Maple 12 Cheat Sheet, The Basics 1. Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide ...

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Maple 12 Cheat Sheet, The Basics. 1. Add, Subtract ... Horizontal fractions can be made in a 2d math entry. They will be stacked fractions in the output. 2d math ...
Maple 12 Cheat Sheet, The Basics 1. Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide 2d math entry “How To” Type This 3+2

add subtract











x [space] y




x\ /y

2d math entry “How not To” Get This 3+2 5 3−2 1 3·2 6 3·y 3y 3y 3y 3 (x + y) 3x+3y xy xy x y x y x/y x y

multiply multiply multiply multiply

Type This 3 [space] 2 xy Intrepreted as a variable named xy x(y+z) Interpreted as the function x applied to argument y + z x:=3: x(y+z) x is assigned the value 3 and x(y+z) is interpreted as the constant function 3 applied to the argument y + z.

Get This 32 Error, missing operation xy xy x(y + z) x(y + z) x := 3 : x(y + z) 3

• Typing an asterisk, * , between two expressions will always multiply them. The asterisk appears as a centered dot in the input. • Typing a space, [space] , between two expressions also multiplies them. Consequently if an errant space is typed between two expressions that are not to be multiplied, strange things will happen. • Use the arrow keys to navigate as you enter an expression. If you have entered a templete you may move from position to position by pressing the tab key.

• Horizontal fractions can be made in a 2d math entry. They will be stacked fractions in the output.

2. Math Constants


How to Enter the Constant pi [esc] [return]

Type This sin( pi [esc] [return] \ / 2 )


e [esc] [return]

ln ( e [esc] [return] ∧ 2 [right arrow] )


i [esc] [return]

i [esc] [return] ∧ 2 [right arrow] + i [esc] [return]

Get This sin(π/2) 1 ln(e2 ) 2 i2 + i −1 + I

3. Math Functions The standard math functions are typed as they appear in a math text. See the preceeding table. Enclose their arguements in parentheses, ( ). Parentheses must also be used to group terms in expressions. Never use square brackets, [ ] , or curly brackets, { }, because they are used to make lists and sets. Warning. Ensure that there are no spaces between the name of a function and the left parenthesis enclosing its arguments. A space will cause Maple to multiply the function name and its arguments yielding a nonsensical output. The following table shows how to enter the square root, exponential, absolute value, and base b log functions. √



How to Enter the Function sqrt [esc] [return]

Type This sqrt [esc] [return] 16 \ / 3

Get p This 16/3

exp [esc] [return]

exp [esc] [return] 2 x \ / 5


4 √ 3 3 2

e5x |x|

| x |

|3 - 4 |

|3 − 4|

log [underscore] b [right arrow] ( x )

log [underscore] 2 [right arrow] ( 8 )

log2 (8)

1 logb (x)

3 • The functions

√ x, ex , and |x| can also be entered as sqrt(x), exp(x), and abs(x), respectively.

• The function logb (x) can also be entered as log[b](x). • The underscore key is [shift]-[minus]. Pressing it will move the cursor into the subscript position.