MGMT - The Journal of Biological Chemistry

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Joseph F. Costello$§, Bernard W. Futsched, Keizo Tanoil, Dawn M. Graunkes, and. Russell 0. Pieper$§**. From the Weuroscience Program and $Division of ...
Vol. 269,No. 25, Isaue of June 24,pp. 1722g-17237, 1994

JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0 1994 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. THE

Printed in U . S . A

Graded Methylation in the Promoter andBody of the 06-MethylguanineDNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Gene Correlates with MGMT Expression in Human Glioma Cells* (Received for publication, February 24, 1994, and in revised form, March 30, 1994)

Joseph F. Costello$§,Bernard W. Futsched, Keizo Tanoil, Dawn M. Graunkes, and Russell 0. Pieper$§** From the Weuroscience Program and $Division of Hematology /Oncology, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, Illinois 60153, the llArizona Cancer Center, Theson, Arizona 85724, and the IBeactor Institute, Kyoto University, Kumatori, Noda, Sennan-gun, Osaka 590-04, Japan

ExpressionoftheOB-methylguanine DNA methyl- MGMT activity have been reported (8), the level ofMGMT transferase (MGMT) gene in human gliomacell lines is expression may be relevant in the clinical response of gliomas strongly associated with resistance to the chemothera-to BCNU. To exSeveral studies suggest that MGMT transcription is associpeutic agent 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea. amine the possibility that methylation of the body andated withchanges in both the promoter and body of the MGMT promoter regions of theMGMT gene is associated with gene (9-12). The promoter for the MGMT gene has CpG island MGMT expression in a graded, rather than a completely characteristics and lacks TATA and CAAT boxes, similar to o d o f ffashion, the present study analyzed the methyla-many housekeeping genes (13).MGMT promoter elements retion statusof theMGMT gene in human glioma lines quired for basal promoter activity (41% of full activity) are cell of MGMT expression. Methyla- located between nucleotides 886 and 1157 of the 1157-bp proexhibiting a wide range moter and contain the transcriptionstart site (nt955) and six tion in the body of the gene was uniform within cell each line and correlated directly with MGMT expression.The putative S p l recognition sites (13).In humancells transfected level of MGMT promoter methylation was also graded with chloramphenicol acetyltransferase constructs containing across the cell lines, at21 of 25 CpGs tested, but corre- the MGMT promoter, both MGMT expressing and nonexpressMGMT expression. Two sites in the ing cell lines contained the factors necessary for transcription lated inversely with MGMT promoter were also much more accessibleto re- initiation from the MGMT promoter (14, E ) , implying that striction enzyme digestion, and thus in a more open differences between the transfected and endogenous MGMT MGMT ex- promoters such as methylation status and/or chromatin strucchromatin conformation, in nuclei from high pressors relative to nuclei from cells with little or no ture may be important. Changes in thebody of the gene may MGMT expression. We conclude that the level of meth- also, however, be relevant inMGMT expression as several studylation, in both the body and promoter of the MGMT ies have shown thatthe cytosine methylationpatternsin gene, is associated with MGMT expression in a graded MGMT exons are altered innonexpressing tumor cells relative fashion and may be importantin setting the transcrip- to expressing cells (9-11). tional state of theMGMT promoter through changes in While methylation clearly can be involved in setting the state chromatin structure. of gene activatiodinactivation (16-231, a limited amount of studies suggest that graded methylation, both in promoter and body regions of genes, may be associated with more graded The06-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT)’ levels of gene expression (24). We have recently demonstrated gene encodes a DNA repair protein which, when present in that the translatedexons of the MGMT gene, which are located human glioma cells confers resistance to the cytotoxic effects of 50 kb through 120 kb 3‘ of the promoter, are methylated in 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrothe chemotherapeutic agent expressing cell lines but proportionately, rather than variably sourea (BCNU) (1-3). Although all normal cells and themajordemethylated incell lines withreduced MGMT expression (9). ity of human tumor cells express the MGMT gene, 20-30% of These studies raise the possibility that methylation, in addition glioma cell lines are devoid of MGMT mRNA and MGMT proto being a mechanism associated with regulation of gene extein (1-3). This lack of MGMT expression is presumed, but not pression in an all or none fashion, may alsobe associated with proven, to be associated with a defect in transcription and subtle changes in the level of gene expression. results in an increased sensitivity to cytotoxicity the induced by To further understand therole of methylation in theregulaBCNU (1,3,4,5).Because some malignant gliomas are respontion of MGMT expression, and to further investigate thepossive to BCNU chemotherapy (2,6,7)and gliomaslacking sibility that methylation can be associated with gene expres* This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health sion in a graded fashion, we addressedtherelationship between methylation andexpression, both in thepromoter and Grant CA55064 (to R. 0. P.) and by Grant CA45628from Dr.L.C. Erickson. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part body of the MGMT gene, in glioma cell lines exhibiting a wide by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby range of MGMT expression. To determine if the differential marked “aduertisement”in accordancewith 18 U.S.C.Section1734 methylation is confined to exons or if the body of gene is unisolely to indicate this fact. ** Towhom correspondence should be addressed: Dept. of Medicine, formly methylated, and to determine whether this methylation correlates with MGMT expression, we analyzed the methylaDiv. of Hematology/Oncology, Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 S. First Ave., Maywood, IL 60153. Tel.: 708-216-8353; Fax:708-216-9335. tion status of several intron regions, 4-10 kb distant from the ’ The abbreviations used are: MGMT, 06-methylguanineDNA meth- nearest exons, across the body of the gene, in a number of yltransferase; BCNU, 1,3 bis(2-chloroethy1)-l-nitrosourea; LMPCR, linker-mediated polymerase chain reaction; bp, base paids); kb, kilo- glioma cell lines expressing different levels of MGMT. In the same cell lines, we also determined the methylation status of base(s);nt, nucleotides; U, units.


Graded Methylation Glioma and MGMT

Gene Expression


ization of these Southern blots with a 32P-labeledMGMT cDNA identified MGMT exons within each genomic clone.The number and position of restriction sites within each clone (the restriction map) were used to determine if the DNA fragments were overlapping or discontinuous with respect to their positions in the genome. Eight genomic cloneswith the minimal amount of overlap were then aligned to generate a discontinuous map of the coding sequences of the MGMT gene. Analysis of MGMT Exons-Four exons wereidentified in the genomic clones by Southern blot analysis with radiolabeled MGMT cDNA fragments (listed above). To facilitate sequencing of two MGMT exons, the genomic DNAfragments containing the exons were subcloned into plasmid vectors. A 4.8-kb BamH VHindIII fragment of genomic clone l e containing the 5'-most exon (designated exon 2) of the cDNA used, was subcloned into the plasmid pGEM-3Zf (Promega, Madison, WI), and a 2.8-kb NotVNaeIfragment (from genomic clone 7c) containing a second exon was subcloned into pBluescriptI1SK+ (Stratagene). The resultant subclones were designated p5'BH and p7cNN, respectively. The exon regions of these subclones were sequenced with MGMT cDNA primers using the dideoxy sequencing method (Taq Track Sequencing System, MATERIALSANDMETHODS Promega). Hybridization of a 32P-labeledHinfVHhaI fragment of the Cell Culture-The 10 glioma celllines used in this study were estab- MGMT cDNA (see above) to Southern blots of genomic clone 5bidentilished from grade 111-IV human astrocytomas and glioblastomas. The fied a fourth translated exon, designated exon 4. Nucleotides compleglioma celllines used were A1235, CLA, CRO, NAT(L. Erickson, Loyola mentary to the MGMT cDNAwithin the 3'-most exon wereidentified in University Medical Center, Maywood, IL), SF763, SF767 (Brain Tumor cloned genomic DNA by PCR amplification (as described above) using Research Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA), HS683, primers complementary to the 3' end of the MGMTcDNA (primer 1, T98, U138, and U373 (purchased from American Type Culture Collec- complementary to nucleotides 590-610, primer 2, complementary to tion, Rockville, MD). The cell lines were all grown in a-minimal essen- nucleotides 776-755). This region was designated exon 5. DNA Isolation-Genomic DNA was isolated from 10 to 20x lo6 cells tial medium (Hyclone Laboratories, Logan, UT) with 10% bovine calf serum (Hyclone),glutamine, vitamin B,@iotin, sodium pyruvate, gen- of each glioma cell line. The cells were centrifuged (2200 revolutions/ min, 5 min) and washed twice with cold 1 x phosphate-buffered saline tamycin, and nonessential amino acids. The cell lines were maintained (1x PBS = 0.137 M NaCl, 2.68 mM KCl, 10.14 mM Na2HP0,, 1.76 mM in log phase growth at 37 "C in a 95% air, 5% CO, atmosphere. MGMT cDNA Probe Synthesis-An MGMT cDNA was obtained by KH,PO,,pH 7.4) PBS pH 7.4, and lysed in cell lysis buffer (17 m~ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of reverse transcribed NaHCO,,27.6 mM Na,CO,, 1 mM EDTA,pH 8.0, 0.4% N-lauroylsarT98 RNA using two MGMT-specific oligonucleotides as described (5). cosine, 0.024%proteinase K (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany)).Following Twenty-five ng of the purified amplification product was used to incubation at 37"C for 4-7 h, DNA was recovered by three phenol/ synthesize a radiolabeled MGMT cDNA probe by the random chlorofodisoamyl alcohol (24:l) extractions, one chlorofordisoamyl primer method (25) with [ C Y - ~ ~ P I ~(specific C T P activity 3000 Ci/mmol, alcohol extraction, and an ethanol precipitation (0.2 volumes of 11 M Amersham Corp.). ammonium acetate, 2.5 volumes of 95% ethanol). The DNA pellet was Analysis of MGMT mRNA Levels-Total cellular RNA was isolated washed twice in 70% ethanol, resuspended in 4 ml of dH,O, and treated from 10-20 x lo6 cells of each glioma cell line by a guanidinium iso- with 40 pg of RNase for 30 minat 37 "C. The extraction, precipitation, thiocyanate lysis procedure (26). The levels ofMGMTmRNA within and ethanol washing steps were repeated, followed by DNA resuspeneach cell line were determined by Northern blot analysis as described sion in 400-800 pl of 10 m~ Tris-HC1, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0. previously (9). Relative hybridization of the MGMTcDNA probe to Methylation Status of the Body of the MGMT Gene-Analysis of the glioma MGMT mRNA was quantified with a Betascope 603 blot ana- methylation status of the bodyof the MGMT gene in the glioma cell lyzer (BetaGen, Inc., Waltham, MA). MGMT mRNAlevels are expressed lines was accomplished by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA dias percent of T98 and representthe average of two independent North- gested with the methylation sensitive and insensitive isoschizomers ern blots. HpaII and MspI, respectively (BRL). Twenty pgof genomic DNA from MGMT Activity Assay-The relative amount ofMGMT activity in each cell line was incubated (37 "C, 6-8 h) in a 200-pl reaction containeach glioma cell line was determined by a restriction endonuclease ing 1 x restriction enzyme bufferand HpaLI (7-10 U/pg DNA) or MspI assay performed in triplicate as describedpreviously(27,28). The (7-10 U/pg DNA). To control for completion of digestion, aliquots (20 pl) MGMT activity assay measured the extent to which glioma cell soniof the final reaction mixture were removed from each digestion reaction cates (10-50 pg of total cellular protein) repair methyl group adducts at and incubated with a uniformly 32P-labeledMGMT cDNA generated by @-guanine within a radiolabeled 18-bp DNA substrate. PCR (9). Generation of the expected restriction fragment pattern of the Genomic Library Screening and Restriction EnzymeMapping-A labeled MGMT cDNA, as assessed by autoradiography of these control genomic library constructed from the DNA of a human fibroblast cell samples following electrophoresis and transfer to a nylon membrane, line (WI38)inserted in the phage vector Lambda FIX I1(Stratagene, La reflected complete digestion in the primary digests. DNA from the priJolla, CA) was screened according to the manufacturer's protocol. Ap- mary digests was then extracted, precipitated, and resuspended in 20 pl proximately 1 x lo6 plaque-forming units were screened with the of H,O. Ten pg of DNA from each digest was then analyzed by Southern MGMT cDNA probe described above. Twenty-two positive clones were blot as described previously(9).A 3.8-kb EcoRIfragment, 10 kb 3' from isolated after library screening using stringent wash conditions (0.1 x exon 3 was used as a probe to examine methylation in the body of the standard saline phosphate (SSPE) (1x SSPE = 180 m~ NaC1, 10 mM MGMT gene. sodium phosphate, 1m~ EDTA, pH 7.0), 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, Linker-mediated PCR Analysis of MGMT Promoter Methylation60"C for 5 min) in a Disc-Wisk washing system (Schleicher and For methylation analysis byLMPCR, nuclei were isolated from the Schuell). The clones were dividedinto four groups based on hybridiza- glioma cell lines according to a method described byWijnholds and tion to one of four MGMT cDNA restriction fragments. The four cDNA Philipsen (29). DNAwas isolated from the nuclei accordingto Saluz and fragments, listed 5' to 3', are as follows: an 154-bp PvuII fragment Yost (30) and cut with EcoR I (5 U/pg) to reduce viscosity. Following spanning nucleotides 1-154 of the PCR-amplifiedcDNA a 207-bpHinfI extraction and precipitation, the DNA was dialyzedin ddH,O and then fragment spanning nucleotides 100-307; an 107-bp HinfVHhaI frag- cleaved with genomic sequencing chemicals as described by Maxamand ment spanning nucleotides 307-414; and an 137-bpSstI fragment span- Gilbert (31). ning nucleotides 584-721. The LMPCR protocolwas based on the method describedby Pfeifer et Restriction enzyme (BamHI, HindIII, and EcoRI) maps of the 22 al. (32) and consisted of extension, ligation, and amplification steps. All cloned MGMT gene fragments were determined as follows. The MGMT DNA primers forLMPCR weregel purified except an 11-nt linker gene fragments were cut from phage vector DNA by complete digestion primer. For extension reactions, a 15-J reaction containing 5.0 pg of with NotI (Stratagene). The DNA products of the NotI digest were then cleaved genomic DNA, 0.5 pmol of the extension primer (for promoter partially digested in separatereactions with BamHI, HindIII,or EcoRI region I; 5'-CGGGCCA"ITGGCAAACTAAG-3', corresponding to (0,0.05, 0.5, 5, and 50 U, for 15 min, 37 "C, Bethesda Research Labs MGMT promoter nt 655-675, forregion 11;5"AGGCACAGAGCCT(BRL))and analyzed by Southern blot with a 32P-end-labeled oligonucle- CAGGCGGAAGCT-3', corresponding to nt 805-823), and 1x sequenase otide primer specific for the NotI ends of the genomic insert. Rehybrid- buffer (United States Biochemical Corp. (USB), Cleveland, OH) was

25 CpGs in the MGMT promoter, including CpGs in the basal promoter elements, using linker-mediated PCR (LMPCR)technology. Methylation was quantitated in the promoter and body of the MGMT gene to determine how closely the level of methylation is linked with MGMT expression. Additionally, to examine the possibility that the differences in methylation of the MGMTpromoter might influence the local chromatin structure, and thus transcription, we examined the accessibility of the MGMT promoter in intact nuclei to the restriction enzyme AuaII. The results of these studies provide evidence that methylation may influence or maintain MGMT expression through alterations in chromatin structure. The results also provide an example of an endogenous human gene in which graded methylation is associated with graded changes in gene expression.

Graded Methylation Glioma and


incubated at 95 "C for 3 min, and then 60 "C for 30 min. The reaction was cooled on ice and 7.5 pl of dNTP mix (final concentrationin mix was 0.062 mM dGTP, 0.188 mM 7-deaza-dGTP, 0.2 m~ each of dCTP, dATP, dTTP (Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology Inc.)), 0.5 pl of 0.5 M MgCl,, 0.95 p1 of 1 M dithiothreitol, and 1.5pl of a 1:4 dilution in TE (10 m~ Tris, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) of Sequenase version 2.0 (USB) were added. Following primerextension (48 "C, 15 rnin), the reactions were cooled on ice, 6 pl of cold 300 m~ Tris, pH 7.7, was added, and the Sequenasewas heat inactivated (67 "C, 15 rnin). The reaction was cooled on ice. In ligation steps, a double-stranded DNA linker (32) was ligated to the extension products by addition of 45 pl of a ligation mix (13.33 m~ MgCI,, 30 m~ dithiothreitol, 1.66 mMATP, 83.3 pg of bovine serum albumin,100 pmol of linker DNA, and 3 Uheaction T4 DNA ligase (Promega)) to each reaction. After ligation(18 "C, 12-16 h) thereaction was heated (70 "C, 10 min) and then cooled on ice. The DNA was precipitated (along with 10 pg of yeast tRNA), washed with 70% ethanol, lyophilized, and resuspended in 67pl of ddH,O. The ligatedDNA was thenincubated in a 100-pl reaction containing 10pl of dNTP mix (0.067 m~ dGTP, 0.133 mM 7-deaza-dGTP, 0.2 mM each of dATP, dCTP, dTTP), 1 x Stoffel fragment buffer, 2.5 mM MgCI,, 10 Uof Stoffel fragment of Taq Polymerase (Perkin-Elmer Cetus), and 10pmol each of the longer (25-mer)linker primer and a nested gene-specific primer (for promoter region 1; 5'-AGGCACAGAGCCTCAGGCGGAAGCT-3', nt 674-698, for promoter region 2; 5'-TGGGCATGCGCCGACCCGGTC-3', nt 841-861) (13) and amplified by PCR (5 min, 95 "C followed by 18 cycles of 95 "C for 1min, 66 "C for 2 min and 76 "C for 3 min with a 5-s extension of the 76 "C step after each cycle and 10min at 76 "C after cycle 18).32P-LabeledPCR products TABLE1 Quantitation of MGMT mRNA a n d MGMT activity in 10 glioma cell lines MGMTmRNA levels in each cell line were quantitated from two independent northern blots, averaged, and expressed as the percent of T98 MGMT mRNA level. Within each cell line the average difference between duplicate experiments was 4 2 % . Values for MGMT activity, determined by an invitro assay that measured the ability of glioma cell sonicates to remove a methyl group adduct from the 06-position of guanine in a 3ZP-labelled18 bp DNA substrate, are the mean* S.D. of three independent experiments expressed as percent of T98 MGMT activity. Glioma cell line

MGMT mRNA levels

T-98 SF-763 U-138 SF-767 Nat u-373 HS-683 A1235 Cla Cro

100 78.8 76.8

MGMT Activlty


(% of T98)

100 121 .c 15 96 2 12 110 .c 19 79 2 12 38 2 2 38 -c 9 80 kb defined by the probes used and SF767 (high expressing) to Hs683 (low expressing) and Clacorrelates ina positive, graded fashion with MGMT expression (nonexpressing) amplified DNA. Methylation in these MGMT across the cell lines. promoter regions appears uniform within each cell line and MGMT Promoter Methylation Correlates in an Inverse, correlatesinan inverse, ratherthan direct, fashion with Graded Fashion with MGMT Expression-The methylation MGMT expression. status of the MGMT promoter was determined by LMPCR The radioactive signal from 25 of the cytosine bands (of a analysis of hydrazine-treated glioma DNA. As hydrazine, in the CpG) was quantitated directly from the polyacrylamide gels presence of 1.5 M NaCl, reacts preferentially withcytosine but and compared with a nearby non-CpG cytosine to obtain a

Graded Methylation Plasmid



SF767 Hs683 C G C G

Glioma and Cla C G

MGMT Gene Expression SF767 Hs683

Plasmid G G/A C/T







Cla C G

FIG.4. Methylation analysis of the MGMT promoter in high MGMT expressing (SF767),low MGMT expressing (Hs683),and nonexpressing (CZa) glioma cell lines by LMPCR DNA from three glioma cell lines and plasmid DNA containing a 1.2-kb BamHIISstI fragment of the MGMT promoter was reacted with genomic sequencing chemicals. All nucleotides ( G , guanine; A, adenine; thymine; and C, cytosine) in the cloned DNA and guanines and cytosines in theglioma DNA spanning promoter n t 703-800 (A, region I ) (13)and 865-1020 ( B , region ZZ)were analyzed by LMPCR. A MGMT promoter-specific primer (region I, n t 655-675 and region 11, nt 805-823) (13)was annealed to the cleaved DNAand extended (48 "C, 15 min) with Sequenase. Extension products were ligated a double-stranded to linker and then amplified by PCR (5 min, 95"C followed by 18 cycles of 95 "C for 1min, 66"C for 2 min, and 76"C for 3 min witha 5-s extension of the 76 "C step after eachcycle and 10 min at 76 "C after cycle 18)with the longer (25-mer) linker primer anda nested gene-specific primer (for promoterregion 1, nt 674-698, for promoterregion 2, n t 841-861). 32P-LabeledPCR products were generated through two additional PCR cycles with a second nested end-labeled primer (for promoter region I, n t 674-702, for promoter region 2, n t 841-864). Following two cycles of PCR (same parameters as above except annealing wasat 67 "C and extensionat 77 "C), the DNA was extracted, precipitated, and resuspended 10 in pl. Three to 5 p1 of the sample was electrophoresed througha 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel and then detected by autoradiography (6-18 h exposure).A indicates cytosines within a CpG.


relative ratio (CpG cytosinelnon-CpG cytosine) that reflects the level of methylation at thatsite. The relative ratios from glioma cell DNAs were compared with plasmid DNA containing the MGMT promoter (100% unmethylated at all sites) (region I , Fig. 5A) or to the SF767 cell line DNA(region IZ,Fig. 5B).The results are expressed as percent of MGMT promoter alleles within each cellline that areunmethylated at a particular site, as the signal being measured is a result of unmethylated cytosines. Methylationappears uniform within each cellline and graded acrossthe cell lines at 8 of 10 sites (exceptionsare sites 3 and 6) in region 1 and 13 of 15 sites (exceptions are sites 11 and 13)in region 11, and correlates in an inverse, rather than direct fashion withMGMT expression. Of the four non-graded

sites, three (sites 3,6,and 11)are still methylated to a greater extent in the nonexpressing cell lines compared with expressing cell lines, and one (site 13)is unmethylated in all cell lines. The graded methylation patterns at the majority of sites across the cell lines implies that there is aclose, inverse relationship between methylation of the promoter and MGMT expression. Restriction Enzyme Accessibility to the MGMT Promoter within Nuclei Is Associated with MGMT Expression-The uniformity of promoter methylation within each cell line suggested to us that the overall levelof promoter methylation mightinfluence MGMT transcription through an indirect mechanism, involving methylation-relatedchanges in chromatinstructure. As a measure of chromatin structure, we analyzed the accessi-

Graded Methylation Glioma and




% U

n m e t



1 a t



B la

% U

n m e t



1 a t



Fro. 5. Quantitationof promoter methylationin high MGMT expressing (SF767,B), low expressing (Hs683.El), and nonexpressing (CZa, B) glioma cell lines. Promoter methylation was quantitatedby measuring radioactive signal from the LMPCR products in polyacrylamide gels using a Betascope 603 blot analyzer. Methylation values of each CpG were calculated as the ratio of unmethylated cytosine (in a CpG) to a

Graded Methylation

Glioma and

PP) (003

8 nt "152 '148 -

- -




"127 -120 -118

FIG.6. LMPCR analysis of AuaII accessibility to the MGMT promoter within intact nuclei. Nuclei isolated from high MGMT expressing (SF767),low expressing (Hs683),and nonexpressing (Cla) glioma cells were incubated with 16 U ofAuaII for 10 min a t 37 "C. DNA was isolated from the nuclei, and 5 pg was analyzed byLMF'CR as described in Fig. 4, except only one-fifth of the final reaction was analyzed, and autoradiograph exposures were 2-5 hwithintensifying screens. The LMPCR products of 127 nt (arrow in A, promoter region I) and 140 nt (arrow in B , promoter region 11) are derived from glioma DNA cut at theAvaII site at promoter nt 776 or 956 (13), respectively.

bility of the restriction enzyme AuaII to the MGMT promoter within intact nuclei. Fig. 6, A and B, show the results of LMPCR analysis of the AuaII accessibility to promoter region I and 11, respectively. The LMPCR products of 127 nt (Fig. 6 A ) and 140 n t (Fig. 6B) correspond exactly to the distance between the labeled LMPCR primers and theAuaII sites a t nucleotides 773 and 953 of the MGMT promoter, respectively. The large amount of LMPCR product generated from DNA of the SF767 nuclei digests andvirtual absence from equal amounts of Hs683 and CLA DNA indicates that the MGMT promoter is much more accessible a t both AuaII sites, and possibly in a more open chromatin conformation, in nuclei from high expressing cells (SF767) relative to low (Hs683)and non-expressors (CIA). It is interesting to note that the differentially accessible AuaII site at nucleotide 953 falls in the immediate vicinity of the transcription start site(955) and several potential SP1-binding sites (13), where chromatin structure might directly influence MGMT transcription. DISCUSSION

Changes in the methylation status of a particular gene or gene region may occur as a result of one or several normal (X chromosome inactivation, imprinting, tissue-specific gene expression) (36) or abnormal (tumorigenesis, oncogene-induced transformation) (37, 38) processes. During X chromosome inactivation, methylation of gene-associated CpG islands and variable methylation of the body of genes are associated with complete transcriptional silencing of gene expression (36). Similarly, the widespread hypomethylation and CpG island hy-

MGMT Gene Expression


permethylation frequently observed in tumor cells are associated with complete suppression of transcription from affected genes (37,39,40). These observations raise the possibility that during the progression of methylation changes, whether through normal or abnormal events, intermediate levels of cytosine methylation may exist, which in turnmay be associated with diminishing, graded gene expression. Identification of intermediate levels of methylation associated with diminished, but not silenced, gene expression would provide a closer link between methylation and gene expression, and would also be useful in studying potential mechanisms by which methylation influences gene expression. In the present study, the graded methylation and correlations between methylation and MGMT expression suggest that in both the promoter and body of the MGMT gene methylation may influence the level of MGMT expression. Several previous studies have attempted to analyze methylation in the MGMT promoter in cells with different levels ofMGMT expression. One study examining the methylation status of HpaII sites in the MGMT promoter failed to show a clear association between promoter methylation and MGMT gene expression, although the close proximity of the 14 HpaII sites in thepromoter region precluded resolution of the methylation status of these sites (12). Analysis of the methylation status of a single site 70 bp upstream of the transcription start site demonstrated a negative, but not absolute association between methylation and MGMT expression (12), although MGMT promoter activity studies demonstrated that deletion of 76 bp 5' from, and including, this sitedid not alter promoter strength (13).Another study examining methylation a t HpaII sites inthe MGMT promoter concluded that thepromoter was methylated to a greater extent in MGMT expressing cell lines compared with nonexpressors, although this study also used Southern blot analysis and thusdid not resolve the relevant HpaII fragments (15). It is unclear from these studies whether the methylation status of the MGMT promoter is associated with MGMT expression. In the present study, the graded methylation across the cell lines at 21of 25 CpGs tested in theMGMT promoter indicates that the methylation status is uniform within each cell line and that there is a close, inverse association between overall promoter methylation and MGMT expression. The overall promoter methylation, expressed as theaverage "percent unmethylated" of all CpG sites, was similar in region I and I1 (for region I, 93% in SF767, 73% in Hs683, and 45% in Cla, and for region I1 (relative to SF767), 100%in SF767,74% in Hs683, and 58% in Cla). The region I1 values were expressed relative to SF767 because the intensity of cytosine bands corresponding to the more 3'qtosines in theplasmid DNA was somewhat diminished and thusdifficult to accurately quantitate. As the three 5' most cytosines of CpGs in theplasmid region I1 were similar in degree of unmethylation to those in the SF767 cell line, however, and as most sites in SF767 region I werecompletely unmethylated (given the 8.6% average experimental error), it seems reasonable to assumeregion I1 cytosines in SF767 DNA are nearly 100%unmethylated. It should be noted that in cells that do not express the MGMT gene, methylation of the promoter, while less than in expressing cells, was still only 50%, rather than100%methylation noted in X-linked inactive genes (17). These data suggest that while inactive genes on the X chromosome may be 100% methylated, complete methylation may not be necessary for processes involved in promoter inactivity. In contrast to promoter methylation, the relative contri-

neighboring non-CpG cytosine. A, for promoter region I (nt 703-800) (13), methylation from each cell line was expressed relative to the MGMT promoter in plasmid DNA (100% unmethylated) and was the average of two independent experiments (average difference of 8.6% between experiments). B, methylation of CpGs in region I1 (nt 865-1020) was expressed relative to the SF767 cell line.


Graded Methylation Glioma and

bution of methylation in the body of genes to the control of gene expression is less understood, although the conserved methylation status in the bodyof many genes implies that these sites are important, at least in genes where the body methylation correlates with gene expression. While methylation in the MGMT promoter correlates inversely with MGMT expression, the uniform methylation over the body of the MGMT gene and graded methylation at the intronEcoRI site correlated directly with MGMT expression, suggesting that methylation in the body may also influence MGMT expression in agraded fashion. Although the intron IEcoRI site analysis is consistent with the methylation analysis at HpaII sites in the same region (not shown), the possibility that theinhibition of EcoRI digestion at the internalEcoRI site in MGMT intron 1is a resultof a point mutation or small deletion that destroys the EcoRI site cannot be excluded. We would not consider this possibility likely,however, as the probability of this specific mutation occurring independently in all 10 of the unrelatedglioma celllines tested is exceptionally low. Because the bodyof the MGMT gene is methylated in MGMT expressing normal human brain cells and T lymphocytes (not shown), the close association between hypomethylation of the MGMT gene and lack of MGMTexpression in glioma cell lines suggests that maintenance of appropriate levels of methylation may be important for MGMT expression. This hypothesis is supported by experiments demonstrating that treatmentof MGMT expressing tumor cell lines with 5-azacytidine decreased methylation in the body of the gene to a level comparable to a nonexpressing cell line and significantly decreased MGMT mRNA levels (9, 41). Additionally, two reports (42, 43) have demonstrated that treatment of MGMT nonexpressing human cell lines with 5-azacytidine did not restore the DNA repair phenotype associated with MGMT expression, suggesting that theabsence of MGMT expression is not solely due to a reversible hypermethylation, as has been demonstrated in the promoter region of other genes (44), but may also involve methylation in thebody. The hypomethylated body of the MGMT gene is, however, minimally permissive to transcription, as low levels of MGMT mRNAare detected in the two glioma cell lines (HS683 and U373) and a 5-azacytidinetreated cell line (HT29)(9) in which the body ofthe MGMT gene is relatively unmethylated. In contrast, an induction in MGMT expression was observed followingexposure to 5-azacytidine in two MGMT nonexpressing cell lines, although these studies did not assess methylation in the body of the gene (41). The direct correlation between methylation and MGMT expression in the body and indirect correlation in thepromoter, demonstrated in the present study, suggest that methylation in both the promoter and body may influence MGMT expression, although probably through separate mechanisms. One mechanism by whichmethylation may influence MGMT expression involves alterations inchromatin structure. The significantly greater restriction enzyme accessibilityof the MGMT promoter in nuclei from glioma cells with high levels of MGMT expression relative to glioma cells with little or no MGMT expression, demonstrated in this study, suggests that the promoter is in a more open, transcriptionally competent state in the glioma cells with high levels ofMGMT expression. The absence or significantly decreased amount of LMPCR product from the nuclei digests of low (Hs683) and nonexpressors (Cia) is likely not a result of contaminating material in the nuclei isolation or LMPCR reactions as parallel digests of nuclei (from the same isolation) with vast excess amounts of a second restriction enzyme, followed by LMPCR, generated equal amounts of LMPCR products from all threecell lines (data not shown). We therefore conclude that thedifferences in thenuclei digests reflect significant differences in the chromatin struc-



ture of the MGMT promoter in cells with different levels of MGMT expression. The more accessible chromatin structure would appear better suited for interaction with transcription factors andthus may directly facilitate expression of the MGMT gene. The relatively inaccessible, yet only partially methylated, promoter in the cells with little or no MGMT expression suggests that small, rather thancomplete, changes in methylation are sufficient to significantly affect chromatin structure andpossibly transcription. It is possible that there is a threshold of methylation, probably less than 50% average methylation in promoters, that is sufficient for rendering the chromatin inaccessible. The inaccessible promoter in the cells with low levels of MGMT expression, however, suggests that either the closed chromatin structure isnot sufficient for complete suppression of MGMT transcription, or that the inaccessibility in these cells is lesser than in the nonexpressing cells and thus permissive to low levels ofMGMT expression. Although there are clear differences in promoter accessibility between the cells with high levels of MGMT expression and those with little or no MGMT expression, we cannot determine from these experiments if there are subtle differences in promoter accessibility between the low and nonexpressors. Potential differences in promoter accessibility between the low and nonexpressors may become apparent through extensive analysis with different concentrations of AuaII, or with other restriction enzymes that cleave at nearby sites. Ultimately, however, the identification of subtle differences in chromatin structure that are relevant to MGMT transcription relies on in vivo footprinting analysis. These experiments are currentlyunderway. In the MGMT promoter, there arenumerous consensus sequences for transcription factor binding including 11 SP-1 sites,AP-1 and AP-2 sites, and glucocorticoid-responsive and heat shock elements (13). Since there are six SP-1 sites in theMGMT minimal promoter, including several flanking the differentially accessible AuaII site (nt 956), andSP-1is an important component of transcription regulation from other GC-rich, TATA-less promoters (44), the accessibility of the SP-1 sites may be relevant in transcriptional regulation of MGMT expression. In summary, the present study strengthensthe link between cytosine methylation and gene expression by identifying a gene with high, low, and intermediate levels of methylation that correlate in a graded fashion with gene expression. The demonstration that MGMT gene expression correlates directly with methylation in the body of the gene and inversely in the promoter suggests that methylation both in thepromoter and body of the gene may influence MGMT expression in a graded fashion. Since such intermediate levels of methylation exist in the MGMT gene, and the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of genes with GC-rich, TATA-less promoters are poorly defined, the MGMT gene may be a suitable modelfor studying the relative contribution andinterrelatedness of methylation, chromatin structure, and transcription factor/promoter interactions. Acknowledgments-We thank Dr. Sankar Mitra for generously providing an MGMT promoter-containing plasmidas a standard for completely demethylated DNA and Dr. Lea Sistonen for valuable advice on the linker-mediated PCR technology.

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