National Marine Fisheries Service SWFSC Fisheries Ecology Division

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Last updated December 2013. National Marine Fisheries Service. SWFSC Fisheries Ecology Division. Also at our facility: California Department of Fish and  ...
National Marine Fisheries Service SWFSC Fisheries Ecology Division Fisheries Ecology Division Steve Lindley, Director Operations, Management, and Information Kate Achilles, Deputy Director

Office Management Steve M iller


Information Technology

Joni M acFarlan e

Kit John ston

Gerald Draayer

T om R a u sch

Fisheries Assessment M ichael M ohr

Salmon Ecology Nate M antu a

Biophysical Ecology Eric Danner

Arnold Am m an n

Landscape and Seascape Ecology (Nate Mantua) H e id i Fish

Groundfish Analysis Joh n F ie ld

D on P ea rson

Andrew Hein

Tom m y W illiam s

Keith S aku m a

Ben M artin

Brian Spence

Ken Baltz

Cyril M ichel Jerem y Notch M aya Friedm a n Sa rah Joh n Nicholas D em etras JoA n n e S iskid is B re nd an Leh m a n Flora C ord ole an i Alex M cHuron Peter D udley Ily Ig le sia s W hitney Friedm an Vam si Sridharan N atna el H am d a M iles D a n ie ls Nicholas M acias Liam Zarri Travis Apgar Alyssa FitzG erald

D avid Boughton

Xi H e

Jeff H ard in g

E.J. Dick

D av e R u nd io

M e lissa M o n k

Brian W ells

Lyndsey Lefebvre Rebecca M iller Nick Grunloh

Lee H arriso n Kerrie Pipal Brennan Helw ig

Salmon Assessment (Michael Mohr)

M ichael O 'Farrell W ill Satterthwaite

Fisheries Economics (Michael Mohr, acting)

Early Life History Su sa n S og ard

Molecular Ecology C arlos G arza

Habitat Ecology M ary Yoklavich

Ca m eron S peir

Erick Sturm

Libb y Gilbert-Horvath

T o m L a id ig

Aa ron M am ula

Stephan M unch

R ose m a ry K osa k a

Josep h K iern a n

Alice Thom as-Sm yth

David Stafford N e osh a K ashe f Je ff P e re z Ann-M arie O sterback Cynthia Kern Sabrina Beyer R o se a le a B o n d Y ou n g rog L e e S arah C ha n g Alexander H a y Antoine Brias Livier Enciso Angie G arelick Sawyer Ciccone

D ev on Pe a rse Eric Anderson An thony C lem ento C a ssie C o lu m b u s D iana Baetscher Th om as N g Ellen C am pb ell Elena C orre a Hayley N uetzel Brigid M oran Kerry Reid Eric M edina N e il T h om pson

Additional Science Staff (Steve Lindley)

Humboldt State Eric Bjorkstedt

D ian a W atters R o x a n n e R ob e rtso n Joe B izzarro Kaitlin Graiff JT R o b in so n

UC Davis R a ch e l Joh n so n Ethan M ora Jarrod Santora

Also at our facility:

Other SWFSC Divisions Roy M en delssohn (ER D ) Lynn Dewitt (ERD) D ale R ob inson (ER D ) Ryan Belcher (ERD ) Steve C um m ings (ER D ) Kevin Stierhoff (FRD ) UCSC Institute of Marine Sciences An ne C riss

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Steve Lonhart Lisa U ttal NMFS Office of Communications Em ily Susko Emeritus Researchers Bruce MacFarlane S tev e R a lsto n

Last updated November 2017