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bertujuan melihat gambaran belajar bahasa inggris Anda selama duduk di kelas H, ... dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku, bertanya, dan mendengar. 20.
Lampiran A: STRATEGI BELAJAR BAHASA (STRATEGY INVENTORY FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING (SILL)) instrumen ini diberi nama Strategi Belajar Bahasa yang diadaptasi dari Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (Oxford, 1990). instrumen ini bertujuan melihat gambaran belajar bahasa inggris Anda selama duduk di kelas H, pada caturwulan I dan II. Ukuran yang dipakai adalah kebiasaan belajar dalam sehari (pagi, siang/sore, dan malam). Dengan demikian, untuk satu minggu dipakai ukuran kebiasaan belajar ± 20 kali. Dalam menentukan gambaran belajar bahasa Inggris Anda, Anda diminta mengisikan salah satu skala kecenderungan gambaran belajar Anda (1, 2, 3, 4 atau 5) dalam lembar jawaban yang diberikan. Skala tersebut menggambarkan keadaan berikut: 1 = Sangat jarang dilakukan (= dilakukan 1-2 kali saja dalam seminggu) 2= Kurang separahnya dilakukan (= dilakukan lebih dari 2 kali, tetapi kurang darilO kali dalam seminggu). 3= Hampir sepatuhnya dilalaikan (= dilakukan sekitar 10 kali dalam seminggu). 4= Lebih dari separahnya dilakukan (= dilakukan lebih dari 10 kali dalam seminggu). 5= Selalu atau hampir selalu dilakukan (= dilakukan hampir setiap saat dalam seminggu. Contoh: Setelah selesai jam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah, saya mencobakannya dengan cara mempraktekkannya dengan orang yang lebih fasih bahasa Inggrisnya daripada saya. Pada kolom yang tersedia di bawah ini, berikanlah tanda silang (X) sesuai dengan keadaan gambaran diri Anda. Sangat jarang dilakukan =1

Kurang dari sepatuhnya dilakukan


Hanya sepatuhnya dilakukan = 3

Lebih dari separahnya dilakukan -4

Selalu/ hampir selalu dilakukan =5


Jika pernyataan di atas menggambarkan perbuatan yang sangat jarang Anda lakukan (1-2 kali saja dalam seminggu) selama duduk di kelas II, pada caturwulan I dan II, maka bubuhkan tanda silang (X) di atas garis di bawah angka 1 yang diberikan.


I.Bagian A: Memory Strategy (Strategi mengingat efektif). I. Untuk mengingat dalam rangka memperluas/memperbanyak kosakat^b Inggris saya, saya selalu menghapal kata-kata baru yang saya jurap^i^kda' fiffe^%^ tulisan maupun yang saya dengar dalam teks lisan ' /y . * j! ,

2. Saya mengingat informasi dalam kata-kata baru menurut bunyinya."- ' '•''~\*


3. Saya membayangkan bunyi bahasa Inggris dengan gambar dan maknanya., --.-r" 4. Saya mengingat kata-kata atau pribahasa-pribahasa (idiom) baru dengan cara menuliskannya pada buku khusus untuk kata-kata atau pribahasa tersebut. 5. Saya mencoba secara fisik memperagakan kata atau pernyataan saya baca atau dengar.

baru yang

6. Saya sangat sering mengulang (mengkaji ulang) pelajaran bahasa Inggris. II. Bagian B: Coginifive strategy (Strategi kognitif) 7. Saya mencoba mendengarkan kata-kata baru bahasa Inggris berkali-kali. 8. Saya mempraktekkan ucapan dan intonasi kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang tidak saya kenal secara berulang-ulang. 9. Saya selalu menggunakan ungkapan yang sering dipakai atau didengar. 10. Saya mencoba mempratekkan kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang saya jumpai pada teks tulisan atau saya dengar pada teks lisan dengan cara dialog dengan teman. 11. Saya mencoba menterjemahkan kata-kata baru bahasa Inggris yang saya dengar dan saya baca ke dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk memahami artinya. 12. Saya membuat ringkasan wacana yang saya baca atau simak. UI. Bagian C: Compensatkm Strategy (Strategi kompensasi) 13. Untuk memahami kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang tidak saya ketahui, saya mencoba menerkanya. 14. Saya menggunakan kata-kata kunci untuk menerka makna bahasa Inggris, baik lisan atau tulisan. 15. Saya menggunakan konteks, situasi, dan gambar atau peta untuk menerka makna bahasa Inggris lisan atau tulisan. 16. Jika saya menjumpai kata-kata baru dalam bahasa Inggris yang tidak saya ketahui kata-kata yang tepat untuk kata-kata baru tersebut, maka saya mencoba menerkanya.


Bagian D: Metacognitive strategy (Strategi Metakognifif) 17. Saya mencoba memusatkan pertiatian saya secara penuh kepada wacana yang saya baca, dengar, eksperisikan, dan tulis. 18. Saya mencoba memahami pesan yang saya dengar, baca, eksperisikan, dan tulis sebelum saya mengerjakannya. 19. Saya berusaha mencari tahu bagaimana belajar bahasa Inggris seharusnya dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku, bertanya, dan mendengar. 20. Saya mencoba dan mengingat-ingat kesalahan yang saya lakukan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan memanfaatkan kesalahan tersebut untuk kesempurnaan. 21. Saya mencatat dan mengingat-ingat kersalahan yang saya lakukan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan memanfaatkan kesalahan tersebut untuk kesempurnaan. 22. Saya mencoba mempraktekkan bahasa Inggris dalam situasi nyata. V. Bagian E: Aflective strategy (Strategi emosi) 23. Saya mencoba mendengarkan musik yang baik yang berbahasa Inggris atau yang lain untuk mengatasi ketegangan saya dan berlatih dalam berbahasa Inggris. 24. Saya mencoba berbahasa Inggris walaupun dengan resiko atau kesalahan.


25. Saya mencoba memuji diri sendiri dan merasa puas bila saya mengerjakan latihan-latihan bahasa Inggris dengan baik. 26. Saya mencoba menuliskan hah-hal yang istimewa yang menarik perasaan saya dalam buku harian tentang belajar bahasa Inggris. 27. Saya berbicara atau mendiskusikan dengan orang iain (teman, guru, orang tua) tentang hal-hal perasaan saya bila belajar bahasa Inggris. VI. Bagian F. Socio strategy (Strategi belajar dengan melibatkan orang lain) 28. Jika saya tidak dapat mengerjakan tugas-tugas bahasa Inggris, saya bertanya kepada orang lain. 29. Saya meminta bantuan teman atau guru memperbaiki kesalahan atau mengatasi kesulitan saya dalam berbahasa Inggris. 30. Saya melatih bahasa Inggris saya khususnya percakapan dengan orang lain. 31. Saya mencoba memahami budaya orang yang bahasanya saya pelajari.

i 95

32. Saya meminta bantuan orang yang lebih fasih dari saya dalam,, Inggris. ,^!2£K£w! LEMBAR JAWABAN B A G

Sangat jarang dilakukan

Kurang dari separuhnya dilakukan

Hanya separuhnya dilakukan

Lebih dari separuhnya dilakukan





I A N A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 "B7 7 8 9 10 II 12 ~C~ 13 14 15 16

D 17 18 19 20 21 22 E 23 24 25 26


mlaToikan =5

27 F 28 29 30 31 32

Keterangan: Bagian A Bagian B Bagian C Bagian D Bagian E Bagian F

= = = =

6 6 4 6 5 = 5

item item item item item item


= 32 item

Cara Penilaian: Jumlah jawaban dibagi jumlah item.


Lampiran B: KEMAMPUAN BERBAHASA INGGRIS A. READING Wacana I Working as a Servant Linda has been a way from her parents for three years. "I think I have made the right decision" she said to her parents the minute she left her village. "I can do nothing for my future here. Life will always be the same year after year. There will never be any improvements". Linda was thinking about her future. A few days before she left, she had tried to get her parents's permission to leave. "No", her parents said at first. "We were born here and we are going to die right here in this village- in this house. Forget about doing those foolish things. Your future is here with us". Then the next morning just after breakfast, her mother told her, "I think you are old enough to make up your mind. "You may go whenever you wish". After working one year at a family's house, she found another family. This one was newly married, so she did less work but got more money. A year later, the wife died and she found a family of five; the parents, two daughters and a baby boy. The house is in a very convenient neighbourhood. It's close to a shopping centre, not too far for children to go to school and there's a amusement park just a short walk. The family is very nice, too. Perhaps, it was the atmosphere tn this family that reminded her to her parents last moth. This is the letter. I. Choose the best one "a, b, c, or d" to complete the sentences! 1. When Linda wrote the letter to her parents, a. she had been a servant for two years, b. she had been away from her parents for three years, c. she had worked for three families in Jakarta, d. she had worked for iast family for one year. 2. According to the story, Linda left her village because a. she wanted to have better future, b. she wanted the people in her village, c. she wanted to leave her parents for three years, d. she was asked to leave by her parents. 3. What did her parents say when she told them she was going to leave? a. Her father allowed her to go b. Her father told her to forget about leaving the village, c. Her father didn't let her decide for her future d. They had breakfast together.


4. According to the story, Linda was a. the girl who took care her life b. the girl who didn't take care her life c. the girl who could go everywhere she wanted, d. the girl who didn't appreciate her parents' opinion.

Wacana 2 Advertising Advertising has become a very specialised activity in modem times. In the business world of today, supply is usually greater than demand. There is great competition between different manufactures of the the same kind of product to persuade customers to buy their own particular brand. They always have to remind the consumer of the name and the qualities of their product. They do this by advertising. He sometimes pays for songs about his products in commercial radio programmes. He organizes competition, with prizes for the winners. He often advertises on (he screens of local cinemas. Most important of all, in countries that will accept them. Manufactures often spend large sums of money on advertisement. We buy a particular product because we think that is the best. We usually think so because of the advertisement that say so. Some people never pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth. I. Answer the questions 5. How many kind of advertisements are mentioned in the passage? What are they?.

6. Why do manufacturers spend so much money on advertising?

7. What do sale girls do? 8. Which do you think more effective, giving out samples or going for television advertisements, say why? 9. Do you think that we buy goods because they are advertised? Why do you think so (or not).

H. Find words in the passage that give the meaning of these phrases. 10. the activity of telling people about product for sale, 11. the activirry of providing things for sate 12. the needs to buy tilings.


13. the efforts of one person to do better than another person. Wacana3. Health and Social Welfare W.H.O. stands for World Health Organization. The main purpose of this organization is to handle the world health; that is to prevent and cure diseases. For this purpose, this institution has to carry out researches into the causes of certain diseases. When facts or additional information are discovered, helful conclusions have to be made. These conclusions will contribute to the success in preventing and curing diseases. Very often it takes one team a long time to performs a search and costs a large quantity of money. Now let's see what contribution the W.H.O- has made to our country. Since the establishment of the Publict Health Centres all over Indonesia, the WHO has realized that there are lots of cases to be handled. Some facilities, such as laboratories and surgical equipments, were contributed to Department of Health. This institution has also paid close attention to the Family Planning in Indonesia. This institution ones said that other densely populated countries should take Indonesia as a good example in controlling the rate of population growth. It's true that the population may not be separateted from the health problem. We finally get to a conclusion that each family has to restrict the number of their children for better social welfare of the family and nation. 1. Answer ther questions 14. Mentione some causes of diseases.that you know. ¡5. What contributions has the WHO made to Indonesia? 16. What do you know about family planning, population growth, health and social welfare in Indonesia?

17. Give example how to prevent diseases?

V. Put a cross on A, if option (1), (2), and (3) are correct B, if option (1), (3) are correct C, if option (2), and (4) are correct D, if all the options are correct. 18. Some cases for the WHO to handle are 1. to find out the causes of diseases, 2. to build hospital in all countries, 3. to find out how to cure diseases, 4. to make Indonesia as a good exarnple.


19. Before conclusions are made, the experts 1. have to get facts, 2. have to make careful considerations 3. have to find out further information 4. care diseases. 20. We can prevent illnesses by 1. eating nutritious food, 2. keeping our environment clean, 3. having regular physical exercises 4. building the public health centres 21. The WHO officially has said that other dencely populated countries should lake Indonesia as a good example because 1. Indonesia has been able to control the birth rate 2. Indonesia relatively succeeded in managing the public health, 3. Indonesia has successfully compaign the family planning program. 4 Indonesia has been given some facilities. 22. Which families belong to the family planning? 1. A family of four owns a big house, 2. A family of two owns a big house, 3. A family of three owns a big house 4. A family of one owns a big house. Wacana 4 This programme gives us the opportunity to let the exchange students learn our cultures and on the other hand sending our studies abroad. The exchange students here will not only study at school but also learn our cultures and our life. They have to be able to introduce their surroundings and cultures to us, too. ITiere are several requirements that must be fulfilled for those who are willing to join this programme. They are, for example, aged between 16 and 18, phisically and mentally healthy, mastering at least one form regional culture and having special talent like playing musical instruments or particular sports. And the last but not the least, they must abide the rules of the Rotary Club. Is it possible for any body to join the programme? Yes, if the parents are Rotarians or sponsored by Rotarians I. Choose the best one "a, b, c, or d" to complete the sentences! 23. 'They' (paragraph 1) refers to a. requirements b. musical instruments c. exchange students d. parents. 24. "Our students' (paragraph 1) refers to a. the parents b. foreign students


c. Indonesian students d. Rotarians 25. Below are the requirements needed by students who are willing exchange students, except a. they are between 16 and 18 years of age b. they must be able to speak English well c. they should master one form of regional cultures d. they are not sponsored by Rotarians.


to be

LISTENING Listening Script 1 I. Dictation Teacher dictates each sentence of the paragraph below in two times. Write them after your teacher in a piece of paper given.) Nobody likes staying at home on a public holiday especially if the weather is fine. Last August we decided to spend the day in the country. The only difficulty was ten millions of other people had exactly the same idea. We moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, but at last we came to a quiet country road and, after some times, stopped at a lonely farm. We had brought plenty of food with us and we got it out of the car and sat down under a big tree to have lunch. Listening Script 2 The six members of ASEAN are Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Three of them are republics, namely Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore, while Thailand is a kingdom. Malaysia is a federation and Brunai is a sultanate. The capital city of Brunai is Bandar Sen Begawan, Indonesia is Jakarta, Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur, Thailand is Bangkok, the Philippines is Manila, and Singapore is Singapore. Majority of people of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunai are Moslems, while most of the Filipinos are Christians, and most of the Thai are Budhists. The Singaporeans are distributed almost evently Moslems, Christians, Buddists, and Hindus. Interestingly, the peoples South-East Countries speak different languages. Bahasa Indonesia becomes the Indonesia language. Malaysia is now promoting bahasa Malaysia besides English. The people of Brunai and Singapore tend to speak Malay, English, or Chinese. Thai is the language of people in Thailand while English, Spanish, and Tagalog are spoken in the Philippines. Three countries are their own dollars for their currency, while Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand have rupiah, peso, and bath successively. "Indonesia Raya" is the anthem of Indonesia. Singapore has Majulah Singapore, the Philippines have Lupang Hiniring, Maiyasia has Negaraku, Brunai has Allah Peliharakan Sultan, and Thailand has Fieng Chard. VII. Your teacher will read an account of the member countries of ASEAN above. Listen to him carefully. While you are listening, complete the following table Brunai



Status Capital Religion (majority) Language Currency



Singapore Thailand

I. Listen to conversation uttered by your teachers. Then try to answer the questions! Conversation: Salesman : Can I help you, miss? Lida : I'd like to see that pair of shoes, please. Salesman : Which pair? The gray ones? Linda : That's right Salesman : Don't you think mat they are too large for you? Linda : They 're not for me. My friend is going to buy them. Here she comes. Rna : You are not going to buy shoes, are you? Linda : No, I'm not for me. I was just having a look at them while I was waiting. Rina : Sorry to keep you waiting. I met a friend downstairs. Excuse me! I'd like to buy a pair of shoes made of learner, size 39, home made. Salesman : Do you want high heels or low heels? Rina : Low heels are more comportable, I think. Salesman : Here are several different styles in your size. Try them on. Rina : These ones, please. How much is this pair? Salesman : Ten thousand rupiahs, miss. Rina : Is it a bargain or fixed price? Salesman : That's the fixed price. Rina : Okey, I 'II take them. Linda : I ' m afraid we don't have enough time to buy my dress now, Rina. Let's go home. Questions 8.1. Who does offer the shoes? 8.2. To whom are the shoes offered? 8.3. Who are going to buy the shoes? 8.4. What is the size of the shoes that fixed to Rina's? 8.5. What is the best title of the above conversation? II. Listen to cassette. Chose a, b, c, or d which is best answer.


C. SPEAKING I. Answer the teacher's questions orally to complete the conversation below. Teacher : What are our subjects today? Students : Teacher : Have you done your English homework? Students Teacher Good, thanks. Next week, you '11 have caturwulan test, won't you? Students : Teacher : Have you finished studying all the subjects to be tested? Students : Teacher : Good luck. II. Study the incomplète conversation, then practice it with yoor friend. Student A. Student B. Student A. Student B. Student A. Student B. Student A. Student B. Student A Student B. Student A Student B. Student A. Student B. Student A. Student B. Student A.

: I ' m going to Lake Toba next week-end. Are you coming with me? : I ' m sorry I can't. I '11 be very busy this week-end. What are going to Lake Toba for : : Where are staying? : How are you going there? : How much is the fare? : How long does it take you to get to Lake Toba by bus? : What is the climate like in Lake Toba? : Where are you coming back to Medan? : I'm coming back on Sunday evening? : I hope you '11 have a nice trip and good time in Lake Toba. : Thank you. I t ' s a phy you can't go with me.

III. Situation Julia and Jim are in the cafe. They are standing at the cafe. They always have to go the cafe to get drink. No body will ask you what you want if you sit down at the table first, Jim has to paid for ther drinks. Casir Jim Julia Jim Julia Jim

: And here's your chane, sir. : Thank you. : Can we sit down somewhere, Jim? I don't like standing here. : All right. Look! There is a table overthere. Come on. : (Sitting down). This is much more comfortable. I think women look terrible standing at the bar. : Really? I don't think so. Anyway, Cheers!


Julia Jim Julia Jim Julia Jim Julia Jim Julia Jim Julia Jim Julia Jim

: Cheers! : Would you like a cigarette? : No thanks. I have decided to give up smoking. : Really? Why? :'s just that I think if you don't enjoy doing something any more you should stop doing it : I see. You mean you don't enjoy smoking anymore. : That's right you should give it up, too. It's bad for your health. : Stop talking like my mother. That is what she keeps saying. : But it's true. I t ' s a nasty habit I can't why I never started. Anyway, it is obviously got you in its grip. : What do you mean? What are you talking about? : I mean you couldn't give it up! : Who. Me! I couldn't give up smoking! Nonsence! Of course I could. I know I could. : How do you know? : Because I have already proved it Smoking is the easiest thing in the world to give up. I've done it hundreds of things.

10. 1 Answer the questions a. Why does Julia want to sit down somewhere? b. What does Jim say just before he takes his first seat from his drink? c. What has she decided to give up? d. Ask and answer why she has decided to give up smoking. 10.2. Without looking at the text see if you can remember some of the things Jim and Julia said. : think/women/terrible/cafe. a. Julia : a cigarette? b. Jim : No/decided c. Julia : You mean/don't enjoy/anymore d. Jim : right. You should/too health, e. Julia f. Jim : stop/mother/keeps g. Julia Nasty habit/grip : Nonsence, easiest thing, hundred of things. h. Jim Make a conversation about studying English last week.


IV. WRITING XI. Guided Composition A. Fill in the blanks in the passage below with suitable verbs from this list, in their correct form. arrive — become — home — contain — cross - go — move - pass - put - send travel Heat Heat and light are different forms of energy. Energy is a force that makes things like trains or motor cars, for example, . Heat moves in different ways. The sun a great amount of heat into space. A great part of the heat on the earth _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ from the sun. This heat through space. It ninety-three million miles from hatter to colder materials. a silver spoon in a pan little boiling water. The bowl of the spoon immediately why hot, because the heat of the water into the meatl. B. Answer the questions below with your own words to make a composition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What day was yesterday? Where were you going yesterday? What were you doing there? Did the trip you had nicely? How many persons did you have in the trip?

C. Free composition PERSONAL SECRETARY Urgently required for a director of an expanding motor company. Applicants should be aged not more than 25 years, have good knowledge of English, good shortand, typing. Please aoply with curriculum vitae to: PO BOX 212/57102 MEDAN, INDONESIA


D. Make the application based on the advertisement above.

E. Apply far the job advertised. You have just graduated from an academic of languages. You are 23 years old., can type, and have good knowledge of English. You are looking for a job that is suitable for you.

F. Mr Hasibuan came to meet your father, but your father was not at home. He asked some questions. Now report and tell all the questions to your father. Mr.. Hasibuan You Mr. Hasibuan You Mr. Hasibuan You Mr. Hasibuan You Mr. Hasibuan You

: Good morning! Is it Mr Harahap's? : Yes : Is he at home? : No, he is not at home, : When will he back home? Well, he will be back home at five. : I want to meet this evening. Does he have a plan to go : I've no idea. : Has he got my invitation? : I ' m sorry. I don't know.


G. Make a composition about your trip to Lake Toba last Sunday. -Your composition not more than 70 words.


Lampiran C. Validitas Tes Kemampuan Berbahasa Rumus untuk mencari validitas tes adalah sebagai berikut: JpJ~q (Ferguson, 1981:428) S, r

pbi ~ koefisien korelasi point-biserial Xp = rata-rata skor tes yang betul dari butir tes X = rata-rata skor dari seluruh butir tes p = proporsi subjek yang betu! q = I -q S( " simpangan baku Pengujian signifikansi koefisien digunakan Rumus uji signifikansi, yaitu rumus statistik (Ferguson, 1981:429) sebagai berikut:

Keterangan: t = harga statistik N = jumlah peserta tes r = koefisien korelasi butir tes terhadap skor total Untuk menetapkan butir tes yang memenuhi syarat validitas adalah butir yang memiliki t > t . Hasil perhitungan koefisien korelasi point biserial dan uji sigintfikansi dapat dilihat pada tabel-tabel berikut: hj(|mg

b M

1. Kemampuan Membaca a. Validitas Tes 2 . rpb,= i ^ ^ x 0,993 = 0,477x0,993 =0,474 3. r = 0,629 4. r = 0,538 5. rpbj = 0,513 6. r = 0,420 7. rph, = 0,635 8. r = 0,572 9. r = 0,476 10. r i = 0,562 1 1 . ^ = 0.538 12. r,* = 0,475 13. rpbi = 0,581 14. rpbi = 0,550 15. rpbi = 0,418 16. rpbi = 0,421 17. r = 0,346 1 8 . ^ = 0,308 19. = 0,353 20. r = 0,304 pbi







r p b i



2 1 . ^ = 0,283 22. rpbi = 0,327 23. = 0,286 24. r = 0,347 25. rpbj = 0,559 26. r,*; = 0,567 r p b i


b. Signifikansi Validitas Tes

t = 0.474 x 7,002 =3,319 2. t =3,955 3. t =3.933 4. t =2,825 5. t =5,066 6. t =3,933 7. t =4,289 8. t =3,337 9. t =4,189 10. t =3,933 11. t =3,320 12. t =4,402 13. t =4,058 14. t =2,837 15. t =2,861 16. t =2,274 17. t =1.996 18. t =2,326 19. t =1,967 20. t =1,817 21.t =2,133 22. t = 1,840 23.1 = 2,280 24. t =4,154 25. t = 4,242 Hasil uji validitas tes kemampuan membaca dan uji sigintfikansi dapat dilihat di bawah ini

Hasil Perhitungan rp j dan Uji t Kemampuan Membaca butir t t pbi pbi tes 0,474 3,319 13 0,550 4,058 0,629 3,955 14 0,418 2,837 0,421 0,538 3,933 15 2,861 2,852 2,274 0,513 16 0,346 1,996 0,420 5,066 17 0,308 1K 2,326 0,635 3,933 0353 0,575 4,298 19 0,304 1,967 3,337 1,817 0,476 20 0,283 0,562 2,133 4,189 21 0,327 1,840 0,538 3,933 22 0,286 0,475 3,320 23 0,347 2,280 4,154 0,581 4,402 24 0,539 4,242 25 0,567 0

butir tes I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Keterangan Semua butir tes signifikan pada 5%dan 1%

Kesimpulan: Semua butir tes kemampuan Membaca signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%. c. Tingkat Kesulitan Tes N P = taraf kesulitan B = jumlah peserta yang menjawab benar terhadap suatu tes N =jumlah peserta tes 1.

26 40



24 40

= 0,60


27 40

= 0,675


27 40

= 0,675


29 40

= 0,725


29 40

= 0,725

7. 8.

26 40 26 40

-0,65 = 0,65


26 40

= 0,65


22 40

= 0,55


22 • 40

= 0,55


21 40

= 0,525


26 40

= 0,65

¡4 -

25 40

15 •

24 40

= 0,60

16 '

24 40

= 0,60

= 0,625


17. f = 0,575 18. § =0,575 19. £ =0,45 20. £ = 0 , 4 5 21.


22.^=0,275 23.^=0,275 24. -S = 0,35 25. £ = 0 , 3 2 5 Kesimpulan: Instrumen tes Membaca memiliki tingkat kesulitan berada antara 0,275-0,725. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang layak. d. Daya Beda Tes D = PH - PL D = daya pembeda butir PH = proporsi subjek yang menjawab benar pada kelompok atas PL = proporsi subjek yang menjawab benar pada kelompok bawah 1. 10 - 6 4 0,364 2. 10 - 3 7 0,636 3. 10 - 4 6 0,545 4. 10 - 4 6 0,545 0,455 5. 9 - 4 5 6. 10 - 4 5 0,455 7. 10 - 2 8 0,727 0,727 8. 10 - 2 8 10 - 2 0,727 9 8 0,545 10. 93 6 0,545 11. 93 6 0,636 12. 9 2 7 0,545 13. 10 - 4 6 14. 0,455 94 5 90,455 15. 4 5 0,364 16. 84 4 0,455 17. 83 5 0,273 18. 85 3 19. 83 0,273 5 20. 83 0,273 5 0,273 21. 2 3 522. 33 0,273 0 0,273 23. 41 3 0,727 24. 0 8 80,455 25. 50 5


Kesimpulan: Instrumen penelitian tes Membaca mempunyai indeks antara 0,25-0,70. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian mempunyai indeks daya pembeda yang memadai. e. Tingkat Realibiltas Tes f

2 \


S -Ipg' f

s, 2


Keterangan: S =2BR -X(1+X) rtt = koefisien korelasi K-R 20 = varian skor total R — urutan taraf kemudahan butir yang disusun dari yang paling mudah pj = taraf kemudahan butir untuk butir 1 q = 1 -p X = rata-rata skor m




R,P, = 154,525 7

Sm = 2(154,525)-(13,825)(I4,825) = 309,05-204,956 = 104,094 _ K

— I 3 0 . M I - 3 . 7 I I 'l / V 104.0M-5.7II / \

104.094 \ 30.041 /

= 0,247 x 3,465 = 0,856

Kesimpulan: Hasil perhitungan reliabilhas tes Membaca adalah sebesar 0,8560. Instrumen ini mempunyai indeks reliabilitas yang signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%.


2. Kemampuan Menyimak a Validitas Tes ^ x 0,468 = 0,322 2. = 0,322 3. r = 0,481 4. r = 0,431 5. = 0,349 6. ^ = 0,412 7. r = 0,445 8. r = 0,472 9. = 0,560 1 0 . i = 0,322 1 1 - ^ = 0,301 12. r , = 0,495 13. r = 0,367 14. r = 0,305 15. = 0,346 16. = 0,363 17. r = 0,479 1 8 . ^ = 0,444 19. =0,363 20. r = 0,438 21. r = 0,427 22. r , = 0,471 23.r = 0,3l2 24. r =0,412 25. r , = 0,481 '•




r p b i



r p b i



r p b i





r p b i

r p b i


r p b i







b. Signifikansi Validitas Tes

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

t = 0,332x6,534 t = 2,169 t = 2,221 t = 3,381 t =2,945 t = 2,395 t = 2,786 t = 3,063 t =3.301 t = 4,168 t = 2.169


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

t = 1,946 t = 2,453 t = 3,511 t = 1,974 t = 2,274 t = 2,402 t = 3,363 t = 3,054 t = 2,462 t = 3,004 t = 2,910 t = 2,292 t = 2,024 t = 2,788 t =3,381

Hasil uji validitas tes kemampuan Menyimak dan uji siginifikansi dapat dilihat di bawah ini Hasil Perhitungan r ^ j dan Uji t Kemampuan Menyimak butir tes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



0,332 0,322 0,481 0,431 0,349 0,412 0,445 0,472 0,560 0,332 0,301 0,367

2,169 2,221 3,381 2,945 235 2,786 3,063 3,301 4,168 2,169 1,946 2,432


butir tes 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25




0,495 0,305 0,346 0,363 0,479 0,444 0,363 0,438 0,427 0,471 0,312 0,412 0,481

3,511 1,974 2,274 2,402 3,363 3,054 2,462 3,004 2,910 3,292 2,024 2,788 3,381

Semua butir tes ignifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%


Kesimpulan: Semua butir tes kemampuan Menyimak signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%. c Tingkat Kesulitan Tes 1. ^ = 0 , 6 2 5 2.


3. f 4.





33 40

= 0,575


26 40

= 0,65


27 40

= 0,675


26 40

= 0,65


ZJ 40

= 0,525


35 40

= 0,625


2? 40

= 0,575


16 49

= 0,40


26 40

= 0,65


14 40

= 0,35


15 40

= 0,425


21 40

= 0,525


19 40

= 0,475


16 49

= 0,40


21 40

= 0,525


17 40

= 0,425


19 40

= 0,475


15 40

= 0,375


13 40

= 0,325


20 40

= 0,50


22 40

= 0,55

Kesimpulan: Instrumen tes Menyimak memiliki tingkat kesulitan berada antara 0,325-0,625. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang layak. d. Daya Beda Tes L 9 - 2 = 7 =0,636 2. 9 - 4 = 5 = 0,455 3. 9- 5 = 4 = 0,364 4. 1 0 - 2 = 6 = 0,545 5. 9- 1=8=0,727 6. 9- 3 = 6 = 0,545 7. 9 - 1 = 8 = 0,727 8. 9- 2 = 7 = 0,636 9. 9- 4 = 5=0,455 1 0 . 9 - 4 = 5=0,455 1 1 . 8 - 3 = 5 =0,455 1 2 . 7 - 2 = 5 = 0,455 1 3 . 8 - 1 = 7 = 0,636 1 4 . 9 - 6 = 3 = 0,273


1 5 . 7 - 1 = 6 = 0,545 1 6 . 9 - 5 - 4 = 0,364 1 7 . 9 - 5 = 4 - 0,364 1 8 . 9 - 3 = 6 = 0,545 19. 1 0 - 3 = 7 = 0,636 20. 1 0 - 4 = 6 = 0,545 2 1 . 9 - 3 = 6 = 0,545 22. 8 - 3 = 5 = 0,545 2 3 . 8 - 5 = 3 = 0,273 24.9 - 5 = 4 = 0,364 25. 9 - 3 =•• 6 = 0,273 Kesimpulan: Instrumen penelitian tes Menyimak mempunyai indeks antara 0,273-0,727, Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian mempunyai indeks daya pembeda yang memadai. e. Reliabilitas Tes f ~ J

r„ =






s, 2


Z p q = 176,125 S


=2(176,125)13,25(14,25) 352,25-188,813 163,437


= ra

25,685-5,962 163,437-5,962

163.437 25.685

__ , 19.723 r 163.437 -, «. 157.475 / V 25.685 I

= 0,125X6,365 = 0,7954 Kesimpulan: Hasil perhitungan reliabilitas tes Menyimak adalah 0,7956. instrumen ini mempunyai indeks reliabilitas yang signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%.


3. Kemampuan Berbicara a. Validitas Tes I. fpbi _ 14.6-11 5,068 2. = 3. Tpbi = 4. fpbi = 5. Tpbi = 6. = 7. pbi = 8. fpbl = 9. rpbi = 10. pbi = 11. Fpbi = 12. Fpbi = 13. fpbi = 14. Tpbi = 15. Tpbi = 16. fpbi = 17. fpbi = 18. rpbi = 19. rpbi = 20. Tpbi = 21. Tpbi = 22. Fpbi = 23. Tpbi = 24. fpbi = 25. Fpbi = r


0,325 0317 0,414 0,351 0,318 0,359 0,344 0,414 0,328 0,323 0,468 0,444 0,483 0,436 0,557 0,527 0,342 0,427 0,418 0,432 0,384 0,467 0,350 0,385

b Signifikansi Validitas Tes 1. t

t = 2,169 2. t = 2,119 3. t = 2,061 4. t = 2,039 5. t = 2,333 6. t = 2,067 7. t = 2,392 8. t = 2,258 9. t = 2,803 10.1 = 2,548 1l.t = 2,103 12. t = 3,264


13. t = 3,054 14. t = 3,400 15. t = 2,986 16. t = 4,133 17. t = 3,823 18. t = 2,244 19. t = 2,910 20. t = 2,837 21. t = 2, 954 22. t = 2, 563 23. t = 3,255 24. t = 2,303 25. t = 2,571 Hasil uji validitas tes kemampuan Berbicara dan uji siginifikansi dapat dilihat di bawah ini Hasil Perhitungan rpbj dan Uji t Berbicara Butir Tes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12



0.332 0,325 0,317 0,314 0,354 0,318 0,359 0,344 0,414 0,328 0,323 0,468

2,169 2,119 2,061 2,039 2,333 2,067 2,372 2,258 2,803 2,548 2,103 3,264


Butir Tes ¡3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25




0,444 0,483 0,436 0,557 0,527 0,342 0,427 0,418 0,432 0,384 0,467 0,350 0,385

3,054 3,400 2,986 4,133 3,823 2,244 2,910 2,837 2,954 2,563 2,303 3,255 2,571

semua butir tes signifikan pada 5% dan 1%


Kesimpulan: Semua butir tes kemampuan Berbicara signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%. c. Taraf Kesulitan Tes 20 1. 49 = 0,50 2. 3.

19 40 21 40

= 0,475 = 0,525


21 40

= 0,525


26 40

= 0,65


27 40

= 0,675


23 40

= 0,575


= 0,525 , •

26 40

= 0,65 = 0,70 = 0,65 = 0,65 = 0,675


21 40

= 0,525


26 40

= 0,65


22 40

= 0,55


22 40



20 49

= 0,50


11 40

= 0,55


12 40

= 0,55


21 40

= 0,525


21 40

= 0,525


26 40

= 0,65

27 24. 40 = 0,675

25. 26 40 = 0,65

Kesimpulan: Instrumen tes Berbicara memiliki tingkat kesulitan berada antara 0,55-0,70. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang layak.

d. Daya Beda Tes 1. 9- 4 = 5 =0,455 2 . 1 0 - 3 = 7 =0,636 3 . 1 0 - 5 = 5 =0,455 4 . 7 - 4 = 3 =0,273 5. 9 - 6 = 3 =0,273 6. 1 0 - 6 = 4 = 0,364 7. 8 - 5 = 3 = 0,273 8. 8 - 5 = 3 = 0,273 9. 1 0 - 5 = 5 = 0,455 10. 8 - 5 = 4 = 0,273 11. 8 - 4 = 4 =0,364 12. 9 - 5 = 4 = 0,364 13. 9 - 5 = 4 = 0,364 14. 9 - 3 = 6 = 0,545 15. 9 - 4 = 5=0,455 16. 9 - 1 = 8 = 0,727


1 7 . 1 0 - 1 =9 = 0,818 18. 9 - 2 = 7 =0,636 19. 9 - 2 = 7 = 0,636 20. 9 - 2 = 7 = 0,636 21. 9 - 2 = 7 = 0,636 22. 9 - 2 = 7 = 0,636 23. 9 - 3 = 6 = 0,545 24. 9 - 4 = 5 = 0,455 25. 9 - 3 = 6 = 0,545 Kesimpulan: Instrumen penelitian tes Berbicara mempunyai indeks antara 0,273-0,818. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian mempunyai indeks daya pembeda yang memadat. e Reliabititas Tes 2

S -Spq






S -T.pq)




£ p q = 194,15 S


2 m

= 2 (194,15)- (14,775 < 15, 775) 388,3-233,076 155,224 _


/ 25.J72-5.90T

= ( t55.224-S.907 =

, 155,224 } \ 25.*72

( S ) (6-094)

= 0,131 x 6,094 = 0,7983 Kesimpulan: Hasil perhitungan reliabilitas tes Berbicara adalah 0,7983, Instrumen ini mempunyai indeks reliabilitas yang signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%. 4. Kemampuan Menulis a Validitas Tes 1 ' -

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



'«.JW-1P.B23 4.644

x 0,944 = 0,375

rpbi = 0,355 rp« = 0,476 rpbi = 0,446 rpbi = 0,386 rpb, = 0,350


7. rpbi = 0,379 8. r ¡ = 0,355 9. r = 0,472 10. r bi = 0,418 H.r =0,452 12. r = 0,364 13. r , = 0,494 14. r , =0,409 1 5 . ^ = 0,410 1 6 . ^ = 0.386 17.^=0,325 18.r = 0,386 1 9 . ^ = 0,355 20. r = 0,355 21. r,*, = 0,355 22. r = 0,355 23. r = 0,355 24. r = 0,379 25. = 0,355 pb




p b i

p b




p b i

p b i


r p b i

b. Signifikansi Validitas Tes I. t

1 = 0,375 x6,551 t = 2,494 2. t = 2,341 3. t = 3,337 à. t = 3,073 5. t = 2,575 6. t = 2,303 7. t = 2,525 8. t = 2,341 9. t = 3,300 10. t =2,837 11.1= 3,123 12. t =2,409 13. t = 3,502 14. t = 2,762 15. t = 2,837 16. t = 2,575 17.t = 2,119 18. t = 2,575 19. t = 2,341 20. t = 2,341 21. t = 2,341 22. t = 2,341


23. t = 1341 24.1 = 2.341 25. t = 2.555 Hasil uji validitas tes kemampuan Menulis dan uji siginifikansi dapat dilihat di bawah ini Hasil Perhitungan fp j dan Uji t Menulis D

Butir Tes 1 2 3 4 5 ) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



0.375 0.355 0,476 0.446 0.386 0.350 0.379 0.355 0,472 0,418 0.450 0.364

1494 1341 3J37 3.037 2.575 1303 1525 1341 3300 1837 3,123 2.409


: ; j 1


; ; \ ; i

Botir Tes 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25




0.494 0.409 0.418 0.386 0.325 0.386 0,355 0.355 0,355 0.355 0.355 0.379 0.385

0.502 2.763 1837 2375 2.119 1575 2.341 2.341 1341 2.341 2.341 2.341 5.255

Semua butir tes signifkan pada taraf 5% dan 1%


Kesimpulan: Semua butir tes kemampuan Menulis signifikan pada taraf 5% dan i%. c Taraf Kesatitan Tes 1 - f -= 0.575 1

» == 030


= 0325



*> 19

= 035 = 0.475




:i = 0.60 *c-


:i *o

= 0325



= 0.50

9. 10.


*} Jl

= 0.45 = 0.45



= 0.45


[i »0

= 0.45



= 0.475

14. i


«o S. r? U

= 0.50 -0.45


25. 1 = 030 Kesimpoiao: Instrumen tes Menulis memilik] tingkat kesulitan berada antara 0.475-0.60. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang layak.

d. Daya Beda Tes 1. 2. j4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ~n 4-*--

23. 24. 25.

10 - 4 = 5 = 0.454 9 - 4 = 5 = 0.454 10 — 5 = ^ = 0.454 10 - 4 = 6 = 0 545 9 - 3 = 6 = 0.545 10 — 5 = 5 = 0.454 9 - 4 = 3 = 0,454 8 - 3 = 5 = 0,455 9 - 2 = 7 = 0.636 8 - 2 = 6 = 0.545 8 - 3 = 5 = 0.454 9 - 5 = 3 = 0.273 9 - 3 = 6 = 0.545 8 _ 4 = = 0.364 9-- 4 = 5 == 0.454 7-- 1 = 6 == 0.545 8-_ 3 = 5 :- 0.454 7-- 1 = 6 == 0.545 8-- 2 = 6 == 0.545 8-- 2 = 6 == 0.545 8-- 2 = 6 == 0.545 7-- 2 = 5 == 0.454 8 - •2 = 6 == 0.545 8 - 2 = 6 = C.545 7 - l = 6 = 0.545 7



Kesimpulan: Instrumen penelitian tes Menulis mempunyai indeks antara O, 273-0,545. Dengan demikian, instrumen penelitian mempunyai indeks daya pembeda yang memadai. e Reliabilitas Tes r


! tt


2pq = 155,225 S


=2 (155,225)-(12,85 (13, 85) 310,45- 177,972 132,477


_ tt


i 21.576-6.ZU 132,477-6.211 '

\ / 132.477 ^ 21,576 /

= t S ) " 0,122 = 6,140x0,122 = 0,749 Kesimpulan: Hasil perhitungan reliabilitas tes menulis adalah 0,749. Instrumen ini mempunyai indeks reliabilitas yang signifikan pada taraf 5% dan 1%.


Lampiran D: PROGRAM PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS Program Caturwulan Mata Pelajaran Satuan Pendidikan Kelas/Program Tahun Pelajaran No.


III Bahasa Inggris SMA II/Umum 1996/1997 AnakTema

Waktu 01




International Relations

a. Earn ine a Living b.The World of Work c. Occupation d. Good Chane«J for finding Work e. A Demand for Workers a. International Trade b. ASEAN c. UNESCO d. UNICEF t. UNO f. Amnesty International g. An E ichange of Foreign Students

4 JP 4JP. 4 JP. 4 JP. 4 JP. 4 JP. 4 JP 4 JP 4 JP 4 Jo 4 JP 4 JP.




Maret s .d Juni Min isu Penvalian ke 06 09 07 OS

Keterangan in




14 Jumlah m l n c g u » 14 Minggu @ 4 Jam pelajaran 56 Jam pelajaran


— —-

— — o.




Jumlah minggu efektif 12 minggu @ 4 Jam pelajaran 48 jam pelajaran

PROGRAM PENGAJARAN UNIT 01 Mata Pelajaran Tema Anak Tema

Satuan Pendidikan Ke'.as/Program Catuewulan Waktu

Bahasa Inggris Livelihood 1. Earning a Living 2. The World of Work 3. Occupation 4. Good Chances for Finding Job 5. A Demand for Workers SMA H/Umum III 10 Kali Pertemuan @ 90 menit { 20 Jam Pelajaran),

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran A. Keterampilan Khusus Dengan penguasaan lebih kurang 500 kosakata baru pada tingkatan kosakata lebih kurang 2000 dan tata bahasa yang sesuai dengan tema, anak tema dan pokok bahasan yang telah ditentukan, siswa dapat memiliki keterampilan berbahasa Inggris. a. Membaca Siswa dapat membaca teks yang berbentuk narasi, deskripsi, percakapan, argumentasi, dan berbentuk khusus jadwal, formulir, surat) yang panjangnya lebih kurang 300 kata untuk: 1) menemukan informasi tertentu yang diperlukan dengan cepat, 2) mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang isi bacaan 3) menemukan pikiran utama yang tersurat 4) menemukan pikiran utama yang tersirat 5) menemukan semua informasi rinci yang tersurat 6) mendapatkan informasi yang tersirat 7) menafsirkan makna kata, frasa, dan kalimat berdasasarkan konteks 8) mendapatkan rasa senang. b. Menyimak Siswa dapat: 1) menemukan pikiran utama dalam teks lisan pendek (percakapan, narasi, deskripsi) 2) menemukan informasi rinci dalam percakapan pendek dan sederhana (4 pertukaran peran, 6 baris) 3) menemukan informasi tertentu dalam teks lisan pendek (percakapan, narasi, deskripsi) 4) melakukan seperangkat petunjuk lisan sederhana.


Berbicara Siswa dapat 1) melakukan tanya jawab tentang berbagai hal 2) melakukan percakapan pendek dengan lancar 3) menyampaikan uraian tentang benda, orang atau tempat, dan rangkaian peristiwa secara sederhana, 4) mengungkapkan pikiran, pendapat, perasaan, dan sikap secara sederhana. Menulis Siswa dapat: 1) mengungkapkan keterangan tentang benda atau orang 2) menggunakan kalimat laporan 3) menggunakan kalimat pengandaian 4) menggunakan kosakata yang berhubungan dengan tema "Livelihood".


SATUAN PELAJARAN UNIT 01 SUBUNIT 01 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran Tema Anak Tema Satuan Pendidikan Kelas/Program Caturwulan Waktu

Bahasa Inggris Livelihood Earning a Living SMA Il/Umum 3 (tiga) 2 Kali Pertemuan

: 90 menit (8 jam pertemuan)

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus Siswa dapat: I) menyampaikan uraian tentang benda, orang atau tempat dari rangkaian peristiwa dengan cara mendeskripsikan perbedaan gambar-gambar yang disediakan 2) memahami dan atau menggunakan kosakata yang berhubungan dengan tema '"livelihood" dengan cara menjodohkan kata dengan artinya. 3) Memahami dan atau menggunakan kosakata yang berhubungan dengan tema "livelihood" dengan cara menuliskan beberapa contoh profesi. Menemukan informasi tertentu dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan 4) 5) Melakukan tanya jawab tentang beberapa hal dengan cara membahas suatu percakapan. III. Bahan Pelajaran Anak Tema : Earning a Living : 1. Dep. P dan K. 1995. English for Senior Book 2. Jakarta: Sumber Dep. P dan K. 2. Brendan Heasly dan Maskur. 1996. English in Use for SMU, 2B. Jakarta: Erlangga. Alat Pelajaran

: Gambar

IV.Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) Pendekatan pengajaran yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kebermaknaan. 1. Kegialan Awal a. Salam dan tegur sapa b. Guru mengabsen siswa c. Guru memberikan motivasi 2. Kegiatan Inti a. Membuat daftar pernyataan yang mendukung dan yang menyangkal dari suatu teks b. Membuat gambar/diagram tentang isi bacaan c. Menemukan kata yang dapal bermakna ganda dalam teks tertulis d. Menentukan kalimat pembuka suatu paragraf pembuka suatu paragraf dari sejumlah kalimat yang disediakan


e. Melakukan perintah dan petunjuk yang diberikan secara lisan f. Memilih gambar yang cocok dengan isi teks lisan (percakapan, narasi, deskripsi) g. Menceritakan kembali isi iklan yang telah dibaca h. Tanya jawab berdasarkan informasi yang sudah diberikan orang. i. Menulis paragraf yang menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa (narasi). 3. Kegiatan Akhir a. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengungkapkan hambatannya dalam proses pembelajaran b. Guru memberi kegiatan sebagai tindak lanjut berupa pekerjaan rumah.

V. Evaluasi Proses A. Membaca Read the text carefully and quickly. Then, answer the questions Career A career is a way of earning a living. It also means an occupation or profession. It is an occupation in which special education or training is required, as the profession of an architect!, the profession of a pharmacist, the profession of a doctor, etc. But career is sometimes closely related to progress through life. For example a teacher usually encourages his students by saying "You can learn much by reading about careers of great men" or "If you work hard, you will have a successful career". A century ago the process of choosing a career was a much simpler matter than is today. A boy often followed in his father's footsteps. His sister learned the household skills that would prepare her to become a wife and mother. 1. The first paragraph tells us about 2. How was the process of choosing a career a century ago?

3. Why is career sometimes closely related to progress through life?

B. Meoyimak Listen to this interview of Mike Jones on a radio programme. Then answer these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is Mike's job? When does he start work? When doses he finish? What kind of music does hè like?


C. Berbicara Now, in pairs, practice as this model "question and answer": A. What are you going to take up as a career? B. I'm going to take up architecture as a career. Use the same structures as the above model and say mat you are going to take up the followings as a career: i. law 2. economics 3. teaching 4. accountancy 5. politics 6. engineering 7. dentistry 8. banking C. Menulis Getting a Job A big Angla-Tours Company is seeking candidates for the position of Sales Director. You are one of the candidates who needs this advertisement. Your teacher will help you read it to you. Put a tick (v) and a cross (x) in the boxes provided and fill in the missing information. Sales Director This company serves tours It has been in operation for 10 years Applications for travelling salesman

Age between 35 — 35

Having a good experience in Sales and Marketing Experience must be in UK and foreign countries Salary offered Application letter, with details of


To Ash ford.


SATUAN PELAJARAN UNIT 01 SUBUNIT 02 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran Tema Anak Tema Satuan Pendidikan Kelas/Program Caturwulan Waktu

Bahasa Inggris Livelihood The World ofWork SMA H/Umum 3 (tiga) 2 Kali Pertemuan @ 90 menit (8 jam pertemuan)

II. Tujuan Pembelajaran Khnsus Siswa dapat: I) Menemukan informasi yang tersirat dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan. 2) Menuliskan paragraf pendek yang berbentuk narasi dan deskripsi dengan cara mengurutkan beberapa kalimat yang disediakan agar kohesif dan koheren. 3} Memahami dan atau menggunakan kosakata yang berhubungan dengan tema "livelihood" dengan cara memperluas noun phrase dengan modifier. 4) Melakukan percakapan pendek dengan lancar 5) Menafsirkan makna kata, frasa, dan kalimat berdasarkan konteks. 6) Memahami dan atau menggunakan kalimat kondisional. III. Bahan Pelajaran : Earning a Living Anak Tema : L Dep. P dan K. 1995. English for Senior Book 2. Jakarta: Sumber Dep. PdanK. 2. Brendan Heasly dan Maskur. 1996. English in Use for SMU, 2B. Jakarta: Erlangga. Alai Pelajaran

: Chart

IV. Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) Pendekatan pengajaran yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kebermaknaan. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Salam dan tegur sapa b. Guru mengabsen siswa c. Guru memberikan motivasi 2. Kegiatan Inti a. Mengidentikasi gambar yang sesuai dengan informasi tersurat dan tersirat dari teks deskriptif yang disediakan kemudian menyebutkan alasannya. b. Mengidentifikasi struktur kalimat yang sama yang mengungkapkan gagasan-gagasan dalam teks. c. Menyusun kembali urutan kalimat yang telah diacak.


d. Menentukan kalimat pembuka suatu paragraf pembuka suatu paragraf dari sejumlah kalimat yang disediakan e. Memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan (isan tentang isi teks lisan (percakapan, narasi, deskripsi). f. Memilih gambar yang cocok dengan isi teks lisan (percakapan, narasi, deskripsi) g. Bercakap-cakap tentang rencana yang akan dilaksanakan h. Menyatakan setuju/tidak setuju tentang pendapat seseorang. i. Menulis jawaban-jawaban atas pertanyaan pemahaman teks dengan kata-kata sendiri. 3. Kegiatan Akhir a. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengungkapkan hambatannya dalam proses pembelajaran b. Guru memberi kegiatan sebagai tindak lanjut berupa pekerjaan rumah.

V. Evaluasi Proses A. Membaca Read the Vacancy below:

VACANCY International Consultancy Company has a position for a male/female typist for its branch office in Jakarta. Applicants should complete the following requirements: good command of English minimum typing speed: 45 words per minute education : SMA age: between 20 - 30 preferably holding a computer operation's certificate (WS/other word processors) Letters with complete personal data and references are to be sent to P.O. BOX 6137, Jakarta 10310, not later than a week from today.

1. To whom the vacncy is addressed for? 2. What requirements should be fulfilled by the applicants? 3. When is the vacancy closed?


B. Menyimak Listen to your teacher read the following passage. Fill in the blanks as you hear the words spoken then answer the questions below: What steps should be taken to choose a career? The first thing to do before deciding on a career is to learn to understand yourself. Practical is a good way to .... on a career and to give you a what future career would be Seek opportunities to try out an ... If you want to work in retail —, to get a part-time .... in a local store. If you are agriculture, try to spend the .... in the farm. And if you want to at school, try to get a part-time job school a teacher. Questions 1. What is the first thing to do before deciding on a career? 2. What future careers would be satisfying you? 3. Suppose you want to work in retail trade, what should you do?

C. Berbicara Complete the following short dialogue using expressions of hope A. The population in our country grow larger and larger every year. Do you think that it will stop growing some day? B C. The rain is getting heavier and heavier D E. I haven't received any money to pay any school fee from Daddy. F

D. Menulis Write a letter of application based on the above advertisement in Kompas, June 4, 1998.