Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Transfer Learning and ...

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We propose a new CNN-based method for regressing 3D human body pose from a single image that improves over the state-of-the-art on standard benchmarks ...
Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Transfer Learning and Improved CNN Supervision

arXiv:1611.09813v1 [cs.CV] 29 Nov 2016

Dushyant Mehta* , Helge Rhodin* , Dan Casass , Oleksandr Sotnychenko* , Weipeng Xu* , and Christian Theobalt* *

Max Planck Institute For Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Germany s Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain


in very controlled scenes [83, 71, 72, 80, 7, 24, 73, 16]. Special RGB-D cameras enable real-time monocular pose estimation [65] or motion tracking [6], but often do not work in general scenes. In 2D joint detection and pose estimation from RGB, data-driven approaches using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown impressive results [18, 82, 78, 79, 28, 51, 14, 9, 47, 42, 15, 25, 27], outperforming previous hand crafted and model-based methods by a large margin [1, 5, 22]. Direct 3D pose regression, however, remains challenging. A common approach is to lift 2D keypoints to 3D [84, 11, 81, 41, 88, 91, 87, 69, 68], but this requires computationally expensive iterative pose optimization which may be unstable under depth ambiguities. Though recent advances in direct CNN-based 3D regression show promise, utilizing different prediction space formulations [75, 40, 89] and incorporating additional constraints, e.g. [89, 76, 91, 86], they are far from the accuracy levels seen for 2D pose prediction. The difficult nature of the problem aside, 3D pose prediction is further stymied by the lack of suitably large and diverse annotated 3D pose corpora. The internet provides virtually limitless images of humans, but unlike manual 2D pose annotation [62, 4, 34], annotating with 3D poses is infeasible owing to the inherent ambiguities. Existing largest datasets use marker-based motion capture for 3D annotation [30, 66], which restricts recording to skin-tight clothing, or markerless systems in a dome of hundreds of cameras [36], which enables more diverse clothing but requires expensive studio setup. We propose a different capturing approach that eases augmentation to extend the captured appearance variability. Synthesizing example images is an alternative, however it may limit generalization to real scenes [17] due to over-simplified animation and rendering. First, in Section 3.2.2, we demonstrate the use of skip connections in CNNs as a regularization structure

We propose a new CNN-based method for regressing 3D human body pose from a single image that improves over the state-of-the-art on standard benchmarks by more than 25%. Our approach addresses the limited generalizability of models trained solely on the starkly limited publicly available 3D body pose data. Improved CNN supervision leverages first and second order parent relationships along the skeletal kinematic tree, and improved multi-level skip connections to learn better representations through implicit modification of the loss landscape. Further, transfer learning from 2D human pose prediction significantly improves accuracy and generalizability to unseen poses and camera views. Additionally, we contribute a new benchmark and training set for human body pose estimation from monocular images of real humans, that has ground truth captured with marker-less motion capture. It complements existing corpora with greater diversity in pose, human appearance, clothing, occlusion, and viewpoints, and enables increased scope of augmentation. The benchmark covers outdoors and indoor scenes.

1. Introduction We present a new method to estimate 3D articulated human pose from a single RGB image taken in a general environment. It has a notably higher accuracy than known methods from the literature [11, 75, 40]. 3D human pose estimation is a timely and very challenging research problem that expands the scope of widely researched monocular 2D pose estimation. It has many practical applications in general scene understanding, and man-machine interaction. Our per-image setting differs from but is related to marker-less 3D motion capture methods that track articulated human poses from multi-view video sequences, often 1

(1) Bounding Box Computation

(3) Global 3D Pose Computation

(2) 3D Pose Prediction



Figure 1. We infer 3D pose from single image in three stages: (1) extraction of the actor bounding box from 2D detections; (2) direct CNN-based 3D pose regression; and (3) global root position computation in original footage by aligning 3D to 2D pose.


while training. Next, we select and fuse pose-dependentconstraints derived from the kinematic structure of the skeleton, and cast the problem as an intermediate supervision task for the network. On top, we derive a closed form solution to localize the global 3D position and perspectivecorrect orientation of the user from 2D and 3D pose predictions, Section 3.3. Second, in Section 3.2.3, we propose the use of transfer learning to leverage the highly relevant mid and high level features learned on the readily available 2D pose datasets [30]. It significantly improves accuracy compared to previous methods, without requirering more 3D training data. Third, in Section 4, we introduce the new MPI-INF3DHP dataset of real humans with ground truth 3D annotations from a state-of-the-art markerless motion capture system behind each monocular image. It complements existing datasets with everyday clothing appearance, increased scope for augmentation, a large range of motions, interactions with objects, and more varied camera viewpoints. Moreover, we extend existing augmentation methods for enhanced foreground texture variation.

Figure 2. 3D pose is represented as a vector of 3D joint positions. P stores the 3D positions of joints 1 to 15 depicted on the skeleton, with respect to the root (joint #15, in pink), and O1 (blue) and O2 (orange) with respect to the first and second order parents in kinematic skeleton hierarchy. Some joint relationships omitted for clarity. Our dataset makes additional annotations available for joints 16 and 17 for compatibility with H3.6m annotations

Our contributions are throughly evaluated on existing test datasets, showing significant accuracy improvement on the state-of-the-art of more than 25 %. Further we introduce

a new test set, including sequences outdoors, on which we demonstrate the generalization capability of the proposed method and validate the value of our new dataset. Calibration

CNN training

2. Related Work

We focus on work on monocular 3D pose estimaton from RGB, and briefly discuss marker-less motion capture. Focal length &

3D database Subject height Monocular 3D pose from 2D estimates 2D pose estimation has been extensively studied in the past. Approaches using part detectors and graphical models [1, 22, 23, 5, 12] were successively outperformed by 2D CNN-based approaches [32, 31, 79, 51, 82]. A common strategy for 3D articulated pose estimation is lifting 2D pose or joint position predictions to 3D, e.g. [46, 74]. Here, model-based optimization is often required in addition to (iteratively) optimize the projection of a 3D human model to explain the 2D predictions. This is computationally expensive, but allows incorporation of pose priors or inter-penetration constraints [11], sparsity assumptions [81, 88, 90], joint limits [55, 20, 2], and temporal constraints [56]. An alternative to iterative optimization is sampling. Simo-Serra et al. sample 3D pose from 2D predictions [69] and improve discriminative 2D detection from likely 3D samples [68]. Li et al. classify the nearest training examples [41]. 2D-3D lifting is related to non-rigid and articulated structure-from-motion from image sequences [48, 50] where sub-space motion or pose models, such as bilinear models [87], are assumed. Regression from 2D detections to 3D pose alleviates expensive optimization and sampling [84] and works on individual images. Some methods treat 3D pose as a hidden variable, integrate the 3D to 2D projection model into the regression function, and enforcing a prior on the hidden variable [13]. While 2D joint locations may reveal information about the subject shape [11], this abstraction to keypoints loses vital image information. We demonstrate a new direct 3D regression approach, also inferring global pose, with state-of-the-art accuracy.

Estimating 3D pose directly Methods that directly regress 3D pose [75, 40, 89, 29] commonly crop the input

image to the bounding box of the subject, use the 3D joint position relative to the pelvis as output, and normalize subject height [29]. Tekin et al. [75] improve performance by auto encoders that learn a high-dimensional latent pose representation and explicitely encode dependencies between joints. Li et al. [40] report that predicting positions relative to the parent joint of the skeleton improves performance, but we show that a pose-dependent combination of absolute and relative positions leads to further improvements. Zhou et al. [89] regress joint angles of a skeleton from single images, using a kinematic model. Temporal information in videos gives additional cues and increases accuracy [76, 91], but conditioning on motion increases the input dimension and requires motion databases with sufficient motion variation, which may be even harder to capture than pose data sets. Intermediate supervision regularizes regression, for instance image abstraction by hand-crafted features [29]. In controlled conditions, actor silhouette and fixed camera placement provides additional height cues [86]. Besides neural networks, regression forests have been used to derive 3D posebit descriptors, answering questions such as ”is the left leg in-front of the right leg”, to query 3D pose with corresponding annotation [53]. Transfer learning in pose estimation Transfer Learning [49] is commonly used in computer vision to leverage features and representations learned on related tasks. It may offset the paucity of data for one task through features learned on a related task with more data, or jointly learn better representations on two related tasks in case there is no data imbalance. The natural emergence of a feature hierarchy in CNNs, going from low level features to more abstract features, allows features to be shared among unrelated tasks, too [64, 85]. Features learned from large corpora such as ImageNet [61] can replace hand-crafted features in other tasks, or alternatively serve as a better weight initializer for networks being trained for other tasks. CNN based methods for 2D pose estimation commonly use nets pretrained on ImageNet [28]. Rozantsev et al. propose to relate features in the source domain linearly to features in the target domain [60]. In the context of 3D pose estimation with CNNs Chen et al. employ domain adaptation [33]. A set of unlabeled real images is used to adapt learning on labeled synthetic images [17]. We make use of representations learned for object classification on ImageNet [61] and for 2D pose estimation on MPII-Single Person [4] and LSP [34, 35] datasets to significantly improve the generalization capability and accuracy of our 3D pose prediction over the state of the art. Model-based and multi-view approaches Our problem relates to marker-less motion capture [45, 63] that tracks 3D pose by fitting a model to monocular or multi-view video,

often under controlled conditions [83, 71, 72, 80, 7, 24, 73]. Combinig discriminative and generative methods yields increased robustness outdoors [70, 67, 3, 8, 21, 55, 56, 11]. We bring discriminative monocular, single-image 3D pose estimation a step closer to the accuracy of model-based multi-view tracking approaches.

3. CNN-based 3D Pose Estimation Given an RGB image, we estimate the global 3D human pose P [G] in the camera coordinate system. We estimate the global position of the joint locations of the skeleton depicted in Figure 2, accounting for the camera viewpoint, which goes beyond only estimating in a root-centered (pelvis typically) coordinate system. Our algorithm consists of three steps, as illustrated in Figure 1. (1) the subject is localized in the frame with a 2D bounding box BB, computed from 2D joint heatmaps H, obtained with a CNN which we term 2DPoseNet; (2) the root-centered 3D pose P is regressed from the BB-cropped input with a second CNN termed 3DPoseNet; and (3) the perspective correction and the global 3D pose coordinates P [G] , are computed in closed form from 3D pose P , 2D joint locations K extracted from H, and known camera calibration.

3.1. Bounding Box and 2D Pose Computation Person localization is a common preprocessing step, as it simplifies the pose estimation task. We use the person detection method of Wei et al. [82], which returns a localization heatmap that, together with the original image, are then fed to our 2DPoseNet, which outputs 2D joint location heat maps H. The heat map maxima provide the most likely 2D joint locations K which are used to infer the person’s bounding-box BB. See Figure 1 left. The 2D joint locations K are further used for global pose estimation in Section 3.3. Our 2DPoseNet is fully convolutional and it is trained on MPII [4] and LSP [35, 34], with images resized to 368×368 px. We use a CNN structure based on Resnet-101 [26] up to the filter banks at level 4. Since we need heatmaps as output, striding is removed at level 5. Additionally, we remove the identity skip connections at level 5 and use fewer features per layer. For details of the network and the training scheme, refer to the supplementary document.

3.2. 3D Pose Regression We design 3DPoseNet to regress root-centered 3D pose P from the cropped RGB images, and advance several architectural and training supervision techniques. Figure 3 depicts the main contributions, detailed in the following:


2DPoseNet … res4a






Transfer Learning

3D Dataset

… 3DPoseNet

… res3b3

Multimodal Prediction

3D Pose Fusion

… res3b3








2D Auxiliary Task


Corrective Skip Connections

Figure 3. 3D pose Training overview. Our main contributions are 1) Transfer learning from features learned for 2D pose estimation, 2) Intermediate supervision with multi-modal 3D pose prediction and fusion, 3) regularization with corrective skip connections and 2D pose prediction as auxiliary task, and 4) a new marker-less 3D pose database with appearance augmentation.



The Base network derives from Resnet-101 as well, and is identical to 2DPoseNet up to res5a. We remove the remaining layers from level 5. 3D prediction stubs comprised of a convolution layer (k5×5 , s2 ) with 128 features and a final fully-connected layer that outputs the 3D joint locations are added on the top. Additionally we use intermediate supervision with heatmaps H and P . Refer to the supplementary for specifics of attachment points and loss weights. 3.2.2

Multi-level Corrective Skip Connections

Long et al. [43] propose a multi-level ‘skip’ architecture for fusing coarse scaled high-level information (semantic) from the deeper layers with finer scaled appearance information from the shallower layers for the task of semantic segmentation. ‘Skip’ connections have also found use in U-networks for segmentation [59] and other tasks. For pose prediction, this notion can be generalized to the deeper layers contributing the best overall pose using their larger receptive fields, and the shallower layers contributing a per joint correction using their more limited receptive fields. This differs from the notion of subsequent joint location refinement [28] in that the information needed for joint refinement need not be encoded all the way, freeing up the features in the deeper layers to make the overall pose better. Putatively, the skip connections from shallower layers bring with them finer scaled albeit less abstract information, while the deeper layers contribute potentially coarser but high level (well developed) information. However, in practice, the skip connections are not prevented from also

Training contributing some ill-formed abstract information. We add intermediate supervision at the output of the deepest contributor Pdeep to limit this issue. Figure 3 shows a schematic overview. It forces the last stage of the core network to be the dominant contributor to the skip sum Psum , leaving the skip connections to only contribute corrective terms to the “as good as possible” prediction at Pdeep . This additional structure is necessary only while training, unlike vanilla skip connections. 3.2.3

Multi-modal Pose Fusion

Formulating joint location prediction relative to a single local or global location is not always optimal. Existing literature [40] has observed that predicting joint locations relative to their direct kinematic parents (Order 1 parents) improves performance. Our experimentation reveals that depending on the pose and the visibility of the joints in the input image, the optimal relative joint for each joint’s location prediction would differ. We consider joint locations P relative to the root, O1 relative to Order 1 kinematic parents and O2 relative to Order 2 kinematic parents along the kinematic tree as the three modes of prediction, see Figure 2. For the joint set we consider, this suffices as it puts at least one reference joint for each joint in the relatively low entropy torso [38]. We use three identical 3D prediction stubs attached to res5a for predicting the pose as P , O1 and O2, and for each we use corrective skip connections. These predictions are fed into a smaller network with three fully connected layers, to implicitly determine and fuse the better constraints per joint into the final prediction Pfused . The network has the flex-

ibility to emphasize different combinations of constraints depending on the pose. For our case, this offers an alternate interpretation of what is essentially a form of intermediate supervision through auxiliary tasks. 3.2.4

Transfer Learning

We use the features learned with Resnet-101 from ImageNet to initialize both 2DPoseNet and 3DPoseNet. While this affords a faster convergence for the training, the limited appearance variability of the available 3D pose datasets results in poor generalization to other settings for 3DPoseNet. 2DPoseNet has far superior generalization as it is trained on in-the-wild images from the MPII and LSP datasets. Given the similarity of the 2D and 3D tasks, we propose to transfer the learned weights from 2DPoseNet to 3DPoseNet. There is a tradeoff to be made between the transferred features and learning new pertinent features. We achieve this by introducing a learning rate discrepancy between the transferred layers and the new layers. The ratio of learning rates is determined through validation. On 3DPoseNet, with ImageNet features, the transferred layers’ learning rate is scaled down by 10, while when using 2DPoseNet features, it is scaled down by 1000.

3.3. Global Pose Computation The BB-crop ensures that the 3DPoseNet observes the subject centered and at a normalized scale. We recover the global 3D pose P [G] = (R|T ) Pfused from pelvis-centered pose Pfused , the camera intrinsics, and K, by localizing the global 3D pelvis position T and correcting perspective errors, originating from the cropping, with rotation R. Perspective correction We understand the BB cropping as a virtual camera, that is oriented towards the crop center and its field of view covers the crop area. Since the 3DPoseNet only ‘sees’ the cropped input, its predictions live in this rotated view. To compensate, we find R that rotates the virtual camera to the original view. The corrections brings significant improvement, see Table 4. Check the supplemental document for how R can be computed from the centroid of K and focal length f . 3D localization We compute the offset T that best aligns the predicted 3D joints Pfused under camera projection to the 2D joint locations p, computed from H for BB extraction, see Figure 1 right. To obtain a closed-form solution, we assume weak perspective projection. It relates the 3D joint position (x, y, z) to its 2D prediction (u, v) as (u, v) = zf0 (x, y), where f is the camera focal length and z0 is the assumed depth of the object. It follows that the scale (e.g. head-pelvis distance) s3D and s2D of Pfused and K, respectively, are also related by s2D = s3Dz¯ f . Hence,

depth z0 = fss2D3D . Given the 2D pelvis loction (u, v) the 3D pelvis location is then P = ( uzf 0 , vzf 0 , z0 ). In practice, pose predictions are noisy. We show in the supplemental document how the mean and variance of Pfused and K can be used to infer the scales s3D , s2D and z0 robustly, as a least squares solution related to Procrustes alignment. Our solution differs from Perspective-n-Point 6DOF rigid pose estimation [39], structure-from-motion, and from the convex approach of Zhou et al. [88], as the viewpoint orientation and structure is already computed by the 3DPoseNet. The weak projection model yields closed form, in contrast to more expensive optimization solutions [11, 88, 2].

4. New Human Pose Dataset (MPI-INF-3DHP) We propose a new dataset captured in a multi-camera studio with ground truth from commercial marker-less motion capture [77]. No special suits and markers are needed, allowing the capture of motions wearing everyday apparel, including loose clothing. In contrast to existing datasets, we record in green screen studio to allow automatic segmentation and augmentation. We recorded 8 actors (4m+4f), performing 8 activity sets each, ranging from walking and sitting to complex exercise poses and dynamic actions, covering more pose classes than Human3.6M. Each activity set spans roughtly one minute. Each actor features 2 sets of clothing split across the activity sets. One clothing set is casual everyday apparel, and the other is plain-colored to allow augmentation. We cover a wide range of viewpoints, with five cameras mounted at chest height with a roughly 15◦ elevation variation similar to the camera orientation jitter in other datasets [17]. Another five cameras are mounted higher and angled down 45◦ , three more have a top down view, and one camera is at knee height angled up. Overall, from all 14 cameras, we capture >1.3M frames, 500k of which are from the five chest high cameras. We make available both true 3D annotations, and a skeleton compatible with the “universal” skeleton of H3.6M

Figure 4. MPI-INF-3DHP dataset. We capture actors using a markerless multi-camera in a green screen studio (left), compute masks for different regions (center left) and augment the captured footage by compositing different textures to the background, chair, upper body and lower body areas, independently (center right and right).

Dataset Augmentation Although our dataset has more clothing variation than other datasets, the appearance variation is still not comparable to in-the-wild images. There have been several approaches proposed to enhance appearance variation. [30, 17] synthesize renderings of skinned and textured human characters that are posed by motion capture data [19]. Rogez and Schmid [58] stitch multiple real 2D images to match projected 3D poses to increase variety, and Pishchulin et al. warp human size in images with a parametric body model[52]. However, real images need to accompany synthetic images to achieve suitable generalization to real scenes [17]. Images can be used to augment background of recorded footage [55, 17, 30]. Rhodin et al. [55] recolor plain-color shirts while keeping the shading details, using intrinsic image decomposition to separate reflectance and shading [44]. We provide chroma-key masks for the background, a chair/sofa in the scene, as well as upper and lower body segmentation for the plain-colored clothing sets. This provides an increased scope for foreground and background augmentation, in contrast to the marker-less recordings of Joo et al. [36]. For background augmentation, we use images sampled from the internet. For foreground augmentation, we use a simplified intrinsic decomposition. Since for plain colored clothing the intensity variation is solely due to shading, we use the average pixel intensity as a surrogate for the shading component. We composite cloth like textures with the pixel intensity of the upper body, lower body and chair marks independently, and multiply back shading for photorealism. Figure 4 shows example captured and augmented frames.

Test Set We found the existing test sets for (monocular) 3D pose estimation to be restricted to limited settings due to the difficulty of obtaining ground truth labels in general scenes. The HumanEva [66] and Human3.6M [30] test sets are recorded indoors and test on similar looking scenes as the training set, the Human3D+ [17] test set was recorded with sensor suites that influence appearance and lacks global alignment, and the MARCONI set [20] is markerless through manual annotation, but shows mostly walking motions and multiple actors, which are not supported by most monocular algorithms. We create a new test set with ground truth annotations coming from a multi-view markerless motion capture system. It complements existing test sets with more diverse motions (Standing/Walking, Sitting/Reclining, Exercise, Sports (Dynamic Poses), On The Floor, Dancing/Miscellaneous), camera view-point variation, larger clothing variation (including a dress), and outdoor recordings from Robertini et al. [57] in unconstrained environments. See Figure 5 for a representative sample. We use the ”universal” skeleton for evaluation. Alternate Metric In addition to the commonly used Mean Per Joint Position Error (MPJPE) widely employed in 3D pose estimation, we concur with [30] and suggest an extension to 3D of the ”Percentage of Correct Keypoints (PCK)” [79, 78] metric used for 2D Pose evaluation, as well as the ”Area Under the Curve (AUC)” [28] computed for a range of PCK thresholds. These metrics are more expressive and robust than MPJPE, revealing individual joint mispredictions more strongly. We pick a threshold of 150mm, corresponding to roughly half of head size, similar to that chosen for the MPII 2D Pose dataset. We propose evaluating on the common minimum set of joints across 2D and 3D approaches (Joints 1 to 14 in Figure 2), to ensure compatibility of evaluations for various approaches. The joints are grouped by symmetry (ankles, wrists, shoulders etc), and we evaluate by the activity classes listed in the previous section.

5. Experiments and Evaluation

Figure 5. Representative frames from MPI-INF-3DHP test set. We cover a variety of subjects with a diverse set of clothing and poses, in both indoor and outdoor settings.

We compare our results against the existing methods on the standard datasets Human3.6M, and HumanEva, as well as our MPI-INF-3DHP Test set, using mean per joint position error (MPJPE) and the proposed 3DPCK and AUC metrics. Further, we qualitatively observe the performance on LSP [34] and [36] dataset, demonstrating robustness to general scenes, see Figure 7. We experiment with the following 3D Pose datasets for training 3DPoseNet: Human3.6m We use the H80k [29] subset of Human3.6m, and train with the ”universal” skeleton. We use S1, S5, S6, S7 and S8 for training, use image scale augmentation at 2

Table 1. Activitywise results (MPJPE in mm) on Human3.6m [30], Subjects 9 and 11, with no rescaling of ’universal’ skeleton to person specific skeleton. Network weights are initialized with the weights from Resnet101 trained on ImageNet, and evaluation is done with all 17 joints on every 64th frame, using GT Bounding boxes for crops. Sit Take Walk Walk Direct Discuss Eating Greet Phone Posing Purch. Sitting Down Smoke Photo Wait Walk Dog Pair Total Human3.6m Base 98.98 100.14 86.07 101.83 101.34 96.74 94.89 125.28 158.31 100.21 112.49 99.57 83.39 109.61 95.79 104.32 + Fusion 98.20 99.09 84.84 100.60 99.25 95.31 92.38 122.46 151.56 98.09 110.77 98.64 81.43 107.69 93.85 102.33 Regular Skip 113.34 112.26 97.40 110.50 108.63 112.09 105.67 125.97 173.41 109.34 120.87 107.75 97.30 126.05 117.45 115.29 Corr. Skip 92.57 99.08 85.46 95.43 96.93 89.56 95.67 123.54 160.98 97.13 107.56 93.86 76.99 110.93 88.73 101.09 + Fusion 93.80 99.17 84.73 95.60 94.48 89.40 93.15 119.94 154.61 95.94 106.09 94.13 77.25 108.82 87.38 99.79 Table 2. Activitywise results (MPJPE in mm) on Human3.6m [30], Subjects 9 and 11, with no rescaling of ’universal’ skeleton to person specific skeleton. Network weights are initialized with the weights from 2DPoseNet, and evaluation is done with all 17 joints on every 64th frame, using GT Bounding boxes for crops. Sit Take Walk Walk Direct Discuss Eating Greet Phone Posing Purch. Sitting Down Smoke Photo Wait Walk Dog Pair Total Human3.6m Base 59.07 71.36 63.22 70.11 78.44 57.63 78.81 98.85 124.03 71.35 87.47 68.67 54.17 86.39 60.54 75.52 + Fusion 58.56 70.06 62.62 69.68 77.47 57.01 76.83 97.46 121.86 70.23 86.20 68.46 53.93 84.20 60.06 74.49 Regular Skip 60.57 73.23 62.24 71.31 78.25 60.44 77.79 97.90 124.20 71.09 87.89 69.91 56.56 87.19 62.87 76.21 Corr. Skip 60.09 70.06 60.76 69.39 77.19 59.07 75.49 96.62 122.72 71.26 86.02 69.11 55.16 83.11 60.77 74.65 + Fusion 59.69 69.74 60.55 68.77 76.36 59.05 75.04 96.19 122.92 70.82 85.42 68.45 54.41 82.03 59.79 74.14 Our Aug. + Human3.6m Corr. Skip + Fusion 57.51 68.59 59.57 67.34 78.06 56.86 69.13 97.99 117.54 69.45 82.40 67.96 55.25 76.50 61.40 72.89

scales(0.7× and 1×), resulting in 75k training samples. We do not scale the predicted skeleton to the test subject skeletons at test time. MPI-INF-3DHP For our dataset, to maintain compatibility of view with Human3.6m and other datasets, we pick the 5 chest high cameras for all 8 subjects, giving us 500k frames. We sample frames such that at least one joint has moved by more than 200mm between selected frames. From the resulting 100k frames, we randomly sample 37.5k frames, and get 75k frames after scale augmentation. MPI-INF-3DHP Augmented The augmented version has the same 37.5k frames, ≈ 10k of which are unaugmented, ≈ 15k have only BG and Chair augmentation, and the rest have full augmentation. After scale augmentation, we get 75k frames.

5.1. Quantitative Comparison to the State of the Art Human3.6M Unfortunately there are widely different evaluation protocols on H3.6m, with some using Procrustes alignment to evaluate only the structure of the pose prediction. Table 5 shows comparison with other methods. Altogether our improved supervision contributions advance the state of the art on Human3.6M by more than 25% in terms of MPJPE (from 107.2mm of Zhou et al. [89] to 78.9mm), with 88.5% PCK and AUC of 51.5. The improvement is not due to a deeper network, since our baseline network is at par with Zhou et al. Our results for P are evaluated in Tables 1 and 2, without applying any alignment to

ground truth. Here we use every 64th frame of S9 and S11. 2DPoseNet transfer learning improves 29mm over our baseline, corrective skip connections a further 0.9mm (3.2mm), and multi-modal fusion 0.5mm (1.3mm) on top (with ImageNet transfer learning). Complementing Human3.6M with our augmented MPI-INF-3DHP dataset improves the error to 72mm. HumanEva In addition to evaluating centered pose P , we evaluate the global 3D pose prediction P [G] on the widely used motion capture test set—HumanEva, Box and Walk sequences of Subject 1. Note that we do not use any data from HumanEva for training. We significantly improve the state of the art for the Box sequence (82.1mm [11] vs 58.6mm). Results on the Walk sequence are of higher accuracy than Bogo et al. [11], but lower than the accuracy of Bo et al. [10] and Yasin et al. [84], who, however train on HumanEva [10] or use an example database dominated by walking motions [84]. Further, our skeletal structure does not match that of HumanEva, which contributes some of the error. See Table 4. Our end to end run time is less than 1s. MPI-INF-3DHP Our new MPI-INF-3DHP Test set complements existing test sets with additional pose variation and appearance variation, in different settings. This makes it suitable for testing the generalization of various methods. We report PCK and AUC by activity classes in Table 3, alongside a similar grouping of activities on Hu-

Table 3. Activitywise evaluation of our design choices on MPI-INF-3DHP Test set. Also shown is Human3.6m grouped into similar activity classes. * = Uses Predicted Bounding Box Initial Weights ImageNet 2DPoseNet 2DPoseNet 2DPoseNet 2DPoseNet 2DPoseNet

3D Pose Dataset

Network Arch.


Corr. Skip + Fusion Corr. Skip H3.6M Corr. Skip + Fusion Ours Corr. Skip + Fusion Corr. Skip Ours Aug. Corr. Skip + Fusion Ours + H3.6M Corr. Skip + Fusion Corr. Skip + Fusion Ours Aug w. Persp. Corr. + H3.6M Corr. Skip + Fusion* w. Persp. Corr.*

Chen et al. Synthetic[17]


MPI-INF-3DHP Human3.6m S9,11 Stand/ Sit On Crouch/ On the Stand/ Walk Exercise Chair Reach Ground Sports Misc Total Walk Sit Crouch Total PCK PCK PCK PCK PCK PCK PCK PCK AUC PCK PCK PCK PCK AUC 33.7 27.9 25.1 26.3 18.5 28.5 22.9 26.0 9.5 77.8 71.0 71.6 74.1 39.1 76.5 63.0 57.5 57.9 28.1 67.4 65.1 61.0 28.2 92.5 84.7 84.0 88.1 51.1 76.4 62.9 58.1 57.4 27.8 66.9 65.6 61.0 28.3 92.8 85.0 84.4 88.5 51.5 85.0 70.1 72.7 65.2 47.0 79.0 70.3 70.8 35.9 68.7 56.9 61.7 62.9 27.6 85.9 68.4 66.5 61.5 44.5 75.8 70.9 68.8 33.8 67.0 53.7 60.6 60.6 26.6 86.4 68.3 68.4 63.6 46.3 76.1 71.1 69.8 34.6 67.6 54.6 60.9 61.4 27.1 86.4 72.4 74.3 66.0 45.8 77.9 77.1 73.1 37.2 92.5 83.8 85.9 88.0 51.0 88.0 72.2 71.6 68.5 44.9 78.7 78.3 73.5 37.6 93.0 85.1 87.0 88.9 51.7 89.1 75.7 74.3 73.6 47.4 84.8 80.5 76.5 40.8 81.2 66.6 58.8 61.8 36.6 73.9 73.4 66.2 32.0 81.1 65.8 59.6 65.4 37.1 78.7 73.0 67.2 33.0 35.8





Table 4. Quantitative evaluation on HumanEva-I [66], on three metrics. For reference, we also show multi-view existing results. Our models use no data from HumanEva for training, while the other methods listed train/finetune on HumanEva-I. * = Does not use GT Bounding Box information. † = Root translation only S1 Box S1 Walk P P P P P [G] P [G] (global) (alignS,T ) (alignR,S,T ) (global) (alignS,T ) (alignR,S,T ) Our full model* 129.5 69.4 58.6 145.6 79.2 67.1 w/o Persp. correct.* 133.9 79.4 58.6 147.7 83.6 67.2 Bo et al. [10]* 54.8† Yasin et al. [84]* 52.2 Bogo et al. [11] 82.1 73.3 Akhter et al. [2] 165.5 186.1 Ramakris. et al. [54] 151.0 161.8 Zhou et al. [88] 112.5 100.0 Amin et al. [3] 47.7 54.5 Rhodin et al. [56] 59.7 74.9 Elhayek et al. [21] 60.0 66.5 -

man3.6m. We again see that 2DPoseNet transfer learning improves significantly on our baseline network, going from 22.5%PCK to 60.9%PCK. Improvements using the other proposed supervision schema are also evident. Complementing Human3.6m with our augmented dataset further improves performance. We also evaluated some of the existing best performing methods on our dataset. Chen et al. [17] show marginally better generalization than our baseline method, with a PCK of 28.8%. The error numbers as compared to Human3.6M are generally larger, this confirms the increased difficulty and generality of the proposed test set.



29.1 32.8 28.8 10.2 21.5 26.2


23.1 7.1

Table 5. Comparison of results on Human3.6m [30] with the state of the art. Human3.6m, Subjects 1,5,6,7,8 used for training. Subjects 9 and 11, all cameras used for testing. S = Scaled to test subject specific skeleton, computed using T-pose. T = Uses Temporal Information, B = Uses GT Bounding Box, J14/J17 = Joint set evaluated, A = Uses Best Alignment To GT per frame, Act = Activitywise Training, 1/10/64 = Test Set Frame Sampling, ( ) = Additional Caveats


Total MPJPE (mm)

Imagenet Transfer Corr. Skip + Fusion J17,B,64 Corr. Skip + Fusion J17,B,10 Corr. Skip + Fusion J14,B,64

99.79 103.64 112.95

2DPoseNet Transfer Corr. Skip + Fusion J17,B,64 Corr. Skip + Fusion J17,B,64,S Corr. Skip + Fusion J17,B,10 Corr. Skip + Fusion J14,B,64

74.14 68.67 78.99 81.03

Deep Kine. Pose[89]J17,B



Sparse. Deep. [91]


Motion Comp. [76]

113.01 124.97





LinKDE [30]

Du et al. [86]

(J13),B,64,A,(S11 only)

Rogez et al. [58]

J14,B,A,(First cam.)

SMPLify [11]

121.20 82.3

5.2. Model components Multi-level corrective skip connections We see that the corrective skip scheme improves performance on underrepresented poses such as sitting and crouching, coming at the cost of a minor drop in performance on activities dominated by walking and standing poses. The average metrics hide the true extent of the improvement. Refer to the

supplementary for PCK by joint groups for various activity classes. Figure 6 b) shows a representative example of the nature of improvement. We see in Tables 1 and 2 that skip connections in their usual form hamper performance. Intuitively, the corrective skip scheme changes the loss landscape for the last stage of the core network, allowing it de-

6. Discussion

Figure 6. a) The better generelizability of features learned from 2D pose datasets allow the model to deal with unseen textures b) Multi-level corrective skip training allows the network to better tackle difficult poses such as bending and crouching c) Fusion of kinematic tree derived constraints helps the representation better handle poses with large self occlusions

vote resources at training time to correcting larger mispredictions while the skip connections handle the vast numbers of mostly correct predictions which present a steeper gradient on the loss landscape. This is similar to adaptive reweighting in AdaBoost, emphasizing under-represented and difficult poses. Multimodal prediction and fusion: The multi-modal fusion scheme helps poses with large amounts of self occlusion such as in Figure 6 c), with its effect distributed across activities. The improvement is not simply due to additional training, and is less pronounced if predicting P , O1 and O2 with a single stub, even with more features in the fully connected layer. Refer to the supplementary for details. Bounding box computation: On MPI-INF-3DHP testset, we additionally evaluate our best performing network using computed bounding boxes rather than the ground truth bounding boxes. The performance drops to 66%PCK from 73%PCK as expected. 2DPoseNet results: Our 2D Pose estimation net also approaches state of the art results, giving a PCK of 91.2% and 65.3 AUC on the LSP test set. On the MPII Single Person test set we achieve a PCK of 89.7% and 61.3 AUC.

Our fully feed-forward regression-based method, without requiring iterative optimization or multiple passes through the network, improves over the accuracy of the current state-of-the-art regression-based and model-based monocular 3D pose estimation methods by more than 25%. Our new method compensates perspective distortions due to cropping, and is the first to compute full global 3D pose in non-cropped images. Nonetheless, it has limitations. Estimating 3D pose from camera views starkly different from chest height positions is still a challenge for all methods. Partly this is because most training sets, also [17], have a strong bias towards chest height cameras. When training with more non-chest high cameras (up to 45 degrees pitch), as in our set, generalization to new views is improved, but performance on chest-high views drops. This shows that aside from more diverse training data, algorithm designs need further improvement in the future. Similar to related approaches, our per-frame estimation exhibits some temporal noise on video sequences. In future, we will investigate integration with model-based temporal tracking to further increase accuracy and temporal smoothness. Our regression pipeline is comparably deep. At 1 s per frame it is a bit slower than shallower regression-based architectures, but significantly faster than many model-based approaches requiring up to minutes per frame.

7. Conclusion We have presented a fully feedforward CNN-based approach for monocular 3D human pose estimation that significantly outperforms state-of-the-art regression-based and model-based methods on established benchmarks [30, 66]. It uses enhanced CNN supervision using improved parent relationships in the kinematic chain, as well as improved multi-level skip connections. It also uses transfer learning to leverage mid and high level features learned for 2D pose. This, combined with a new dataset that includes a larger variety of real human appearances, activities and camera views, with improved augmentation potential, has enabled us train a CNN that generalizes better than existing approaches. Our method is also the first to extract global 3D position without iterative optimization in non-cropped images.

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