New York NY Herald 1892 -

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"La Fills de Fenckon le Vielleuse" ("Fenekon's. Daughter"), whieh is to be produced at the Garden. Theatre next season. Judging from the necessarily imperfect ...
NEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1892.-FOURTEEN PAGES. fisherle*. a a d tka Senate at t w o o'clock took up a* the unfinished buaiaeaa tka Mexican award bill— relating t o tke La Abra claim—and Mr. Dolpk continued kia argoment In support of tke bil 1 . Mr. Morgan also argued I n favor of t k e kill a n l commented o a the absence o t Senators from t k e Chamber during all tka time tkat t k a bill B a a bean aader dlsoassioa—a bill, he said, which inv o l v e d d l r e o t l y a a d seriously t h e k o n o r a n d d u t y of t h e United Btates government, The Senate adjourned before ka concluded kia argument.

REED FINDS COMFORT IN CRISP'S T b Ex-Speikir Believes the PwYisic-i is FitHit Filibustering Is ID Indorsement of His Course. NOT HARMONIOUS ON THE TARIFF lr.

Brfckinrid;r, of lentocky, Offer. Afflentfmcot Which Uoki Like t •


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Tke nomination of L. G. Bath bun to be postmaster at Elmlra. N. V.. whose confirmation Senator Hill has opposed, waa to-day favorably reported to the Senate by t h e Post Office Committee, but n o notion was taken u p o a i t Tke Secretary of State baa arranged witk tka British Minuter for a conference at Washington between t k e Commissioners representing Great Britain aad t h e United States who visited Alaska last summer for t k e purpose o f obtaining definite Information i a regard to t h e seal fisheries. These Commissioners are as follows:—On the part ot tke United States, Professor T. C Mendenball and Professor C Hart Merriam: o n t k e part of Great Britain, Sir George Baden-Powell, of England, and Br Dawson, of Canada. The two last named Last Fifteenth atreet, to-day. irietioa bill 1* under eoasideralloo it shall be la order quite likely that after some minor changes It will Institnte. The academy was burued.on Janua mo»« a* aa amendment aay amendment reducing tax- staff, returned from Savannah, Ga.. yesterday direction, except that tickets from or through ary 1, 1863, b e seat to Albany and placed before the Assembly. Charles P. Xoran. presiding clerk of t h e Board of and Mrs. Packer KSVC f 66,000 toward atioa or providing oat ef what land or tax** *a*h approAldermen, w a s ;*k*n. ill y**t*rd*r m e r a l e g with a Managers Daniel Frobman. T. Henry French, priation *hall be paid. morning, bringing witk him Miss Maggie Skort, shall be t h e iron-clad signature form, suok ter- the erection of the institute in Its place. In Rudolph Aronson, Charles Burnham, AI. Caujbv, BSSSjea h*morrb»ir* of t h s luuic*. 11* will be coaCnea to the name of t b e institution minals to be understood to be Kansas City, Leaven- her honor Tkla provision Mr. Breckinridge proposed to add t k e seventeen-year-old daughter ot Engineer worth, Atchison, St. Joeepb, Omaha, Council waa changed, a n d s k e was also given tbe M. W. Hanley and W. H. Morton all said last nigkt hi* house for five or s i x days. to the Holman rule, whose adoption waa recomAustralian mails which reached Sao Francisco by t b * right to nominate candidate* for any vacancies that the amendment was a good one and that they mended by the Rules Committee, permitting riders James M. Skort, of Ho. 318 West street, Ske raa Bluffs. Sioux City, Milwaukee. Chicago. Peoria, which might occur in tbe Board of T r a s e e s . T h e were in favor of any bill allowing children to ap- s t e a m e r Alameda, on January 21. reitebed tbie city yesor legislation on appropriation bill* when In the in- away last week to meet and. marry ker lover. Will- Hannibal and S t Louis. Contracts o n tickets to Packer Institute has beea a great success, and now pear in places where their physical health and terday. A large number of newspapers and "UO letters were badly damaged by water. be issued from or through these termi nals are t o terest of retrenchment. If enacted it would enable iam Woods. nine hundred pupils enrolled. For many years morals would not be destroyed. John Leraeher wa* yeeterday appointed clerk of t h e provide that such tickets shall not be good for a bae a complete tariff bill to be appended to a n y ' Mrs. Packer was a member of tbe Church of the Supreme t'onrt. Circuit, Part 2. by Conaty Clerk V.cTke story kas been told in the HSBAXD. Maggie return passage leaving Minnenpolis prior to June Appropriation bill under consideration l a t h e Pilgrims. She leaves one son, William S. Packer, Kenna to succeed Jotin B. McGoIdrick, who ha* beea A CLRCUS FOK CHILDKEN. Bouse. I k e significance of It i s readily s e e n . la tke youngest of three pretty daughters. Her 10. aud one daughter, who i s also noted for her philanA circus performance lasting over two hours waa made chief clerk of t b * City Court. Members or the Wave and Means Committee who mother keeps a boarding house and one o t i t s thropy. The funeral arrangements have n o t y e t given at tbe Academy of Music yesterday afterMargaret Reilly, a housekeeper, ef No. 235 West TblrtTare in favor of attacking the McKinley Tariff a c t patrons and Miss Maggie's most ardent admirer CHAIRMAN FINLEY STILL INSISTS TJPON BIB beea announced. sevaotb atreet. w e s held in t h e Yorkville Police Court noon before a number of guests of the managers yesterday by separate b i l e were afraid that i t Indicated a was young Woods, who is an assistant engineer on on a charge of *ma«blDg a window o t John RIGHT TO DECIDE THE BOCK ISLAND BUSINESS. purpose to tak* t h e revision of the tariff out o f the steamship Kansas City, running between Hew of "Tbe Country Circus." About fifty people oc- Kruger's saloon, at No 390 'third arenue. CHARLES F. LORINO. their hands and propose a general Tariff bill. like cupied seats o n t h e stage around t b e ring Stanislaus Bras*«kowaki, a carpenter, thirty eigbt CHICAGO, HI., Jan. 26. 1892.—Chairman Finley the Mills bill of the Fiftieth Congress. Tko demo- York and Hew Orleans, The young pair wished to says the right o t the Rock Island t o meet outside Charles F. Loring, a member ot the Governor's and applauded t k e various sots, whlob were years old, of No. OoO ttaet 117th street, was held In the marry, but tbe girl's parents refused their consent cratic member* of Ike committee are at present Morrleauia Police Court, yesterday, e n a e h a r z e of Among those w h o appeared having assaulted competition in the matter ot tke payment of com- Council of Massachusetts and supreme reaeut of given in full. Bra. Alexandrine Koebroski, iweatydivided on tee subject of the best method of at- because of ber tender years. were t h e three Meers sisters, Mr. De Mott, mission* on emigrant businese to California points four years o.d, of No. tf4l Last 156th street. Miss Short ran away from home last week, taking tacking the tariff, and tke new aad old membere of the Royal Arcanum, died a t hia residenoe in MelMiss Holloway, Professor Morris a n d Professor $36 belonging to her mother. Under the name of was n o t entirely settled by the decision o t t h e rose yesterday. B e » e S born in Marlboro about t h e committee have n o t yet been able to get toLawyer Louis J. Grant aarved a a order issued by Conrad, who put bis saored baboon, m u l e and two Judge McAdam, of tne .supreme Court upon t b e Police gether on t k e question, Mr. springer and h i s "Mrs. Basooiube" she sailed for Savannah on the arbitrators. That decision simply conceded the friends favoring separate biila, and the members of steamship Chattahoochee. Her people invoked t h e right of tho road o some relief. The Rook Island, forty years ago and was educated i n tbe publio dog* through a number of clever tricks. T h e Commissioners yesterday i n t r u d i n g them to reinstate Frank C Kockell, who wee dismissed free* t k e committee when Mr. Mills ways chairman— aid of Inspector uy rues and bad her arrested upon he says, must now go before tbe chairman and sebools there. He afterward attended the Phillips wrestling pony caused much a m u s e m e n t After tPoliceman h * tore* Febraary 13. ISM", oa a charge of drunkenness. namely, Measra. McMiliia, Wilson and Turner— her arrival i n Savannah o n a charge of grand show t h e extent of t h e relief t o whlob it is en- Academy at Andover, where b e graduated with the performance circus Umonade •>*» diatributed. The Board of Meaagere of t h e National Temeerance favoring a general revision l a one comprehensive larceny. There s h e was locked up and Vallely was titled, naming in its application j n s t how muck i t high honors. Then he an tered upoa tho study of It is the intention to repeat t h e performanoe for Society yesterday adopted a resolution protecting sent for her. While in jail there ske kad a brief measure. desires to increase tke commissions o n trans-con- law and wa* admitted to t h e Suffolk county Bar children on Tuesday a a d Friday alter no ons, t h s against the proposed e x c i s e legislation at Albany, esinterview witk Wood*. pecially the Sunday opening of t h * saloons, ana apWOT A MOVX AGAINST SFBISOBB. sixteen yeare ago. Deceased was at one time tbe little o n e s to take seats on tbe stage. pointed a committee to represent t b * society at Albany. The young woman was arraigned ia the General tinents! emigrant business. Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, when seen this commodore of the Massachusetts Yacht Club end After kearing tbe application a a d giving i t d u e was also a member of Hugh de Pa - ens Maeonie Kdwia Dew. a ealoon seeper ef Mo. 13S East Fifteenth afternoon said tkat kia resolution did not contem- Sessions Court yesterday before Judge Cowing an J street, was thrown from a Broadway c»r at K«rty-8rel THE PIG IS OUT OF IT. plate aay move against the chairman of the We.>s b*ld in $1,000 bail. Luke Higgins. a wall known consideration the chairman can decide i t a a his body, tbe Knights Templar, t k e Melrose Clnb and street earljr yesterday morning. Michael W»!iu. vf Me. and Mean* Committee. He said that he did not be- Hinth ward saloon keeper, turnisned ball tor her judgmsat dictates. The little pig ebout whieh there has b a large number of other organizations. He waa so 365 Wes: Hfty-second afoot, t h * driver of the car. wee lieve tu tacking legislation on appropriation bills aad ene waa taaea home by her friend*. president of the Moireee Republican Club and a much trouble made h i s farewell eppeara arrested and waa held i a t n e JelTereon Market Po.lce A girl friend or Miss Short yesterday tendered M E E U N O OF T H E WEST VIBOINIA CfcNTBAL AXD member ot the Melroee t e h o o l Hoard. He leavea a in but was in favor of keeping appropriation bill* conCourt. "Nanon" at the Casino lest night, and he, fined to government expenditures strictly. At the Mrs. short tbe i'Mi that she missed when Maggie disWidow aad two chtidrea. ITIBBUBO HALLWAY DIBEOTOBS. J a m e * Curren. twenty-five years old. e f Mew Brunsa pepeir maeb^ affair will take hie piece. Ma:setter same time, if there was going to be aay suck rule appeared. Then tbe story came o u t that Maggie wick, S. J., wae held tn tbo Yorkville Police Court resAronson said that b e bad received a nusaber of terday PIEDMONT, W. Va., Jan. 26, 1892.—A m e e t i n g o f t b o adopted aa t h e old Hoiniaa rider of t h e Forty- wa* supplied with money for her tiip by Woods, charged with assaulting Policeman MrCallloti. oMTOaaTf a o r a a letters from people who complained that ftbe pig of th* Twenty-eecotid street statiou. Curren eaeersed eighth Coagreas, be wanted to add to it a rule rela- aud that she left tbe $36 taken from her mother directors of tke Wast Virginia Central and Pittsburg with ber friend before s h e left the city. Mr. Skort that t h e policeman clubbed biiu. a u j hat he struck in tive to taxation. He said be wanted to keep a n y at Bridtetoa. N. J., waa being ill-treated aad tkat k e bad decided not self defence. I single tariff bill o r a a y general tariff bill from is reported to have said tkat k a intend* sending Railway Company was bald here this morning. %J *A 'SBsstSjaew ^sfessgy # d t a t poreca in t k e town. She to l e t i t appear again. tka A: Surrogate Ransom has directed a reference to ascerThose present were Henry O. Davis, president; W.W. being pocketed in the Senate, and If t k e House Maggie t o a convent. esbl i v e m o n t h s old. t tain whether t h * letters of administration granted to • e a t tke Seuate a l o t of single shots at tka tariff Taylor, o t Baltimore; Secretary of War S. B. CHICAGO WILL HELP M'CAjbLL. Bjad forty-eight, died MoaMary Coleman, upon t h s estate of ber father. Jame* Jodf» law—wkick k e personally did not favor, being kimSIR EDWIN ARNOLD'S ILLNESS. Dillon, should be revok*d. i-.lir.&belk iiillon, w h e t l u o . He bed keld judicial Elkin* and R. C. Kerens, of St. Louis, Mo. T h eday aigkt a t CHICAGO, IU.. Jan. 26, 1892.—At a meetitig of t b e self a believer m keeping faith by a general rec l a i m s to he tbe widow, wente t* administer upon t h e for i e a d wee prominent aa a managers of the Chicago theatres, held to-day, i t estate, vision—he wanted to put the rules in such a shape B B I S BTjrySBINO FBUU THK OBIP AND BAB other members of the Board—secretary Jame* G. peeitioae which l e valued at t^O.OUU. young turiet. Blaine. John A. Bambleton and W. Irvine Cross, that the Sen at* oould be compelled to act upon wee resolved to give a monster benefit i n aid of Tb* Board of Omcors of t h e Seventy -first regiment met o t Baltimore—were represented by proxy. A dospatcb fro i Loafloa s e y s t k e t 81r Oscar Colonel John A. McCaull at t k e Chlcaso Opera last them and n o t be permitted to pocket them i n comCASCBXLED B I S LECTUBE E N 0 A G E M ~ \ T 8 . Bight and elected Major l rancis V. Urease Colonel At the meeting of stockholders which followed Clayton, surgeon l a ordinary to t h e Prince of mittee. lu place of Colonel r red Kopner, who has been mad* As The condition o f Sir Edwin Arnold, w h o ia ill tbe report ot Preeident Davis was read by Secre- Wales aad tke Duke at Edinburgh, is dead. He House colncldently with t b e o n e t o beTgivsn i n sistunt Quartermaster General. Colonel oreene ie a New York o n February 11. BESOLC'.UN IN FAVOB OF A S INTBBNAIIONAL graduate uf Wo-i Point and h e tersed on the staff *f with t h e grip at the Everett House, waa pronounced tary Moore and showed au iacrsase of thirty-three waa b o m in 1810. General Skobeleff during t h e Russo-Turkltb war. per cent in the net carnini-s a s compared with the Richard BeU. a well kuo wu palace car conductor. serious yesterday. He waa very weak a n d b i s previous year. A dividend o t one per cent o a COIN'AGE AOBKBMKBT. Th* funeral of the late lames A. Hamilton, whe died JO TUEN PREACHEJ temperature was do a a to eeveaty. There la n o $0,000,000 of capital stock »a« declared. Amoug died at his home in Jersey City yestordey of lnng •uddealy at t h e C a l o a Club on Saturday nignt. took Tke most important e v e n t i a t k e Senate waa t k e ST. LOOTS, M O „ Jan. 26, 1892,—A decided sensatrouble. He waa very popular with patrons of t h e place yesterday tnorutng from the Church of tbe Asceathings shown bv the report of General Manreport of Senator Morrill, chairman o t tka Com- immediate danger, b u t b i s friends are extremely other tion bas been created in theatrical circles here by eion, Tenth e i r e e t and Fifth avenu*. The Kev. 1.. Vtiuager Brelz was that by tbe construction of a l i n e Pennsylvania Railroad. Donald, rector of t b e cbareh. c e n d s c t e d the mittee on F. Pond, u a o e r wboee direction Sir nary in 1828. He had held many prominent pas- WANTS BACK HIS HOUSE AND LOT. llajek. He lived with ber for aboat three years aad thea of such eouatriee as he may deem advisable to join Edwin made hie tour of tbe country, refunded the tke Poughkeepsie Bridge did n o t meet to-day, and toral charges in diflereut parts of Ohio, and s i n c e rtalaed t k a t Mr. Heak secured t h e divorce freta T> tsf t h e United btatos in a conference to be held at a money to the pereone who kad purchased tickets it was staieu that a o meeting would be held until 1838 bad been trustee o f Marietta College. Robert H. Maple, sixty-Ate years old. a resident time and place to be agreed upon, such confer- for the reading that Sir Edwin waa to have given Jimmy Dana, sixteen r e a r s e l d . aad Freak Bock, tea the commit e e heard from tke Reading Railroad. Mrs. Hannah Maekey died in Middletown, N. Y„ of Neptune City, N. J., brought suit before Vice ence t o be oalled with a view of eecunug a per- yesterday m o r a l e * , at n i n e o'clock, at Daly's Thecare old. of No. blU S e a t lUttib street, were arraigned yesterday. She was nearly one hundred years old. n tho Harlem Folic* Court yesterday * a a charge e t amaaeaee in tke , d a t i v e value o t gold a a d ailver atre. Major Pond said that those who came to t h e ITEMS t F BAILWAY NKW-i. She was the mother of fourteen children, only o n e chancellor Green, at Newark, yastorday, to recover • sealing fourteen pairs of *fao** from t b * shew window at a common coin w e ratio to be mutually agreed theatre expressed great sympathy t o r Sir Edwin. ot whom is living. Her husband, Daniel Maekey, property wkick k e deeded to kia wife about three ef Herman Klein, of Mo. 2,232 r'lret avenue Mrs. Marl* Preeident Smith, of tke Vermont Central Bailupon through international agreement providing Felipe, of No. 4 W B e a t 113th street, wa* alee arraigned t o t t k a enlarged monetary u*e o t silver road, emphatically deaies t k e rumor tkat aay por- who was engeged i n the foundry and machine years ago. Maple kaa beea married jtwlce. His fer receiving t h * etolen goods. Dunn aad Mrs. Felipe aud t o * giving t o tkat metal equal m i n u s * tion o t k e s y s t e m wiu b e leased to t k a New York bualoess at Matteawak, died forty-six years ago. first wife died l a 1888. and b e r aucoesdor was se- were held aad young Beck w a s pareled la custody ef oi* Mrs. Maekay's death was oauced by pneumonia. rUrate with gold. T a e President shall, by Central. cured tbe same year through a "pereostal" adver- mother. Chief of Police B. M. UcGulre and Special Officer a a d With tke advice ot tke Senate, appoint three Captain Thomas Bond died yesterday morning et The nre* yesterday were:—13:45 A. M.. l a Second ave1-resident Austin Corbin, of tka New York a a d comaiUeioners. shall attena sack O"Connor, of Maw Boohelle, K. Y.. o a Monday nigkt New England road, ia l a Boston. Ha declines t o Beach Haven, N. J. Ha was eighty-nve years old. t i s e m e n t She gave ber name aa Florence E. Dodd n u e , between Second and Third etreett. damage Sflou; k vssfess.w -" ••• w ^ **v who *• **r^ — -» m !•• i • «. ^ w w a t v i s vconference v aaa • r s j n c< 1 A. k t . Me. 25 Waveriey place, d a o a g * S25; 1 A. M- » * • oa" ..a behalf of t h e United State* aad *kaU report the arrested a "green goods" dealer, wko worked talk at pressnt, but says tkat ka may kave aome- He purchased the Long Beach Houae, a resort o a and said s h e we*-a widow. Cortlandt street, d a m a g e (police estimate*, SAloOj the Jereey coast, in IBJU. and became particularly loiage thereof to tbo Preeident, who shall transMaple waa so weU pleased witk k i s esicond matri- 65 t h i a g t o say later on. 7:10 A. M.. No. 3.034 l h l r d aveaa*. damage trilling; IOTSS atlt . same t o Congreea. notable by ins early connection with t h e life sav- monial venture tkat be made over toj ale wlfs ult eke bald oonimiaetoaere under t k e various aliaaae at G. Lewis, of No. L9a6 A. M... No. S7 Market street, d e m e a n $5uV: 11:«X»A. M. At t k e meeting l a Concord. N. H , yesterday o t ing station located t o t b e eaatward or b i s hotel. bouse aad l o t valued at $i.4O0. They! quarrelled, •kail receive tka s u m of S&.U0O each a a d their Third avenue; F. Travis, e f No. 1,924 Third avenue. Mo. 2.604 Third aveuue, damage S25, | F * S P. M„ Ma 031 tke Oovernor and Council tka Council presented He otllclated as captain e f tho guard for a number and then, it i s said, be learaed t h a t ! he waa ber HattUon reasonable expense*, to bo approved by the Secre- aud Joseph May. of Bridgeport, Conn. avenue, damage «20; 12.45 P. M.. No. 2 » West tary of State, a a d t h e amount neoeeeary to pay Chj.f MeGaite learned tkat "green good*" circu- tke name of ex-Congressman Hosea W. Farker, of of years after tbe government established a life third husband; that b e r first kudkaad. from Twenty-seventh street, d a m a g e goU; 3 35 P. M.. in Indeinch com p e a s e tion and expense* ia hereby apwro- lar* were being e m u l a t e d m Waahingtou oouaty, Claremont, t o r Railroad CommiaaiOBer, b a t Govcaving service. Captain Bond accumulated a for- whom she wee never divoreed. wee s t i u living, and pendence avenue, near Warren avenue, damage 825, 4 50 out o t a a y money l a t h e Treaauty n o t Vt,. and got t7Ceaaor t o pretend to be a vie Urn. ernor Tattle rejected t h e nomination. tune of about $76,000 from h i s hotel, b u t through that ker second husband b e d sewnrdj a a annul- P. at^ NO. SAO Beat Talrtv-tKlrd etroos. dasaage fTftj S-SO F. M,, Mo. U S W . e t 124tb *tr*ot, damage SOO: » f. M.. ;propriat*d. ' ?The * • ».'•# atkerwase appropriated. piaa woraed iwell a a d Lewi* was cauabt. He Tka rega'er monthly sscetiag of tka Atohlson misfortune b e became reduced a a d died a poor ment of their marriage OB tbe ground b f bigamy, K o S i New Bewery, d a m e g * t r i n l a g . V > . » F M Me. direciore w a s keld yesterday. Ua March 31. W91. be aay*. hi* wife gTr.w tired o t li*Tbtrd*venu*,i beaatvr Aidrick latroduoed a bill to regulate tka I ia ia jail awaiUag HSBALD BTJBBAU. Watmmm AXD G taatn N. W WASHHtoTon, Jen. ao. um.










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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069