komponen elektronika dan hukum dasar pada rangkaian listrik

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Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1. By Yohandri 2008. 2. 1. Komponen Elektronika. - Komponen pasif. - Komponen Aktif. 2. Hukum dasar pada rangkaian listrik.
KOMPONEN ELEKTRONIKA DAN HUKUM DASAR PADA RANGKAIAN LISTRIK Electronic Components and Basic Laws in Electric Circuit

Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008


Standar Kompetensi Mampu Menjelaskan dan menerapkan berbagai konsep tentang komponen elektronika dan hukum dasar listrik 1. Komponen Elektronika - Komponen pasif - Komponen Aktif 2. Hukum dasar pada rangkaian listrik - Hukum Ohm - Hukum Kirchoff tentang arus - Hukum Kirchoff tentang tegangan

Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008


A. Komponen Elektronika Dalam elektronika ada dua golongan besar jenis komponen elektronika yaitu komponen pasif dan komponen aktif 1. Komponen Pasif Komponen pasif adalah komponen yang dapat bekerja tanpa catu daya Contoh : Resistor, Kapasitor, Induktor, Transformator dan sebagainya Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008


a. Resistor The resistor is an electrical device whose primary function is to introduce resistance to the flow of electric current. The magnitude of opposition to the flow of current is called the resistance of the resistor. A larger resistance value indicates a greater opposition to current flow.

Simbol Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008


Jenis-jenis resistor  Carbon Film Resistor Terbuat dari karbon yang dilapiskan pada sebatang keramik

 Metal Film Resistor Metal-film resistors are commonly made of nichrome, tin-oxide, or tantalum nitride

 Wirewound Resistor Wire-wound resistors are made by winding wire of nickel-chromium alloy on a ceramic tube covering with a vitreous coating Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008


RESISTANCE VALUE Resistance is expressed in ohms (). Typical resistance values are industry standard (E12, E24, E48 & E96) values from 1.0 ohm to 10 Meg-ohms (10,000,000 ohm = 10MegOhm)

E12  5 %

Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008


E 24  5 %

E 96  1 %


Resistor color code



Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2007


Resistor Dissipation If the flow of current through a resistor increases, it heats up, and if the temperature exceeds a certain critical value, it can be damaged

P  V .I

PI R 2

V2 P R

For example, if the voltage across an 820 resistor is 12V, the wattage dissipated by the resistors is

A 1/4W resistor can be used 11

Nonlinear resistors




NTC resistors (Negative Temperature Co-efficient) - their resistance lowers with temperature rise. PTC resistors (Positive Temperature Co-efficient) - their resistance increases with the temperature rise. LDR resistors (Light Dependent Resistors) - their resistance lowers with the increase in light. 12

Potentiometers Potentiometers (also called pots) are variable resistors, used as voltage or current regulators in electronic circuits


b. Capacitors Capacitors are components that are used to store an electrical charge Capacitance Capacitance (symbol C) is a measure of a capacitor's ability to store charge. A large capacitance means that more charge can be stored


A capacitor is composed of two conductors separated by an insulating material called a DIELECTRIC. The dielectric can be paper, plastic film, ceramic, air or a vacuum


Types of Capacitors Electrolytic Capacitors • Cathode lead (-) shorter than anode (+) • Cathode polarity band or anode strip • Date code (YYWW) “9614” = 14th week of 1996 • Temperature rating • Capacitance value (µF) • Voltage rating (VDC) • Logo 16 16

Ceramic Disc Capacitor (Radial) Dielectric Y5F

Cap Value 102 = 1000pF

Cap Tolerance C = +/-.25pF K = +/-10% D = +/-.5pF M = +/-20% F = +/-1% Z = +80%/-20% G = +/-2% Dielectric J = +/-5% Y5P

Voltage 1KV = 1000VDC

Cap Value 103 = 0.01uF

Voltage 1KV = 1000VDC

Example shown P/N: NCD102K1KVY5F

Example shown P/N: NCD103K1KVY5PTR


Film Capacitor (Radial Leaded) • Capacitance value (pF) & Tolerance Code

• Voltage rating (VDC)


SMT Electrolytic Capacitors • • • •

Cathode (-) & Anode (+) markers Capacitance value (µF) Voltage rating (VDC) Date Code


Variable capacitors Variable capacitors are mostly used in radio tuning circuits and they are sometimes called 'tuning capacitors'. They have very small capacitance values, typically between 100pF and 500pF (100pF = 0.0001µF).

simbol 20

c. Transformator Pada dasarnya transformator merupakan komponen pasif dengan empat ujung. Sepasang ujung disebut primer dan pasangan ujung lainya disebut sekunder. Transformator digunakan untuk merubah besar tegangan bolak-balik pada primer dan mengeluarkannya pada sekunder

Lecture Notes : Basic Electronic 1 By Yohandri 2008



Induksi Faraday, Nilai fluks magnet I berubah dengan waktu, maka timbul ggl

d E  N dt Pada kumparan primer d E1  N 1 dt

Pada kumparan sekunder d E2  N 2 dt

Dari kedua persamaan diperoleh


N2  E1 N1 23

Tipe Transformator  Transformator daya (Step up / Step down tegangan PLN)  Transformator keluaran Untuk penguat dalam elektronik  Transformator rf dan if Untuk Coupling (mengandeng) masukan pada penguat dalam sistem radio 24

2. Komponen Aktif Komponen aktif merupakan komponen yang hanya akan bekerja bila ada catu daya Contoh : Transistor, IC (integrated circuit)


B. Hukum Dasar pada Rangkaian Listrik Voltage Voltage is the electrical force, that causes current to flow in a circuit. It is measured in VOLTS . Electrical Current Current is the movement of electrical charge - the flow of electrons other charged particles through the electronic circuit. The direction of a current is opposite to electrons flow direction. Current is measured in AMPERES (AMPS, A ). Resistance Resistance causes an opposition to the flow of electricity in a circuit. It is used to control the amount of voltage and/or amperage in a circuit. It is measured in OHMS.


1. Hukum Ohm


Simple Circuit: Ohm’s Law • V=I.R • P = V . I = I2.R V: voltage (Volts) I: current (Amperes) R: resistance (Ohms) P: power (Watts)


2. Hukum Kirchhoff tentang arus Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) KCL states that the algebraic sum of the currents in all the branches which converge in a common node is equal to zero  Iin =  Iout Jumlah arus yang masuk pada titik percabangan sama dengan jumlah arus yang keluar dari titik percabangan





2. Hukum Kirchhoff tentang tegangan Kirchhoff's Voltage Law Kirchhoff's Voltage Law states that the algebraic sum of the voltages between successive nodes in a closed path in the network is equal to zero. E = IR Dalam suatu rangkain tertutup, jumlah aljabar gaya gerak listrik (E) sama dengan jumlah aljabar penurunan potensial (IR )