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globally, outdoor and indoor air pollutants can cause or exacerbate COPD. In high-income countries, historic air pollution events provide clear evidence that ...

INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 12(2):115–127 © 2008 The Union

STATE OF THE ART SERIES Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in high- and low-income countries Edited by G. Marks and M. Chan-Yeung NUMBER 2 IN THE SERIES

Outdoor and indoor air pollution and COPD-related diseases in high- and low-income countries Y. Liu,* K. Lee,*† R. Perez-Padilla,‡ N. L. Hudson,* D. M. Mannino* * Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Kentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, Kentucky, USA; † School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Korea; ‡ National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico SUMMARY

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in both high- and low-income countries. While active cigarette smoking is the most important preventable risk factor globally, outdoor and indoor air pollutants can cause or exacerbate COPD. In high-income countries, historic air pollution events provide clear evidence that exposure to high levels of outdoor air pollutants is associated with increased mortality and morbidity due to COPD and related cardiorespiratory diseases. Studies in the last 20 years continue to show increased risk associated mainly with particulate matters, even at much lower levels. Pop-

ulations in low-income countries are largely exposed to indoor air pollutants from the combustion of solid fuels, which contributes significantly to the burden of COPDrelated diseases, particularly in non-smoking women. Effective preventive strategies for COPD may vary between countries, and include continued improvements in air cleaning technology, air quality legislation and dissemination of improved cooking stoves. A joint effort from both society and governments is needed for these endeavors. K E Y W O R D S : COPD; outdoor air pollution; indoor biomass pollution; environmental exposures

AIR POLLUTION has been recognized for its relationship with cardiorespiratory illnesses, including chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), since the early 1900s. Sharp increases in fatalities and hospital admission rates, particularly in the elderly, were well documented in air pollution events in the 1940s and 1950s. This led to rapid developments in technology and air pollution legislation in the 1960s and 1970s that eventually improved outdoor air quality in the United States and many other high-income countries.1 However, the relative increase in motor vehicle traffic in the past decades1–3 has now presented as a more worrying air pollution problem in many metropolitan cities around

the world. In low-income countries where more households use traditional cooking fuels and stoves, indoor air pollution from biomass combustion has been found to contribute to COPD and other cardiorespiratory diseases, particularly in non-smoking women. The health effects of air pollution are a spectrum of responses that includes sensory response to odors, irritation of the upper respiratory systems, increased prevalence of respiratory infections, symptoms such as cough, phlegm production, chest tightness and wheezing, chronically reduced pulmonary function in forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) together with symptoms, and increased incidence in exacerbation of cardiopulmonary diseases, asthma attacks, cancer and mortality.4 While air pollution may affect all ages of the population, the elderly, particularly those with pre-existing cardiopulmonary diseases such as COPD, are the most susceptible group. This review will therefore focus on the more serious adverse health effects of COPD

Previous articles in this series Editorial: Marks G, Chan-Yeung M. COPD: a new global challenge to lung health. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2008; 12(1): 2. No. 1: Slama K. Global perspective on tobacco control. Part I. The global state of the tobacco epidemic. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2008; 12(1): 3–7. Chapman S. Global perspective on tobacco control. Part II. The future of tobacco control: making smoking history? Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2008; 12(1): 8–12.

Correspondence to: Youcheng Liu, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Kentucky College of Public Health, 121 Washington Ave, Lexington, KY 40536, USA. Tel: (!1) 859 218 2234. Fax: (!1) 859 257 9862. e-mail: [email protected] Article submitted 28 September 2007. Final version accepted 19 November 2007.


The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

(mortality, morbidity and health care utilization) alone or in the context of cardiorespiratory diseases. COPD remains a major public health problem worldwide, and is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in both high- and low-income countries.5–9 According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, about 80 million people have moderate to severe COPD and 3 million died of COPD in 2005, which corresponds to 5% of all deaths globally.5 Total deaths due to COPD are projected to increase by more than 30% in the next 10 years. Mortality and morbidity rates vary across countries and regions, and are affected by the COPD definitions used, the accuracy of local reporting systems and the survey methods used.8 Dramatic increases in the next two decades are expected in Asian and African countries due to increasing tobacco use.10 COPD has profound effects on the quality of life of patients, and places an enormous economic burden on society. In high-income countries, exacerbations of COPD account for the greatest burden on the health care system. In the US in 2002, for example, the direct costs of COPD were $18 billion and the indirect costs totalled $14.1 billion.11 In the European Union, the total direct costs of respiratory diseases are estimated to be about 6% of the total health care budget, with COPD accounting for 56% (€38.6 billion) of the total.9 Although data are lacking for low-income countries, it is projected to increase along with the increase in tobacco use, based on estimates from per patient cost in high-income countries.12 COPD results from interaction between individual genetic factors and environmental exposures to toxic agents, such as tobacco smoking, outdoor and indoor air pollution, occupational exposure to organic and mineral dusts, gases and fumes and lower respiratory infections in early childhood.13 Most genetic factors are unknown, except for alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, present in 1–3% of COPD patients. Nutrition may also be a predisposing factor, and interacts with environmental exposures.14 Tobacco smoke is well established as the most important risk factor for COPD, particularly in high- and middle-income countries;15,16 however, in low-income countries, exposure to indoor air pollution, such as the use of biomass fuels for cooking and heating, increases the burden of COPD in addition to tobacco smoking.5 This suggests that different specific public health measures and strategies need to be used to target priority risk factors in the prevention of COPD in different parts of the world, although all involve breathing clean air. This article will review the most recent developments in outdoor and indoor air pollution that contribute to the burden of COPD and other related cardiorespiratory diseases in high- and low-income countries. Our focus is the risk of COPD and related mortality and morbidity from epidemiological studies. No controlled human exposure studies or laboratory

animal studies are included. The review does not address smoking, active or passive, the role of infections in COPD or the relationship between occupational exposures and the risk of COPD, nor will it include elaborations on the environmental mechanisms for asthma in producing irreversible airflow obstruction. Readers are advised to refer to previous reviews published on traffic air pollution and health,1,3 air pollution and respiratory risk in low-income countries,17,18 indoor air pollution and respiratory health,19 as well as review articles on air pollution and health in general,20 and on COPD.21,22

METHODS We conducted systematic searches of the literature in English or articles with English abstracts using bibliographic databases of PubMed/Medline (National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health) and Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded, Thomson Corporation). We used the keywords ‘COPD’ or ‘emphysema’ or ‘chronic bronchitis’ AND ‘outdoor air pollution’ or ‘indoor biomass and coal pollution’ to search articles up to October 2007. We were particularly interested in epidemiological studies published within the last 10 years, although some important previous studies were also cited as background. Articles were also found from the reference lists of selected articles and systemic searches on specific journals such as Thorax and the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. In addition, extensive searches using Google (google.com) were performed on the Internet. We did not intend to include all articles in our review; instead we selected the most recent studies that evaluated mortality, morbidity or hospital admissions/emergency room visits in typical regions (North America, Europe, Oceania and low-income countries) for summary. Large multicountry studies were selected over reports from individual countries in the same study. Outdoor air pollution Most epidemiological air pollution studies conducted in high-income countries on short-term exposure and effects on the general population or patients suffering from COPD used the time series method to evaluate the risk of mortality due to cardiorespiratory diseases, or COPD hospital admissions temporally related to air pollution levels, i.e., these studies measured daily variations in the number of health events in a city in relation to daily variations in air pollutants and confounding variables, such as temperature. Compared with short-term exposure studies, few studies have been conducted prospectively to evaluate the long-term effects of air pollution on COPD. Although outdoor air pollutant levels tend to be higher in low-income countries than in high-income countries, fewer studies were conducted.

Air pollution and COPD burden

Mortality Historical reports of dramatic air pollution episodes in the early 1950s have provided clear evidence of mortality associated with high levels of particulate matter (PM), measured as black smoke in Europe, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and acid aerosols. During the London smog of 5–9 December 1952, there was a more than 2-fold increase in the daily death rate, resulting in around 4000 extra deaths. Between 80% and 90% of the deaths were from cardiorespiratory causes, and the greatest relative increase was in deaths due to bronchitis, which rose 9-fold.2 In the December 1991 air pollution episode in London, all-cause mortality, excluding accidents, increased (relative risk [RR] 1.10). Although not statistically significant, increases were observed for all respiratory diseases (RR 1.22) and obstructive lung diseases (RR 1.23).23 While improved technology and legislation have reduced air pollution levels in high-income countries, studies in the past 20 years continue to show increased mortality related to air pollution. Overall, a 50 "g/m3 increase in 24 h PM with aerodynamic diameter #10 "m (PM10) is associated with a 2.5–5% increase in premature non-accident mortality for the general population, with higher risks for the elderly and those with pre-existing cardiopulmonary conditions (Table 1).24–29 Most studies evaluated total mortality due to cardiorespiratory diseases or respiratory diseases, although some looked specifically at COPD. For example, Schwartz and Dockery found that a 100 "g/m3 increase in total suspended particles (TSP) would lead to a 10% (95% confidence interval [CI] 6–14) increase in COPD mortality.28 One of the largest studies conducted in the US was the National Morbidity, Mortality and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) sponsored by the Health Effects Institute, which examined the effect of short-term exposure to PM on mortality in 20 US cities, which was later extended to include 90 US cities.24,30,37,38 The per cent increase for cardiorespiratory mortality was 0.68 (95%CI 0.20–1.16) in the 20-city study.30 This study addressed various important issues in air pollution and mortality studies, such as measurement error, confounding, and effects of multiple gaseous copollutants on the influence of PM. In Europe, the Air Pollution and Health: a European approach (APHEA) study showed that an increase of 50 "g/m3 in SO2 or black smoke was associated with a 3% (95%CI 2–4) increase in daily mortality; the corresponding value for PM10 was 2% (95%CI 1–3). In central eastern European cities, the increase in mortality associated with a 50 "g/m3 change in SO2 was 0.8% (95%CI $0.1–2.4) and in black smoke 0.6% (95%CI 0.1–1.1).31 Later, the APHEA II study showed that a 10 "g/m3 increase in daily PM10 or black smoke concentrations increased mortality by 0.6% (95%CI 0.4–0.8), with a slightly higher increase among the elderly. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)


modified the relationship between PM and mortality (mortality at 0.80%, 95%CI 0.67–0.93 at high NO2 levels).32 Similar excesses in total and respiratory mortality were also observed in nine French cities.39 The relationship between daily exposure to air pollutants and daily mortality is linear, with no clear threshold for PM10.17,40 The short-term effect between exposure and mortality is affected by lag days. For example, Zeka et al. found that all-cause mortality increased with PM10 exposures occurring both 1 and 2 days prior to the event, and deaths from heart disease were primarily associated with PM10 on 2 days before the event, while respiratory deaths were associated with PM10 exposure on all 3 days.34 While many time series studies have shown an increase in mortality related to short-term air pollution, prospective cohort studies have also found increased mortality due to long-term exposure to low-level air pollution. Pope et al. evaluated exposures to multiple air pollutants in metropolitan areas of all 50 states in the US, and found the RR of mortality due to cardiorespiratory causes at respectively 1.06 (95%CI 1.02– 1.60), 1.08 (95%CI 1.02–1.14) and 1.09 (95%CI 1.08–1.16) for the periods 1979–1983 and 1999– 2000 and the average of all periods.33 Similar results in mortality have also been found in cities in low-income countries. In Mexico, TellezRojo et al. found that an increase of 10 "g/m3 PM10 was related to a 2.9% (95%CI 0.9–4.9) and 4.1% (95%CI 1.3–6.9) increase in total respiratory and COPD deaths, respectively.35 In Shanghai, China, an increase of 10 "g/m3 in PM10, SO2 and NO2 corresponded to an RR increase in mortality of COPD in all ages of respectively 1.005 (95%CI 0.999–1.011), 1.035 (95%CI 1.015–1.054) and 1.032 (95%CI 1.009– 1.056) (Table 1).36 As summarized by Nejjari et al., a global excess risk of total mortality varied from 3% to 4%, with 1% to 6% for respiratory mortality, for an increase of 50 "g/m in the pollution indicators.17 The mechanisms of deaths triggered by increased air pollution have recently been clarified, and include cardiovascular mechanisms: alteration in coagulation, in the autonomic control or pollutant inflammation enhancing atherogenesis.41–43 These mechanisms are relevant to patients with COPD who frequently have comorbid diseases.8 Increased susceptibilities to respiratory infections, increased airflow obstruction and deranged gas exchange are also important. Patients who die during air pollution episodes include not only those with a very short life expectancy (this mechanism has been called ‘harvesting’), but also patients and subjects with much longer life expectancy.44 Hospital admissions and emergency room visits COPD patients are particularly vulnerable to additional stress on the respiratory system caused by the toxic effects of inhaled pollutants.45 Exposure to air pollutants has been associated with respiratory morbidity,

Metropolitan area, 50 states, USA

20 US cities

Pope 200233†

Zeka 200534*

Shanghai, China

Study period

All ages

'65 years

All ages

%30 years

All ages

All ages

1.5 years (2000–2001)

0–3 days lag

0–3 days lag

Lag days analyzed Per cent increase in total mortality and cardiorespiratory mortality per 10 "g/m3 in PM10 Per cent increase in total mortality per 50 "g/m3 increase in PM10, black smoke or SO2

Risk type and per unit increase

24 h mean: PM10, "g/m3; SO2, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3

0–5 days lag

0–7 days lag; Cumulative lags by 3, 5 and 7 days analyzed

RR increase in COPD mortality per 10 "g/m3 increase in pollutants

Per cent increase in COPD mortality per 10 "g/m3 increase in PM10 and per 40 ppb increase in O3

24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; 0–2 days lag Per cent increase in total black smoke, "g/m3; mortality per 10 "g/m3 SO2, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3; increase in PM10 and O3, "g/m3 black smoke 24-h mean: TSP, "g/m3; Modified RR increase in cardiorespiratory PM15, "g/m3; PM10, "g/m3; Cox-proportional mortality per 10 "g/m3 PM2.5, "g/m3; PM15–2.5, "g/m3; hazards model increase in PM2.5 SO2, ppb; NO2, ppb; O3, ppb; with spatial CO, ppm; SO4, ppb random effect 1 h max: O3, ppb component 24 h mean: PM10, "g/m3 0–3 days lag Per cent increase in COPD mortality per 10 "g/m3 increase in PM10

24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; SO2, ppb; NO2, ppb; CO, ppb; O3, ppb 8-h mean: O3, ppb 24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; black smoke, "g/m3; SO2, "g/m3

Pollutants measured

1 year (1994) 24 h mean: PM10 ("g/m3) 1 h max: O3, ppb; SO2, ppm; NO2, ppm

12 years (1989–2000)

21 years (1979–2000)

10 years (1977–1987)

10 years (1977–1987)

#65, 65–74, 7 years %74 years (1987–1994)


Outside medical unit Total respiratory: PM10 & 2.9 (0.9–4.9), 3 day lag O3 & 5.6 (0.5–10.9), 2 day lag COPD: PM10 & 3.0 (0.1–5.9), 1 day lag PM10 & 6.1 (2.4–9.9), 5 day mean O3 & 8.3 (1.0–16.1), 3 day lag All ages: PM10 & 1.005 (0.999–1.011) SO2 & 1.035 (1.015–1.054) NO2 & 1.032 (1.009–1.056) Age 65–75 years: PM10 & 0.996 (0.986–1.007) SO2 & 1.010 (0.977–1.043) NO2 & 1.007 (0.967–1.047)

Single lag model: Lag 0 & -0.06 (-0.63–0.51) Lag 1 & 0.43 (-0.14–1.00) Lag 2 & 0.39 (-0.16–0.94) 3 day cumulative & 0.43 (-0.35–1.21)

1979–1983 time period & 1.06 (1.02–1.60) 1999–2000 time period & 1.08 (1.02–1.14) Average & 1.09 (1.08–1.16)

Western Europe: SO2 3 (2–4) Black smoke 3 (2–4) PM10 2 (1–3) Central-Eastern Europe: SO2 0.8 (-0.1–2.4) Black smoke 0.6 (0.1–1.1) PM10 and black smoke: All ages 0.6 (0.4–0.8) %65 years 0.7 (0.5–1.0)

1 day lag: All causes 0.51 (0.07–0.93) Cardiorespiratory 0.68 (0.20–1.16)

Risk level (95%CI)

* Time series studies to evaluate short-term exposure, in which variables of long-term trends, day of the week, temperature, humidity, dew point temperature, and influenza epidemic were controlled. † Prospective cohort study to evaluate long-term exposure, in which the Cox proportional hazard survival model was used and personal characteristics such as smoking, education, marital status, body mass index, occupational exposures, diet and alcohol use were controlled. Per cent increase & (RR $ 1) ( 100. COPD & chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CI & confidence interval; PM10 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter #10 "m; PM15 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter #15 "m; PM2.5 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter #2.5 "m; PM1.5–2.5 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter 1.5–2.5 "m; RR & relative risk; SO2 & sulfur dioxide; ppb & parts per billion; NO2 & nitrogen dioxide; CO & carbon monoxide; O3 & ozone; SO4 & aerosol sulfate; APHEA & Air Pollution and Health: a European Approach; TSP & total suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter #40 "m.

Kan & Chen 200336

Mexico City, Mexico

29 cities, Europe, APHEA II

Katsouyanni 200132*

Low-income countries Tellez-Rojo 200035

12 cities, Europe, APHEA I

Katsouyanni 199731*

High-income countries 20 largest cities, USA Samet 200030*


Outdoor air pollution and COPD-related mortality in both high-income and low-income countries

First author, year, reference

Table 1

Air pollution and COPD burden

including acute respiratory symptoms,46 decreased pulmonary function and exacerbation of COPD conditions that may be severe enough to require an emergency room visit or hospitalization.2,47 In the wellknown London smog incident in 5–9 December 1952, black smoke levels rose to 1600 "g/m3, four times higher than normal levels at that time. This air pollution episode caused total hospital admissions to rise by 50% and respiratory admissions by 160%.2 More recent episodes, with more modest effects, in 1991 in London23 and from 1985 to 1989 in Utah in the US, have been studied.48 Since the early 1990s, many epidemiological studies have evaluated hospital admissions for COPD resulting from short-term exposure to outdoor air pollution. Statistical models have been used to evaluate the effects of PM and co-pollutants on COPD events at different lag times, while controlling for the effect of other variables such as long-term trends, meteorological parameters or city characteristics (Table 2). These research results have provided scientific evidence and basis for air quality regulations in the US56 and other countries. In the US, Schwartz conducted separate studies in Minneapolis, St. Paul, MN,47 Birmingham, AL,29 Detroit, MI57 and Spokane, WA.58 In each city, he evaluated the change in daily average concentrations of PM10 and ozone (O3) on the risk of hospital admission for COPD among elderly persons aged '65 years. Both PM10 and O3 were found to be associated with increased risk of hospital admissions for COPD. The RR for PM10 (per 10 "g/m3 increase) ranged from 1.02 to 1.57, with the 95%CI ranging from 0.76 to 2.06; similar effects were noted for ozone.47 Similar results were found in Reno-Sparks, NV, where a 26.6 "g/m3 increase in PM10 resulted in an RR of 1.049 (95%CI 1.011–1.087) for COPD hospitalizations.51 While earlier studies focused on PM10, Burnett et al. extended the studies to include the analysis of both fine particles (FP) and coarse particles (CP), the content of aerosol sulfate (SO4) and acidity (H!) in particles and multiple gaseous co-pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2 and CO) in Toronto, Canada, in three consecutive summers from 1992 to 1994. These exposure data were compared with concurrent data on respiratory hospital admissions that included COPD. The RR from single pollutant models was 1.022 for CO, 1.023 for CP, 1.030 for SO4, 1.036 for PM10, 1.040 for FP and SO2, 1.048 for NO2 and 1.068 for O3. Increases in O3, NO2 and SO2 were associated with an 11% increase in daily admissions.49 In Vancouver, O3 and NO2 were found to be significantly associated with COPD admission, and the combined RR for all gases was 1.21.53 A similar multi-pollutant study in three US counties also found that gases other than ozone were more strongly associated with COPD admissions than PM.59 In Montreal, Canada, Delfino et al. similarly eval-


uated multiple pollutants and their effect on emergency room (ER) visits from 1992 to 1993. For 1993, 1 h maximum O3, PM10, PM2.5 and SO4 were all positively associated with respiratory visits for patients aged %64 years. An increase in the mean level of 1 h maximum O3 (36 parts per billion [ppb]) was associated with a 21% (RR 1.21) increase over the mean number of daily ER visits (95%CI 8–34). The effects of PM and SO4 were smaller, with mean increases of 16% (95%CI 4–28), 12% (95%CI 2–21) and 6% (95%CI 1–12) for PM10, PM2.5 and SO4, respectively.60 The O3 and PM10 levels were all well below the current US National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which are 80 ppb 8 h average and 120 ppb 1 h maximum for O3 and 150 "g/m3 24 h average for PM10.56 In Europe, a six-city multi-pollutant study evaluated air pollution and hospital admissions for COPD as part of the APHEA project. For all ages, the RR for a 50 "g/m3 increase in the daily mean level of pollutant (lagged 1–3 days) was 1.02 (95%CI 0.98–1.06) for SO2, 1.04 (95%CI 1.01–1.06) for black smoke, 1.02 (95%CI 1.00–1.05) for TSP with aerodynamic diameter #40 "m, 1.02 (95%CI 1.00–1.05) for NO2 and 1.04 (95%CI 1.02–1.07) for O3 (8 h). These results for particles and O3 are generally consistent with those from North America, although the coefficients for particles are substantially smaller.45 In Sydney, Australia, a similar study with multiple air pollutants found a 4.6% increase in COPD hospital admissions for a 50 "g/m3 increase in daily mean level of PM0.01–2.0, consistent with previous studies.50 Most recently, Medina-Ramon et al. conducted a case-crossover study in 36 US cities in which they evaluated the effect of daily mean concentrations of PM10 and O3 on hospital admissions for COPD. They found that during the warm season, the 2-day cumulative effect of a 5-ppb increase in O3 resulted in a 0.27% (95%CI 0.08–0.47) increase in COPD admissions, and a 10 "g/m3 increase in PM10 on a previous day increased the COPD admissions of the following day by 1.47% (95%CI 0.93–2.01). In this study, the use of a central air-conditioning system reduced the effect of air pollution.55 Table 3 summarizes some studies in air pollution and COPD hospitalizations in urban areas in lowincome countries. In Delhi, India, a time series study in one hospital found a 24.9% increase in emergency room visits related to air pollution.61 In Sao Paulo, Brazil, all measured pollutants, PM10, SO2, NO2, O3 and carbon monoxide (CO), were significantly associated with increased hospital admissions, with an increase of 10 "g/m3 in fine particulate matter associated with a 4.3% increase in admissions for COPD in the elderly.62 In Taipei City, Taiwan, during warm days ('20)C), all pollutants except SO2 were associated with an increased risk of hospital admissions, but on cold days (#20)C) only SO2 was associated with increased risk.63

Six European cities All ages (Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Milan, Paris, Rotterdam)

Sydney, Australia

Reno-Sparks, NV, USA

Rome, Italy

Vancouver, Canada

8 areas (5 polluted, 2 clean), Rhine-Ruhr Basin, Germany Prospective cohort study

36 cities, USA Case-crossover design

Anderson 199745

Morgan 199850

Chen 200051

Fusco 200152

Yang 200553

Schikowski 200554

Medina-Ramon 200555


Study period

Pollutants measured

13 years 24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3 (1986–1999) 8-h mean: O3, ppb; Distance to traffic road

9 years Annual mean: PM10, "g/m3; (1985–1994) NO2, "g/m3 5-year mean: PM10, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3; Distance to traffic road

5 years 24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; (1994–1998) SO2, ppb; NO2, ppb; CO, ppm; O3, ppb

3 summers 24–h mean (1992–1994) Daytime mean Daily 1 h max 5-day mean: TP, "g/m3; Fine particles, "g/m3; Coarse particles, "g/m3; H!, nmol/m3; SO4, nmol/m3; NO2, ppb; CO, ppb; SO2, ppb; O3, ppb 15 years 24-h mean: TSP, "g/m3; (1977–1992) Black smoke, "g/m3; SO2, "g/m3; NO2,"g/m3; 8-h mean: O3, "g/m3 1-h maximum: SO2, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3; O3, "g/m3 5 years 24-h mean: (1990–1994) PM0.01–2.0, bscat/104 m; NO2, ppb; 1-h maximum: PM0.01–2.0, bscat/104 m; NO2, ppb; O3, ppb 4 years 24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3 (1990–1994) 3 years 24-h mean: PM13, "g/m3; (1995–1997) SO2, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3; CO, mg/m3; O3, "g/m3; 8-h mean: O3, "g/m3

Lag days analyzed

Risk type and per unit increase

0–1 day lag

0–6 days lag Average used

0–4 days lag

Per cent increase in COPD per increase in PM10 & 10 "g/m3; O3 & 5 ppb

RR increase in COPD per 26.6 ("g/m3) increase in PM10 Per cent increase in total respiratory diseases including COPD per increase in PM13 & 23.0 "g/m3; SO2 & 6.9 "g/m3; NO2 & 22.3 "g/m3; CO & 1.5 mg/m3; O3 & 3.9 "g/m3 RR increase in acute COPD per increase in PM10 & 8.3 "g/m3; SO2 & 2.8 ppb; NO2 & 5.5 ppb; CO & 0.3 ppm; O3 & 9.3 ppb OR increase in COPD per increase in PM10 & 7 "g/m3; NO2 & 16 "g/m3

RR increase in COPD per 10th to 90th percentile increase in all pollutants

0–2 days lag Cumulative lag

0 day lag

RR increase in COPD per 50 "g/m3 increase in all pollutants

RR increase in all respiratory diseases including COPD per increase in TP & 14.25 "g/m3; Fine particles & 11 "g/m3; Coarse particles & 4.75 "g/m3; NO2 & 5.75 ppb; CO & 0.75 ppb; SO2 & 4.00 ppb; O3 & 11.50 ppb

Best 1 day lag out of 3 days Cumulative lag (mean)

0–4 days lag

Risk level (95%CI)

Lag 0: Total respiratory diseases: NO2 & 2.5 (0.9–4.2); CO & 2.8 (1.3–4.3); COPD: CO & 4.3 (1.6–7.1) Single pollutant model: PM10 & 1.13 (1.05–1.21) NO2 & 1.11 (1.04–1.20) CO & 1.08 (1.02–1.13) COPD prevalence 4.5% Annual mean: PM10 & 1.37 (0.98–1.92) NO2 & 1.39 (1.20–1.63) 5 year mean: PM10 & 1.33 (1.03–1.72) NO2 & 1.43 (1.23–1.66) 1 day lag: PM10 & 1.47 (0.93–2.01) 2 day lag: O3 & 0.25 (0.08–0.47)

1–3 days lag: TSP & 1.022 (0.998–1.047) Black smoke & 1.035 (1.010–1.060) SO2 & 1.022 (0.981–1.055) NO2 & 1.019 (1.002–1.047) O3 & 1.043 (1.022–1.065) Lag 0: PM24h & 2.41 ($0.90–5.84) PM1h & 3.01 ($0.38–6.52) Lag 1: NO2–24h & 4.30 ($0.75–9.61) NO2–1h & 4.60 ($0.17–9.61) PM10 & 1.049 (1.011–1.087)

RR significant for all single pollutants RR for particles adjusted for all gaseous pollutants: TP & 1.110 Fine particles & 1.109 Coarse particles & 1.109 H! & 1.109 SO4 & 1.109

Note: The cross-sectional time-series studies evaluated short-term effects and mostly used Poisson regression with generalized additive models for data analysis and controlled for long-term trends, day of the week, temperature, humidity, dew point temperature, influenza epidemic and other factors. Both single pollutant and multiple pollutant models were used in most studies. Per cent increase & (RR $ 1) ( 100. Conversion: PM2.5 "g/m3 & 30 ( bscat/104 m. COPD & chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CI & confidence interval; TP & thoracic particles, equivalent of PM10; H! & acidity; SO4 & aerosol sulfate; NO2 & nitrogen dioxide; ppb & parts per billion; CO & carbon monoxide; SO2 & sulfur dioxide; O3 & ozone; RR & relative risk, observed over expected; TSP & total suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter #40 "m; PM0.01–2.0 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter 0.01–2.0 "m; bscat/104 m & nephelometer particulate concentration scale; OR & odds ratio.

'65 years

Population: 2 million '65 years with acute COPD 4757 women aged 54–55 years

Population: 3 million All ages

'65 years

'65 years

Population: 2.36 million All ages


Toronto, Canada

Burnett 199749

Outdoor air pollution and COPD–related hospitalizations or emergency room visits in high-income countries

First author, year, reference

Table 2

Taipei, Taiwan

Hong Kong, China

Yang 200763

Ko 200764

%65 years

All ages

'65 years

All ages


6 years (2000–2005)

8 years (1996–2003)

4 years (1996–2000)

2 years (1997–1998)

Study period

24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; PM2.5, "g/m3; SO2, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3 8-h mean: O3, "g/m3

24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; SO2, ppb; NO2, ppb; CO, ppm; O3, ppb

24-h mean: TSP, SO2, "g/m3; NOx, "g/m3; CO, "g/m3 24-h mean: PM10, "g/m3; SO2, "g/m3; NO2, "g/m3; CO, ppm; O3, "g/m3


Pollutants measured

0–5 days lag; Cumulative lags by 2, 3 and 6 days analyzed

0–2 days lag

0–2 days lag

0–7 days lag

Lag days analyzed

RR increase in COPD per 10 "g/m3 increase in all pollutants

OR increase in COPD per increase in PM10 & 26.41 "g/m3 SO2 & 2.79 ppb NO2 & 10.05 ppb CO & 0.53 ppm O3 & 11.29 ppb

Per cent increase in COPD based on upper permissible level of TSP and SO2 RR increase in COPD per 10 "g/m3 increase in PM10, SO2, NO2, O3 or per 1 ppm increase in CO

Risk type

PM10 & 1.043 (1.028–1.058) SO2 & 1.179 (1.126–1.235) NO2 & 1.024 (1.015–1.034) CO & 1.049 (1.023–1.076) O3 & 1.015 (1.005–1.025) %20 oC: PM10 & 1.133 (1.098–1.168) SO2 & 1.006 (0.970–1.043) NO2 & 1.193 (1.158–1.230) CO & 1.227 (1.178–1.277) O3 & 1.157 (1.118–1.197) #20 oC: PM10 & 1.035 (0.994–1.077) SO2 & 1.071 (1.015–1.129) NO2 & 0.972 (0.922–1.024) CO & 0.975 (0.921–1.033) O3 & 0.936 (0.974–1.003) Lag 0–5: PM10 & 1.024 (1.021–1.028) PM2.5 & 1.031 (1.026–1.036) SO2 & 1.007 (1.001–1.014) NO2 & 1.026 (1.022–1.031) O3 & 1.034 (1.030–1.040)


Risk level (95%CI)

COPD & chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CI & confidence interval; TSP & total suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter #40 "m; SO2 & sulfur dioxide; NOx & nitrogen oxide; CO & carbon monoxide; PM10 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter #10 "m; NO2 & nitrogen dioxide; ppm & parts per million; O3 & ozone; RR & relative risk; ppb & parts per billion; OR & odds ratio; PM2.5 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter #2.5 "m.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Delhi, India

Gouveia 200662




Outdoor air pollution and COPD-related hospitalizations or emergency room visits in low-income countries

First author, year, reference

Table 3

Air pollution and COPD burden



The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

In a similar study performed in warmer Kaohsiung city, all pollutants were associated with increased hospital admissions of COPD, except for SO2, on warm days.65 In Hong Kong, significant associations were found for all measured pollutants with increased emergency hospitalizations of COPD and respiratory symptoms.64,66 COPD prevalence In addition to exacerbations of the diseases of COPD patients, there are also questions about to what extent air pollution is a risk factor for new cases of COPD. This is usually done by cross-sectional comparisons of the prevalence of COPD (symptoms and reduced lung function) among subjects who lived in environments with varying degrees of outdoor air pollution.21 A recent study by Schikowski in Rhine-Ruhr Basin, Germany, focused on the effects of air pollution on lung function in women living near major traffic roads. They followed 4757 women longitudinally from 1985 to 1994 and found that chronic exposure to PM10, NO2 and living near a major road increased the risk of developing COPD and could have a detrimental effect on lung function (Table 2). The overall prevalence of COPD was 4.5%. A 7 "g/m3 increase in 5year means of PM10 (interquartile range) was associated with a 5.1% (95%CI 2.5–7.7) decrease in FEV1, a 3.7% (95%CI 1.8–5.5) decrease in FVC and an odds ratio (OR) of 1.33 (95%CI 1.03–1.72) for COPD. Women living less than 100 m from a busy road also had significantly reduced lung function, and COPD was 1.79 times more likely (95%CI 1.06–3.02) than for those living farther away.54 A large cross-sectional population-based study on air pollution and lung diseases in adults (SAPALDIA) evaluated 9651 subjects aged 18–60 years residing in eight different areas in Switzerland. Significant and consistent effects on FVC and FEV1 were found for NO2, SO2 and PM10 in all subgroups and in the total population, with PM10 showing the most consistent effect of a 3.4% change in FVC per 10 "g/m3.67 A prospective cohort study in Los Angeles, California, found that mean declines in FEV1 in males were significantly lower in Lancaster and Glendora compared with Long Beach (where residents were exposed to high levels of sulfates, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons), in each category of smoking. The mean decline in FEV1 attributable to living in Long Beach compared with living in Lancaster was 23.6 ml/year.68 The number of recent studies on the prevalence of symptoms is limited. In addition to reduced lung function, the SAPALDIA study in Switzerland also found increased risk for respiratory symptoms associated with annual mean concentrations of NO2, TSP and PM10. Among never-smokers, the OR for a 10 "g/m3 increase in PM10 was 1.35 (95%CI 1.11–1.65) for chronic phlegm production, 1.27 (95%CI 1.08–1.50) for chronic cough or phlegm production, 1.48 (95%CI

1.23–1.78) for breathlessness during the day, 1.33 (95%CI 1.14–1.55) for breathlessness during the day or at night and 1.32 (95%CI 1.18–1.46) for dyspnea on exertion.69 In Hong Kong, a prospective cohort study found that the prevalence of most respiratory symptoms increased over a 12-year period after adjusting the data for age, sex, social status and smoking habits. The prevalence of self-reported physiciandiagnosed emphysema increased from 2.4% to 3.1%, with adjusted OR at 1.78 (95%CI 1.12–2.86).66 The authors suggested that this might be related to environmental factors, and especially increasing air pollution, in Hong Kong. Several studies have now found that chronic exposure to urban or traffic air pollution reduces the rate of lung function growth in children.70–72 Indoor air pollution Human beings spend a large proportion of their time in indoor environments such as homes, workplaces, libraries, school classrooms, shopping malls, daycare centers and vehicles. Important indoor pollutants include PM, SO2, NO2 and CO generated from cooking and heating activities, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paints, carpets and furniture, molds and allergens from dampness and pets and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).19 According to the WHO, indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6 million people annually.73 Indoor air pollutant exposure varies dramatically between high-income and low-income countries, with biomass fuels being a much more common source of exposure in the developing world. Although global energy consumption from biomass fuels or biofuels is only a small part of the total (12%), their use is much more prevalent in low-income countries than in highincome countries (33% vs. 3%).74 It is estimated that almost 3 billion people, or 50% of households worldwide, use biomass and coal as their main source of energy for cooking, heating and other household needs.75,76 Biofuels have higher emission factors for PM and other pollutants, especially during incomplete combustion at lower temperatures,77 which generate indoor airborne particles at levels much higher than those of cleaner fuels78 or outdoors,76 and well above levels in most polluted cities.79 Such particles also have small aerodynamic diameters (ranging from 0.05 to 1 "m for woodsmoke, for example)74 and can penetrate deep into the alveolar region to induce adverse pulmonary effects. The body of work focusing on indoor air pollution and COPD is much smaller than that on outdoor air pollution. The majority of studies on indoor air pollution have focused on disease incidence or prevalence rather than on outcomes such as hospitalization or death. Some of the early work concerning biomass smoke and respiratory health was done in Papua New Guinea74,80,81 and Nepal.82,83 In Saudi Arabia, Dossing

Kaseri, Turkey

242 rural; 102 city women '25 years

Subjects 1999

Study period Questionnaire for fuel type, years of use and stove type

Exposure measured

Risk type

ATS and BMRC OR for CB symptom and COPD questionnaires Physical examination Lung function testing

Health measured

Risk level (95%CI)

Rural vs. urban women: Smoking rate, %: Current: 4.5 vs. 14.7 Past: 1.2 vs. 11.8 CB, %: 20.7 vs. 10.8 COPD, %: 12.4 vs. 3.9 OR for CB & 28.7 (8.7–95.9) Cross-sectional survey Kirikkale, Biomass exposure & 397 2002 Questionnaire for BMRC symptom OR and AP Crude: 10 villages Turkey LPG control &199 h and years doing questionnaire for COPD Group A & 1.7 (1.0–3.1) Rural women '40 years biomass cooking: Physical examination Group B & 2.5 (1.4–4.4) #68.6 h-year Lung function testing Group C & 3.3 (1.9–5.7) 68.8–152.4 h-year Adjusted: %152.4 h-year Group A & 2.0 (0.9–4.5) Group B & 2.3 (1.1–4.5) Group C & 2.2 (1.1–4.4) Combined & 2.5 (1.5–4.0) Adjusted & 1.4 (1.2–1.7) AP & 23.1 (13.4–33.2) Cross-sectional survey Kathmandu 168 subjects 2003 winter PM10, "g/m3 BMRC respiratory OR for COPD, COPD prevalence, %: Solid fuels & 16.8 4 municipalities valley, Nepal 94% women CO, "g/m3 symptom asthma and Clean fuels & 7.0 98 households questionnaire respiratory OR for COPD/asthma: Physical examination symptoms Unadjusted & 3.85 (1.11–13.38) Peak flow Smoking adjusted & 3.13 (0.83–11.76) measurement Age adjusted & 4.18 (1.14–15.27) Cross-sectional survey Shanxi, Hubei, 4638 adults Fuel type Adult and children OR and COPD prevalence, %: 3.8 3 provinces Zhejiang, 2285 children Stove type questionnaires prevalence Prevalence higher in coal users 103.4 million people China Duration in cooking Heart rate for COPD OR compared to coal: 3476 households CO in exhaled air Respiratory rate Wood & 0.48 (0.28–0.87) Blood pressure Crop & 0.57 (0.34–0.96) Lung function Clean fuel & 0.43 (0.05–0.36) testing (FVC) OR for stove: Tradition vs. improved & 1.87 (1.30–2.69) Retrospective Xuanwei, 20 453 people with 16 years Questionnaire Standard RR for COPD COPD prevalence, %: 7.3 cohort study China traditional stoves (1976–1992) Stove type questionnaire in improved COPD incidence, % reduced: Men & 42 Large rural 16 606 people changed Fuel type Bronchitis vs. unvented Women & 25 community to improved stoves Emphysema stoves RR: Men & 0.58 (0.49–0.70) Death Women & 0.75 (0.62–0.92) Population-based, Guangzhou, Rural & 1468 0.5 year 15 min average: Standard OR for COPD COPD prevalence, %: Rural & 12; Urban & 7.4 cross-sectional survey China Urban & 1818 (2002–2003) PM10 mg/m3; questionnaire and OR for fuel type: Biomass & 1.72 (1.27–2.35) 1 rural community %40 years SO mg/m3; Physical examination respiratory Coal & 1.55 (0.74–3.22) with 14 000 people NO2 mg/m3; Lung function testing symptoms COPD prevalence, %, for non-smoking women: 1 urban community CO 10( mg/m3 Rural & 7.2; Urban & 2.5 with 520 000 people OR for fuel type: Biomass & 3.11 (1.63–5.94) Coal & 2.77 (0.83–9.26) OR for SO2 & 1.80 (1.04–3.11)

Cross-sectional survey 3 villages; 1 city district


Note: Case-control and cross-sectional prevalence studies used *2 test, Mantel–Haenszel method, logistic regression or multivariate regression for data analysis on OR and trends, adjusting for variables such as age, sex, marital status, education, body mass index, alcohol use, active and passive smoking, occupational exposures, atopy and family history of COPD, place of birth and residence and family income. The retrospective cohort study used Cox proportional hazard survival model. Pollutant names are the same as in previous tables. COPD & chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CI & confidence interval; ATS & American Thoracic Society; BMRC & British Medical Research Council; OR & odds ratio; CB & chronic bronchitis; LPG & liquefied petroleum gas; AP & attributable proportion & (OR $ 1) ( P/OR; PM10 & particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter #10 "m; CO & carbon monoxide; FVC & forced vital capacity; P & prevalence of exposure among cases.

Liu 200791

Chapman 200590

Peabody 200589

Shrestha & Shrestha, 200578

Ekici 200588



Study design

Indoor air pollution and COPD incidence/prevalence in low-income countries

First author, year, reference

Table 4


The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

et al. found that two thirds of women with COPD and only 1/20 of the control women had been exposed to indoor open fires for %20 years (P # 0.05).84 In a case-control study conducted in Bogota, Colombia, wood burning was associated with a higher risk of COPD (adjusted OR 3.92, 95%CI 1.2–9.1).85 In Mexico City, the OR for cooking with traditional cook stoves was 3.9 (95%CI 2.0–7.6) for bronchitis, 1.8 (95%CI 0.7–4.7) for COPD and 9.7 (95%CI 3.7– 27) for bronchitis and COPD combined.86 In the past decade, several more studies have evaluated the burning of solid fuels as a risk factor for COPD (Table 4). In a cross-sectional study in Turkey, Kiraz et al. found that chronic bronchitis symptoms were two times as high in rural women than their city counterparts, despite a lower prevalence of smoking (20.7% vs. 11.8%, P # 0.01).87 In another cross-sectional study in Turkey, Ekici et al. found that women exposed to biomass smoke had a higher risk of COPD and chronic bronchitis (adjusted OR 2.5, 95%CI 1.5– 4.0).88 More recently, in Nepal, Shrestha and Shrestha found a higher COPD prevalence among women using unprocessed fuels (16.7% vs. 7.8%).78 No longitudinal data on biomass exposure and COPD have been reported to date. Several studies have also been published from China. Peabody et al. found an increased prevalence of COPD among women in homes that burned coal.89 In a recent study with 20 245 subjects in seven provinces/cities in China, the overall prevalence of COPD was found to be 8.4% (men 12.4%, women 5.1%). The prevalence of COPD was significantly higher in rural residents.92 Looking further at the high prevalence in rural areas, Liu et al. found that that COPD prevalence was significantly higher in non-smoking women exposed to biomass fuels in a rural community compared to an urban community (prevalence 7.2% vs. 2.5%, adjusted OR 3.11, 95%CI 1.63–5.94). Concentrations of CO, PM10, SO2 and NO2 in the kitchen during biomass fuel combustion were significantly higher than those during liquefied petroleum gas combustion, and SO2 was significantly associated with the prevalence of COPD in non-smoking women (OR 1.80, 95%CI 1.04–3.11).91 Zhou et al. found that in Xuanwei County, Yunnan Province, China, rates of COPD were over twice the national average.93 In Xuanwei, %90% of residents are farmers. For cooking and heating, residents usually burnt smoky coal (bituminous coal), smokeless coal (anthracite) or wood in unvented stoves.94,95 A retrospective cohort study followed up from 1976 to 1992 to compare the COPD rates between users of the unvented and improved coal stoves with chimney groups. A reduction was observed for COPD incidence among households with improved stoves (Coxmodeled RR 0.58, 95%CI 0.49–0.70 in men and 0.75, 95%CI 0.62–0.92, in women). This study suggests that the COPD burden associated with tradi-

tional coal stoves in low-income countries can be reduced by using improved stoves that reduce pollutant emissions.90 The potential for improved biomass stoves to reduce adverse health effects is currently being studied in Guatemala and Mexico. In high-income countries, exposure to biomass smoke may also be a risk factor for COPD, as shown in a recent study from Spain.96 In addition, higher levels of indoor PM2.5 were found to be associated with worse health status among patients with severe COPD.97

CONCLUSIONS Historical reports of air pollution episodes have provided clear evidence that COPD-related cardiorespiratory mortality and morbidity are associated with high levels of outdoor air pollutants, particularly PM. More recent time series studies show that acute increases in outdoor air pollutants at much lower levels continue to cause health effects (i.e., mortality and hospital admissions) among patients with COPD and in the general population. Limited prospective cohort studies have also shown an increased risk of COPD from long-term exposure to low levels of air pollutants. Indoor air pollution due to solid fuel combustion is an important risk factor for COPD in low-income countries, particularly in non-smoking women. More prospective cohort studies are needed to evaluate the risk of COPD associated with exposures to both longterm low-level outdoor air pollution and indoor biomass combustion. Tailored strategies and preventive efforts at national and local levels are needed to target the different risk factors of COPD in different countries, as well as reduction of traffic air pollution in urban environments and increased dissemination of improved cooking stoves in low-income countries. References 1 Saldiva P H N. Air pollution in urban areas: the role of automotive emissions as a public health problem. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998; 2: 868. 2 MacNee W, Donaldson K. Exacerbations of COPD: environmental mechanisms. Chest 2000; 117 (Suppl): 390S–397S. 3 Viegi G, Enarson D A. Human health effects of air pollution from mobile sources in Europe. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998; 2: 947–967. 4 American Thoracic Society. What constitutes an adverse health effect of air pollution? Official statement of the American Thoracic Society. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 665–673. 5 World Health Organization. COPD Burden. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2007. http://www.who.int/respiratory/copd/burden/ Accessed 15 November 2007. 6 American Thoracic Society. Standards for the diagnosis and management of patients with COPD. American Thoracic Society/ European Respiratory Society 2007. http://www.thoracic.org/ sections/copd/resources/copddoc.pdf Accessed 15 November 2007. 7 Celli B R, MacNee W. Standards for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with COPD: a summary of the ATS/ERS position paper. Eur Respir J 2004; 23: 932–946.

Air pollution and COPD burden

8 Mannino D M, Buist A S. Global burden of COPD: risk factors, prevalence, and future trends. Lancet 2007; 370: 765–773. 9 Rabe K F, Hurd S, Anzueto A, et al. Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: GOLD executive summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007; 176: 532–555. 10 Chan-Yeung M, Aït-Khaled N, White N, Ip M S, Tan W C. The burden and impact of COPD in Asia and Africa. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8: 2–14. 11 Chapman K R, Mannino D M, Soriano J B, et al. Epidemiology and costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur Respir J 2006; 27: 188–207. 12 Aït-Khaled N, Enarson D, Bousquet J. Chronic respiratory diseases in developing countries: the burden and strategies for prevention and management. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79: 971–979. 13 Cazzola M, Donner C F, Hanania N A. One hundred years of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Respir Med 2007; 101: 1049–1065. 14 Romieu I, Trenga C. Diet and obstructive lung diseases. Epidemiol Rev 2001; 23: 268–287. 15 Hylkema M N, Sterk P J, de Boer W I, Postma D S. Tobacco use in relation to COPD and asthma. Eur Respir J 2007; 29: 438– 445. 16 Pauwels R A, Rabe K F. Burden and clinical features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lancet 2004; 364: 613– 620. 17 Nejjari C, Filleul L, Zidouni N, et al. Air pollution: a new respiratory risk for cities in low-income countries. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003; 7: 223–231. 18 Vedal S. Lung health and the environment in developing countries. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998; 2: S71–S76. 19 Viegi G, Simoni M, Scognamiglio A, et al. Indoor air pollution and airway disease. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8: 1401–1415. 20 Brunekreef B, Holgate S T. Air pollution and health. Lancet 2002; 360: 1233–1242. 21 Sunyer J. Urban air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a review. Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 1024–1033. 22 Viegi G, Maio S, Pistelli F, Baldacci S, Carrozzi L. Epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: health effects of air pollution. Respirology 2006; 11: 523–532. 23 Anderson H R, Limb E S, Bland J M, Ponce de L A, Strachan D P, Bower J S. Health effects of an air pollution episode in London, December 1991. Thorax 1995; 50: 1188–1193. 24 Bell M L, Samet J M, Dominici F. Time-series studies of particulate matter. Annu Rev Public Health 2004; 25: 247–280. 25 Dockery D W, Pope C A, III, Xu X, et al. An association between air pollution and mortality in six US cities. N Engl J Med 1993; 329: 1753–1759. 26 Pope C A, III, Thun M J, Namboodiri M M, et al. Particulate air pollution as a predictor of mortality in a prospective study of US adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 151: 669–674. 27 Schwartz J. Particulate air pollution and daily mortality: a synthesis. Public Health Rev 1991; 19: 39–60. 28 Schwartz J, Dockery D W. Increased mortality in Philadelphia associated with daily air pollution concentrations. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 145: 600–604. 29 Schwartz J. Air pollution and daily mortality in Birmingham, Alabama. Am J Epidemiol 1993; 137: 1136–1147. 30 Samet J M, Dominici F, Curriero F C, Coursac I, Zeger S L. Fine particulate air pollution and mortality in 20 US cities, 1987–1994. N Engl J Med 2000; 343: 1742–1749. 31 Katsouyanni K, Touloumi G, Spix C, et al. Short-term effects of ambient sulphur dioxide and particulate matter on mortality in 12 European cities: results from time series data from the APHEA project. Air pollution and health: a European approach. BMJ 1997; 314: 1658–1663. 32 Katsouyanni K, Touloumi G, Samoli E, et al. Confounding and effect modification in the short-term effects of ambient parti-




36 37







44 45








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The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

52 Fusco D, Forastiere F, Michelozzi P, et al. Air pollution and hospital admissions for respiratory conditions in Rome, Italy. Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 1143–1150. 53 Yang Q, Chen Y, Krewski D, Burnett R T, Shi Y, McGrail K M. Effect of short-term exposure to low levels of gaseous pollutants on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalizations. Environ Res 2005; 99: 99–105. 54 Schikowski T, Sugiri D, Ranft U, et al. Long-term air pollution exposure and living close to busy roads are associated with COPD in women. Respir Res 2005; 6: 152. 55 Medina-Ramon M, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. The effect of ozone and PM10 on hospital admissions for pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a national multicity study. Am J Epidemiol 2006; 163: 579–588. 56 US Environmental Protection Agency. National ambient air quality standards. Washington, DC, USA: USEPA, 2007. http://www. epa.gov/air/criteria.html Accessed 15 November 2007. 57 Schwartz J. Air pollution and hospital admissions for the elderly in Detroit, Michigan. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 150: 648–655. 58 Schwartz J. Air pollution and hospital admissions for respiratory disease. Epidemiology 1996; 7: 20–28. 59 Moolgavkar S H. Air pollution and hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in three metropolitan areas in the United States. Inhal Toxicol 2000; 12 (Suppl): 75–90. 60 Delfino R J, Murphy-Moulton A M, Burnett R T, Brook J R, Becklake M R. Effects of air pollution on emergency room visits for respiratory illnesses in Montreal, Quebec. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155: 568–576. 61 Pande J N, Bhatta N, Biswas D, et al. Outdoor air pollution and emergency room visits at a hospital in Delhi. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2002; 44: 13–19. 62 Gouveia N, de Freitas C U, Martins L C, Marcilio I O. [Respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations associated with air pollution in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil]. Cad Saude Publica 2006; 22: 2669–2677. [Brazilian] 63 Yang C Y, Chen C J. Air pollution and hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a subtropical city: Taipei, Taiwan. J Toxicol Environ Health A 2007; 70: 1214–1219. 64 Ko F W, Tam W, Wong T W, et al. Temporal relationship between air pollutants and hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Hong Kong. Thorax 2007; 62: 779–784. 65 Lee I M, Tsai S S, Chang C C, Ho C K, Yang C Y. Air pollution and hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tropical city: Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Inhal Toxicol 2007; 19: 393–398. 66 Ko F W, Lai C K, Woo J, Ho S C, Ho C W, Goggins W, et al. 12-year change in prevalence of respiratory symptoms in elderly Chinese living in Hong Kong. Respir Med 2006; 100: 1598– 1607. 67 Ackermann-Liebrich U, Leuenberger P, Schwartz J, et al. Lung function and long term exposure to air pollutants in Switzerland. Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) Team. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155: 122–129. 68 Tashkin D P, Detels R, Simmons M, et al. The UCLA Population Studies of Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disease. 6. Impact of air pollution and smoking on annual change in forced expiratory volume in one second. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149: 1209–1217. 69 Zemp E, Elsasser S, Schindler C, et al. Long-term ambient air pollution and respiratory symptoms in adults (SAPALDIA Study). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999; 159: 1257–1266. 70 McConnell R, Berhane K, Yao L, et al. Traffic, susceptibility, and childhood asthma. Environ Health Perspect 2006; 114: 766–772. 71 Rojas R, Romieu I, Perez-Padilla R, Mendoza L, Fortoul T, Olaiz G. Lung function growth in children with long-term ex-



74 75

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La maladie broncho-pulmonaire obstructive chronique (BPCO) est une cause importante de morbidité et de mortalité tant dans les pays industrialisés que dans les pays en développement. Alors qu’au niveau mondial la consommation active de cigarettes est le plus important facteur de risque évitable, les polluants de l’air extérieur et intérieur peuvent provoquer ou exacerber la BPCO. Dans les pays industrialisés, des accidents historiques de pollution de l’air démontrent clairement que l’exposition à des niveaux élevés de polluants de l’air extérieur est associée à une mortalité et une morbidité accrues par BPCO et par les maladies cardiorespiratoires qui y sont liées. Des études des 20 dernières années continuent à démontrer un accroissement de risques associés princi-

palement avec des éléments particulaires même à des niveaux beaucoup plus faibles. Dans les pays en développement, les populations sont largement exposées aux polluants de l’air interne provenant de la combustion des combustibles solides qui contribuent de manière significative au fardeau des maladies en liaison avec la BPCO, particulièrement chez les femmes non-fumeuses. Des stratégies de prévention efficace de la BPCO peuvent varier de pays à pays, et comportent une amélioration continue de la technologie d’épuration de l’air, une législation sur la qualité de l’air et la dissémination de cuisinières de meilleure qualité. Ces défis nécessitent un effort conjoint de la société et des gouvernements.


La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) representa una causa frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad en países industrializados y en países en vía de desarrollo. Si bien el tabaquismo activo constituye el más importante factor de riesgo a escala mundial, la contaminación ambiental exterior y en interiores puede provocar exacerbación de los síntomas de la EPOC. En los países industrializados, los acontecimientos importantes de contaminación ambiental ofrecen pruebas concluyentes de que la exposición a altos niveles de contaminación exterior se relaciona con una mayor morbilidad y mortalidad por EPOC y por enfermedades cardiorrespiratorias asociadas. Estudios de los últimos 20 años continúan poniendo en evidencia un aumento de los riesgos, asociados sobre todo con los elementos sólidos, aún en

concentraciones muy inferiores. Las poblaciones de los países en vía de desarrollo se encuentran considerablemente expuestas a la contaminación ambiental en interiores, proveniente de la combustión de combustibles sólidos, lo cual contribuye en forma significativa a la carga de morbilidad por enfermedades relacionadas con la EPOC, en particular en mujeres no fumadoras. Las estrategias eficaces de prevención de la EPOC difieren entre los diferentes países y comprenden un perfeccionamiento continuo de las técnicas de purificación del aire, legislación en materia de calidad del aire y difusión de estufas de características mejoradas. Se precisa un esfuerzo conjunto por parte de la sociedad en general y los gobiernos a fin de cumplir con estas iniciativas.