Modular classes of Lie algebroids homomorphisms as Chern–Simons ...

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be a Lie algebroid on a manifold M, E a vector bundle over M and pr2 : R ×. M → M the projection on the second factor. Consider an R-linear connection.


by Bogdan Balcerzak Abstract. We study the Chern–Simons forms for a pair of some R-linear connections. We show that the modular class of a base-preserving homomorphism of Lie algebroids is such a Chern–Simons form induced by a pair of some R-linear closed 1-forms. We prove that two arbitrary homotopic homomorphism of Lie algebroids have the same modular classes.

1. Preface. In this paper we examine R-linear connections and induced by them Chern–Simons forms on Lie algebroids. In particular we obtain modular classes of homomorphisms of Lie algebroids as a Chern–Simons form for a pair of some R-linear connections. Such connections in the context of Lie algebroids were considered earlier by Evens, Lu and Weinstein in [7] and by Crainic and Fernandes [4, 6]. They discuss so-called representations up to homotopy and non-linear connections. The notion of a representation up to homotopy of a Lie algebroid on a super-complex of vector bundles comes from [7]. Recall that a representation up to homotopy of a Lie algebroid A (over a manifold M ) on a super-complex of vector bundles (E = E0 ⊕ E1 , ∂) is a homomorphism D : Γ (A) → CDO (E) of R-Lie algebras acting to the module of sections of the Lie algebroid of E such that for all a ∈ Γ (A) and f ∈ C ∞ (M ), Da preserves the grading and commutes with the action of ∂ and Df a = f Da + [I (a, f ) , ∂]s for some bundle map I (a, f ) : E → E of degree 1, and where [·, ·]s denotes the super-commutator in the super-Lie algebra End Γ (E). Studying exotic characteristic classes of Lie algebroids, Crainic and Fernandes introduced non-linear connections on a super-vector bundle as local R-linear connections on the Lie algebroid of the vector bundle, which preserve the grading. Moreover, they consider non-linear forms on Lie algebroids as R-multilinear antisymmetric local maps (see [4, 6]).


In the paper we extend these notions to R-linear connections understood as R-linear operators ∇ : Γ (A) → Γ (B) preserving the anchors of Lie algebroids A and B (both over the same base manifold) and (not necessarily local) Rlinear forms. If A and B are Lie algebroids on the same manifold M , then an A-connection in B is a homomorphism of vector bundles D : A → B commuting with the anchors (see [1]). Therefore, D induces on sections the C ∞ (M )-linear operator Sec D : Γ (A) → Γ (B) preserving anchors. For this reason the notion of an R-linear connection covers (linear) connections of Lie algebroids. The modular class of a Lie algebroid first appeared in [18] and was studied by Evens, Lu and Weinstein in [7]. There is an adjoint representation up to homotopy for every Lie algebroid (see [7]). The modular class of a Lie algebroid is a cohomology class of a Chern–Simons forms of the adjoint representation up to homotopy and its metric connection (see [5, 6, 8]). The idea of the modular class of a base-preserving homomorphisms of Lie algebroids was proposed by Grabowski, Marmo and Michor in [9] and was discussed by Kosmann-Schwarzbach and Weinstein in [12]. Using the Grabowski–Marmo– Michor approach, we show that the modular class of a homomorphism of Lie algebroids is equal to the Chern–Simons form for a pair of connections determined by some distinguished divergences. The notion of the modular class of arbitrary homomorphism of Lie algebroids is proposed by Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Laurent-Gengoux and Weinstein in [13] (and where it is called a relative modular class). In the paper we study these generalized modular classes of homotopic homomorphism of Lie algebroids and show their homotopic invariance. The notion of a homotopy joining two homomorphisms of Lie algebroids was first introduced by Kubarski in [15] (see also [2]). Using the existence of a homotopy operator joining pullbacks induced by homotopic homomorphisms, we prove that two homomorphisms of Lie algebroids (not necessarily over the identity) have the same modular classes. 2. R-linear connections and R-linear forms on Lie algebroids. A Lie algebroid is a triple (A, ρA , [[·, ·]]A ), where A is a vector bundle over a manifold M , ρA : A → T M is a homomorphism of vector bundles called an anchor, (Γ (A) , [[·, ·]]A ) is an R-Lie algebra and the following Leibniz identity holds [[a, f · b]]A = f · [[a, b]]A + ρA (a) (f ) · b for all a, b ∈ Γ (A), f ∈ C ∞ (M ). The representation % : C ∞ (M ) −→ EndC ∞ (M ) (Γ (A)) , % (ν) (a) = ν · a,


ν ∈ C ∞ (M ) , a ∈ Γ (A), is faithful (ker % = 0), which implies (see [10]) that Sec ρA : Γ (A) → X (M ), a 7→ ρA ◦ a, is a homomorphism of Lie algebras. Let (A, ρA , [[·, ·]]A ) and (B, ρB , [[·, ·]]B ) be Lie algebroids over the same manifold M . An R-linear connection of A in B is an R-linear operator ∇ : Γ (A) → Γ (B) such that Sec ρB ◦ ∇ = Sec ρA , where Sec ρA : Γ (A) → X (M ) and Sec ρB : Γ (B) → X (M ) are induced by anchors in such way that Sec ρA (a) = ρA ◦ a, Sec ρB (b) = ρB ◦ b for all a ∈ Γ (A), b ∈ Γ (B). An R-linear connection ∇ : Γ (A) → Γ (B) in B is called an A-connection if it is also C ∞ (M )-linear operator. In particular, if E is a vector bundle over M and B = A (E) is a Lie algebroid of the vector bundle E we obtain connections of A on E. The module CDO (E) of sections of the Lie algebroid A (E) is the space of all covariant differential operators in E, i.e. R-linear operators L : Γ (E) → Γ (E) such e ∈ X (M ) with L (f s) = f L (s) + L e (f ) s for all that there exists exactly one L ∞ f ∈ C (M ) and s ∈ Γ (E); see for example [14, 16, 17]. The notion of an A-connection in B coincides with the notion of a connection introduced in [1]. Moreover, the definition of an R-linear connection covers so-called non-linear connections (see [4, 6]). Let (A, ρA , [[·, ·]]A ) be a Lie algebroid on a manifold M . An R-multilinear antisymmetric map ω : Γ (A)×· · ·×Γ (A) → C ∞ (M ) is called an R-linear form on A. The space of all R-linear n-forms onLA we will denote by ΩnR (A) and the ΩnR (A), where Ω0R (A) = C ∞ (M ). space of R-linear forms on A by ΩR (A) = n≥0

Let E be a vector bundle over M . The space of all R-n-multilinear antisymmetric maps θ : Γ (A) × · · · × Γ (A) → Γ (E) will be denoted by ΩnR (A; E), L k ΩR (A; E). Consider an Ω0R (A; E) = C ∞ (M ), and by ΩR (A; E) the space k≥0

R-linear connection ∇ : Γ (A) → CDO (E) of A in the algebroid of a vector bundle E. For ∇ we define a 2-form R∇ ∈ Ω2R (A; End E) by R∇ (α, β) = ∇α ◦ ∇β − ∇β ◦ ∇α − ∇[[α,β]]A for all α, β ∈ Γ (A), which is called a curvature of ∇. If the curvature of a connection ∇ is equal to zero, we say that ∇ is flat. Every flat R-connection ∇ : Γ (A) → CDO (E) on E induces an differential operator •+1 • d∇ R : ΩR (A; E) −→ ΩR (A; E)


defined by the classical Chevalley–Koszul–Eilenberg formula n+1 X  d∇ ω (a , . . . , a ) = (−1)i+1 ∇ai (ω (a1 , . . . ˆı . . . , an+1 )) 1 n+1 R i=1



(−1)i ω (a1 , . . . ˆı . . . , aj−1 , [[ai , aj ]]A , . . . , an+1 )
