On the Periods of Certain Pseudorandom Sequences

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"Let k(n) be the maximum period of n-bit pseudorandom sequences gen- ... Now, let us consider the following sequence (F^=0jl)... of elements ... F r v~\ 4-* j^.
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 10 (1974), 77-89

On the Periods of Certain Pseudorandom Sequences By

Masahiko SATO*

In [1], Rader et al. gave a fast method for generating pseudorandom sequences. Concerning these sequences, Moriyama et al. [2] made a research including the computational results by computers. In this paper we shall study the periods of these sequences, and give an affirmative answer to the following conjecture presented in [2]: "Let k(n) be the maximum period of n-bit pseudorandom sequences generated by the Rader's method. Then k(2n} = 2k(n) for all ?z." We shall also prove a number of algebraic properties of the periods, and give an efficient algorithm for computing k(ri). We remark here that in this paper we are interested only in the algebraic properties of these sequences and not in the randomness of these sequences.

§1. Introduction To make the present note self-contained, we begin with the definition of the pseudorandom sequences given by Rader et al. An n-bit pseudorandom sequence E=(£ z -)i=o,i,--- *s defined inductively by:


(Ei+2=D(Ei+i®Ei) where e0 and e± are given n-bit patterns, 0 denotes £exclusive-or' of two n-bit patterns, and D is the operator rotating the argument cyclically 1 bit to the right. For instance, if n=3 and e 0 =011, e1=001, we have: £0=011, ^=001, E2=001, £3=000, £4 = 100, ...,E 14 =001, £15=011, Communicated by S. Takasu, September 18, 1973. * Graduate School, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, Kyoto.



£ 16 =001,.... We denote the y'-th component of E-t by £,•(; — 1). Thus £f = E£(0)... Et(n — 1). In the original paper by Rader et al., D is replaced by Tp which performs the p-bit cyclic rotation. Let us call this sequence («; p)-sequence. For the study of the period of the sequence, however, we have only to consider the case p = 1 . For, if GCD(p, ri) = m ^ 1 , the sequence (£/) can be reduced to m (n/m; l)-sequences (£/) (j = l,...,m), where £/(/)=£/(./ + (/— l)w/w). The period fc of the sequence (Et) is therefore obtained by fc = LCM(fc lv .., /cm), where fc,- is the period of (£/). If GCD(p, n) = l, (IQ is isomorphic to the (n\ 1) sequence (E-), where Now, let us consider the following sequence (F^ =0jl) ... of elements in R, where K is a commutative ring with 1 and /0, /19 x are fixed elements in K.

F, =/, ,


Define the generating function Fefl[[F]] of (Ft) as follows: F=



From (2) and (3), by a simple computation, we obtain (4)




To see the relation between (1) and (2) more clearly, the following fact should be mentioned. The operator D in (1) has the property that D" is the identity operation. So if we put



and x=c(X), where c: F 2 [X]->F 2 [X]/(X fi -l) is the canonical mapping, then we can identify (2) and (1) under the following correspondence: an element of R


Tan rc-bit pattern


multiplication by X


operation of D


So in the following we shall consider (2) instead of (1). To decompose Rn into a direct sum, let

be a factorization of Xn — 1, where P^s are distinct irreducible factors of Xtt-L Since the derivative of X 11 —! is nXn~l, Xs —1=0 has no repeated roots, i.e. e~l for all /, when n=s is odd. (In the following s always denotes an arbitrary odd number.) Hence we have the following isomorphism.



Now suppose n is even and n=2us. Then since Xn—\—Xs2u + l = (Xs +1)2", we have Y"— 1 — P2l" ...i/, P2" . A —i—r

Thus, we have

§2. Discussions in a Field Now let P be any irreducible polynomial in F2[X~] with degree d. Let us consider the relation (2) in the field K=F2\_X~\l(P) =



taking xeK as the image of XeF2[X'] by the natural mapping from r v~\ to 4-* j^ F2\_X] K. Then we can naturally define a linear map S: K2-^K2 by: (9)

/ 0


\ x

x /




\ /F \ i~l } to f * j.


//o S*[ \/i


Since detS=x^O, 5 is in GL(2, K). So the group G = GL(2, K) acts on K2 from left in a natural way. For any feK2, we put kK(f) = k(f) = \Gf\, namely the cardinality of the G-orbit containing /. Clearly, k(f) is the period of the sequence (2) for the initial value f=( As is well-known, |G/| =\G\l\Gf\, where G/ is the stabilizer o f / . We have therefore (11)

(for allfeK2).

fc(/)l|G| If we put k = k(f),

we have £*(/)=/ and Sfc(5/) = S/.

So, if { f , S f }

is a basis of K2, we have ^ = ( 0 i )• This, combined

with (11), means fc(/) = |G|. Thus, the initial value f^0\ , J gives the maximum period3 since 1



-r*-i o-vi*vm*vi

*>c»r>t /^»/-1
