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∗Mobile Solutions Lab, Samsung US R&D Center, San Diego, CA ... Page 3 ... MIMO ML soft demodulation. ˜. L(bs,n) min x∈X. (0) s,n y − Hx. 2 − min x∈X. (1).
MIMO Maximum Likelihood Soft Demodulation Based on Dimension Reduction Jungwon Lee∗ , Ji-Woong Choi? , Hui-Ling Lou† ∗

Mobile Solutions Lab, Samsung US R&D Center, San Diego, CA ? DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Sci. and Tech.), Korea † Marvell Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA GLOBECOM 2010 Dec. 8, 2010

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System Model

Problem Formulation

Dimension Reduction Approach

Complexity Analysis

Simulation Results

Conclusions 2 / 17


Spatial multiplexing multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems - Can increase the data rate linearly with the number of antennas. - Need to employ a receiver that eectively handles the interference among the multiple spatial streams. • Receivers for spatial multiplexing MIMO - Hard detectors •

• Equalizers: linear equalizer (LE) and decision feedback equalizer


• Maximum likelihood (ML) hard detectors

- Soft demodulators

• Soft demodulators using an equalizer output • MIMO ML soft demodulators: soft version of MIMO ML hard


We present a novel approach for MIMO ML soft demodulation. - In practical wireless systems, soft demodulators are almost exclusively used. - MIMO ML soft demodulation produces best performance in general. 3 / 17

System Model (1)

Spatial multiplexing MIMO transmitter and receiver - NT transmit antennas - NR receive antennas - NS spatial streams with NS ≤ min{NR , NT }

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System Model (2)

Receive signal model y = Hx + z

- y ∈ C NR ×1 : receive signal vector - H ∈ C NR ×NS : eective channel matrix including MIMO precoding • Known at the receiver.

- x ∈ C NS ×1 : transmit symbol vector - z ∈ C NR ×1 : circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random noise vector f (z) =


π NR

exp −||z||2

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Problem Formulation- MIMO ML Hard Detection

MIMO ML hard detection - Finding the transmit symbol vector that is most likely transmitted: ˆ = arg max f (y|x) x x∈X

• X : set of all possible M NS transmit symbol vector candidates with the modulation order of M  • f (y|x) = N1R exp −||y − Hx||2 π

- Equivalent to nding the transmit symbol vector that minimizes the Euclidean distance (ED) ||y − Hx||2 between y and Hx: ˆ = arg min ||y − Hx||2 x x∈X

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Problem Formulation- MIMO ML Soft Demodulation

MIMO ML soft demodulation - Calculating log likelihood ratio (LLR) of each coded bit bs,n , the n-th bit of the s-th stream:  L (bs,n ) = log

P {y|bs,n = 1} P {y|bs,n = 0}

- Almost the same as calculating approximate LLR derived using Max-Log-MAP approximation: ˜ (bs,n ) , min ky − Hxk2 − min ky − Hxk2 L (0)




(b) • Xs,n : set of transmit symbol vector candidates with bs,n =b

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Problem Formulation- Hard vs Soft •

MIMO ML hard detection ˆ = arg min ||y − Hx||2 x x∈X

- There exist low-complexity algorithms that try to nd the optimum x without calculating all the EDs for all transmit symbol vectors. • Sphere decoding, M-algorithm, K-best, etc.

MIMO ML soft demodulation

˜ (bs,n ) , min ky − Hxk2 − min ky − Hxk2 L (0)




- Looks similar to the hard detection problem. - Much more dicult in reality.

• The search space for the transmit symbol vector with the minimum (b) ED is limited to Xs,n . (0) (1) • Partitioning transmit symbol vector candidates into Xs,n and Xs,n is all dierent depending on s and n. 8 / 17

Dimension Reduction Approach (1) •

We propose a dimension reduction approach for soft demodulation. - Central idea: reduce the dimension for soft demodulation.

Assume that we are interested in calculating the LLRs only for the last NSso streams and we don't care about the rst NSha streams, where NSha + NSso = NS .

Partition the transmit symbol vector and the channel matrix: y = [Hha Hso ]

xha xso


= Hha xha + Hso xso + z.

- xso ∈ C NS ×1 so and xha ∈ C NS ×1 . ha so NR ×NS - H ∈C and Hha ∈ C NR ×NS . so


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Dimension Reduction Approach (2)

LLR for the n-th bit of the s-th stream for NS − NSso + 1 ≤ s ≤ NS : ˜ (bs,n ) = L

min ky − Hxk2 − min ky − Hxk2 (0)







min so,(1)

xso ∈Xs,n so so - yha (xso ),  y−H  x

xha xso

xha ∈X ha

(b) - Xs,n =

ha ha 2

min ky (x ) − H x k

min xso ∈Xs,n




ha ha 2

min ky (x ) − H x k

xha ∈X ha

ha so,(b) x ∈ X ha , xso ∈ Xs,n


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Dimension Reduction Approach (3) •

Dimension reduction soft demodulation for the last NSso streams 1 For each xso , use an ecient MIMO ML hard detector to nd the transmit symbol subvector xˆ ha (xso ) with the minimum ED without actually calculating all EDs: ˆ ha (xso ) = arg min kyha (xso ) − Hha xha k2 . x xha ∈X ha

2 Calculate the corresponding minimum ED: ˆ ha (xso )k2 . D(xso ) = kyha (xso ) − Hha x

3 After calculating the minimum EDs for all xso , calculate the LLR: ˜ (bs,n ) = L

min so,(0)

xso ∈Xs,n

D(xso ) −


D(xso ).


xso ∈Xs,n

LLR for other than the last NSso streams can be calculated by rearranging the transmit symbol vector and solving the same problem. 11 / 17

Complexity Analysis •

Complexity measure - Average number of visited nodes in a tree search

Complexity comparison NS

Dimension reduction Exhaustive


406 (NSso =1) 2,098 (NSso =2) 8,465 (NSso =3) 69,905

8 6,344 (NSso =1) 29,618 (NSso =2) 1.34×106 (NSso =4) 4.58×109

- M = 16 - Hard detector used for dimension reduction approach: sphere decoder •

To reduce the complexity further, a suboptimal hard detector can be used instead of an optimal hard detector. 12 / 17

Simulation Results (1)

Simulation Parameters - General setting: WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) radio conformance test - Convolutional turbo code with code rate of 1/2 - Vehicular-A 60 km/h - High antenna correlation model with 4 transmit and 4 receive antennas - 4 spatial streams

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Simulation Results (2)

for dimension reduction soft demodulation (DRSD) (Resulting in the lowest complexity.) • 16 QAM for all streams • NSso = 1

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We proposed a dimension reduction soft demodulator (DRSD). - A DRSD reduces the dimension of the search space for soft demodulation. - A DRSD relies on a hard detector for the rest of the dimension.

A DRSD with an optimal hard detector signicantly reduces complexity compared to the exhaustive ML method.

A DRSD with a suboptimal hard detector achieves further complexity reduction with little performance degradation.

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Appendix- Additional Simulation Results (1)

• NS = 2, NSso = 1,

and 64 QAM for all streams

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Appendix- Additional Simulation Results (2)

• NS = 4, NSso = 1,

and 4 QAM for all streams

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