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of molecular integrals over Gaussian-type orbitals (GTOs). Boys also suggested that integrals over functions of higher angular momentum can be obtained from ...
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Intracule functional models. V. Recurrence relations for two-electron integrals in position and momentum spacew Downloaded by Australian National University on 02 February 2011 Published on 20 December 2010 on | doi:10.1039/C0CP02154G

Joshua W. Hollett* and Peter M. W. Gill Received 14th October 2010, Accepted 12th November 2010 DOI: 10.1039/c0cp02154g The approach used by Ahlrichs [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 3072] to derive the Obara-Saika recurrence relation (RR) for two-electron integrals over Gaussian basis functions, is used to derive an 18-term RR for six-dimensional integrals in phase space and 8-term RRs for three-dimensional integrals in position or momentum space. The 18-term RR reduces to a 5-term RR in the special cases of Dot and Posmom intracule integrals in Fourier space. We use these RRs to show explicitly how to construct Position, Momentum, Omega, Dot and Posmom intracule integrals recursively.

1. Introduction Since their introduction as basis functions by Boys,1 most quantum chemistry calculations have relied on the evaluation of molecular integrals over Gaussian-type orbitals (GTOs). Boys also suggested that integrals over functions of higher angular momentum can be obtained from those over functions of lower angular momentum by differentiation with respect to the Cartesian centres of the GTOs. Contributions by Pople and Hehre,2 Dupuis, Rys and King,3–5 and McMurchie and Davidson6 improved the original Boys’ algorithm but a major advance occurred when Obara and Saika introduced7–9 their recurrence relations (RRs).z Recursive schemes are now employed in almost all modern algorithms10 for calculating molecular integrals11 for they facilitate the development of algorithms, for integrals of arbitrarily high angular momentum, that are both easier to implement and more efficient than explicit formulae obtained by Boys differentiation. In a recent paper in this journal,12 Ahlrichs used an elegant algebraic construction to derive a generalization of the Obara-Saika RR under mild assumptions. In that paper, he wrote, ‘‘Although the treatment given in sections 2 and 3 can be generalized to some extent, the author has not pursued this in detail’’. It is the pursuit of such a generalization that led to our present work. Most algorithm development has focused on integrals over operators of the form g(u), where u is the interelectronic separation, and the resulting techniques are therefore useful for computing two-electron repulsion integrals (ERIs) over the Coulomb operator u1, integrals over attenuated Coulomb

Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Alternative 18-term recurrence relation. See DOI: 10.1039/c0cp02154g z A related scheme had previously been used by Schlegel for the calculation of nuclear first- and second-derivative integrals.7


Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 2972–2978

operators13 or damped Coulomb potentials,14 and the integrals required in R1215,16 and geminal17 methods. More general operators in position and/or momentum space have received much less attention but are our primary concern here. Intracules, or two-electron probability distribution functions, are useful tools for the study of electron-electron interactions. They contain information about the relative position18,19 u = r1  r2 or momentum20 v = p1  p2 of electrons or, more recently, the dot product21,22 x = uv. It has also been found that the correlation energy of a molecular system can be estimated by contracting one of its intracules with a suitable kernel, in an approach called intracule functional theory (IFT).22–25 However, with the exception of the Position intracule (which is closely related to ERIs), RRs have not been presented for intracule integrals. As a result, the efficiencies of current schemes for constructing intracules leave much to be desired and this has seriously limited their range of application. One particular application is the analysis of the effects of electron correlation, and it is well known that basis functions of high angular momentum are required to effectively model the interelectronic cusp in multi-determinantal approaches. Efficient RRs for intracule integrals would be of great benefit to such studies. If C(r1,. . .,rN) is an N-electron wavefunction, its spinless 2nd-order density matrix26 is Z r2 ðr1 ; r0 1 ; r2 ; r0 2 Þ ¼ C ðr1 ; r2 ; r3 ; . . . ; rN Þ ð1Þ  Cðr0 1 ; r0 2 ; r3 ; . . . ; rN Þdr3 . . . drN its 2nd-order Wigner distribution27 is Z  1 q q r2 r1 þ 1 ; r1  1 ; W2 ðr1 ; r2 ; p1 ; p2 Þ ¼ 6 2 2 ð2pÞ ð2Þ  q q r2 þ 2 ; r2  2 eiðp1 q1 þp2 q2 Þ dq1 dq2 2 2 This journal is


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and, if we regard this distribution as a bona fide probability density, a general two-electron phase-space operator Zðr1 ; r2 ; p1 ; p2 Þ has the expectation valuey Z hZi ¼ W2 ðr1 ; r2 ; p1 ; p2 ÞZðr1 ; r2 ; p1 ; p2 Þdr1 dr2 dp1 dp2 ð3Þ Using this, we can create intracules21 as the expectation values of appropriate operators. For example, the operator Z ¼ dðr12  uÞ yields the Position intracule P(u),18,28 which is the probability density for the interelectronic distance u = |r1  r2| and, similarly, the operator Z ¼ dðp12  vÞ gives the Momentum intracule M(v),20,29 which is the probability density for the relative momentum v = |p1  p2|. The operator Z ¼ dðr12  uÞdðp12  vÞdðyuv  oÞ gives the Omega intracule O(u,v,o),21,30 which is the joint quasiprobability density of u, v and o, the angle between u and v. The operator Z ¼ dðx  u  vÞ yields the Dot intracule D(x), the quasi-probability density for x = uv. The Obara-Saika RR generates integrals over operators of the form Z ¼ gðuÞ, which includes the position intracule. However, despite ongoing interest in observable momentum space properties such as momentum intracules,20,29,31–33 an analogous RR for operators of the form Z ¼ f ðvÞ has not yet appeared and, consequently, most momentum intracule studies of atoms and small molecules31–35 have been based on uncorrelated wavefunctions. The advent of an efficient RR for Z ¼ f ðvÞ would be highly beneficial for future studies using accurate correlated wavefunctions. Although the Omega intracule, O(u,v,o), is not an experimental observable, it does contain a wealth of information regarding the relative position and momentum of electrons of a given wavefunction. In addition to providing a quantitative description of the motion of pairs of electrons, it also contains key elements leading to an intuitive understanding of electron correlation.21 The fundamental tenet of intracule functional theory22–25 is that the correlation energy can be recovered by contracting an intracule with an appropriate correlation kernel, K(u,v,o), i.e. RRR O(u,v,o)K(u,v,o)dudvdo (4) Ecorr =

The goal of the present research is to show how to construct such integrals recursively, thereby extending the scope of recursive two-electron integral methodology from threedimensional to six-dimensional space. The next Section introduces several useful intermediates for the derivations that follow. After that, we review the key elements of Ahlrichs’ re-derivation of the Obara-Saika RR and then, using an analogous approach, we derive RRs for four general forms of the Z operator.

2. Definitions Before deriving our RRs, it is useful to define several intermediate quantities. The unnormalized Gaussian function with exponent a, centered on A = (Ax,Ay,Az) is |ai = (x  Ax)ax(y  Ay)ay(z  Az)azea|r–A|

4m2 ¼


l2 ¼

ð6Þ y Of course, because the Wigner distribution is not a proper probability density,27 physical properties derived from such integrals may not be correct.

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a b  aþd bþg


1 1 1 þ a þ d b þ g n2


1 1 þ aþb gþd


ad bg 1 þ a þ d b þ g 4s2



ab gd þ aþb gþd


2ad 2bg ðA  DÞ þ ðB  CÞ aþd bþg


2ab 2gd V¼ ðA  BÞ þ ðD  CÞ aþb gþd Q¼



 Zðr1 ; r2 ; p1 ; p2 Þeiðp1 q1 þp2 q2 Þ dq1 dq2 dp1 dp2 dr1 dr2


where a = (ax, ay, az) is a vector of angular momentum quantum numbers. The GTOs |bi, |ci and |di have exponents b, g, and d and centers B, C, and D, respectively. We then define

and the practical success of such a theory is predicated on the availability of efficient schemes for generating the required two-electron integrals. Expanding the wavefunction in (1) in a Gaussian oneelectron basis set {fa} yields X Gabcd fa ðr1 Þfb ðr0 1 Þfc ðr2 Þfd ðr0 2 Þ ð5Þ r2 ðr1 ; r0 1 ; r2 ; r0 2 Þ ¼ where Gabcd is the two-particle density matrix, and the construction of hZi therefore requires the integrals Z  1 q1   q1   f f ½abcdZ ¼ r þ r  1 1 b a 2 2 ð2pÞ6  q   q   fc r2 þ 2 fd r2  2 2 2




aA þ dD bB þ gC  U aþd bþg


aA þ bB gC þ dD  aþb gþd






adjA  Dj2 bgjB  Cj2 ¼ exp   aþd bþg abjA  Bj2 gdjC  Dj2  ¼ exp  aþb gþd


3. A modified Boys recurrence relation As a prelude to our construction of new RRs, we first outline the key steps in Ahlrichs’ derivation.12 He begins with the Boys RR1 for a single GTO, viz. ^ þ ai jða  1i Þi ð14Þ jða þ 1i Þi ¼ Djai 2a Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 2972–2978


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where i = x, y or z, 1i = (dix,diy,diz), and Dˆ is the scaled differential operator ^¼ D

@ 2a@Ai

4. Recurrence relation for Z ¼ Wðu; vÞ When Z depends on both u and v, the fundamental integral11 is given by21

ð15Þ ½0000W ¼

He then defines an operator Oˆ(a) that transforms an s function to one with angular momentum a, i.e. Oˆ(a)|0i = |ai

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ai ^ ^ ^ þ 1i Þ ¼ D ^OðaÞ  1i Þ þ Oða Oða 2a


^ iÞ Oða

Applying Dˆ to the fundamental integral, using the chain rule, yields four terms because the integral depends on the center A through the exponential factor Sad and the quantities P2, Q2, and PQ. This suggests that we define 

Observing that Oˆ(a) is the product of three operators that commute, i.e. Y



and which therefore must itself obey the RR

^ OðaÞ ¼

Sad 8ða þ dÞ3=2 ðb þ gÞ3=2 Z 2 2 2 2 el u m v PuiQviZuv Wðu; vÞdudv



Gl;m;n ðP ; Q ; P  QÞ ¼


@ @P2


@ @Q2


@ @ðPQÞ


8ða þ dÞ3=2 ðb þ gÞ3=2 Z 2 2 2 2 el u m v PuiQviZuv Wðu; vÞdudv


ð26Þ he then uses (17) to show that

^ iÞ ¼ Oða

ba2i c X j¼0

 ai ^ai 2j ð2aÞj D ð2j  1Þ!! 2j

and the triple-index auxiliary integrals = SadGl,m,n(P2,Q2,PQ) [0000](l,m,n) W


Applying the chain rule yields dðDi  Ai Þ @P2 ðl;m;nÞ ðl;m;nÞ ðlþ1;m;nÞ ^ D½0000 ½0000W ¼ þ ½0000W W aþd 2a@Ai

He also shows that a function Y that is linear in Ai i.e. DˆY = y and Dˆy = 0



has the commutation property Oˆ(ai)Y = YOˆ(ai)  aiyOˆ(ai  1)


Ahlrichs confined his subsequent analysis to operators of the form Z ¼ gðuÞ, but we will consider operators of the more general forms Z ¼ Wðu; vÞ, U(u), VðvÞ or d(x  uv). Because all such operators are independent of the Cartesian centers, it is clear that [abcd]Z = Oˆ(a)Oˆ(b)Oˆ(c)Oˆ(d)[0000]Z


½ðaþ1i ÞbcdW

^ OðbÞ ^ OðcÞ ^ OðdÞ ^ ¼ OðaÞ

@P2 @Q2 ðlþ1;m;nÞ ðl;mþ1;nÞ ½0000W þ ½0000W 2a@Ai 2a@Ai  @ðPQÞ ai ðl;m;nþ1Þ ðl;m;nÞ þ ½ða1i ÞbcdW þ ½0000W 2a@Ai 2a ð29Þ


^ OðbÞ ^ OðcÞ ^ OðdÞ ^ D½0000 ^ ½ða þ 1i ÞbcdZ ¼ OðaÞ Z ai ½ða  1i ÞbcdZ 2a

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 2972–2978

and applying the commutation relation (21) four times eventually yields the 18-term RR ðl;m;nÞ

½ðaþ1i ÞbcdW


dðDi Ai Þ ðl;m;nÞ 2dPi ðlþ1;m;nÞ ½abcdW þ ½abcdW aþd aþd þ

Qi ðl;mþ1;nÞ Pi þ2dQi ðl;m;nþ1Þ ½abcdW ½abcdW þ aþd 2ðaþdÞ


ai ðl;m;nÞ ½ða1i ÞbcdW 2ðaþdÞ


Eqn (24) reveals the importance of the derivative of the [0000]Z integral to the form of the corresponding ‘‘Obara-Saika-like’’ RR. In the following Sections, we consider several forms of the Z operator and derive the corresponding RRs from (24). 2974

 dðDi Ai Þ ðl;m;nÞ ½0000W aþd



and recognizing that Oˆ and Dˆ commute, we obtain the modified Boys RR


@Q2 @ðP  QÞ ðl;mþ1;nÞ ðl;m;nþ1Þ ½0000W þ ½0000W 2a@Ai 2a@Ai ð28Þ

substituting this into (24) gives

Substituting this into the Boys RR ai ^ ½ða  1i ÞbcdZ ½ða þ 1i ÞbcdZ ¼ D½abcd Z þ 2a


þ þ

2ai d2 ðaþdÞ2


½ða1i ÞbcdW

ai 2ðaþdÞ2


½ða1i ÞbcdW

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ai d ða þ dÞ2


½ða  1i ÞbcdW


2bi gd ðlþ1;m;nÞ ½aðb  1i ÞcdW ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ

bi ðl;mþ1;nÞ ½aðb  1i ÞcdW 2ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ


bi ðg  dÞ ðl;m;nþ1Þ ½aðb  1i ÞcdW 2ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ

2ci bd ðlþ1;m;nÞ ½abðc  1i ÞdW ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ

ci ðl;mþ1;nÞ ½abðc  1i ÞdW 2ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ

ci ðb þ dÞ ðl;m;nþ1Þ ½abðc  1i ÞdW 2ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ


di ðl;m;nÞ ½abcðd  1i ÞW 2ða þ dÞ



2di ad ða þ dÞ2


di 2ða þ dÞ2 di ðd  aÞ 2ða þ dÞ2


Fig. 1 Order of calculation of Omega intracule integrals for [pppp]O class of integrals using the 18-term RR. [abcd](L) O denotes all auxillary integrals where 0 r l + m + n r L. Table 1 Non-exponential FLOPs and exponential evaluations required for a [pppp]O integral class Algorithm

ðlþ1;m;nÞ 1i ÞW

FLOPs Exp. evaluations


½abcðd  1i ÞW


all (L + 1)(L + 2)(L + 3)/6 fundamental integrals [0000](l,m,n) with W 0 r l + m + n r L are required. In light of this, a method for generating the Gl,m,n(P2,Q2,PQ) recursively would be useful and should be a topic of future investigation. In the special case of Omega intracule integrals, we have W(u,v) = d(r12  u)d(p12  v)d(yuv  o) and it can be shown30 that Gl;m;n ðP2 ; Q2 ; P  QÞ ¼

2 2 u m2 v2 iZuv cos o

pu2 v2 el

sin o

ða þ dÞ3=2 ðb þ gÞ3=2     n @ l @ m @  @P2 @Q2 @ðP  QÞ Z p pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i0 ð x þ y cos tÞdt ð32Þ

119 191 4899

15 647 65

5. Recurrence relation for Z ¼ UðuÞ or VðvÞ The 18-term RR for integrals over operators depending on both u and v seems daunting. However, for operators Z that depend on only u or only v, major simplifications occur. These are realized by redefining

2 2

x = P u  Q v +2iuv(PQ)coso qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi y ¼ 2iuv P2 Q2  ðP  QÞ2 sin o and i0(x) is a modified spherical Bessel function. the Owner Societies 2011

 Gl;m;n ðU 2 ; V 2 ; U  VÞ ¼

@ @U 2


@ @V 2




@ @ðUVÞ




U 2 þm2 V 2 þZUV


8ða þ dÞ ðb þ gÞ Z 2 2 2 2 2 2  el u m v ð2l UZVÞuiðZUþ2m VÞviZuv


 Wðu; vÞdudv




The calculation of the 81 integrals in a [pppp]O class begins with the construction of the 35 fundamental integrals [0000](l,m,n) , where 0 r l + m + n r 4. Then, using the 18-term O RR (30), integrals of higher angular momentum are calculated following the scheme in Fig. 1. Because [pppp]O is a fairly simple class, many of the terms in the RR (30) vanish in most cases. The efficiency of recursion can be seen by comparing the FLOP (Floating-Point Operation) count required to generate the class recursively with the FLOP count of the Boys-based algorithm in the Q-CHEM software package.37 The results are summarized in Table 1, with exponential function evaluations listed separately. For this class, the FLOP cost (15 647) of the recursive algorithm is 8 times smaller than that (119 191) of the Boys-based scheme and the efficiency gains will be even greater for classes of higher angular momentum. The recursive approach is also much easier to implement than the laborious Boys scheme, requiring only code for the necessary Gl,m,n integrals.


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½abcðd  1i ÞW

Although it has ten more terms than the celebrated Obara-Saika RR, and two extra auxiliary indices, this new RR applies to integrals over a much larger class of operators. As such, it is much more general and powerful than its predecessors. For an integral with total angular momentum X L¼ ai þ bi þ ci þ di ð31Þ

2 2




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and then deriving an alternative 18-term RR (see ESIw). Then, for Z ¼ UðuÞ or VðvÞ, the alternative 18-term RR reduces to the 8-term RRs bðBi  Ai Þ Ui ðlÞ ðlÞ ðlþ1Þ ½ða þ 1i ÞbcdU ¼ ½abcdU þ ½abcdU aþb aþb ai ðlÞ ½ða  1i ÞbcdU þ 2ða þ bÞ ai ðlþ1Þ þ ½ða  1i ÞbcdU 2ða þ bÞ2

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þ þ


½ða þ 1i ÞbcdV


ðlþ1Þ 1i ÞcdU

di ðlþ1Þ ½abcðd  1i ÞU 2ða þ bÞðg þ dÞ bðBi  Ai Þ 2bVi ðmÞ ðmþ1Þ ½abcdV ½abcdV þ aþb aþb ai ðmÞ ½ða  1i ÞbcdV þ 2ða þ bÞ þ þ 

2ai b2

(m) [(a + 1i)bcd](m) V = [a(b + 1i)cd]V

 (Ai  Bi + Ci  Di)[abcd](m) V

Gl ðU 2 Þ ¼

½ða  1i ÞbcdV 2

bi ðmÞ ½aðb  1i ÞcdV 2ða þ bÞ 2bi ab ða þ bÞ

2ci bd ðmþ1Þ ½abðc  1i ÞdV ða þ bÞðg þ dÞ


2di bg ðmþ1Þ ½abcðd  1i ÞV ða þ bÞðg þ dÞ

Gl ðU 2 Þ ¼

¼ Sab Gl ðU 2 Þ

¼ Sab

ða þ bÞ3=2 ðg þ dÞ3=2

s2 jvþiVj2



¼ Sab Gm ðV 2 Þ

@U 2 @U 2 ¼ 2a@Ai 2b@Bi


[(a +

= [a(b +

+ (Bi 





t2l eTt dt

4p5=2 u2 en

2 u2

ða þ b þ g þ dÞ3=2

@ @U 2


Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 2972–2978

½expðn 2 U 2 Þi0 ð2n 2 UuÞ

Gm ðV Þ ¼

4p5=2 s3

@ @V 2


ða þ bÞ3=2 ðg þ dÞ3=2 Z 1 2 2 2 v2 es ðv V Þ j0 ð2s2 VvÞf ðvÞdv


0 1

where j0(x) = x sin x. For Momentum intracule integrals, we have f(v) = d(p12  v) and therefore Gm ðV 2 Þ ¼

2 v2

4p5=2 s3 v2 es

ða þ bÞ3=2 ðg þ dÞ3=2

@ @V 2

which transfers angular momentum from center A to center B. 2976


In the special case where Z ¼ f ðvÞ, one finds

leads to the existence of a two-term ‘‘horizontal’’ RR10 Ai)[abcd](l) U



The RR (36a) for Z ¼ UðuÞ is a generalization of the ObaraSaika RR8 and the fact that

1i)cd](l) U

Fl ðU 2 Þ

For Position intracule integrals, we have g(u) = d(r12  u) and therefore



1i)bcd](l) U

þ b þ g þ dÞ3=2


ð37aÞ Z

2p5=2 n 2 ða

Fl ðTÞ ¼

Gl ðU 2 Þ ¼ @ @V 2


where Fl(T) is the Boys function

where the fundamental integrals are given, respectively, by  l Z p3=2 @U@ 2 2 2 ðlÞ en juþUj UðuÞdu ½0000U ¼ Sab 3=2 ða þ b þ g þ dÞ

p3=2 s3


ða þ b þ g þ dÞ3=2 Z 1 2 2 2 u2 en ðu þU Þ i0 ð2n 2 UuÞgðuÞdu


ðmÞ ½0000V

@ @U 2

where i0(x) = x1 sinh x. In the important case of Coulomb integrals, we have g(u) = 1/u and one obtains

ðmþ1Þ ½aðb  1i ÞcdV 2





The striking asymmetry between (39) and (41) arises from the fact that both the position and the momentum integrals are over basis functions that are centered in position space. For an integral with total angular momentum L, all L + 1 fundamental integrals [0000](l) U with 0 r l r L, or [0000](m) with 0 r m r L , are required. As before, a V scheme for generating the Gl(U2) or Gm(V2) recursively would be useful. In the special case where Z ¼ gðuÞ, one finds


ða þ bÞ


As a consequence, the ‘‘horizontal’’ relation for momentum integrals is the four-term RR


½aðb  2ða þ bÞ2 ci ðlþ1Þ ½abðc  1i ÞdU  2ða þ bÞðg þ dÞ 

@V 2 @V 2 ¼ þ 2Vi 2a@Ai 2b@Bi

(m)  [ab(c + 1i)d](m) V + [abc(d + 1i)]V

bi ðlÞ ½aðb  1i ÞcdU 2ða þ bÞ bi

The RR (36b) for Z ¼ VðvÞ appears similar to (36a) but differs in that


½expðs2 V 2 Þj0 ð2s2 VvÞ ð47Þ

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6. Recurrence relation for Z ¼ dðx  u  vÞ Although the 18-term RR (30) is applicable to integrals over Z ¼ dðx  u  vÞ, enormous simplifications occur if we move into Fourier space. By substituting (2) into R D(x) = W2(r1,r2,p1,p2)d(x  uv)dr1dr2dp1dp2 (48)

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and then replacing the delta function by its Fourier representation and integrating over p1, p2, q1 and q2, one can show22 that it can be recast as DðxÞ ¼

1 2p


r2 ðr; r þ ku; r þ u þ ku; r þ uÞeikx drdudk

Bernard has shown that D(x) is the O( h) approximation to the exact probability density Z 1 XðxÞ ¼ r2 ðr; r þ u sinh k; r þ uek ; r þ u cosh kÞeikx drdudk 2p ð56Þ which is known as the Posmom intracule38–40 and whose Fourier transform is R Xˆ(k) = r2(r, r + u sinh k, r + uek, r + u cosh k)drdu(57) The fundamental Posmom intracule integral in Fourier space is40

ð49Þ and it follows that its Fourier transform is R Dˆ(k) = r2(r,r + ku, r + u + ku, r + u)drdu

½0000X^ ¼

½0000D^ ¼

½ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ3=2 ½4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ kÞ2 3=2

4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ kÞ2

K2 ¼

l2 þ dðZ þ kÞ 4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ kÞ2



The surprising simplicity of this RR supports the conclusion22 that D(x) is most efficiently constructed by forming Dˆ(k) and then taking the inverse Fourier transform. This journal is


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4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ tanh kÞ2



4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ kÞ2

m2 P2 þ ðZ þ tanh kÞP  Q  l2 Q2

K1 ¼

2ða þ dÞ½ða þ 1i ÞbcdD^ ¼ ð2dðDi  Ai Þ þ K1 Pi þ 2K2 Qi Þ½abcdD^   dK1 þ K2 þ ai 1 þ ½ða  1i ÞbcdD^ aþd   gK1  K2 ½aðb  1i ÞcdD^ þ bi bþg   bK1  K2 ½abðc  1i ÞdD^ þ ci bþg   aK1  K2 ½abcðd  1i ÞD^ þ di 1  aþd ð53Þ

4m2 d þ ðZ þ kÞ

þ ðZ þ tanh kÞ2 3=2 ð58Þ


and it follows that the higher integrals also satisfy (53), but with

Because (51) is simply a generalized Gaussian in the centers, we can use the modified Boys RR (24) directly, without requiring auxiliary integrals. In this way, we find the 5-term RR

K1 ¼

½4l2 m2


where m2 P2 þ ðZ þ kÞP  Q  l2 Q2

expðTÞ 3=2

with T¼


½ða þ dÞðb þ gÞ


The fundamental Dot intracule integral in Fourier space, or k-space, is given by22 p3 Sad

p3 Sad sech3 k

K2 ¼

4m2 d þ ðZ þ tanh kÞ 4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ tanh kÞ2 l2 þ dðZ þ tanh kÞ 4l2 m2 þ ðZ þ tanh kÞ2



7. Conclusions The recent article by Ahlrichs12 provides a simple algebraic derivation of the Obara-Saika RR for a general g(u) and provides a general approach for the derivation of RRs for other two-electron integrals over GTOs. We have used his approach to treat integrals over more general two-electron operators in position and momentum space. The RR (30) for integrals about a phase-space operator W(u,v) has 18 terms and utilizes three-index auxiliary integrals. The new RR allows one to generate a [pppp]O class at a small fraction of the cost of an earlier Boys-based algorithm. The RRs (36a) or (36b) for integrals over a position operator U(u) or a momentum operator VðvÞ have 8 terms and utilize single-index auxiliary integrals, and follow easily from an alternative 18-term RR (see ESIw). The RR (53) for Fourier integrals over the dot product operator d(x  uv) has 5 terms and does not require any auxiliary indices. The RRs provide an efficient pathway for calculating twoelectron integrals in phase, momentum and position space and are also much easier to implement for integral classes of high angular momentum. We are incorporating them into the Q-CHEM package37 and this will lead to significant performance improvements in the calculation of Hartree–Fock intracules of large molecules and correlated intracules of all molecules. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 2972–2978


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Acknowledgements J.W.H. thanks the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada for funding. P.M.W.G. thanks the NCI National Facility for a generous grant of supercomputer time and the Australian Research Council (Grants DP0771978 & DP0984806).

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