market integration and the development of wind ... - IASS Potsdam

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Feb 17, 2015 - Denmark embarked on the market integration of wind power at the end of 2002 ... became more complex, and competition for available sites for.

Wind power cooperatives in Denmark have mitigated exposure to market risks through joint cooperative actions and cooperation with financially strong partners. They have been facilitated by specific regulatory measures. Meanwhile, Bürgerwindparks (citizen-owned wind farms) in Germany could face severe obstacles from increased market integration. Price risks are lower, but the risks and costs of marketing electricity could be higher compared to Denmark.


to market signals. This has triggered a debate among scholars and practitioners, which refers more to economic theory than empirical evidence. This paper contributes to filling this gap by

The European Union (EU) and its Member States are in the

analysing the case of wind power cooperatives in Denmark.

midst of a transition from a fossil-based energy system to one

Denmark embarked on the market integration of wind power

based on renewable energy sources (RES). To achieve this transition, financial contributions from the private sector are required as well as social acceptance at local level, where RES projects are actually implemented and often face resistance from locals for various reasons [1], [2]. The participation of private citizens in the generation of electricity from RES (RES-E) in the form of citizen-led initiatives is a viable solution to these challenges. Citizen-led initiatives can be defined as regionally confined groups of regular citizens who jointly initiate, procure, operate and own at least 50 per cent of RES-E installations. Such initiatives are heterogeneous, they can vary in size, organisational form, technological focus, etc. Prominent examples include citizen-owned wind power coope-

at the end of 2002, when almost 40 per cent of installed wind power capacity was owned by wind power cooperatives. So, my research was guided by the following question: How did market integration of renewables influence the development of wind power cooperatives? Moreover, I argue that Denmark is a highly relevant case for Germany. Bürgerwindparks – the German counterparts of Danish wind power cooperatives – owned 20.4 per cent of total installed wind power capacity (6 301 MW) in 2012 [5]. However, a reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act 2014 (EEG 2014) has obligated producers to react strongly to market signals. Thus, I also ask:

ratives or solar initiatives . Comparative research has shown that a high degree of financial ownership and participation on the part of private citizens through citizen-led initiatives in wind power leads to a high degree of acceptance for projects at local level and is positively correlated with high deployment rates [3]. In short, citizen-led initiatives can facilitate the energy transition.

What can Germany learn from the Danish case?

Fixed feed-in tariffs (FiT), understood as market-independent

create barriers for citizen-led initiatives because they lack the

remuneration paid for every kilowatt hour (kWh) including

skills, human resources and financial liquidity to trade electricity

purchase obligations, have proven to be the most effective

on wholesale markets. Thus, they rely on intermediary parties to

support mechanism for incentivising RES-E deployment by dif-

sell their electricity output and manage balancing responsibili-

ferent actors, especially small decentralised actors. However,

ties on their behalf. This might increase actual risks (unreliable

according to the EU state aid guidelines, RES-E technologies

and reduced revenue) as well as the perception of risk by citi-

like onshore wind have reached market maturity and should be

zens and banks, potentially preventing the initiation of citizen-

exposed to market signals via feed-in premiums (FiPs)[4]. FiPs,

led projects [6].

understood as remuneration in the form of a bonus payment in addition to market prices for every kWh, are supposed to be more appropriate for integrating renewables into power markets because they usually expose producers to market signals like fluctuating wholesale market prices. However, it is not clear how small and financially weak citizen-led initiatives operating weather-dependent wind turbines will react to a stronger exposure

The analysis takes an institutional perspective to assess risks and risk allocation for potential investors, which are determined mainly by the type and design of support mechanisms for renewable energy and power market design. It has been suggested that increased market integration via feed-in premiums can

The results are based on a qualitative case study of Denmark. The main dataset consists of 12 semi-structured interviews with key actors (managers and members of cooperatives, intermediary actors, public actors, NGOs, financial sector representatives) in Denmark and an extensive analysis of different types of documents. 1


After the election of a new liberal-conservative government with


scheme in 2003. Producers received the Nord Pool1 market pri-

a strong neoliberal agenda, Denmark implemented a fixed FiP

Wind power cooperatives in Denmark are formally organised as

ce, a fixed maximum premium 1.3 cent/kWh for 20 years and

general partnerships, where individual citizens invest jointly in

an additional 0.3 cent/kWh to cover balancing costs. Moreover,

the procurement of wind turbines to operate them and sell the

all new producers had to market their electricity directly on the

electricity output. Cooperatives are democratically organised but

wholesale market and were fully exposed to imbalancing risks.2

financially weak, because they rely on members’ equity and loan

In the period from 2003 to 2008 investment in new installations,

capital from banks for project financing. Typically, they focus on

especially by cooperatives, dropped to virtually zero, with the ex-

a single small and local project, but can also become involved

ception of some repowering and off-shore installations. The main

in large projects like the Middelgrunden Wind Cooperative with

reason was that the premium was too low to compensate for low

more than 8 000 members who operate parts of a 40 MW wind

Nord Pool wholesale prices, and price volatility was perceived as a

farm. Cooperatives differ from most traditional actors in the

big risk by ordinary citizens and thus “scared people to enter into

energy sector because they are driven by a mix of material and

the cooperative game” [8]. Consequently, no new cooperatives

non-material motivations (e.g. profit, environmental protection,

emerged until 2008. Indeed, many existing ones dissolved be-

local added value, etc.) and often accept lower rates of return.

cause low revenue streams made possible repair works and even

The emergence of wind power cooperatives in the late 1970s

operation hardly profitable at all. Meanwhile the government had

was facilitated by several conditions: a traditional familiarity

set up attractive incentives for decommissioning and repowering

in Denmark with the cooperative model in different economic

old turbines, which were often owned by cooperatives. After recei-



ving good offers, many cooperatives dissolved and sold off their

ownership to local citizens and enterprises until the end of the

turbines to commercial actors, who were virtually the only ones

1990s, and tax incentives. Most importantly, stable fixed FiTs

who could deal with the complexities of repowering.





from the late 1980s until 2002 kept the exposure to markets


risks at almost zero and financing was available at low interest rates from banks.

Wind power cooperatives in Denmark have mitigated exposure to

In 2002 cooperatives owned slightly less than 40 per cent of

market risks through joint cooperative actions and cooperation with

the total installed 6 300 turbines and over 150 000 households

financially strong partners and they have been facilitated by specific

owned shares in wind power cooperatives. The remaining

regulatory measures.

turbines were owned by single owners (approx. 40 per cent) – mostly farmers and utilities (approx. 20 per cent)[7].

Firstly, wind power cooperatives and individual owners of wind

The framework conditions for wind power in Denmark changed

ready in 1999 the Danish Wind Turbine Owners Association

turbines were able to react strategically to policy changes. Al-

drastically after 1999 and again after 2002. Ownership

(DK Vind) founded an independent trading cooperative called

regulations were abandoned, turbine sizes increased due

Vindenergi Danmark (Vindenergi DK) based on a joint decision

to technological development, spatial planning procedures

by private wind turbine owners and DK Vind during a general as-

became more complex, and competition for available sites for

sembly meeting [8].3 The original purpose of Vindenergi DK was

wind projects became fiercer when commercial actors entered

to trade guarantees of origin for electricity from wind power, but

the market. 800 Number of Turbines

700 Ulity/energy company

600 500

Jointly owned

400 300

Single-person ownership

200 100

Others/unknown 2008






























Figure 1: Ownership of Danish wind turbines (in numbers). “Jointly owned” refers to ownership by cooperatives. Official ownership statistics ended in 2001 and there has not been official data on this issue. In 2010, 15% of all wind turbines were owned by cooperatives. Source: IASS Potsdam based on H. Skotte. „Wind power to combat climate change,“ 2010. 1

Nord Pool is a common electricity spot market between Scandinavian and Baltic countries. Denmark joined the exchange in 2000.


Imbalancing risks exist when generators need to provide load profiles before feeding power into the grid and must assume financial responsibility for any deviations between load profile

forecasts and actual power production. 3


DK Vind was founded in the late 1970s to represent the interests of private wind turbine owners through technical assistance, knowledge-sharing and political advocacy.

after 2003 the cooperative focused on purchasing and trading

amount does not have to be paid back. Both measures have

electricity at Nord Pool on behalf of wind power cooperatives

arguably facilitated the creation of new cooperatives, but they

and other private producers. To put it simply, private owners of

are not undisputed. For example, the local citizens’ option to

the wind turbines organised in DK Vind pooled their resources

purchase was dominated by professional investors in the first

to set up their own trader to take care of electricity sales to the

two years after it was introduced, as more than half of the pro-


jects implemented were not able to sell 20 per cent of shares

Vindenergi DK and the specific set-up as a member-owned tra-

and faced strong local resistance in planning process [10].

ding cooperative mitigated real risks for existing cooperatives

Thirdly, the nature of cooperative ownership has changed fun-

and facilitated the creation of new cooperatives because it also

damentally. Wind power cooperatives that are initiated and

reduced risk perception. Vindenergi DK is organised as a non-

solely owned by local citizens have become rare. As I have

profit cooperative owned exclusively by its members. A yearly

demonstrated, the higher total cost of modern wind turbines,

dividend is paid to members and they maintain ownership as

increased market risk exposure, and the natural financial wea-

well as control and voting rights on a democratic basis. Mo-

kness of cooperatives in project development stages have crea-

reover, Vindenergi DK reduced transaction costs and increased

ted obstacles to the traditional model. However, these obstac-

revenues from electricity sales for producers. This was possible

les have often been overcome when local citizen groups have

due to a slim administrative body, extra incomes from the sale

cooperated with financially strong partners like municipalities,

of guarantees of origin for electricity from wind power and eco-

utilities or private funds. Typically, a group of local people forms

nomies of scale resulting from an increased wind project portfo-

a cooperative to organise collaboration with such professional

lio. In 2013, the cooperative traded over 2 500 MW of installed

partners during the planning and construction phases of a wind

capacity, which corresponded to more than 50 per cent of total

project because it is more cost efficient and less risky for the

installed wind power capacity in Denmark [9]. Vindenergi DK´s

cooperative. In some cases there is even a common board of all

total market share was even as high as 70 per cent of installed

the partners during the planning and construction phases. After

onshore capacity in 2013. This is important because most co-

a project is implemented, ownership is usually split and neither

operatives operate onshore turbines. Even though there are no

party is involved financially or legally in the operation of the other

exact figures, it is estimated that two thirds of all cooperatives

party’s turbines. The Hvidovre Wind Farm, where two turbines

trade with Vindenergi DK [8]. A major advantage of such a large

were erected in 2009 by DONG Energy and a local cooperative

portfolio is that balancing costs have been reduced substantially

is a prominent example. After commissioning, ownership was

due to the wide geographical distribution of turbines.

split, with each partner owning and operating one turbine. Even

Capacity (MW)

though DONG offered to purchase and sell the cooperative’s 3000

electricity output, Vindenergi DK was deliberately chosen as a


trader by the members.



1500 1000

Finally, the question remains how the Danish case can help to

500 0

inform the German case of Bürgerwindparks . To arrive at an 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 2: Installed capacity traded by Vindenergi DK in MW. Source: IASS Potsdam based on data retrieved from

Secondly, the decreasing number of wind power cooperatives was connected to an increasing commercialisation of wind power and increasing resistance from citizens to wind projects [8]. To restore and maintain public acceptance, the Danish government enacted specific regulatory measures to ensure the participation of citizens in wind power projects: 1.) A local citizens’ option to purchase wind turbine shares was implemented, thereby obligating developers of a new wind turbine to offer at least 20 per cent of the ownership to local citizens living within a radius of 4.5 km from the turbine; and 2.) A public guarantee to fund up to a maximum amount of €70 000 to support the financing of preliminary investigations, planning, etc. by local wind turbine cooperatives. If the project is implemented, the guarantee functions as a low-interest loan. If not, the maximum

answer, we need to compare the risks in each country and evaluate the transferability of lessons learned in Denmark. There are many similarities between the two countries, but also significant differences. Germany is experiencing a policy development similar to that in Denmark but with a delay of ten years. In the summer of 2014 Germany abandoned its fixed FiT regime. All new RES-E installations with a rated capacity above 500 kW are obligated to market their electricity on the German spot market and are remunerated by way of a sliding/ floating FiP. As in Denmark, an existing cooperative culture and low-risk investment conditions created by a FiT have allowed citizens to jointly invest in wind turbines. By contrast, however, the kind of ownership regulations for wind power that exist in Denmark have never existed in Germany. Therefore, the commercialisation of projects started earlier and is much more common. Many

Bürgerwindparks have been developed in cooperation with professional project developers, who are in a better position to handle risks and complexity [11], [12].


Bürgerwindparks in Germany might face severe obstacles from

mitigated when many small cooperatives jointly concentrate

increased market integration. Price risks are lower, but the risks

their activities and extend ownership beyond the generation of

and costs of marketing electricity could be higher compared to

electricity to the marketing of electricity. This has mitigated risk


exposure and improved the economic situation for individual

The main barriers to new wind power cooperatives in Denmark were excessively low and fixed premiums that meant that producers were fully exposed to price risks from unpredictable and fluctuating spot market prices. However, the present situation in Germany is different because the level of exposure to fluctuating market prices is lower under the German FiP scheme. In contrast to the Danish fixed FiP, the German sliding/floating premium design calculates remuneration to producers on the basis of monthly average spot market prices and a technology-specific reference price. So the premium is sliding because it makes up

is limited potential to implement a nationwide central marketing model similar to Vindenergi DK due to established market structures. However, there might be some potential for Bürgerwindparks and other citizen-led initiatives to cooperate at regional level and in the direct supply of electricity to customers. We can already observe efforts to this end. To mention just one example: by the end of 2014, 24 citizen-led initiatives had joined a common initiative to market their output and supply customers directly [17].

the difference between monthly average spot market prices and

As I have shown, in Denmark, specific regulatory measures

the reference value. Producers will only face high price risks

have incentivised the creation of new cooperatives. The Ger-

if the party selling the electricity on the spot market is selling

man government could consider following the Danish example

below the monthly average spot market price. In fact, the experi-

and facilitate citizen-led initiatives by setting up state funds to

ence of an optional premium in existence since 2012 show that

finance the early project development phase. Another option

the opposite is true, as traders have regularly achieved prices

would be to impose an obligation or create incentives for pro-

higher than the monthly average, leading to higher revenues

ject developers to offer a specific share of ownership to local

for producers [13]. Therefore, most wind power producers have

citizens. Such draft legislation based on the Danish example is

become accustomed to using the premium model.

currently being debated in the Federal State of Mecklenburg-

Yet, German Bürgerwindparks might face higher risks from market structures in electricity marketing. Since 2012 approximately 70 traders have emerged in Germany, covering the majority of existing wind turbines. In 2013 the five biggest traders traded 64 per cent of all wind power under the market premium scheme [14]. In contrast to Denmark, none of those

Vorpommern. Yet, the Danish experience suggests that such a regulation needs to be designed carefully and involving locals in planning procedures is crucial to its success. Creating an option for local citizens to ‘buy in’ does not necessarily create acceptance. Besides, there might be other legal and political obstacles [18].

companies has a specific focus on small-scale producers. So,

The overall conclusion of this paper is that citizen-led initiatives

given the present market structure, it is possible that those

can survive and thrive in competitive environments under cer-

big players have considerably more market power than small

tain conditions. Future research could assess these conditions

Bürgerwindparks and will not protect the latters’ interests in the same way that Vindenergi DK does [15]. Furthermore, large traders might give less favourable terms to Bürgerwindparks with small portfolios, because transaction costs are higher for small projects. These uncertainties might also increase the cost of capital for Bürgerwindparks , since banks will most likely

in different contexts in more cross-country comparisons. Ger-

calculate with higher risk premiums [16].


many is well advised to closely observe how things develop for its Nordic neighbour because both countries share some crucial similarities and there is much potential for mutual learning.

BACKGROUND AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This paper summarises the results of a master’s thesis „Regulatory Changes and Citizen-Led Renewable Energy Production - Market Integration and Development of Wind

So, how can Germany learn from the Danish case to preserve

Power Cooperatives in Denmark“ written by Boris Gotchev in

a high level of citizen participation in wind power? The Danish

2014 at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Freie

case suggests that increased market integration of wind pow-

Universität Berlin and the IASS Potsdam.

er via fixed feed-in premiums increases price risks, transaction

The author would like to thank Prof. Miranda Schreurs and Dr

costs and risk perception. This creates an obstacle for small

David Jacobs for giving valuable guidance and supervising the

and financially weak citizen-led initiatives. Surprisingly, the case

thesis. Special thanks also go to the Transdisciplinary Panel on

of Denmark also shows that cooperatives can survive and even

Energy Change for their valuable comments and support.

thrive in high-risk environments under certain conditions, i.e. when cooperatives work together and pool their resources with financially strong partners when developing projects. The creation of the trading cooperative Vindenergi DK is a case in point for resource pooling, as it demonstrated how market risks are 4

cooperatives in a competitive environment. In Germany, there

LITERATURE [1] R. Wüstenhagen and E. Menichetti, “Strategic choices for renewable energy investment: Conceptual framework and opportunities for further research,” Energy Policy, vol. 40, pp. 1–10, Jan. 2012. [2] R. Wüstenhagen, M. Wolsink, and M. J. Bürer, “Social acceptance of renewable energy innovation: An introduction to the concept,” Energy Policy, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 2683–2691, May 2007. [3]

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CONTACT Judith von Pogrell (Office) [email protected] Tel. +49 331 288 22 332 Transdisciplinary Panel on Energy Change (TPEC) IASS Potsdam Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. Berliner Str. 130 14467 Potsdam Germany

D. Schäuble, H. Peinl, P. Matschoss, and D. Jacobs, “Einordnung der Studien zum EEG 2.0 und des Referentenentwurfs des EEGs,” IASS Working Paper, 2014.


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Based own expert interviews conducted by the author

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