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Iklwee:n .ao flnd ~5 perccnJ. .... the pronunCl,tllOn 0 . a ;'-
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into the leach­



...l l ; NEWFU.~NDLAND

~tabli~ed . i~



.... ork have:

, . , ho b«n \Hlllcn a ut "plified Engli,h, whale:ve:r , , , Engh,h " nOI gene:rall) hard." lan~uage: 10 learn. • - h . dllor ' , S~~I~ t e: one: aU >, !elallon: and Ihe other lIin -and if ,impllfica. J)C g.. . nywhe:re: II I~ In Ihe«n IfI.,d , ar I, ,. I lhat II ~cm' IInpo«lole 10 me for r310 10 I I J"r~-.cnl Ihc "cel-cnd ,·h,. r~c " '0 ,e ,r, and ~IIII m(lfc.dlnlCultl.r~a.'h Ihe nc.-tar, Thi~ year. in contra,1 tol TORMENtED RY \IOSQL'ITOrs l 'I~'"I"(lhcn('r0l."7llh~rr onn, It, rhYlhm, In whu.:h I olher

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World', Fair 0i";" the orwoniri, ' ~s '




FItON 00-.

. Ouring the' past three: ye:an the:re: ha~ · 1 Iu'-e rad all the killen and yOUT kadinl bee:n Ne:w1' oundland an Irticle on Ihis ',ubjCct !wilh lhe amlelt ron- dabor~le: groUnd orpnizalion, which will «"nITII.ion. ~nd bel Icar!O Slale tbat lbou&h facililale: Ihci CTos.~ing · of the NOflh thue II ~~ lhal i IIiC .nD~ncc. has de.- Allantic tijc big landplane:~ and H)' lnl;' cre.JC'C! a hllk 11\ .ome dOuaUcI II h.. Incrcue:d bo ' J ' , . ' d·b,_I • ., ~ . _.L_ ' d al~ whICh ,re: no Ii being COn\lruclc:d m 10 an a I~t IIKTe I "" pecree 1ft .. nal UK 10 G ' " " d he one of the most '~UtlfUI area~ or Norlh I' reat Br\UI~ for Iransoce:antc mall an Devon. Alone lime I .... ill admil I :lifted 41 pa~senger ~rric~. and by Ihe: long.range: C.P.R.E, conferences w III your vicw lhat whal bombers Wh' ~h Canadian faclorle:s are: 'U\ wlnltd "'U .• no more I.... "nd more . ' , l'uni5hmenl. bUI a ~tf dier and 'Iron~r un- bUIldIOg lor ~ e: Royal Air Force: , In Ihe olflCi.1~ pru.\ure:: hUI ~.1ve been fo~C'c:d 10 the: face o( arcal idlffiCultle:", British eng,"CulJ l,n Ne:w(ou!ldland--Botwood. (jande:r h.: made respon,ible fo~ otfenc.c:s committed hy' Lake. and H~tlie:', Camp--!hl(e harbour, lheir clicnl,5.-Mr, Sl~"lt.Y G,. ~: HOI, "4A", ! age for Ihe: ~i'r line:r. which are 10 lnll Hon . ,S:c:creary. North fJ:t'vf'n Div,,,OO, Devon closer Ihc link bc:lween Europe and Nonh R , ~rxh. C.P .R,E., MaljllOhOC: Manor, "oody I . i Ray, North [kvon. · . Ame:rlca. and apparalu~ to gUide Ihe:m acros.' Ilk :!.qoo mil" of open ~a bj:1"'ecn RAII.WAY DISPLJTES I Ireland and Newfoundland, ' In view f'f th~ rrcurring wa~ di( )·..mr "" r ddeal drop them to 80 per cent. Wllh such a . of Newfoundland s .t npanlle aIr ha'\(: arc rad,o BOYS FOR pro~p«1 a leam would never ri~k defeat 10!Urn men . Two tr:ainSf "eek 10 SI. John's arc Ihe ROM SA Y. Alt .. 2 a lirst·inninlls .1c:3d iOlo viclory . A~ long iH commllnily's !):>nly reg,!iar link.wi.lh lhe re~1 o( H FARMS I we rely on avernlC~ and perCet'\I;'lle~ we ~hall NewCoundla~)J; I e Rlr loners Wlii keep Ihem The m(ln'oon i~ reponed hI he g:111 . ] have Ihe same prohlcm 10 Ca~·e. If Ihe per· heller in(ormt-d 0 evenlS in London and New in!; ~trenglh in (jujar:tl. "hcre Ihc drl1 OR OF Ttl-I" TIMES (entallC fclng Ihe "'or,1 .,!Tecled . 10 ;oin i."... "ilh him ~ I anti no re~uh kave lhem where Ihcy were . sonnel al Ihe IleroVnal ha'C' : Ihe othe:r handlrs - - - - - -- . .. . ..... . . · n ",'ilh aer(lplann in nillhl and . . . , ,s l ineitieniall y lhe:_ordinary man could (olio .... . ~.ommuni.:3tl IJ!: bUI J mlllhi rerhart' . Ihe championship wilhoul havin\! conslan!l v helps in na Itali,!.n . Short "a,'e< ..a rn· Ihc lilUre "a, ~Iatffi 10 ~ I to u~ pe:ndl ~nd p:ope:r 10 work out ne~ firsl ; sh0r1. ntl l;"edium "a,'e' Ihe second . and Ihat il wa. "onlirm a\· erItIlC:~ . --Mr . W. C . [YRP. HA~~LEY . 17, Mffiium wa e. ~' bver appro,im a lc!v Ihe 5(1() aUlhorily on Ihc suhj t Sprinllfield Avenu&: . MII.well Hill, N.IO . mile' o( 'h