lectotypification of previously described diatoms from ...

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Research Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, KIP 6P4, Canada Available online: 31 Oct 2011

To cite this article: Michel Poulin (2002): LECTOTYPIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED DIATOMS FROM MARINE COASTAL HABITATS (QUEBEC, CANADA), Diatom Research, 17:2, 465-466 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2002.9705564

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Diatom Research (2002), Volume 17 (2), 465466


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LECTOTYPIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED DIATOMS FROM MARINE COASTAL HABITATS (QUEBEC, CANADA) Michel Poulin” Research Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario KIP 6P4, Canada Several species and varieties of marine diatoms belonging to Gyrosigma, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma and Stauroneis were described from coastal regions in Quebec, Canada, in the 1980s by investigators at Lava1 University (Cardinal et al. 1984, Poulin & Cardinal 1982a, 1982b “1 983”, 1983, Poulin et al. 1982). All protologues fulfilled the requirement of Article 37 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature for indication of types (Greuter et al. 2000). The designated slides, however, have been lost and replaced when possible with new slides made from isotype material. The new slides thus contain lectotype rather than holotype specimens. When the taxa were not found in the slides made from the original material or if the material was lost, neotypes were designated. The present note details the current status of these type materials. Specimens of Gyrosigma hudsonii Poulin & Cardinal (1 982a), Navicula pagophila var. manitounukensis Poulin & Cardinal (1982b “1 983”), and Navicula subdelicata var. subarctica Poulin & Cardinal (1982b “1983”) can be retrieved from new slide 125 of the Poulin Collection (CANA 22046), which is here designated as the lectotype slide for these three taxa. Notes on coordinates and original photomicrographs are provided to assist in finding specimens. This material was collected by M. Poulin on 7 April 1978 from the bottom 2-3 cm of sea ice at Station 9, Manitounuk Sound, southeastern Hudson Bay. Similarly, specimens of Navicula gelida var. radissonii Poulin & Cardinal (1982b “1983”), Navicula glacialis var. hudsonii Poulin & Cardinal (l982b “1983”), Nitzschia gelida var. manitounukensis Poulin & Cardinal (1983), Nitzschia hudsonii Poulin & Cardinal (1983), Pleurosigma clevei var. manitounukensis Poulin & Cardinal ( 1982a), and Stauroneis radissonii Poulin & Cardinal (1982a) can be found on new slide 195 of the Poulin Collection (CANA 22047), which is here designated as the lectotype slide for these six taxa. Notes on coordinates and original photomicrographs are provided. This material was collected by M. Poulin on 8 May 1978 from the bottom 2-3 cm of sea ice at Station 9, Manitounuk Sound, southeastern Hudson Bay. Specimens of Navicula kuripanensis var. borealis Poulin & Cardinal (1982b “1983”), for which slide 125.2 was originally designated as the holotype, have not been found on the new slide 125 but are present on slide 195 (CANA 22047). This slide is here designated as the neotype for this taxon. Navicula brunelii Poulin, Hudon & Cardinal (1982) and Nitzschia hybrida var. gaspesiana Poulin, Hudon & Cardinal (1982) were originally described from the sublittoral zone at Baie-desSables on the southern shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary, but unfortunately the original material has been lost. Specimens of these taxa, however, were encountered in a sample collected by A. Cardinal on 13 August 1981 from a boulder in the intertidal zone at MCtis, on the southern shore of the St.

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Lawrence Estuary; slide 229 of Cardinal Collection (CANA 22079). These specimens o n this slide are here designated as neotype specimens for these two taxa. This same slide (229) contains the holotype for Haslea crucigeroides var. densestriata Cardinal, Poulin & BCrard-Therriault (1 984). Slides CANA 22046,22047, and 22079 are deposited at the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. On a final note, Dr Paul C. Silva has brought to my attention that a combination made earlier was not validly published because of an incomplete reference to the basionym without citation of the page and figure numbers (Cardinal et al. 1986). In addition, the original orthography has not been respected. However, it is correctly made here:

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Gyrosigma subsalsa (Wislouch & Kolbe) Cardinal, Poulin & BCrard-Therriault comb. nov. Basionym: Pleurosigma subsalsa Wislouch & Kolbe 1916. Zhurnal Mikrobiologie, 3(34): 267, pl. 3, figs 9-12.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I greatly acknowledge the expert advice from Drs Irwin M. Brodo and Paul C. Silva.

REFERENCES CARDINAL, A., POULIN, M. & BERARD-THERRIAULT, L. (1984). Les diatomkes benthiques de substrats durs des eaux marines et saumgtres du Quebec. 4. Naviculales, Naviculaceae (a l’exclusion des genres Navicula, Donkinia, Gyrosigma ,et Pleurosigma). Naturaliste canadien, 111, 369-394. CARDINAL, A., POULIN, M. & BERARD-THERRIAULT, L. (1986). Les diatomees benthiques de substrats durs des eaux marines et saumstres du Quebec. 5. Naviculales, Naviculaceae; les genres Donkinia, Gyrosigma et Pleurosigma. Naturaliste canadien, 113, 167-1 90. GREUTER, W., MCNEIL, J., BARRIE, F. R., BURDET, H. M., DEMOULIN, V., FILGUEIRAS, T. S., NICOLSON, D. H., SILVA, P. C., SKOG, J. E., TREHANE, P., TURLAND, N. J. & HAWKSWORTH, D. L. (2000). International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Saint Louis Code). 474 pp. Koeltz Scientific Books, Konigstein. POULIN, M. & CARDINAL, A. (1982a). Sea ice diatoms from Manitounuk Sound, southeastern Hudson Bay (Quebec, Canada). I. Family Naviculaceae. Canadian Journal ofsotany, 60, 1263-1278. POULIN, M. & CARDINAL, A. (1982b “1983”). Sea ice diatoms from Manitounuk Sound, southeastern Hudson Bay (Quebec, Canada). 11. Naviculaceae, genus Navicula. Canadian Journal of Botany, 60,2825-2845. POULIN, M. & CARDINAL, A. (1983). Sea ice diatoms from Manitounuk Sound, southeastern Hudson Bay (Quebec, Canada). 111. Cymbellaceae, Entomoneidaceae, Gomphonemataceae, and Nitzschiaceae. Canadian Journal ofBotany, 61, 107-1 18. POULIN, M., HUDON, C. & CARDINAL, A. (1982). Trois nouveaux taxons de diatomees benthiques estuariennes. Naturaliste canadien, 109,279-282. WISLOUCH, S . M. & KOLBE, R. W. (1916). Novye diatomovye vodorosli iz vodoemov Rossii. Zhurnal Mikrobiologie, 3(3-4), 263-275.