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USE OF SCENT SIGNALS FOR ADVERTISING COMPETITIVE ABILITY ... competitors from a defended territory and by establishing social dominance over any.

Jane L. Hurst,l Robert J. Beynon,2 Rick E. Humphries,l Nick Malone,1 Charlotte M. Nevison, l Caroline E. Payne, 1 Duncan H.L. Robertson,z and Christina Veggerbi 1Animal Behaviour Group and 2Protein Function Group Faculty of Veterinary Science University of Liverpool Leahurst, Neston CH64 7TE, UK

1. HONEST SIGNALS OF COMPETITIVE ABILITY AND SOCIAL STATUS From an evolutionary viewpoint, signals generally should be reliable or honest (Zahavi, 1987; Johnstone, 1997). Animals can gain a number of advantages from advertising high competitive ability to potential mates and to other competitors, particularly males which often compete strongly for mating opportunities (Andersson, 1994). Animals often prefer high quality mates that will increase the fitness of their offspring, both because of genetic benefits (through good genes or Fisherian selection) and because parents of high competitive ability often provide better resources and protection. Competitors will also gain an advantage if potential challengers withdraw from, or otherwise avoid, aggressive encounters with an opponent of high fighting ability. There is thus strong selection pressure on signallers to advertise high social status and competitive ability to others. However, receivers will only gain an advantage from responding to such signals if these are reliable indicators of the signaller's competitive ability. Females that mate with low quality males that dishonestly signal high competitive ability will gain no advantage for their offspring, while males that withdraw from agonistic encounters with poorer competitors will be disadvantaged. There is thus strong selection on receivers to respond only to honest signals that are resistant to cheating, and therefore for high quality animals to provide such reliable information in signals as these will be effective in attracting mates and deterring competitors. As well as being honest, signals will evolve to be conspicuous for ease of detection (Wiley, 1983; Guildford and Dawkins, 1991). A high degree of 'redundancy' may aid detection through the use of multiple components or by frequent repetition in space and/or

Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 9, edited by Marchlewska-Koj et al. Kluwer AcademicIPlenum Publishers, New York, 2001.



time. Conspicuousness can also be increased through alerting components that encode little information but which are highly detectable and alert recipients to the rest of the display.


Many mammals use scent signals to advertise their dominant social status (reviewed by Brown and Macdonald, 1985) and ability to defend a territory (Gosling, 1982). While social systems vary between species, mammals usually compete by attempting to exclude competitors from a defended territory and by establishing social dominance over any subordinate animals that live within their territory. Dominant territory owners are thus animals of high competitive ability and advertise this by scent marking their territory at a high rate (Ralls, 1971; Johnston, 1973). Unlike most visual or acoustic signals, scent signals can be deposited in the environment and persist in the absence of the depositor over an extended period. This characteristic provides the basis for an honest signal of competitive ability that is continuously available to challenge and to inspection by mates and competitors. Since only animals that dominate a territory can ensure that their marks predominate in the area, scent marks provide proof of territory ownership (Gosling, 1982). Further, scent marks indicate the success with which an animal dominates its territory, since only males that defend their territory well can ensure that no other males deposit competing signals that might attract mates (Hurst, 1993; Hurst and Rich, 1999). The presence of competing signals that are as fresh or fresher than those of the owner thus indicate the owner's poor success in dominating the area. Accordingly, dominant animals rapidly counter-mark if they encounter competing signals from other males in their territory and exclude any competitors that might deposit competing scent marks (Ralls, 1971; Hurst and Rich, 1999). Both the spatial and temporal pattern of competitive scent deposition therefore play a crucial role in providing an honest signal of social status and competitive ability, providing information on any challenges for dominance and the outcome of such challenges. There is now substantial evidence that receivers use competitive scent mark signals to assess the signaller's competitive ability when choosing between potential mates or when deciding whether to mount a competitive challenge. When presented with scent marks from two potential mates, hamsters (Johnston, 1999) and meadow voles (Ferkin, 1999) prefer the individual that deposited the top counter-mark over the owner of the bottom scent when these overlap. Rich and Hurst (1998, 1999), studying house mice, showed that this extends beyond the choice between top and bottom scent marker. When presented with a choice between two male territory owners, where one male's territory was scent marked exclusively by the owner while the other territory contained some competing scent marks from an intruder, females preferred the owner of the exclusively marked territory (Rich and Hurst, 1998). Given a choice between two males whose territories both contained intruder scent marks, females preferred the owner that had counter-marked the intruder's scent over the owner whose scent had been counter-marked by the intruder (Rich and Hurst, 1999). Competitors similarly use competitive scent marks to identify and avoid challenging males that are effectively defending the area (Gosling and McKay, 1990), and will increase challenges against the owner if the territory contains fresh counter-marks from competitors (Hurst, 1993; Hurst and Rich, 1999).


3. DESIGN OF COMPETITIVE SCENT MARKS Competitive scent mark signals need to contain several types of information: a) species and sex of the signaler, b) individual identity of the signaler, c) social status of the signaler, d) age of the scent mark and e) presence and location of the scent mark. The components of scent marks used to signal these different types of information also need to have certain qualities. From the signaller's point of view, scent marks advertising their ability to dominate an area should be persistent to minimise the effort required to scent mark the territory whilst still being easily detectable by animals entering the area. However, labile (volatile or unstable) signals will provide much more reliable proof of current occupancy and dominant status within the territory. Receivers should therefore select labile signals that yield dynamic information on competitive challenges and their outcome. In addition, they should select persistent signals that provide information concerning the longer-term ability of animals to defend the area. Scent marks must provide information conceming the identity of the scent owner, and identity cues must be sufficiently complex and variable to allow reliable discrimination between individual competitors. Information concerning the owner's identity must be particularly stable and persistent to ensure that, as scent marks age, they are not perceived as coming from a different individual. Volatile components are needed to alert recipients to the presence and location of the scent mark and to attract them to investigate the rest of the scent display, while species and sex specific components will allow appropriate receivers to identify signals easily. To provide these different types of information and qualities, the design of competitive scent signals must involve interplay between the scent mark deposition pattern (mark rate, mark size and counter-marking), and both labile and non-labile chemical components in the scent mark.

4. COMPETITIVE SCENT SIGNALLING IN HOUSE MICE Our work on competitive signalling in male house mice is starting to reveal how volatile and non-volatile chemical components and scent marking behaviour all interact to provide an honest signal of individual competitive ability. Dominant male mice scent mark their territories extensively with numerous small spots and streaks of urine, exclude other males that attempt to deposit competing scent marks, and rapidly elevate their mark rate in the vicinity of any scent marks from other males to counter-mark them (Desjardins et al., 1973; Sandnabba, 1986; Hurst, 1990; Hurst, 1993; Hurst and Rich, 1999), consistent with the use of scent marks to advertise competitive ability. Adult mouse urine contains a high concentration of major urinary proteins (MUPs) (Finlayson and Baumann, 1958; Beynon et aI., this volume). In males, these proteins bind a number of ligands but principally two male-specific signalling volatiles, 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole (thiazole) and 3,4-dehydro-exobrevicomin (brevicomin) (Bacchini et aI., 1992; Robertson et al., 1993; Novotny et aI., 1999). In addition to MUPs, the protein fraction of mouse urine contains peptides derived from major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins that are expressed on the surface of all cells and are involved in cell recognition by the immune system but also contribute to individuallydistinctive urinary odours (Yamaguchi et aI., 1981; Brown, 1995). The dominant social status of a male is also signalled by two sesquiterpenes, E,E-alpha-famesene and E-beta famesene,


which are secreted into the urine by the preputial glands (Harvey et aI., 1989; Novotny et aI., 1990). 4.1. Detection of Male Competitive Signals The active chemical components of competitive signalling are held in the high molecular weight fraction of male urine (>5000Da), and it is this fraction that stimulates dominant territory owners to counter-mark intruder scent marks (Humphries et al., 1999; Humphries et aI., this volume). Over 99% of the proteins in this fraction are MUPs and we have shown that both the volatile ligands bound to MUPs and the MUPs themselves play important, though different, roles in the competitive scent signal. The thiazole and brevicom ligands bound to MUPs are only produced by adult male mice (Schwende et al., 1986) thus provide an appropriate species and sex specific signal that the scent mark derives from a male mouse. Farnesenes, which are not principally bound to MUPs (unpublished data), signal that the urine mark derives from a dominant male and can inhibit counter-marking by other males, particularly among those of low competitive ability that have previously experienced social defeat (Jemiolo et aI., 1992). The ligands bound to MUPs are highly volatile and serve to attract attention to the scent mark. While most thiazole and brevicomin in fresh urine is not bound to MUPs, these free volatiles are lost from scent marks in minutes (see Robertson et al., this volume). MUPs provide an extended release of these male signalling volatiles (Hurst et al., 1998) so that they continue to attract attention to the male's scent marks for at least 24h after the scent mark was deposited (Humphries et al., 1999). On detecting volatiles emanating from a male's scent mark, the response of both competitive males and females is to approach the scent mark to investigate it very closely. 4.2. Scent Mark Age Scent mark age is an important component of competitive signalling in male mice since females only discriminate between scent marks and counter-marks when these differ in age (Rich and Hurst, 1999). Scent mark age appears to be signalled by the amount of ligands still retained by MUPs. Males are only stimulated to mount a counter-marking response (increase their rate of scent marking) in the presence of intruder urinary proteins that continue to release detectable levels of volatile ligands. Males thus counter-mark in the presence of intruder scent marks aged up to 24h but do not respond if the intruder scent marks are all aged by seven days, even though they detect their presence and investigate them (Humphries et aI., this volume). However, in the presence of a fresh intruder's scent mark, males counter-mark any stimulus containing urinary proteins from the intruder. Further, they appear to locate their own counter-marks to maximise the age difference between their own fresh scent and that of the intruder. Thus, although they increase their rate of scent marking close to fresh intruder marks, they deposit significantly more marks near to aged intruder marks that retain few if any volatile ligands (Humphries et aI., 1999). In doing this, they ensure that fresh scent marks of the intruder are always matched by their own fresh scents nearby. However, by continually depositing their own fresh scent near to an intruder's aged scent marks, the release of volatile ligands is likely to attract attention to a site where their own scent marks are clearly fresher than the intruder's. The ratio of volatile ligands to urinary protein theoretically provides a very reliable signal of scent mark age. The amount of any volatile component in a scent mark depends on


both the amount deposited and the time since deposition (Figure 1). Thus receivers cannot assess the age of the mark without knowing the amount deposited. In contrast, the amount of protein in a scent mark does not change and can provide a timebase to assess the loss of volatile ligands from the protein (Figure 2). Since each protein molecule can only bind one ligand molecule, and ligands are slowly released and evaporate from a scent mark, the proportion of protein molecules that contain ligands will decrease with time since deposition. The surfeit of MUP ligands in fresh male urine probably serves to ensure that MUPs will be replete with ligands when the scent is deposited and evaporates (Robertson et al., this volume). The use of ligand to protein ratio as an indicator of scent freshness is consistent with the characteristic scent mark pattern of dominant male mice. Males deposit their urine in numerous small spots, many of which are tiny (less than one microlitre of urine), and they have evolved hairs on the end of their prepuce to aid this deposition pattern (Maruniak et aI., 1975). While this helps to distribute their scent throughout the territory, they deposit numerous marks in the same local area. When counter-marking another male's scent, they do not attempt to deposit a bigger scent mark than that of the competitor, which would contain a greater intensity of volatile ligands (Figure 2). Neither do they attempt to deposit their scent on top of the competitor's (Humphries et al., 1999). Instead, they deposit many small scent marks in the vicinity over a period of several hours (Humphries et aI., 1999). By dribbling out their urine in this way, they maximise the freshness of their marks and the rate of replenishment (Figure 2). While a large scent mark will contain a large quantity of volatiles, it starts to age on deposition and there will be a time delay before the animal can produce sufficient urine to deposit another large mark. Continuous deposition of scent in a series of very small marks ensures that there are always fresh marks in the territory, although each contains only a small amount of male signalling volatiles. Depositing their scent in very tiny marks also makes it difficult, if not impossible, to deposit their scent directly on top of the male's scent for competitors to over-mark (unlike hamsters, Johnston, 1999; and meadow voles, Ferkin, 1999).

One half life Three half lives

Figure 1. The uncertainty principle in chemical signalling. An animal sampling a volatile signal at intensity [Il t cannot discriminate between a recent, but small signal (closed symbols) and a large, but aged signal (open

symbols). Thus, it is not possible to assess both the time since the signal was deposited and the amount ofthe deposit.


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Figure 2. Cheat-proofing a scent mark system. If a volatile semiochemical must be maintained above a threshold concentration [II t (shaded region), an animal can give the impression of sustained occupancy of a site by deposition of a single large mark (dotted line) which can be compared with repeated deposition of smaller scent marks (solid line). Thus, the signal is 'cheatable'. If however, the scent mark is assessed for volatile intensity relative to an involatile, stable component of the scent mark [lIPI" then this quantity decays at the same rate, irrespective of the size of the deposit. The signal is now 'cheatproof.

4.3. Individual Identity Urinary proteins provide information on the individual identity of the signaller. Genetic differences between animals can be discriminated from volatile metabolites released from protein fraction of urine (Singer et al., 1993, 1997). These protein-bound volatiles, once released, can allow animals to discriminate between individuals even when these differ at only a small number of loci in the MHC complex genes though, as yet, it is not clear whether the volatile metabolites are bound to MHC peptides in the urine, to MUPs or to both. Once animals detect volatiles emanating from the scent mark of a novel individual, they approach the odour source to investigate. However, metabolites are susceptible to disruption by environmental factors such as food type or bacterial gut flora (Brown, 1995), thus an individual's volatile identity cues appear to change when they eat different foods, for example (Schellinck et aI., 1997). Metabolites thus do not provide the required stability for reliable signalling of identity but may attract attention to an interesting scent, stimulating animals to approach the scent source to investigate closely (see Nevison et aI., this volume). Mice continue to recognise an intruder's scent mark for at least seven days after deposition, when most volatile ligands will have been lost (Humphries et aI., 1999). This suggests that they detect the protein molecules themselves - there are specific receptors for urinary Iipocalins in the vomeronasal organ (Krieger et aI., 1999; Brennan et aI., 1999).


Urinary proteins have all the required qualities to provide stable and persistent individual identity signals. There is considerable heterogeneity in MUPs expressed by wild mice, with each individual expressing at least four to fifteen different proteins and expressing a different combination of MUPs to other individuals in the same population (Payne et aI., this volume, Veggerby et aI., this volume). Most of the variation between MUPs is on the surface of the protein, which would be accessible to receptors (Beynon et aI., this volume). The MUPs are genetically determined and are very stable, with no changes detectable in the proteins expressed by an individual through time, even if the animal eats different food sources or changes social status (unpublished data). Once deposited, MUPs are very persistent and stable over many weeks or even months. MHC peptides in mouse urine are also genetically determined and exhibit similar heterogeneity, though as yet there is no evidence that these can be detected directly. However, since MUPs are present at considerably higher concentrations and their only known functions are in chemical communication, these may be the most likely candidates to provide stable identity cues (see discussion in Beynon et al., this volume). If this is the case, the binding of signalling ligands to MUPs provides a direct connection between the presence, age and owner of the signal.

5. USE OF SCENT SIGNALS FOR ADVERTISING SUBORDINATE STATUS? While animals of high competitive ability gain an advantage from providing honest signals advertising their status, those of low competitive ability would be disadvantaged. Not only will females prefer males of higher competitive ability, resulting in reduced mating opportunities for those of poor quality (i.e. those unable to ensure their scent marks predominate over a territory), but those of low ability will also suffer a competitive disadvantage when interacting with other males. If animals can easily detect the lower competitive ability of their opponents, they are more likely to escalate aggressive encounters to defeat a weaker opponent. Under competitive pressure, we might thus expect animals of low competitive ability to withdraw from competition and from competitive advertisement. Even then, these animals might gain mating opportunities while a dominant territory owner is elsewhere and thus will still be perceived as competitors. However, animals of poor competitive ability that are not able to defend their own territory could gain a survival advantage from honestly advertising their subordinate, non-competitive status through scent marks that remain in the environment and attract investigation. While this will clearly signal their relatively poor quality as mates to females, it should increase tolerance from the owner of the territory, allowing them to reside there. They are then better placed to compete for mating opportunities in the future. Male house mice show a dramatic and immediate change in their scent marking behaviour in response to defeat by a male of higher competitive ability (Desjardins et al., 1973; Sandnabba, 1986). Instead of depositing the numerous small marks characteristic of a dominant or isolated male (see above), subordinate males greatly reduce their scent marking rate in the presence of a dominant male's odour, though they continue to deposit scent marks in larger spots and pools. These scent marks are very important for maintaining recognition and tolerance from the resident dominant male (Hurst et aI., 1993). Information concerning male social status is held in labile components of their urine (reviewed by Malone et aI., this volume). Both males (Jones and Nowell, 1989; Nevison et aI., 2000) and females (Jones and Nowell, 1974) can discriminate between volatiles


emanating from the urine marks of dominant and subordinate males, and a subordinate's scent stimulates much less aggression from dominant males than that of another dominant male (Jones and Nowell, 1973). In particular, subordinate males have smaller preputial glands and urinary farnesene levels than dominant males (Hucklebridge et aI., 1972; Harvey et aI., 1989), making their urine less attractive to females (Bronson and Caroom, 1971; lemiolo et aI., 1991) and no longer aversive to other males (Jones and Nowell, 1989; Novotny et aI., 1990; lemiolo et aI., 1992). However, subordinates continue to produce MUPs at similar concentrations to dominant males (unpublished data), which slowly release thiazole and brevicomin from their scent marks. Subordinate males thus continue to actively advertise their identity and sex while signalling their subordinate status with low concentrations of farnesenes and possibly other volatiles related to dominance status (Harvey et aI., 1989).

6. CONCLUSIONS Labile and non-labile chemical components in scent marks interact with the spatial and temporal pattern of competitive scent marking behaviour to signal the ability of animals to dominate others in the locality and thus provide honest signals of individual competitive ability. Scent signals are particularly suitable for this since they persist in the environment providing a continuous record of competitive challenges and the outcome. In male house mice, urinary proteins and their volatile ligands signal the presence, owner and age of scent marks, which are all essential components of competitive scent signals. These signals allow females to select high quality and healthy mates that are able to out-compete their rivals and will provide genetic benefits (and possibly resources) for their offspring. Competitive scent marking can thus be seen as a sexual display, providing information concerning the general health and disease resistance (Hamilton and Zuk, 1982; Penn and Potts, 1998) and other genetic qualities affecting of the vigour of a male.

7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was funded by research grants to lLH and RJB from BBSRC.

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