nodal Agency i)

National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi will act as the nodal agency for registration of germplasm. The applications should be addressed to the Director, NBPGR, along with the seed sample or a certificate of submission of propagules with respective crop-based National Active Germplasm Sites (NAGS) for conservation.

ii) The Member Secretary, Germplasm Registration Committee will duly acknowledge date of receipt of the application and material. iii) NBPGR will maintain a permanent register/database in which the listing the materials approved for registration will be documented with user driven details. 7. Screening of Applications

The proposals submitted as per the prescribed Performa will be summarily screened at the NBPGR by Member Secretary, Registration Committee along with NBPGR internal SubCommitteee for Germplasm Registration, constituted by the Director, NBPGR and in consultation with Chairman, Registration Committee. The preliminary screening shall include scrutiny as per guidelines listed in Check List. 8. Consideration of Proposals by the Germplasm Registration Committee i)

After initial screening, the incomplete applications will be returned for appropriate revision/further action.

ii) Those applications in which validation is required should accompany an appropriate certificate issued by the competent authority of the institute advised for the validation by the Director, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 21 of 88

NBPGR. iii) The proposals complete in all respect will be put up for consideration to the registration committee. iv) The Germplasm Registration Committee will consider the proposal within a year and the decision of the Committee will be final. 9. Validity of registration The period for validity of registration shall be 18 years for trees and vines and 15 years for other plant species germplasm. 10. Notification of registered materials All materials approved for registration would be officially notified to the applicants along with Registration Number and a certificate. Official Notification will be published along with brief description in the subsequent issue of the following: i) NBPGR Newsletter, Published by Director, NBPGR, New Delhi – 110 012. ii) ICAR News - Published by the Publication and Information Division, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, ICAR, New Delhi – 110 012. iii) NBPGR Internet Website iv) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources - Published by the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi – 110 012. In addition, notification may also be sent to the following journals/ publications; (i) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (ii) Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (iii) Concerned Crop News letter, if any (iv) ICAR Annual Reports. 11. Conservation, Maintenance and Sustainable Utilisation of registered germplasm i)

Registered germplasm will be conserved either in National Gene Bank or at designated crop-based NAGS.

ii) Working stock for supply to users would be maintained by the institution associated with the development of the germplasm. iii) Active/working collection may also be maintained with the NAGS with responsibility for multiplication and distribution of the material to bonafide users through single window system of NBPGR to promote utilisation. 12. Denotification

Denotification shall be done by the Registration Committee in cases of false claim(s)/ disputed IPR claim. Appeal for counter claim, if any, should reach the Registration Committee within a period of three months or the publication of Notification in the official Journal/ Newsletter, whichever is earlier. III.

Procedure for submission of proposal/ material (i) Whom to address the application and material


All germplasm proposed to be registered should be submitted to the following address :The Director

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National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110012. Phone: 011-5783697 EPABX: 5789208, 5789211 Ext. 209, 210, 227. FAX: 011-5731495 Email: [email protected] 2.

The material must be accompanied by properly filled in Form-A (Annexure-I) duly signed by the applicant and the Head of the institution with rubber seal.


The Form-A must be accompanied by complete description of the material using standard descriptors as per concerned crop AICRP/NBPGR requirements. It may include photograph(s) of plant/plant parts/crop and/or fingerprints, if available.


A declaration to the effect that working stock for supply to users would be maintained by the institution associated with the development of the material.

(ii) Guidelines to be followed while submitting the seed material: 1. The quantity of seed should be, 5000 seeds in case of cross-pollinated crop species, 2000 in selfpollinated and 500 – 1000 in difficult species, such as vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants etc. 2. The seed should be supplied from freshly harvested crop and should not be more than 90 days old. 3. The seed supplied should be sound, healthy and physiologically mature collected from healthy plants. 4. The potential viability of seeds should be more than 85% in most crop species, except for special cases. (iii)

Guidelines to be followed while submitting the propagules:

In case of recalcitrant seed and vegetatively propagated crops the germplasm material has to be supplied to the concerned crop-based designated NAGS (Annexure II) for conservation. A certificate to this effect has to be obtained from concerned NAGS to accompany the proposal. Additionally, the proposer has to follow the following guidelines for safe supply and conservation of germplasm: 1. The proposer of vegetatively propagated crop germplasm shall supply 25-50 propagules (depending on crops) to the notified crop-based National Active Germplasm Sites, NAGS (Annexure II) for maintenance in their field repository or in-vitro repository (if available) and obtain an acknowledgement. 2. Informed the concerned NAGS in advance about the supply of material to facilitate processing and establishment of germplasm. 3. The acknowledgement received from NAGS for conservation should accompany the application. 4. The NAGS at later stage may supply to the NBPGR these materials preferably as in-vitro cultures (where ever possible) for their in vitro maintenance and/or cryopreservation as base collections. The NAGS will ensure supply of in vitro generated material at least of those crops which are not existing in the national in vitro repository/cryobank of NBPGR. 5. While supplying the germplasm of the vegetative propagated crops the proposer may follow the following guidelines for handling of germplasm depending on the crop. a) The genetic material/stocks/propagules of non-orthodox seed producing crops are generally being maintained in the form of grafts, crafts, slips, propagules, seedlings and plants. b) For the maintenance and supply the slips, grafts, crafts, seedlings, propagules or plants to the NAGS, the minimum no. required is 25-50, which should be free from insects, weeds and disease as far as possible. The material should be well labelled and packed properly in aerated polythene bags. During the dry summer these grafts or crafts should be wrapped in moist moss grass to retain the moisture. c) In case of plants like coconut, the material can be sent either as embryos or seedlings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 23 of 88


If the embryos need to be transferred from the field the small cut cylinders with embryos embedded in it are packed in the sterile plastic bags with sterile moist cotton. Theses are kept in the refrigerator overnight and transferred in the same box with proper labels on it. e) In case of seedlings the embryos should be grown over the river sand in plastic bags/ boxes. Once they are established they should be transferred to bigger pots. The healthy, vigorous and uniform grown seedlings, 50-100 in number can be supplied to the above mentioned NAG Site. This material should be packed in small wooden/cardboard boxes with proper aeration in it. Also these boxes should be well marked with labels at 3 or 4 places to be handled carefully/seedlings in order to avoid any damage during transit. 6. The genetic material should be sent to the NAG Sites by speed post to avoid any postal delay in transaction.

Note: 1. The sample size of propagules/seed quantity to be submitted may be revised in consultation with the Director, NBPGR in exceptional cases. IV.


The NBPGR internal sub-committee for germplasm registration shall screen all applications and make recommendations to the Germplasm Registration Committee for inter alia the following points: Part (a) Whether this is a fresh application or a revised one? Whether it is a duplication of efforts? I.e., whether same or similar material is earlier registered? The candidate germplasm possesses unique/distinguishing characteristics of potential value to merit consideration for registration. [NBPGR’s viewpoint] Evaluation of the stated (or possibly any other) economic potential of germplasm? Validation of the source of the material or selection history of the germplasm? Specific Remarks of the NBPGR. Part (b) Maintenance and supply of Active Germplasm for use shall be done by, Applicant institution/university/centre. Whether commitment to this extent is made by the applicant? Whether complete address of the location and contact person given? Whether correspondence with the concerned NAGS for conservation and maintence of germplasm is obtained, whereever required? Whether sample for long term storage has been sent to National Gene Bank or to the concerned NAGS for conservation? Whether maintainer line has been sent by the applicant to the national gene bank, in case of parental lines of hybrids,? Note: The germplasm found unsuitable for registration will be conserved in medium-term module for a period of a year. After one year it will either be returned to the proposing institute for maintenance as active collection or crop based NAGS for conservation as an Active Collection.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 24 of 88

Form A

Application for Registration of Plant Germplasm (To be submitted to The Director, NBPGR, New Delhi-110 012) Please refer to guidelines for filling the application form appended and Codes 1. Application Status (Code)



For Office Use Only

2. Crop name

i). Application Number ii). Date of Application (dd/mm/yyyy)

3. Botanical name

iii). Whether New or Revised? 4. Crop Group (Code)





iv) If revised, Date of I Application v) Whether validation test suggested?

5. Nature of the material to be registered




6. Nomenclature of the Germplasm/Genetic Stock

vi) Action Taken a) Forwarded to Registration Committee b) Sent for Validation

7. Criteria for registration [Unique feature(s)]

c) Incomplete, Sent for Revision vii) Whether Registered or Rejected



viii) Date of Registration/Rejection 8. Nature of propagules (Code)

ix) Registration Number

9. Requisit quantity deposited



10. Value referred to (Code)




11. Basis of eligibility (Code)






12. Validation test requested


x) Notified : on/in : xi) Remarks

13. Particulars of the scientist(s)/person(s) responsible for developing germplasm/genetic stock* 1. Name (Dr./Ms/Mr.) Designation Address




--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 25 of 88

Please attach separate sheet for additional name(s) and address(es) of co-authors (persons responsible). 14 (A). Passport information of Germplasm


Other Identity




Place of origin

14 (B). Pedigree of the Genetic Stock Pedigree

Location where distinctive feature developed

Lat. Long. Alt..

Breeding method (Code)

Temperature range Rainfall Soil type

15. Salient Characteristics/Chief botanical and morpho-agronomic description** (attach details) Sr. No.

Trait Description

** Provide salient description of the material as per crop-wise standard Performa used by the All India Coordinated Research Programmes (AICRP) 16. Name and address of the Applicant*** Name (Dr./Ms/Mr.) Designation Address

TelFaxEmail*** Applicant may be different than the First author/person responsible for development of the material 17. Year of seed production

18. Location of seed production

19.Quantity of seed available in Active/Working Collection

g 20. Additional Information/Remarks (if any) UNDERTAKING I/We undertake to ensure long term conservation of the aforesaid germplasm/genetic stock at the National Gene Bank, NBPGR and also its sustainable use by maintaining appropriate quantity of Active/Working Collection and providing access as appropriate on prior informed consent and on mutually agreed terms. I/We also agree to provide any further information/data pertaining to the description and unique characteristics to the ICAR/NBPGR in a transparent manner.


Signatures Full Name Designation & Address

Name Designation & Address SEAL

SEAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 26 of 88

Guidelines for filling Form A and description of Codes used 1. Use Capital Letters or give legible description. All columns are self-explanatory. Avoid redundancy but give minimal explanation for a particular item in “Remarks” (Col. 20) where needed. 2. Be brief and to the point for Co.7, give only the most salient (unique) features/traits/alleles, which you consider would serve as most suitable criteria for consideration of registration of the germplasm/genetic stock. 3. On the other hand, give detailed description of traits/characteristics of the material in Col.15. Use separate sheet. Follow the format of variety release application/AICRP data sheets for respective crops. For example, description sheet for wheat is enclosed in the Germplasm Registration Guidelines Booklet. Give chief botanical and morpho-agronomic characteristics in description and also, if available, include isozyme/DNA profile or other chemical/biochemical characteristics. This information is likely to be of help to the registrant in case retrieval is required from the database at a later date for reasons whatsoever. 4. Use Codes for filling in Col. 1,4,5,8,9 [Units], 10,11, 12 and 14 (B) [Breeding Method]. In case the code "Other" is filled in any of the Col.4,8,11 and/or 14 (B), give particular details in Col.20 [Remarks]. 5. For filling crop name (Col.2) give English or Hindi name, if known. In case a local name is given then also specify in parenthesis the language/dialect in which this name is used. 6. Give name(s) of ALL persons associated with or responsible for development of the material in Col.13. Use separate sheet and fill in additional names along with designation, address and phone/fax/email, etc. beginning from Sr.No. 2 on new sheet in the same format as given for Sr. Col.13 (page 1) of the Application Form. 7. Col14 has two alternate parts, (A) and (B) to fill in; (a) In case Nature of the material to be registered as given in Col.5 is “Germplasm” then you must give its basic passport information in Col.14 (A). It should include Identification Number (IC/EC) as given by the NBPGR or other Identity Number allotted and maintained locally. In latter case, however, a unique National Identifier Number (IC) will also be given by the NBPGR, based on passport data provided along with this Application. Give clearly the Source of Material (Name of the person/institution from where procured), Place (village/tehsil/district) from where obtained and date of collection, etc. (Remarks). (b) In case the nature of the material to be registered is Genetic Stock (Col.5) then clearly give its Pedigree, including parentage, year of crossing and crossing/selection plan. Also give breeding method used in codes described below. 8. Give particulars of Applicant in Col.16 over and above the particulars of Authors/ persons responsible as given in Col.13 as the Applicant/Depositor may not be always the same as the first person responsible for development of the material. 9. Undertaking to the effect ensuring long term conservation and maintenance of active material for facilitating access and sustainable use has been given, which may be read and implied before putting signatures. Thus, the responsibility for maintaining active/working collection and providing it to other interested researchers on prior informed consent and on mutually agreed terms will clearly fall on the Applicant Institution/ University/ Organisation. Thus it is essential that the Application is signed by concerned responsible scientist/ person and countersigned by the Head of the Institution/ University/ Organisation along with Official Seal of the Authority. 10. Must use the following codes for filling information in Col. 1,4,5,8,9 [Units], 10,11, 12 and 14 (B) [Breeding Method] in the Application Form: Col.1 : Application Status N New R Revised

Col.9 : Quantity deposited with Application g Gram (of seed) No. Number (of propagules)

Col.4 : Crop Groups CL Cereals PC Pseudocereals MM Millets and minor millets PL Pulses OS Oilseeds FC Forage Crops

Col.10 : Value referred to by applicant SC Scientific CM Commercial AC Academic Col.11 : Basis of eligibility for registration PR Published with Peer review

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 27 of 88

VC Vegetable crops RT Root and tuber crops FT Fruits SP Spices CC Commercial Crops OM Ornamentals MA Medicinal and aromatic plants NC Narcotics FR Forestry OT Other (Specify in Col.20) Col.5 : Nature of the Material to be registered GP Germplasm Genetic Stock GS R Recombinant M Mutant Col.8 : Nature of Propagules SD Seed TR Tubers/Roots/Bulbs VC Vegetative Cuttings WP Whole Plant OT Other (Specify in Col.20)


All India Co-ordinated Trials Data Other (Specify in Col.20)

Col.12 : Validation Test requested for Y Yes N No Col.14 : Breeding/identification Method Used MS Mass Selection PS Pedigree selection BC Back Cross method RS Recurrent selection OT Other (Specify in Col.20) SC Screening method

Please furnish this form complete in all respects, along with minimal quantity of seed/propagules (propagules to concerned NAGS) to The Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110 012.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 28 of 88



Application No.



Specific feature/characteristic claimed


Basis for acceptance of the claim as per Preliminary decision on item 4 of application


NBPGR Validation (if required) i)

Year of testing:


Location/locations where tests carried out:




Temp reg.




Person/persons conducting the test:


Results of tests:


Do the test results confirm the specific claim made? (Records to be shown to the Registration Committee)


Does the description confirm to that given in application?


If not, in what way they differ?


Is there a need to reconfirm any of the above observations?


Proposed Registration No.


Long term germplasm storage index No.

Signature of Director, NBPGR Remarks of the Registration Committee:

Approved Registration No.

(Register Vol.


(Signature of the Registration Committee Chairman)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 29 of 88

7. References Abdi, A., Bekele, E., Asfaw, Z. and A. Teshome, 2002. Patterns of morphological variation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) landraces in qualitative characters in North Shewa and South Welo, Ethiopia. Hereditas 137: 161-172. Amsalu and Endashawand Endashaw Bekele, 1998. Geographical patterns of morphological variation in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) germplasm from Ethiopia and Eritrea: qualitative characters. Hereditas (Landskrona) 129 (3), p.195-205. Amsalu and Endashawand Endashaw Bekele, 1999. Multivariate analysis of morphological variation in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) germplasm from Ethiopia and Eritrea, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 46 (3): 273-284. Amsalu and Endashawand Endashaw Bekele, 2000. Geographical patterns of morphological variation in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) germplasm from Ethiopia and Eritrea: Quantitative characters, Euphytica, 115 (2): 91-104, 2000. Appa Rao, S., K.E. Prasada Rao, M.H. Mengesha, and V. Gopal Reddy, 1999. Morphological diversity in sorghum germplasm from India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 43 (6):559-567. Audilakshmi, S., J.W. Stenhouse, T.P. Reddy, M.V.R. Prasad, 1999. Grain mould resistance and associated characters of sorghum genotypes, Euphytica 107 (2): 91-103. Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and Biological Diversity Rules, 2004, National Biodiversity Authority, 2004. 57 pp. Celarier, R.P. 1959. Cytotaxonomy of the Andropogonea. III. Sub-tribe sorgheae, genus, sorghum. Cytologia 23: 395-418. Clayton, W.D. 1961. Proposal to conserve the generic name Sorghum Moench. (Gramineae) versus Sorghum Adans (Gramineae). Taxonomy 10:242. Clayton, W.D., and Renvoize, S.A. 1986. Genera Graminum grasses of the world. Kew Bull. Addit. Ser. pp. 338-345. Damania, A.B. 2002. The Hindustani centre of origin of important plants. Asian Agri-History 6: 333-341. de Wet, J. M. J. 1978. Systematics and evolution of Sorghum sect. Sorghum (Gramineae). Am. J. Bot. 65: 477-484. De Wet, J.M.J. and Huckabay, J.P. 1967. The origin of Sorghum bicolor. II. Distribution and domestication Evolution 21:787-802. deWet, J.M.J. 1977. Domestication of African cereals. Afr. Econ. Hist. 3: 15. deWet, J.M.J., and Harlan, J.R. 1971. The origin and domestication of sorghum bicolor. Econ. Bot. 25: 128-135. Doggett. H. 1988. Sorghum John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA. Elangovan, M. 2005. “Diverse Use of Sorghum”. Course material for the training on Alternate Uses of Sorghum and Pearl Millet, NRCS, Hyderabad, 16 – 23rd February 2005. Ghebru, B., Schmidt, R., and J. Bennetzen, 2002. Gillespie, J.H. 1985. The interaction of genetic drift and mutation with selection in a fluctuating environment. Theoretical Population Biology 27:222-237. Grenier, C., Hamon, P., and P.J. Bramel-Cox, 2001. Core Collection of Sorghum, II. Comparison of Three Random Sampling Strategies. Crop Science 41:234-240 Grenier, C., Bramel, P. J., Dahlberg, J. A., El-Ahmadi, A., Mahmoud, M., Peterson, G. C., Rosenow, D. T., and G. Ejeta, 2004. Sorghums of the Sudan: analysis of regional diversity and distribution. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 51 (5): 489-500. Harlan, J. R. and J. M. J. de Wet. 1972. A simplified classification of cultivated sorghum. Crop Sci., 2: 172-176. Harlan, J.R. 1971. Agricultural origins: centres and non-centres. Science 174:468-474. Harlan, J.R. 1975. Geographic patterns of variation. Journal of Heredity 66-182. Harlan, J.R. 1975a. Geographic patterns of variation in some cultivated plants. Journal of Heredity 66:184-191. Harlan, J.R. and Stemler, A. 1976. Plant domestication and indigenous African agriculture. In: Origins of African Plant Domestication. Harlan, J.R., de Wet, J.M.J. and Stemler, A. (Eds.), pp. 465-478. Mouton Publishers. The Hague. Hillman, G.C. and Davies, M.S. 1990. Measured domestication rates in wild wheats and barley under primitive cultivation, and their archaeological implications. Journal of World Prehistory 4:157-222. Kimber, C.T. 2003. Origin of domesticated sorghum and its early diffusion to India and China. pp. 3-98. In: Smith, C.W., and Frederiksen, R.A. Sorghum Origin, History, Technology and Production, (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. Mann, J.A., Kimber, C.T. and Miller, F.R. 1983. The Origin and Early Cultivation of Sorghums in Africa. Bulletin 1454. Texas Agriculture Experiment Station, College Station, TX, USA. Rana, B.S. 2000. Research at National Research Centre for Sorghum. p 91. In: A Hall, A.J. and B. Yoganand Eds. Sorghum Utilization and the Livelihoods of the Poor in India, Socioeconomics and Policy Program, ICRISAT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 30 of 88

Rao, N. G. P. 1972. Sorghum breeding in India. pp. 101-142. In: Sorghum in Seventies. Proceedings of the International Symposium Oct. 27-30, 1971. Hyderabad, AP, India. Snowden, J. D., 1936. The Cultivated Races of Sorghum. Adlard and Sans Limited, London, 273 p. Steensberg, A. 1977. The husbandry of food production. In: The Early History of Agriculture. Hutchinson, J., Clark, J.G.G., Jope, E.M. and Riley. R. (Eds.). Oxford University Press, London, UK. Teshome, A., Baum, B. R., Fahrig,L., Torrance, J. K., Arnason, T. J., and J. D. Lambert, 1997. Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] landrace variation and classification in North Shewa and South Welo, Ethiopia. Euphytica, 97 (3): 255-263. Tunstall, V., Teshome, A., and J.K. Torrance, 2001. Distribution, abundance and risk of loss of sorghum landraces in four communities in North Shewa and South Welo, Ethiopia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 48 (2): 131-142. Vavilov, N.I. 1951. The origin, Variation, Immunity and Breeding of Cultivated Plants. Chronica Botanica Co., Waltham, MA, USA. Vavilov, N.I. 1992. Origin and geography of cultivated plants (Dorofeev, V.F. Ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 332 p.. Wendorf.F., Close, A.E., SChild, R., Wasylikowa, K., Housley, R.A., Harlan, J.R. and Krolik, H. 1992. Saharan exploitation of plants 8,000 years B.P. Nature 359:721-724. Yu Li and Cuizhen Li, 1998. Genetic contribution of Chinese landraces to the development of sorghum hybrids. Euphytica, 102 (1): 47-57. Zeven, A. C., 1998. Landraces: A review of definitions and classifications. Euphytica, 104 (2): 127-139. Additional Suggested Readings Bramel-Cox, P.J. and T. S. Cox. 1989. Use of wild germplasm in sorghum improvement. pp. 13-26. In: D. Wilkinson (ed.) Proc. 43rd Annual Corn and Sorghum Industry Res. Conf. Chicago, IL. 7-10 Dec. 1989. Am. Seed Trade Assoc. Washington, DC. Brown, A.H.D., 1989. The case for core collection, pp. 138-156. In: Brown, A.H.D., O.H. Frankel, D.R. Marshall and J.T. Williams Ed. The use of plant genetic resources Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 136-156, Cox, T.S., House, L.R. and K.J. Frey, 1984. Potential of wild germplasm for increasing yield of grain sorghum. Euphytica 33: 673-684. Dahlberg, J.A. and Spinks, M.S., 1995.Current status of the U.S. sorghum germplasm collection, International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 36: 4-12, De Wet, J.M.J. and Harlan, J.R. 1971. The origin and domestication of Sorghum bicolor, Economic Botany 25:128:135. Dendy, D.A.V. 1995. Sorghum and the Millets Production and Importance in Sorghum and Millets Chemistry and Technology. American Association of Cereal Chemists. Inc. St. Paul. MN. USA. deWet, J.M.J., and Huckabay, J.P. 1967, The origin of sorghum bicolor. II. Distribution and domestication. Evolution 211:787-802. Djè, Y., M. Heuertz, C. Lefèbvre and X. Vekemans. 2000. Assessment of genetic diversity within and among germplasm accessions in cultivated sorghum using microsatellite markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 100: 918-925 Eberhart, S.A., Bramel – Cox P.J., and Prasada Rao, K.E., 1997. Preserving Genetic Resources In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Genetic Improvement of Sorghum and Pearl Millet, September 22-27, 1996, Holiday Inn Plaza, Lubbock, Texas, USA Ejeta, G., Butler, L. and Babiker, A.G.T. 1992. New Approaches to the Control of Striga. Bulletin RB-991. Agriculture Experiment Station, Purdue University, West Lafayette, In, USA. Elangovan, M. and R. D. Barpete, 2001. Kharif Sorghum Germplasm Collection from Parts of Western Madhya Pradesh. pp. 1 – 12. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and D. K. Jain, 2001. Kharif Sorghum Germplasm Collection from Parts of Central Rajasthan. pp. 1 – 14. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and Prabhakar, 2001. Rabi Sorghum Germplasm Collection in Parts of Eastern Regions of Karnataka and Adjoining Maharashtra. pp. 1-9.Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and V.S. Singh, 2001. Kharif Sorghum Germplasm Collection from Ganga Basin and Bundelkhand of Uttar Pradesh. pp. 1 – 17. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 31 of 88

Elangovan, M. Chandra Sekara Reddy, 2002. Rabi Sorghum Germplasm Collection from Rayalaseema Regions Andhra Pradesh. pp. 1 – 10. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and Prabhakar, 2002a. Rabi Sorghum Germplasm Collection in Parts of Eastern Karnataka. pp. 1 – 12. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and Prabhakar, 2002b. Rabi Sorghum Germplasm Collection in Parts of Maharashtra. pp. 1 – 13.Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. Sivaraj, N. Vishnuwardhan Reddy and Sridhar, 2002. Rabi Sorghum Germplasm Collection from Andhra Regions of Andhra Pradesh. pp. 1 – 11. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Frankel, O.H 1984 Genetic Perspectives of Germplasm Conservation. pp. 161-170 In: Arber et al. (Eds). Genetic Manipulation: Impact on Man and Society Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Gadewadekar, P. N.., Gaikwad, P.D., Mrs. Usha Saxena, Barpete, R. D. and M. Elangovan, 2001. Kharif Sorghum Germplasm Collection from Malwa and Jhabua Hill Region of Madhya Pradesh. pp 1–7. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources NBPGR). Elangovan, M., Tonapi, VA, and N. Seetharama, 2004. Collection, Characterization and Conservation of Sorghum Genetic Resources. National research centre for Sorghum, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500030 Andhra Pradesh, India. 43 pp., ISBN 81-09335-04-9 Elangovan, M. 2002. Yellow pericarp sorghum germplasm collection from Andhra Pradesh. pp. 1 - 8. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and D. K. Jain, 2002. Kharif Sorghum Germplasm Collection in the parts of Western Rajasthan. pp. 1 10. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. 2003. Kharif sorghum germplasm collection from Uttar Pradesh. pp. 1 - 14. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Elangovan, M. and Prabhakar, 2004. Sorghum germplasm collection from Maharashtra. pp. 1 - 11. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Frankel, O.H 1984 Genetic Perspectives of Germplasm Conservation. pp. 161-170 In: Arber et al. (Eds). Genetic Manipulation: Impact on Man and Society Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Grenier, C., M. Deu, S. Kresovich, P.J. Bramel-Cox, and P. Hamon, 2000. Assessment of genetic diversity in three subsets constituted from the ICRISAT sorghum collection using random vs. non-random sampling procedures B. Using molecular markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 101: 197-20. Harlan, J.R. and de Wet, J.M.J. 1972. A simplified classification of cultivated sorghum. Crop Science 12:172-176. Haymaker, B. 1995. Digestible Protein May Make Sorghum a Better Food Source. Agricultural Communication Service, Agronomy Dept., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. House, L.R. 1985. A Guide to Sorghum Breeding. Second edition, ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, AP, India. House, L.R. 1985. A Guide to Sorghum Breeding, 2nd Edition. Patancheru 502 324, A.P., India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. House, L.R., 1980. A Guide to Sorghum Breeding. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India. IBPGR and ICRISAT, 1993. Descriptors for Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy: ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, AP, India. IBPGR/ICRISAT 1984. Revised Sorghum Descriptors. AGPG: IBPGR/84/142, October 1984. IBPGR/ICRISAT. 1980. Sorghum Descriptors. Rome, Italy. IBPGR/ICRISAT. 1993. Descriptors for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). IBPGR, Rome, Italy. ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics). 1994. Annual Report 1993. ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, AP., India. 88 pp. Jayabose, C. 1999. Rabi sorghum germplasm collection from Karnataka. pp. 1–7. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Kannababu, N, Tonapi, VA and Seetharama, N. 2004. Sorghum seed production manual. National Research Centre for Sorghum. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India. 91 pp. ISBN: 81-89335-02-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 32 of 88

Mahajan, R. K., Sapra, R.L., Umesh Srivastava, Mahendra Singh and G.D. Sharma, 2000. Minimal Descriptors (for Characterization and Evaluation) of Agri-Horticultural Crops (Part I). National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, 230p. Mathur, P.N., Prasada Rao, K.E., Singh, I.P., Agarwal, R.C., Mengesha, and R.S Rana. 1992. Evaluation of forage sorghum germplasm Part 2, NBPGR-ICRISAT collaborative programme, NBPGR, New Delhi, 296 pp. Mathur, P.N., Prasada Rao, K.E., Thomas, T.A., Mengesha, M.H., Sapra, R.L., and R.S Rana. 1991. Evaluation of forage sorghum germplasm Part 1, NBPGR-ICRISAT collaborative programme, NBPGR, New Delhi, 269 pp. Maunder, B. 1990. Importance of sorghum on a global scale. In: Sorghum Nutritional Quality. Ejeta, G., Mertz, L., Rooney, L., Schaffert, R. and Yohe, J. (Eds). Pp.8-16. Purdue University, Dept. of Agronomy, West Lafayette, IN, USA. Mengesha, M.H. and Appa Rao, S. 1994. Management of plant genetic resources at ICRISAT. In: Evaluation and Impact Assessment. Bantilan, M.C.S. and Joshi, P.K. (Eds.), ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, A.P., India. Murty, B.R., 1970. Cataloguing and Classifying Genetic Stocks of Sorghum, Division of genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, A362 pp. Murty, B.R., Arunachalam, V. and Saxena, M.B.L. 1967. Classification and catalogue of a world Collection of Sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 27 (S. bicolour var. bicolor race guinea: Special Number): 312 pp. Murty, U.R. 1992. Technology for Increasing Sorghum Production in India. National Research Centre for Sorghum (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, India. Nagaraja, G. S., Anuradha Varier, Upendra Singh and S. P. Sharma, 2000. Characterization of inbreds and hybrids of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) by seed and seedling morphology and electrophoresis of seed proteins and isozymes. Plant Varieties and Seeds, 13: 17 – 29. Prabhakar, Elangovan, M., and D. Chandra Sekara Reddy, 2003. Rabi sorghum germplasm collection from parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. pp. 1 - 10. Report submitted to National Agricultural Technology Project (Mission Mode – Plant Biodiversity). New Delhi, India: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR). Prasada Rao, K.E and M.H. Mangesha. 1982. Sorghum Germplasm Collection in Rwanda. Genetic resources Progress Report No. 46. Patancheru, AP, India. International Crop Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics. Prasada Rao, K.E. and Ramanatha Rao, V. 1995. Use of characterization data in developing a core collection of sorghum, pp. 109-111. In: Hodgkin T., H.D Brown, J.L. Hinthum and E.A.V Morales, Eds. Core collection of plant genetic resources UK: John Wiley and Sons. Prasada Rao, K.E., Gopal Reddy, V., and Stenhouse, J.W., 1995. Sorghum genetic resources at ICRISAT Asia Center, Internatl. Sorghum and Millets Newsl. 36, 15-19 Ramaiah, K.V., Chidley, V.L. and House, L.R. 1991. A time-course study of early establishment stages of parasitic angiosperm striga asiatica on susceptible sorghum roots. Annals of Applied Biology 118 (2): 403-410. Rockefeller Foundation, 1970. World Collection of Sorghums. List of Pedigrees and Origins. Rockefeller Foundation, Indian Agricultural Program, New Delhi, India. Sorghum DUS Guidelines, NRCS, 2002 (Draft under circulation for review. NRCS Publication). Available from NRCS, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, AP Tonapi, VA, Dayakar Rao, B and Seetharama, N. 2004. Indian legislative mechanisms ensuring supply of quality seeds. National Research Centre for Sorghum. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India. 118 pp. ISBN 81-09335-01-4 Tonapi, VA., Elangovan, M., Kalpana Sastry, R., Varanavasiappan, S., Visharada, KBRS, and N. Seetharama, 2004. Legislative mechanism for conserving biodiversity and protection of IPR in India. National research centre for Sorghum, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500030 Andhra Pradesh, India. 649 pp., ISBN 81-09335-03-0 Tripathi, D.P. and M. Ahluwalia, 1984. Promising forage sorghum sources in Sorghum Germplasm. Sorghum Newsl.. 27: 14 Vasudeva Rao, M.J. 1985. Techniques for Screening Sorghums for Resistance to Striga. Information Bulletin No.20, ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, A.P., India. Wendorf, F., Close, A.E., Schild, R., Wasylikowa, K., Housley, R.A., Harlan, J.R. and Krolik, H. 1992. Saharan exploitation of plants 8,000 years. Nature 359:721-724.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 33 of 88

APPENDIX I: Country-wise sorghum germplasm conserved at ICRISAT S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Country Afghanistan Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belgium Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad China Colombia Congo Cote d'Ivoire Cuba Cyprus Dominican Republic Egypt El Salvador Ethiopia France Gambia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hungary ICRISAT India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Korea, Republic of Lebanon Lesotho

Total 5 23 44 18 63 9 1 199 219 548 140 2485 1 249 193 646 4 1 7 2 1 2 35 2 4400 5 57 7 147 1 7 1 65 87 549 6201 36 17 3 22 9 3 108 990 78 360 271

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93


Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Mauritania Mexico Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Portugal Romania Russia & CISs Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland Syria Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania Thailand Togo Turkey Uganda United Kingdom Unknown Uruguay USA Venezuela Yemen, Republic of Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe


14 423 10 694 16 83 27 48 20 189 8 2 413 1683 88 1 61 6 7 405 291 22 241 108 446 937 3 25 2504 203 4 6 718 9 294 51 1763 3 171 1 2128 173 2164 52 362 1576


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protection and Conservation of Indian Sorghum Landraces Page 34 of 88

APPENDIX II: Sorghum germplasm collection by Indian scientists abroad S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Total

Country Angola Australia Botswana Burkina Faso Cameroon Chad China Egypt El Salvador Ethiopia Ghana Guatemala Haiti Honduras Iran Japan Kenya Malawi Mali Mexico Myanmar Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Pakistan Russia & CISs Senegal Somalia South Africa Sudan Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania Thailand Turkey Uganda USA Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe 40

No of accessions 3 4 6 97 1 107 43 1 1 47 7 1 1 3 5 9 18 7 35 15 3 1 1 21 750 8 5 7 5 47 510 4 18 2 1 45 302 4 9 7 2161

Source: ICRISAT data base --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 35 of 88

APPENDIX III: State-wise sorghum landraces conserved at ICRISAT

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


State No. of landraces Andhra Pradesh 179 Assam 2 Bihar 109 Delhi 9 Gujarat 109 Haryana 2 Himachal Pradesh 4 Jammu & Kashmir 7 Karnataka 266 Kerala 7 Madhya Pradesh 523 Maharastra 520 Orisa 58 Punjab 90 Rajasthan 100 Tamil Nadu 103 Tripura 8 Uttar Pradesh 131 West Bengal 30 Unknown geographical area 37



APPENDIX IV: Recent state-wise sorghum landraces conserved at NRCS

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


State No. of landraces Andhra Pradesh 16 Karnataka 17 Madhya Pradesh 39 Maharashtra 43 Rajasthan 5 Tamil Nadu 6 Uttar Pradesh 4


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 36 of 88

APPENDIX V: Utilization of popular landraces for varietal released in India

A) List of released grain sorghum varieties and hybrids using germplasm S. No 1 2

Name of cultivar CSV 1

Tested number/name Swarna






CS 3541


148 / 168




R 16


SPV 86


SPV 126

CSV 10

SPV 346

CSV 11

SPV 351

CSV 13

SPV 475

CSV 14R M 35-1 CSV 216 (Phule Yashoda)

SPV 839

3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 11


13 14 15

SPV 1359

Pedigree details IS 3924 - Kafir durra (USA) IS 3922 - Kafir durra (USA) Karad local - a kharif local from Maharashtra IS 2954 - Durra Caudatum (USA) BP53 = IS18432-India-durra, a Gujarat kharif local IS 3675-Kafir durra (USA) Back 2931,BKAFx8038 B yel. IS 3541-Zerazera (Ethiopia) IS 3687- durra-caudatum (USA) Aispuri (IS 1151) - durra(India) a Maharashtra kharif local IS 3922 - Kafir durra (USA) Aispuri (IS 1151) - See 5 IS 2950 = Guinea durra (USA) M 35-1 = Local Maldandi Selection R24 = IS3687(Kafir-USA) x M35-1 R16 = IS2950 (Guinea – durra, USA) x M35-1 CS 3541 - IS3675 x IS 3541 IS 3675-Kafir durra(USA) Back 2931B KAF x 8038 BYel. IS 3541-Zerazera (Ethiopia) SB 1066 - Sel from SC 108 (Purdue USA) CS 3541= See 7 SC108-3 - Selection from SC 108 SC 108 - Purdue, USA CS 3541 - See 7 IS12622-Durra Bicolor(Ethiopia) 555 - IS 3687 x Aispuri IS 3612 - Caudatum (Nigeria) E35-1 - Ethiopian early line CS 2947 = IS 2947 (Kafir-USA) CS 2644 = IS 2644 (Durra-India) Landrace selection from local maldandi bulk Land race Sel.from rabi germplasm Dhulia. Pure line Sel. From Tapi river valley RSLG 112-1-6

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 37 of 88

B) List of released forage varieties and hybrids using germplasm SN


Name of the variety/hybrid

9 10 11

Haryana Chari (JS 73/53) PC1 PC6 HC 136 UP Chari – I UP Chari-2 PC9 Rajasthan Chari2 HC 171 HC 308 SSG 59-3


Pusa Chari-23

2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Country of origin

Sel. From local germplasm

Year of release 1976

Sel. From IS 609 Sel. From IS 5977 IS 3214 x PC 7R Sel. From IS 4776 Vidisha 60-1 x IS 6953 Sel. From IS 4870 Sel. From local of Udaipur

Bicolor Durra Bicolor Durra Guinea-Caudatum Durra

USA India USA India Sudan India

1976 1980 1982 1982 1985 1985 1985

SPV 8 x IS 4776 SPV 8 x IS 4776 (Non-Sweet Sudan Grass x JS 263) Exotic hybrid Martin x 9070 10 sudan grass

Durra Durra

India India

1987 1996 1977 1985

APPENDIX VI: Test entries in AICSIP as part of International Sorghum (IS) collections SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Accession No IS - 18444 IS - 18445 IS - 18446 IS - 18447 IS - 18448 IS - 18449 IS - 18450 IS - 18451 IS - 18452 IS - 18453 IS - 21965 IS - 23392 IS - 23393 IS - 23394 IS - 23395 IS - 23396 IS - 23397 IS - 23398 IS - 23399 IS - 23400 IS - 23401 IS - 23402 IS - 23403 IS - 23404 IS - 23405

Alt acc. identity SPV 1 SPV 9 SPV 12 SPV 35 SPV 55 SPV 66 SPV 69 SPV 71 SPV 104 SPV 329 SPV 4 SPV 26 SPV 29 SPV 34 SPV 41 SPV 43 SPV 59 SPV 78 SPV 86 SPV 95 SPV 96 SPV 97 SPV 98 SPV 99 SPV 100

Province Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Location Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar

FAO in trust Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 38 of 88

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

IS - 23406 IS - 23407 IS - 23408 IS - 23409 IS - 23410 IS - 23411 IS - 23412 IS - 23413 IS - 23414 IS - 23415 IS - 23416 IS - 23417 IS - 23418 IS - 23419 IS - 23420 IS - 23421 IS - 23422 IS - 23423 IS - 23424 IS - 23425 IS - 23426 IS - 23427 IS - 23428 IS - 23429 IS - 23430 IS - 23431 IS - 23432 IS - 23433 IS - 23434 IS - 23435 IS - 23436 IS - 23437 IS - 23438 IS - 23439 IS - 23440 IS - 23441 IS - 23442 IS - 23443 IS - 23444 IS - 23445 IS - 23446 IS - 23447 IS - 23448 IS - 23449 IS - 23450 IS - 23451 IS - 23452 IS - 23453

SPV 101 SPV 102 SPV 105 SPV 106 SPV 107 SPV 108 SPV 109 SPV 110 SPV 121 SPV 123 SPV 124 SPV 126 SPV 135 SPV 138 SPV 140 SPV 141 SPV 156 SPV 158 SPV 159 SPV 160 SPV 164 SPV 173 SPV 187 SPV 192 SPV 196 SPV 200 SPV 203 SPV 205 SPV 207 SPV 211 SPV 216 SPV 217 SPV 218 SPV 219 SPV 220 SPV 221 SPV 222 SPV 223 SPV 224 SPV 225 SPV 226 SPV 227 SPV 228 SPV 229 SPV 230 SPV 232 SPV 233 SPV 245

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 39 of 88

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

IS - 23454 IS - 23455 IS - 23456 IS - 23457 IS - 23458 IS - 23459 IS - 23460 IS - 23461 IS - 23462 IS - 23463 IS - 23464 IS - 23465 IS - 23466 IS - 23467 IS - 23468 IS - 23469 IS - 23470 IS - 23471 IS - 23472 IS - 23473 IS - 23474 IS - 23475 IS - 23476 IS - 23477 IS - 23478 IS - 23479 IS - 23480 IS - 23481 IS - 23482 IS - 24692 IS - 24693 IS - 26964 IS - 36214 IS - 36215

SPV 247 SPV 257 SPV 258 SPV 265 SPV 266 SPV 268 SPV 269 SPV 270 SPV 271 SPV 290 SPV 291 SPV 292 SPV 304 SPV 305 SPV 306 SPV 308 SPV 309 SPV 310 SPV 311 SPV 312 SPV 313 SPV 314 SPV 315 SPV 316 SPV 364 SPV 365 SPV 366 SPV 373 SPV 409 SPV 126M SPV 126T SPV 103 SPV 890 SPV 891

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar Rajendranagar

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 40 of 88

APPENDIX VII: Indian sorghum landrace collections at ICRISAT genebank SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Local name Anantapur local Andhol jonna Badi begampath Baradi jonna Barari sectagundi Basavannamuthi jonna Bendu jonna Bombay jonna Budda gidda jonna Budda jonna Buramulu jonna Chalaka jonna Chepathi jonna Cherku jonna Cheruku patcha jonna Chinna sai jonna Chiruthalvalu Chitta jonna Chitta patcha jonna Dekaram jonna Desavali jonna Dhani jowar Dhooti anehula Edakula jonna Garela jonna Garibi jowar Getu jonna Gidda jonna Gidda pulla jonna Gingri jowar Gitlam Gowrani Gulbarga jonna Gundu patcha jonna Gundu jonna Gundu patcha jonna Gundu tella jonna Gundupatcha jonna Hill jowar Hulgakafi maldandi Hungari Iokhandi Irala jonna Ishimurta tahoor jonna Jadia dholio Jaggayyapet jonna Jar vrabaitanda

State Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Location/District Anantapur Medak Nizamabad Kurnool Adilabad Donekal; Ananthapur Donekal; Ananthapur Krishna Guntur Guntur Abilawarpur; Adilabad Naganallu; Mahaboobnagar Donekal; Ananthapur Warangal Nandyal Medak Manikpur; Adilabad Kothapeta; Kurnool Kurnool Warangal Donekal; Ananthapur Kutti; Adilabad Medak Regadapalli; Nellore Nandikotkur; Kurnool Muthnoor; Adilabad Telkapalli; Mahaboobnagar Chottoor Regadapalli; Nellore Nagapuram; Adilabad Nizamabad Adilabad Hanchanahal; Ananthapur Nandyal Mankapur; Adilabad Vudumulapur; Kurnool Gundlakonda; Kurnool Kodumuru Mamillavarigud Adilabad Anantapur Adilabad Papampally; Ananthapur Nizamabad Adilabad Krishna Hyderabad

Accession identifier IS - 34011 IS - 5281 IS - 5269 IS - 5207 IS - 5254 IS - 37333 IS - 37335 IS - 5135 IS - 1412 IS - 1366 IS - 33685 IS - 36079 IS - 37336 IS - 5215 IS - 1132 IS - 5273 IS - 33657 IS - 17776 IS - 5065 IS - 5225 IS - 37330 IS - 33617 IS - 5289 IS - 17759 IS - 17802 IS - 33661 IS - 36081 IS - 1432 IS - 17756 IS - 33665 IS - 5266 IS - 33620 IS - 37342 IS - 1138 IS - 33652 IS - 17770 IS - 17749 IS - 21979 IS - 17903 IS - 4578 IS - 5088 IS - 5256 IS - 22061 IS - 5259 IS - 1149 IS - 5139 IS - 5208

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 41 of 88

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Jellikanki Jewargi jonna Jhipri jonna Jola jonna Jonna Jonna brawhan Jonna kanchai Jonna madanapalli Jonna neor Jonna pagadola Jonna saner Jonna vampalli Jonnas alunt Jowari langpur Juta jonna Kaki jonna Kakimari jonna Kakimuttani jonna Kakivai jonna Karimdevpeth jonna Kinda jonna Kobbari jonna Konda jonna Kothi jonna Kunti jonna Lathvaram jonna Leha jowar Light yellow jowar Madhira local Madnur Magi jonna Mahavani Mahavari dichpalli Mahavari ghanpuo Mahavari shampur Mahuri jonna Malli jonna Mandasa Masaka jonna Mawralu jonna Menti jonnalu Mobbu jonna Moti Motitura Mudda jonna Mudda patcha jonna Mudda peela jonna Muddiakanki jonna Mungari jonna Mungari patcha jonna Munugari jonna Muthyala jonna

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Guntur Donekal; Ananthapur Toroda; Adilabad Nizamabad Visakhapatnam Kurnool Krishna Chittoor Cuddapah Kurnool Anantapur Cuddapah Anantapur Adilabad Adilabad Pileru 3W, Chittore Medak Daggunta; Nellore Warangal Khammam Chityal; Adilabad West Godavari Nandanapalle T. Veerapuram; Ananthapur Kalavapally; Ananthapur Gudihathnoor; Adilabad Edurallapalli; Khammam Madhira Nizamabad Warangal Adilabad Nizamabad Nizamabad Adilabad Vanal pahad; Adilabad Karimnagar Mandasa Cuddapah Kurnool Gundampalli; Adilabad Chittoor Vinayakapuram; Khammam Dhanura (k); Adilabad Latchanaik; Warangal Cuddapah Alur; Kurnool Donekal; Ananthapur Vadiampeta; Ananthapur Nandyal Ramarajupalli Bidalapalle, Chittore

IS - 1408 IS - 37332 IS - 33703 IS - 5262 IS - 5176 IS - 5073 IS - 5140 IS - 5116 IS - 5096 IS - 5074 IS - 5095 IS - 5101 IS - 5093 IS - 5244 IS - 5246 IS - 22197 IS - 33973 IS - 5285 IS - 17758 IS - 5226 IS - 5193 IS - 33684 IS - 1187 IS - 1468 IS - 22066 IS - 22056 IS - 33649 IS - 17681 IS - 21974 IS - 5271 IS - 5216 IS - 5253 IS - 5261 IS - 5260 IS - 5252 IS - 33697 IS - 5233 IS - 17904 IS - 1537 IS - 5204 IS - 33696 IS - 1524 IS - 17725 IS - 33660 IS - 36088 IS - 5106 IS - 17774 IS - 37329 IS - 22046 IS - 1141 IS - 40334 IS - 33975

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 42 of 88

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136

Nalla voosa jonna Nandyal Naralu jonna Narial jonna Natora jonna Neeli jonna Neeru jonna Nila jonna Nirjola atmakur Nizam jonna Noola jonna saner Oola patcha jonna Palam jonna Palapu jonna Palicha jonna Pallpu jonna Pandimuti jonna Pandimutte jonna Pasara jonna Patcha jonna Pedda jonna Pedda patcha jonna Pelala jonna Pendi mittai Peria manjal cholam Persa jonna Pilam Pilla jonna Potti thimmalu Pulla jonna Punasa jonna Punasa patcha jonna Pyra jonna Pyru patcha jonna Pyru yerra jonna Rahhi shampur Raichur jonna

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

Rangampet jonna Ratnapuri jonna Rayachur jonna Red jowar Renati jonna Sadhuri jonna Safed jowar Sai jonna Saner Sathammazada jonna Satpana jonna Saye jonna Sherkhandi begampath Shivuni thalavalu

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh

Bannur; Kurnool Nandyal Adilabad Anukunta; Adilabad Manikpur; Adilabad Kalyandurg; Ananthapur T. Veerapuram; Ananthapur Karimnagar Anantapur East Godavari Cuddapah Vudumulapur; Kurnool Manikpur; Adilabad Nellore Kurnool Nellore Mankapur; Adilabad Pusiguda; Adilabad Kalavapally; Ananthapur East Godavari Konda Reddy Palli; Prakasam Narmada; Nellore Alur; Kurnool Adilabad Pusiguda; Adilabad Nizamabad Donakonda Lolam; Adilabad Regadapalli; Nellore Chinatekur; Kurnool East Godavari Guntur Reddy Palem; Prakasam West Godavari Adilabad Owk, Anantapur 101N, Kurnool Medak Karimnagar Itakalapadu; Mahaboobnagar Kallur; Khammam Eguvapalli; Ananthapur Sathnumbari; Adilabad Pusiguda; Adilabad Lolam; Adilabad Anantapur Cuddapah Kurnool Hyderabad Nizamabad Lolam; Adilabad

IS - 17739 IS - 1045 IS - 5248 IS - 33628 IS - 33656 IS - 22058 IS - 22065 IS - 5238 IS - 1363 IS - 5164 IS - 5104 IS - 17768 IS - 33658 IS - 1512 IS - 5085 IS - 5124 IS - 33654 IS - 33676 IS - 22055 IS - 1422 IS - 17793 IS - 17789 IS - 17772 IS - 5249 IS - 1382 IS - 33674 IS - 5267 IS - 1492 IS - 33690 IS - 17757 IS - 22044 IS - 5163 IS - 5131 IS - 17796 IS - 5152 IS - 5251 IS - 34003 IS - 5276 IS - 5234 IS - 17726 IS - 17687 IS - 40332 IS - 33619 IS - 33678 IS - 33686 IS - 5094 IS - 5107 IS - 5206 IS - 5209 IS - 5270 IS - 33693

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 43 of 88

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201

Sholapur jonna Tandur local Tekedari jonna Tella jonna Tella malle jonna Tella volla jonna Thithri jonna Thota jonna Tomra jonna Vanakalam jola Varadi jonna Varadi jowar Vellai cholam Venna mudda jonna Verra jonna Wani jowar White cholam White cholam edurur White jowar Wyno jowar Yadkulu jadkal Yellow cholam Yellow jowar Yendakalam jonna Yerra jonna Yerra jonnalu Yerra malle jonna Yerra yonna Yonnas alunt Janera koribasti Pok bhasela basti Bajra Banera darbhanga Bankatia Bargatu Binora Chal dhoa Chanpura Chinna janera mathai bazari Cholia silanda santhal Cholia siswa santha Cholia talijhari Darbar Desua Dul dalia koriohna Ganera bettiah Ganera rajhari Gangai Gehusna padia bariarpur Gidha Ginera kheri

Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Assam Assam Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar

Cuddapah Ranga Reddy Kachkanti; Adilabad Injedu; Kurnool Anukunta; Adilabad Cuddapah Antharni; Adilabad Kalyandurg; Ananthapur Devguda; Adilabad Narlavagu; Kurnool Gudihathnoor; Adilabad Nagapuram; Adilabad Chittoor Lingampalli; Nellore Rayachoti Gudihathnoor; Adilabad Kurnool Kurnool Edurallapalli; Khammam Pusiguda; Adilabad Karimnagar Kurnool Dendukur; Khammam Jalalpur; Mahaboobnagar Gundlakonda; Cuddapah Kurnool Anukunta; Adilabad Karimnagar Anantapur Dangang Dangang Golwadi; Hazaribagh Manghyar Champaran Shahbad Hisua; Gaya Dhanbad Manghyar Manghyar

IS - 5111 IS - 36451 IS - 33623 IS - 17731 IS - 33633 IS - 5105 IS - 33711 IS - 22060 IS - 33671 IS - 22038 IS - 33646 IS - 33663 IS - 1544 IS - 17761 IS - 1479 IS - 33648 IS - 5067 IS - 5069 IS - 17688 IS - 33677 IS - 5239 IS - 5068 IS - 17660 IS - 40335 IS - 17800 IS - 5071 IS - 33636 IS - 5237 IS - 5092 IS - 6270 IS - 6269 IS - 32402 IS - 5756 IS - 5735 IS - 5706 IS - 32454 IS - 5780 IS - 5752 IS - 5753

Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar

Santhal Santhal Santhal Dharbhanga Dharbhanga Palamu Champaran Palamu Birmitrapur; Gumla Manghyar Shahbad Palamu

IS - 5768 IS - 5778 IS - 5769 IS - 5750 IS - 5751 IS - 5696 IS - 5724 IS - 5690 IS - 32387 IS - 5767 IS - 5709 IS - 5695

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202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252

Ginera sinbha Ginohri nawanagar Ginora ghatra Ginora ginghia Ginora gurwalia Ginora jhalkia Ginora kheri Ginora kulwa Ginora pak bihar Ginora panapur Ginora pawai Ginora ram ban Ginora tara chauidi Ginori bintoli Ginori nawadara Gobiana Godda Gumla Hara pada Janer kanchari bahu Janer nawadara Janera belchampe Janera dilawarpur Janera gumla Janera judhen Janera khussupur Janera mokameh Janera pipla Janera rahmat Janera watganj Janeralalka budun jola Janeri josia Jinoria bargalia Kalkatia hardiabad Kanke No. 2 Karkatia or gahona managarhi Karkatia salimpur Kassava Kurchi Lalka aror ranway Lalka ganera gadho Lalka janera Lalka keoli ranway Lalka pana ranway Lalka vaochpur Lalka watganj Litipada Masuria chankera Masuria karamer Masuria shishon Mirdha

Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar

Palamu Shahbad Palamu Champaran Champaran Champaran Palamu Champaran Champaran Champaran Champaran Champaran Shahbad Shahbad Shahbad Dharbhanga Santhal Singhbhum Santhal Manghyar Shahbad Palamu Patna Saran Muzaffarpur Patna Patna Saran Patna Muzaffarpur Champaran Patna Shahbad Manghyar Kanki Manghyar

IS - 5691 IS - 5701 IS - 5693 IS - 5723 IS - 5734 IS - 5728 IS - 5694 IS - 5729 IS - 5733 IS - 5730 IS - 5732 IS - 5731 IS - 5699 IS - 5702 IS - 5703 IS - 5748 IS - 5772 IS - 5685 IS - 5775 IS - 5755 IS - 5704 IS - 5692 IS - 5712 IS - 5722 IS - 5737 IS - 5714 IS - 5713 IS - 5720 IS - 5711 IS - 5740 IS - 5725 IS - 1182 IS - 5700 IS - 5766 IS - 1124 IS - 5765

Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar

Manghyar Chittia; Deogarh Dhanbad Dharbhanga Muzaffarpur Muzaffarpur Dharbhanga Dharbhanga Muzaffarpur Muzaffarpur Santhal Saran Saran Saran Dhanbad

IS - 5763 IS - 32432 IS - 5787 IS - 5745 IS - 5742 IS - 5738 IS - 5744 IS - 5746 IS - 5743 IS - 5739 IS - 5774 IS - 5715 IS - 5718 IS - 5717 IS - 5783

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253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304

Musori motipari Musoria giddha Musoria karampur Nambia Narkatia Nauhatta Nawadi santhal Nawanagar Nilwa juar Nohat Ouldubia Panchrishi Pipra Pohlde Porariga Rahsa Rangpur Salagid San sahin Saraiya Satsemari Shenoli 4-2 Shesegar Shishwa kakwara Shishwa mangra Shishwa nima Shishwa radhanagar Sindoorpur Sisua Sisua posaiya Sisua puri hat Sundru Taljhari Tati Teghara Urdu chenari Watganj Zinora mamba Big jowar Delhi local Jaglur Jaglur (vasi) Jowar red jaglur Keshari jowar Local jowar Rabi jowar Shimoga Aglokana Alindra Amod Amreli Arthi

Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat

Champaran Shahbad Saran Adharh; Mungher Dharbhanga Shahabad Santhal Shahbad Sabour Dhanbad Dhuldulia; Nawada Dhanbad Manghyar Singhbhum Santhal Dharbhanga Manghyar Dhanbad Champaran Shahabad Shahabad Sabour Shahabad Bhagalpur Bhagalpur Bhagalpur Bhagalpur Dhanbad Nawapura; Deogarh Santhal Santhal Singhbhum Santhal Singhbhum Shahbad Shahabad Muzaffarpur Palamu

Broach Kaira Broach Amreli Mehsana

IS - 5726 IS - 5710 IS - 5721 IS - 32449 IS - 5747 IS - 1116 IS - 5773 IS - 5707 IS - 1500 IS - 5785 IS - 32452 IS - 5784 IS - 5754 IS - 5684 IS - 5777 IS - 5749 IS - 5757 IS - 5786 IS - 5736 IS - 1115 IS - 1117 IS - 3916 IS - 1114 IS - 5762 IS - 5759 IS - 5761 IS - 5760 IS - 5781 IS - 32429 IS - 5776 IS - 5770 IS - 5686 IS - 5779 IS - 5687 IS - 5708 IS - 1118 IS - 5741 IS - 5689 IS - 2196 IS - 1023 IS - 2198 IS - 2197 IS - 2204 IS - 2200 IS - 2199 IS - 2201 IS - 2195 IS - 4830 IS - 4811 IS - 4833 IS - 4789 IS - 4861

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 46 of 88

305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355

Balasiyer Bapapur Bapra Berno S.K. Bhadarvi chikalvov Bojiwara Chapavadi Chinam Dadar chikalvov Dadar chinchina Dadiya gamdi Dalgadh B.K. Dand Dayaper kutch Desi Desi banwa Desi depasyun Desi khigaria Desi local keriacha Desi lunki Desi taragadhia Desi venkya Dhandola Gadi ranpur Gangad tancha Ghugro Ginod Gooseneck phulsar Gothi Gudha S.K. Gugalo panchala Gugheri kinchiabad Gundholi panchala Gunteshwar Himmatpur S.K. Hirpura Jamnavar Joudra kharif taked budhur Jowar Jowar fategrhm kutch Jowar khaai kutch Jowar kharif Jowar kondurli kutch Jowar manipara Jowar nagalpur kutch Jowar varadia kutch Jumbu gone Kaljanpur Karanj Kasio Kaunoor gugli phulsar

Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat

Panchmahal Amreli Amreli Bhakunbhai Surat Surendranagar Surat Surat Surat Nasik Kaira Palompur Kaira Kutch Rajkot Junagadh Jamnagar Jamnagar Amreli Amreli Rajkot Jamnagar Baroda Junagadh Broach Rajkot Surat Bhavnagar Nasik Bhakunbhai Junagadh Rajkot Junagadh Jamnagar Palompur Mehsana Bhavnagar Nasik

IS - 4814 IS - 4794 IS - 4796 IS - 4877 IS - 4850 IS - 4728 IS - 4851 IS - 4854 IS - 4849 IS - 4886 IS - 4809 IS - 4865 IS - 4810 IS - 8312 IS - 4748 IS - 4775 IS - 4760 IS - 4763 IS - 4793 IS - 4795 IS - 4747 IS - 4761 IS - 4822 IS - 4784 IS - 4829 IS - 4742 IS - 4843 IS - 4808 IS - 4882 IS - 4873 IS - 4779 IS - 4743 IS - 4777 IS - 4758 IS - 4870 IS - 4858 IS - 4802 IS - 4884

Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat

Baroda Kutch Kutch Baroda Kutch Kaira Kutch Kutch Baroda Jamnagar Surat Jamnagar Bhavnagar

IS - 4820 IS - 8316 IS - 8319 IS - 4819 IS - 8324 IS - 4813 IS - 8317 IS - 8318 IS - 4818 IS - 4769 IS - 4844 IS - 4762 IS - 4807

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 47 of 88

356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407

Khanpur Khijharia Khodalu Khond sundana Mahni gudha s.k. Majevari Malwan dabla Mandrij Mandroy Mojpur Monku Mothi khanri Movada samadiya Mundra kutch Nabha trana kutch Palitina dholiao 3 Pelio saroli Pipardi Ponk type masma Pop type mandroy Pop. type masma Rabi jowar Rabi jowar khanpur Ranpur Red jowar kunua kutch Sagadiludi Samla Shola rabi taked budhur Sorghum gundhli Sundhia amod Sundhia kana Surat local Sushkal Tamkhambalia Tankaria Timtoda Topli Topli tramba Unaru Unchamla Vagadi bedi Vagadi bhajinlara Vani mandroy Vani marma Vayor kutch Veerarlal Verawal dholiao Wadadi local Wagadi tramba Wagri desi amara Walakao Wawri

Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat

Baroda Jamnagar Palompur Nasik Bhakunbhai Junagadh Mehsana Surat Surat Baroda Palompur Jamnagar Kaira Kutch Kutch Aliabad Surat Bhavnagar Surat Surat Surat Broach Baroda Junagadh Kutch Junagadh Surendranagar Nasik Kutch Broach Broach Surat Baroda Jamnagar Jamnagar Mehsana Rajkot Rajkot Amreli Surat Rajkot Rajkot Surat Surat Kutch Junagadh Aliabad Bhavnagar Rajkot Rajkot Bhavnagar Junagadh

IS - 4826 IS - 4765 IS - 4863 IS - 4887 IS - 4875 IS - 4776 IS - 4855 IS - 4845 IS - 4846 IS - 4828 IS - 4864 IS - 4766 IS - 4812 IS - 8314 IS - 8313 IS - 1036 IS - 4836 IS - 4799 IS - 4838 IS - 4848 IS - 4839 IS - 1063 IS - 4827 IS - 4785 IS - 8322 IS - 8328 IS - 4722 IS - 4883 IS - 8326 IS - 4835 IS - 4831 IS - 1033 IS - 4824 IS - 4767 IS - 4773 IS - 4857 IS - 4745 IS - 4754 IS - 4788 IS - 4853 IS - 4734 IS - 4741 IS - 4847 IS - 4840 IS - 8311 IS - 4780 IS - 1038 IS - 4805 IS - 4750 IS - 4755 IS - 4798 IS - 4786

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 48 of 88

408 Yellow local masma 409 Gooseneck baksianarvalli 410 White grain baksianarvalli 411 Chari kolar 412 Chari moginand 413 Chari nihalgarh 414 Chari paonta 415 Chari 416 Chari barwal 417 Chari bathundi 418 Chari kishanpur 419 Chari kotli 420 Red chari 421 White chari kaleeth 422 Acronal 423 Afzalpur 424 Afzalpur local 425 Aland 426 Allalli jola 427 Allu jola or Jawargi 428 Allu jonna 429 Allu or alluna jola 430 Alluna jola 431 Ankulga 432 Annegiri 433 Anrada local 434 Anthur banthur local 435 Argadi jola 436 Arunudduga jola 437 Assana jola 438 Ayidukalasa 439 Badi jowar 440 Bailhongal local 441 Balli jola 442 Bamkad tenai jola 443 Bangalore 444 Banuth jola 445 Barwanmoti jola 446 Basavannapada 447 Basigai jola 448 Basika jola 449 Belichigaon 450 Benni jola 451 Besigai jola 452 Bhagwathi jola 453 Bhangar kaddi 454 Bhogapura 455 Bidar local 456 Bili gund jola 457 Bili guni jola

Gujarat Haryana

Surat Hisar

IS - 4837 IS - 6297



IS - 6294

Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Sirmoor Sirmoor Sirmoor Sirmoor Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Jammu Karnataka Haveli; Bijapur Afzalpur Gulburga Managoli; Bijapur Gulbarga Elsingi; Bidar Raichur Benkadukatti; Dharwad Gulburga Karnataka Haveli; Bijapur Anthur-benthur; Dharwad Bidar Shimoga Bellary Chilakamukki; Raichur Kappargaon; Bidar Bail hongal; Belgaum Mudbal; Gulburga Bijapur Bangalore Halgunki; Bijapur Bijapur Gadag; Dharwad Chikmagalur Birur; Chikmagalur Dharwad Kottur; Bellary Chikmagalur Bijapur Raichur Taranagar; Bellary Haveli; Bijapur Belgaum Bijapur

IS - 6066 IS - 6067 IS - 6065 IS - 6063 IS - 6011 IS - 6006 IS - 6005 IS - 6008 IS - 6004 IS - 6010 IS - 6009 IS - 21970 IS - 37286 IS - 26971 IS - 33880 IS - 37257 IS - 5604 IS - 22189 IS - 5566 IS - 22126 IS - 33887 IS - 21969 IS - 37288 IS - 22131 IS - 5583 IS - 5468 IS - 5542 IS - 22099 IS - 37183 IS - 22133 IS - 37217 IS - 5613 IS - 1106 IS - 37245 IS - 5641 IS - 22116 IS - 5490 IS - 40330 IS - 18513 IS - 37311 IS - 5480 IS - 5639 IS - 5552 IS - 22068 IS - 37287 IS - 5671 IS - 5659

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 49 of 88

458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508

Bili hingari jola Bili jola Bili jola kodar jola Bili kesari jola Bili mungari Bili mungari dodda jola Biligundu Billi jola Chalo jola Chawri jowar Chittapur Chowlolaga jola Dhaman golya-jowar local Dodda bija jola Dodda jola Dodda jola or bili jola Dundannabili jola Dundu jola Dundu teani Ekranal Etnapalli 5-4-1 Eulgar jola Fulgar white Fulgar yellow Gadda jola Gangavathi Gatti tenai Geda dumma jonna Ghat beej Gida bija jola Gida dimma jola Gida maldandi Gida timmanna jola Gidagempu jola Gidda binumana jola Gidda kempu Gidda kempu jola Giddangeri jola Gidingiri jola Gingeri jola Gudgeri jola Gulabi jola or jawargi Gulabi jowar Gulbarga jola Gund bili jola Gund jola Gund jowar Gund tani jowari Gunda jola Gundu beej Gundu jola

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Bellary Karnataka Tumkur Chitaldurg Sanhapur; Gulburga Chitaldurg Haveli; Bijapur Kagwada, Belgaum Annabarothi; Belgaum Belgaum Haveli; Bijapur Hassan Dharwad

IS - 5536 IS - 18422 IS - 5514 IS - 5524 IS - 22179 IS - 5523 IS - 37284 IS - 40898 IS - 22137 IS - 2206 IS - 37290 IS - 5493 IS - 3813

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Dharwad Shimoga Bidar Itikii; Bellary Hubli; Dharwar Hubli; Dharwar Raichur Etanapalli Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad Hankalagi; Belgaum Biligi; Bijapur Saundatti; Belgaum Nandibevur; Bellary Amin bhavi; Dharwar Dharwad K. ayyana halli; Bellary Belgaum Karnataka Bijapur Tumkur Annegiri; Dharwad Kadampur; Dharwad Hebbal; Gulburga Bijapur Bijapur Dharwad Gulbarga Sedam; Gulburga Kottur; Bellary Bijapur Bidar Belgaum Raichur Bidar Saundatti; Belgaum Partabad; Gulburga

IS - 5663 IS - 5473 IS - 5576 IS - 37325 IS - 40222 IS - 40231 IS - 22104 IS - 26973 IS - 5643 IS - 18511 IS - 3816 IS - 22139 IS - 37281 IS - 40265 IS - 22086 IS - 40259 IS - 5661 IS - 22079 IS - 5676 IS - 21972 IS - 5616 IS - 5518 IS - 22128 IS - 22120 IS - 22174 IS - 5627 IS - 5660 IS - 5645 IS - 5603 IS - 37205 IS - 37317 IS - 5629 IS - 5577 IS - 2207 IS - 5564 IS - 5581 IS - 40268 IS - 37214

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 50 of 88

509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560

Gundu teanai Gundu teani Halberga Haldoli mungari jola Hale maldandi Hali jola Hasaru jola Hassam jola Hassar jola Hassaru jola Heagri local Hingar jola Holegi jola Holgi jola Holgi jolari Holi jola Holige jola Holigo jola Hudi jola Ibhani jola Ibhathi undi jola Ingari jola Jamaga Jamkhandi jola Jerla jola Jewargi jola Jewargi local Jingridukhi Jola Jola kadur Jola nandyal Jowari jola Kachkach jola Kada jola Kadabuni jola Kadbina jola or Jawargi Kadbina jola or poori Kadbina jola or poorijola Kagar jola Kagi muthi jola Kagimoti jola Kaimuti jola Kaki jola Kaki jola or jawargi Kakimuti jola Kakimuti jonna Kalagonda Kanakada jola Kanakam jonna Kanivi Kankada jola Kannur

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Yelgi; Bijapur Biligi; Bijapur Bidar Chitaldurg Bijapur Babanagar, Bijapur Raichur Bidar Bidar Bidar Haveli; Bijapur Shimoga Bijapur Gugi; Gulburga Yeligiri; Bijapur Nandipur; Gulburga Bijapur Bijapur Benkatti; Belguam Mandya Gulbarga Kallambella; Sira; Tumkur Gulburga Dharwad Nabunyal, Belgaum Veniveerapuram; Bellary Haveli; Bijapur Janwada; Bidar Raichur Chikmagalur Dharwad Aktangihaula; Belgaum Balloli; Bijapur Bijapur Hiremutchaloud; Bijapur Gulbarga Gulbarga Gulbarga Chitaldurg Bijapur Biligi; Bijapur Hungund; Bijapur Kolar Gulbarga Hosur; Bijapur Askehalli; Raichur Karnataka Sanhapur; Gulburga Hattunoor; Raichur Gadag; Dharwad Raichur Bijapur

IS - 37239 IS - 37282 IS - 17913 IS - 5522 IS - 5630 IS - 40908 IS - 5570 IS - 5578 IS - 5580 IS - 5582 IS - 37283 IS - 5469 IS - 5632 IS - 37230 IS - 40187 IS - 37208 IS - 5624 IS - 5618 IS - 40273 IS - 5494 IS - 5610 IS - 36317 IS - 33878 IS - 5664 IS - 40900 IS - 37309 IS - 37289 IS - 22192 IS - 5545 IS - 5484 IS - 6347 IS - 22140 IS - 37243 IS - 5622 IS - 22156 IS - 5605 IS - 5602 IS - 5601 IS - 5530 IS - 5615 IS - 37278 IS - 37300 IS - 5499 IS - 5606 IS - 37298 IS - 37348 IS - 21971 IS - 22178 IS - 37355 IS - 22124 IS - 5567 IS - 5658

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 51 of 88

561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611

Kanu machuga Kanumi jola Kappa malagi muranpur Kar jola Kare gunai Kare guni Kareguni jola Karigidagempu hukeri Kariguni jola Kariowargina bailwade Karkati jola Kathi jola Kebari jola Kedar jola Kempu alluna jola Kempu desi jola Kempu gidgompu hukeri Kempu jola Kempu kate Kempu kesari Kempu kesari jola Kempuguni jola Kempur jola Kesari jola Kesari padda jola Kharif bili jola Kharif hingari jola Kharif kempu mungari jola Kharif maldandi Kharif mungar jola Kharif vagaru jola Khariff dodda birun jola Kodimuruku Kodmurk malkhaid Kodmurshi farhatabad Kodumurka Koldangri Kurupathali local Lad chincholi Lakkadi Local kharif jowar Machendri Machindri billi jola Madan bher Maldandi Maldandi gol jowar Maldnadi Mangan jola Mariangari jola Mattalli Mevin jola

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Kadampur; Dharwad Gudugutta; Gulburga Raichur Sharadwad; Belgaum Ranibennur; Dharwar Kadampur; Dharwad Kanamadi, Bijapur Belgaum Kottur; Bellary Belgaum Gulbarga Gulbarga Kalingeri; Bellary Tumkur Dharwad Dharwad Belgaum Kadini halli; Bellary Vatvata; Gulburga Kalingeri; Bellary Chitaldurg Managoli; Bijapur Gulbarga Shimoga Chitaldurg Chikmagalur Bellary Raichur

IS - 22121 IS - 22171 IS - 5553 IS - 22142 IS - 40301 IS - 22122 IS - 40913 IS - 5672 IS - 37318 IS - 5680 IS - 5607 IS - 5588 IS - 22074 IS - 5513 IS - 5646 IS - 5665 IS - 5673 IS - 22082 IS - 37201 IS - 22076 IS - 5521 IS - 37258 IS - 5590 IS - 5472 IS - 5529 IS - 5489 IS - 5539 IS - 5565

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Nesargi; Belgaum Shimoga Chikmagalur Chikmagalur Kadampur; Dharwad Gulbarga Gulbarga Marawad; Dharwar Gulburga Kurupathali Gulburga Haveli; Bijapur Devapur; Gulburga Kolhar; Bijapur Nabunyal, Belgaum Dharwad Heilkedi; Bidar Bidar Hanumanmatti; Dharwar Mandya Bijapur Haveli; Bijapur Tumkur

IS - 22135 IS - 5471 IS - 5487 IS - 5485 IS - 22118 IS - 5591 IS - 5596 IS - 40257 IS - 33881 IS - 26972 IS - 33882 IS - 37291 IS - 22181 IS - 37274 IS - 40901 IS - 3811 IS - 37186 IS - 4579 IS - 40291 IS - 5495 IS - 5635 IS - 37293 IS - 5506

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 52 of 88

612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663

Mona madari jola Mooraganiki jola Mudda jonna Muddihali jola Mudduga jola varunu Muguthi Muguthi etnapalli Mulgond Mungari bili jola Mungari jola Muntha jola Muskin jola Muttin guti jola Muttina mudi Nandibevur jola Nandyal Nandyal jola Nandyal yamamura Navadge Neera jola Nipani jola Palmadi ammoravati Paramsali jola Patcha jonna Pattan Peddina jola Peeli jonna Pelala jonna Phnlamathigi Phulla mulliga jola Rabi yangar jola Raichur jola Raichur jonna Raichur jowar Rao saheb jola Rao sahib Rasi jola Rassamalligi jola Rekhedgoli jola Rekkegundu jola Rik jola Sadgar nandyal Safed jola Safed jowar Sakari jola Sakhapur Sakkara guleka Sakkara mukkiri jola Sakkaramukri jola Sakkarglgi jola Sakkari jola Sarasamba

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka

Bijapur Hiremutchaloud; Bijapur Askehalli; Raichur Halgunki; Bijapur Mysore Mahalbagayat; Bijapur Etanapalli Gadag; Dharwad Gadag; Dharwad Timmapur; Bijapur Kolar Gadag; Dharwad Tumkur Hassan Kadini halli; Bellary Nandibevur; Bellary Kadini halli; Bellary Dharwad Gulburga Dharwad Belgaum Raichur Belgaum Kandaram; Bidar Gulburga Batakurki; Belguam Majjinidi; Bidar Kandaram; Bidar Haveli; Bijapur Gulbarga Shimoga Nandibevur; Bellary Nandibevur; Bellary Halligudi; Raichur Gulbarga Bijapur Gulbarga Raichur Bijapur Malkhed; Gulburga Gavanal; Belguam Gadag; Dharwad Hulkal; Gulburga Markal; Bidar Gulbarga Gulburga Sandur; Bellary Kajapur; Bijapur Sindgi; Bijapur Raichur Bijapur Gulburga

IS - 5640 IS - 22154 IS - 37352 IS - 37248 IS - 5466 IS - 37260 IS - 26974 IS - 22125 IS - 22114 IS - 22153 IS - 5500 IS - 22115 IS - 5505 IS - 5491 IS - 22083 IS - 22087 IS - 22081 IS - 5650 IS - 33888 IS - 18509 IS - 5674 IS - 5563 IS - 5681 IS - 22185 IS - 33885 IS - 40215 IS - 22190 IS - 22188 IS - 37292 IS - 5608 IS - 5475 IS - 22088 IS - 22085 IS - 22105 IS - 5598 IS - 5636 IS - 5594 IS - 5555 IS - 5617 IS - 36349 IS - 40284 IS - 22112 IS - 37226 IS - 22193 IS - 5599 IS - 33879 IS - 22070 IS - 40207 IS - 37234 IS - 5568 IS - 5614 IS - 33875

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 53 of 88

664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714

Sedhal jola Shadbol Shakti Sherkhendi jola Sirgapur SPV 894 Sure Havala Surya haula Tella jingri Tella jonna jaladarasi Thepedari Tiruvale Turai jola Turai jola Udda maldandi Vagar jola Vjala jola Vogar jola Yanagar jola Yengara jola Yenigar jola Yenigara jola Yeppathin jola Yerra jonna Cholam Cholam chathamangalam Cholam mahamma Cholam polliveral Iringal cholam Manja cholam Vellai cholam Adna Adna safed Adna-bamdelu Adna-jhalari Agar local Agia-barkhera khurd Agya kondal peeli Agya pale babulda Agya pale salbbera Agyakondal bhasinghpura Akha mudya Alapuri Alapuri narokheri Alapuri sawner Amla leelwa batalganj Amneri Amneri white kalwar Amneri yellow khalwa Andheri-bundhela Anghar

Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Belgaum Modalabavi; Belgaum Sindgi; Bijapur Bidar Gulburga Haveli; Bijapur K. Ayyanahalli; Bellary Kalingeri; Bellary Road kodiyal; Bidar Bellary Dharwad Amalapuram; Bellary Kolar Kolar Belgaum Chitaldurg Korvi; Gulburga Mandya Shimoga Annegeri; Dharwar Dharwad Shiriguppi; Dharwar Siddapura; Raichur Kandaram; Bidar Trivendrum Trichur Trivendrum Cannanore Alleppey Trichur Trichur Kurrai; Tikamgarh Pindra; Satna Kudhar; Tikamgarh Kudhar; Tikamgarh Shajapur Guna Khandwa Mandsaur Khargone E. Nimar

IS - 5678 IS - 22134 IS - 37235 IS - 5574 IS - 33886 IS - 37294 IS - 36319 IS - 22073 IS - 40178 IS - 5535 IS - 3812 IS - 36322 IS - 5501 IS - 5502 IS - 5670 IS - 5526 IS - 37202 IS - 5496 IS - 5470 IS - 40249 IS - 5648 IS - 40233 IS - 36323 IS - 22186 IS - 5454 IS - 5461 IS - 5456 IS - 5465 IS - 5457 IS - 5460 IS - 5458 IS - 19921 IS - 19825 IS - 19928 IS - 19927 IS - 34071 IS - 4383 IS - 34151 IS - 4467 IS - 4480 IS - 4494

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Kasiari; Rewa Hoshangabad Raisin Hoshangabad Mandsaur Khandwa E. Nimar E. Nimar Chapara; Chattarpur Linga; Chindwara

IS - 19800 IS - 4270 IS - 4302 IS - 4269 IS - 4447 IS - 34154 IS - 4488 IS - 4487 IS - 19868 IS - 19731

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 54 of 88

715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764

Arahara gasuga Arahara safed Arhara khanakhaja Awan Bada jowari Bada-arahara Badamasia Badi jowar Badi mahori Badmasia Badmasia safed Bagutika Bahadudi Baida-peeli Baidara Bajra Balod Bana Bandal Banddwlambabhera Bande bhutte Bandel Bandel mabela khargooli Bandel safed Bandel white tor Bandela white barkherahat Bandha Bandhel safaid nalcha Bandhra Bandhwa sinawal Bandri Bani Bani kandeli Bani kumrua Bani mithlo samon Barai Barari sakadehi Bari amneri dhanmani theka Barra Barra jowar Basara Basmati Basta Baudhela-naroni Bedra khama Bedri peela Hajinagar Bhadeli aloma Bhadwi jowar Bhadwi katra Bhapura

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Chapara; Chattarpur Gaurihar; Chattarpur Satna Guna Kasalvani; Chindwara Sarvai; Chattarpur Gangev; Reva Khargon Godri; Chindwara Khaira; Rewa North mudheri; Chattarpur Raigarh Shajapur Sarwai; Chattarpur Jora; Shahdol Alagdisa; Sarguja Durg Kudhar; Tikamgarh Seoni Sehore Dhar Ujjain Raisin Dhar Morena Guna

IS - 19867 IS - 19874 IS - 5970 IS - 4377 IS - 19740 IS - 19860 IS - 19788 IS - 34139 IS - 19733 IS - 19776 IS - 19887 IS - 5909 IS - 34069 IS - 19911 IS - 19718 IS - 32465 IS - 5882 IS - 19929 IS - 5826 IS - 4263 IS - 34116 IS - 34048 IS - 4295 IS - 34125 IS - 4353 IS - 4372

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Gwalior Dhar Siddhi Datia Sagar Damoh Narsuighpur Damoh Hoshangabad Gwalior Betul E. Nimar

IS - 4317 IS - 4471 IS - 5932 IS - 4335 IS - 5797 IS - 5800 IS - 5833 IS - 5811 IS - 4275 IS - 4312 IS - 4277 IS - 4491

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Chindwara Rajalwadi; Chindwara Chattarpur Karri; Chattarpur Surguja Guna Satna Hajinagar Seoni Dhar Ratlam Surguja

IS - 5868 IS - 19768 IS - 5994 IS - 19907 IS - 5914 IS - 4375 IS - 5972 IS - 4363 IS - 5829 IS - 34121 IS - 4442 IS - 5911

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 55 of 88

765 Bhawra jandra marvi sethia 766 Bhojra 767 Bilwa pekah 768 Bimoria 769 Birora 770 Boora batalganj 771 Boregaon 772 Brahman puri bhasinghpura 773 Bujpura 774 Burmatal 775 Caver 776 Chaklabhan 777 Chalakni-bhilkheri 778 Chamaria kandeli 779 Chamru deonagar 780 Chanti jhonta 781 Chara arvallia 782 Chara kachli kanakhera 783 Chara narokheri 784 Charra-rangai 785 Chatakne ghooghat mongar 786 Chatkul 787 Chatkula sinawal 788 Chhota jowar 789 Chicawdi badia 790 Chichawadi arniapeetha 791 Chichawadi jhalarm 792 Chichawdi 793 Chichawdi bhilkheri 794 Chichawdi jhonta 795 Chichawdi sonekutch 796 Chicholi 797 Chicwandipanman 798 Chikini jowar 799 Chikni doodh moghar maralani 800 Chikni ghooghat hath maralani 801 Chikni ghooghat mongar 802 Chikni khanpur 803 Chikni nathmaralin 804 Chikni tajpur 805 Chiktai 806 Choranga 807 Chorhat 808 Control jowar 809 Dadar kadvi 810 Dadar kurry 811 Dadar porea 812 Dadar salkhera

Madhya Pradesh


IS - 5889

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Amgaon; Raigarh Rewa Tikaugarh Tikaugarh Ratlam Betul E. Nimar

IS - 36112 IS - 5951 IS - 5997 IS - 5998 IS - 4446 IS - 4281 IS - 4493

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Chattarpur Tikaugarh Chindwara Shevpuri Sehore Narsuighpur Narsuighpur Shajapur Sehore Raisin Raisin Vidisha Indore

IS - 5992 IS - 5995 IS - 5863 IS - 4360 IS - 4268 IS - 5835 IS - 5853 IS - 4231 IS - 4266 IS - 4298 IS - 4301 IS - 4310 IS - 4402

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Lahar toparia; Chattarpur Datia Pondi; Shahdol Shajapur Ratlam Ujjain Rajgarh Sehore Shajapur Dewas Betul Shajapur Dhar Dewas

IS - 19892 IS - 4336 IS - 19714 IS - 4233 IS - 4445 IS - 4436 IS - 4244 IS - 4261 IS - 4230 IS - 4417 IS - 4293 IS - 4226 IS - 34013 IS - 4422

Madhya Pradesh


IS - 4421

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Indore Rajgarh Dewas Ujjain Godri; Chindwara Raigarh Siddhi Khargon Khargone Khargone Khargone Khargone

IS - 4401 IS - 4251 IS - 4412 IS - 4424 IS - 19736 IS - 5908 IS - 5934 IS - 34146 IS - 4474 IS - 4479 IS - 4482 IS - 4481

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 56 of 88

813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864

Darrayan sama Dedra noria Deola Deori Deori badri Dese utola Desi dhori Desi jowar Desi khanakhaja Desi manpura Desi peeli Desi vidisha Desi-peeli Desi-safed Devla junri Dhalanhoki Dhani jowar (popping) Dharamjagarh Dhola bareh Dholi ganthi tutrod Dholia ganther jamunia Dhoolititawadi tarara Dhudhanagar Digora Diwali jowar Dobgaman Dodama bagha Dodamia Dodamia-bownia Dodamia-safed Dodamia-white Dodamia-yellow Dodania ajayagarh Dodania aram ganj Dodania bhadamwara Dodania bhansawar Dodania bisana Dodania gila Dodania hiramdi Dodania idma Dodania karani Dodania pamaia Dodania parasuniah Dodania singhpur Dodania teondra Dodania umarganj Dodhamia Dodhamia-safed Dodhana Dodhania-dugdugu Dodhani-peeli Dodonia noria

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Chindwara Rewa Asthone; Tikamgarh Damoh Maudla Gwalior Jhabua Ramkuyee; Rewa Satna Gwalior North mudheri; Chattarpur Dhar North mudheri; Chattarpur North mudheri; Chattarpur Tutum; Chattarpur Panna Khargon Raigarh Morena Mandsaur Mandsaur Indore Gaurihar; Chattarpur Tikaugarh Khargon Rewa Satna Jora; Shahdol Panasi; Rewa Panasi; Rewa Theonthar; Rewa Theonthar; Rewa Panna Panna Satna Satna Panna Satna Satna Satna Satna Panna Satna Panna Satna Panna Chora halta; Rewa Bhanpur; Chattarpur Jhabua Barigarh; Chattarpur Barigarh; Chattarpur Rewa

IS - 5867 IS - 5955 IS - 19944 IS - 5817 IS - 5821 IS - 4331 IS - 34017 IS - 19772 IS - 5971 IS - 4323 IS - 19888 IS - 34119 IS - 19885 IS - 19886 IS - 19828 IS - 5981 IS - 34142 IS - 5905 IS - 4349 IS - 4452 IS - 4466 IS - 4391 IS - 19877 IS - 5996 IS - 34140 IS - 5953 IS - 5969 IS - 19719 IS - 19794 IS - 19792 IS - 19807 IS - 19806 IS - 5987 IS - 5983 IS - 5959 IS - 5973 IS - 5980 IS - 5968 IS - 5977 IS - 5960 IS - 5963 IS - 5986 IS - 5967 IS - 5984 IS - 5965 IS - 5985 IS - 19774 IS - 19869 IS - 34022 IS - 19840 IS - 19845 IS - 5956

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 57 of 88

865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915

Dood chikni mongar Dood mogar Doodh moghar Doodh moghar bhilkheri Dugdi Dugdu-dhodhonia Dugdu-ek-dhania Dugdugu Dukarthondi Dulana bareh Ek damia safed Fodder jowar Ganga bari kalipath Gangai Gangapari motipura Garhwa Garib niwas panala Garya amneri dhanmani Garya khalwa Gehudia Gehuri Ghana Gharibannas Gheoghe chandrapura Ghooghal bansabheri Ghoor nimari katha Ghuggar Ghuggar gothari Gojhani Googhar ganthi babulda Goonghath chikni ambachamban Goose Goose vani Gopalganj Goparu Gulgam Gundi jesa Gunghat chikinee Gurdhi jowar Gurdi aloma Gurdi sama Gutru Gutru khamaria Gutru nayagaon Gutrujaiwan khamaria Gwalior early Halki mahori Hamda Hatikunta Havnar Henia

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Indore Dhar Sehore Sehore Sarvai; Chattarpur Chandpura; Chattarpur Chandpura; Chattarpur Barigarh; Chattarpur Jakhri wala; Chindwara Morena Mitchukurin; Satna Dhar Rajgarh Kamosindad; Raigarh Rajgarh Rewa Dhar E. Nimar E. Nimar Jhabua Jhabua Jabalpur Dhar Morena Mandsaur Ujjain Mandsaur Mandsaur Sagar Mandsaur Indore

IS - 4400 IS - 34117 IS - 4262 IS - 4260 IS - 19861 IS - 19882 IS - 19883 IS - 19834 IS - 19745 IS - 4352 IS - 19814 IS - 34074 IS - 4235 IS - 36114 IS - 4242 IS - 5946 IS - 4470 IS - 4492 IS - 4486 IS - 34023 IS - 34018 IS - 5818 IS - 34122 IS - 4359 IS - 4448 IS - 4429 IS - 34091 IS - 34093 IS - 5793 IS - 4465 IS - 4394

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Madia; Tikamgarh Karabdol; Chindwara Seoni Shahdol Chattarpur Bastar Ujjain Piparia; Chindwara Seoni Chindwara Narsuighpur Narsuighpur Narsuighpur Narsuighpur Gwalior Godri; Chindwara Bastar Bijawar; Chattarpur Bastar Durg

IS - 19940 IS - 19759 IS - 5830 IS - 5925 IS - 5989 IS - 5893 IS - 34037 IS - 19762 IS - 5827 IS - 5865 IS - 5846 IS - 5851 IS - 5842 IS - 5850 IS - 1032 IS - 19732 IS - 5897 IS - 19897 IS - 5890 IS - 5884

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 58 of 88

916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967

Indore Jallar jowar (popping) Jalsa Jamai jundi dhaori Jamdhar samer Jamdharh nipania goyal Jamdharh sarrara Jamri Jamuadam Jandri jokapal Jawa Jendhri keshwal Jgalaria khamaria Jhalari Jhalari bhansawar Jhalari jonri Jhalaru kandeli Jhaleri junri teondra Jhallan seja Jhallar Jhalleri Jhalri idma Jharro samon Jhawa Jholori chorhat Jhulri bhadamwara Jhulri hirawda Jhulri noria Jhulsi hiramdi Jhumku kumrua Jhumru ghera Jhumru khapa Jhunhur deonagar Jhunka alampur Jhunkum bedra Jindra pandi Jindri mooli bhatia Jogin Jonri milo Jowar Jowar peeli mandaham Jowar white Jowari Jundi dhalanhoki Jundra gidna Jundra jesa Junri desi Kabua Kala bhoora badia Kala bhoora manakheri Kala bhoora tutrod Kala boora babulda

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Indore Dhar Bilaspur Panna Indore Ujjain Ujjain Dhar Surguja Bastar Rewa Bastar Narsuighpur Tahki; Shahdol Satna Jora; Shahdol Narsuighpur Satna Chindwara Betul Gangev; Rewa Satna Hoshangabad Vidisha Siddhi Satna Satna Rewa Satna Damoh Narsuighpur Chindwara Narsuighpur Damoh Damoh Bastar Bastar Barigarh; Chattarpur Tagavar; Shahdol Maankri; Bastar Rewa Betul Pasta; Sarguja Panna Bastar Bastar Mankari; Chattarpur Surguja Shajapur Rajgarh Mandsaur Mandsaur

IS - 17966 IS - 34124 IS - 5901 IS - 5988 IS - 4384 IS - 4434 IS - 4439 IS - 34126 IS - 5915 IS - 5887 IS - 5948 IS - 5896 IS - 5849 IS - 19722 IS - 5974 IS - 19717 IS - 5832 IS - 5966 IS - 5870 IS - 4285 IS - 19787 IS - 5961 IS - 4276 IS - 4308 IS - 5933 IS - 5958 IS - 5979 IS - 5957 IS - 5976 IS - 5810 IS - 5858 IS - 5862 IS - 5854 IS - 5816 IS - 5807 IS - 5886 IS - 5885 IS - 19843 IS - 19726 IS - 32478 IS - 5944 IS - 4282 IS - 36116 IS - 5982 IS - 5888 IS - 5892 IS - 19827 IS - 5913 IS - 4232 IS - 4240 IS - 4455 IS - 4464

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 59 of 88

968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016

Kala boora jamunia Kala boora tutrod Kala tosa Kalabhooray kichikni Kalpur Kamla mehrapura chak laghan Kamlapur mehra pilia dinara Kandwa Karamu Kehra ubela Kera manpura Keshwal Keshwnagar Khadi jowar Khao kumrua Khera Khoa Khoba Kholoti Khunta Khurdi seja Kishengarh Kitchi Koni jola Kunta Kurucholu Lagurdi Laha nayagaon Lahar Lahar khurd Lahgurdi-dodamia Lahi Lahi boregaon Lahur-khanpur Lai sama Lakshmanpur Lal bedra seja Lal bhora jallani sarwa bangla Lal boora Lal boora belan ambacha Lal ek-damia Lal jowar Lal jowar (kalku) kumrua Lal kandeli Lal nayagaon Lal ratarh bharasa Lal rothi Lalana bareh Lalana jigni

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Mandsaur Mandsaur Jhabua Dewas Raipur Shevpuri

IS - 4457 IS - 4456 IS - 34028 IS - 4415 IS - 5899 IS - 4361

Madhya Pradesh


IS - 4362

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Siddhi Raigarh Gwalior Gwalior Bastar Surguja Dhar Damoh Bilaspur Dundeli; Satna Belaha; Rewa Godri; Chindwara Belaha; Rewa Chindwara Chattarpur Chapara; Chattarpur Shahdol Pondi; Shahdol Raigarh Ataraila; Rewa Narsuighpur Chattarpur Tikaugarh Akauri; Rewa Maihar; Satna Betul Rajgarh Chindwara Rewa Bilaspur Ratlam

IS - 5935 IS - 5907 IS - 4320 IS - 4321 IS - 5895 IS - 5916 IS - 34120 IS - 5813 IS - 5902 IS - 19816 IS - 19781 IS - 19734 IS - 19779 IS - 5872 IS - 5991 IS - 19866 IS - 5923 IS - 19710 IS - 5904 IS - 19802 IS - 5841 IS - 5990 IS - 6001 IS - 19797 IS - 19809 IS - 4284 IS - 4252 IS - 5866 IS - 5940 IS - 5900 IS - 4444

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Shajapur Indore Theonthar; Rewa Piparia; Chindwara Damoh

IS - 4225 IS - 4392 IS - 19804 IS - 19761 IS - 5812

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Narsuighpur Narsuighpur Dewas Jhabua Morena Morena

IS - 5834 IS - 5848 IS - 4411 IS - 34032 IS - 4350 IS - 4347

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 60 of 88

1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065

Lalaya umvi Lal-jowar Lalua Lambi nalki Latagurdi junri bhansawar Latchigri Latiar Ledam Lilua ganthi tutrod Lilua yellow tutrod Local jabri Local selection Islamnagar V 501 Madia Mahala bhilkheri Mahira sarankheria Mahori Mahori sama Majhori Makhia ganther babuldia Malvi amneri dhanmani theka Manpura Mari piplia Masela Meetua Meetua-dugdu Meetuyi Mehi Mehra mundrakhurd Mehra polia samda Mehra-sonthia Mithi bhadwi barwani khurd Mithu Mithua bareh Mohari Mohari dadoma Mohari jhilmilia Moheri mooli bhatia Motitura Munjia gangapari Nalchcha local Namibai (pop sorghum) Nanbai sarrara Nanibai (pop sorghum) Narelli Neel Neel desi Neeljhalleri Nemade jowar Nihua

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Bhind Karri; Chattarpur Bhind Morena Satna

IS - 4340 IS - 19909 IS - 4343 IS - 4355 IS - 5975

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Chapara; Chattarpur Rewa Raigarh Mandsaur Mandsaur Jam; Chindwara Sehore

IS - 19865 IS - 5945 IS - 5910 IS - 4451 IS - 4450 IS - 19742 IS - 4258

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Tikaugarh Sehore Guna Betul Chindwara Siddhi Mandsaur E. Nimar

IS - 6000 IS - 4267 IS - 4376 IS - 4291 IS - 5869 IS - 5930 IS - 4459 IS - 4489

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Gwalior Dhar Rewa Gaurihar; Chattarpur Mahoyi-khurd; Chattarpur Khaddi; Chattarpur Sagar Guna Hajinagar Vidisha Khargone

IS - 4328 IS - 4473 IS - 5943 IS - 19876 IS - 19849 IS - 19878 IS - 5796 IS - 4368 IS - 4367 IS - 4307 IS - 4478

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Narsuighpur Morena Linga; Chindwara Chindwara Chindwara Chindwara Linga; Chindwara Rajgarh Dhar Ratlam Ujjain Shajapur Kasalvani; Chindwara Khandwa Khandwa Khandwa Piplanarayanvar; Chindwara Siddhi

IS - 5844 IS - 4348 IS - 19729 IS - 5879 IS - 5878 IS - 5873 IS - 19730 IS - 4249 IS - 34115 IS - 34082 IS - 4441 IS - 34068 IS - 19737 IS - 34164 IS - 34150 IS - 34152 IS - 19746 IS - 5928

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 61 of 88

1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116

Nimari murod Nimari simrol Nimari tajpur Nimeri noori Nipria Ozad local Peel bandhel bharase Peela adna Peela ambachamban Peela amla Peela amla bandel Peela amla bandhel tajpur Peela amla bhorase Peela amla dhammad Peela amla etawah Peela amla ghonsla Peela amla jhalarm Peela amla lohar piplia Peela amla sarrara Peela amla simrol Peela amla sonekutch Peela amla sumra khera Peela amla suvara Peela amla tajpur Peela amla-mau Peela arahara Peela bedra Peela bedra utway Peela bundi Peela chelur Peela deo talak Peela jamdhar sanekutch Peela khajuria-kajlane Peela lalur Peela moorga bharasa Peela-arahara Peela-gasugd Peeli amari porea Peeli ameri bhasinghpura Peeli amla Peeli amneri Peeli baidara Peeli gurdhi Peeli-dugdu Peera jonri Peerd-bandhelu Pila ek-damia Pilea rajiggarj Pili amla kajlana Pili amla motipura Pili amla samer

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Indore Indore Ujjain Dewas Shahdol Jhabua Dewas Ladhaura; Tikamgarh Indore Dhar Ujjain Ujjain

IS - 4399 IS - 4397 IS - 4427 IS - 4419 IS - 5924 IS - 34030 IS - 4407 IS - 19918 IS - 4393 IS - 34016 IS - 34046 IS - 4425

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Dewas Ratlam Dewas Ujjain Ujjain Dewas Ujjain Indore Dewas Ujjain Ujjain Ujjain Rajgarh Sarvai; Chattarpur Damoh Hajinagar Rajgarh Rajgarh Rewa Dewas Indore Rajgarh Dewas Behanpur; Chattarpur Chapara; Chattarpur Khargone E. Nimar Ujjain Khandwa Lahar toparia; Chattarpur Kurd; Chindwara Chapara; Chattarpur Lueri; Chattarpur Shakti-bhyraw; Tikamgarh Panasi; Rewa Sehore Indore Rajgarh Indore

IS - 4409 IS - 4443 IS - 4405 IS - 4435 IS - 4437 IS - 4403 IS - 4440 IS - 4396 IS - 4414 IS - 4430 IS - 4431 IS - 4438 IS - 4246 IS - 19862 IS - 5803 IS - 4365 IS - 4250 IS - 4248 IS - 5954 IS - 4413 IS - 4389 IS - 4253 IS - 4410 IS - 19864 IS - 19872 IS - 4483 IS - 4495 IS - 34051 IS - 34157 IS - 19893 IS - 19764 IS - 19870 IS - 19829 IS - 19936 IS - 19793 IS - 4254 IS - 4388 IS - 4243 IS - 4386

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 62 of 88

1117 Pili amneri dhanmani theka 1118 Pili lambi cathel 1119 Pili nayagaon 1120 Pilia amla panwari 1121 Pilia bandel 1122 Pilia bandel kalipetti 1123 Pilia bandel laher banyna 1124 Pilia bandha 1125 Pilia bandhel utway 1126 Pilia barai 1127 Pilia chooghar 1128 Pilia jhalri 1129 Pilia lamba kheri 1130 Pilia sinawal 1131 Pritipur 1132 Rajman 1133 Ram niwas etawah 1134 Rampur 1135 Ranipur 1136 Ranipura 1137 Rarea 1138 Rata boora babuldia 1139 Rathibawnikhera 1140 Rattal 1141 Ratti marakheri 1142 Sadehna 1143 Safata jonri 1144 Safata-arahara 1145 Safed 1146 Safed amneri 1147 Safed arahara 1148 Safed badra hirawda 1149 Safed baidara 1150 Safed bandel 1151 Safed bandhel bharase 1152 Safed bandhel kaitha 1153 Safed bandhet doga umvi 1154 Safed bedra 1155 Safed boarar samon 1156 Safed desi 1157 Safed dola bareh 1158 Safed gantar tatwood 1159 Safed ghatelee 1160 Safed gothari 1161 Safed jandra haonai 1162 Safed jowar 1163 Safed lambinal chatel 1164 Safed nal chilarlanki 1165 Safed narokheri 1166 Safed sakadehi 1167 Safed sinawal

Madhya Pradesh

E. Nimar

IS - 4490

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Morena Gwalior Shajapur Shajapur Rajgarh Rajgarh Gwalior Hajinagar Gwalior Shajapur Shajapur Sehore Datia Tikaugarh Sagar Dewas Siddhi Sagar Sagar Khargone Mandsaur Rajgarh Sehore Rajgarh Siddhi Lueri; Chattarpur Barigarh; Chattarpur Jhabua Khandwa Barigarh; Chattarpur Satna Gangev; Rewa Dhar Dewas Ujjain Bhind Damoh Hoshangabad Akauri; Rewa Morena Mandsaur Ujjain Mandsaur Bastar Theonthar; Rewa Morena Morena Raisin Betul Datia

IS - 4358 IS - 4311 IS - 4224 IS - 4227 IS - 4234 IS - 4236 IS - 4319 IS - 4364 IS - 4313 IS - 4229 IS - 4228 IS - 4264 IS - 4332 IS - 5999 IS - 5798 IS - 4404 IS - 5936 IS - 5791 IS - 5795 IS - 4485 IS - 4460 IS - 4238 IS - 4255 IS - 4241 IS - 5938 IS - 19830 IS - 19835 IS - 34026 IS - 34158 IS - 19844 IS - 5978 IS - 19786 IS - 34128 IS - 4406 IS - 4428 IS - 4339 IS - 5799 IS - 4274 IS - 19796 IS - 4351 IS - 4449 IS - 34042 IS - 34094 IS - 5891 IS - 19805 IS - 4357 IS - 4356 IS - 4303 IS - 4278 IS - 4334

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 63 of 88

1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218

Safed thallar Safeda Safeda-bandhelu Safeda-jalleru Safeda-jhalleru Safed-arahara Safedchara Safed-jasalpur Safed-narokheri Sagara Saka Sakadehi Sanched Saoner Saphed desi Sarkar Saronja Satpani Savner Sawner samon Shankerpur Shusowa Simra Sirkhni Sisinfon Sousa barai Sower thundi sagar Sunkutch barkera khurd Sunkutch barkherahat Sunkutch mundrakhurd Sunkutch samda Surmukhi pathel gujar ganvi Sursha Tala Tarhakni awan Teki Telighoogar jamunia Titawadi safed suvara Titawadi tajpur Uaraha mukhi Uba dundya jowar Uditpura Uditpura Umami jowar Uzana Uzana-arahara Varha mukhi Vidisha Wani bedra Zunku Aispuri

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

Dhar Shakti-bhyraw; Tikamgarh Kudhar; Tikamgarh Kudhar; Tikamgarh Kudhar; Tikamgarh Barigarh; Chattarpur Sehore Hoshangabad Raisin Rewa Betul Betul Raisin Jam; Chindwara Piparia; Chindwara Asthone; Tikamgarh Sagar Khandwa Betul Hoshangabad Vidisha Shahdol Shahdol Rewa Raigarh Gwalior Dhar Guna Guna Guna Hajinagar Morena

IS - 34133 IS - 19937 IS - 19931 IS - 19930 IS - 19932 IS - 19839 IS - 4265 IS - 4271 IS - 4304 IS - 5939 IS - 4280 IS - 4279 IS - 4296 IS - 19741 IS - 19758 IS - 19943 IS - 5788 IS - 34166 IS - 4292 IS - 4273 IS - 4309 IS - 5918 IS - 5926 IS - 5949 IS - 5906 IS - 4316 IS - 4469 IS - 4382 IS - 4370 IS - 4369 IS - 4366 IS - 4354

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra

Rewa Siddhi Guna Shahdol Mandsaur Ujjain Ujjain Ramkhona; Chindwara Jhabua Bhind Bhind Khaira; Rewa Sarvai; Chattarpur Sarvai; Chattarpur Kurd; Chindwara Dhar Damoh Malwar; Chattarpur E. Khandesh

IS - 5950 IS - 5931 IS - 4378 IS - 5927 IS - 4458 IS - 4432 IS - 4426 IS - 19752 IS - 34031 IS - 4342 IS - 4344 IS - 19775 IS - 19852 IS - 19858 IS - 19765 IS - 34014 IS - 5806 IS - 19902 IS - 1151

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 64 of 88

1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270

Aispuri aranda Aispuri barvinir Aispuri kharif auwi Ajiti Alleshwari Alluna jola Amalner Amner Amner auwi Amner balgaon Amner kalaur Amner khaparvadi Amner nangau Amner sidhpur Amner vasardi Andhali vani Andhali wani Andi wani Apsari Argadi Argari nikwa Argat Arni wani Badi jowar Bagri Bagri Pendgaon Bargam wani Bauri dadar Bedri Bedri dahere Bedri jalgaon Bedri jhipri Bedri jowar Bedri Pendgaon Bedri rabi bori Bedri shalu karve Bedri sheri Bedri shivar Bedrigota Beerudi Belora-wani Bhalmuri Bhamani Bhat wani Bhatgawanda wani Bhindi loha Bhiwapur wani Bhorsbe Bidar local Bindri Bird proof Bodaga wanda wani

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

E. Khandesh W. Khandesh Aurangabad Ajiti; Sholapur Karad Marwade; Sholapur Karad

IS - 4909 IS - 4888 IS - 4502 IS - 33869 IS - 1072 IS - 33780 IS - 1074 IS - 18426 Aurangabad IS - 4955 Akola IS - 5001 Yeotmal IS - 5024 Akola IS - 4958 Aurangabad IS - 4956 W. Khandesh IS - 4898 W. Khandesh IS - 4899 Buldana IS - 4954 Akola IS - 18002 Akola IS - 18029 Khairengaon IS - 24358 Kadegaon; Satara IS - 36362 Pune IS - 4707 Medha; Satara IS - 40872 Akola IS - 18019 Turori; Osmanabad IS - 33714 Bhir IS - 4528 Bhir IS - 4523 Akola IS - 18013 Patuderwadgaon; Aurangabad IS - 40748 Dehare; Ahmednagar IS - 40812 Ahmednagar IS - 4665 Bhir IS - 4540 Bhir IS - 4544 Pusra; Beed IS - 40792 Bhir IS - 4522 Osmanabad IS - 4627 N. Satara IS - 4679 Bhir IS - 4538 Aurangabad IS - 4511 Bamarwadi; Aurangabad IS - 40733 Kasli; Ahmednagar IS - 40826 Akola IS - 18022 Karad IS - 1068 Bhamani; Sholapur IS - 33864 Akola IS - 17979 Akola IS - 18028 Nanded IS - 4609 Akola IS - 18039 Khedgaon IS - 24345 Chapad gaon; Ahmednagar IS - 36378 Ozarde; Satara IS - 36361 Pune IS - 1057 Akola IS - 18014

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 65 of 88

1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322

Boramans local Buldona wani Butivori Chalky type karijot Chandol palsisupo Chandse wani Changdev Chendri jowar Chetapuri bhendala Chettri dadar Chicholi khargaon Chikkalikhurd Chikni Chikni aranda Chindi wani Chintamani Chirode Chittapuri maldandi Chittapuribedri Chonclum wani Chor wani Cultivator wani Dadar Dadar dagadi Dadar goti Dadar khanapur Dagadi Dagadi jowar Dagadi shallu jowar Dagadi wani Dagdi dwarf Dagri Bagpimplegaon Dagri dahere Dagri devagaon Dagri dukri Dagri jalna Dagri lakhi Dagri lavle Dagri mehagaon Dagri nanaj Dagri narsapur Dagri rabi Dagri sherde nsatara Dagri tandulwadi Dakzamek Darai local Desi jowar Devalgaon Devalgaon raja Df. gudagi pimbakota Dhamana Dhamini mankeshwar

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Boramans Akola Nagapur E. Khandesh Buldana Akola Karad Nere; Pune Aurangabad Bamarwadi; Aurangabad Osmanabad E. Khandesh Thurad kheda E. Khandesh Akola Wadnerganghai Amaravati Tadhadgaon; Jalna Girnera; Aurangabad Akola Akola Akola Amdapur, Dhule Bhusawal, Dhule Tilasar; Dhule E. Khandesh Nune Dalimb; Osmanabad Palaswadi; Aurangabad Akola Parbhani Bhir Ahmednagar Aurangabad Aurangabad Aurangabad Osmanabad Pune Aurangabad Sholapur Pune Parbhani Ahmednagar Ahmednagar Parbhani Darai Mangalwedhi; Sholapur Buldana Buldana E. Khandesh Kolan Parbhani

IS - 26976 IS - 18003 IS - 5037 IS - 4923 IS - 4975 IS - 18038 IS - 1075 IS - 40860 IS - 4515 IS - 40732 IS - 4633 IS - 4969 IS - 24340 IS - 4913 IS - 17982 IS - 24329 IS - 5009 IS - 40760 IS - 40746 IS - 17983 IS - 18007 IS - 17993 IS - 40664 IS - 40673 IS - 40717 IS - 4930 IS - 24364 IS - 33720 IS - 40745 IS - 17995 IS - 4582 IS - 4524 IS - 4664 IS - 4499 IS - 4518 IS - 4517 IS - 4619 IS - 4706 IS - 4512 IS - 4643 IS - 4714 IS - 4552 IS - 4675 IS - 4666 IS - 4580 IS - 26977 IS - 33773 IS - 4982 IS - 4983 IS - 4916 IS - 24332 IS - 4556

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 66 of 88

1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373

Dhanyagi Dharampura local Dhat wani Dhawal bariwihir Dhelkale wani Dhingana Dhola aranda Dholi jaki Dholio Diondur wani Dok kolumbi Dudh ganga Dudh wani Dudhmogara wani Dukari Duki jowar Dukkere Dukkeri Dukri Dukri degloor Dukri higna Dukri marawadi Dukri nandikori Dukri shelapur Dwarf gidgap gharwa Full-full wani Ganeri Ganthadi govi Gaorami Gaoranisatpani Garibi kolumbi Gatti Gattu jowar Geepri karijot Ghat jowar Ghat lakhi Ghat maldandi Ghongaridi Ghundadi Gidgap chinchina Gidgap hathkangle Gili wakadi God wani Godgari kh. advad Gol dogri varadi kolumbi Gol kausi ugava Gola badri Goli wani Goolbhendi Goose neck Gooseneck kunkadalu aheri

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Kumbari; Sholapur Dharampur Akola W. Khandesh Akola Andhal Gaon; Sholapur E. Khandesh Jolkot; Solapur Akola Nanded Nasirabad, Dhule Akola Akola Sholapur Yenegur; Osmanabad Hata kangle, Kolhapur Shendre, Satara Aurangabad Nanded Buldana Sholapur Buldana Buldana Kolhapur Akola Amaravati Yeotmal Karanjai Bamarwadi; Aurangabad Nanded Shendre, Satara Sindhkhed; Jalna E. Khandesh Ealli; Osmanabad Osmanabad Yeli; Osmanabad Chaas, Ahmednagar Shirni N. Satara Kolhapur Osmanabad Akola E. Khandesh Nanded Akola Bhir Akola Bhir Baheregaon; Jalna Chanda

IS - 33787 IS - 18414 IS - 18001 IS - 4891 IS - 17992 IS - 33856 IS - 4914 IS - 22182 IS - 18418 IS - 17984 IS - 4591 IS - 40682 IS - 18016 IS - 17999 IS - 33727 IS - 40181 IS - 40894 IS - 40879 IS - 4513 IS - 4603 IS - 4951 IS - 4654 IS - 4949 IS - 4966 IS - 4685 IS - 18000 IS - 5011 IS - 5023 IS - 24347 IS - 40731 IS - 4593 IS - 40878 IS - 40768 IS - 4924 IS - 33718 IS - 4620 IS - 40180 IS - 40847 IS - 24337 IS - 4696 IS - 4692 IS - 4636 IS - 18008 IS - 4919 IS - 4587 IS - 4996 IS - 4543 IS - 18023 IS - 4525 IS - 40767 IS - 5051

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 67 of 88

1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421

Gota Goud bendri Gulabi wani Gulbendi Gulbendi pedgoan parbhani Gulbhendi Gulbhendi Jalna Gulbhendi khargaon Gulgula hurda type Gundhathanangle Gundu Gunjawali kolumbi Gurdi Guti jowar Hallina jola Harni jogdi Harni jogri nanaj Harni jogri red nanaj Harni jogri sayyad warwad Harni jogri tuljapur Harni jowar Harrikhed wani Hirgana 3 Hirsal local Holi jola Hulgai jowar Hulgi jola Hundi Hundi jowar Hundi vedala Hurda gulbhandi Hurda gulbhendi mangal vade Hurda gulbhendi sayyad warwad Hurda type veedala Hurlda jowar Indore 3 J.I. Ramkhed Jagdhan chandra bazar Jagdhani mankeshwar Jambhal gun takri Jawari lamb kausiugava Jawari vani karjatwadi Jeepi shankhed raja Jeepri kalibundi Jeepri kalibundi khampur Jeepri lalbundi Jhallar Jheepri maldandi

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

W. Khandesh Bandhulopuri; Jalna Akola Brahmapuri; Sholapur Parbhani

IS - 4897 IS - 40761 IS - 18006 IS - 33765 IS - 4564

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Bhir Aurangabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Kolhapur Hata kangle, Kolhapur Nanded Sangewadi, Solapur Wahegaon; Jalna Thogarali; Sholapur Sholapur Sholapur Sholapur Sholapur

IS - 4532 IS - 4520 IS - 4631 IS - 4622 IS - 4686 IS - 40891 IS - 4598 IS - 40931 IS - 40770 IS - 33819 IS - 36118 IS - 4640 IS - 4641 IS - 4649

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Osmanabad Kamthi; Sholapur Akola Karad Hirsal Akalkot; Sholapur Kumbari; Sholapur Thogarali; Sholapur Sangewadi, Solapur Satara Sholapur Ahmednagar Sholapur

IS - 4637 IS - 33758 IS - 18010 IS - 1067 IS - 26978 IS - 33804 IS - 33786 IS - 33814 IS - 40930 IS - 10050 IS - 4648 IS - 4667 IS - 4659



IS - 4651

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Sholapur Nevasa; Ahmednagar Karad Karad Amaravati Parbhani Kolhapur Akola Akola Buldana E. Khandesh E. Khandesh

IS - 4646 IS - 40808 IS - 1066 IS - 1065 IS - 5017 IS - 4557 IS - 4682 IS - 5014 IS - 5013 IS - 4965 IS - 4939 IS - 5015

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

E. Khandesh Jath, Sangli Bhanpuri; Sholapur

IS - 4967 IS - 40923 IS - 33769

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 68 of 88

1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472

Jhellar Jhingri Jhingri kolumbi Jhingri udgir Jhingri white Jhipra lakhi ausa Jhipra rahi Jhipri paranda Jogda jalgaon Jogra red Jogra white Jondheda Jondla Jondla variety gidgap Jowar hegari type Jowar kala Jowar kalgundi Jowar local Jowar nagour Jowar nihalo sevardda Jowar rabi Jowar tamargundi Jowar tamargundi Jowar variety shenoli Jowari Jowari chikni baradi Jowari gota borivashar Jowari kalbhundi khanapur Jowari karatwadi Jowari khaparvadi Jowari lalchikni Jowari rabi devalgaon Jowari rabi saroncha Jowari vani chirode Jowari vani katoli Jowary chikni khurd Kagi jola Kalaburi Kalaburi dadar Kalgonda bedri Kalgondi habkangale Kalibundi uttar vadhana Kaoli red Kaolivedala Kar jowar Karad local Karad local gati Karatwadi Karijot Kar-jondhara Karjot

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Sangewadi, Solapur Kumbhari Nanded Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Bhir Osmanabad Bhir Bhir Bhir Wadsar, Satara Nimbuta; Beed Kolhapur

Kolhapur Kolhapur N. Satara Chanda W. Khandesh W. Khandesh E. Khandesh

IS - 40932 IS - 24370 IS - 4585 IS - 4611 IS - 4623 IS - 4621 IS - 4548 IS - 4628 IS - 4542 IS - 4536 IS - 4537 IS - 40882 IS - 40786 IS - 6393 IS - 3974 IS - 3973 IS - 6401 IS - 3964 IS - 3965 IS - 4895 IS - 3963 IS - 6404 IS - 6405 IS - 6416 IS - 5057 IS - 4905 IS - 4889 IS - 4937

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Akola Akola Buldana Buldana Chanda Amaravati Nagapur Buldana Walsanga; Sholapur Kondiwadi; Dhule Tilasar; Dhule Bhir Kolhapur Yeotmal Ahmednagar Sholapur Mohol, Sholapur N. Satatra Karad Akola E. Khandesh Kandwade E. Khandesh

IS - 5005 IS - 4993 IS - 4964 IS - 4984 IS - 5056 IS - 5007 IS - 5045 IS - 4972 IS - 33803 IS - 40705 IS - 40715 IS - 4546 IS - 4688 IS - 5018 IS - 4671 IS - 4647 IS - 3943 IS - 1122 IS - 6454 IS - 4985 IS - 4925 IS - 24362 IS - 4928


W. Khandesh

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 69 of 88

1473 Karnatak gidgap mandrakoli 1474 Kasigaon 1475 Kathani or ringui gendpipri 1476 Kausi ugava 1477 Kavali 1478 Kavli 1479 Kawanda 1480 Kempu jola 1481 Khadkya 1482 Khand jintur 1483 Khandi 1484 Kharif amner auwi 1485 Kharif gudgi dwarf 1486 Kharif kalgondi 1487 Kharif mawi odavad 1488 Kharif nilwa phulmain 1489 Kharif satpani auwi 1490 Kharuth waragel 1491 Khasidi 1492 Khend shinkhed 1493 Khond rabi pedgaon 1494 Khond tarparkari 1495 Khondya 1496 Khundi jowar 1497 Kolhapur wani 1498 Kolmi 1499 Koneez 1500 Koppal local 1501 Kuch kuchi 1502 Kuchkuchi khargaon 1503 Kuchkuchi nanaj 1504 Kuchkwhi nanaj 1505 Laburi dadar 1506 Lahi chikkali khurd 1507 Lahi wani 1508 Lahya jowar 1509 Lakadi maldandi 1510 Lakadi te 1511 Lakdi 1512 Lakri kedgaon 1513 Lal gunja 1514 Lal jowar 1515 Lal shallu 1516 Lalbhindi kolumbi 1517 Lalburi 1518 Lalgunja chirode 1519 Lalman kolumbi 1520 Lamb kausi ugava 1521 Laturi rabi nugaon 1522 Laturi rahi



IS - 4946

Maharashtra Maharashtra

Kasegaon; Sholapur Nagapur

IS - 33868 IS - 5050

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Akola Pokharapur; Sholapur Kambatwadi; Satara Mohal Nandur; Sholapur Tharoda Parbhani Karad Aurangabad Parbhani Kolhapur E. Khandesh Aurangabad Aurangabad Karad Kharadi; Sholapur Buldana Parbhani Parbhani Sugaon bd

IS - 4997 IS - 33737 IS - 40862 IS - 1088 IS - 33779 IS - 24335 IS - 4558 IS - 1069 IS - 4500 IS - 4583 IS - 4683 IS - 4920 IS - 4508 IS - 4501 IS - 1105 IS - 33867 IS - 4962 IS - 4565 IS - 4567 IS - 24355 IS - 18420 IS - 17997 IS - 24336 IS - 40876 IS - 18416 IS - 33759 IS - 4632 IS - 4644 IS - 4645 IS - 40723 IS - 4970 IS - 18004 IS - 33743 IS - 4576 IS - 36467 IS - 24359 IS - 4669 IS - 4977 IS - 33760 IS - 40738 IS - 4599 IS - 40707 IS - 5008 IS - 4597 IS - 4995 IS - 4534 IS - 4547

Akola Kolora Hirapur, Satara Koppal Kamthi; Sholapur Osmanabad Sholapur Sholapur Amlipada; Dhule E. Khandesh Akola Arjunsonda; Sholapur Bhir Sholapur Khairengaon Ahmednagar Buldana Kamthi; Sholapur Hathnoor; Aurangabad Nanded Kondiwadi; Dhule Amaravati Nanded Akola Bhir Bhir

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 70 of 88

1523 Local improved nandrakoli 1524 Local Sillod 1525 Lohi govindgaon 1526 Madagili hathkangle 1527 Madanbheri kolumbi 1528 Maha wani 1529 Mahamadapuri ashta 1530 Mahamakpuri karoe 1531 Maknamali wani 1532 Maldandi brahmgaon 1533 Maldandi degaon 1534 Maldandi gooseneck lavle 1535 Maldandi jalgaon 1536 Maldandi jowar 1537 Maldandi local 1538 Maldandi lonikard 1539 Maldandi mangalveda 1540 Maldandi manorap 1541 Maldandi nanaj 1542 Maldandi narsapur 1543 Maldandi neknoor 1544 Maldandi paranda 1545 Maldandi shevda 1546 Maldandi shevda 1547 Maldandi sindevali 1548 Maldnadi 1549 Mali jowar 1550 Malkapur wani 1551 Malvardi kharif 1552 Malwa 1553 Mamdapuri 1554 Man nugar kolumbi 1555 Mani 1556 Mani gidhadi 1557 Mani vasardi 1558 Manjari 1559 Manoli 1-2-1 1560 Manta bendri 1561 Manthi bamini 1562 Manthi nandapur 1563 Manthi palsa 1564 Manti bedri 1565 Mau wani 1566 Minthi jintur 1567 Mithi badri 1568 Mithi kalgondi kolumbi 1569 Mobwa wani 1570 Modnimb 1571 Mohal local 1572 Mohol


E. Khandesh

IS - 4941

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Aurangabad Chanda Kolhapur Nanded Akola N. Satara N. Satara Akola Osmanabad Sholapur Pune

IS - 4505 IS - 5054 IS - 4693 IS - 4589 IS - 17990 IS - 4701 IS - 4700 IS - 17989 IS - 4634 IS - 4652 IS - 4705

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Bhir Bombay

IS - 4539 IS - 2176 IS - 18413 IS - 4711 IS - 4657 IS - 4661 IS - 4642 IS - 4712 IS - 4545 IS - 4629 IS - 4676 IS - 4677 IS - 4496 IS - 40890 IS - 40712 IS - 17980 IS - 4560 IS - 1098 IS - 1070 IS - 4595 IS - 24341 IS - 4892 IS - 4900 IS - 33866 IS - 1079 IS - 40769 IS - 4605 IS - 4553 IS - 4604 IS - 40755 IS - 18025 IS - 4559 IS - 4574 IS - 4584 IS - 18012 IS - 33870 IS - 26975 IS - 33871

Pune Sholapur Sholapur Sholapur Pune Bhir Osmanabad N. Satara N. Satara Parbhani Heria, Kolhapur Tilasar; Dhule Akola Parbhani Karad Nanded Thurad kheda W. Khandesh W. Khandesh Manjari; Sholapur Karad Jamsamrthu; Jalna Nanded Parbhani Nanded Kumbhepad; Jalna Akola Parbhani Aurangabad Nanded Akola Sholapur Mohol; Sholapur Mohol; Sholapur

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 71 of 88

1573 Molichura loha 1574 Mota gota wadi wadibyruk 1575 Moti danda 1576 Moti sagar 1577 Motichur 1578 Motichura chirodi 1579 Motidance kolumbi 1580 Muddi kalgondi 1581 Mudditamar gundi 1582 Mung wani 1583 Muti jowar pandari 1584 Mutta dagri sindevalli 1585 Nanded local 1586 Narali wani 1587 Naraliguli 1588 Narvel chikni khurd 1589 Narwel wani 1590 Natura mahagooti 1591 Nialo 1592 Nigna 1593 Nilwa nandrakoli 1594 Nilwa wagoli 1595 Niwani kanapur 1596 Noral wani 1597 Oawandhali 1598 Ool wani 1599 Orange vani katoli 1600 Palsisupo 1601 Palsisupo buldana 1602 Pandhari jowar 1603 Pandharpur 1604 Pandori wani 1605 Pandri 1606 Pandri garva datoda 1607 Pandri halki chirode 1608 Pandri jowar 1609 Paseri jowar 1610 Patur wani 1611 Pawanar wani 1612 Peela tikandi kharif 1613 Peeli 1614 Peeli jowar 1615 Peeli kalgondi kandhev 1616 Peeli tarangri 1617 Phat phat 1618 Phatpati 1619 Pili bhindi narsi 1620 Pili chikni aranda 1621 Pili udgir 1622 Piscari wadibyruk 1623 Pivla

Maharashtra Maharashtra

Nanded W. Khandesh

IS - 4608 IS - 4904

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Buldana Kini; Kolhapur Wadsar, Satara Akola Nanded N. Satara N. Satara Akola Tapowan; Beed Parbhani Nanded Akola Akola Buldana Akola Yeotmal

IS - 4963 IS - 36368 IS - 40881 IS - 5004 IS - 4596 IS - 4694 IS - 4697 IS - 17988 IS - 40789 IS - 4497 IS - 18415 IS - 17985 IS - 18024 IS - 4973 IS - 18009 IS - 5021 IS - 18427 IS - 4948 IS - 4947 IS - 4709 IS - 4932 IS - 17987 IS - 18005 IS - 17996 IS - 5046 IS - 4974 IS - 4976 IS - 33761 IS - 24330 IS - 18018 IS - 4573 IS - 4957 IS - 5006 IS - 40784 IS - 40871 IS - 18026 IS - 18036 IS - 4562 IS - 24366 IS - 22183 IS - 4606 IS - 4568 IS - 24351 IS - 40687 IS - 4600 IS - 4912 IS - 4610 IS - 4902 IS - 24372

E. Khandesh Buldana Pune E. Khandesh Akola Akola Akola Nagapur Buldana Buldana Savale; Sholapur Wadnerganghai Akola Osmanabad Buldana Amaravati Bukkadgaon; Parbhani Sawali; Satara Akola Akola Parbhani Bavi kavaldana Jolkot; Solapur Nanded Parbhani Ashta Mehasawael, Dhule Nanded E. Khandesh Osmanabad W. Khandesh Ausa

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 72 of 88

1624 1625 1626 1627 1628

Piwali wani Pochabodalu govindgaon Pusad wani Pyula jowar Raajhans

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655

Rabi harni jagri Rabi mawiadvar Rabi shedam shekata Rajhans Rakburi Rambhapur wani Ramkel Ramkel balgaon Ramkel dadar Ramkel rali kothli Ramkhel Rao saheb Jalna Ratamwada Rathi dagadi Rati athani Red chikni karijot Red vani ugava Rignia-rabi-mehagavon Rikki golya Sadam jowar Safed carva Safed chikni Safed chikni aranda Safed jowar Safed wani Salaipur type Salu loose type mehagavon Saoner Saoner jowar Saroncha Satpani Satpani bariwihir Satpani boradi Satpani gidhadi Satpani shidpur Savda Sawangi dagadi Sawangi local Sawner shelapur Shalgarh ardhar Shallu Shallu bhandara Shallu hdir Shallu hehir Shallu jowar

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Akola Chanda Akola Kola; Parbhani Bokkudu jalgaon; Aurangabad Osmanabad E. Khandesh Aurangabad Lamboti; Sholapur Tilasar; Dhule Akola Nagpur Akola Amlipada; Dhule W. Khandesh Akola Aurangabad Vitholi Parbhani Karad E. Khandesh Akola Nagapur Akalkot; Sholapur Satkunda; Aurangabad E. Khandesh Mehasawad, Dhule E. Khandesh Umarga; Osmanabad Akola Devutana Nagapur

IS - 18020 IS - 5053 IS - 18011 IS - 40776 IS - 40749


IS - 1030 IS - 18419 IS - 5055 IS - 1152 IS - 4890 IS - 4906 IS - 4893 IS - 4896 IS - 4944 IS - 26980 IS - 26979 IS - 4959 IS - 4687 IS - 24365 IS - 5049 IS - 4698 IS - 4498 IS - 40739

Chanda E. Khandesh W. Khandesh W. Khandesh W. Khandesh W. Khandesh E. Khandesh Sawangi Sawangi Akola Kolhapur Jath Nagapur N. Satara Parbhani Hathnoor; Aurangabad

IS - 4581 IS - 4921 IS - 4516 IS - 33730 IS - 40716 IS - 17991 IS - 1029 IS - 5003 IS - 40725 IS - 4907 IS - 18421 IS - 4521 IS - 24334 IS - 26981 IS - 1073 IS - 4926 IS - 4999 IS - 5047 IS - 33807 IS - 40736 IS - 4933 IS - 40686 IS - 4911 IS - 33717 IS - 17986 IS - 24331 IS - 5048

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 73 of 88

1674 Shallu maldandi 1675 Shendoli tamargundi karve 1676 Shenoli 1677 Shenoli local 1678 Shenoli tamargundi karve 1679 Sherkhand kolumbi 1680 Sherkhand nilanga 1681 Sherkhandi 1682 Shivala degloor 1683 Sholapur local 1684 Sona 1685 Sundhia jowar 1686 Sundoli ashta 1687 Tamar gundi 1688 Tamari maldandi shelgaon 1689 Tambad gundi 1690 Tambadi jowar 1691 Tambdi jowar 1692 Tamri jogri heevargaon 1693 Teen kandi kendhar 1694 Tivuli sinda 1695 Tuljapuri degloor 1696 Tuljapuri jamb 1697 Turata bambawali 1698 Ubha dhingra 1699 Ubha dhingra 1700 Ubhaya dingana 1701 Uttar vadhana 1702 Vani ahmedgaon 1703 Vani aramda 1704 Vani devli gujar 1705 Vani higna 1706 Vani hurda 1707 Vani karatwadi 1708 Vani katoli 1709 Vani khanapur 1710 Vani shelapur 1711 Varadi jola 1712 Varadi round lambod 1713 Wai wani 1714 Wani 1715 Wani akola 1716 Wani jowar 1717 Wani patil 1718 Wani sodabasaoli 1719 Wani-wani 1720 Waradi kharif tadpangri 1721 Waradi kolumbi 1722 Waradi nandrakoli

Maharashtra Maharashtra

Pune N. Satara

IS - 4710 IS - 4680

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

N. Satatra Karad N. Satara

IS - 1120 IS - 6451 IS - 4678

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Nanded Osmanabad Gangakhed; Parbhani Nanded Itchalakaranji; Kolhapur Karle; Kolhapur Bombay N. Satara Kolhapur Sholapur

IS - 4588 IS - 4624 IS - 40782 IS - 4601 IS - 22144 IS - 36369 IS - 1456 IS - 4702 IS - 4689 IS - 4663

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Kolhapur Borale; Sholapur Marwade; Sholapur Sholapur Nanded Chambala; Beed Nanded Parbhani Kolhapur Parbhani Parbhani Marwade; Sholapur Yeotmal E. Khandesh E. Khandesh Nagapur Buldana Parbhani Akola Nagapur E. Khandesh Buldana Turori; Osmanabad Osmanabad Akola Akola Akola Leyda chinchola; Sholapur Akola Akola Akola Parbhani Nanded E. Khandesh

IS - 4684 IS - 33777 IS - 33781 IS - 4660 IS - 4607 IS - 36379 IS - 4602 IS - 4561 IS - 4681 IS - 3421 IS - 4571 IS - 33782 IS - 5020 IS - 4953 IS - 4910 IS - 5040 IS - 4952 IS - 4570 IS - 4987 IS - 5043 IS - 4938 IS - 4960 IS - 22184 IS - 4626 IS - 18017 IS - 18031 IS - 18035 IS - 33802 IS - 18032 IS - 18037 IS - 18021 IS - 4566 IS - 4592 IS - 4943

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 74 of 88

1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773

Waradi udgir Waradi white Wardha wani Wardi kharif White chikni adavad White dhamal parela White vani White vani devli gujar Yali jowar Yellow chickni khajijot Yellow chikni adavad Yellow wani Yenigar 2 Yeotmal wani Zipri maldandi Bujra bhimkanda Dhoh gangai subdega Gangai Gangai bhimkanda Gangai champua Gangai champua Gangai raishen Gangai saukati Gangai teli assulu Gangai telku Gangai tunditala Gongai telku Haska Janzharala potupalli Jhanjharala badjhinki Jhanjharala barumbhata Jhanjharala budel Jhanjharala patnagarh Jhanjharala pipalpadar Jhanjharala sanjiki Jhanjharala sinakhaman Jhanjharala vihmemundu Jonha ankula Jonha bandupalla Jonha zanzarala balisfarm Jonhara karinha Jonna baghanpur Jonna bandhaguda Jonna dharampur Jonna kalhandi Jonna kanggeri Jonna madhyakhand Jonna malikpadi Jonna raihia Jonna sarankul Jonna takarda

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa

Osmanabad Osmanabad Akola Parbhani E. Khandesh W. Khandesh Akola Nagapur Amlipada; Dhule E. Khandesh E. Khandesh Akola Karad Akola Jalkot; Osmanabad Dhenkanal Sundergarh Rasrajpur; Sambalpur Dhenkanal Keanjhargarh Keanjhargarh Keanjhargarh Keanjhargarh Keanjhargarh Keanjhargarh Sundergarh Keanjhargarh Haska Sambalpur Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Bolangir Cuttack Bolangir Balasore

IS - 4612 IS - 4625 IS - 17981 IS - 4555 IS - 4918 IS - 4908 IS - 5000 IS - 5039 IS - 40726 IS - 4922 IS - 4917 IS - 17994 IS - 1096 IS - 17998 IS - 40185 IS - 5329 IS - 5325 IS - 32378 IS - 5328 IS - 5339 IS - 5340 IS - 5342 IS - 5338 IS - 5341 IS - 5333 IS - 5327 IS - 5335 IS - 17905 IS - 5323 IS - 5318 IS - 5315 IS - 5320 IS - 5321 IS - 5314 IS - 5317 IS - 5316 IS - 5319 IS - 5332 IS - 5313 IS - 5351

Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa

Dhenkanal Ganjam Ganjam Ganjam Puri Phulbani Puri Phulbani Phulbani Puri Ganjam

IS - 5331 IS - 5299 IS - 5298 IS - 5301 IS - 5290 IS - 5297 IS - 5292 IS - 5296 IS - 5295 IS - 5291 IS - 5300

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 75 of 88

1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824

Jonnaveedu Jonnerla Jonzola pandikamal Kala gangai kumarhaga Kasa gangai Khed jonha Khed jonhari Khed jonna Nala janzarala Raksee Rayagada Roxi barikel Sattara jonnalu Thumba Thuri kanjipani Zanzala Zanzala jodida Zanzala kalakad Zanzala patalipura Zanzarala nayashahi Zenzala Zinzara bangisipore Budda jonna Aima Akoda Alla dhar gooseneck Arwan Bahna kaithal Bari Bhond Chalal Chamanpura Chara Chara palm Charaula Chari jowar Chari narupur Chari sakrot Chori uri Daya Desi dharwera Desi jowar kaithal Desi lal sikri ballabgarh Desi shafed sikri ballabgarh Dugi chari Garhi Gari gujra Ghungaralli Gobindgarh Gooseneck dhani Gooseneck marwashi

Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Prakasam Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab

Jonnaveedu Dudkesira; Bolangir Sambalpur Sundergarh Keanjhargarh Kalahandi Koraput Koraput Keanjhargarh Ulba; Bolangir Rayagada Sambalpur Pitamahal; Koraput Tumba Keanjhargarh Balasore Mayurbhanj Balasore Mayurbhanj Balasore Mayurbhanj Keanjhargarh Ambala Badhwana Badhwana Rohtak Karnal Rohtak Rohtak Ludhiana Rohtik Rohtik Sangrur Rohtak Patiala Ambala Ambala Ambala Rohtak Gurgaon Karnal Gurgaon Gurgaon

IS - 17908 IS - 32369 IS - 5324 IS - 5326 IS - 5337 IS - 5309 IS - 5307 IS - 5302 IS - 5334 IS - 32368 IS - 17907 IS - 5322 IS - 32333 IS - 17906 IS - 5336 IS - 5349 IS - 5345 IS - 5348 IS - 5347 IS - 5350 IS - 5346 IS - 5344 IS - 1369 IS - 6047 IS - 6325 IS - 6324 IS - 4014 IS - 6341 IS - 4010 IS - 4008 IS - 6026 IS - 6312 IS - 6314 IS - 6288 IS - 4009 IS - 6036 IS - 6051 IS - 6054 IS - 6057 IS - 4005 IS - 6308 IS - 6342 IS - 6307 IS - 6306

Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab

Ambala Rohtak Karnal Ludhiana Ludhiana Badhwana Karnal

IS - 6046 IS - 4003 IS - 6331 IS - 6024 IS - 6029 IS - 6328 IS - 6346

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 76 of 88

1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875

dadri Huugarali Imbeta Ismaia Jandiala Jat joshi Jowar Jowar arinhwali Jowar bagwaih Jowar baksianarvalli Jowar balairpur Jowar balewal Jowar bapanpur Jowar bapra Jowar bauchar Jowar bhadar Jowar chak mahidan Jowar dayalpur Jowar dhanuka Jowar dhawai Jowar garhdiwala Jowar ghesora Jowar ladhowal Jowar mani majra Jowar monkethat Jowar nilokheri Jowar sanya Juar or chari binjalpura Jyotisar Kamdpura Kangar Kangar chari Kangar chari banongi Kangar chari barcul Kangar chari binjalpura Kanjipura Kanjipura Khara Kherirad Lal Lali Mahan Majpal khurd Marwarha Multani chari Nagal Nainsu Nasirpur Nilokheri Oaelipuri Pali Pattikhana

Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab

Ludhiana Badhwana Rohtik Ludhiana Rohtik Chandigarh Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Sangrur Karnal Gurgaon Gurgaon


Gurgaon Ferozpur Ambala Ambala Karnal Sangrur Ambala Karnal Rohtak Ambala Ambala Ambala Ambala Ambala Kanjipura Kanjipura Rohtik Rohtik Ludhiana Rohtak Rohtik Patiala Badhwana Ambala Patiala Ambala Karnal Rohtak Badhwana Karnal

IS - 6025 IS - 6321 IS - 6316 IS - 6028 IS - 6318 IS - 6276 IS - 6290 IS - 6014 IS - 6291 IS - 6016 IS - 6283 IS - 6282 IS - 4716 IS - 6304 IS - 6303 IS - 6018 IS - 6017 IS - 6286 IS - 6015 IS - 6012 IS - 6299 IS - 6280 IS - 6049 IS - 6279 IS - 4721 IS - 6284 IS - 6058 IS - 6336 IS - 4004 IS - 6062 IS - 6048 IS - 6277 IS - 6275 IS - 6059 IS - 6329 IS - 6330 IS - 6319 IS - 6317 IS - 6032 IS - 4007 IS - 6311 IS - 6035 IS - 6323 IS - 6021 IS - 6056 IS - 6040 IS - 6045 IS - 4718 IS - 4011 IS - 6326 IS - 6344

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1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926

Premnagar Purbi gooseneck banwar Purbi gooseneck bhutana Purbi sikkri Rajpura Rasina Revason Salamba Sewha Shampur White grain baksianarvalli Aklera Amlikhan Annigeri 1 Anthana Arnipanth Balagarh Bargla Barhol Barod Berawali Bhawrasa Bhimgarh Black dhandauli Bodul Borda Borunda Brown dhandauli Burlhere Chan Chaondera Chawkimarwara Chundia Dai Daro Daulatpura Diggi Digod Dindoli Dudabli Fatehpur Gambheera Gangapur Gooseneck Govindgarh Gudha Gurdharpur Hadi Hattipura Hegari rajasthan Hirpura

Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab

Ambala Karnal Karnal Karnal Ludhiana Karnal Rohtak Rohtak Karnal Ambala Sangrur

IS - 6060 IS - 6332 IS - 6339 IS - 6345 IS - 6034 IS - 6340 IS - 4012 IS - 4013 IS - 6343 IS - 6061 IS - 6292

Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan

Jhalwar Dhilwar

IS - 4219 IS - 4136 IS - 17976 IS - 4201 IS - 4128 IS - 4111 IS - 4129 IS - 4041 IS - 4178 IS - 4211 IS - 4217 IS - 4130 IS - 4054 IS - 4064 IS - 4157 IS - 4002 IS - 4053 IS - 4024 IS - 4065 IS - 4018 IS - 4172 IS - 4029 IS - 4152 IS - 4184 IS - 4068 IS - 4101 IS - 4174 IS - 4133 IS - 4060 IS - 4189 IS - 4086 IS - 4139 IS - 4001 IS - 4048 IS - 4140 IS - 4057 IS - 4095 IS - 4144 IS - 8308 IS - 4127

Kota Chittorgarh Tonk Chittorgarh Alwar Kota Jhalwar Jhalwar Chittorgarh Bharatpur Sawai Kota Jodhpur Bharatpur Jaipur Sawai Jaipur Kota Jaipur Bundi Kota Sawai Tonk Kota Chittorgarh Bharatpur Kota Sawai Dhilwar Jodhpur Alwar Bundi Bharatpur Tonk Bundi Chittorgarh

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 78 of 88

1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978

Jagpura Jalwara Jarbulapura Johutpura Kalagonda Kamolar Kanavi Kannar Kekri Khadhipur Khadkar Khadlipurl Khandel Khandi Kharbas Khari Kishanganj Lohasar Madanpuria Maharashtra sorghum Maliron Manoharthana Mehrana Mojpur Mundia Nafda Nanena Nasipura Palaytha Palu Palu red Pathwara Pathwara Peeplu Rajaithar Rajaithar Rajiawar Rampakheri Rampura Ramsur Red chaondera Sangod Singhania Sohela Soyala darda Sunkar Surwal Tarwaria Taseema Taterh Thalipura Thikeria

Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan

Ajmer Jaipur Bundi Ajmer Kota Kota Ajmer Sawai Bundi Sawai Sawai Sawai Alwar Sawai Kota Bharatpur Jhalwar Jaipur Jhalwar Alwar Alwar Alwar Kota Udaipur Tonk Kota Jaipur Jaipur Chittorgarh Chittorgarh Tonk Kota Kota Udaipur Jhalwar Tonk Ajmer Jaipur Kota Jhalwar Tonk Soyala Alwar Sawai Dhilwar Bharatpur Kota Kota Jhalwar

IS - 4119 IS - 4016 IS - 4154 IS - 4118 IS - 17975 IS - 4158 IS - 17974 IS - 4166 IS - 4122 IS - 4088 IS - 4146 IS - 4089 IS - 4071 IS - 4072 IS - 4036 IS - 4083 IS - 4196 IS - 4061 IS - 4218 IS - 17977 IS - 4035 IS - 4221 IS - 4045 IS - 4044 IS - 4040 IS - 4188 IS - 4126 IS - 4102 IS - 4186 IS - 4034 IS - 4033 IS - 4131 IS - 4132 IS - 4100 IS - 4175 IS - 4176 IS - 4125 IS - 4215 IS - 4110 IS - 4116 IS - 4021 IS - 4160 IS - 4207 IS - 4090 IS - 17965 IS - 4055 IS - 4078 IS - 4137 IS - 4063 IS - 4170 IS - 4168 IS - 4223

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 79 of 88

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Tilkapur White chaondera White dhandauli White govindgarh White sunkar Yarlipur Yellow Dhandauli Yellow govindgarh Agri kodai vellai cholam Alangara cholam Andhai muzhi cholam Arisi cholam Azhukku Chirgaon Azhukku cholam Azhuku vellai cholam Banganhilo Changapatlam cholam Chevvirungu China Manhal Cholam Chinna thordagam Chinna villai Chinnanellai cholam Chinniamanjal cholam Cholam Congress cholam Dhevan palayam Dull midrib irungu Ennai cholam Ennai kittan cholam Ennai vellai Gidda jonna Ikkari balampatti Iringu coolum india Irungu Irungu cholam K 3 Cholam Kaka cholam Kaka irungu Kakaratta cholam Kakaritta cholam Kaki jonna cholam Kali kanikan palayam Kalla chola

Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Karancholam Karu irungu Karum cholam Karungani cholam Karurethu cholam Karuvalur Katta Chirgaon Kittan cholam

Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

Bharatpur Jaipur Bharatpur Alwar Bharatpur Jaipur Bharatpur Alwar Dindigul Virudachalam Ramanathapuram Kovilpatti N. Arcot Bhavani Coimbatore Madurai Kodai road Coimbatore Kaniyur Coimbatore Ondipudhur Kollegal Tirunelveli Coimbatore Chettipalayam Dindigul Chettipalayam Pollipet Coimbatore

Ariyalwy Singalavadam patti; Anna Nila kottai Coimbatore Coimbatore Krishnagiri Coimbatore Mudukukkadu; Chidambaranar Mettupalayam, Coimbatore Dindigul Tirunelveli Coimbatore Coimbatore Annamalai

IS - 4062 IS - 4020 IS - 4050 IS - 4049 IS - 4056 IS - 4026 IS - 4051 IS - 4047 IS - 1502 IS - 1199 IS - 5447 IS - 1250 IS - 1592 IS - 5402 IS - 1547 IS - 9609 IS - 5431 IS - 1232 IS - 1584 IS - 5363 IS - 1481 IS - 5369 IS - 1474 IS - 1493 IS - 5452 IS - 5382 IS - 1234 IS - 1477 IS - 1461 IS - 1499 IS - 1522 IS - 5356 IS - 1256 IS - 1237 IS - 1230 IS - 2178 IS - 36229 IS - 1263 IS - 5378 IS - 5381 IS - 5399 IS - 5354 IS - 36259 IS - 33906 IS - 1258 IS - 1236 IS - 5449 IS - 5352 IS - 5383 IS - 1594 IS - 1536

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 80 of 88

2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080

Koilpatty tall Krungu cholam Kullan cholam Kullanari cholam Kulli chettipalayam Kumkuma Maddapala cholam Madhucholam Makkatai cholam Manja kattam cholam Manjakkattai Manjal cholam Manjal vellai cholam Manjil cholam Mathappa cholam Mittai vellai cholam Mukku sigappu cholam Muthu cholam Nallam palayam Nattu cholam Nirjola Nt Kaoliang Pal cholam Palapu jonna Pallaku jolam kollegal Pennapuram Peria manjal cholam Peria vellai cholam Pesi manji cholam Rama cholam Red irungu maduri Sadai manjal cholam Samba cholam Sancholam Sen cholam Sen kottam cholam Sena irungu cholam Senkaka cholam Silku jonnalu Sivappu cholam Songa cholam Talaivirichan cholam Talaivirichan ikkari balampatti Talavirchi cholam Talavirichan cholam Thuvarn cholam Uallavirichina cholam Ukkam cholam Uppam vellai cholam Vallai cholam Vallaic

Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu

Chidambaram N. Tiruchy Kalipalayam Coimbatore Coimbatore Salem Gudiatham Palladam Coimbatore Ramanathapuram Dindigul S. Arcot Coimbatore Singalavadam patti; Anna Krishnagiri Coimbatore Tirunelveli Salem Dharapuram Paramakudi Kosgi Kovilpatti Tirunelveli Donakonda Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Tirunelveli Mudhukarai,Coimbatore Krishnagiri N. Tiruchy Kovilpatti Krishnagiri Salem Madurai Kovilpatti Palladam Coimbatore

N. Arcot Coimbatore Erumaipatti, Salem Pollachi Karur Salem

IS - 36258 IS - 5410 IS - 1473 IS - 1458 IS - 5370 IS - 1457 IS - 1521 IS - 1181 IS - 5386 IS - 5439 IS - 1462 IS - 1436 IS - 5388 IS - 36228 IS - 5418 IS - 5377 IS - 5450 IS - 5392 IS - 21976 IS - 1257 IS - 1464 IS - 1554 IS - 5451 IS - 1478 IS - 1242 IS - 5366 IS - 1426 IS - 5380 IS - 5376 IS - 1503 IS - 1246 IS - 33916 IS - 5420 IS - 5411 IS - 1475 IS - 22034 IS - 5419 IS - 1235 IS - 5395 IS - 5430 IS - 22036 IS - 1178 IS - 5355 IS - 2174 IS - 5409 IS - 5358 IS - 33944 IS - 1545 IS - 1449 IS - 1472 IS - 1465

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 81 of 88

2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090

Vallakundapuram local Vazapoo cholam Vellai cholam Vellai kitten cholam Vellai makka cholam Vilunthakal lattini White cholam Yerra jonna Yerra jonnalu Bajra

Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tripura

2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096

Bishanpur Chanan singoo Jadena Jlium Jobdhan Masnga

Tripura Tripura Tripura Tripura Tripura Tripura

2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126

Paschim bati Agra local American jowar Amrokh Basmati Braul 1 Chambli jowar Chambli jowar badgaon Chari Chari barohan Chari gurai Chari kewncha Chari kotwa Chari or jowar pilibhit Chari raniganj Chari red Chari red gurai Chirgaon 1 Chirgaon 2 Desi jowar Dhamna Dudania jowar Dudania junahri Dudania white mohar Dularia jowar Gajra jowar Garhi kargoanya Ghuria Hazara jowar Joundi junhari chunikhera 2127 Jowar 2128 Jowar araipur 2129 Jowar badagaon

Coimbatore Perumbalur Madurai Ramanathapuram Omalur N. Arcot Coimbatore Coimbatore Krishnagiri S. Gokul Nagar; South Tripura

Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Titmukh; South Tripura Titmukh; South Tripura Talaya; South Tripura S. Gokul Nagar; South Tripura Photik Chersa; West Tripura Agra Unnao Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Jhansi Jhansi Moradabad Pilibhit Pilibhit Basti Jaunpur Pilibhit Pilibhit Rampur Pilibhit Lucknow Lucknow Rampur Lucknow Pratapgarh Mirjapur Kanpur Rampur Orni Lucknow Lucknow Farukhbad Unnao

Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Hamirpur Fatehpur Jhansi

IS - 21975 IS - 1552 IS - 1497 IS - 5438 IS - 1549 IS - 5406 IS - 1463 IS - 1466 IS - 5398 IS - 36103 IS - 6274 IS - 6271 IS - 36105 IS - 36107 IS - 36104 IS - 36102 IS - 36101 IS - 21977 IS - 6198 IS - 18763 IS - 18764 IS - 18771 IS - 6078 IS - 6081 IS - 6224 IS - 6213 IS - 6210 IS - 6161 IS - 6151 IS - 6203 IS - 6208 IS - 6218 IS - 6211 IS - 18772 IS - 18766 IS - 6221 IS - 18768 IS - 6139 IS - 6145 IS - 6124 IS - 6220 IS - 6091 IS - 18770 IS - 18767 IS - 6109 IS - 6178 IS - 6095 IS - 6128 IS - 6074

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 82 of 88

2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181

Jowar bahina Jowar baraun Jowar bedapur Jowar bhanala Jowar bhangnipur Jowar bhinduri Jowar bikapur Jowar chirgaon Jowar chirgaon Jowar chitoni Jowar chohe mandir Jowar chunikhera Jowar ghanekhar Jowar jalalabad Jowar jamalpur Jowar kannauj Jowar karyawa Jowar katgar Jowar kharkhali Jowar khurd Jowar kuniari Jowar kurwar Jowar lalipur Jowar maraudha Jowar mataon Jowar mr adda Jowar murdran Jowar naraharpur Jowar nigohan Jowar payagapuwa Jowar purwa Jowar rahia Jowar raja ram Jowar raper Jowar rashidpur Jowar raunalu Jowar red Jowar red badgaon Jowar red garha Jowar red gopalgarh Jowar red jankinagar Jowar red spoti Jowar red tanda Jowar sachendi Jowar shivpur Jowar talbeth Jowar tanetha Jowar white Jowar white bara Jowar white basona Jowar white billki Jowar white dara

Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Jhansi Farukhbad Lucknow Jaunpur Kanpur Kanpur Sultanpur Jhansi Jhansi Varanasi Kanpur Unnao Allahabad Farukhbad Farukhbad Farukhbad Sultanpur Unnao Hamirpur Banda Deoria Sultanpur Jhansi Sultanpur Banda Basti Unnao Pratapgarh Lucknow Sultanpur Unnao Moradabad Lucknow Lucknow Farukhbad Sultanpur Jhansi Jhansi Basti Deoria Basti Orni Pilibhit Kanpur Gorakhpur Jhansi Jhansi Orni Kanpur Pilibhit Fatehpur Kanpur

IS - 6085 IS - 6107 IS - 6185 IS - 6150 IS - 6115 IS - 6122 IS - 6173 IS - 6072 IS - 6073 IS - 6147 IS - 6120 IS - 6179 IS - 6133 IS - 6111 IS - 6110 IS - 6112 IS - 6172 IS - 6196 IS - 6096 IS - 6098 IS - 6156 IS - 6170 IS - 6084 IS - 6174 IS - 6097 IS - 6158 IS - 6193 IS - 6137 IS - 6186 IS - 6171 IS - 6189 IS - 6226 IS - 6187 IS - 6184 IS - 6108 IS - 6175 IS - 6077 IS - 6070 IS - 6159 IS - 6154 IS - 6164 IS - 6089 IS - 6206 IS - 6113 IS - 6157 IS - 6083 IS - 6075 IS - 6087 IS - 6119 IS - 6212 IS - 6125 IS - 6114

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2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232

Jowar white deegh Jowar white khajwa Jowar white majgrani Jowar white moth Jowar white muradpur Jowar white nivada Jowar white paradan Jowar white phanphena Jowar white pranapur Jowar yellow Jowar yellow binki Jowar yellow kureila Jowar yellow mariani Jowar yellow mikana Jowar yellow moth Jowar yellow nivada Jowar yellow pranapur Jowar yellow sarora Jowar yellow senthal Jowari sandila Junahri hurnan Junahri lehta Junahri white Junhari rampur Ladhra kalipara Ladhra mohulpur Ladra kutaina Ladra yellow kchlwa Lahdar yellow belsar Lahdra bandha Lahdra belsan Lahdra daola Lahdra kanapur Lahdra sandagaon lakhimpur Lahdran makrancha Lahdran red marandir Malwa jowar Mila yellow marlipur Milo yellow Mudai Pahari jowar Panari 1 (peela) Panari 2 Rambharose amrokh 2 Safed jowar Sarkar jowar Yellow jowar Baja Bajra kotiapathi Bajra madan mohanpur Bajri ajadhya

Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Kanpur Fatehpur Pilibhit Jhansi Allahabad Allahabad Fatehpur Ballia Varanasi Orni Fatehpur Ballia Kanpur Pilibhit Jhansi Allahabad Varanasi Deoria Pilibhit Unnao Mirjapur Varanasi Mirjapur Basti Bahraich Basti Bahraich Bahraich Sultanpur Unnao Sultanpur Unnao Unnao Unnao

IS - 6118 IS - 6129 IS - 6207 IS - 6068 IS - 6132 IS - 6131 IS - 6127 IS - 6153 IS - 6148 IS - 6088 IS - 6126 IS - 6152 IS - 6121 IS - 6209 IS - 6069 IS - 6130 IS - 6149 IS - 6155 IS - 6205 IS - 6191 IS - 6141 IS - 6146 IS - 6142 IS - 6160 IS - 6165 IS - 6163 IS - 6169 IS - 6168 IS - 6177 IS - 6200 IS - 6176 IS - 6195 IS - 6199 IS - 6192

Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal

Bahraich Bahraich Jhansi Kanpur Pratapgarh Lucknow Almora Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Orni Jhansi Jhansi Udaiapur Bankura Bankura Purulia

IS - 6166 IS - 6167 IS - 6076 IS - 6117 IS - 6136 IS - 18769 IS - 6216 IS - 18762 IS - 18761 IS - 18765 IS - 6090 IS - 6082 IS - 6071 IS - 6249 IS - 6237 IS - 6239 IS - 6232

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 84 of 88

2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283

Bajri bara ugura Bajri durra Bajri hathi bari Bajri hori poldi Bajri jullhine Bajri madan mohanpur Bajri onda Bajri puburiur Bajri ranipur Bajri saltora Bardhona bij rajpur Bardhona dohat malod Bardhona khejura Deo dhan mohara Deo dhan shana tala Gangai narsinghpur Ghama Gohana lal gola Janera baiganj Janera barughat Jannal [nepali] sanalbang Jaya dhan inara amar Jowar Jowar ratna i malda Rajri katrain Salo junello Adhroo juar Dhamnaha Dosakaya jonna Dukri pawar Gund Hargni Jhansi A Jhansi A Jonna sukkunda Jowar Jowari Lahi arvi Lal gunja arvi Maldandi pannar Motichura panna N.T Napa jonna Olambar jonna Onji Pandri hali jowari chirode Parbhani nisam Peria manjal cholam Red janapur Sringarapu jonna Thakodari karijot

West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal

Purulia Bankura Bankura Purulia Purulia Bankura Midanpore Midanpore Purulia Midanpore Bankura Midanpore Bankura Murshidabad Shanatala Murshidabad Kotalpur Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Murshidabad Durgapur Murshidabad Bankura Murshidabad Brahmi Wardha Wardha

Mirpur Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Wardha Macherla Wardha Wardha

Edayarpalayam Sind Wardha

IS - 6230 IS - 6242 IS - 6241 IS - 6231 IS - 6233 IS - 6240 IS - 6245 IS - 6243 IS - 6234 IS - 6244 IS - 6238 IS - 6246 IS - 6236 IS - 6264 IS - 6253 IS - 6266 IS - 6252 IS - 6259 IS - 6263 IS - 6265 IS - 6267 IS - 6262 IS - 6254 IS - 6260 IS - 6235 IS - 6268 IS - 1202 IS - 26997 IS - 1528 IS - 4879 IS - 1006 IS - 5025 IS - 8800 IS - 8801 IS - 1191 IS - 1360 IS - 5028 IS - 5031 IS - 5032 IS - 4881 IS - 4878 IS - 1261 IS - 1371 IS - 5112 IS - 5030 IS - 5026 IS - 1008 IS - 1359 IS - 1416 IS - 5113 IS - 5036

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2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294

Uiramgam Vallai cholam Vani arvi Vani arvi Vani onji Variety jonna Variety jonna Variety jonna White cholam White vani anji Yerra jonna

Polur Wardha Wardha Wardha

Pollachi Wardha

IS - 1108 IS - 1415 IS - 5034 IS - 5035 IS - 5027 IS - 26988 IS - 26989 IS - 26990 IS - 1410 IS - 5029 IS - 5114

APPENDIX VIII: Sorghum landrace collections at NRCS SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Local Name Eduakula Jonna Gompu Jonna Kade Jonna Koda muddu jonna Konda Konda Jonna Mudda Jonna Mudda Jonna Nattu Jonna Oola Jonna Pacha Jonna Palar Jonna Raichur Jonna Sai Jonna Tella Jonna Thandur Local Allin jola Allur jola Bagadahali local Bile Maldandi Bili jola Bili Maldandi Dharunyak Danda local Farm Maldandi Gundu jola Hale jola Hurdajola Jevari local Kadapu jola Kanaggu jola Kodumurugu jola Maldandi Maldandi Bili Aathner Mohali Arom safed Badi jowar Badi Sahera jowar

State Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh

District Cuddapah Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Khammam Kurnool Prakasam Khammam Cuddapah Khammam Prakasam Kurnool Medak Khammam Rangareddy Raichur Raichur Gulberga Raichur Raichur Kappal Gulberga Bellary Gulberga Bijapur Gulberga Gulberga Raichur Raichur Raichur Bidar Raichur Betul Guna Jhabua Betul

Collector Number EC - 21 SEVS - 20 SEVS - 18 SEVS - 26 SEVS - 17 SEVS - 8 EC - 11 EC - 34 SEVS - 3 EC - 20 SEVS - 2 EC - 33 EC - 12 PEC - 22 SEVS - 7 PEC - 26 EP - 105 EP - 115 EP - 46 EP - 97 EP - 106 EP - 117 EP - 37 EP - 120 EP - 45 EP - 52 EP - 41 EP - 42 EP - 112 EP - 104 EP - 103 PEC - 15 EP - 114 GGUB - 51 GGUB - 65 GGUB - 32 GGUB - 52

IC Number IC - 345723 IC - 347586 IC - 347584 IC - 347592 IC - 347583 IC - 347574 IC - 345713 IC - 345736 IC - 347569 IC - 345722 IC - 347568 IC - 345735 IC - 345714 IC - 392145 IC - 347573 IC - 392149 IC - 345194 IC - 345204 IC - 305927 IC - 345186 IC - 345195 IC - 345206 IC - 305918 IC - 345209 IC - 305926 IC - 305933 IC - 305922 IC - 305923 IC - 345201 IC - 345193 IC - 345192 PEC - 15 IC - 345203 IC - 319893 IC - 319906 IC - 319875 IC - 319894

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38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Bajri jowar Barsati jowar Charsi local Chikni jowar Chikni pilia Dadar rabi jowar Deshi Dhawli Deshi sabet Dhavali jowar Gudagi Kale Tonsa ki Jowar Kantolli Katrae Lahi jowar Local jowar Local Kajri jowar Local sehra Meethi jowar Mehara jowar Moli jowar Moti rabi jowar Murga jowar Pili local Pili safed Pilimotia Ramtak local Safed jowar Safed tinopal Safeda Satpari Somji jowar Somkatch safeda Somkath safea Syalu rabi Syalu rabi jowar Baddi Jowar Bandri Beed Maldandi Beedari Bendri dagdi Bidri Chakur Maldandi Chungi Kuch-Kachi Chungi Maldandi Dadar Dagdi local Dagdi Maldhandi Gorani Maldandi Gurang Gurang Dagdi Gurang Maldandi Gurang Sabet Harni Jogdi

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra

Jhabua Jhabua Betul Jhabua Jhabua Jhabua Indore Indore Jhabua Vidisha Jhabua Khargaom Jhabua Jhabua Jhabua Jhabua Betul Jhabua Vidisha Jhabua Jhabua Vidisha Jhabua Vidisha Vidisha Betul Vidisha Vidisha Dewas Khargaom Betul Vidisha Guna Jhabua Jhabua Lathur Ahmednagar Beed Beed Satara Pune Lathur Solapur Solapur Dhule Solapur Solapur Osmanabad Ahmednagar Solapur Aurangabad Solapur Solapur

GGUB - 39 GGUB - 31 GGUB - 50 GGUB - 20 GGUB - 37 GGUB - 23 EB - 2 EB - 1 GGUB - 22 GGUB - 57 GGUB - 38 GGUB - 55 GGUB - 27 GGUB - 30 GGUB - 29 GGUB - 35 GGUB - 47 GGUB - 34 GGUB - 61 GGUB - 19 GGUB - 40 GGUB - 63 GGUB - 21 GGUB - 58 GGUB - 62 GGUB - 48 GGUB - 67 GGUB - 59 GGUB - 56 GGUB - 54 GGUB - 46 GGUB - 60 GGUB - 64 GGUB - 25 GGUB - 36 PEC - 5 EP - 79 EP - 59 EP - 57 EP - 138 EP - 128 PEC - 7 EP - 96 EP - 94 EP - 68 EP - 23 EP - 22 EP - 54 EP - 78 EP - 81 EP - 65 EP - 80 EP - 93

IC - 319882 IC - 319874 IC - 319892 IC - 319863 IC - 319880 IC - 319866 IC - 332461 IC - 332460 IC - 319865 IC - 319898 IC - 319881 IC - 319896 IC - 319870 IC - 319873 IC - 319872 IC - 319878 IC - 319890 IC - 319877 IC - 319902 IC - 319862 IC - 319883 IC - 319904 IC - 319864 IC - 319899 IC - 319903 IC - 319891 IC - 319907 IC - 319900 IC - 319897 IC - 319895 IC - 319889 IC - 319901 IC - 319905 IC - 319868 IC - 319879 IC - 392128 IC - 343578 IC - 343558 IC - 343556 IC - 392130 IC - 343595 IC - 343593 IC - 343567 IC - 305904 IC - 305903 IC - 343553 IC - 343577 IC - 343580 IC - 343564 IC - 343579 IC - 343592

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian Sorghum Landraces: Protection and Conservation Page 87 of 88

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130

Harni Jogdi (dagadi) Jamgaon dagadi Jamgaon joot Jowri Jungala Local Khondya Local Maldhandi Musti local (Maldandi) Mutka R-8 Sabet ganga gopargaon Sedam Maldandi Gurang Shirala dagadi Shirala gota Sultanpur local dagdi Sultanpur Maldandi Tamalwadi Dhagdi Tongraligaon dagdi Tongraligaon Maldandi Vadgaon Dagdi Madandi Vadgaon Maldadi Valsangh Madandi local Yemala lakdi Yermala dukri Yermala joot Barmada local Commedi Deshi-Chari Gudli local Jowari local Irungu cholam Irungu cholam Karum cholam Matthappu cholam Sevappu cholam Vella cholam Bani Jonnari Jonndi Sabet deshi

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh

Solapur Solapur Solapur Nashik Lathur Ahmednagar Solapur Solapur Pune Osmanabad Solapur Aurangabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Solapur Solapur Osmanabad Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Solapur Osmanabad Osmanabad Osmanabad Udaipur Pali Tonk Udaipur Udaipur Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Dindigul Madurai Dindigul Lucknow Unnao Rae Bareli Kanpur Dehat

EP - 92 EP - 16 EP - 17 EP - 123 PEC - 2 EP - 124 EP - 24 EP - 95 EP - 127 EP - 55 EP - 82 EP - 64 EP - 13 EP - 14 EP - 90 EP - 91 EP - 1 EP - 89 EP - 88 EP - 87 EP - 86 EP - 84 EP - 11 EP - 12 EP - 9 E-3 EJ - 3 EJ - 42 E-4 E-1 EA - 1 EA - 10 EA - 4 EA - 6 EA - 11 EA - 2 E - 143 E - 106 E - 109 E - 101

IC - 343591 IC - 305897 IC - 305898 IC - 392125 IC - 305905 IC - 343594 IC - 343554 IC - 343581 IC - 343563 IC - 305894 IC - 305895 IC - 343589 IC - 343590 IC - 305882 IC - 343588 IC - 343587 IC - 343586 IC - 343585 IC - 343583 IC - 305892 IC - 305893 IC - 305890 IC - 338970 IC - 338983 IC - 339022 IC - 338971 IC - 338968 IC - 345243 IC - 345252 IC - 345246 IC - 345248 IC - 345253 IC - 345244 To be allotted To be allotted To be allotted To be allotted

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