On the Power Efficiency of Cooperative Broadcast in Dense Wireless ...

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Sep 14, 2006 - A fundamental problem in large scale wireless networks is the energy efficient broadcast of source ... scheduling problem can be solved for dense networks, which we approximate ...... University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, in 1999-2000. ... Internet Access through the Power Line Networks” , May 2003.

On the Power Efficiency of Cooperative Broadcast in Dense Wireless Networks Birsen Sirkeci Mergen and Anna Scaglione

Abstract A fundamental problem in large scale wireless networks is the energy efficient broadcast of source messages to the whole network. The energy consumption increases as the network size grows, and the optimization of broadcast efficiency becomes more important. In this paper, we study the optimal power allocation problem for cooperative broadcast in dense large-scale networks. In the considered cooperation protocol, a single source initiates the transmission and the rest of the nodes retransmit the source message if they have decoded it reliably. Each node is allocated an orthogonal channel and the nodes improve their receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), hence the energy efficiency, by maximal-ratio combining the receptions of the same packet from different transmitters. We assume that the decoding of the source message is correct as long as the receive SNR exceed a predetermined threshold. Under the optimal cooperative broadcasting, the transmission order (i.e., the schedule) and the transmission powers of the source and the relays are designed so that every node receives the source message reliably and the total power consumption is minimized. In general, finding the best scheduling in cooperative broadcast is known to be an NP-complete problem. In this paper, we show that the optimal scheduling problem can be solved for dense networks, which we approximate as a continuum of nodes. Under the continuum model, we derive the optimal scheduling and the optimal power density. Furthermore, we propose low-complexity, distributed and power efficient broadcasting schemes and compare their power consumptions with those of a traditional noncooperative multihop transmission. Index Terms Manuscript was submitted February 1, 2006; revised May 26, 2006 and August 06, 2006. The material in this paper was presented in part at the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), July 9 - July 14, 2006, Seattle, Washington. This work was supported by National Science Foundation under grant ITR CCR - 0428427. B. Sirkeci Mergen {[email protected]} is with University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. This work was done during her PhD at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853. A. Scaglione {[email protected]} is with Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853. Phone:607-254-4959, Fax: 607-255-9072.

September 14, 2006


Broadcast, continuum, cooperative communication, distributed protocols, dense networks, power efficiency.

I. I NTRODUCTION Node cooperation at the physical layer has been shown to be beneficial for point-to-point single source-destination scenarios under several different schemes [1], [2]. There are few works that present the advantages of cooperation in multicast communications, with a large number of cooperative relays [3]–[7]. In this work, we study cooperative broadcast, where a single source aims to reach the entire network by means of multiple collaborating nodes. In large-scale networks, nodes are constrained in their size and battery power, and hence, it is crucial to design energy efficient and low complexity transmission schemes. Cooperative transmission enhances the energy efficiency either by providing diversity or by increasing the received SNR [1]–[13]. Cooperative broadcast was first introduced in [3]–[5] as an energy efficient alternative to other wireless broadcasting schemes [14], [15]. The main idea is to combine multiple replicas of the same message from different transmitters. A. Problem statement and our contributions In this paper, we study the power efficiency of cooperative broadcasting in dense networks. Both optimal and suboptimal schemes are studied. Furthermore, we compare the cooperative broadcast with traditional noncooperative schemes. In the basic formulation of the Optimal Cooperative Broadcasting (OCB) problem, the receiving nodes combine the receptions from all nodes that transmitted previously to harvest energy and, in turn, benefit from transmit diversity [3]–[5]. In addition, the nodes transmit based on a predetermined schedule and power allocation policy such that total power consumption of the network is minimized. In [3]–[5], it was shown that for a given transmission schedule, the optimal power allocation can be formulated as a constrained optimization problem which can be solved in polynomial time by utilizing linear programming tools. On the other hand, the authors also showed that finding the optimal scheduling that leads to the minimum total power consumption is an NP-complete problem and thus, it is not computationally tractable in general. Both works proposed heuristic methods to determine the optimal schedule.


In the first part of this paper, we study the OCB for dense networks. First, we study specific network topologies and channel models for which we are able to show that the optimal scheduling is resolved in polynomial time. Then, we extend the analysis to dense networks, where the network area is kept fixed and the number of nodes go to infinity. In particular, for large-scale dense networks, we approximate the optimal schedule with the schedule that allows the nodes to transmit in the order of their distances from the source node. This approximation becomes exact in the asymptote as the node density increases, which we will refer to as the continuum network. Under the continuum model, we are able to show that the optimal power density is given by the solution of a Volterra equation with parameters that depend on the network topology and the deterministic channel gains. In addition, for specific path loss models and topologies we are able to find closed form expressions for the optimal power density p(r). For example, for a disc network with radius R and the source node located at the center, under the deterministic pathloss model `(r) = 1/(1+r2 ), we show that the optimal relay power density is O(1/ ln(r)) which amounts to total minimal power expenditure of O(R2 / ln(R)) for large R. There are two interesting conclusions that can be drawn from our analysis: (i) as the network density increases, the scheduling problem tends to be trivial; (ii) at an appropriate distance from the source, the power density is a very slowly varying function of the distance that can be well approximated by a uniform power density. In the second part of the paper, we design and analyze low-complexity distributed cooperative broadcasting schemes and compare their power efficiency with both the optimal and the noncooperative multihop broadcast. The proposed schemes utilize a simple uniform power control policy. Part of the results are based on our previous work in [6]. Finally, we analytically quantify the gains of cooperative broadcast, and conclude that dense cooperative networks can be considerably advantageous in terms of power efficiency relative to the commonly employed multihop architecture. The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section II, we describe the system model. In Section III, we provide the general formulation of the optimal power allocation for the cooperative broadcasting and provide sufficient conditions under which the general formulation is simplified. In Section IV, we derive the optimal power density for dense networks. In Section V, we propose practical schemes utilizing uniform power allocation. In Section VI, we compare the performance of the proposed schemes to the noncooperative multihop broadcasting. In Section VII, we provide simulations and the paper conclusions follows in Section VIII. 3

II. S YSTEM M ODEL We consider a network formed by a single source and N relays, which are distributed randomly and uniformly in a given region. The source node initiates the transmission session, and the nodes transmit according to a given transmission schedule. The transmission schedule satisfies the causality condition, that is the relays which have received source message reliably at the k’th time-slot are allowed to retransmit the message in the m’th time-slot, where m ≥ (k + 1). We assume that the relays transmit in orthogonal channels, as in TDMA, FDMA or CDMA, and the receiver is an optimum Maximal-Ratio-Combiner (MRC) receiver [16]. The channel coefficients are perfectly estimated at the receiver, i.e., channel state information is available at the receiver but not at the transmitter. Let the i’th node transmit with power Pi . Let `i,j denote the deterministic channel gain representing pathloss attenuation and βi,j denote the small-scale fading coefficient between the i’th and j’th nodes. We assume that βk,i ’s are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) with zero mean and unit variance. Consider the k’th node and let M = {m1 , m2 , . . .} be the set of nodes that have transmitted the source message xs on orthogonal channels (i.e., k’th node has received signals from the nodes in the set M). Define M := |M|. We will assume that the receiver can perfectly recover the timing of each transmitted signal and sample it at time zero. The received signal yk ∈ CM at the k’th node is y k = hk xs + nk ,


where nk ∼ Nc (0, IM ×M ) denotes the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) vector and hk = p p [βk,m1 `k,m1 Pm1 βk,m2 `k,m2 Pm2 . . .]T is the vector of channel amplitudes scaling the symbol replica received in each orthogonal channel. After MRC at the k’th node, the received total power is P ower(k) =


Pi |βi,j |2 `k,i =



Pi Hk,i ,



where Hk,i := |βi,j |2 `k,i . Since noise is assumed to be of unit power, (2) is equivalent to receive SNR1 . 1

We would like to note that equation (2) is also valid in case of Orthogonal Space-Time Codes (OSTCs) [8]. The bandwidth

requirement of OSTCs is generally lower than that of TDMA, FDMA, CDMA.


We assume that the pathloss attenuation function is deterministic, time-invariant and a function of node locations. For given channel realizations, the channel vector hk and the received SNR (2) are deterministic. Under this condition, we assume that appropriate channel coding is used so that the decoding and retransmissions of xs are correct if the received SNR (2) is above a prescribed threshold τ . We also say that if P ower(k) ≥ τ , then the message xs reaches the k’th node. In our analysis, we assume that channel realizations are given, i.e., the small-scale fading and the node locations are known. However, the results in the high node density asymptote are also valid when channel gains depend on the small-scale fading under certain conditions. This is due to the converge of receive SNR to a deterministic value in the high density asymptote. See Section IV for details. In this paper, we study the power efficiency in the transmission from a single source broadcasting a single packet. All the other nodes act as relays and destinations for the same source. Having multiple sources may cause interference and reduce the power efficiency; we leave the analysis of these effects for future investigations. We assume that the node locations and channel gains are stationary during the course of the packet transmission. A training preamble in the message helps nodes to detect the packet’s presence, estimate the received power and decode the message, which is considered reliable only if the received power is above the SNR threshold. We assume that these three inferences are done with no error. III. P OWER A LLOCATION FOR OCB: P ROBLEM F ORMULATION In the optimal cooperative broadcast scheme, the source node initiates the transmission by sending a packet. Each node accumulates signal powers from all the nodes that transmitted previously (see Section II). The nodes that have received sufficient signal power τ , i.e., P ower ≥ τ , are allowed to retransmit according to a given schedule. The P ower is defined in (2) and τ depends on the performance metric (e.g. outage capacity, bit error rate). We assume that the noise is of unit power; hence, τ will also be called the SNR threshold. Let I = {1, . . . , N + 1} denote the set of node indices, where the source node is denoted by 1. The transmission schedule will be represented by a mapping S, i.e., S : {1, . . . , N + 1} → {1, . . . , N + 1}. Let Pi be the transmission power of the i’th node. Let H be the channel matrix such that its (i, j)’th entry denotes the channel gain from the j’th node to the i’th node Hi,j . Our aim is to find 5

the best schedule S and optimal power allocation {Pi , ∀i ∈ I} for a given network with channel P matrix H and decoding threshold τ such that i Pi is minimized under the described cooperative broadcast scheme. We will associate a given schedule S with a permutation matrix S , [eS(1) eS(2) . . . eS(N +1) ], where ei is the i’th column of the identity matrix2 . Given a network realization, the optimal S and power allocation vector p , [P1 , P2 , . . . , PN +1 ] are the solutions of the following optimization problem (see also [3]–[5]): min 1T p subject to L(SHST )Sp ≥ τ b, p ≥ 0, S,p


where b = [1; 0], 1 denotes a vector of all 1’s, 0 denotes a vector of all 0’s and [x; y] denotes column concentration of vectors x and y. The operator L models the causality in the system and it is defined as follows: Let ai,j be the (i, j)’th element of N × N matrix A and li,j be the (i, j)’th element of L(A), then for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N + 1,      ai+1,j if i ≥ j, i < N + 1, li,j = 1 if i = N + 1, j = N + 1,     0 otherwise. The last scheduled node does not need to transmit, i.e., the optimal PS(N +1) = 0. This is enforced in the above formulation via the definitions of b and L. In the following, we will denote the set of all possible permutation matrices with PS , where |PS | = N ! (the transmission is initiated by the source node, hence out of (N + 1)! possibilities N ! of them represent valid schedules). For a given permutation matrix S, the constrained optimization problem (3) can be solved in polynomial time as a function of the number of relays N by utilizing efficient linear programming algorithms. However, finding the optimal scheduling, i.e. finding the best permutation matrix S out of N ! possibilities was shown to be an NP-complete problem [3]–[5]. Hence, the problem is intractable in general. In the next section, we provide conditions under which the best scheduling is easily determined and problem (3) can be solved in polynomial time. 2

Note that the scenarios where a group of nodes transmit together in a given slot are included in this formulation implicitly.

If the optimal schedule is such that the nodes transmit in groups, then the schedule which allows these nodes to transmit in consecutive slots, which also shifts appropriately the transmission order of the rest of the nodes, is also optimal.


A. Further Results on the Best Scheduling for Cooperative Broadcast In Fig. 1(a), we present a linear network where the source node is located at the edge. For this network, under only the effect of pathloss attenuation, for example `(r) = 1/r2 , the optimal schedule is such that the nodes transmit in the order of their distances from the source node [4], [5]. In the following, this will be referred as the trivial scheduling. We ask the question if there exist other networks where trivial scheduling is optimal. In Lemma 1, we provide sufficient conditions on the channel matrix H so that the overall complexity of the problem (3) is decreased considerably. Lemma 1: Consider the optimal power allocation and scheduling problem in (3). For a given network realization, assume that the elements of the matrix H are non-negative. Let PS denote the set of all possible permutation matrices. ˆ ∈ PS such that L(SH ˆ S ˆ T ) is column-ordered3 , then S ˆ a) If there exits a permutation matrix S corresponds to the optimal schedule. ˆ ∈ PS such that L(SH ˆ S ˆ T ) is both column- and rowb) If there exits a permutation matrix S ordered4 , then the optimal power allocation can be obtained by solving ˆ S ˆ T )Sp ˆ = τ b. L(SH


Proof: See Appendix I. Lemma 1a) provides a sufficient condition on the channel matrix H to determine the optimal schedule. The validity of the sufficient condition can be determined by ordering the first column of H and by checking if the rest of the columns are ordered. This sorting and comparing algorithm has complexity O(N 2 ). Using Lemma 1a), we can determine that the trivial scheduling is the best schedule for both the network topologies in Fig. 1 under a pathloss attenuation model. Lemma 1b) provides a sufficient condition so that the optimal power allocation problem has the same complexity as inverting a lower triangular matrix, which is O(N 2 ). For the linear networks and linear-like configurations (among the two dimensional networks, see Fig. 1), the trivial scheduling is optimal under an deterministic and monotonic pathloss attenuation 3

Let L be an (N + 1) × (N + 1) lower triangular matrix. Let ci = [ci,1 ci,2 . . . ci,N +1 ]t be the i’th column of L. We say L is

column-ordered if the columns of L are decreasing from top to down (ignoring the zeros), i.e., ci,i ≥ ci,i+1 ≥ . . . ≥ ci,N +1 , ∀i. 4

Let L be an (N + 1) × (N + 1) lower triangular matrix. Let ri = [ri,1 ri,2 . . . ri,N +1 ] be the i’th row of L. We say L is

row-ordered if the rows of L are increasing from left to right (ignoring the zeros), i.e., ri,1 ≤ ri,2 ≤ . . . ≤ ri,i , ∀i.




Source node

Fig. 1.

Relay nodes

Network topologies for which the optimal scheduling is trivial

model. For a finite network the small scale fading realization in general does not lead to a realization that satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 1. Nevertheless these observations provide us the intuition and background that will be utilized for dense large-scale networks in the next section. The interesting fact is that trivial scheduling tends to be optimal in dense networks. IV. O PTIMUM C OOPERATIVE B ROADCAST IN D ENSE N ETWORKS In this section, we consider the problem of optimal power allocation for dense networks under cooperative broadcasting. Suppose that N nodes are uniformly and randomly distributed within S = {(x, y) : x2 +y 2 ≤ R2 } and the source node is located at the origin (see Fig. 2). Let `(·) denote the pathloss attenuation function. For a transmitter that is located at (x, y) and a receiver that is p located at (x0 , y 0 ), we assume that `(·) is a1) a function of the distance d := (x − x0 )2 + (y − y 0 )2 between the transmitter and the receiver; a2) continuous, non-negative and decreasing in d; a3) circularly symmetric. We will use the notations `(x − x0 , y − y 0 ) and `(d), interchangeably. Definition The relays that are allowed to retransmit at the k’th time instant are called level-k nodes. We will denote the set of level-k nodes by Sk . It can be easily shown that if the optimal power allocation policy assigns equal powers Pk to nodes in the same level Sk , then the power allocation problem simplifies [17, Lemma 2]. See the network topologies in Fig. 3 for examples of such networks. We approximate dense networks with a continuum of nodes where the relay density goes to infinity. In the continuum, after the source transmission, a certain region of the network will receive sufficient signal power. This region will be called first level and it will be denoted by A1 , 8



Source node

Fig. 2.

Relay nodes

Continuum approximation of dense networks



Source node

Relay nodes

Fig. 3. Network topologies for which the optimal power allocation scheme assigns equal powers to nodes belonging to the same level.

which is a disc for broadcasting (Fig. 2). We conjecture that under the optimal broadcast scheme for the continuum network the nodes in the same level transmit with equal power. This follows due to the following reasons: (i) the pathloss attenuation function `(r) is continuous, non-negative, decreasing and circularly symmetric; (ii) the network topology is symmetric w.r.t. source location and, hence, the nodes at the same distance from the source should behave identically. Lemma 2: Assume that the nodes in the considered network are distributed randomly and uniformly in a given region. Consider the receive signal model (1) and receive SNR model (2) with unknown random small-scale fading. Let M denote the number of transmitted nodes (denoted by the set M). Suppose that the node power Pi varies with M , and the total transmission power


of the nodes in M converges to P < ∞ as M →∞, i.e., X Pi → P, as M →∞.



Then the SNR of the maximal-ratio-combined received signal converges to a deterministic limit as M →∞, i.e., P ower(k)→ P Ei {Hk,i },

as M →∞,


almost surely. Here Ei denotes expectation with respect to nodes i in the set M. Proof: See Appendix II. The lemma indicates that the system with orthogonal channels, despite the existence of fading and randomness in the channel, has a deterministic SNR in the limit of high node density. Under these conditions, each level Ak becomes a thin disc. In the continuum, the transmission power will be replaced by the power density p(r), which is power per unit area. Define the function Z 2π p 1 `( r2 + u2 − 2ur cos(θ))dθ. H(r, u) , (7) 2π 0 Note that H(r, u) represents the effective channel gain at a distance r due to transmission of nodes located at a distance u from the source in the continuum network. Theorem 1: Consider the continuum network S , {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ R2 } with the source located at the center. Let `(r) denote the pathloss attenuation function that satisfies the assumptions a1)-a3). Assume that the channel gains between the source and the rest of the nodes are known. Assume that `(r) is such that a4) the function H(r, u) (see Eqn. 7) is decreasing in r and increasing in u for 0 ≤ u ≤ r ≤ R. Then, the optimal power density p(r) can be found as the unique continuous solution of Z r τ `(r) K(r, u)p(u)du = τ, ∀r ≤ R + `(0) 0 | {z } | {z } source contribution



relay contribution


K(r, u) = H(r, u)2πu =

p `( r2 + u2 − 2ur cos(θ))udθ.



Proof: See Appendix III. The linear integral equation in (8) is known as the first-order Volterra’s equation [18], [19]. Next, we provide a framework to solve Eqn. 8.


Lemma 3: Assume that (i) K(r, u) and

∂K(r,u) ∂r

are continuous in 0 ≤ u ≤ r ≤ R, (ii) K(r, r)

does not vanish anywhere on 0 ≤ r ≤ R, (iii) `(r) and `0 (r) are continuous on 0 ≤ r ≤ R. Then, the optimal power density p(r) can be found by evaluating the following equation recursively, i.e., p(r) = limn→∞ pn (r), and Z r pn (r) = pn−1 (u)V (r, u)du + τ Z(r),



1 ∂K(r, u) l0 (r) , Z(r) = − (11) K(r, r) ∂r `(0)K(r, r) Proof: Under the given conditions, the Volterra equation of first kind (8) can be converted where,

V (r, u) = −

into a Volterra equation of second kind via differentiation [19, Theorem 5.1, page 67]. The proof follows by using the method of successive approximation [18, page 15]. Given that the pathloss function `(r) satisfies the assumptions a1)-a3), using the definition of K(r, u) in (9), the functions V (r, u) and Z(r) take non-negative values. This guarantees that pn (r) converges to a non-negative function given that the initial choice is appropriate, i.e., p0 (r) ≥ 0. The next lemma characterizes the limiting optimal power density. Lemma 4: Consider the continuum network S , {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ R2 } where the source is located in the center. Assume that the pathloss attenuation function `(r) satisfies assumptions a1)a4). Let p(r) be the optimal power allocation for this network. Assume that p(r) is non-increasing Rr and the function G(r) , 0 K(r, u)du is increasing for large r values. Then, lim


p(r) τ γG(r)

where 1 ≤ γ < ∞ and defined as γ = limr→∞

Rr 0

= 1.


K(r,u) du. G(u)

Proof: The result follows by taking the limit in Eqn. 8 under the given assumptions. Remark 1: Theorem 1 and Lemma 3 also apply to linear networks (see Fig. 4) where K1 (r, u) = `(r − u) and K2 (r, u) = `(r − u) + `(r + u) for these configurations. Example 1: In this example, we consider the pathloss model `(r) = 1/(1 + r2 ) which is the free-space model for large r, `(r) ≈ 1/r2 , and for small r, the model limits the received power


Dense linear network

Continuum network

(1) (2)

Source node

Fig. 4.

Relay nodes

Continuum approximation of dense networks-linear configurations

at a distance r, Pt `(r) to the transmit power Pt . Under the given pathloss model, −4πur(r2 − u2 + 1) ∂K(r, u) = . ∂r ((r2 + u2 + 1)2 − 4r2 u2 )3/2

2πu 5 K(r, u) = p , 2 2 (r + u + 1)2 − 4r2 u2

In Fig. 5, we plot the optimal power density which we evaluated by utilizing the recursive √ formulation (10-11). Using Lemma 4, we derive G(r) = π ln((1 + 1 + 4r2 )/2) and γ = 1, then the asymptotic behavior of optimal power density for the pathloss model `(r) = 1/(1 + r2 ) as r→∞ is given by p(r) ≈

τ . π ln(r)


In Fig. 5, we also plot the limiting power density (13). Furthermore, the total power transmitted by the entire network is approximately equal to Z R τ R2 τ 2πrdr ≈ , P ≈ ln(R) 2 π ln(r)


for large networks, i.e., as R→∞. Remark 2: The analysis provided though continuum approximation allows us to draw conclusions for networks with finite number of nodes. Consider a finite network with node density ρ. Let Dr denote the infinitesimal disc at a distance r from the source. The optimal power for a relay located at the distance r from the source can be approximated as Popt (r) =


p(r)2πrdr p(r) total relay power in Dr = = . number of nodes in Dr ρ2πrdr ρ

Pathloss model `(r) = 1/(1 + r2 ) violates the assumption a4 when u ≤ r ≤


√ u2 + 1. We think that this does not effect the

asymptotic behavihor of p(r). Furthermore, analysis can be extended to pathloss models `(r) = 1/(a + r2 ), a > 0 easily under which the asymtotic behavihor is the same and the region where a4 violated is smaller for small values of a.




Optimal power density under l(r) = 1/(1+r )

Optimal power density p(r) Approximate behavihor for large r 0.35


















r − distance to the source

Fig. 5.

Optimal power density - circular network

We argue that in the high density asymptote, the most power efficient scheme allows the nodes to transmit in the order of their distances from the source with power p(r)/ρ. Remark 3: Note that the optimal power control policy can be implemented in a distributed fashion if the nodes know their own locations. In general, OCB needs a central control unit, which requires the knowledge of all the channel gains in order to schedule the transmissions. It is interesting that this is not necessary in dense networks. Remark 4: The OCB allows nodes to transmit in smaller groups (most scenarios one-by-one) in order to increase the number of receptions at any node; hence, in this way the total power consumption is decreased. The main drawback of OCB is its low spectral efficiency. In general, the latency of OCB is in the order of the number of nodes, O(N ) (see formulation (3) - each level √ is a single node); for dense networks, it is O( N ) (levels are thin discs). This is actually consistent with the fundamental result by Verdu [20] who showed that the maximum energy efficiency is achieved when the spectral efficiency is close to zero. In the next section, we propose practical and distributed cooperative broadcasting schemes and analyze their performance. Although these schemes are suboptimal, their power consumption is considerably better than noncooperative schemes.


V. C OOPERATIVE B ROADCAST WITH U NIFORM P OWER A LLOCATION In this section, we design a low complexity cooperative broadcasting scheme which is distributed. The proposed scheme is based on our previous work [6]. We consider a simple uniform power allocation policy. The main motivation behind the uniform power allocation scheme is based on our analysis of OCB in Section IV. In (14), we observed that the total power consumption of OCB is O(R2 / ln(R)) for a circular network with radius R. For large R, the effect of ln(R) is negligible when compared with R2 . Let P¯ denote the relay power density. If the source node reaches the entire network through relaying with uniform power, then the total relay power consumption is Ptotal = P¯ πR2 = O(R2 ).


The equations (14) and (16) scale similarly for large R. This motivates us to design and analyze cooperative broadcasting schemes with uniform power allocation. In the following, we describe the scheme and the results obtained in [6], and compare it to OCB. In Section V-B, we provide an extension of the scheme, which is more power efficient. A. Previous work and its comparison to OCB In [6], we studied the connectivity of cooperative networks employing a multi-stage transmission scheme with uniform power control policy. Similar to OCB, the scheme in [6] utilizes multiple replicas of the same message from different transmitters. Suppose that N nodes are uniformly and randomly distributed within S = {(x, y) : x2 + y 2 ≤ R2 } and the source node is located at the origin. The scheme is as follows. The source node initiates the transmission by sending a message with power Ps . After source transmission, the group of nodes that receives the message with sufficient SNR τ will be called level-1 nodes. We will denote the location of level-1 nodes by the set S1 = {(x, y) ∈ S : Ps `(x, y) ≥ τ }. We assume that the message is channel coded so that the nodes with received SNR greater than or equal to τ can decode the message correctly. Let P denote the transmission power of each relay. After the transmission of the nodes in S1 , the nodes that receive the message with SNR (see Section II) greater and equal to τ will be called level-2 nodes. It is assumed that each relay accumulates signals from m previous levels. The set of locations of level-k nodes Sk is given as k−1 [ X P `(x − x0 , y − y 0 ) ≥ τ }, k ≥ 2, Sk = {(x, y) ∈ S \ Si : i=1

(x0 ,y 0 )∈U




where Uk =

Sk−1 i=(k−m)+

Si .

In order to obtain the results in [6], we first considered a random network in which the node locations are randomly and uniformly distributed, and we obtained a continuum model from the random network by letting the number of nodes go to infinity while fixing the total relay power. Let ρ = N/Area(S) be the density (node/unit area) of relays within the region S. Define the relay power per unit area as P¯ , P N/Area(S) = P ρ. Under the continuum model, each level becomes a disc with inner radius rk−1 and outer radius 2 < x2 + y 2 ≤ rk2 } rk , i.e., the level-k set Sk can be approximated by the region Ak = {(x, y) : rk−1

[6, Theorem 1, Lemma 1]. We explicitly determined level discs, i.e., {rk } and analyzed network dynamics as a function of decoding threshold τ , relay power Pr , and source power Ps . Furthermore, we showed that there exists a phase transition in the network behavior: if the SNR threshold is below a critical value, the message is delivered to the whole network. Otherwise, only a fraction of the nodes is reached proportional to the source transmit power. That is,   ∞ if τ ≤ π ln(m + 1)P¯ lim rk → k→∞  C if τ > π ln(m + 1)P¯


where C < ∞ depends on Ps , τ /P¯ . The result (18) is obtained under the pathloss attenuation model `(r) = 1/r2 . There are two main differences between the scheme in [6] and OCB. In [6], (1) each relay uses a fixed predetermined power level P ; (2) each relay considers the receptions from only m previous levels in order to decide whether or not to retransmit. On the other hand, under OCB, relays utilize the optimal power control policy and consider the reception from all previous nodes, i.e., m = ∞. In the considered scheme [6], a large number of nodes transmit at each level. Note that the nodes in a given level can utilize space-time codes (or transmit narrowband signals) in order to increase the spectral efficiency. Hence, the scheme in [6] has improved spectral efficiency when compared with OCB. In addition, it is obvious that the scheme has much lower complexity than OCB. The question that we consider next is how do their performance compare in terms of power efficiency. Let P¯min be the minimum relay power density such that source message reaches entire network. We can interpret the critical threshold phenomena in [6] from the viewpoint of critical power 15

density. Using (18) we obtain P¯min = τ /(π ln(m + 1)).

(19) (coop)

The minimum power consumption of the broadcasting scheme in [6] is PT

= P¯min πR2 .

In Section VI, we compare the power efficiency of the simple scheme in [6] with noncooperative multihop transmission. Further power gains can be achieved by modifying the scheme such that part of the nodes are shut off. In the next section, we propose an extension of the scheme. In Section VII, we discuss how close these schemes to OCB in terms of power efficiency. B. Double-Threshold Cooperative Broadcast (DTCB) In this section, we extend the scheme in [6] so as to come close to the OCB bound. The key idea is to silence nodes whose contributions are strongly attenuated at the next level. Consider the scheme described in the previous subsection. Among level-1 nodes, the ones that have received source transmission with high SNR (P ower ≥ Kτ , where K > 1) are the ones that are closer to the source due to the properties of the pathloss attenuation function `(·). However, these nodes are further away from the level-2 nodes, and have a lesser contribution to the received signal at the level-2 nodes. This observation motivates us to propose a double threshold scheme, which is described next. The source node initiates the transmission. Similar to the previous section, we define the level1 nodes as the set of nodes that receives source transmission with SNR at least τ . Among the level-1 nodes, the nodes that receive the source transmission with SNR within the range [τ, Kτ ) are allowed to retransmit with uniform power P . We will also call this set active level-1 nodes. In [6], K is assumed to be ∞. For brevity, we avoid the theoretical analysis of the network behavior under DTCB; however, the extension follows easily from [6]. Intuitively, we can see that the level sets become discs as in [6] (see Fig. 6) and the phase transition behavior occurs at a critical power density that depends also on K. Remark 5: The parameters K and m effect not only the power efficiency but also the speed of transmission. The larger these values are, the faster the message reaches the entire network. There is a trade-off between the complexity (large m) and the performance. By choosing K close to 1 and setting m = ∞, the DTCB power consumption approaches the OCB bound. This is also supported by simulations in Section VII. 16
































































































Fig. 6.


























































































































































































































































































Double-Threshold Uniform Power Allocation: the shaded regions correspond to the active portions of the levels

VI. C OOPERATIVE VERSUS NONCOOPERATIVE B ROADCAST In this section, we compare the power efficiency of cooperative broadcasting with that of noncooperative multihop broadcasting. The results are based on the continuum model. A. Noncooperative multihop broadcast In the noncooperative transmission, each node receives the message from its neighbor and the message propagates through multihop transmissions. We assume that each relay hop covers a circular area with radius r. In order to calculate the minimum power spent under this scheme, we need to calculate the minimum number of circles with radius r, which will be denoted by Nr , required to cover the entire network, such that the circles have their centers on the circumference of the neighboring circles (see Fig. 7). We provide a lower bound on Nr using a hexagonal tessellation such that the nodes located at the vertices and the centers of the hexagons transmit. Assume that the nodes lie on a region with area A. The total number of transmissions Nr can be lower bounded as follows. Consider the shaded triangular region in Fig. 7. By dividing the total area A with the area of this triangle, we obtain the number of triangles required to cover the area A. Each triangle corresponds to 3 nodes (vertices of the triangle), and each vertex is common to 6 triangles. Hence, Nr can be lower bounded as Nr ≥

3 2A A =√ , 6 Triangular Area 3r2 17




Fig. 7.

Noncooperative multihop broadcast: shaded area =

√ r2 3 4

where the shaded triangular region is shown in Fig. 7. Let Pr denote the minimum power required by a transmitter so that the nodes within a radius r around the transmitting node, receive the message with at least SNR τ . For the pathloss attenuation function `(r), Pr = τ /`(r). Note that by fixing r, we fix the total number of hops required to cover the area A. The best multihop scheme minimizes the total power consumption by optimizing over the number of hops, which is a function of r. Hence, the minimum total power spent by the multihop transmission is (noncoop)


= min Nr Pr ≥ min √ r


2Aτ . 3`(r)r2


Note that the derivation above is for the multihop transmission and does not include the direct transmission because of the way we calculate Nr (see Fig. 7). B. Direct transmission In direct transmission, the source node transmits with power such that the entire network is reached. In general, per node power constraints may not allow this. Under the assumption that the source has unconstrained power, the power spent by direct transmission to cover an area A is (direct)


p = τ /`( A/π).



C. Power efficiency of DTCB for `(r) = 1/r2 In this subsection, we show the power efficiency of DTCB under the worst-case scenario, i.e., with parameters K = ∞, m = 1. Note that the gain increases if we increase m or decrease K. Under the pathloss attenuation model `(r) = 1/r2 , the total power spent by the multihop transmission is independent of the number of hops, and (21) simplifies further to (noncoop)


√ ≥ 2Aτ / 3.


Next, we calculate the total power expenditure under the cooperative scheme with parameters K = ∞ and m (Section V-A) so that the nodes within an area A receive the message reliably. Under the pathloss model `(r) = 1/r2 , we derived the critical power density to reach the entire network (19). Using this result, (coop)


= AP¯min = Aτ /(π ln(m + 1)).


Using (23) and (24) for m = 1, the gain of cooperative transmission is lower bounded as, (noncoop)

Gain =



− PT



× 100 ≥ 60%.


This shows that the percentage gain attained with cooperation in dense networks is close to 60% under the pathloss model `(r) = 1/r2 . Note that under pathloss model `(r) = 1/r2 , the power consumption of direct transmission is (direct)


= Aτ /π, which is more power efficient than the multihop noncooperative broadcast and

also cooperative broadcast with m = 1. However, cooperative broadcast becomes more efficient for m > 1. Note that, for pathloss attenuation with exponents α > 2, the performance of direct transmission gets substantially worse (see (22)). VII. S IMULATIONS In this section, we look at the performance of the cooperative broadcast in networks with finite number of nodes. The results are averaged over 100 random networks. The nodes are uniformly distributed in a disc with radius R. The source node is located at the center. First, we compare our analytical results obtained utilizing the continuum model with corresponding values of cooperative networks with finite node density. In Fig. 8, we display the performance of the policy that allows the nodes to transmit with power p(r)/ρ, where p(r) is the optimal power 19

density obtained from continuum analysis, and ρ is the node density (see Example 1 and Remark 2). The nodes transmit in the order of their distance from the source r. In Fig. 8(a), we plot the percentage of the nodes that receive the source message, and in Fig. 8(b), we plot the total power consumption as a function of ρ. The pathloss model is `(r) = 1/(1 + r2 ) and the network radius RR is R = 5.64. Note that the OCB bound is equal to POCB , 0 p(r)2πrdr = 18.16 ≈ R2 / ln(R). As node density increases, the total power consumption approaches POCB while almost all of the nodes receive the message. OCB in finite networks: total power consumption

OCB in finite networks: percentage of nodes reached 18.2


18.15 90

Finite network OCB bound

18.1 80






17.95 60

17.9 50




Fig. 8.







Node density − ρ













Node density − ρ




(a) Percentage of the nodes reached by the source; (b) Total power consumption

Next, we check the accuracy of the continuum analysis in approximating the critical relay power (see Section V). In Fig. 9, we plot Pmin , which is calculated via an exhaustive search, as a a function of the node density ρ. We also display the analytical result Pmin , P¯min /ρ, where P¯min a is given by (19). As expected, we observe that Pmin becomes a good approximation of the critical

per node power as the node density increases. In the following, we compare the power efficiency of proposed distributed cooperative broadcasting schemes with both OCB and the noncooperative multihop broadcast. In Fig. 10, we plot the total power consumption of DTCB as a function of the network area A. In addition, we plot the power consumption of OCB obtained from continuum analysis, POCB . We consider the pathloss attenuation function `(r) = 1/(1 + r2 ). The critical relay power for DTCB is obtained via exhaustive search. As K decreases and m increases, the performance of DTCB approaches 20


Cooperative broadcast with uniform power allocation

Pmin − minimum required relay power







Fig. 9.

Finite network: τ =1 Continuum network: τ =1 Finite network: τ =2 Continuum network: τ =2








Node density − ρ





The critical power per node required to cover an area A = 20m2 , where Ps = τ , m = 1.

the OCB bound. Note that the performances of DTCB with parameters {K = ∞, m = 10} and {K = 1.5, m = 3} are similar. In Fig. 11, we plot the total power consumption of different cooperative schemes and noncooperative scheme as a function of the network area A for pathloss models `(r) = 1/(1 + rα ), α ∈ {2, 4}. For cooperative broadcast, the critical relay power is obtained via exhaustive search. For noncooperative multihop broadcast, we use (21) and for direct transmission we use (22). For α = 2, interestingly, direct transmission is more power efficient than the suboptimal schemes. This was also observed in our analytical analysis for `(r) = 1/r2 (see Section VI-C). Note that, for pathloss attenuation with exponents α > 2, the performance of direct transmission gets substantially worse. On the other hand, for α = 2, DTCB with parameters (m ≥ 2, any K) outperforms optimal multihop broadcast; for α = 4, DTCB outperforms in any range of parameters. In Fig. 12, we compare the cooperative scheme and the noncooperative scheme under the condition that the number of hops required to cover A for both schemes are the same. The DTCB with parameters m = 1, K = ∞ (representing the worst case scenario among all parameters) has considerable power gains.


Performance of DTCB

Total power consumption


K = ∞, m=1 K = ∞, m=2 K = ∞, m=3 K = 1.5, m=3 K = ∞, m=5 K = ∞, m=10 K = ∞, m=∞ K = 1.2, m=∞ OCB Bound



0 10










Network Area − A

Fig. 10.

Total power spent to cover an area A by both optimal and suboptimal cooperative broadcasting schemes. The node

density is ρ = 20.

Pathloss model: l(r) = 1/(1+rα). Straight line: α = 2; Dotted line: α = 4 Optimum multihop Cooperative broadcast with (m=1, K = ∞) Cooperative broadcast with (m=2, K = ∞)


Cooperative broadcast with (m=10, K = 1.2) Direct transmission





0 10











Fig. 11.

Total power spent to cover an area A. The node density is ρ = 20 and decoding threshold is τ = 1. For cooperative

broadcast, Ps = 1.5.


ρ = 70, τ = 1, Ps = 1.5 τ 450

l(r) = 1/(1+r2)


l(r) = 1/(1+r3) Total power spent to cover A


l(r) = 1/(1+r4)









0 10










A: Area

Fig. 12.

Cooperative versus noncooperative under fixed number of hops. Cooperative scheme with K = ∞ and m = 1.


VIII. C ONCLUSION A fundamental problem in large scale wireless networks is the energy efficient broadcast of source messages to the whole network. Several previous works have studied the optimal allocation of node powers to minimize the total energy consumed during cooperative broadcast. In particular, it has been shown that the optimal power allocation problem is, in general, NP complete. This means that finding the optimal transmit powers and the schedule with which nodes transmit is generally an intractable problem. In this paper, contrary to these earlier works, we showed that it is possible to find the optimal transmit power and the schedule for a certain class of networks. By exploiting an analogy with the linear networks, we provided a general condition under which nodes transmitting in the order of increasing distance to the source is optimal. Our characterization suggests a natural strategy for cooperative broadcast in dense wireless networks: let nodes transmit according to their distance to the source with minimum transmit power. In dense networks, which we approximate as a continuum of nodes, we derived the optimal scheduling and the optimal power density. Furthermore, we proposed low-complexity, power efficient and distributed broadcasting schemes, and compared their power consumptions with those of a traditional non-cooperative multihop transmission. Our analysis shows that there are significant benefits from cooperative broadcast in terms of power efficiency. Something we did not study in this paper is how to incorporate the proposed protocols into a network setting with multiple source destination pairs and multiple types of traffic such as broadcast and unicast. We hope that this will be addressed in future work. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Wee-Peng Tay


for informing us about an error in an earlier version

of the manuscript [17]. A PPENDIX I P ROOF OF L EMMA 1 Proof of a): Without loss of generality, we will assume L(H) is column-ordered. We claim ˜ ≥ 0, L(SHST )S˜ that for any given permutation matrix S and p p ≥ τ b ⇒ L(H)˜ p ≥ τ b. This 6

Wee-Peng Tay is associated with Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


˜ is in the feasible set of p’s of the optimization problem statement means that for a given S, if p min 1T p subject to L(SHST )Sp ≥ τ b, p ≥ 0, p


˜ is also in the feasible set of the optimization problem then, p min 1T p subject to L(H)p ≥ τ b, p ≥ 0. p


This implies that the feasible set for the linear program (26) is a subset of the feasible set for the linear program (27); hence, the optimal solution is obtained by setting S = I (this is under the assumption L(H) is column-ordered). The theorem follows easily. Next, we prove the claim. Let Eij denote the elementary matrix obtained by exchanging the ith and jth rows of identity matrix. It is well-known that any permutation matrix S can be written as a multiplication of elementary matrices, which is not unique. We will obtain the elementary matrices as follows. Consider the first column of the matrix SHST . Without loss of generality assume that largest value in the first column is the first element. Determine the row operations which sorts the first column via the algorithm that shifts the kth largest value to the (N − k + 2)th position, starting with k = 2. Denote the elementary matrix that is associated with the kth row operation by Eik jk . Then, S = Ei1 j1 Ei2 j2 . . . EiN jN . For simplicity, we assume that S = Eij and 1 < i < j ≤ N . The generalization of the proof is straight-forward. Let Hi = [Hi,1 Hi,2 . . . Hi,N +1 ] denote the ith row ˜ = [P˜1 . . . P˜N +1 ]. We know of H. Since, L(H) is column-ordered, Hi,k ≥ Hj,k , for k < i. Let p P ˜ that [L(SHST )S˜ p]i−1 = i−1 p]i−1 ≥ τ , k=1 Hj,k Pk ≥ τ . We will use this condition to prove [L(H)˜ and [L(H)˜ p]j−1 ≥ τ . The (i − 1)th element of L(H)˜ p is [L(H)˜ p]i−1 =

i−1 X

Hi,k P˜k ≥


i−1 X

Hj,k P˜k ≥ τ.


Hj,k P˜k ≥ τ.



The (j − 1)th element of L(H)˜ p is [L(H)˜ p]j−1 =

j−1 X

Hj,k P˜k ≥


i−1 X k=1

For k ∈ / {i − 1, j − 1}, [L(H)˜ p]k = [L(SHST )S˜ p]k ; hence, using (28) and (29), we conclude that L(H)˜ p ≥ τ b. ˆ S ˆ T ) is column-ordered, S ˆ corresponds to the optimal schedule and the Proof of b): Since L(SH ˆ T p∗ , where p∗ is the solution of optimal power allocation can be found as popt = S ˆ S ˆ T )p ≥ τ b, p ≥ 0. min 1T p subject to L(SH p



ˆ S ˆ T ) is row-ordered and the Next, we will use proof by contradiction. We assume that L(SH ˆ S ˆ T )p∗ > τ b. For simplicity, assume optimal power vector p∗ = [P ∗ . . . P ∗ ] is such that L(SH 1

N +1

ˆ S ˆ T )p∗ ]1 > τ . Define β := maxi≥3 αi1 , that the first row satisfies with strict inequality, i.e., [L(SH αi2 T T ˆ S ˆ ). Since L(SH ˆ S ˆ ) is row-ordered, β < 1 (assuming where αij is the (i, j)’th element of L(SH ∃i such that αi1 6= αi2 ). Define p∗∗ := [P1∗ − ² , P2∗ + β² , P3∗ , . . . , PN∗ +1 ] for some ² > 0. Since ˆ S ˆ T )p∗∗ ≥ τ b, and p∗∗ ≥ 0, p∗ can not be optimal solution. Hence, the 1T p∗∗ < 1T p∗ , L(SH ˆ S ˆ T )p∗ ]k > τ . proof follows by contradiction. The proof can be easily generalized if [L(SH A PPENDIX II P ROOF OF L EMMA 2 Consider a hypothetical node k and let M = {m1 , m2 . . .} denote the set of nodes that have transmitted before k. Let A be the fixed region where the nodes in M lies. Let dk,j and βk,j denote distance and the small-scale fading coefficient between the k’th and j’th nodes, respectively. Consider the received signal model (1). After MRC at the k’th node, the received SNR is X P ower(k) = |βk,i |2 Pi `(dk,i ).



Notice that P ower(k) is random in general. Since the locations of the nodes in M are i.i.d. in A, and therefore, the distances dk,i ’s are i.i.d. for different i. We assume that the fading coefficients βk,i ’s are i.i.d. with unit variance for different i ∈ M and βk,i ’s are independent of dk,i . Then, the theorem follows from the strong law of large numbers [21], [22]. A PPENDIX III P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 Let P1 denote the optimal transmission power of the source. In the continuum, under the pathloss function `(r) that satisfies the assumptions a1)-a3), each level is a thin disc shaped region. We conjecture that the optimal power allocation allocates equal powers to the nodes in the same level. Consider the i’th (located at a distance r) and k’th (located at a distance u) levels. By using [17, Lemma 2], if the optimal power allocation policy assigns equal powers Pk to nodes in the same level Sk , then the power allocation problem simplifies to ¯ T )¯ ¯ subject to L(SHS ¯ ≥ 0, p ≥ b, p min 1T p S,¯ p



¯ is [H] ¯ ik = P ¯ = [P¯1 P¯2 . . . P¯M ], P¯k = |Sk |Pk . The (i, k)’th element of H where p m∈Sk [H]im /|Sk |. Furthermore, in the continuum,


¯ ik →Em {Hi,m } = H(r, u) , [H] 0

1 p 2 `( r + u2 − 2ur cos(θ))dθ. 2π

See Fig. 13 for the derivation of H(r, u). Furthermore, in the continuum, P¯k = |Sk |Pk →P (u) , 2πup(u)du. Since H(r, u) is decreasing in r and increasing u for 0 ≤ u ≤ r ≤ R, utilizing Lemma 1-b and Rr replacing summations with integrals, we obtain P1 `(r) + 0 p(u)K(r, u)du = τ, ∀r. By taking the limit r→0, we find that optimal source transmission power P1 = τ /l(0). The theorem follows.

u θ

u sin θ |




r−u cos θ

Fig. 13.

Derivation of H(r, u).

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L IST OF F IGURE C APTIONS 1) Network topologies for which the optimal scheduling is trivial 2) Continuum approximation of dense networks 3) Network topologies for which the optimal power allocation scheme assigns equal powers to nodes belonging to the same level 4) Continuum approximation of dense networks-linear configurations 5) Optimal power density - circular network 6) Double-Threshold Uniform Power Allocation: the shaded regions correspond to the active portions of the levels 7) Noncooperative multihop broadcast: shaded area =

√ r2 3 4

8) (a) Percentage of the nodes reached by the source; (b) Total power consumption 9) The critical power per node required to cover an area A = 20m2 , where Ps = τ , m = 1 10) Total power spent to cover an area A by both optimal and suboptimal cooperative broadcasting schemes. The node density is ρ = 20 11) Total power spent to cover an area A. The node density is ρ = 20 and decoding threshold is τ = 1. For cooperative broadcast, Ps = 1.5 12) Cooperative versus noncooperative under fixed number of hops. Cooperative scheme with K = ∞ and m = 1 13) Derivation of H(r, u)


Birsen Sirkeci Mergen received her B.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mathematics in 1998 from Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. She received her M.Sc. degree PLACE PHOTO HERE

in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, MA, in 2001. She worked as a DSP engineer at Aware Inc, Bedford, MA during 2000-2002. She received her PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 2006. She is currently postdoctoral researcher in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department at University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.

She received the Fred Ellersick Award for the best unclassified paper in MILCOM 2005 with her co-authors. Her research interests lie mainly in the field of digital signal processing and communications. Currently, she is interested in cooperative transmission in wireless ad-hoc networks and distributed protocols.

Anna Scaglione received the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, in 1995 and 1999, respectively. She was a postdoctoral researcher at PLACE PHOTO HERE

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, in 1999-2000. She is currently Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, since 2001; prior to this she was assistant professor during the academic year 2000-2001, at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. She received the 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Transactions Best Paper Award and the NSF Career Award in 2002. She also received the

Fred Ellersick Award for the best unclassified paper in MILCOM 2005 and the 2005 Best paper for Young Authors of the Taiwan IEEE Comsoc/Information theory section. She is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and has been Co-Guest Editor of the Communication Magazine Special Issue on Power Line Communications ”Broadband is Power: Internet Access through the Power Line Networks” , May 2003. She was recently nominated as a member of the IEEE Signal Processing for Communication Technical Committee. Her research is in the broad area of signal processing for communication systems. Her current research focuses on optimal transceiver design for MIMO-broadband systems and cooperative communications systems for large scale sensor networks.