lectures on symmetric attractors - CiteSeerX

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MICHAEL FIELD. Date: June, 1997. Research supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-9403624 and Texas Advanced Research Program Award. 003652-757. 1 ...

Date : June, 1997.

Research supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-9403624 and Texas Advanced Research Program Award 003652-757. 1




1. Introduction 2. Preliminaries 2.1. Lie groups 2.2. Linear group actions { representations 2.3. Dynamics 2.4. Some basic questions 3. An exotic equivariant ow on R4 3.1. A basis for the action of ? on R4 = C 2 3.2. Geometry of the representation (V; ?) 3.3. Cubic equivariant vector elds on V 3.4. Equilibria along axes of symmetry 3.5. Equilibria 3.6. Dynamics 3.7. The regions I,I?, and II, II? 3.8. The regions III, III? 4. An attractor in R3 4.1. Abstract set up 4.2. Geometric realization 5. Notes on Lecture 1 5.1. Haar measure 5.2. Lie groups 5.3. Representations and actions 5.4. Orbits and isotropy groups 5.5. Mappings and isotropy groups 5.6. Slice theorem 5.7. Isotopy theorem 6. Lecture II: Constructing hyperbolic symmetric attractors 6.1. An example in R3 7. Notes on Lecture II 8. Lecture III: Stable ergodicity of skew extensions 8.1. Skew extensions 8.2. Result of Adler-Kitchens-Shub 8.3. Results of Parry, Parry-Pollicott 8.4. Skew Extensions by general compact connected Lie groups 8.5. Sketch proof of Theorem 8.7 - ? semisimple 8.6. Hyperbolicity for equivariant di eomorphisms 8.7. A non-uniformly hyperbolic base 9. Notes on Lecture III References

3 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 22 22 26 28 28 28 30 31 31 33 34 35 35



Figure 1. Attractor of a planar map with 3-fold symmetry

1. Introduction These notes are an expanded version of three lectures given at the DANSE Workshop on Equivariant Dynamics held in Berlin, May, 1997. The notes are intended to ll in some details not given in the lectures as well as to provide a source of references for further reading. Sections 2{4 cover the rst lecture. Section 2 contains a basic introduction to equivariant dynamics with a focus on attractors. In section 3, we describe one exotic example that displays, in a persistent fashion, a variety of features not seen in non-equivariant dynamics. In section 4 we review Williams' construction of a solenoidal attractor. In Lecture II (section 6), we show how to construct symmetric hyperbolic attractors with speci ed nite symmetry group. Finally, in lecture III (section 8), we describe some recent work, some joint with Parry (Warwick), on ergodic properties of attractors for equivariant dynamical systems equivariant by a general compact connected Lie group. We conclude with an example of a stably ergodic skew extension over a non-uniformly hyperbolic base.



At the end of each lecture, we provide additional comments and suggestions for further reading (sections 5, 7 & 9). The notes are not intended to form a comprehensive survey of symmetric attractors or equivariant dynamics. Thus, we do not discuss any of the recent work on transverse instability of attractors contained in invariant subspaces (see [6] and also [3] for riddled basins). Nor do we discuss symmetry detectives (see, for example, [9, 31, 5]). It is a pleasure to thank Reiner Lauterbach, and the other organizers of the DANSE Workshop, for their hospitality and for their organization of such a splendid and interesting workshop. Thanks also to Peter Ashwin, the EPSRC and the University of Surrey, where the work on these notes was completed.



Figure 2. Attractor of a planar map with 23-fold symmetry

2. Preliminaries 2.1. Lie groups. Suppose that f : Rn!Rn is a smooth (that is C 1) mapping. If T : Rn !Rn is an invertible linear transformation of Rn , we say that T is a (linear) symmetry of f if

f (Tx) = T (f (x)); (x 2 Rn): Obviously, if T , S are symmetries of f so are T  S and T ?1. It follows that the set of linear symmetries of f forms a group, say S (f ). Clearly S (f ) is a subgroup of the general linear group GL(n; R). Since every element in the closure of S (f ) is obviously also a symmetry of f , it follows that S (f ) is a closed subgroup of GL(n; R). The group S (f ) is an example of a Lie group . That is, a group which has the structure of a di erential manifold and for which composition and inversion are smooth maps. More `nonlinear' examples can be constructed by looking at the group of all smooth di eomorphisms which commute with a given smooth mapping f of a (compact) manifold M . In this case, S (f ) will be a closed subgroup of the di eomorphism group Di (M ) of M . For our purposes, we shall restrict attention to compact Lie groups. This class includes all nite groups. It is well-known that every compact Lie group can be represented as a (closed) subgroup of an orthogonal group O(n).



Figure 3. Attractor of a planar map with 5-fold symmetry

Rather than looking at the symmetries of a speci c map f , our approach will be to specify a compact Lie group ?, an action of ? on a vector space or di erential manifold, and then investigate a class of dynamical systems which has (at least) ? symmetry. 2.2. Linear group actions { representations. Suppose that ? is a subgroup of O(n). We have an associated (orthogonal) action of ? on Rn de ned by evaluation: Rn  ?!Rn ; (x; ) 7! x: We refer to (Rn; ?) as a representation of ? (on Rn ). Remark 2.1. More generally, we can look at homomorphisms  : ?!O(n) and the associated action of ? on Rn . Provided that that we study dynamics on Rn (as opposed to manifolds), all that will matter is the image (?)  O(n) and so it is no loss of generality to regard ? as a matrix group. } Suppose that f : Rn !Rn. We say f is ?-equivariant if f ( x) = f (x); (x 2 Rn; 2 ?): If f is ?-equivariant then the group of linear symmetries of f is at least as big as ?. Example 2.2. Let Dn denote dihedral group of order 2n. That is, Dn is the2 full symmetry group of the regular n-gon. Regard Dn as a subgroup of O(2) and identify R with C in the



Figure 4. Attractor of a symmetric ow on R4

usual way. Then Dn = h; i, where (z) = exp(2{=n)z; (z) = z: Suppose that p; q : C !R are smooth maps. Then it is easy to verify that the map f : C !C de ned by f (z) = p(jzj2; Re(zn ))z + q(jzj2; Re(zn ))zn?1; is Dn -equivariant. The converse is also true. If f is a polynomial (or analytic) this follows straightforwardly from classical invariant theory (the maps p, q will then be polynomials or analytic). If f is smooth, the result is a consequence of Schwarz' theorem on smooth invariants. For more details on these matters see [32, Chapter XII, x4]. (Figures 1 { 3 were produced by taking p(jzj2; Re(zn )) =  + jzj2 + Re(zn) and q(jzj2; Re(zn)) = , where ; : : : ;  2 R. For explicit parameters, see [28]. ) ~ 2.3. Dynamics. We continue to suppose that we are given a linear action of a compact Lie group ? on Rn (everything we say holds just as well for smooth actions on manifolds). Let f : Rn !Rn be a smooth ?-equivariant map. Suppose that A  Rn is a compact f -invariant set. We shall assume that f : A!A is topologically transitive. That is, there exists x0 2 A such that the !-limit point set !(x0) = A.



Since f is ?-invariant, it is natural to ask about the symmetry of the set A and to this end, we de ne the symmetry group of A by A = f 2 ? j (A) = Ag: Obviously, A is a closed subgroup of ?. Example 2.3. Let K denote the group of complex numbers of unit modulus (also commonly denoted by SO(2) and S 1). Take the standard action of K on C de ned by complex multiplication. De ne f (z) = c(1+0:5(1 ?jzj2 ))z, where jcj = 1. Clearly f : C !C is K -equivariant. Note that the unit circle C  C is f -invariant. For all non-zero z 2 C , !(z)  C . If c = 1, then every point u 2 C is xed by f and so if we take A = fug, f : A!A is trivially topologically transitive and A = feg. Suppose c 6= 1. Fix u 2 C and let A denote the closure of the f -orbit of u. There are two possibilities. First suppose c = exp(2{p=q), where (p; q) = 1, p 6= 0. Then A is a periodic orbit of f , prime period q and A  = Zq (cyclic group of order q). If instead c = exp(2{ ), where is irrational, then A = C and A = K . ~ Lemma 2.4. Suppose that A = !(x0) as above. Then (1) !( x0) = !(x0), 2 ?. (2) 2 A if and only if x0 2 A. (3)  A = A ?1. Proof. Statement (1) follows by ?-equivariance of f . The remaining statements follow immediately from (1). Remark 2.5. In general the set f!( x0) j 2 ?g does not de ne a partition of ?(A) into closed sets. One interesting case where we obtain a partition is described in Chossat and Golubitsky [15]. We also obtain a partition if A has a hyperbolic or transversally hyperbolic structure (see xx6, 8.4). On the other hand, if A has a non-uniformly hyperbolic structure we generally do not obtain a partition (see x8.7). For another interesting class of counterexamples, we refer to the work of Ashwin on `stuck on' attractors [4]. } We say a compact f -invariant set A  Rn is an attractor if there exists an open neighborhood U of A such that  f (U )  U .  \n0f n (U ) = A. 2.4. Some basic questions. (1) Suppose that (V; ?) is a representation of a nite group ?. What subgroups of ? can occur as symmetry groups of attractors for ?-equivariant di erentiable dynamical systems on V ? (Similar question for smooth ?-manifolds.) Example 2.6. Suppose f : R2!R2 is D6-equivariant. Can f have an attractor with D3 symmetry? Answer: NO - even for continuous maps - by results of Dellnitz, Golubitsky & Melbourne [18]. ~ Unlike Dellnitz et al., our emphasis will be on smooth invertible dynamical systems (diffeomorphisms and ows). For continuous maps, see [18, 7, 42].



(2) If ? is nite, what can be said about the structure of attractors associated to ?-equivariant dynamical systems? In general, this is a dicult, and not at all well understood, classi cation problem. We con ne ourselves to describing a broad class of examples where there is either a uniform hyperbolic structure or controlled non-uniformly hyperbolic structure. These examples very much develop from the standard non-equivariant theory of di erentiable dynamical systems. However, we shall shortly give one exotic example that depends crucially on the underlying symmetry : : : (3) If ? is compact, but not nite, what can be said about the statistical properties of attractors (invariant sets) with full ?-symmetry? Do there even exist interesting examples of attractors will full ?-symmetry? 3. An exotic equivariant flow on R4 We describe some recent work with X Peng. More details and computations can be found in [25, Appendix]. Let the symmetric group S5 act on R5 by permutation of coordinates. Let H be the zero locus of x1 + : : : + x5. Obviously, H is S5-invariant. Furthermore S5 acts (absolutely) irreducibly on H (that is, there are no proper S5-invariant subspaces of H ). Identify H with R4 . Let ?^  S5 be the group generated by s = (12345); t = (2453): It is straightforward to verify that j?^ j = 20 and that st = ts2: It is easy to show that ?^ is isomorphic to A 1(F5 ) { the invertible ane linear transformations of the eld with ve elements. The representation of S5 on R4 yields a representation of ?^ on R4 and it follows from the double transitivity of ?^ that the representation is absolutely irreducible. Let ? = h?^ ; ?I i. It follows from the above that j?j = 40 and ? acts absolutely irreducibly on R4. 3.1. A basis for the action of ? on R4 = C 2. Set V C 2. Let ! = exp( 25{ ). It may be shown1 that the action of ? on R4 is equivalent to the action of ? on V de ned by s(z1; z2) = (!z1; !2z2); t(z1; z2) = (z2; z1); ?I (z1; z2) = (?z1; ?z2): 1See

[25] or observe that since j?^j = 20 2  42, ?^ only has one irreducible representation of degree four.
0, all non-zero trajectories are forward asymptotic to an attracting ?-invariant 3-sphere. Henceforth, we assume j + j < 2. 3.4. Equilibria along axes of symmetry. Rewriting the system (3.1,3.2) in real coordinates, we nd that x01 = x1 ? kxk2x1 + (x21x2 ? y12x2 ? 2x1y1y2) + (x32 ? 3x2y22); y10 = y1 ? kxk2y1 + (?x21y2 + y12y2 ? 2x1y1x2) + (?y23 + 3x22y2); x02 = x2 ? kxk2x2 + (x1x22 ? x1y22 + 2y1x2y2) + (x31 ? 3x1y12); y20 = y2 ? kxk2y2 + (y1x22 ? y1y22 ? 2x1x2y2) + (y13 ? 3x21y1): Equilibria on the axis A. If   0, then there is a pair of equilibria a() on the axis A. Computing, we nd that s s ?  a() = ( + ? 2 ; 0; +? ? 2 ; 0): The eigenvalues of the linearization of the cubic system at a() are  [( + 3 )  {(3 ? )]: [?2 : +4 :

?2 + ?2 Note that ?2 is the eigenvalue associated to the 2radial direction and that the eigenspace (t ) of the eigenvalue +4

?2 lies in the x1; x2 -plane V . The invariant space associated to the remaining pair of eigenvalues is the y1; y2-plane V (?t2).



Equilibria on the axis B. For   0, there is a pair of equilibria b() on the axis B given by s


b() = ( +  + 2 ; 0; ? +  + 2 ; 0): The eigenvalues of the linearization of the cubic system at b() are  [( + 3 )  {(3 ? )]: [?2 : +4 :

+2 + +2 (t2 ) The eigenspace of the eigenvalue +4

+2 lies in the x1 ; x2-plane V . The invariant space associated to the remaining pair of eigenvalues is the y1; y2-plane V (?t2). Dynamics on and near the x1; x2-plane S. Dynamics on S are governed by the system (3.3) x01 = x1 ? (x21 + x22)x1 + x21x2 + x32; x02 = x2 ? (x21 + x22)x2 + x1x22 + x31: (3.4) Since we are assuming that j + j < 2, (3.3,3.4) has a globally attracting invariant circle C (), for  > 0. Necessarily, a(); b() 2 C (). Lemma 3.3. Let  > 0. If 6= 0 and j + j < 2, then a(), b() are the only nonzero equilibrium points of (3.3,3.4). Lemma 3.4. Let  > 0, 6= 0, and j + j < 2. Stabilities of a(), b() in the x1; x2-plane are as follows. (a) If > 0, a() are sinks, b() are saddles and

C () = W u(b()) [ W u(?b()) [ fa(); ?a()g: (b) If < 0, b() are sinks, a() are saddles and C () = W u(a()) [ W u(?a()) [ fb(); ?b()g: Lemma 3.5. Suppose that  > 0 and and j + j < 2. (1) If > 0 and + 3 < 0, then dim(W u(a())) = 2, dim(W s(b())) = 3, W u(a()) and W s(b()) are transverse to S and there is a one-dimensional connection from b() to a() in S. (2) If < 0 and + 3 > 0, then dim(W u(b())) = 2, dim(W s(a())) = 3, W u(b()) and W s(a()) are transverse to S and there is a one-dimensional connection from a() to b() in S. (3) If the conditions of (1) and (2) are not satis ed and ( + 3 ) 6= 0, then exactly one of a(), b() is a sink.


MICHAEL FIELD Wu Equilibria on Axis B



Equilibria on Axis A


Figure 5. Dynamics near x1; x2 plane, case III, III?

Dynamics on the y1; y2 -plane P. We refer the reader to [25, Appendix] for detailed results. Suce it to say that either there are 8 equilibria on an invariant circle or there is a limit cycle. In all cases, equilibria and cycles are saddles. 3.5. Equilibria. Lemma 3.6. Let  > 0. Provided that (3 + ) 6= 0, the equilibria of (3.1,3.2) are hyperbolic and lie on the ?-orbits of the axes A, B and the plane P. In Figure 6, we have divided the ; -plane into six stability regions. In regions I and II, (3.1,3.2) has ten hyperbolic sinks, all lying on the ?-orbit of the axis A. In regions III there are no sinks (or sources). In regions II and III there are ve limit cycles lying in the ? orbit of P. We have an analogous situation in the regions I?, II? and III?, with A and B interchanged. 3.6. Dynamics. Using the dynamical systems package dstool [8], we have investigated the dynamics of (3.1,3.2). Granted our assumption j + j < 2 and the homogeneity of higher order terms, we may x  = 1. 3.7. The regions I,I?, and II, II?. In these regions, there are always ten hyperbolic sinks lying on the ?-orbits of one or other of the axes A, B. Typically, dynamics are asymptotic to one of these sinks. 3.8. The regions III, III?. For ; 2 III [ III?, there are no equilibria which are sinks (or sources). Moreover, the limit cycle in the plane P is neither attracting nor repelling. Restricting to the attracting ow-invariant three sphere, we see that there is a possibility that there are heteroclinic cycles connecting equilibria on axes of type A and B. Indeed, there is always a one-dimensional connection between a(1) and b(1) in the plane S. If, for example,

LECTURES ON SYMMETRIC ATTRACTORS 11111111111111111 00000000000000000 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 00000000000000000 11111111111111111 000000000000000 111111111111111 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Figure 6. Stability of equilibria

a(1) is a sink for the dynamics restricted to S, then dim(W u (a(1))) = 2, dim(W s(b(1))) = 2 (restricted to the invariant sphere) and so there is the possibility of a persistent (transverse) intersection between W u(a(1)) and (the ?-orbit) of W s(b(1)). This situation, similar to what occurs in the Shilnikov bifurcation [34, 6.5], can be expected to lead to very complex dynamics. In our case, the symmetry is likely to result in the formation of a `Shilnikov network' of heteroclinic cycles. Since the limit cycle in the plane P is a hyperbolic saddle, there are the additional possibilities of horseshoe dynamics, due to transverse intersections between the stable and unstable manifolds of the limit cycles, as well as intersections between the invariant manifolds of equilibria and limit cycles. Numerical simulations con rm the complexity of the dynamics that arise in this system. In particular, it is likely that there are heteroclinic cycles connecting equilibria on axes of type A and B. In Figures 7, 8, we show time series obtained using dstool . In Figure 7, we show the plot of the variable x1 against time when ; is close to the boundary of the region III?. In the second plot, we show the time series when ; is in region III and well away from the boundary. In both cases, we have used a time step of t = 0:002 and plotted the result of 200,000 steps of a 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm. Finally, we note that for least some values of ; 2 III [ III?, (3.1,3.2) has an attracting asymmetric limit cycle. Finally, in Figure 4, we show the projection into the x1; y1-plane of a characteristic ow (parameters = 1, = ?0:6)



Figure 7. Time series for x1 when = ?0:35, = 1

Figure 8. Time series for x1 when = 1, = ?0:6



4. An attractor in R3 For the remainder of this lecture, we describe Williams' construction of expanding hyperbolic attractors [50] (see also the lecture notes by Newhouse [43]). Rather than giving the general theory, we look at one speci c example in R3 (no symmetry) that contains most of the features of the general case. 4.1. Abstract set up. Let f : S 1!S 1 be the map f (z) = z2. Obviously f is an expanding map : kTf (X )k = 2kX k, all X 2 TS 1. We de ne the classical solenoid S  1 S 1 as the inverse limit S = f(zi)i0 j f (zi) = zi?1; i  1g: The map f induces a shift homeomorphism  : S!S by (z)j = f (zj ); (z 2 S ; j  0): It is straightforward to verify that periodic points are dense in S and that  : S!S is topologically transitive (this is already true for f : S 1!S 1). 4.2. Geometric realization. We want to realize  : S!S as a hyperbolic attractor of a smooth di eomorphism of R3. Let D  C denote the closed disk of radius one half. Consider the solid torus T = D  S 1 Regard T as embedded in R3 = C  R so that the core f0g  S 1 is the unit circle in the (x; y)-plane. Denoting coordinates on T by (z; ), let f ? : T!T be de ned by f ?(z; ) = (0; 2). Clearly, f ? is a smooth extension of f : S 1!S 1 to T. Obviously, f ? is not injective and our next step will be to deform f ? to an embedding F : T!T. Speci cally, we de ne F (z; ) = ( 8z + 41 exp({); 2): It is easy to verify that F is a smooth embedding. Indeed, we can make an arbitrarily C 1-small perturbation of f ? to an embedding of T in T. For  2 S 1, let D  T denote the transverse disk Dfg. It follows from our construction of F that F preserves the transverse disks. That is, for each  2 S 1, we have F (D)  D2 : Indeed, F (T) \ D2 = F (D ) [ F (D+ ). De ne  = \n0 F n(T). Certainly  is an F -invariant compact subset of T. It follows easily from the construction that  is homeomorphic to the solenoid S we de ned above and that F j is conjugate to the shift map (points in S or  have unique history). Locally,  is homeomorphic to a Cantor set cross an open interval (see Figure 10). Furthermore,  has a hyperbolic structure. The contracting subspaces are given by the transverse disks D . More precisely, given  = (z; ) 2 , let E s be the 2-dimensional linear subspace of R3 tangent to D and E u be the 1-dimensional subspace tangent to  at . In





Figure 9. The image F (T)

this way, we de ne a 2-dimensional TF -invariant contracting bundle E u and 1-dimensional TF -invariant expanding bundle E u over  such that TR3 = E u  E s : We also have the hyperbolic estimates kTF (X )k = 81 kX k; (X 2 E s ); kTF (X )k = 2kX k; (X 2 E u ): The problem remains of extending F to a di eomorphism of R3. For this we need the isotopy theorem of di erential topology. In our case, we are given a smooth embedding F : T!R3. It follows from the isotopy theorem that F extends to a di eomorphism of R3 if F is smoothly isotopic2 to the identity map of T. This is easy to verify for our example (F (T) is unknotted) and so F extends to a smooth di eomorphism of R3. To summarize the method: Start with a smooth expanding map of a 1-dimensional space. Embed in Euclidean space. Thicken to a manifold with boundary, foliated by transverse disks (tubular neighborhood). Perturb to an embedding. Make sure that the perturbed map is isotopic to the identity. Extend to ambient space. The contracting directions correspond to 2That is, there exists a smooth map : T  [0 1]!R3 such that : T!R3 is an embedding, 2 [0 1], and


0 = F,



= T. I








F3 (T)

D θ

Figure 10. F 3(T) \ D

transverse disks, the expanding directions are approximately those of the core 1-dimensional manifold. 5. Notes on Lecture 1 Useful references on compact (non- nite) Lie groups and their representations include the books by Adams [1] and Brocker & tom Dieck [13]. 5.1. Haar measure. Every compact Lie group ? carries a unique left and right translation invariant probability measure d { Haar measure. Haar measure provides a vital tool in constructing symmetric objects. For example, suppose X is a smooth vector eld on a ?-manifold M . If we de ne Z ~ X (x) = ?1X ( x) d; (x 2 M ); ?

then it is easy to see that X~ is smooth and ?-equivariant. Using Haar measure, we can average any Riemannian metric on M to obtain a ?-invariant Riemannian metric on M . In case M = Rn and ?  GL(n; R), it follows that we can always choose a ?-invariant inner product on Rn relative to which ?  O(n).



5.2. Lie groups. Let O(n) denote the group of n  n orthogonal matrices and SO(n) denote the determinant one subgroup of O(n) { the special orthogonal group. Both O(n) and SO(n) are compact submanifolds of GL(n; R). In particular, group composition and inversion de ne smooth (in fact algebraic) operations on O(n) and SO(n). It may be shown that every closed subgroup of a Lie group is a Lie group. In particular, every closed subgroup of GL(n; R) is a Lie group. Furthermore, if ? is a compact Lie group then ? may be represented as a subgroup of an orthogonal group. This follows from the fact that every compact Lie group has a faithful representation. Example 5.1. The group K is Abelian. For m  1, let K m denote the m-fold product of K . We refer to K m as the m-torus. Every compact connected m-dimensional Abelian Lie group is (smoothly) isomorphic to K m . ~ Let ? be a connected Lie group with center Z (?). We recall that  ? is simple if ? has no nontrivial normal subgroups.  ? is almost simple if every normal subgroup of ? is nite.  ? is semisimple if Z (?) is nite. Remark 5.2. Let g denote the Lie algebra of ?. Since ? is connected, every nite normal subgroup of ? is a subgroup of Z (?). Consequently, ? is simple as a group if and only if g is a simple Lie algebra and Z (?) is trivial. If g is simple, then ? is almost simple. } Examples 5.3. (1) For n > 2, the groups SO(n) are not Abelian. In fact, SO(2n) is almost simple, n > 1, and SO(2n + 1) is simple n > 0. (2) For n  2, the special unitary groups SU(n) are almost simple. (3) For n  2, the symplectic groups Sp(n) are compact, connected and almost simple (Sp(1) = SU(2)). (4) There are ve `exceptional' almost simple Lie groups: G2, F4, E6, E7 and E8. (5) If we let G? denote the universal cover of G, then it is known that every compact connected Lie group ? is a quotient by a nite group of a product K m  G?1  : : :G?N , where G1; : : : ; GN are groups listed in (1{4). ~ 5.3. Representations and actions. Suppose that ? is a compact Lie group. A representation of ? on Rn is a homomorphism  : ?!O(n). Associated to , we have an action of ? on Rn de ned by

(X ) = ( )(X ); ( 2 ?; X 2 Rn ): In the sequel, we usually write X rather than (X ). More generally, if M is a smooth manifold with di eomorphism group Di (M ), and  : ?!Di (M ) is a homomorphism then we may de ne an action of ? on M by

(m) = ( )(m); ( 2 ?; m 2 M ): Example 5.4. Let S n denote the unit sphere in Rn+1 . If we are given a representation of n +1 ? on R then this action restricts to give a smooth action of ? on S n. ~



We say that a map f : M !M is ?-equivariant (or just equivariant) if f ( m) = f (m); (m 2 M; 2 ?): If TM denotes the tangent bundle of M , we have a natural action of ? on TM de ned by

(X ) = T (X ), X 2 TM , 2 ?. We say that a vector eld X on M is equivariant if X : M !TM is ?-equivariant with respect to the actions of ? on M and TM . 5.4. Orbits and isotropy groups. Suppose that the compact Lie ? acts smoothly on M . Given m 2 M , de ne ?m = f m j 2 ?g: We refer to ?m as the ?-orbit through m or just the ?-orbit of m. ?m is invariant by ? and so we have an induced action of ? on ?m. Given m 2 M , we de ne the isotropy subgroup of ? at m by ?m = f 2 ? j m = mg: Obviously, ?m is a closed (therefore Lie) subgroup of ?. Using the easily proven fact that the homogeneous space ?!?=?m admits local smooth sections, it is not hard to show that ?m is a smooth submanifold of M , all m 2 M . For this, and other details about compact Lie group actions, see [10], especially Chapter 6. We have the following elementary properties relating group orbits and isotropy groups.  For all 2 ?, m 2 M , ? m = ?m ?1.  ?m is ?-equivariantly di eomorphic to ?=?m , where we let ? act on ?=?m by left translation. Conversely, ?m is ?-equivariantly di eomorphic to ?n if and only if ?m and ?n are conjugate subgroups of ?: 9 2 ? such that ?n = ?m ?1. If H is an isotropy group for the action of ? on M , let (H ) denote the conjugacy class of H in ?. It follows easily from the di erentiable slice theorem (see below) that if M is compact or a ?-representation, then there are only nitely many isotropy types. 5.5. Mappings and isotropy groups. Suppose M and N are ?-manifolds and that f : M !N is ?-equivariant. It follows from the equivariance of f that (5.5) ?x  ?f (x); (x 2 M ): Furthermore, if f is 1:1 then ?x = ?f (x), all x 2 M . If H is a subgroup of ?, let M H denote the xed point space of the action of H on M . That is, M H = fx 2 M j hx = x; for all h 2 H g: It follows from (5.5) that if f : M !N is ?-equivariant, then f (M H )  N H for all subgroups H of ?. This observation has been made the basis of a small industry in case f is a vector eld on M and M H is 1-dimensional [32].



5.6. Slice theorem. >From the technical point of view, the most important property of the smooth action of a compact Lie group is the existence of slices . Roughly speaking, the di erentiable slice theorem says that compact Lie group actions are locally linearizable transverse to the group action. Theorem 5.5. Let M be a ?-manifold. Given m 2 M , there exists a ?m-representation (V; ?m ) and a smooth ?m -equivariant embedding j : V !M satisfying the following properties: (1) j (0) = m. (2) TmM = Tm?m  Tmj (V ) (j is transverse to ?m at m). (3) j (V ) \ j (V ) 6= ; if and only if 2 ?m . (4) [ 2? j (V ) is an open neighborhood of ?m. The set j (V ) is called a di erentiable slice for the action at m. It is useful to reformulate the slice theorem. To this end, observe that if (V; ?m) is a ?m -representation, then we can de ne a free action of ?m on the product ?  V by

(g; v) = (g ?1; v); ((g; v) 2 ?  V; 2 ?m ): Let ? ?m V denote the orbit space (?  V )=?m . Since the action of ?m on ?  V is free, ? ?m V is smooth3. Since the action of ? on ?  V de ned by left translation on the rst factor ? commutes with the action of ?m, it follows that ? ?m V has the natural structure of a smooth ?-manifold. The space ? ?m V is usually called the twisted product of ? and V. Fix a ?-invariant Riemannian metric on M . Let V = Tm?m? . Since Tm?m is obviously ?m -invariant, it follows that V is a ?m -representation. The normal bundle of ?m is easily seen to be isomorphic to the twisted product ? ?m V . Hence the slice theorem follows from the equivariant version of the tubular neighborhood theorem. Of course, the existence of slices follows rather easily if M is a ?-representation. Remark 5.6. If X is a ?-equivariant vector eld de ned on a neighborhood of ?m, then X may be regarded as de ned on the twisted product ? ?m V , where V is the normal ber at m. Moreover, X lifts equivariantly to a skew product vector eld on ?  V . For a nice presentation of this lifting, in the context of proper actions of non-compact Lie groups, see [19, x2]. Similar results hold for equivariant di eomorphisms which are equivariantly isotopic to the identity [24, x6], [22]. } Let M be a smooth ?-manifold. We say that a point m 2 M has principal isotropy type if given any x 2 M there exists 2 ? such that ?m  ?x ?1. That is, the isotropy of m is as small as possible. An important, and easy, consequence of the di erentiable slice theorem is the following result. Theorem 5.7. Let M be a connected smooth ?-manifold. The set of points in M with principal isotropy type form an open and dense subset of M . 3In

fact, ? ?m


has the structure of a real non-singular algebraic variety.



Remark 5.8. If ? is nite and M is connected, it is no loss of generality to assume that points with principal isotropy type have trivial isotropy. Indeed, suppose m 2 M has principal isotropy. Let U  M be the subset consisting of points with isotropy group ?m . It follows from the slice theorem that U is an open subset of M . If x 2 @U and S is a slice at x, then ?m xes all points in the open subset U \ S and so must x all points in S . It follows that ?m xes all points in M . Since ? m = ?m ?1, it follows that ?m is a normal subgroup of ?. Now replace ? by ?=?m . Although this result does not generalize to general compact Lie groups, it does hold for `most' representations. } A second important application of the di erentiable slice theorem is in the construction of equivariant vector elds and maps. For example, suppose that j : V !M is a slice at m. Let X be a ?m-equivariant vector eld de ned on j (V ) (that is, a smooth section of Tj(V )M . The vector eld X extends by ?-equivariance to all of ?(j (V )). Indeed, for v 2 j (V ), 2 ?, de ne X~ ( v) = X (v). If X has compact support, the same is true for X~ and so X~ extends by zero to all of M . 5.7. Isotopy theorem. Let M be a smooth ?-manifold and suppose that N is a closed ?-invariant subset of M . We shall shortly encounter situations where we have de ned a smooth equivariant embedding i : N !M and we want to extend i to a smooth ?-equivariant di eomorphism of M . The equivariant version of the isotopy theorem tells us when we can do this (for the detailed proof, see Bredon [10, Chapter VI]). Theorem 5.9. Let N be a compact ?-invariant subset of the ?-manifold M . Suppose that i : N !M is a smooth equivariant embedding and that i is smoothly equivariantly isotopic to the identity map of N . Then i extends to a smooth equivariant di eomorphism of M . Proof. We follow the proof of the standard isotopy theorem in di erential topology. The main part of that proof is to construct a smooth vector eld on M  [0; 1] which extends the vector eld de ned by the isotopy. Average this vector eld over ? and use the fact that the

ow of an equivariant vector eld is equivariant.



6. Lecture II: Constructing hyperbolic symmetric attractors In this lecture we want to describe some recent work by Field, Melbourne & Nicol [29] on the construction of symmetric hyperbolic expanding attractors. Suppose that ?  O(n) is nite. Let H be a subgroup of ?. We ask for conditions on (Rn; ?) that yield the existence of a ?-equivariant di eomorphism or ow on Rn which has a hyperbolic attractor A with A = H . (Recall that we always assume that A is topologically transitive.) As we indicated in Lecture I, if ? is nite it is no loss of generality to assume that principal isotropy groups are trivial. Granted this, we will attempt to construct A so that it consists of points of trivial isotropy. An involution 2 ? is called a re ection if the xed point space of is (n ? 1)-dimensional. We call an (n ? 1)-dimensional linear subspace V of Rn a re ection hyperplane of ? contains a re ection with xed point space V . Re ections provide the only obstruction to constructing attractors with speci ed symmetry group. Let L denote the union of all the re ection hyperplanes of ?. The connected components of Rn n L are permuted by ?. Obviously, an equivariant ow on Rn xes the components of Rn n L (as the re ection hyperplanes are invariant by the ow). Consequently, if A is the attractor of a ow on Rn then A must lie in (the closure of) a single connected component C of Rn n L. In particular, C is xed by the subgroup A. Consequently, if H is a subgroup of ? it follows that a necessary condition for there to exist a ?-equivariant ow with an H -symmetric attractor is that H xes a connected component of Rn n L. It turns out that this condition is also sucient. Furthermore, if n  5, then given any subgroup H  ?, there exists a ?-equivariant ow on Rn which has a hyperbolic attractor A with A = H . The situation for equivariant di eomorphisms is a little more complicated. To simplify matters, we shall assume that (Rn ; ?) has no re ections (for the general case, see [29]). Under these conditions we have Theorem 6.1. Let H be a subgroup of ? and suppose n  4. There exists a smooth ?equivariant di eomorphism of Rn which has a hyperbolic attractor A with A = H . Remark 6.2. Suppose the attractor A is a periodic orbit of prime period p. Let H denote the isotropy group of any point of A. It is easy to verify that A =H  = Zp. We shall only construct attractors all of whose points have trivial isotropy. Consequently, if A is not cyclic then A cannot be a periodic orbit. } Rather than give the full proof of Theorem 6.1, we shall describe one example that indicates all the techniques needed to prove the general case4. 6.1. An example in R3. We suppose that ? = Z2 = hi acts on R3 by (x; y; z) = (?x; ?y; z); ((x; y; z) 2 R3): Note that the xed point set of the action is the z-axis. 4In

fact, this example is, in some ways, harder than the general case in dimensions greater than 3.



a1 1 0 1 0

1 0 0 1


1 0 0 1



b 2 0 1 0 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 0 1


Figure 11. Smooth Z2 -invariant graph G  R2

We construct a Z2-equivariant di eomorphism of R3 which has an in nite Z2-symmetric hyperbolic attractor. Our strategy will be to construct a smooth Z2-symmetric graph G and Z2-equivariant expanding map f : G!G and then attempt to mimic the proof we gave for the solenoid. The main problems we encounter will be to de ne the Z2-symmetric graph G and expanding map f in such a way that we can use the Z2-equivariant version of the isotopy theorem to obtain a Z2-equivariant di eomorphism of R3. Example 6.3. The obvious way to attempt to construct a Z2-equivariant hyperbolic at3 tractor in R is to mimic the construction of the classical solenoid given in the last lecture. Regard C  R3. Although the map u 7! u2 is not Z2-equivariant, the map f (u) = u3 is odd and so Z2-equivariant. We can thicken the unit circle in C to a solid torus T, extend f Z2 -equivariantly to f : T!T and then perturb f to a Z2 -equivariant embedding f~ : T!T. It is easy to see that we can do this construction so that f~ has a Z2-invariant hyperbolic attractor   T. The problem lies in nding an extension of f~ to a Z2 equivariant di eomorphism of R3. In fact, no such extension exists. Rather than proving this, we just observe that the isotopy theorem cannot be applied to the map f~ as f~ is not equivariantly isotopic to the identity map of T: The image of any isotopy joining f~ to IT would have to cross the z-axis and this would violate the preservation of isotopy type by embeddings. ~ Construction of the graph. Regard Z2 as acting on the (x; y)-plane R2  R3 as multiplication by I .



f W

11 00 00 11 00 11

W 11 00 00 11 00 11

Figure 12. Image of a neighborhood of W

Figure 13. Fibers near a branch point

In Figure 11 we show a Z2-invariant graph G  R2. Following the terminology of Williams [50], G is a branched manifold . The two branches (both di eomorphic to circles) have in nite order contact at the vertices V; W . Note that Z2 maps vertices to vertices, edges to edges. A map f : G!G will be smooth if (and only if), f extends to a smooth map of R2. We may de ne a smooth Z2-equivariant expanding map f : G!G by the rules: a1 7! a?2 1b2a1 b1 7! b?2 1a2b1 a2 7! a?1 1b1a2 b2 7! b?1 1a1b2 Observe that the f -image of a small connected neighborhood of V (respectively, W ) is an arc through V (respectively W ). That is, the image of a neighborhood of a branch point is non-singular. We refer to Figure 12. We now construct a Z2-invariant (smooth) tubular neighborhood G of G  R3. The only potential diculty here lies with the bers (2-disks) of the tubular neighborhood near the branch points W; V . However, our atness condition on the branches at W; V enables us to construct G so that all bers are transverse to the core G . In Figure 13, we show the intersection of the transverse discs with the x; y-plane near a branch point.



Image of a 1 branch

Image of b



Image of neighborhood of branch point

Figure 14. The image of F in G

Given u 2 G , let Du denote the transverse disk through u. Since the f -image of a small connected neighborhood of a branch point is an arc, it follows that we can choose G so that (6.6) If v 2 Du \ G ; then f (u) = f (v): (Alternatively, we can x G and then choose f .) Extend f smoothly and Z2-equivariantly to a map f~ : G!G such that (a) f~(G) = G . (b) f~(Du ) = ff~(u)g, all u 2 G . Note that we can satisfy (b) because of (6.6). We deform f~ : G!G to a Z2-equivariant embedding F : G!G which preserves transverse disks (that is, for all u 2 G , F (Du )  Df~(u)). Furthermore, we can suppose that F contract disks and expands in a complementary direction. More precisely, we may require that there exists a TF -invariant continuous splitting TGR3 = E s  E u and constants C > 0,  2 (0; 1) such that if X 2 G, n 2 N and F n(X ) 2 G then



(u) kTF ?n(v)k  Cnkvk, v 2 EuX , (s) kTF n(v)k  Cn kvk, v 2 EsX . The contracting spaces Es will be tangent to the disk foliation of G. In Figure 14, we show the image of the branches associated to the edges a1 and b1 in G (the remainder of the image is obtained by re ection in the z-axis). We may choose F so that the image of the a1-branch lies below the (x; y)-plane in the upper half of the picture and above the (x; y)-plane in the lower half. Similarly, we may suppose that the image of the b1-branch lies above the (x; y)-plane in the upper half of the picture and below (as shown) in the lower half. With this con guration, we can ensure that no knots or links are created between the images of the branches associated to the four edges. We de ne  = \n0F n(G). Just as we showed for the classical solenoid, F : ! is (Z2-equivariantly) conjugate to the solenoid de ned by the inverse limit of f : G!G . Since  is a compact F -invariant subset of G, it follows from estimates (u,s) that  is a hyperbolic attractor. Finally, it remains to extend F to a Z2-equivariant di eomorphism of R3. For this it suces to note that that the F -images of the branches of G corresponding to the edges a1; : : : ; b2 do not wind round the z-axis. Since we constructed F so that there were no knots or links between the images of the edges, it follows easily that F is Z2-equivariant to the identity map of G. Remark 6.4. In dimensions greater than three, we no longer have to worry about the possibility of the embedded image of a tubular neighborhood having knots or links. If the codimension of the singular set5 is greater than two, then the image of the tubular neighborhood cannot form a non-trivial link with the singular set. In particular, there will be no obstructions to applying the equivariant isotopy theorem. } 7. Notes on Lecture II For foundational results on smooth equivariant dynamical systems see [20, 21]. In Lecture II, we ignored the simplest examples of attractors: Invariant ?-orbits (or relative equilibria) and their periodic generalizations. Suppose rst that ? is nite. Let x be a point of prime period p for f : M !M . For simplicity, assume x has trivial isotropy. Let  denote the isotropy group of o(x) (the f -orbit of x):  = f 2 ? j o(x) = o(x)g: It is easy to verify that   = Zp for some p  1. If p = 1, we say the orbit is asymmetric . Otherwise, we say it is symmetric . Whether symmetric or asymmetric, there is no obstruction to perturbing f so that o(x) is hyperbolic [21]. If A is an attractor or !-limit point set of an equivariant di eomorphism, and periodic points are dense in A, one can often show that asymmetric and symmetric period points are dense. Results along these lines are given in [17]. If A is an equivariant subshift of 5The

set of points which are not of principal isotropy type.



nite type [22], or admits an equivariant Markov partition [27], it is easy to prove density of symmetric and asymmetric periodic points directly. The case when ? is compact, non- nite, is more interesting. The generalization of a xed point is a `relatively xed point' (`relative equilibrium' for a vector eld). That is, a ?orbit which is left invariant by f . The natural hyperbolicity concept is then that of normal hyperbolicity { hyperbolicity transverse to the group orbit. Suppose then that = ?x is an invariant f -orbit, f : M !M . Using the di erentiable slice theorem, it is easy to show that we can always perturb f to require that is normally hyperbolic [21]. It remains to understand the dynamics of f j . If consists of points of trivial isotropy and ? is connected, one may show that is foliated by f -invariant tori [21]. For generic f , these tori will be of dimension equal to the rank of ?. Similar results hold for ows and periodic points. If ? is not connected or does not consist of points of trivial isotropy, one has to examine maximal Abelian subgroups which are not tori. For more details on all of this, we refer to the articles by Krupa [37] and Field [21, 24]. In [22] constructions are given for equivariant di eomorphisms which have subshifts of nite type with speci ed symmetry groups. For example, it is shown that every equivariant di eomorphism can be C 0-approximated by an equivariantly structurally stable di eomorphism with -set consisting of subshifts of nite type. We give one simple example in the next lecture.



8. Lecture III: Stable ergodicity of skew extensions Let f be a di eomorphism of the compact Riemannian manifold M . We say f is partially hyperbolic [12] if there is a continuous Tf -invariant splitting TM = E u  E c  E s such that Tf expands E u , contracts E s and sup kTpsf k < inf m(Tpcf ); sup kTpcf k < inf m(Tpuf ): (Here m(A) = kA?1k?1.) If the center bundle E c is tangent to a C 1-foliation F of M , then partial hyperbolicity can be thought of as hyperbolicity transverse to the foliation F . Grayson, Pugh & Shub [33] have suggested that partial hyperbolicity provides a natural setting for stable ergodicity . For example, they proved that the time one-map of the geodesic ow on the unit tangent bundle of surface of constant negative curvature is stably ergodic within the class of volume preserving di eomorphisms. Thus ergodicity holds on an open subset of volume preserving di eomorphisms even though these di eomorphisms will typically not be structurally stable. More recently, Pugh & Shub [47] extended this result to general manifolds of constant negative curvature and Wilkinson [49] has proved stable ergodicity of the time one map for all negatively curved surfaces. All of these results are dicult to prove on account of the fact that leaves of the center foliation are typically non compact and so veri cation of ergodicity under perturbation requires delicate estimates. 8.1. Skew extensions. Partially hyperbolic sets arise naturally in the study of di eomorphisms equivariant with respect to a compact non- nite Lie group ?. The set of all ?-orbits determines a (singular) foliation G of M . If f : M !M is ?equivariant, then G is f -invariant. Example 8.1. Suppose that f (?x) = ?x. It is easy to show that one can choose a ?invariant Riemannian metric on M with respect to which Tf : T ?x!T ?x is an isometry. In this situation, it natural to require hyperbolicity transverse to the ?-orbit (normal hyperbolicity ) { see Figure 15. ~ More generally, if all ?-orbits have the same dimension { and so determine a non-singular foliation { it is natural to ask about hyperbolicity transverse to ?-orbits on all of M . We start by reviewing some recent results that apply when the action of ? is free and ? is Abelian. 8.2. Result of Adler-Kitchens-Shub. Let Tn denote the n-dimensional torus (no group structure). Suppose that  : Tn!Tn is Anosov . Let  denote the associated (unique) C 1-invariant ergodic measure [35, x19.2]. Let C 1(Tn ; K ) denote the space of smooth K -valued maps on Tn . Let h denote Haar measure on K . Given f 2 C 1(Tn; K ), de ne f : K  Tn!K  Tn



s W (Γx) Γx


Figure 15. A normally hyperbolic invariant group orbit


f (k; t) = (kf (t); (t)): (We call f a K -extension or a skew extension of  by f .) Observe that f is measure preserving, relative to the product measure m = h   on K  Tn . However, f may not be ergodic. Theorem 8.2 ([2]). There is an open (C 0-topology) and dense (C 1-topology) subset U of C 1(Tn; K ) such that for all f 2 U , f is (stably) ergodic. Proof. We sketch the main ideas used in the proof. Let f 2 C 1 (Tn ; K ). It follows from an old result of Brin [11], that there exists a closed subgroup H of K such that the ergodic components of f de ne a partition of K  Tn into closed C 1 H -principal subbundles. The ergodic components are permuted by the group action. In particular, if E  K  Tn is an ergodic component then (a) E = H . (b) f jE : E !E is ergodic. If H = K , then there is just one ergodic component and so f is ergodic. If H 6= K , then H  = Zr , some r  1. Using the known result that if  is a toral Anosov map then ? 1 ?  : H 1(T; Z)!H 1(T; Z) is an isomorphism, Adler et al. show that if H  = Zr , then f is cohomologous to a constant function exp(2{ rs ), (s; r) = 1. That is, there exists a continuous function h : Tn !K such that f (t) = exp(2{ rs )h((t))=h(t); (t 2 Tn ):



(It follows that f is conjugate to the transformation (k; t) = (k exp(2{ rs ); (t)) and that ergodic components are always trivial H -principal subbundles. But not necessarily connected!) Suppose that x 2 Tn is a point of prime period p for T . Since f is cohomologous to the constant function exp(2{ rs ) it follows easily that ?1f (j (x)) = exp(2{ ps ): (8.7) pj=0 r Observe that this product does not depend on x - only on the period of x. Now choose a pair of periodic points of same prime period but lying on di erent -orbits. It follows from (8.7) that a necessary condition for H  = Zr is ?1f (j (x)) = p?1f (j (y )); (8.8) pj=0 j =0 This condition does not depend on r. Hence if (8.8) fails then f is ergodic. But now the set of cocycles f satisfying ?1f (j (x)) 6= p?1 f (j (y )); pj=0 j =0 clearly de nes a C 0-open and C 1-dense subset of C 1(Tn; K ). Remark 8.3. It is possible for (8.8) to hold for all pairs of periodic orbits with the same period and for f still to be ergodic. For example, this will happen if f is cohomologous to the constant function exp(2{ ), where is irrational. In this case, f will be unstably ergodic. That is, ergodic but not stably ergodic. } 8.3. Results of Parry, Parry-Pollicott. Using results of Parry [44], Parry and Pollicott [45] have recently extended the result of Adler et al. [2] to a larger class of K m -extensions. De nition 8.4. Let  be a di eomorphism of M . An in nite -invariant closed subset  of M is hyperbolic if TM = E u  E s (with usual T-invariance and estimates) and  has a local product structure (equivalently,  is maximal and isolated). In what follows, we assume that  is hyperbolic and  : ! is topologically mixing. We x a Holder equilibrium measure  on  (see [35] for details and background). It follows that  is measure theoretically mixing. As usual, we let h denote Haar measure on K m . Let m  1. Given the cocycle f : !K m , let f : K m  !K m   denote the skew extension de ned by f ( ; x) = ( f (x); (x)). Note that f is K m -equivariant and preserves the product measure   h. Theorem 8.5 ([45]). Suppose that  is a hyperbolic set. Assume that either  is a subshift of nite type or  is connected and ? : H 1(; Z)!H 1 (; Z) does not have one as an eigenvalue. Then there is an open (C 0-topology) and dense (C 1-topology) subset U of C 1 (; K m ) such that for all f 2 U , f is ergodic and mixing. The proof of this result depends on Livsic regularity results proved by Parry [44].



8.4. Skew Extensions by general compact connected Lie groups. Suppose that ? is a compact connected Lie group. Let  : ! and suppose that  is a hyperbolic set with equilibrium measure . Let f : !? and let f : ?  !?   be the associated skew extension. More generally, we may consider a principal ?-bundle  : E ! and ?-equivariant map  : E !E covering . Given  : !, let ? : H 1(; Z)!H 1(; Z) denote the induced map on rst cohomology. Consider the following conditions on  and ?. (H)  is connected, dim() 6= 0 and rank(ker(I ? ?)) < 1. (Z) dim() = 0 ( : ! is a subshift of nite type). (S) ? is semisimple. Remark 8.6. If  is an attractor then it can be shown [30] that rank(ker(I ? ? )) < 1. } Theorem 8.7 (Field & Parry [30]). Let ? be a compact connected Lie group. Suppose that  : ! is hyperbolic. Assume that one of the conditions (H,Z,S) holds. Then f will be ergodic and mixing for f in an open and dense subset of C 1(; ?). The same result holds for principal bundle extensions of . Remark 8.8. If ? = K m it is possible for f to be ergodic but not stably ergodic { see Remark 8.3. A characterization of ergodic but unstably ergodic extensions is given in [30]. On the other hand if ? is semisimple, Wilkinson has very recently shown that ergodicity and stable ergodicity are equivalent. } The proof of Theorem 8.7 breaks into four steps: Proof of stable ergodicity when (1) ? = K m and either condition (H) or (Z) holds; (2) ? is semisimple; and (3) Case of general ?. (4) Stable ergodicity =) Stable mixing. Step (3) follows easily from (1,2). Step (4) is straightforward (trivial if ? is semisimple!). Surprisingly, perhaps, step (2) is much easier than step (1). The proof of (2) depends on the following results Theorem 8.9 ([26]). Let ? be a compact connected semisimple Lie group. Then the set of pairs (g; h) 2 ?2 which topologically generate ? form a non-empty (Zariski) open subset of ?2. Remark 8.10. We note that the density of generating pairs is a relatively old result proved by Kuranishi [38]. The openness does not seem to have been noticed before. } Theorem 8.11 ([45, 30]). The ergodic components of f are closed principal subbundles of ?  . Remark 8.12. Results along the lines of Theorem 8.11 were rst obtained by Brin [10] in the context of principal bundle extensions of Anosov di eomorphisms. } 8.5. Sketch proof of Theorem 8.7 - ? semisimple. Fix 2 (0; 1). Generally, we work with the C -topology on cocycles. Replacing  by a power of , it is no loss of generality to suppose that  has a xed point, say x0. Set z0 = (e; x0) 2 ?  . It follows from Theorem 8.11 that for each u 2 ?z0 there is



η2z 2

γ z0 2

γ z 1 0



Γ z0



Γ z2 Γ z1

Figure 16. Intersections of strong stable and unstable manifolds

a unique closed ergodic component Eu of f containing the point u and that Eu = E u for all 2 ?. Let 0  ? denote the isotropy group of the ergodic component Ez0 . Then f is ergodic if and only if 0 = ?. Since the ergodic components are closed f -invariant sets, W ss(u); W uu (u)  Eu ; (u 2 ?z0): Choose x1; x2 2 W u (x0) \ W s(x0) n fx0g with distinct -orbits. Set zi = (e; xi) and 0 = e. For i = 1; 2, there exist unique i; i 2 ? such that (8.9) izi 2 W uu( i?1 z0) \ W ss ( iz0): We refer to Figure 16. Since the ergodic components E z0 de ne a partition of ?  , it follows from (8.9) that

iz0 2 Ez0 , i = 0; 1; 2. Hence 0  h 1 ; 2i. In particular, if h 1 ; 2i = ?, then 0 = ? and f is ergodic. It may be shown that i; i depend continuously on f , C -topology. Since the set of pairs of topological generators is open in ?2, it follows that if h 1; 2i = ? the same will be true for f 0 2 C 1(; ?) suciently C -close to f . Conversely, we can always make an arbitrarily C 1-small perturbation f 0 of f , supported on small neighborhoods of x1, x2, so that the corresponding pair ( 10 ; 20 ) topologically generates ?. Hence the set of f 2 C 1(; ?) for which f is ergodic contains an open and dense set. Finally, since ? is



Γο ξ ο

Λ Γξ ο is the unique point in Λ with isotropy Z 2


ξ is the ‘generic’ point in Λ 17. The twisted product K 

Z 3Z 2

semisimple, it follows that if  is mixing and f is ergodic, then f is automatically weak mixing and therefore mixing by Rudolf's theorem [48]. 8.6. Hyperbolicity for equivariant di eomorphisms. Assume that M is a ?-manifold. Let E c  TM be the Tf -invariant (singular) subbundle of TM de ned by = [x2M Tx?x: Suppose that  be a compact f - and ?-invariant subset of M . We say that  is transversally hyperbolic for f if (a) All ?-orbits in  have the same dimension. (b) There exists a continuous Tf -invariant splitting TM = E u  E c  E s ; and constants C > 0,  > 1, such that for all n 2 N, kTxn(v)k  C?n kvk; (v 2 E sx ; x 2 ); kTxn(v)k  Cnkvk; (v 2 E ux ; x 2 ): Just as for hyperbolic sets, we can require a local product structure on a transversally hyperbolic set. A transversally hyperbolic set  is ?-hyperbolic if  has a local product structure and the induced map f~ on the orbit space =? is topologically transitive. If  is ?-hyperbolic, then f~ : =?!=? admits a Markov partition [27]. Ec






Figure 18. The space X

Example 8.13. Let  = 3Z denote the full shift on three symbols f0; 1; 2g. We have a non-free action of Z2 = hi on  de ned by (1) = 2, (0) = 0. Embed Z2 in K by  7! exp({). Let X = K Z  (that is, the twisted product { see Figure 17 and notes for Lecture I). If f : !K , then we get an induced map f : K Z !K Z . In this case, it is easily seen that f is generically stably ergodic. ~ 2



Generally, all ?-hyperbolic sets are locally twisted products. This follows easily from the di erentiable slice theorem.

Conjecture If  : ! is ?-hyperbolic, then there exist C 1-small ?-equivariant perturbations of  to a

stably ergodic di eomorphism. 8.7. A non-uniformly hyperbolic base. We conclude by describing a simple example based on a non-uniformly hyperbolic attractor constructed by Coelho et al. [16]. Let X denote the unit interval with 0; 21 ; 1 identi ed, say to  2 X . Let x and y respectively denote the oriented circles de ned as the images of [0; 12 ] and [ 21 ; 1] in X . We may regard X as the ` gure of eight' consisting of the x; y with in nite order contact at . Regard the circle group K as [0; 1], with 0; 1 identi ed. See Figure 18. De ne the smooth map  : X !X by (x) = 3x; mod 1. Let f : X !K be the smooth cocycle de ned by f (x) = 2x and g : X !K be the measurable cocycle de ned by g(x) = x, x 6= . Since g(x) ? g(x) = 3x ? x = 2x = f (x); x 6= ; f is a coboundary (in the class of measurable cycles). On the other hand, there is obviously no continuous solution to the cohomology equation and so f is not a continuous (let alone smooth) coboundary. Let f : K  X !K  X denote the K -extension of . Given  2 K , de ne E = f(x + ; x) j x 2 X g. Clearly, E = fE j  2 K g is a family of closed f -invariant subsets of K  X permuted by the action of K . Although [2K E = K  X , E does not de ne a



partition of K  X : E \ E+ = f(; ); ( + ; )g. For all  2 K , E  = K and f jE is 3 smoothly conjugate to the expanding map z 7! z . Let  : ! denote the non-uniformly hyperbolic attractor obtained as the inverse limit of  : X !X and f~ denote the `lift' of f to . The skew extension f~ : K  !K   is measure theoretically trivial but not continuously trivial. We describe closed ergodic components of f . For  2 K , let E~  K   denote the classical solenoid de ned as the inverse limit of f : E !E . Up to sets of measure zero, the set of ergodic components of f is given by E~ = fE~ j  2 K g. Although the components are closed and permuted by the action of K , E~ does not de ne a partition of K   since E~ \ E~+ 6= ;. For this example, it is not hard to show that there is no partition of K   into closed ergodic components. There is an action of Z2 on X de ned by re ection in a line tangent to X at . Obviously, the action interchanges x and y, preserving orientations. The action of Z2 extends to  and the xed point set of the action is given by Z2 = (). If we form the twisted product ~ give the closed ergodic components K Z2 , we nd that the quotients of the components E for the induced map on the twisted product. Of course, the ergodic components still do not give a partition of K Z2  into closed sets. Finally, we can ask about the stability of ergodicity of ?-extensions over . In spite of the fact that ergodic components will in general no longer yield a partition of ?   by closed sets, stable ergodicity of skew extensions is still generic. This follows easily using the fact that  : ! is covered by the `triadic' solenoid determined by z 7! z3. Indeed, stable ergodicity will be generic within the class of Z2-invariant cocycles on  and so stable ergodicity is also generic for the twisted product. 9. Notes on Lecture III There is an extensive and varied literature on skew extensions and the problem of lifting ergodicity and mixing. >From our perspective, the most interesting results develop from the work of Brin [11], on extensions over Anosov systems, and that of Livsic [39, 40]. The results of Livsic give precise criteria for extensions to be trivial. In addition, there are Livsic regularity theorems. These results allow one to make contact with work on measurable cocycles (see, for example, [36]). This type of analysis is basic to the proof of Theorem 8.7. Various constructions for realizing skew extensions as basic sets of equivariant dynamical systems may be found in [22, 23]. It is not yet clear what happens when the base is not hyperbolic. Melbourne has recently proved some results on lifting transitivity and weak mixing [41]. If ? is semisimple, it is possible to prove genericity of stable transitivity without having to assume hyperbolicity of the base. For example, if the base is non-uniformly hyperbolic and ? is semisimple, then extensions are generically stably transitive and weak mixing (up to a cycle). In a di erent direction, Bonatti and Diaz have constructed classes of stably transitive, non hyperbolic, dynamical systems [14]. References [1] J F Adams. Lectures on Lie Groups, (Benjamin, New York, 1969).



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