Introduction to the special issue on semiconductor lasers - IEEE Xplore

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ELECTRONICS, the publication of which coincides with ... technology in modern society. 23 of the ... applications to consumer products and industrial pro-.


Introduction to the Special Issue on Semiconductor Lasers P H I S Special Issue of the IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM sue reflect the advancing maturity of the field and the - ELECTRONICS, publication the of which coincides with growing importance of more widespread commercial uti.2 25th anniversary of the first demonstrations of the inlization of the semiconductor laser. A large number of the jection laser, is also associated with the Tenth IEEE In- papers deal with visible and high-power devicesthat have ternational Conference on Semiconductor Lasers that was applications toconsumer products and industrial proheld in Kanazawa, Japan, in October 1986. Prof. Y . Sue- cesses. The maturity of metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy matsu served as the Chairman of the international confer- and molecular beam epitaxy as processes for the fabricaence, which was the most heavily attended of this series. tion of high-quality lasers is also reflected in the growing Dr. I. Kaminow served as the Program Chairman of the number of papers from many laboratories that utilize these conference. This Special Issue is not intended to be a con- processes. As these techniques become more widespread ference proceedings. Traditionally, however, some of the the importance of quantum well lasers designs is also inbest work of these conferences has been published in this creasing. A potentially important technological applicaSpecial Issue series. The tenth Special Issue is no excep- tion of these techniques is beginning to emerge in the fabtion. It represents another in a series of historical chapters rication of semiconductor lasers on silicon substrates to that document the remarkable evolution of the semicon- permit monolithic integration of optical technology with a sophisticated electronics technology. Taken in total, this ductor laser technology. 55 papers from 11 countries are included here as testi- Special Issue documents the continuing progression of the mony to the growing importance of semiconductor laser semiconductor laser from the research device that it was technology in modern society. 23 of the papers are from just a few Special Issues ago to a practical component for Japan, 16 are from the United States, three each are from commercial products. Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Soviet Union, The Netherlands, and France, two each are from Germany and Sweden, and one each are from Ms. C. Fulce-Paradan, my administrative assistant, who England, China, and Brazil. Each of the papers was read has shouldered much of the burden of administering the by two anonymous reviewers from all parts of the world. record keeping and manuscript distribution involved with this issue. Her efforts have cbntributed a great deal to its I am particularly indebted to these people for their diligence and attention to detail that has resulted in impmve- success. P. DANIEL DAPKUS, Guest Editor ment of an already excellent group of contributed papers. Department of Electrical Engineering Single frequency and long wavelength lasers and the research challenges associated with long distance comand Materials Science munications sources continue to be an important topic. University of Southern California, However, the distribution of the papers in this Special IsLos Angeles, CA 90089
