New Communication Technologies

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OPPOSITION, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND ECONOMIC INVASION / Ali SIMSEK . ...... the main idea for Bishkek must be analyzed and target audience analysis ... Christos Liouris (2005) City Marketıng: A Significant Planning Tool For Urban Deve-.


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New Communication Technologies and Social Transformation





New Communication Technologies and Social Transformation

УДК 659 ББК 76 Ж 32

Ж32 Жаңы коммуникация технологиялары жана коомдук трансформация: II-эл аралык коммуникация симпозиуму.-Б.: КТМУ, 2012; текст. кыргызча, түркчө, орусча, англисче. ISBN 978-9967-26-685-8

Ж 4501000000-12 ISBN 978-9967-26-685-8

УДК 659 ББК 76 © КТМУ, 2012

Bu kitap 2-4 Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasında düzenlenen, “Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri ve Toplumsal Dönüşüm” II. Uluslararası İletişim Sempozyumu bildirilerinden oluşmaktadır. Sempozyum kitabında yer alan her bildiri yazar/yazarları tarafından sözlü olarak da sunulmuştur. Çalışmalar, sempozyum bildiri kitabı yazım kurallarına göre tek bir format altında toplanmıştır. Makalelerin içerikleri ve kaynak kullanımları, bilimsel etik değerler açısından gösterilmesi gereken dikkat, yazarların sorumluluğu altındadır. Çalışmalar tamamen ya da kısmen kopyalanamaz, ancak kaynak belirtmek suretiyle çalışmalardan alıntı yapılabilir. Sempozyum kitabının tüm hakları saklıdır. Baskı: Bu kitap Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Matbaasında basılmıştır. Kapak Tasarımı: Uzman Turan Berker AKDEVELİOĞLU

This book consists of the panel presentations of the II. International Symposium of Communication on “New Communication Technologies and Social Transformation” organized on May 2-4, 2012. Each paper in the book was also presented orally by its author(s). Works have been organized in a single format according to the publication rules of the symposium presentation book. The essential care for scientific ethic rules, references and the content of papers are solely under the responsibility of the author. All rights of the symposium book are reserved. Publication: This book is the publication of the Printing Press of Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University Cover Design: Turan Berker AKDEVELİOĞLU

Бул китеп 2012 – жылдын 2-4- майында уюуштурулган “Жаңы коммуникация технологиялары жана коомдук трансформациялар” аттуу экинчи эларалык коммуникация симпозиуму үчүн даярдалган макалалардан түзүлгөн. Симпозиум китебинде жарыяланган ар бир макала авторлору тарабынан доклад түрүндө да сунулган. Докладдар симпозиумдун билдирүү китебиндеги жазуу куралдарына ылайык бир форматта даярдалган. Илимий этикага куралдарына жараша макалалардын мазмуну жана булактардын колдонулушу авторлордун жоопкерчилигине калат. Макалалар же болбосо макалалардан бөлүктөр автору жана аты көрсөтүү шарты менен гана колдонула алат. Симпозиум китебинин баардык укутары корголгон. Басма: Бул китеп Кыргыз – Түрк “Манас” Университетинин басмаканасында басылган. Дизайнер: Aдис Туран Беркер Акдевелиоглу

Это книга включает в себя статьи докладов второго международного симпозиума в области коммуникации “Новые коммуникативные технологии и общественные трансформации”, который был проведен 2-4- мая 2012 – года. Каждая статья была представлена авторами в виде докладов во время симпозиума. Все статьи были отформатированы под один стандарт, указанный в правилах написания научных статей. Содержание статей, использование литературы и соблюдение научных этических норм и правил находится под ответственностью автора. Статьи могут быть использованы при условии указания автора и названия в использованной литературе. Все права книги защищены. Печать: Книга напечатна в типографии Кыргызско-Турецкого Университета “Манас”. Дизайн: Специалсит Туран Беркер Акдевилиоглу.



Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Dr. Asılbek KULMIRZAYEV

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Dr. Mahmut İZCİLER

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bünyamin AYHAN

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasret AKTAŞ

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

SECRETARIAT Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasret AKTAŞ

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan



Head of Russian Communication Association, Rusia

Prof. Dr. Irina ROZINA Prof. Dr. Sezer AKARCALI

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Dr. Kubanıçbek IDINOV

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Dr. Parida BOSTONOVA

National Kyrgyz Technical University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Dr. Cusup PIRIMBAEV

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Dr. Charles F. CARLSON

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan Gazi University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Nurettin GÜZ Prof. Dr. Hamza ÇAKIR

Erciyes University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Ahmet KALENDER

Selçuk University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Aytekin CAN

Selçuk University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Suat GEZGİN

İstanbul University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Aydemir OKAY

İstanbul University, Türkiye Galatasaray University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Dilruba ÇATALBAŞ

Marmara University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Yusuf DEVRAN

Ankara University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Eser KÖKER Prof. Dr. Bilal ARIK

Akdeniz University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Suat ANAR

Yeditepe University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim GÜRCAN

Anadolu University, Türkiye

Prof. Svetlana Aleksandravna ELEBESOVA

Bishkek Humanities University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Gulnara Asankulovna KUTTUBAEVA

Bishkek Humanities University, Kyrgyzstan Central Asia American University, Kyrgyzstan

Prof. Ugulkan Dzholdushbekovna KAMBARALIEVA

Georgia State University, Atlanta-USA

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetlana KULIKOVA

Central Asia American University, Kyrgyzstan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülnara IBRAYEVA

Bishkek Social Sciences University, Kyrgyzstan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Altın ASANOVA

Kyrgyzstan-Rusia Slovian University, Kyrgyzstan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandr KATSEV 2

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümüt ASANOVA

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandr SOTNICENKO

Sankt Petersburg State University, Rusia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ALTUNBAŞ

Selçuk University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Sezai TÜRK

Gazi University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zülfikar DAMLAPINAR

Gazi University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa AKDAĞ

Erciyes University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şükrü BALCI

Selçuk University, Türkiye

Dr. Altınbek COLDOŞEV

Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University, Kyrgyzstan

Dr. Anastasia Mikhailovna SALNIKOVA

Bishkek Humanities University, Kyrgyzstan


İÇİNDEKİLER ÖNSÖZ..........................................................................................................................................................  •11 Başlarken.........................................................................................................................................................  •15 TEKNOLOJİK GELİŞMELER ve HABERDE ETİK SORUNLAR / Nurettin GÜZ...........  


1-New Media and Social Transformation................................................................................................  •24 TOWARD A TECHNOLOGY-MEDIATED PARADIGM OF WORLD DISORDER: POLITICAL OPPOSITION, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND ECONOMIC INVASION / Ali SIMSEK............   •25 THE REFLECTION OF VIOLENCE TO TURKISH AND AMERICAN PRESS: KADDAFI EXAMPLE / Tülay ŞEKER, Mustafa ŞEKER, Fatma NİSAN............................................   •37 THE CHANGING ROLE OF WESTERN BROADCASTING / Charles F. CARLSON.....  


2-Political Communication.........................................................................................................................  •54 POLITICAL ADVERTISING IN 2011 TURKISH PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS / Seyit Ali AVCU................................................................................................................................   •55 TURKISH PARTY POSITIONS ON THE EYE OF BEHOLDERS: THE PERCEPTION OF POLITICAL PARTIES BY YOUNG VOTERS / Cihat POLAT.........................................   •66 MASS MEDIA AND POLITICAL REGIME / Yaşar SARI................................................  


3-Social Media............................................................................................................................................   •103 SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE FOR KAZAKHSTANI UNIVERSITIES: PURPOSES, METHODS 4

AND OUTCOMES / Dinara TUSSUPOVA.....................................................................  



4-Linguistic and Intercultural Communication...................................................................................   •123 EPISTEMIC MODAL FRAME IN ANALYTICAL ARTICLES / Sofiya BEKETOVA......  


LANGUAGE in SOCIAL SETTING / Valentina LAVRINENKO.....................................  


5-Yeni Medya ve Toplumsal Dönüşüm..................................................................................................   •131 YENİ MEDYA VE TOPLUMSAL DÖNÜŞÜM BAĞLAMINDA İLETİŞİM PRATİKLERİ / Seda İÇİN AKÇALI................................................................................................................   •132 TÜRKİYE’DE EN ÇOK İZLENEN TV KANALLARININ PROGRAM YAPISI: TOPLUMA NELER SUNUYORLAR? / Dursun GÖKDAĞ................................................................   •139 KÜRESEL KAMUOYUNUN YÜKSELİŞİNDE İNTERNET KULLANIM PRATİKLERİ: ”Üniversite Gençliğinin Farkındalığı” Üzerine Yapılan Bir Araştırma / Ahsen ARMAĞAN, Nimet ÖNÜR.............................................................................................................................   •153 GAZETECİLİĞİN GELECEĞİ YURTTAŞ GAZETECİLİĞİ Mİ? : ARAP BAHARI ÖRNEĞİ. / Funda ERZURUM . ........................................................................................................   •167 YENİ MEDYA VE SPOR / Murat ATAİZİ.......................................................................  


YENİ İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN SOSYAL HAREKETLERİN GELİŞMESİNDE YERİ VE ÖNEMİ / Dilek ÇİFTÇİ YEŞİLTUNA, Elife KART...................................................   •178 DİJİTAL BÖLÜNME: YENİ İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ VE YENİ EŞİTSİZLİKLER / Eda ÇETİNKAYA...................................................................................................................   •194 23 EKİM 2011 VAN DEPREMİ SONRASINDA YAŞANAN TOPLUMSAL DEĞİŞİMDE YENİ MEDYANIN ROLÜ / Zeynep ÖZARSLAN.....................................................................   •205

6-Media Analysis........................................................................................................................................   •220 RHETORICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PRIME MINISTER’S SPEECHES REGARDING 12TH OF SEPTEMBER 2010 REFERENDUM ON THE REFORM OF THE CONSTITUTION IN TURKEY / Banu TERKAN..........................................................   •221 THE ROLE OF TURKISH PRESS FOR CREATING MORAL-PANICS ABOUT SWINE FLUE NEWS IN 2009 / Mustafa ŞEKER, Abdulkadir GÖLCÜ.................................................   •237 ALTERNATIVE MEDIA AND HUMOR: THE “DEMOCRATIC OPENING” OF HUMOR MAGAZINES / Nurullah TERKAN................................................................................   •249 THE PRESENTATION OF POLITICAL WILDERNESS IN KYRGYZSTAN BY TURKISH PRESS / N. Tülay ŞEKER................................................................................................   •261 LOCAL ADVERTISING PRACTICES OF GLOBAL BRANDS: COCA-COLA ADVERTISEMENTS IN KYRGYZSTAN / Ömer ÇAKIN, Güldane ZENGIN................   •275

7-Этническая журналистика . ..............................................................................................................   •284 НОВЫЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЕ МЕДИА И ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА / Бостонова П.З..  •285 5

ЭТНИЧЕСКАЯ ТЕМАТИКА В ПРЕССЕ КР: СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ / Асанова А.А.................................................................................................................................   •289 ЭТНИЧЕСКАЯ ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА В ПОЛИЭТНИЧНОМ / Рафаил ОВСЕПЯН....  


ЭТНИЧЕСКИЕ СТЕРЕОТИПЫ В ЯЗЫКЕ КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ ПРЕССЫ / Сагынбүбү АЛАЕВА.........................................................................................................................   •301

8-İletişim Psikolojisi ve Etik.....................................................................................................................   •310 KİŞİLERARASI İLETİŞİMDE ETKİLEŞİM / Rüçhan GÖKDAĞ...................................  




MAGAZİN PROGRAMLARI VE ETİK / Yaprak İŞÇİBAŞI............................................  


9-Реклама....................................................................................................................................................   •365 ТОЛЕРАНТНОСТЬ КАК БАЗОВАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ / Бухарбаева К.Н........................................................................   •366 РЕКЛАМА КАК ЧАСТЬ КОНТЕНТА ПЕЧАТНЫХ СМИ / Галина ЩЕПИЛОВА....  


ПРОТОРЕКЛАМА: ТҮШҮНҮКТӨР, АНЫКТАМАЛАР, ИЛИМИЙ КӨЗ КАРАШТАР / Айшат БОТОБЕКОВА...................................................................................................   •375 КООМЧУЛУК МЕНЕН БАЙЛАНЫШ ЖАНА ЖАРНАМАНЫН КЫРГЫЗ КӨРКӨМ СӨЗ ӨНӨРҮНДӨ ЧАГЫЛДЫРЫЛЫШЫ / Гүлзада СТАНАЛИЕВА................................   •380

10-Medya Çözümlemeleri.......................................................................................................................   •389 İLETİŞİM SÜRECİNDE GÖRSELLİĞİN ETKİSİ / Kerim KARAGÖZ..........................  



YOĞURTÇU, Topçugül NARMAMATOVA, Uğur ÜNAL...............................................  


MEDYA SÖYLEMİ VE OLAYLARIN İDEOLOJİK TEMSİLİ: “ONE MINUTE” ÖRNEĞİ / Zeki UYANIK..................................................................................................................   •490 ÜÇÜNCÜ SAYFADAN BİRİNCİ SAYFAYA: GAZETELERDE KADINA YÖNELİK AİLE İÇİ ŞİDDETİN GÖRÜNÜMÜ / Fatma FİDAN, Neşide YILDIRIM......................................   •498 KIRGIZİSTAN TELEVİZYON HABERLERİNDE İDEOLOJİK PRATİKLER VE POLİTİK HABERLERİN METAFORİK ANALİZİ / Gökçe YOĞURTÇU, Venera NARINOVA.....   •518 ÇOKKÜLTÜRLÜ TOPLUMLARDA “PARALEL YAŞAM” MEŞRULUĞUNUN MEDYADAKİ YANSIMALARI (ALMANYA ÖZELİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA) / Mustafa YAĞBASAN..   •531 KIRGIZİSTAN’DA TOPLUMUN YENİDEN İNŞA SÜRECİNDE AÇIKHAVA REKLAMCILIĞI / Ali CAN........................................................................................................................   •551 ORTA DOĞU OLAYLARININ (ARAP BAHARI) TÜRK ULUSAL BASININDA TEMSİLİ / Selahattin ÇAVUŞ, İhsan KURTBAŞ...............................................................................   •571 TÜRKİYE’NİN TOPLUMSAL DEĞİŞİM SÜRECİNE TANIKLIKTA TELEVİZYON VE SİNEMA: DEĞİŞEN HAYATLAR VE YAPRAK DÖKÜMÜ ÖRNEĞİ / Mehmet ARSLANTEPE...............................................................................................................   •590 DİJİTAL İMGELERİN GİRMESİYLE ANİMASYON SİNEMASINDA ANLATI BİÇİMİNLERİNİN DÖNÜŞMESİ / Mustafa SÖZEN....................................................   •599 GÖRSEL İLETİŞİM AÇISINDAN FİLM AFİŞLERİNİN GRAFİK ÇÖZÜMLEMELERİ (20002010 YILLARI ARASINDA ANTALYA ALTIN PORTAKAL FİLM FESTİVALİNDE ÖDÜL ALAN SİNEMA FİLM AFİŞLERİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ) / Tamer KAVURAN, Ali ÇETİNKAYA...................................................................................................................   •610

11-Sosyal Medya........................................................................................................................................   •640 GAZETE KÖŞE YAZARLARI VE SOSYAL MEDYA: TWITTER ÖRNEĞİNDE BİR İÇERİK ÇÖZÜMLEMESİ / Halil İbrahim GÜRCAN...................................................................   •641 GÜNLÜKTEN E-GÜNLÜĞE İLETİŞİMSEL DÖNÜŞÜM: KİŞİSEL BLOGLAR ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA / Ümit ARKLAN, Mahmut AKGÜL...................................................   •649 ÜÇÜNCÜ KİŞİ ETKİSİ TEORİSİ BAĞLAMINDA SOSYAL PAYLAŞIM SİTELERİNİN KULLANIMI / Vedat ÇAKIR, Vesile ÇAKIR..................................................................   •667 İNTERNET VE SOSYAL MEDYANIN ÇOCUKLARIN OYUN ALIŞKANLIKLARINA ETKİSİ / Mustafa AKDAĞ, Mustafa CINGI.................................................................................   •681 DİJİTAL YAŞAMDA AĞ KUŞAĞININ BİR SOSYALLEŞME ARACI OLARAK SOSYAL MEDYA / Ümit ARKLAN, Mustafa AKDAĞ.................................................................................   •701

12-Yeni Medya ve Etik...............................................................................................................................   •724 BASIN ÖZGÜRLÜĞÜ ve KİŞİLİK HAKLARININ KORUNMASI / Şaban KAYIHAN..  


RADYO VE TELEVİZYONLARIN KURULUŞ VE YAYINLARINI DÜZENLEYEN 6112 SAYILI KANUN ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME / Yaşar ZORLU....................................................   •740 KAMUOYU ARAŞTIRMALARI, İZLEME/RATING ÖLÇÜMLERİ VE ETİK İLKELER / Nurettin GÜZ..................................................................................................................   •759 7

13-Язык и социальные взаимодействия.............................................................................................   •766 МЕДИА – ОНТОЛОГИЯ ЖАНА ЧЫНДЫКТЫН СЫН – СЫПАТЫ / Жамгырбек БӨКӨШОВ....................................................................................................................   •767 ДРАМА МАРА БАЙДЖИЕВА «ДУЭЛЬ» В ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫХ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИЯХ АВТОРА / Нарозя А.Г....................................................................................................   •771 КЫРГЫЗ КӨРКӨМ АДАБИЯТЫНДА КОММУНИКАЦИЯНЫН ЭЛЕМЕНТТЕРИ – КАБАР ЖАНА КАБАРЧЫНЫН ЧАГЫЛДЫРЫЛЫШЫ / Жанара АКМАТБЕКОВА.  •781 О НЕКОТОРЫХ ПРОБЛЕМАХ ДВУЯЗЫЧИЯ В КЫРГЫЗСТАНЕ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ НЕОЛОГИЗМОВ, ФУНКЦИОНИРУЮЩИХ В СМИ) / Марченко Е.И....................   •789 ПРИЕМЫВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯНААДРЕСАТАВОППОЗИЦИОННОЙРОССИЙСКОЙПРЕССЕ (НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ «НОВОЙ ГАЗЕТЫ») / С.В. Ляпун.................................................   •795

14-İletişim Tarihi........................................................................................................................................   •805 İTTİHAT VE TERAKKİ KULÜPLERİ / Hakan AYDIN..................................................  


ÇOK PARTİLİ DÖNEM BAŞLARINDA TÜRK BASININDA (ULUS) DOĞU TÜRKİSTAN (1945–1950) / Ömer AKDAĞ.........................................................................................   •816 NAZİ ALMANYA’SINDA YAYINLANAN BİR TÜRKÇE GAZETE: AZERBAYCAN / Caner ARABACI / Caner ARABACI..........................................................................................   •848 19. YÜZYIL BASKI GRAFİĞİ VE AFİŞİN GELİŞİMİNDE LİTOGRAFİNİN ETKİSİ / İsmail KESKİN..........................................................................................................................   •857 SOSYAL TEORİDEKİ İKTİDAR DÜŞÜNCESİ TEMELİNDE HALKLA İLİŞKİLER VE TÜRKİYE’DE HALKLA İLİŞKİLERİN GELİŞİMİ / Nesrin CANPOLAT.....................   •865

15-TV, PR and Marketing.........................................................................................................................   •883 IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY ON TELEVISION PROGRAMS / Halim ESEN, Ruhi GÜL, Kadir YALÇIN, Yaprak İŞÇİBAŞI....................................................................................   •884 THE AIM OF USING WEBSITES IN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS / M. Nejat ÖZÜPEK, Hüseyin ALTUNBAŞ.......................................................................   •900 CITIES AS BRANDS AND THEIR ORGANIZATIONS FOR MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS: THE CASE OF BISHKEK / Hüseyin ALTUNBAŞ, Hasret AKTAŞ, Nejat ÖZÜPEK...............................................................................................................   •908 BRAND COMMUNICATION WITH YOUTH VIA TWITTER / A. Mücahid ZENGIN, Güldane ZENGIN, Hasret AKTAŞ.................................................................................................   •918 THE GIFT OF MASS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES TO TELEVISION BROADCASTING: IPTV / Kadir YALÇIN, Aytekin CAN, Faruk UĞURLU, Metin KASIM.  •930

16-Çevrimiçi Halkla İlişkiler...................................................................................................................   •938 HALKLA İLİŞKİLERDE SOSYAL MEDYANIN KULLANIMI: TÜRKİYE’DEKİ BELEDİYELERİN FACEBOOK’U KULLANMA BİÇİMLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA / Sema YILDIRIM BECERİKLİ........................................................................................   •939 HALKLA İLİŞKİLER ÇALIŞMALARININ, YENİ İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ İLE 8



17-Yeni Gazetecilik....................................................................................................................................   •962 GAZETE OKURYAZARLIĞINDA DÖNÜŞÜM: İZMİR’DEKİ İNTERNET GAZETECİLİĞİ KÜLTÜRÜNÜN YAYGINLAŞMASI VE TAKİBİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASI / İlknur AYDOĞDU KARAASLAN..................................................................................................................   •963

18-Yeni Reklamcılık ve Pazarlama..........................................................................................................   •977 ONLINE ALIŞVERİŞ ALIŞKANLIKLARI İLE TÜKETİCİNİN DEĞİŞEN YAŞAMINA BAKIŞ: SANAL MAĞAZA KULLANIM ALIŞKANLIKLARINA YÖNELİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA / Ayça ÇEKİÇ AKYOL, Mevlüt AKYOL.....................................................................................   •978 DEĞİŞEN REKLAMCILIK ANLAYIŞI VE REKLAM MODELLERİNİN GELİŞİMİ: İNTERAKTİF REKLAM MODELİ (IAM) / Emine ŞAHİN...........................................   •996 YENİ BİR REKLAM MECRASI OLARAK MOBİL TELEFONLAR: SMS REKLAMLARA YÖNELİK TUTUM / Ümit ALNIAÇIK........................................................................   •1011 ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN İNTERNET REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUMLARI: Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Örneği / Turan Berker AKDEVELİOĞLU.......   •1023 BANNER REKLAMLARIN ETKİLİLİĞİNDE YARATICI METİN ÖZELLİKLERİNİN ROLÜ / Vesile ÇAKIR, Vedat ÇAKIR......................................................................................   •1043

19-Kültürlerarası İletişim.......................................................................................................................  •1057 KÜLTÜRLERARASI İLETİŞİM SÜRECİNDE EDWARD T. HALL’ÜN “YÜKSEK VE DÜŞÜK BAĞLAMLI KÜLTÜR” AYRIMININ İLETİŞİM ENGELİ AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ / Funda YALIM.............................................................................................................   •1058 KÜRESELLEŞME SÜRECİNDE YENİ İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ VE TOPLUMSAL DÖNÜŞÜM BAĞLAMINDA MERKEZ VE ÇEVRE İLİŞKİLERİ: TÜRKİYE ÖRNEĞİ / Levent YAYLAGÜL, Cengiz ÇİÇEK..........................................................................................   •1066 HOFSTEDE’NİN KÜLTÜREL BOYUTLAR KURAMINA GÖRE KÜLTÜRLERARASI FARKLILIKLARIN YÖNETİMİNDE HALKLA İLİŞKİLER VE İLETİŞİM / Mine SARAN, Selin BİTİRİM..............................................................................................................   •1084 KÜLTÜRLERARASI İLETİŞİM VE YÖNETİMDE BAŞARININ ANAHTARI: KÜLTÜREL ZEKÂ / Zeynep AKSOY................................................................................................   •1098 KÜRESELLEŞME SÜRECİNDE YAŞANAN SOSYO KÜLTÜREL DÖNÜŞÜMLERİN KİMLİK ALGISI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ: KTMÜ ÖĞRENCİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA / Mine HALİS...........................................................................................................................   •1112 ULUSLARARASI YÖNETİCİLERİN UYUM VE BAŞARISINDA ÖNEMLİ BİR ETKEN OLARAK KÜLTÜRLERARASI EĞİTİM / Mine SARAN, Fulden İnal ZOREL.............   •1120 SİNEMA SALONLARININ DÖNÜŞÜMÜNDE BELLEK VE MEKÂN İLİŞKİSİ / Nigar PÖSTEKİ......................................................................................................................   •1136 BİŞKEK ÖRNEĞİNDE KENT İDEOLOJİSİ / Ali CAN...............................................  


20-Yeni Televizyon Teknolojileri..........................................................................................................  •1162 9

KAMU VE ÖZEL YAYINCILIKTA SAYISAL DÖNEM VE RATING KAVRAMI / Sezer AKARCALI...................................................................................................................   •1163 3G/4G EKSENİNDE YENİ NESİL İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN TÜRK TELEVİZYON YAYINCILIĞINDA KULLANIMI / Mustafa DEMİR...................................................   •1173

21-Ekonomi ve Basın İşletmeciliği.......................................................................................................  •1185 ÜNİVERSİTE-SANAYİ İŞBİRLİĞİNDE İLETİŞİMİN ROLÜ: ÇORUM ÖLÇEĞİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA / Mustafa BİLGİN, Fatih ŞANÖZ...........................................................   •1186 AST VE ÜST ARASINDA İLETİŞİM ALGILARINDAKİ FARKLILIĞIN KAYNAKLARI: ÖĞRETMEN VE YÖNETİCİLER ÜZERİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA / Mine HALİS.......   •1199 ÇALIŞAN GAZETECİLERİN MESLEKİ TÜKENMİŞLİK DÜZEYLERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ: KAYSERİ İLİ ÖRNEĞİ / Mustafa KOÇER....................................................................   •1211 İLETİŞİMİN GELİŞİMİYLE BİRLİKTE HAYATIMIZDA YERİNİ ALAN YENİ OLGULAR: E-FİNANS VE E-TİCARET / Mahmut YARDIMCIOĞLU, Özlem ÖZER.....................   •1224 BASIN İŞLETMELERİNDE UYGULANAN ÜCRET POLİTİKALARININ BASIN ÇALIŞANLARININ YAŞAM STANDARTLARINA ETKİSİ / Çiğdem DİRİK..............   •1250

22-Siyasal İletişim ve Propaganda........................................................................................................  •1264 TANIMA VE TANITMA ARACI OLARAK SİYASAL PARTİ KURUMSAL WEB SAYFALARININ SİYASAL İLETİŞİM TEKNİĞİ AÇISINDAN ANALİZİ: KIRGIZİSTAN, RUSYA, TÜRKİYE, BİRLEŞİK KRALLIK VE AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ ÖRNEĞİ / Hasan GÜLLÜPUNAR..................................................................................................   •1265 SİYASAL LİDERLERİN SEÇMENLERİN GÖRÜŞ ALANINA GİRME KAPASİTESİ ve GENÇLERİN ALGISI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME / Hasan TOPBAŞ............   •1282 SİYASAL PARTİLERİN YURTTAŞLIK KAVRAYIŞI ÜZERİNE BİR ÇÖZÜMLEME: 12 HAZİRAN 2011 GENEL SEÇİMLERİNDE KULLANILAN SİYASAL REKLAM ÖRNEKLERİ” / A. Fulya ŞEN..............................................................................................................   •1300

23-Yeni Medya ve İletişim Psikolojisi...................................................................................................  •1311 AİLE İÇİNDE AYKIRI İLETİŞİMLER ve SONUÇLARI / Neşide YILDIRIM, Kazım YILDIRIM....................................................................................................................   •1312 ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN CEP TELEFONU KULLANIM ALIŞKANLIKLARI VE MOTİVASYONLARI: KIRGIZİSTAN ÖRNEĞİ / Bünyamin AYHAN, Erdoğan AKMAN. •1319 ÜNİVERSİTE GENÇLİĞİ ÜZERİNDE SANAL DÜNYANIN PSİKO-SOSYAL İŞLEVLERİ KIRGIZİSTAN ÜNİVERSİTE GENÇLİĞİ / Kadir YOĞURTÇU.................................   •1332


CITIES AS BRANDS AND THEIR ORGANIZATIONS FOR MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS: THE CASE OF BISHKEK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ALTUNBAŞ1 Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasret AKTAŞ2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Nejat ÖZÜPEK3 In the global environment, cities too are products that can be marketed. Conventional products and services can’t gain market share and revenue without communicating with their target audience. Similarly, cities can’t attract new visitors and investors without defining their target audience. The competitive global environment clearly revealed this. In this world with near 7 billion population and highly competitive environment, it is becoming impossible to manage cities with conventional methods. Similar to products, cities must build their brands. City managers must adopt the ways of brands like Coca-Cola, Ikea, Microsoft, Audi, P&G and Unilever. City managers must provide feedback in an accountable manner. This created an environment which is reflected starting from political communication to all perceived products and services about cities. Candidates must state their city marketing strategies and promises during municipal elections. And to be able to gain sustainable success, they must realize their promises. Voters became more conscious, momentary, and global; and they react to every asset of the city more sensitively. This sensitive situation reveals deadlock of the traditional strategies of making people forget. It is not possible to solve problems by remaining silent anymore. Cities do not need silent managers, cities need managers and communications teams who know where to talk, how to talk, what to say; and who can create alternatives about these. A city is similar to a large corporation which has multiple products. It has a structure that brings together corporate image, corporate reputation, brand building concepts. This study examines the necessary change in marketing communications infrastructure to allow cities in Turkey and in the world to create brand value and become brands. We developed suggestions about the future directions of city managers’, employees’ and citizens’ communication strategies and tactics. Cities which are ready for future must be managed according to modern marketing principles. This will increase the global reputation and fame of these cities and improve the quality of life for the inhabitants. INTRODUCTION Every city is beautiful. The managers, mayors, governors and citizens may think that their city is beautiful and so everybody might see their city. The situation changed when cities are increased in number and started to look similar. Cities can be visited if distinctive features are put forward. If this can’t be recognized, cities can’t be more than places only their inhabitants live in. In recent years cities are regarded as products. Cities economic conditions are affected directly from this perception. Economic activities can add innovations to the inhabitants life. Innovation can affect companies, markets, shopping centers, schools, roads, the shape and colors of buildings, and employment rates. This interaction is parallel with city managers ability to step out of their ordinary city management practices. City marketing is a process and can take time. When we look at the process of marketing in the world, we can see that cities follow the marketing path of companies. There are not many examples for city marketing in the world. The cities in America and Europe uses the 1 2 3

Selçuk University Communication Faculty Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas University Communication Faculty Selçuk University Communication Faculty 908

brands originating from their cities as an advantage for city marketing. In order to make city marketing, should one live in Europe or United States? This study can guide the cities that are trying to create city brands by explaining how Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek can build its city brand.

CITY MARKETING City marketing has its bases on the marketing concept. The process is affected by the stage of marketing. Newly found cities are at production or building stage, and marketing is outside of their agenda. Developing cities are at “product” stage. These cities are the ones that are working to improve city infrastructure. Because of this, marketing is not applicable. Cities are marketed because of their images. Image is created on the minds of consumers by sending various, distinct and most of the times, contrary messages.

Levels of place marketing by Kotler As presented in the city marketing model developed by Kotler, the prerequisites for city marketing are infrastructure, individuals, city brand, quality of life and attraction points of the city (Deffner and Liouris, 2005:10-11). Cultural Facilities - Museums and art galleries - Theatres - Concert halls - Cinemas 909

- Conference centers Sports Facilities - Outdoor and indoor sports hall Entertainment centers - Night clubs - Casinos - Events - Festivals Landscape features - Historical roads - Interesting buildings - Antique monuments and sculptures - Religious buildings - Recreational parks - Canals and coasts - Harbors Social and cultural features - Sources of income - Language - Local traditions - Cultural heritage - Hospitality - Security Secondary and additional factors - Hotels - Catering facilities - Trade centers and places - Markets - Transportation - Internal transportation networks - Parking spaces - Tourism Opportunities (information offices, maps, brochures, guides, etc.) Without these four components, city marketing cannot be done. After that, marketing communications must be conducted for various target audiences. Target audiences consist of 6 parts. 1. Tourists and conference participants 2. Investors 3. New settlers 4. Manufacturers 5. Exporters 6. Trade centers To be able to attract tourists, communication messages must be developed. The reason why tourists are com910

ing must be determined. Why are they coming? Why should they come? Nobody comes to see a mine or a building in a country. The features of the city must be determined according to the needs of people. Tourists visit cities according to their interests. Cities restaurants and historical buildings etc. support this visit. There must be one primary and two secondary reasons to visit a city. This is the packaging of the city. The second target audience is potential investors (companies, organizations and individuals) of the city. After doing an analysis, special communication activities for these target audiences must be planned. New settlers of the city have positive effects on cities selling power. Because their decision can have added value for cities image. The ability to attract manufacturers fall into this category. This can improve the employment rates of the city and thus the quality of life will be improved. Investors, manufacturers and exporters are important target audiences. A city can only get rich as its brands. In brief, tourists fall into one category of target audience, and investors fall into another. Some attractive cities are remembered more than other cities. Because their brand image is better positioned than other cities. The table below lists the European cities with best brand images in 2008 (Avcıkurt and Giritlioğlu, 2010:79) ROW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





Experiential marketing and event marketing must be used to make cities more appealing and to make tourists stay more on the cities. These types of marketing can attract both tourists and business people. Successful examples of city marketing are listed below (Avcıkurt and Giritlioğlu, 2010:79-83). 1.


New York City has an important place in city marketing since because of its historical and natural beauties. City marketing organizations are actively promoting this city by putting forward its natural parts and manmade structures. This city uses “I love New York” and world-famous cartoon character Miffy to gain attention.




Amsterdam is one of the popular cities with its natural beauties, culture and by being the center of international businesses. Another appeal of this city is bicycles. People can use, and are using bicycles freely in this city. In addition to these, Amsterdam can actively promote itself with its shopping centers, water canals and businesses to the tourists. The logo of the city, “I Amsterdam”, helps tourists feel at home, as living in there for a long time.



The tourism star of Barcelona shined with the Olympic Games in 1992. After the Olympics, the city continued to use this event to promote itself. Barcelona then positioned its brand as the cultural and recreational capital of Europe. By supporting this positioning with numerous events, it became successful. Barcelona hosted the European Culture Forum in 2004 and built new structures to position its brand image successfully (Deffner and Liouris, 2005:7). The logo of this city consists of the letter B and a smiley below the letter, together creating a smiling face. It gives the impression that the visitors of this city will be happy.



It took 20 years for Dubai to gain its brand image. Dubai was a city where its citizens where fishing to earn their lives 20 years ago. After the 20th century, Dubai started to change. It attracted foreign investors and as a result, it attracted lots of tourists. Dubai brand today represents high quality products, friendly environment and zero tax for tourists. Dubai is perceived as a city of shopping and vanity by tourists. Today many tourists visit Dubai just for shopping facilities. Dubai uses the right strategy and markets itself by these features.




Another city (country) that can be analyzed in the city marketing context is Singapore. Singapore markets itself as a cultural area where the past and the future meets. It also claims that it is the new face of Asia. Singapore is an exotic city where different cultures live together.



Before building the Hong Kong brand, researches has been made. The results indicate that Hong Kong’s special features are its social, cultural and historical background. Hong Kong is global city of Asia. Hong Kong markets itself as a city that is free, steady, progressive, high quality and open to opportunities. This city uses the traditional dragon figure colored with attractive colors.



Paris markets itself as the city of love, romanticism and emotions. Paris has the best brand image among European cities. Paris uses the right strategy to position itself as the city of love. The Eiffel tower has an important role in the city. In the years it was first built, some people campaigned against the Eiffel tower and requested it to be demolished. Today, about 20 million people visit Paris just to see Eiffel tower. The logo of Paris has the Eiffel tower instead of the letter A. When someone thinks about Paris, they dream about a happy couple in front of the Eiffel tower instantaneously.




Las Vegas markets itself as the city of luxury and gambling. The logo of this city is “Only Vegas”. This logo implies to the target audience that they only need Las Vegas for holiday, entertainment and recreation. In addition to this, the catchphrase “What happens in Las Vegas, Stays in Las Vegas” positions this city the centre of adult entertainment. This catchphrase is features in many Hollywood movies. The perception is that there are no boundaries of entertainment in this city.



Istanbul markets itself with the natural and historical beauties. Taking these features as a starting point, İstanbul was elected the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2010. In the recent years İstanbul also hosts different conferences. There is also Formula 1 İstanbul Park as an important event. It is clear that İstanbul tries to promote itself actively.

THE CASE OF BISHKEK The image of a city is cannot be separated from the image of its country. Thus, before thinking about the city marketing of Bishkek, a strategy must be developed for the image of Kyrgyzstan positioning lies in the catchphrase “Switzerland of Central Asia”. Kyrgyzstan is geographically similar to Switzerland. The country is 65% mountainous and has 3000 lakes in various sizes. Positioning must be made around this catchphrase. Countries top management must plan it strategically. The marketing model for Bishkek consists of the following steps: Bishkek is founded in 1878. The languages spoken are Kyrgyz language and Russian language. It was named as Frunze in 1926-1991. There are different opinions about the origin of this name. According to one of the legends, Kyrgyz people are divided to forty tribes of forty girls (kırk kız). Some others argue that the origin is “kırk kazık”. The city was called Pişpek before Bishkek. 914

Bishkek is the biggest and most cosmopolitan city of Kyrgyzstan with its population of 1 million people. The city is built soviet style, with wide streets and avenues, two-story buildings, gardens and parks. Avenues have big trees and irrigation canals. Young Bishkek does not have any historical structures, but it has an exotic atmosphere. The main square of the city is called Ala-Too (Aladağ). This square hosts political demonstrations, military ceremonies, concerts and festivals. It is a very large square with pools and cafes. A statue of legendary hero Manas front of the National History Museum. This museum and Kyrgyz National Art Museum are important attractions of the city. Talas inscriptions which have Turkish letters on them are interesting pieces of the museum. There are tent that called “yurt” at the entrance. Museum has statues of past leaders, weapon and jewelry collections and Kyrgyz clothes. The statues and symbols from the previous era has not been thrown away. Instead, they have been moved to different places. Prime Minister’s office resides in the same location and it is called “White House”. These buildings makes the Çüy avenue very busy place in day and night. Bishkek is the cultural center of Kyrgyzstan. It has many theaters, puppet companies, operas and ballets. It also has many educational institutions such as Science Academy (Akademi Nauk), State University, and Fine Arts Museum. Most influencial of state buildings is the “Kyrgyz State Philharmonic”. Mihail Frunze’s house, and Painters Street are must see locations. Bishkek Mosque (Çon Mescid) is an interesting religious building. It has a blue-white decorated minaret. It was one of the oldest buildings in the city. One of the interesting aspects of Bishkek is road newspapers. News can be read from these boards. There is no daily newspaper in this country.

City center has a clean air in the spring. There are many parks in Bishkek and more than 300 plants take place in these parks. Erkindik (Freedom) park has central situation in the city. In this park there are sculptures of Kurmancan Datka and other Kyrgyz heroes. Manas Ayil village which is dedicated to Kyrgyz national hero Manas, is also a Park in Bishkek. Another important park is Atatürk park. There is also a sculpture of Atatürk in this park. Sovetskaya, Gorki, Panfilov, Çuy and Ibraimov avenues are the most popular places in Bishkek. There are some shopping malls but tourists prefer Oş, Orta Say and Dordoy bazaars. Bishkek is also a starting point for nearby touristic places. Issık lake tours starts from this point. 35 km south to Bishkek is located Ala-Arça National Park. The first president of Kyrgyzstan was Aksar Akayev. Currently the president is Almazbek Atambayev. Knowing the manager does not directly affect the urge to visit in country marketing. However, to attract tourists these 915

managers must take steps in both cognitive and emotional levels. First Stage: Infrastructure of the city under the responsibility of city managers. This is an obligatory element. Places without electricity or potable water system inversely affect the city marketing. Features of citizens: Bishkek has a young population. Most of them are Kyrgyz; also there are Uzbeks and Russians. The image of the city and life quality must be discussed. Bishkek’s appealing points are wide roads, marble buildings, trees, Manas legend and statues. Second Stage: Second stage is target audience analysis. Messages must be send to various audiences including investors, exporters and manufacturers.

BISHKEK CITY MARKETING MODEL Kyrgyzstan = Switzerland of Central Asia Bishkek: Smiling Capital, Smiling Bishkek There may be some difficulties in Kyrgyzstan, but Kyrgyz people are happy and cheerful. The focus of Kyrgyz city marketing must be this cheerfulness. Bishkek has lots of distinct features. It is difficult to express these separately, thus these must be represented under one strategy of “Smiling Capital”. Bishkek lacks an internet site which provides detailed information and photos. Using integrated marketing, the main idea for Bishkek must be analyzed and target audience analysis must be conducted. The first step must be to create a marketing communications office for Bishkek. In the light of these information, Bishkek City Marketing Model consists of the following steps.

CONCLUSION It is not possible to make cities attractive using traditional city planning. It is only possible to add a distinct spirit to the city and make this sustainable through marketing. To make people visit the city again and again is important and this must be planned and managed. A city must use marketing, marketing communications and integrated marketing communications to be able to successful. Therefore, cities must create marketing departments and employ marketing experts. City managers must get knowledgeable about marketing principles and work in cooperation with marketing consultants. A city must be managed as a company, because cities are competing for market share. City managers must make their cities grow and must attract more visitors. Otherwise they will pay the price. The measure of this is city marketing indexes. These indexes are becoming important year by year. In forthcoming years all cities in the world will be evaluated by these indexes. Capital cities like Bishkek must analyze the current situation for getting more benefit from city marketing communications. In this way, interior and exterior packaging elements must be shown to internal and external customers. By using time management, the visiting and investment frequency of both internal and external customers can be increased.


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