No.87, September 2013

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At government level, to facilitate ... but I'm glad to see that in Japan's ... Britain's BBC called the British forces .... services, for example, the Kumon method and.
Japan’s Public Diplomacy: Where It Stands and the Issues It Faces By Yasushi Watanabe, Keio University


his autumn I had the

French government undertook major

Japan Earthquake and about Japanese

opportunity to lecture,

institutional reforms that included

anime and music, in March 2012 a

as a visiting professor,

the amalgamation of a complex array

liaison committee for strengthening

on public diplomacy (PD) at the

of institutions engaging in (c) and

public diplomacy was set up with

Institut d’études politiques de Paris

(d) to form the Institut français.

top officials of ministries and

(popularly known as Sciences

government agencies as members.

Po), one of France’s foremost

These efforts are found not only in

educational institutions.

France but also in other Western

Then November 2013 saw the

countries and institutions such as

establishment of the “Cool Japan

In a world in which global

Germany, the United Kingdom,

Fund” (Cool Japan Fund Inc.) to give

competition in the establishing of

Spain, the EU, NATO, and the United

support in the realms of funding

rules, the framing of issues, and

States, while other countries such as

and management strategy for the

the forming of norms is growing

Russia, China, the Republic of Korea,

development of operations overseas

increasingly intense, considerable

Indonesia, Singapore, India, Turkey,

by Japanese companies. This is

interest is being directed in France,

and the UAE have strengthened

an example of the government

too, at PD as a method of projecting

their structures in this sphere.

and private sectors joining forces

soft power—that is, as a means

Korea has gone so far as to establish

to promote investment in “Japan

of identifying how a nation can

the post of ambassador for PD.

Brand” products and services.

winning hearts and minds to sway

In this context, we tend to be self-

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

public opinion in other countries.

deprecatory about Japan’s comparable

(MOFA) has also been active,

efforts, but in fact Japan has nothing

establishing its Public Diplomacy

Typically, PD involves elements such

at all to be bashful about as regards

Strategy Headquarters in order to

as (a) the dissemination of policy-

the structure and quality of its PD.

combine foreign policy and PD

increase the number of its friends by

related information, (b) international

seamlessly under one roof. How to

broadcasting, (c) exchange diplomacy

At government level, to facilitate

coordinate the relevant institutions

(personal interaction and intellectual

the dissemination—by both the

and divisions is a major issue for any

dialogue), and (d) cultural diplomacy

government and the private sector—

country, and it could certainly be

(language education and cultural and

of information concerning the

characterized as a groundbreaking

artistic events). In 2010, however, the

reconstruction after the Great East

step by Japan to have consolidated 1

No. 87 December 2013

Japan’s Public Diplomacy: Where It Stands and the Issues It Faces all its divisions handling news

to discuss democracy, while visits

If one visits the South Pacific or

media, domestic and overseas

were made to Hiroshima and Kyoto in

Africa, one encounters a large

public relations, and cultural

order to share Japan’s knowledge and

number of presidential palaces,

interchange in its Public Diplomacy

experience of postwar reconstruction.

parliament buildings, huge stadiums,

Strategy Division under the Press

and so on funded by massive

Secretary/Director-General for Press

The Japan Foundation, whose name

sums of Chinese money, but one

and Publicity. An international

is better known overseas than within

also finds a considerable degree of

comparison of foreign-affairs

Japan, is highly regarded among

gratitude and trust that has been

ministries reveals that the number

people involved in PD worldwide. In

aroused by “untied” Japanese official

of accesses to the MOFA website is

the aftermath of the Great East Japan

development assistance and the

the third largest in the world (after

Earthquake, it launched the Kizuna

activities of the Japan International

the US and the UK ministries).

Project, in which it has invited

Cooperation Agency (JICA),

young people from 41 countries

unpretentiously providing down-to-

Japan’s PD has undergone a paradigm

and regions in the Asia-Pacific area

earth, honest assistance in areas close

shift. At the time of the Gulf War

and North America, with the aim

to the daily lives of ordinary people.

in 1990, there was a shift from the

of deepening their understanding

previous emphasis on distinctive

of Japan by sharing experiences: of

Initiatives such as the JET

characteristics colored by traditional

suffering disaster, of reconstruction,

Programme (Japan Exchange and

thinking about the uniqueness of

and of disaster prevention. There has

Teaching Programme) constitute

Japanese culture and identity, to

been keen interest in participating,

globally renowned cases of

an emphasis on contributing to

demonstrated by the fact that

successful PD that are cited in related

the international community as an

whereas the quota for Indonesia was

textbooks. As many as 20 or so

advanced industrialized country;

24 participants, applications were

people working at the US Embassy

in other words, on universality.

received from as many as 556 people,

in Tokyo are reportedly alumni of

And in recent years in particular

well above the 100 initially expected.

the programme. When the Great East

the shift has been to an approach

Japan Earthquake struck, alumni

that gives importance to shared

At the Angouleme International

in countries around the world

experience and cooperative effort.

Comics Festival, due to be held in

played a major role by engaging in

France in January and February

fundraising and other activities.

An excellent example of this occurred

2014, the Korean government and

following the Iraq War, when MOFA

cartoonists association have decided

In international broadcasting in

invited leaders of various religious

to include exhibits on the theme of

Japan, NHK World plays a pivotal

denominations and ethnic groups,

the wartime comfort women issue,

role. Its potential television audience

and also members of parliament, to

but I’m glad to see that in Japan’s

had increased 100 times over four

Japan. It held a series of Seminars

case a line has been drawn when it

years to 260 million in 140 countries

on National Reconciliation of Iraq

comes to provocative PD of that kind.

worldwide by September 2013. In

No. 87 2 December 2013

2013, it was invited to attend as an official member, along with Australia, the DG5 meeting of the directors general of the international broadcasters of the five countries that are most advanced in international broadcasting, namely the UK, the US, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. The main purpose of

Japan’s PD has undergone a paradigm shift, from an emphasis on distinctive characteristics colored by traditional thinking about the uniqueness of Japanese culture and identity, to an emphasis on contributing to the international community as an advanced industrialized country; in other words, on universality.

the meeting was for the participants to share a sense of impending

thereby maintaining its objectivity

international broadcasting budget

crisis with regard to international

and integrity of journalism.

of China Central Television (CCTV)

broadcasting funded lavishly by oil

is reportedly around ¥80 billion,

money and emerging economies,

So what are the issues facing

roughly four times that of NHK’s

and for international broadcasting

Japan’s PD? Arguably the biggest

international broadcasting division.

by nations that share liberal

problem is its overly small scale

(International broadcasting accounts

democratic values to show solidarity

relative to its high quality.

for only 3% of NHK’s total budget.)

Over the past 10 years, the MOFA’s PD

Of course, it is true that entities

A view sometimes expressed is that

budget has been trimmed by as much

such as private-sector foundations,

if the strengthening of international

as 40 percent. A major factor behind

think tanks, universities, museums,

broadcasting is advocated within

this has been the negative impact of

sporting organizations, civil society

Japan, that broadcasting should

the budget screening implemented

as a whole, and religious bodies

be used to set out the Japanese

under the previous Democratic Party

underpin PD in a broad and indirect

government’s stances more clearly,

administration, and many people

sense, but there are numerous

and that content that harms Japan’s

knowledgeable about the situation

aspects that only public institutions

image should not be televised.

both within Japan and overseas

are capable of undertaking.

However, if it were to become

have voiced alarm that the inevitable

propagandistic in the manner of the

result would be self-marginalization

Furthermore, there are not yet any

broadcasting by countries like China

committed by Japan itself. This is

study centers or specialist journals

and North Korea, its credibility would

exemplified by the fact that, among

for PD in Japan, and virtually no

be debased instantly. On this point

the 10 countries of ASEAN on which

university courses or programs for

it is worth looking back to note that

the Abe administration is placing

human-resource development in

at the outbreak of the Falklands War,

importance, the Japan Foundation

the field. In consequence, there is

Britain’s BBC called the British forces

has an office (Japan Culture

an insidious tendency to think that

not “our forces” but “British forces,”

Center) in only half of them. The

in addressing various issues.


No. 87 December 2013

Japan’s Public Diplomacy: Where It Stands and the Issues It Faces handling cultural or public affairs does not require experience. During my stay in Paris I encountered a certain amount of concern that Prime Minister Abe is a “nationalist,” though of course it is not believed that epithets associated with that term, such as

There are many areas in which Japanese companies can contribute to PD, the most conspicuous way being direct investment in other countries. Numerous Japanese products and services, for example, the Kumon method and home-delivery systems, are attracting attention in Southeast Asia and other regions of the world.

“racist” or “fascist,” apply to him. But is it conceivable that there

perceptions to be totally consistent,

control at medical points of care.

are prime ministers, presidents,

and in the cases of Japan, China,

Numerous Japanese products and

or persons of similar status who

and Korea, study should be

services, for example, the Kumon

do not love their own country?

conducted openly by historians not

method and home-delivery systems,

only from the countries concerned

are attracting attention in Southeast

If the exercise of the right of

but also from third countries.

Asia and other regions of the world.

collective self-defense immediately

None of the results that emerge

implies leaning to the right

should be concealed, but should be

Another method is for Japanese

politically, then one must conclude

made known to the international

companies to increase numbers of

that the international community

community through English-language

highly competent interns recruited

is already leaning to the right.

websites. Light should be cast on

from overseas. It is also important

whichever countries or institutions

to serve the needs of the non-

turn a blind eye to history.

Japanese communities in Japan, and

The importance of not succumbing to an opponent’s provocation—of

they must also keep in mind those

not playing into their hands—is

There are many areas in which

people’s links with large numbers of

the same in PD as it is in sports.

Japanese companies can contribute to

their friends, family members, and

Overreacting and making a wrong

PD, the most conspicuous way being

colleagues in their home countries.

move spells defeat. Territorial and

direct investment in other countries.

human rights are based ultimately

I recently visited Uganda, where

It is also desirable for Japanese

on the principle of the rule of law,

I found some extremely valuable

companies to send a flow of

and it is essential that they be

products, for example, Sumitomo

promising young people and mid-

addressed in a fair and open manner

Chemical’s Olyset Net (long-lasting

career personnel to attend forums for

within an international framework.

insecticidal net to protect against

international intellectual dialogue

malaria) and Saraya’s alcohol-based

such as the Davos Meeting, the

Even within the same country

antiseptic hand rub, which has led

Salzburg Global Seminar, and the

it is not possible for historical

to major improvements in disease

Aspen Seminar. For the sake of

No. 87 4 December 2013

Japan-US relations, for example, there is a pressing need to scout and nurture human resources who are capable of considering Japan-US relations from a broad perspective as leaders of the business community: future Minoru Makiharas and Yotaro Kobayashis. It is also beneficial to lend support to such events. More than 40,000 people attended the “Nikkan Koryu Omatsuri” (Japan-South Korea Exchange Festival), held jointly by Japan and Korea in Seoul in September 2012, and over 700 Korean students took part as volunteers. It was the most vibrant event ever of its kind, and even amid the cooling of relations between Japan and Korea, more than 130 companies supported it. There are also, of course, institutional issues that should be re-examined from the perspective of Japan as a whole. For example, there is the problem of dual nationality. The current system—under which young people with dual nationality are compelled to choose between their Japanese and their foreign nationality by the time they reach the age of 22—goes against the global tide. In a world

Another method is for Japanese companies to increase numbers of highly competent interns recruited from overseas. It is also important to serve the needs of the non-Japanese communities in Japan, and those people’s links with social networks in their home countries. moving more and more towards

“disrespect” for the parliament.

hybridization, encouraging people to

This incident casts a spotlight on

maintain close emotional and societal

the occurrence of cases in which

bonds with Japan is important for PD.

politicians of ministerial rank are often unable to attend important

In addition, the recent dismissal of

international meetings while the

Diet member Yoriko Kawaguchi as

Diet is in session, and on the irony

chair of the Upper House Committee

of a situation in which an obsession

on Environment remains fresh in

with regulations and customs

the memory, the reason for her

can harm Japan’s international

dismissal having been that she

standing and national interest.

extended a stay in China for one day without permission from the

Yasushi Watanabe is a Professor at the

Diet, thereby allegedly showing

Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus.

Publisher & Editor: Hiroshi Nakayama,

Keizai Koho Center KEIDANREN KAIKAN Floor 19 3-2 Otemachi 1-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan Phone: +81-3-6741-0031 Fax: +81-3-6741-0032 [email protected] Keizai Koho Center (KKC) is an independent, non-profit organization designed to promote the understanding of Japan’s economy and society at home and abroad. Its financial resources are derived entirely from the private sector. KKC fosters a deeper understanding of Japan’s basic social structure. Furthermore, it conducts public affairs activities to improve the Japanese people’s recognition of Japan’s global role. The views expressed in this newsletter are of the contributors and do not necessarily represent those of the Keizai Koho Center.


No. 87 December 2013