oxide N 4-Nitroquinoline- Potent Intracellular ...

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Published online July 1, 1993. Cancer Res. Tatsuo Nunoshiba and Bruce Demple. -oxide. N. 4-Nitroquinoline-. Potent Intracellular Oxidative Stress Exerted by ...
Potent Intracellular Oxidative Stress Exerted by the Carcinogen 4-Nitroquinoline- N-oxide Tatsuo Nunoshiba and Bruce Demple Cancer Res 1993;53:3250-3252. Published online July 1, 1993.

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ICANCER RESEARCH 53. 3250-3252. July 15. 1993|

Advances in Brief

Potent Intracellular Oxidative Stress Exerted by the Carcinogen 4-Nitroquinoline-A^-oxide1 Tatsuo Nunoshiba and Bruce Demple2 Department of Molecular and Cellular Toxicology. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston. Massachusetts

tory system of E. coli. This 4NQO-induced oxidative stress might contribute to the tumor-promoting activity of 4NQO.

Abstract Oxidative




by superoxide-generating


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Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on July 13, 2011 Copyright © 1993 American Association for Cancer Research