JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C6, supplCment

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Colloque C6, supplCment au nOll, Tome 48, novembre 1987. A FIM/ATOM-PROBE STUDY OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN MOLYBDENUM STEELS.
JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C6, supplCment a u n O l l , Tome 48, novembre 1987


I. Stark and G.D.W. Smith

Department of Metallurgy, Oxford University, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH, U.K. AlSXRMPFIM/AP,T!%,~ X-ray analysis ard dilatonetry irdicate that both 3 C precipitation and a solutedreglike effect are associated with reacticn retaz&tim i n F d H b allay. %ere is no e v i h for molybdennn or carbcn/wlybdenm clustering in awtenite.

INIIICDUCPIZH The inhibiting e f f e c t s of mlybdmm rn the t r a m f o m i c n of Fe++b alloys are d i a m m [1-6], but t h e i r origin d m mlear. What is clear is that l d of mlyb&mu of only a.few tenths of an atomic per cent significantly retard the rate of deccmposition of a t s t e d t e t o ferrite 4% carbids at a l l temperatures. This e f f e c t is particularly marked a t i n t e n d l a t e teapetahlres ( 50 C 703 C ) resulting in the deep lsys in the lllkwws of mny mlyWenrm steels. Similar effects are observed with other solute additions tut n b t o the sare degree a s with molylxbum. The molybdenum effect has been mriously attributed t o (1) Mo/C clustering in the azsrenite pinning the interface [4],(2)solutedrag at the transPonnaticn ineerfaoe [3,6,7] a d (3)Merphsse interface precipitation [8,9]. There is no strong preferential evidence for any one of these hypotheses, principally because the m , l y ~ c a r b a d i n t e r f a c einteractiau appear t o be on an a t i c d e and are ~ c e s s i b to t the experhmtal t d i n t q applied ~ ~ ~ previcusly. In the present iinrestigathn the uee of a field-ion microscope/atom-probe has pruvided the f i r s t analysis on a suEficiadly fine scale of the atomic processes associated with mtardathn both above and helm the b y region of the 'ITCarrves. A fieldanissim FlCFM has also k e n used to investigate grain-hdary -tion.



Fe+.20wt%C-0.52wt;ZMo and Fe43.32wt%C-2.05wt% alloys ere EhOSen on the h i s of their mnrkemy different TlT amw [ref.l p.119.,ref.2,p.106]. Transfonmtion t h ndmtes in fomer,ohtt can t&e hcurs or days in the latter. In the 2& all9 it is p a r t i q l y slow betwem 650 C ad 550 C and a d e p bayformsinthe~curve.Specimeus~haPDgenisedat12MCfor3daysad~qrarhed~obrine. Following reaustenltisation a t 1050 C they were quen&ed h t o a salt bath or transferred to -her furnace. Specimens were transformed as bars or discs of thfckwss 0.5-fmn i n order t o &eve wid cooling. No significant dacattmisaticn was observed. OFIM/AP analysis was carried out using a VG Scientific FIMlUl [lo] with the tfq hpxature set at 90 K. Molybdenum atoms image very brightly in necn and the disMbutim of mlybdenm c d d be deduoedfromtbFIM~. X-ray analyses *re obtained using the VG HD501 fiel-ssim SIB4 at the ZKAFA HaweU laboratories by Dr. J.M.TLtchm~9h. The TIT auve for a F e 0 . 3 ~ ~ - 1 . alloy 9 ~ was determind using dilatanetry. lhts is expected t o alloy as the tmperature rerge of each reacticn regime is a d i f f e r s l i g h t l y from that f o r the 2.0satsitive f m c t i m of mlylxbum content [2]



To t e s t whether clustering is assodated with the deep b y in the 2.05wtXEb allcy, the distribution of molybdenum i n austenite under these conditions was determined. In a l l instances neither FIM observatim nor atomprole analysis sIowed any -sth that ~ l y b & menl u s t e e had tdtaz p k . Ihe results obtained fmn a 20,0a)-icn sanple after 23 hours at 570 C are s b m in table 1 below. Ihe laJ X' value supports the lull hypothesis that the distribution of mlyWanm is rwdan. Analysis of the spct* between successive molybdenum ataos also -tsd a rzadaP rllstributim. S q l e axxi spa* amlysis also s l m d no widence of carbon/m,lybdenrm asmdation.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at



Table 1 : % c c n p o s i t h of b a t a n sarples (20-atan step). Mo per 40-atan w l e Observed W t e d i f randan 0 1 2

633 282 67 18


622 297 69 11







(2) pol/AP ad 2PN anal+ af ferrite 0 Optical microscopy revealed four t m f o n n a t i c n regimes between the u p p r nose a t 730 C ad M , cad1 of which was slwwn by FIM/AP analysis t o be associated with a particular type of k / C interactfa,. llle aralyses are smmarised in table 2 and the mLcrmtnrctures i n figs. 1-3 d 6. Dilatometry slwwed t h a t the lower transformation region, usually represented by a sirgle set of TIT-curves, i n f a c t comprises two closely-overlapping regimes ( f i g . 4) with distinctly rLCEfere~u mlcrc6tructures. Ihe four g n e r a l reactial reginw wre: 0 (a)Above 590 C: The i n i t i a l decomposition product ws ferrite which f i r s t F o n d alorg t l e prior austenite grain-boundaries (fig. lb). Throughout t h i s range ahnost a l l of tleilulylxhrun kcwas incorporated i n t o carbides. I n i t i a l l y , these a r e approxhwtely stoichiaetrlc YC du?re sole of tlle molybdenum s i t e s a r e occupied by ircn uterus. In the latter s ~ a g r s ,wlcre ~ r l l t fonlr;, e boLl~Elf tuxl molybdeny-enriched E C are 0@3erved i n the FlM sp~ji~m. arecLpltdLe wra ~ n i ~ drailers y (1(~200& X 3 0 0 Aa t 730 C and spheraida ( l ~ 2 . 5 d ) a t 670 C- 90 C ( Mos~of UE! rallets were similarly oriented alttlere a F w occepticns The size iud s l q of ~ t k railers was rile sse after both ooe how: a d ane day at 730 C. A n example of the mlcroetructure f o d a t 595 C and associared with slow r e t i a t kLncLLcs is s l m i n the electron micrograph (fig. 6). 'Iho density of dislocations in tlle ferrite w a particularly ldgh a d carbides.




( b ) ~ t570'~: grain-boundary dotri-rp118, needles am3 blocky f e r r i t e =re all olselwd (fig.2b). The range of f e r r i t e morp1~Logiesm rdlected i n an e q d l y diverse r a g e of p r d p i t a t e s . Figure 2a shows a case h e r e rcda and elagated plates precipitated in two 100 directlcns. In otirer instawes elle rods were aligned a l q a single dfrecticn or were present as an array of rcugt~splrralds of raditts MR. Because of the s i z e and of the carbides, the analyses w r e certain! to cuztah s a w o x i t r i h ~ t i m from the f e r r i t e , but the observed Mo:C r a t i o of just less than 2:1 ws identical t o that at higher temperatures. 0 (c)510-555 C: blocky needles -re the doninant rroq>lmlogy (fig.3b). 'lltese c o n t a W sralL (1-10fi3), b r i g l 1 t l p i m g l ~preclpitatea a c h appeared i n clusters t-acller t l m a t rardan i n tJw fcrrlte. nSe =re present i n very high concentratiaw a t the l m a r g l e b a u d a r l s ktferrLte d t s (Eig.3a). 111eLr dlstLnct electron d i f f r a c t i o n pattern indlooted tl& tlry w r e preclpitatcs rat1:lrcr tlun cluskrx. rile average ratio of mlybdennn t o carbon i n these precipitates ws al>proxhmtely 2:l. Ihe dawity of single bright spots i n the f e r r i t e irdicated that i t retained a substantial amunt of oolybchm arl Llds ws c o d i d by the analyses. TP1 slmwed that d y of the ferrite units containerl cementite wlrreas F C m s aodprsent. n~ cementite shape and distrihltim d t e r 8 mlmtes m t e d tW r e p l m a s k of C by FSC I d IX* y e t become significant. I h e i m d i c a t i m was that m s t of t l e KC observed 1 4 fon2d1u-LNI austenite decomposition: The single cementite particle analysed o x i t a i d t l e bulk mlybbmm level



~pc~.98~0.0?.3)1~ 0 (d)Below 500 C: packets of fine, characteristically b a l d t i c wdles fonnrl. llle a d y precipitate present i n these d e s vas cementite.

I n t h i s f l l l o y , t h g transformation was complete witllin tllc f i r s t ftw dmtm a t a l l teqeratures between 510 C and 725 C. t$C precipitation was observed thraghoat the rar\ge lut f e r d t e 1 ~ 1 y L d 3 m u 1-1s bere generally close t o the W c level (fig.8b). The AP analysts are s l m i~n table 3. 0 0 0 (a)*620 C: Sphcmldal t$.C f o m d a t 620 C a d 725 C. (he of the specittransfonued for 103 s x o d s a t 620 C cartalned a highlydemrated I ~ Q h - ~ fl ecr d t e t f e r r i t e bouodary. llle docorarim \mi restricted t o the intedece i n the form of a sub-mmolayer covering rather t l m an array of Interface precipitates. Evaporation resulted i n the interface mving a s a smooth curve towards t l r tip apex with the me e z e p t i m slnm in figure Sa, whem i t was kinked taranls a Y C precipitate. Analysis w a w r i e d out

when the boundary was close t o the apex and the zone of h t e r s e c t i m of the interface with the t i p surface was wider than the probe hole. I n t h i s way the boundary contribution was mdmised. 'lhe mlybdenrn and carbon 1 4 =re 15-20at% and 10-15arX respectively. Zhe ccnpoaitim profile (figme 5b) shlws that 5-lOaa of 8ulpiur and sane phosphorus were a@ present. Identical decoration WE observed m two occasicns in this alloy aFter tramformation a t 525 C. Ccnsideraticn of the awtedte grain size and the mmber of specimens dried w s t e d that it was d k e l y that a U of tkse were prlor austenite grain Lumdari83. (b)595'~:

TIN s t w d


M2C precipitation i n dl ferrite grains f n m

the emliest


(c)52?j0c: The low-angle f e r r i t e / f e r r i t e boundaries =re uuch less hmvily decorated thm thase formed i n the 2.05wt%Mo a l l o y under tlle sam caditions. Zhe diffeWE M yw r t h w the relative d i f f e r a r e Cn bulk mlyWeram content.

m x-ray d p s i s of tran9formtial i n t e r f ~ ~ e s Analyses obtained from transformagion i n t e r f a c e s in the 0.52wtXMD end 2.0at2ays aEter 15 seconds and 23 hrxlrs respectively a t 595 C are slum with the associated SIPI higea of precipitatefree interfaca (ffg. 7). W y s i s of th sl-t g r a d q interface seetiara in the 0.5d a y , which are t h e l i k e l i e s t s i t e s of segregation, is extreoely difficult due t o their highly c-luted nature. 'Ihe smooth interface s l m i n the ,SIlPl ndcrcgraph is s d t a b l e for analysis, but m y nct be represmtative of a l l interEaces. Molybdenm a d phospllorus enrichnent is observed in the -2. allqr but nct in the 0.52wtDb alloy.

The analysis shown i n t a b l e 1 was obtained w h e r e ~ 2 0atoms were detected per 1x of material evaporated. Additional analyses wre oMraIned over a range of &table q l e and step sizes and in no instance vas tllere any evidare of clustering. 'Ihe analysis of the betwsm irrllvidual w1yMenm atoms shows no clustering m on atunic scale. 'Ihe s w i t i v f t y of the spadrrg analysis is reduoed ly the 5CB: inst-t detection efficiency and the 2-3nn diameter area f n m where auressively-Qtected icns my originate. Consequently the AP analysis does nct totally disc& the possibility that sam 2-3 atom clusters fom, altkmgh i t makes it very fnprobable. Because carbon diffuses when mrterrsite forms on ,-q the observed distributicn will nct be the same a s i n the austenite. Therefore the observed absence of a carbm/mQ%&nm aasodatfm is of q u e s t i d l e significam. Precipitation end Segregation The m s t obvious result of the imrestigoticn is that there is saue C predpitaticn i n both alloys throughout the intermediate transformation temperature range (i.e%st a h and kdcu the by). Dilatometry has a l s o sllown t h a t MZC precipitation just below the deepest p a r t of thelTl!bey is associated with a decomposition process that differs distinctly fraa the w e d U t e umphology observed a t lmr tenperaturn. FIM/M analyses shows that tlle rate of reactim a d the mcmt of t$C predpitaticn are inversely related. That t h e cxtent of precipitation is not s h p l y related t o the differanes in c e t i m is conEinned by tables 2&3a c h glve the mlyb&mmI c m e n t of ferrite end s b m that precipitate &mity depends on more than the bulk molyLxhm level. It i s the effects which came precipitation t o teccme extensive that a r e the centre of debate, t h e p r i d p a l . questicn bekg "Is prectpitatim a cause or effect of the d q e s i n i n t e r f e velodty a d transformation rate?". at a Solute-drag tlieory predicts that mlybdenm is segregated a t the interface, which then r a t e a t which t h i s enhanced molybdenum l e v e l can be raintained. Prectpitatim a t these slcu mwlrrg boundaries i s tllils a secondary process. It is almost certain that interfthat are so intemely decorated nuve rrore slowly than tlwse tlmt are solute-free. Zhe relatimship tetwsm p d p i t a t e h i t y and reaction r a t e is m r e ccnsistent, althougti the precipitate density observed a t a f d t e / a u s t e n i t e i n t e r f a c e seems t o be too low t o N l y a m m t for i t s haw velocity and m X-ray analysis slum the precipitate-free regions i n the 2.05wt.%Pb alloy a t 595 C t o be highly auiched in mlybcknm. At the some temperature i n t h e 0.52wtX Mo alloy, the f e r r i t e / a u s t e n i t e interface i s not obvicxlsly mlybdemwemiched. It seems l i k e l y t h a t a cmbination of the tw processes aocamts for the o b d behavlau. Zhe r e l a t i v e importance of these & q e 6 with canposition, precipitation irrreaaf&y daninant at higher molylxknnu and c a r h levels. Because of the attractim of w1yWenm f o r carbcn a d because of a




s i z e effect, a higher wlybdenum l e v e l is expected at the i n t e r f e i n all of the alloys, h r t t k evidence s u g g e s t s t h a t transformation is strongly inhibited c d y &ere there is significant precipitation. The pinn&tg e f f e c t s of C a r e suggested by the high density of dislocatians in the ferrite a t 1 9 a d~525 ~ C in ~t k Z.OS*rdl: dlq the interface kink d a t e d wffh c e of the fat precipitates formed i n the 0.52wtXMo alloy a t 620 C. A t higher taperatures, *re the energetically expensive s t e r a t i o n of lattice Qfects is not possible, different p r m s e s may M b i t tnursfomticn. F e r r i t e folmafipl my require ledges that are high emugh to overgrow interphase 5 C or, &re 5 C fonus a t the growth f r m t i n a eutectoid -r, tnursformtian proceed at a rate gwemed bj intedaoe wlyMenm diffusial.


axmmms (1) No evidence for Mo o r Mo/C clustering hm been ohenred in amtenfte in FeC* alloys u d e r caditione t h m t r a m f o w a t h is stralgly irhibited. (2) Some 3 C formation accaqades trarrrfolmaticn both above a d below the bay in both alloys. The extent of this precipitation is not sinply related to the the hulk of velslybderun a d carcarbon. (3) The ' 'molybdenum effect" is probably a combination of the e f f e c t s of segregation and precipitation. The r e l a t i v e importof these can charge ctring the aurse of transformtian as the austenlte becomes progressively carbon-enriched. Significant effects are associated with extemive irmrporaticm af mlybdenm into 3C.


(1) AW,Atlas d Iaothermnl wd Cmlim Trwsformation M w m s . (2) 'Ihelning,K-E,Steel & its Heat lhstnents.httenwths, 2nd ed. (3) 8-xwLl e t al, M.Preps. and Ph&e Trws. i n Mat., &t.Soc. 3Lpe,(1986) ,p.445. (4) Sharma,R, z d rndy,G.R., Met-Trws., 4, (1974), p.939. (5) Ehkshia,H.K.D.H., J.Wt.Sci.. 3 (1983), p.1473. (6) Aarmsc*1 e t al, ihid, 3 (1985), p.4232. (7) Bumto,M., and Aammm,H.I. @t.Trans. (1986), p.1385. (8) Purdy,G.R., Acta Met. (1978), p.477 (9) Purdy,G.R., ibid, p.487. (lO)Ceteeo,A. et al, PIysw6,artppl.t o 3(1984),329. (11)CTabkqH.J. e t al, Surf.& Int.Analysts,~p.2(12,(1987)



~abl. 2'


Time at T ( C) (minutes) 730 60 725 1200 420 670 1680 620' 590

Ferrite atXMotC 0.05 0.03 0.20 0.08 0.07 0.05 0 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.04 0 0.13 0.08 0 0.06 0.06 0

;;:: 1140 34 16 8

470 430

4 0.5

Atom-probe analyees of re-0.33wtXC-2.OSutXHo atXC 0 0


550 540 533 526'



0.06 0.03 0.04 0.02

0.09 0.03 0.10 0.02

0.13 0.70 0.33 0.8 1.22 0.91 1.02

0.04 0.13 0.05 0.16 0.15 0.05 0.06

1.18 0.09 1.30 0.06

atXC f a 35 1.0 33 1.6 40 2.5 33 1.7 25 1.4 43 8 44 2.7 381.5 343.4 32 10 34 6 25 6 24 2.0 31 4.3 25 1.2

Carblde atXM0tG 56 1.1 63 2.2 60 3.1 65 2.4 5.7 0.7 57 9 56 3.0 622.0 66 4.6 68 15 66 8 75 9 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.3

I r Atorprobe analyses of ~e-0.2OwtXC-0.52wtXMo

Table 3


Time at T (minutes) 725 16 625 1.7 6001 30 526 8

Ferrite atXC f G atXMofG 0.09. 0.02 0.20 0.03 0.13 0;02 0.31 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.38 0.05 0 0.19 0.04


0.04 0.03

( C)

*I 1


0.36 0.07

etXC t G 33 15


29 22 43 23

7.5 1.2 11 2.3

Carbide atXMotG 44 11


71 1.1 57 1.2

12 0.3 14 0.5

In the mjority of caaes tlie analyses given summarlse those obtalned traeveral apecimena. The carbides ere too m a l l for the Fe content to be eccuretely determined. lko dlstinct forms of ti C have been enalysed.In one I4 is principally Mo. whilst i n thn other i t fsbmainly Fe.

Pigs. 1-3

ELM observation of the cllanges in &C precipitation and overall ferrite 0 526 C in a Fe-0.32C-2.05Ho w t X alloy.

Bi .


I *



Fig. 2b

~ i g . 2a 5 7 0 " ~ , 95 hours

Fig. 3a

0 526 C, 8 minutes

70@l I

~7 I



23 hours

Fig. 3b 5400C, 16 minutes


_./ .................... ----.--' z:


Figure 4 Dilatometrically determined TTTcurve for Fe-0.33wtXC-1.96wtXMo. The 10% transformation curve is shown.



F i g u r e 5a

F i g u r e 5b

Fig. 5 I n t e r f e r e n c e of a 3 C p r e c i p i t a t e w i t h a h e a v i l y d e c o r a t e d f e r r t e / f e r r i t e boundary and a n a l y s i s a c r o s s t h i s boundary. Fe-0.20wtXC-0.52wtXM0, 620 C, 100s.


Figure 6 Micrograph of Fe-0.32wt;bC-2.05wtMo showing a transformatdon i n t e r f a c e a f t e r 23 hours a t 595 C. Note t h e h i g h dislocation density in f e r r i t e , p a r t i c u l a r l y around M2C.

0.4pm Fig. 7 Fig. 7a

STEM X-ray a n a l y s e s of f e r r i t e / a u s t e n i t e i n t e r f a c e s .

Fe-0.32wtXC-2.OawtXMo 2 3 hours 595 C.


Position i n t e r f a c e (1) " (2) " (3) lOnm i n t o f e r r i t e ( 4 ) 50nm i n t o a u s t e n i t e ( 5 )

wt XMo 4.0

3.9 1.8 1.O, 1.3


1.1 0.7 0.6 0.6, 0.5

Position ferrite t I t t

austenite I t I t 11

i n t e r £a c e II I I

I t


= Less t h a n 2 s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n s .

1.o 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5

NoPin any of t h e analyses.