Part 2

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you type LINK -S. You can also have the linker create your .... used by each machine language instruction. ...... read the instructions in the corre sponding article.

Charles Brannon

Program Editor I've been learning the C program progr
rr ections for •• There are no co corrections ""Maze-Mania" Maze-Mania" (September 1985). 1985}. If the maze has the wrong shape or is missing some portals, check the spacing in line 170 and Ihe INT the PR PRINT statements in lines 210-300, espeespe ci a lly where there's a {RVS cially jRVS]} or {OFF} ;OFF[ followed by a space. •• "Turbo-Disk" Ouly (July 1985) works on North American 64s, but several readers from Europe and Australia have reported problems with the program . Graeme McKenzie from program. Darwin, Australia, has apparently found a fix. (Not having access to an Australian 64, nor the 50 Hz 't test this electrical curren t, we can current, can't correction). Cha nge these two lines: Change lines;

(October 1985). The last number shoul d be 61 should 61,, not 6?1.

The ultimate speech synthesizer for the Commodore 64. Also Introducing Trivia Talker II· II* • •

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1_100 1-100 101 + .19 .69 .79 .89 .19 .69 .79 PC FORMATTED 1.09 .99 FORMATTED AT 1.ZM813.S10 (Mac) 1.99 CAll AT1.2MB'3.5irj|Mac) CALL po. PO 60. Bo» 883362 88336!

5.25" 5.25 SSDD SSDO 5.25" DSDD

....... Di t/ r.( mn San ~ Fianciseo. F'anclSCo. CA941SS CA94188 in Calitorrja 415-SSO0S12 InCaMO' rIa 415-550-051 2 COOoo'VIVlso..-..V -6249 "" USA. USA orders 0,0e,s 800-431 800-431-6249 In CaNlt portant. occasionally proper spacing is important, so be extra careful with spaces, since thl." the Proofreader will catch practically pr:lctical1y I!verything everything else that can go wrong. There's anothl!r another thing to watch Ollt out for: if yo u enter the line by using abbreyou abbre viations for commands, the checksum will not way to not match up. But there is a way make the Proofreader chl."ck check it. After entering the line, LIST it. This elimielimi nates the :lbbreviations. abbreviations. rhen Then move the cursor up to the line and press RE· RE TURN. It should now match the checkcheck sum. Vou You can check whole groups of 1Y. lines this W. way.

Special Tape SAVE Instruct ions Instructions When you're done typing a listing, listing, you must disable th e Proofreader be fo re the before saving the program on tape. tape. Disable the Proofreade /STOPProofreaderr by pressing RUN RUN/STOPn the RESTORE RESTORE (hold (hold dow down the RUN/STOP RUN/STOP key and sharply hit the RESTORE ke)'). key). This procedure is not necessar}' necessary for disk SAVEs, but YO Il must disable IIII' Proofyou the Proof

reader this way before aa tape SAVE. SAVE. SAVE to tape eerases ra ses th e Proofthe Proof' 'lI h11 ve 10 reader from mumory, memory, so you you'll have to load and run it again if you want to ti> type ng. SAVE to disk does not another listi listing. erase the Proofreader. Since the Proofreader is IIa machinl' machine language program stored in thecllssette the cassette buffer, it will be erased during a tape buffer, SAVE or LOAD. LOAD. If you intend to type typo in a program in more thrlO than one sitting or wish 10 to make a safety SAVE, follow this procedure: procedure: 1. Load .aand nd run Ihe r. the Proofreade Proofreader.

b le it by pressing RU N/STOI' 2. DiSA Disable RUN/STOPRESTORE. RE5TORE. e following two lines J. ype th 3. T Type the tines in e (withou ddirect irec t mod mode (withoutt line numbers): AS " ~ PROO"'IU~AlH::R . 1'

AS+" AS*"

n I

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PO RX "886T010 U:I,A $" AS .. CIllI.S (PE&K(x) 1):,NE:XT OPF.Nt , 11,1, , 1, AS SEl1 NEXT ,:OPF.N1, AS:, CI.o CLOSE

After yo u type ihe you the last line, you will be bl' asked to press RECORD and

PLAY. We recommend you start at the .1pe. 1x>ginning beginning of a ne\'I' new 1 tape.

You now have a new version of the Proofreader (PROOFREADER.T, (PROOFRF.ADER.T, as rere named in the above code). Turn you yourr procomputer off and on, then 10.1d load the pro ng on. PUlt hc casgram }'ou you were worki working Put the cas n taining PROOFREADERS PROO Fl~EAOER . T sette co containing into the tape unit and type: O I'E Nt: C LOSEl OPBNlsCLOSE]

You can no\\' now get into the ProofProof reader by typing SVS SYS 886 886.. To test Ihi,;, this, PRINT PEEK (886) should return the number 173. If it does not, repeat Ihe the steps abov e, making sure that AS above, (PROOF R EADE R.T) co n til ins 13 (PROOFREADER.T) contains 13 characters. Thc rsio n of AUlomatic The new ve version Automatic Proofreader will load itscJf itself inlo into the cascas sette buffer whenever you ty!X' 1: type OPEN OPEN1: CLOSEl PROOFREADE R.T is the CI.OSE1 and PROOFREADER.! ll not next program on your tape. [t It wi will disturb the conte nlS of BASIC memory. contents The above code converts the mama chine language program into lers characters that aare re concatenaled concatenated into a string string.. When yo u open a lape you tape file, using the string as the name of Ihe the file file,, the tape header contains the machine language program (disguised as part of the file name). Opening and dosing closing the tape file loads the header into tht' thw cassette buffer. but docs isturb BASIC pro buffer, does not d disturb grams alread), already in memor),. memory,

A utomatic Proofreader For Automatic VIC And 64 10 PRINT"tCLK)PLEASE PR INT~lcl,RlpL£ASP' W ALT .•• ~ , ~·Ok WAIT..."lFOR 1 _886T0 1~1 R ,RY.AUA ' ~~.CK .A'POKE

1,A,NI::XT I,A;NKXT 2U IF CI-: 1 153') TIU:N 20 IP CRt7S39 THEN pall:T"Il)JlmI ['MINT'1 (DOWN ) YOU I-VI.OE MADE AN J:::MIIOM":I'MIN'r"W EKR>K";1>H]NT"1N 0,\ DA


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00 1 ,091>,1 4 1 ,I S1 ,003 , 173 001, 091., 141 ,151,003,173 03 7 ,003 , 1 4 1 , 152 , 003 , 16~ 037,003,141,152,003,169 150 , 1'; 1 ,,03u,003,lS , 21·LI4I , 251 210,25S,165,214,141,251 1l0 J . ~06 , 2S1 ,1l0 ) ,I G9 , O" 0 003,206,251,003,169,000 lJJ , 216 , 169 ," 19 , OJ2,21~ 133,216,169,019,0J2,210

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COMPUTEt's COMPUTEl's Gllzet/II Gazette

02 20 41 3F E6 20 AS hS A9 E3 02 4C A2 E8 73 0033 oe 119 A9 20 BC ac 8D 8B 93 119 A9 C5 14 85 C5 90 00 DO B0 C8 CB 91 81 Bl 20 A5 E3 E3 82 86 119 A9 20 119 A9 B0 47 C9 91 20 00 E3 82 20 98 9B OS 05 4C C9 C9 C9 3F 20 20 91 4C C9 C9 A9 E3 A9 E3 A9 E3 311 3A 8C SA 5A 119 A9 E3 20 8n an A9 20 16 Fa F8 8B 00 8a OB 20 20 20

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133 133

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,193 , 173 , 84 Ircm229 ,193,173,84 :tera 229 420 DATA DATA 2,240,14,169,0,141,84 2,240,t4 , 169,0 , 141,84 420 ,2 , 32 , 0 :rem 22 ,2,32,0 :rem 430 DATA DATA 193,169,146,160,0,145 193 , 169,1.46,160,0,145 430 ,45,11'4,41.,127 : r c m 115 115 ,45,104,41,127 irera 440 DATA DATA 201,34,208,3,169,39,9 20 1 ,34,208,3,169,39,9 440 6,201,32,176 ;rem 22 22 6,201,32,176 :rem 450 DATA DATA 4,24,105,64,96,201,64 4,24,105,64 , 96 , 201,64 450 , 1.76,1 , 96 ,rem 11.31 ,176,1,96 :rem 31 460 DATA DATA 201,96,176,4,24,105,3 201 , 96 , 176 , 4,24,1.05,3 460 2,96,201 , 128 :rem IB 1.8 2,96,201,128 irem 470 DATA DATA 176,4,24,105,64,96,16 176 , 4 , 24,105,64 , 96,16 470 9,63,96 , 144 :rem 249 249 9,63,96,144 ;rem 480 DATA DATA 5,28,159,156,30,35,15 5 , 28 , 159,156,30, 3J ,IS 480 8 , 129,149,150 : rem 81 81 8,129,149,150 irem 490 DATA DATA 151.,1.52, 151.,1.52 , 153, 153,154,155,1 490 154, 155, 1 9,18,80 , 82 , 73 ,rem 79 79 9,13,88,82,73 irem 500 DATA DATA 78,84,77,65,75,69,82, 78 , 84 , 77 , 65 ,75,69,82, 500 146 , 32,32 : rem 153 153 146,32,32 :rem 5 10 DATA DATA 32,32,32,13,0,234,234 32,32,32,13,0,234,234 510 ,234,234 , 234 , rem 252 2 52 ,234,234,234 ;rem 520 DATA DATA 234,234,234,234,234,2 234 , 234,234,234,234,2 520 34,160,0,177,43 ;rem 160 160 34,160,0,177,43 irem 530 DATA DATA 208,1.5,200,177,43,208 208 , 15 , 200,1.77 , 43,200 530 ,10 , 173 , 85 , 2 : rem Ll' II " ,10,173,85,2 irem 540 DATA DATA 133,20,169,0,133,21,9 133,20,169,0,133 , 21,9 540 6,1 65,43, 133 133 ,rem 11 II 6,165,43, ■rein 550 DATA DATA 251,165,44,133,252,16 25 1,165,44 , 133,2 52,16 550 0,0,1.77 , 251,t33 ;re m 161 161 0,0,177,251,133 :rem 560 DATA DATA 253,200,177,251,133,2 253,200, 17 7,2 51,13 3 ,2 560 54,160,0,177,253 irem ;rem 214 214 54,160,0,177,253 570 DATA DATA 208,31,200,177,253,20 208,31,200,177,253,20 570 8,26,160,2,177 , rem 117 117 8,26,160,2,177 :rem 580 DATA DATA 251,133,20,200,177,25 251.,133,20,200,177,2 5 580 1,133,2 1,24 , \65 ,rem 153 153 1,133,21,24,1.65 :rem 590 DATA DATA 20,109,85,2,133,20,16 20,109,8 5 ,2 , 133 ,20,16 5 , 21,105,0 :rem 157 15 7 5,21,105,0 600 DATA DATA 133,21,96,165,253,133 133 , 21,96 , 165,2 53 , 13 3 600 ,251,165 , 254 , 133 irem ;rem 216 216 ,251,165,254,1.33 610 DATA DATA 252,76,169,193,56,165 252 , 76, 1. 69,193,56,165 610 ,4 5 ,233,1, J.33 :rem 80 80 ,45,233,1,133 irem 620 DATA , 165,46,233,0,133,4 DATA 45 45,165,46,233,0,133,4 6 ,96 : rem 14 6,96 :tem 1411

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134 134 COMPUrEI". COMPUJErs Galllne Gazette January January 1986 1986

2813 DATA DATA 29,145,45,230,251,20B 29 , 14 5 , 45 , 230 . 251,208 ,2,230,252,230 Irem 106 106 ,2,230,252,230 :rem 290 290 DATA ~TA 253,208,2,230,254,165 253 . 208 , 2,230,254 , 165 ,252,201,31 , 208 :re m 157 157 ,252,201,31,208 :rem 300 DATA DATA 6,165,251,201,250,240 6 , 165,251 ,201,250,240 300 ,37,238 , 163,2 tr e m 54 54 ,37,238,163,2 irem 310 310 DATA DATA 173,163,2,201,14,200, 173,163,2,201,14,208 , 179,32 , 0,29 ,rem 212 212 179,32,0,29 trem 320 DATA DATA )69,34,160,0,145,45,3 169 , 34,160,0, 145 , 45 , 3 320 2 , 0,29,169 : r e m 172 172 2,0,29,169 :rem 330 DATA DATA 59,145,45,32,0,29,169 59 , 145 , 45,32,0,29 , ]69 330 ,0,168,145 : rem 1B2 182 ,0, 168,145 :rem 340 340 DATA DATA 45,76,51,28,160,0,32, 45 , 76 , 51,28,160,0 , 32 , 0,29,169 trem 74 74 0,29,169 irem 350 DATA ~TA 34,145,45,32,0,29,169 34 , 145,45,32 , 0,29 , 169 350 , 59,145,45 :ram 185 185 ,59,145,45 :rem 360 DATA DATA 32,0,29,169,0,145,45, 32,0 , 29,169,0 , 145,45 . 360 32,0,29 I rem 18 18 32,0,29 irem 3 70 DATA DATA 145,45,32,0,29,145,45 145 , 45,32 . 0,29,145,45 370 ,32,0 , 29 :re m 70 70 ,32,0,29 irem 380 DATA DATA 32,51,197,108,2,3,230 32 , 51 , 197 , 108,2,3,230 380 ,45,208 , 2 ,rem 117 11.7 ,45,208,2 irem 390 DATA DATA 230,46,96,72,16,22,17 230,46 , 96,72,16 , 22,17 390 3,161 , 2 , 208 :rem 227 227 3,161,2,208 irem 400 DATA DATA 36,169,1,141,161,2,32 36 , 169 , 1, 141 , 1.61. , 2,32 400 , 0 , 29 , 169 ,rem 116 116 ,0,29,169 irem 41.0 DATA DATA IS,160,0,145,45,76,51 18 , 160 , 0,145,4 5 , 76,51 410 ,29,173,161 Iram 223 22 3 ,29,173,161 .rem 420 DATA DATA 2,240,14,169,0,141,16 2.240 , 14,169,0,141,16 420 1,2,32,0 :re m 46 46 1,2,32,0 :rem 430 DATA DATA 29,169,146,160,0,145, 29 , 169 , 146,160,0,145 , 430 45,104 , 41,127 :rem 65 65 45,104,41,127 :rem 440 440 DATA DATA 201,34,208,3,169,39,9 201 , 34 , 208 . 3 , 169 , 39,9 6,201 . 32,176 Irem 22 22 6,201,32,176 irem 450 DATA 4,24,105,64,96,201,64 4,24,105,64,96,201,64 4 50 DATA ,176 , 1,96 Irem 131 131 ,176,1,96 irem 201,96 , 176 . 4 , 24,105.3 460 DATA 201,96,176,4,24,105,3 2,96 , 20 1 .128 Ir eml8 2,96,201,128 irem la 470 DATA 176,4,24,105,64,96,16 176 , 4 , 2 4, 105 , 64,96,1.6 470 9 , 63 , 96,144 :rem 249 249 9,63,96,144 :rem 4813 DATA 5,28,159,156,30,31,15 5,28 , L59 , 156, 30 , 31 , 15 480 8,1.29,149,150 ,rem 81 81 8,129,149,150 :rem 151,152,153,154,155 , 1 490 DATA 151,152,153,154,155,1 9,18 . 80,82 , 73 :rem 79 9,IB,80,82,73 irem 500 DATA 78,84,77,65,75,69,82, 78 . 84 , 77,65, 7 5,69 , 82, 146,32,32 ,ram 153 15 3 146,32,32 irem 32,32,32,13,0,234,234 510 DATA DATA 32,32,32 , 13,0 , 234,234 ,rum 252 2 52 ,234,234,234 !rem 520 DATA 23 4 ,234,234,234,234,2 234,234,234,234,234,2 34 , 160 , 0 , 177 , 43 ,:rem rem 160 34,160,0,177,43 530 DATA 208 , 15,200,177,43 , 208 208,15,200,177,43,208 ,10 , 173,162,2 ,irem rem 55 ,10,173,162,2 540 DATA 133 , 20,169 , 0, Ll3 , 21, 9 133,20,169,0,133,21,9 6,165 Irem 6, 165,, 43 43,, 133 1.33 irem 11 1 ' 550 DATA 251. , 1.65 , 44 , 133 , 252,16 251,165,44,133,252,16 00,0, , 0,177 Ire m 161 177,, 251,133 251 , 1.33 :rem 161 560 DATA 253,200 , L77,251,]33 , 2 253,200,177,251,133,2 54,1.60,0,177 , 253 Ir em 214 54,160,0,177,253 irem 570 D ATA 208 , 31 , 200 , 177,253,20 DATA 208,31,200,177,253,20 88,26,160,2,177 , 26,1.60 . 2,177 Irem irem 117 251,133,20,200,177,25 580 DATA 251 , 1 33,20 , 200,177,25 1,133 . 21,24 , 165 :rem 1, 1.33,21,24, irem 153 20,109,162,2,133,20,1 590 DATA 20 , 109,162 , 2,1.33,20,1 65,21 , 105,0 ,r e m 201" 65,21,105,0 irem 201 60" , 16 5 ,253, 1lJ 600 DATA 133,21,96 133,21,96,165,253,133 ,251,16 5 ,254,133 :rem 16 ,251,165,254,133 trem 2 216 610 DATA 2252,76,169,29,56,165, 52 , 76 , 169 , 29,56,165, 45 , 233,1 , 133 Irem 45,233,1,133 trem 30 620 DATA 45 , 165,46 , 233 , 0,133,4 45,165,46,233,0,133,4 6,96 :rem 14\ 6,96 141 280

Pro gram 3: Plus/4 Program Plus/4 and 16 Version 100 POKE56,62, POKE56,62iCLRiFORI-15Q72TO 100 CLR : FORl - 158 72TO 16369 : READA:PQKEI , A'X _X+A: 16 369:READA:POKE!,AiX-X+Ai NEXT 11.0 Iifx46904thenprint"error FX(>46904T1IENPRINT-~RROR {spaceJin DATA data STATEM~NTS statements.. ISPACEjlN :STOP "iSTOP 120 120 NEW NEW DATA 32,129,157,142,209,0, 32,129,157,142,209,0, 130 DATA M

32,228,63,32 32,228.63 , 32 140 140 DATA DATA 228,63,32,228,63,32,1 228 , 63 , 32,228,63 . 32 , 1 40,63,160,63 40,63,160 , 63 159 DATA DATA 169,109,32,136,144,16 169,109 , 32 , 136,144,16 9,0,141,208,0 9,0 . 141 , 208 , 0 160 160 DATA DAT A 169,40,133,5,169,8,13 16 9,40,133 , 5,169,8,13 3,6,169,255 3,6,169,2 55 170 170 DATA DATA 141,212,0,169,40,133, 141,212 , 0 , 169, 4 0,133 , 3,169,12,133 3,169,12 , 133 180 180 DATA DATA 4,32,0,63,160,0,169,1 4,32,9,63,160, 9,169 , 1 ,145,45 , 145,45 190 190 DATA DATA 32,0,63,145,45,32,0,6 32,0,63,145 , 45,32,0 , 6 3,165,20 3,165,20 200 200 DATA DATA 145,45,32,0,63,165,21 145,45 , 32,0 . 63,165 , 21 ,145,45,24 ,145,45,24 210 210 DATA DATA 165,20,109,209,0,133, 165,20 , 109,209,0,133, 20,144,2,230 20,144,2,230 220 220 DATA DATA 21,32,0,63,160,0,140, 21,32,0,63 , 160 , 0,1 4 0, 210,0,169 210 , 0,169 230 230 DATA DATA 153,145,45,32,0,63,16 153,145,45,32.0,63,16 9,34,145,45 9,34,145,45 240 240 DATA DATA 160,0,177,3,201,32,24 160,9,177,3,201,32,24 0,25,201,96 0,25,201,96 250 250 DATA DATA 240,21,177,5,41,15,20 240,21,177 , 5 ,4 1,15 , 20 5,212,0,240 5 . 212 , 0 , 249 260 260 DATA DATA 12,141,212,0,170,189, 12,141,212,0 , 179 , 189 , 93,63,32,0 93,63,32,0 270 2 70 DATA DATA 63,145,45,177,3,32,7, 63,145,45,177,3 , 32,7, 63,32,0 63 , 32,9 280 280 DATA DATA 63,145,45,230,3,20B,2 63,145,45,230,3,208,2 ,230,4,230 , 230,4,230 290 290 DATA DATA 5,208,2,230,6,165,4,2 5,208,2 , 230 , 6 , 165,4 , 2 01,15,208 01,15 , 208 300 300 DATA DATA 6,165,3,201,232,240,3 6,165,3,201,232,240,3 7,238,210,0 7,238,210,0 310 310 DATA DATA 173,210,0,201,25,208, 173 , 210,0,201,25,208, 179,32,0,63 179,32.0 , 63 320 320 DATA 169,34,160,0,145,45,3 169,34,160 , 0 . 145 , 45,3 2,0,63,169 2,9,63,169 330 330 DATA DATA 59,145,45,32,0,63,169 59 , 14 5,45 , 32 ,0, 63 . 169 ,0,168,145 , 13,168 .1 45 340 340 DATA 45,76,51,62,160,0,32, 45,76,51,62 , 160 ,13,32, 0,63,169 0,63,169 350 DATA 34,145,45,32,0,63,169 34,145,45,32,9,63 , 169 ,59,145,45 ,59 , 145,45 360 DATA DATA 32,0,63,169,0,145,45, 360 32,0,63 , 169,0 , 145 , 45 , 32,0,63 32,0,63 370 DATA 145,45,32,0,63,145,45 145 , 45,32,0,63, 145,45 ,32,9 , 63 ,32,0,63 380 380 DATA 32,24,136,108,2^3,230 32.24,136,108,2 . 3 , 230 ,45,208,2 ,45 , 208,2 230,46,96,72,16,22,17 390 DATA 230 . 46 , 96,7 2, 16,22,17 33,208,0,208 , 208,0 . 208 400 DATA 36,169 36,169,1,141,208,0,32 490 , 1,141 , 208,9 , 32 ,0,63,169 ,0 , 63 , 169 18,160,0,145,45,76,51 , 0,1 4 5 ,4 5 , 76 , 51 410 DATA 18,169 .,63,173,208 63,173 , 208 0,240,14,169,0,141,20 420 DATA 0,240,14,169,9 , 141 , 20 8,0,32,0 8,0,32 ,0 63,169,146,160,0,145, 430 DATA 63 , 169 . 146,160 , 9,145, 45,104,41,127 45 , 104 , 41,127 201,34,20B,3,169,39,9 440 DATA 201,34,208 . 3 , 169,39 , 9 6,201,32,176 6,201.32 , 176 4,24,105,64,96,201,64 450 DATA 4,24,105,64 , 96,201,64 ,176,1,96 ,176 , 1,96 201,96,176,4,24,105,3 460 DATA 201 , 96,176.4,24,105,3 22,96,201,128 . 96,201,128 176,4,24,105,64,96,16 4470 70 DATA 176 , 4 , 24 , 105 , 64 ,96 , 16 9,63,96,144 9,63,96 , 144 DATA 5,28 5,28,159,156,30,31,15 480 DATA , 159 , 156 ,39,3 1 ,1 5 8,129" ,149 , 150 8,129,149,150 151,152,153,154,155,1 490 DATA 151 . 152 , 153,15 4, 155 ,1 9,18,80,82,73 50fl D DATA 78,B4,77,65,75,69,82, 500 ATA 78, 8 4,77,65,75 , 69 , 82 , 146,32,32 146 , 32 , 32 510 DATA 32, 32,32,32,13,0,234,234 510 3 2 , 32 , 13,0,234,234 ,,234,234,234 234,234 , 234 234,234,234,234,234,2 520 DATA 234 , 234 , 234 , 234,234,2 34,160,0,177,43 34,160 , 0,177,43 530 DATA DATA 208,15,200,177,43,2 208,15,200,177,43,208 530 08 ,10,173,209,0 ,10,173 , 299 , 0 540 DATA DATA 133,20,169,0 133,20,169,0,133,21,9 540 , 133,21 , 9 6,165,43,133 6,165,43,133 150

SS0 sse

3,165,44,133,4,160,0,, DATA 3,165,44,133.4,16£1,1'1 177,3,133 177.3,133

5,200,177,3,133,6,160 560 DATA,13) , 6,160 -0,177,5 ,£1.177.5 570 DATA 208 209,31,200,177,5,208, 510 , 31,2£10,177 . 5.2£18. 580 sao

26,160,2,177 26,16£1,2,177 3,133,20,200,177,3,13 DATA 3,133.20 , 200.177,3.13 3,21,24,165 3.21.24 . 165

20,109,209,0,133,20,1 590 DATA 20 , 1£19.209,0,1)3.20,1 65,21,105,0 65.21.105.£1 600 DATA 133 133,21,96,165,5,133,3 6£10 . ,165,6,133 .16 5,6,133

61£1 69,63 , 56 ,165,45 610 DATA 4,76.1 4,76,169,63,56,165,45 •,233,1,133 233.1.133 45,165,46,233,0,133,4 620 DATA£1.1)),4 6,96 6.96

". 240

,POKE204 ,0 ,rem :POKE204,0 t rein 52 52 POKE198,0,WAITI98,l:OETA$, POKE198,0:HftIT198,1:GETAS:

:rem 14 POKE204,1:POKE207,0:PRINTA POKE204, I 'POKE207,0 , PRINTA ,rem $S :rern 67 - VAL(AS) - 1 : POKE247 , NP,PR 260 NP NP=VAL(A$)-1:POKE247,NP:PR "0 INTTAD( 1 1)"12 INTTAU(U )"J2 OOWN)WlIAT DOWNjWllAT SP EED [1 - 3)12 SPACES)B+8 [l-3]{2 SPAC£S)E+E (LEPT)"; : POKE204 , 0Irem 184 [LEFT}";:POKE204,0irem 1B4 270 POKEI98,0:WAIT198,l POKE198,0:WAIT198,1:GETA$; , OETAS, IFAS"3"THEN270 IFA$ < " \ "ORAS~" 3"THE~2 70 :rem 21 2280 •• POKE20 4 .1 : POKE207.0:PRINTA POKE204,I;POKE207,0:PRINTA S: POKEI46 , 31-VAL(A$) - 10, Ir 5:POKE146,31-VAL(A5f"10:IF NP-)THEN320 ,rem NP-1THEM320 :rern 196 290 PRWTTAB(II)"{200WN!WIIAT PRIHTTAB(ll)"i2 DOWNjWHAT (SPACE)LEVEL [SPACEjLEVEL [1-9) [1-9] 250


". 3300 ••

n. 310


32 • 320

Article 011 on page 50.



". 340

Before typing in programs, progr.lms, please refer to "How To Type In COMPUTERS GAZmE GAZETTE Programs," COMPUTEt's which appears before the Program which Listings. listings.

3SO 350

It. 3C0

100 BD=53230:HK=532ai:POKEBD,l 100 BO_S3280:BK_SJ2BI: 1'0"£80,1


:rein : rem 243 243

110 D0WNj"SPC(6)"READ lie PRINT"[6 PRINT"16 OOWN)"SPC(6j"REAO ING IHC DATA... DATA ... 120 120

370 37.

PLEASE PLEAS~ WAIT" :,rem rein 7

FORA=49152TO49958iRUADB:C= FORA_49IS2T049958'R~DB'C_

C+B; POKEA, 13:, NEXTA: I FC=8676 C+B,POK~A,B NEXTA:IPC·8G7G 9THEN140 :rem 9THEN140 , rem 168 1£08

3 •• 380

130 130 PRIHT"(CLR)ERROR PRINT"{CLR}ERROR IN IN DATA UATA S TATEMENTS":STOP ;rem :rem i-87 187 TATEMENTS" ,STOP 140 FORA=14336TQ14463:READB:PO 140 FORA_14336T0144G3,READB:PO KEA,B:NEXTsPOKE5 32B7,2:POK KEA,B,NEXT , POKE53287,2,POK E53288, 3 :,rem rein 107 ES3288,3 107 1I 50 SO MLS ML$ =- "EI "818"+ClIR$(8 )+"Sx81E) 1I00'4E 1"TABII) 2)S "TAB ( 11 )SC( )SC|2JS pcl 19)5C( II, tf'SC( I )~SC(2)< PC(19)SC(1 ):IFSC{1 ) + SC(2)< 9THEN470 :rem irera 58 POK£S3269 ,0 ,rem POKE53269.0 :rem 43 PRINT" {JlOME)(12 oo;.ml (wliTI PRINT"(HOME)[12 DOWN)!WHT} I[RVS]"SPC(16)"GAMEaOVER":P RVS)" :irC( 16) "GAMEBOVER" : P RINTDNS"15 N)"SPC(8)1I$D RIHTDN?"£5 DOW DOWN)"SPC{B)H5D N$,V_60 : rem SI NS:V=60 jrem 51 l\S - "(RIGHT)rR£SS f'IRE A5="[RIGHT)PRESS FIRE BUTT ON TO PLAY PIAY J\GJ\IN",FORI-ITO AGAIN" :FORI-=1TO IG,GOSUB640,OOSUB650:NEXTI 16:GOSUB640:GOSUB650:NEXTI ,rem :ram 177 U'P£EK (56320) J\NUP£E:K (56321 H--PEEK(56320)ANJJPEEK156321 }J\NlJlgTIII:!US50 JANU16TIIEN550 :rem 236 PRIt2THENSC(1)=0:SC(2 ) _0 .POKE3 , iIOOT0630 , rem 96 )=0:POKE3,liGOTO630irom IP(PEEK(56320)ANOP£EK{S632 IF ( PEEK ( 56320 )ANIJPEEK( 5632 1 )ANDI ) I TIIENPHINT" ICLR)" 1)AND1)1THENPUINT"{CLR)" • RUN200 : rem 58 :RUN200 irem 00T0600 ,rem 103 GCTO600 irem 103 PRINTDN$"[5 DOWN)"H5" PRINTON$"(S DOWN)"HS" (17 SPACES)",00T04S0 SPACES}":GOTO450 : rem 49 !rem POKE214 , 22, PRINTCIIRS (13)" P0KE214,22:PRINTCHRS(13)" {uP)"; : PRINTTAIl (V-I )LEFT$ ( [UP]";:PR1NTTAB(V-I)LEFT$( AS, I ) RIGHTS (lIS. ! ) I RI:.'TURN AS,I)RIGHTS(AS,1):RETURN :rem 153 153 :rem FORZ-IT030,N£XTZ , RETURN FORZ=lTO30tNEXT7,:RETURCJ :rem 6! 61 :rera POK£S4277,20.FORM-ITQS.FOR POKE54277,20:FORM=1TO5:FOR S_20T090sTEP10:POKE54273 ,S S=20TO90STEP10:POKE542 73,S ,POKE54272,S+30 ,rem 57 57 :POKE54272,S+30 irem POKE54276, 32,POKE54276.33: POKE54276,32:PQKE54276,33: POKEBK, S.NEXTS,M:POKEBK,14 POKEBK,S:NEXTS,M:POK£BK,14 , RI:.'TURtl : rem 195 19S :RETURN :rem POKE53289,7:POKE2040,224:P POKE53289,7:POKE2040,224:P OKE2041.22S,POKE2042.225,R OKE2041,225:POKE2042,225:R ETURN ,rem 51 51 ETURN irem PRINT"(IIOMEII5 oowNI8H PRINT"(HOME) [5 DOWN)'OKI:: 788 , 52 : rem 194 15:I'OKE 788,52 150 PRI NT~ 'CUt) "ell RS ( IU2)Ci!RSf ,n ) Cll R$ ( PRINT" (CLR]MCHR5( ),POKE 5328D,1 5 , POKE 5328 8B):POKE 532B0,15:P0KE 1,15 ::rem rt!mI1S4 D4 160 PRINT TSM TS" [REOIIRVS) (RED](HVS) 12 ES H 8 @H2 SI'At.:~:S)" (2 Sl'AC SI'ACESJgS @3f2 SPACES]" SPC(28)"[2 SPACES) SPACEii) [on'l SI'C(28)H(2 (BLU) MLX II [Rt:uJIRVSJ (RED) {o1.u) [2 t:S) HSPC ( 28) M (2 SI'AC SPACES) P1SPC(28)'1 [12 t:S)[D1.U )H ,:rem rem 121 J12 SPAC SPACES)fBLU)" 121 1170 70 I'RINTM(3 13 SPACESlco PRINT"'(3 DO~N) DOWHl[3 SPACESjCO MPUTEl'S MACHINE LANGUAGE 1 's MACH INE I.AtIGUAGE I'II'UTE ISPACE)EDITOR[ W tn~ (SPACE)EDITORi33 OO UOHN}" irem 1 135 :rom 35 PHINT"(BLK}STARTING ADDRES 180 PRI NT"(S1.K)STARTING ADORES S~ "; ,G OSUIl) OU :S,\'" AD, GOSU Si; "~ 43"; :GOSUB30U:SA=AD:GOSU [J1040:IF TliENLB0:rem 1l1D4U , lf ,F TIIENlBO, rem 113 l'RINT"(BLK) (2 SP,\CJ:.:S)t:NUW SL'ACESjENDIN 190 I'RINT"tD1.KII2 G AOORt:SS! 4j "; :COSU0300 : EA ADDRESS643"::GOSUU30O:EA F THF.N191) -=AD:GOSUai930:IF AO,GOSU81030,lf t'THIo:NI90 ::rem rein 173 DOWNi (ULK)CLEAR W 200 I1NPUT-1(3 NPUT~ 13 OO t.'N) (IlLK )CLEAR W ORKSPACE C[Y/N]^43";AS:IF L Y / N ]~4JM:A$ 'I F 1. ORKSPACE I::EFTS(AS,1 fTS (AS , I ))'1Y'1THEN220 ~ ~ "Y"TI!E N220 ; rem 9 ,rein


7:P0KE I ,,0:NEXT:PRINT"DONn 7:POKE U:rH:XT:pRIN T " OO NE :rem 1139 )9





240 240

250 250

260 270 27 0


290 300 )0 0 310 320 330 33U

)340 40 350 ]50 360 )60

(OFF)OAD OAT,\" DATA" ram 19 (on'loAD :: ro r:t 19 PRINT TS"(Rvsls{on')AVI:! TS"{RVS)s(OFF)AVE t'I Ft PHINT LE";PRINT TS"(RVS]q(OFF)III L~: ": pRl:IT TS"!Rvs)o!on lu l T[2 DOWN) {BLK)'1 : rem t2 DOW N) (BLI " \:I S,J.l ")*C7;A=A*C6+B :rem 143 ~) ' C7 :A- A ' C6 +B :rem 143 IP U15 ii>15 1'11£11 THEN ALl-O:A AD=0;A n' lleO _ _ I : J-2 ::rem re In 132 132 —lsJ-2 MKXTs: Rt:TUIHI RETURN : rein :lI::XT :r em 240 B=INT(A/C6):PRINT MlDS(ilS, a-INT(A/C6) ,PRINT MIUS(IIS, 0+1,1);:B=A-B'C6:PRINT a~L,I); : B.'\ - D - C6 : PRINT MID S(HSiB+l,1);!RETURNirem S(US , B+ I , L); :)(£TURN:rem 42 42 A«INT(A0/Z6) A_ WT(A O/1.6) :iGOSU8350:A=AD GOSU8)'> O :A- AD -A* 50: ":■': - A o Z6:GOSUB3 Z6:GOSUB35 0: PRINT PRINT~:";

;rem : rom 32 32 CK=INT(AD/Z6):CK=AD-Z4'CK+ 370 CK-lNT(AO/Z6) : CK_ AD_ 1.4 °CK oZ5*[CK>Z7):GOTO390:rom ZS o (CK>Z7):GOT0390:rum 131 131 390 CK=CK*Z2+Z5*(CK>Z7)+A 3BO CK-CK oZ2 . zS 0( CK>1.7) +A irern :roln 168 L6B 390 'CK_CK ■CK=CK-fZ5'(CK>E5) )90 +ZS ' (CK>Z5) [RETURN :IU:TURN :rem :rem 159 I S9 400 PRINT"{DOWN)STARTING 400 PRINT"(OOW:I )STMTIllC ATg4j ,Wg4j "; :GOSUB300:IF "; :COSUB3 00: 1t' ItJSNS HI So NS THE Tlll:: N N GO3UBlfl30:IF GOSUIH 'BO:IF FF THEN400 TIII::N400 :rem : rem 77S5 410 :rem RETURN :rem 117 11 7 4 10 RETURN 420 PRIIIT"(Rvsl ENTER t.::iT tR DATA OAT,\ "iG "IG 4 2 0 PR:NT"[RVS) OSUI3400;IF OSU0 40": n' IN$=NS INS - tiS THEN220 Tm: U22 1J :rem : rein 85 B5 430 :rera 4 30 OPENS,3:PRINT OI' ~:N3,3:PRINT : r em 34 J .) 441) 441) PQKE198,0:GOSUB360;1F POKE198 ,O: GOSUU360 : IF (■'~. TH 'I'll EN EN PRINT PRHlT INS:PRINT"[UP) INS: PR IN T"(upl [5 :rem (5 RIGHT]"; RIGIITI"; :rem 66 450 = SS 4 5 0 FOR FOR 1=0 1"0 TO TO 24 24 STEP STE P 33:: (3S I1S-5S jFOR $ : 1'011 J=l J_l TO TO 2:IF 2 :11" FI" THEN TII~:N El US =MlDS(ItJS,I+J,l :rera - MI DS(IIlS ,I+J ,I)) :rem 226 226 469 iRVS)"BSL5; :IF "D"THEN730 AS"0"TItt.:N730 : r em 90 90 750 750 PRINT"D[DQWN)":OPEN15,8,15 PRINT"0IDO~"NJ": O P£~H 5 , B , 15 ,"10:":B=EA-SA:INS="0:"+IN , " 10: " : B=EA-SA: INS - "O: " + UI SilF OP THEN810 :rem 163 S:IPOPTItENB10 l63 760 760 OPEN l,a,8,INS+",P,W":G0SU l , 8,8,IlIS+",P,W": GOSU B860:IF :rera B860:IF A A THEN230 TIlt.:N220 :rem 66 66 770 77 0 AH=INT(SA/256):AL=SA-(AH*2 AlI " INT(SA / 256) ,,\L- SA-(AII"2 56);PRINT»1,CHRS(AL);CHRSI 56) :PRIsT, I , CIIRS (AL) :(,1111.$( AH); irera All): :rum 221 221 780 FOR ~'OR 1=0 1-0 TO TO BiPRINTtl,CHRS( B:PRIST I \ , CII RS( PEEK(BS+I));:IF PEl::K(BS.I)); :I F ST ST THEN800 TIIElI800 :rem :rem 171 171 790 7 QO NEXT:CLOSE1:CL0SE15:G0T094 NEXT,CLOSEl:C LOSE15 :GOT09 4 0 ;rem " : re m 230 230 800 8 00 GOSUB1060iPRINT"[i>OWN) COSUB I060: PR I"'''1'''(DOWNI [BLKlERROR (BL KIERROR DURING DURI:;G SAVE:643 SAVt:,~ 4J ";GOSUB860:GOTO220 " : GOSUBB60: G0T02 20 :rera .rem 61 810 8 10 OPEN OPE" 1,8,8,IN$+",P,R":GOSU l , 8 , 8 ,IN S+·,P , R~ ' GOSU B860:Il~ ::rem rem 57 UB6 0:I f' A A THEN220 TIIE:.I220 57 820 GET*1,AS,BS:AD=ASC(AS+ZS)+ GET ~l,AS,B$ : "D-l,S C(AS +Z$)o 820 256*ASC(BS + ZS) [IF 256 ' ,\SC(BS+ZS): a' ADOSA ADoSA TT HEN :rem Jll.:t_ F=1:GOTO850 F=1 : GOO 085 0 :rem 155 ISS 830 BJO FOR FOR 1=9 I"il TO TO BsGET*1,AS:POKE B: GET .I, ASIt'OKt.: BS+I,ASC(AS+Z5):IF BS .. !,ASC( ,\$+ZS):I~' ST ST AND Ao'lD (IOB)THEN (I8)TIlEN F=2:AD=I:I=D P_ 2:AOlO l:I _n i, rum rum 180 10 /)

840 NEXT:IF THEN F F-3 B40 NEX T: IF ST64 TUEti .. 3 trem 20 :rem CLOSE1:CLOSE15;ON AB5(1">0 ABS(F>0)) 850 CLOSEl:CWSEI5;ON + 1 GOT0960.910 GOTO960,970 j rein 12 12 +1 :rem IKPUTH5,A,AS:IF THEN 8860 60 INPUT_1 5,A,M:IF A Til EN CL 0SE1:CLOSE15:GOSU81060:PRI OSE! :CLOSE15 :COSUB I060, PRI NT "IRvsIERROR: "AS :rem 11 4 NT"[RVS)ERROR: "ASirem 114 RETURN 127 870 RETUR rl ::rem rom 12 7 POKEl93,Pt;EK(FA+2) :POKE187 880 pOKEIBl , Pt.:EK(F'A+ 2) :POKEI87 ,PEEK[FA+3 ,PEEK(fA +3)) ::POKE188,Pf;F,K(F PO KEI 88,PEt.: K( f A+4)) ::IFOP=DT!iEN920:rein A+4 I FOP"",,TIIEN920: r em 178 63466:IF(PEEK[783)AND1 890 5SYS YS 63466:IFlpEEK(783)A..'l01 )THEH GOSUSI060:PRINT~ GOSUB1060:PR1NT" )THEN FILE FOUND f(DOWN)lRVS) DOWli J {RVS I ~'I LE NOT NOT roU flD ":GOTO690 ":GOT0690 ::rem rem 34 90" B29 )+2 56 ° Pt.:tK(B30) 900 AD_PEEK( AD-PEEK(629)+256*f>EEK(930) lIF ADoSA ADSA TIlE THEN F=l:GOTO97 :IF N Fl :GOT097 o0 :irem rem 201 91 0 APt.:EK( 831 ) .. 256 ' PEEK (832) 910 A=PEEK(931)*256'PEEK(832)1:F=F-2*{A64 THEN970 TItt.:N970 ::rem rem ]9 39 96 0 GOSUBI 0 8 0: PRINT"(BLUj o. LO 960 GOSUB1080:PRINT"[BLU]"* AD COMP LETED ·**":GOTO220 ' '': GOT0 220 COMPLETED irem 126 :rem 97 0 GOSU31060:PRINT"(BLK){RVS) GOSUB1 060 : PRINT ~(BLK I{RVS) 970 t.:RROR ISG LOAD:IDO~ ERROR DUR DURING LOAD:(DOWN)) &4J":0N GOSUB980.990,100 ~4]·:O N F F GOSU89B O, 990, 100 o0:GOTO220 : GOT0 220 ,rem 233 :rem 233 980 PRINT" INCORRECT ST ART t:lG A A PRINT"INCORRECT STARTING ODR ESS (": : G05UB 360: PRI NT" DDRESS (";:GOSUB360:PRINT" ]":RETURN :rem 145 )~ :R£1'URlI 145 990 PR INT"WA O ENDED E:.IOEO AT -; : AD" PRINT"LOAD ";:AD= :RE SA+A O: GOSUIl360:PRtlIT DS SA+AD:GOSUB3(i0iPRI[JT DS:RE TUR,. 'l :re m 159 159 :rem TURN 1000 PRINT"THUNCATED 1000 PR1:;T"TR UNCATED AT ENDING ElIDING AO O Rt.:SS~:RETURN :rem 166 A[)DRESS":RETURN : rem 166 1010 AlI - INT(A / 2 56) :AL=A-(AH*25 ,,\L _ A_ (Alt O25 1010 All=INT(A/256) 6) :POKE193,AL:POKE194, : POKI::193 ,A L : POKEI94 , AH Alt : rem 95 :rem 1020 AH=INT(B/256):AL=B-(AH*25 All - INT(B / 2 56 ) :AL>z B-(AJI " 25 1020 6) : POKEI7 4,AL:POKE17 4, AL: POKEI75 , All: 6):POKE17 5,AH: RI::TU RN :rem 122 122 RETURN :rem 10JO IF n' ADEA THEN105 TIIE/H OS 1030 0 :rem " :reln 135 135 1040 1040 IF(AD>511 IFIAn>511 AND ~~ D AD*4096B)OR AD49151 AND A." O AD(53248)TH AO( 532 4 8)TH (AD>49151 EN GOSUB10B0:F=0:RET1JRN GOSUB IOBO: F-O: Rl::TUR:l EM :rem :rem 104 104 105 0 GOSUB1060:PRINT"[RVS) GOSUBI060:PRINT"(RVsl INV WV 1050 ALI D ADDRESS ADD RESS {DOWN){BLK)" loowsl{ BLK) ~ ALID :F-1 : RETURN :rem 224 224 :F=1:RETURN :rem 1060 POKE SD+5,31:POKE Sn+5,31 :POKE 313 50+6 ,20 1060 + 6,20 8 :POKE SD,240:POKIi SO , 2 40: POKI:: SD+1,4 SO+I ,4 8:POKE :POKE SD+4,33 50+4 , ] ] :rem 19 19 :P0KE :rum 1070 for FOR s=l S-I TO TO lBBiNEXTiOOTOl IOO: Ntx T : GOT01 1070 090 :rem 090 :rem 90 90 1080 l OBO POKE POKE SD+5,8:POKE SO+5,8:POKl:: SD*6,240 SO+6,24 0 : PO KE SD,0:POKE SO ,O:POK t.: SD+1,90:P SO. l , 90:p :POKE OKE :rem OKE SD+4,17 SO.4, 17 : rem 1B2 lB2 109 0 FOR FOR S=l 5_1 TO TO 100:NEXTiPOKE 100::IEXT:POKE 1090 {SP ACElso +4,O:POKE SD,0:P SO,O : P {EPACE)SD+4,0:POKE OKE SD+1,0:RETURN SO · I ,,,: R£TUM N :rem : re m 88 OKE

All All Commodore Commodore M 64 programs programs in in this Ihis issue issue work work with with the the Commodore Commodore

128 128 in in M 64 mode. mode,


Janjary January 1986 1986

137 137

All Commodore 64 b4 programs in this issue work with the Commodore 128 126 in 64 b4 mode.

REM Highlighter Article 011 on page lOB. WB.

BEFORE TYPING ,. .. . Before typing in programs, please refer to ""How How To Type In COMPUTE!'* GAZmE GAZETTE Programs," COMPUTE!'s Program ram which appears before the Prog Listings. listings.

Highlighter—64 Program 1: REM Highlighter64 Version Disk Ve rsion 6 N=19B:P=631:POKE532B1,6 N- 198:P-6Jl :POKE 53281 ,6 rein 14Ci : rem 146 101'IUNT 10 PRINT"" {CLR)"CHR$(14)CIIRS{8) (CLR) "CURS ( 14)C1IRS(8) :HRINT"f;7jREM [ RVS JUIUHMGH 'I'RINT"~7jREM [RVSjlllGIILIGII TERllXJWNi :rem 191 191 Tf:R[OOWN] ,rein 12 INPUT"(2 INPUT"(2 OOWNll'ROGRAM NMlt·, 12 DOWtJ)PROGRAM NAME" ;N$ : IFNS · .... THEm'RINT .. (S up) ;N$:IFNS=""THENPRINT"15 UP) ■':GOT012 ":GOT012 ::i-em rem 166 140$·CIlRS(J4):PRINT"[CLR) 14 QS=CHRS(34):PRINT"lCLR) [22 OO DOWNLOADING (DOW1J}":PR [22 h"N) LOADWG (OOWl I /":PR INTNS"[HOME) [BLU)LOAD"OSNSO INTNS"!HOME)[BLU)LOAD"QSNSQ S" ,B ,rem S",8 :rem 164 16 PRINT'U pRINT"[4 OOWN) 6J99S+5)~IB'RET 3997:POT*(T>S+5),IBiRET :rem 111 III 26 pRINT~6)999POP,19:FOI _ I T06 : 26 PRINT"63999POP,19:FOI=1TO6: POP';'I,13 : 76)99)';'I:NE:POP+I, POP+I,13:?6399 3+I:NE:POP+I, ()4:PON,B :rem 154:PON,8 :rem 242 2B pRINT..... 7 .. 0S~[6 28 PRINT^'OS" 16 OOWN){RVSJ DOWNlUVS) (cYN ]llIGIlLIGHTING"OS": N.= 198 (CYN)liIGHLlGHTING11QS":N 198 ::P=-631 1'- 631 :S=43;GO63994;rem : S-4J,G063994,rem 175 )0 , 19,FORI;ITOB,pOKEP';'I, 30 POKEP POKEP,19:FORI=1TO8;POKEP+I, 1):NEXT : POKE N, 9 :rem 125 13:NEXTiPOKEN,9

Highlighter— Program 2: REM Highlighler128 Disk Version 10 N=208:P=842:COLORO,7:iiANK0 N_ 208:P _ B42:COLOR0,7 : UANKO 12 PRINT" [CLR}"CiiHS(14)CllHS(e) 12pRINT"[ CLR )" CHRS(1 4) CIIRS(B)

::PRIN PRINT" &7JRKM [RVS)!IIGIILIGII 1 RVS 111 1GIII. IG1I T"~7jRI::M TERIDOWNI TER[OOWN) 14 OOWNjPHOGRAM NAME" 14 INPUT"[2 INI'UT"[2 OO~)PROGR,.\l" NAMt;" ;N S :IFNS · .. .. TIIENPRINT .. (5 up) ;NS:IFNS=""THENPRINT"[5 UP) ..":GOTO14 : GOTOI " 160S ·CHRS(34 ): PRINT"[ CLR) 16 QS=CHRS(34):PRINT"(CLRi (22 [22 OOWN)LOADING DOWNLOADING {OOWN)":PR [DOWN)":PR IINTNS"lHOME)fBLU)LOAD"OSNSQ t< TNS"{HO ME1IBLU}LOIID"OSNSO S",8 IB PRINT"i4 DOWN}63994S DOWN)63994S=PEE(S) IS PRINT"14 " PEE(S) +PI::E(S+ I ) - 256 +PEE[S+1)*256 2 0 PRINT"6399 5IFPEE(S+4)=143T1I 2" pRINT"6J9951FI'I::I::(S+4) - H )T!I ?"Q$11 (!lO (HOME) [CVWT"QS"PEb:(S+2 ?"OS" ME) {cYN1"os "I'l::l:: ( S~2 )+PEE(S+3)-2 56:T=S+4:GOS6 39 )TPEE(S+)·256 ' T~S+4'GOS639

97 97 22 PRINT"63996ON-(St>.1GO63994 pRINT"6)9960:-< - (S. )G063994 : ?"US ,. [CLR) (SLU) "OS"; :G2:639 :?"US"[CLRl(BLU)"QS"; :GO6 39

99 138

COMPUTE's Gaiena COMPUTE' $ "/ILene

January 1986 19B6 January

PRIHTM63997T=T+liIFPEE(T)=. 24 PRINT"639971'-T.;.1 :lFPE.!;;(T) - . THRET TURET PRINT"63998ON-(PEE(T)=32)GO 26 PRINT .. 6399SO'... -(PEI::(T) ·J2)GO 63997:POKT+(T>S+5T,18:RI::T 63997:POKT+(T>S+5T,18:RET 28 PRINT"63999P0KP,19:FOI=lTO6 28 PRINT"63999POKP,19:FOI'"IT06 sPOKP+I,13:76399 3+1:NE:POKP ,P OK P';'I , IJ : ?63993';'I : NI:::POKP +I,154:POKN,B -30 PRI PRINT"?"Q?"i6 DOWN)|RVS) )0 NT"?"OS " {6 oo wN)lavs) 208 IiwUTjHIGHLIGHTiNG"QSll:N WitT) 1I1GHL IOIlT 1 NG "OS" , N-= 2C S :;F=842:S=4 P_ 842 : S _ 4 5:006)994 5;GO63994 32 I'OKEP POKEP,19:FOR1=1T08:PUKEP+I J2 , 19 : FORI; lT08 : POKEP.;.t , 1) , NEXT , pOKE N ,9 13:NEXT:POKEN,9

Program 3: REM Highli ghterHighlighter— VIC Disk Version 10 PRINT"{CLR)"C!lRS(14)CltRS(8) PRINT" [CLR)"CHRS(14)C1IRS(8) ::POKE36879,25:PRINT"iBLU)HE POKEJ6879 , 25, PRINT" (SLU )RE M [RVS)!lIGHLIG!lTER ,re m 64 M [RVS)HIGHLIGHTER :rem 12 INPUT~12 OOWN)?RQGRAM";NS, 12 INPUT"J2 DOWN}PROGRAM";NS:II FNS.... THENpRINT .. {S Up)":GO'1' FNS=""THENPRINT"[5 UP)":GOT 012 :rem :rera 133 14 OS=CIIRS(J4) : I'RINT"\CLRj Q$=CHRS(34):PRINT"{CLR} [22 OOWN jLOAD{4 SPACI::5) DOWN)LOAD{4 SPACES) (GRN )" NS " [IIO ME) ( WHT) LOAO"OS {GRN)"NS"(HOME)(WHT)LOAD"QS NS0S",8 ::rem rein 242 N$OS " ,8 16 PRINT"[4 plllNT"( 4 DOWN]6l99S+5),1B:RETU POKET.;.I · {T>S+S),18 : RETU R..'1 ::rem rer:! 1109 09 RN 63999I'RWT"(CLR)";:pOKt::p , 19 : F 6 3999 PRINT"[CLKJ";;POKEP,19iF ORI"'I TOB: POKE?.;. I , 13 : PRIN 0RI=lTO8:P0KEP+I,13:PRIN T63991+I:NEXT:pOKt::N ,9 T63991*I:NEXTiP0KEN,9 ::rem rllm 78

All Commodore 64 programs in this work with the (he Commodore issue work 128 in 64 b4 mode.

Off-Screen Trace See instructions in article 115 before typing ill. in, 8BOO :? 8 H8O0:78 BB:l6:20 BU3ii;20 BBIC :,\J B810:AO Ba l 8 , co 9318:CH 8820,8 4 B82U:84 882B : 811 B8 29:BB 8830 : 80 B830:3D 8838:A9 B839:A9 8S 40 : F5 B840:F5 884B:AD BB43:AD 88S0 :OJ 8850103 8B58 : f6 B858:f6 8860:AO 8a6D:AD 8868 : BD 8868:80 8B70:A9 Ba70:A9 8B78 : 09 8878:09 8880:S9 8830:B9 8888 :9 ) 6888:93 8890:U4 8890:84 8898,86 B898:B6 U81\0 : 811 dfiA0:8A 88A8:0J B8A8;03 881l(J:AO B8Iia:AD 88B8 : BA 68B8:3A 8BC0 : 15 B6C0:15 88C8 :8,\ 8BC3i8A a8D0 ,6 C aaD0:Gc 8808:48 B8D8:43 88EO : C9 88Ea:C9 88EB:C9 B8E8:C9 8BfO,A9 88F0:A9 B8F8: f' 9 B8F8:K9 8900:U1 B90": 81 8908:KB B9 0 B : ~'0 8910:A9 B91 0,A9 8918 : 6A B913:BA 8920 : 20 3920:20 8928 : DO 8928:D0 B930:4C 8930:4C 89)8:FA B9 38iFA 89 40 :C9 8940;C9 B9 89 43:8A 8950 : f'S 8959:K5 8958:8D 895B : 80 8960,00 8960:D0 8968 , 8A B968:BA 897{),85 8970:B5 8978:85 8983:8A 89B.:I :8A 89B8:BA 8988:9A 8990:38 B990: 88 B99B:BS 899B:8S 89A0:AD B9A0:AD 39A8:DD 89A8 , OD 89U0;05 89110 :05 889B8:AD 9 B8 : AD 89C0, 00 89C0:D8 89C8:03 89C8:0J 89DO : "J 89D0:03 B908:00 89D8:C0 89E0:C8 89£0 :C8 89E8:0) 89E8:03 89fO : 1S 89F0:15 89F8;A9 89F6 , A9 aA30:A9 8A00:A9 BA08:2E 8A08:2E 8A10:03 8A18 :88 BA18:8a 8A20,89 8A20:89 BA2B: 20 8A28:20 8A30:Fy BA)O :t'O 6A38;20 8A3B: 20 8A40:A9 8A 40 : 119 8A 48 : F4 8A48:F4 8A5 0 : A9 8A50:A9 8A58:85 BA58 : 85 8A60:86 8ti60 : 86 8A68:A9 8A6R: A9 8A70:FC BA70:FC

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Melodian will teach you to play, compose, record and print music in just one evening!! evening II

The Melodian Musical Keyboard for the Commodore 664 .. and UB. izs. A True Breakthrough In Mu s ic Education Music

AiiasL Al last, a program thai that makes it not only easy but fun to learn music. music. The Melodian keyboard and so1\ware software were designed by Harry Mendell who designs custom syn· syn-

Ihesizer electronics and software for profes professional musicians such such as Stevie Wonder Wander and Eric Himy, an award winning winning concert pianist. pianist. The The Melodian Melodian boasts boasts many many of of the the professional features found only on more exex pensive equipment. These features include multitrack rr.ultitrack recording. recording, the ability 10 to create custom instrument sounds and mosl most impor· impor tan tl y. ease of use tantly, use..

Start your r your lesson with RhythmMaste Rhythm Master Software. Software. With its buill-in built-in metronome,

RhylhmMasler RhythmMasler will display the treble and

bass musical ~la ff~ and a staffs a picture of a a piano keyboard Rhy lhmMa~ter will then playa keyboard.. RhythmMaster play a mea~ure measure of mu~ic music and you mu~1 must Iry try to play the same measure back on the Melodian keyboard. keyboard. You're nol not familiar wilh with the keyboard keyboard or can't read music? No problem. problem. RhythmMa~ter RhythmMaster di~play~ displays the nole~ notes you are 10 to play on the musical staff and on the keyboard pictured on the monitor. If you strike the wrong key the note on the musical ~taff staff tums turns red and ~how~ shows you which key you played wrong, wrong. making it ever so easy ea~y to corcor rect what you played. ~hould hold a run~ should a key too long a a turtle runs acros~ across Ihe the screen. Inversely if you should release a ~currie s a key 100 too quickly a a rabbit scurries

If you

by. If you don't play it correctly RhythmRhythm

Master knows know~ il mea~ure for it and repeats the measure you 1 0 play:. to play. Sounds 5ounds easy doesn't it? it? Now add add the fun. fun, ~tarl with six composers (Bach. Handel. You start Handel, Mozart. Mozart, Beethoven, Beethoven. Schubert and Wagner). Wagner). The object is to attain the nexl next level of difdif ficulty without losing a a composer. composer. You lose a a composer each time lime you ac.cumulate accumulate len ten mistakes. There are twelve level~ levels of difficul· difficul ty attainable attainable ranging from tyro to maestro. maestro.

ConcertMaster leaches teaches you how to play l!:l ·recorded songs from Bach to 35 pre pre-recorded Rock. Rock. With ConcertMaster you can analyze music note by note, instrument by instrument and learn how a a music composilion composition is put together. Then you can compose your own music and record it righ rightt onto your floppy disks. disks. There are nineteen different instrument sounds to choose from in over a a seven ococ tave range giving you aa wide choice of inin strume nts 10 struments to suit your musicat musical taste and exex pression. You can also create your own inin slrument strument sounds. Scor e Ma ster enables you to ScoreMaster to print oul out your music in standard music notation for faT other musicians lr. musicians 10 to play. play, or for yourse yourself.

AHOY! Magazine Says •• . .


Peggy Herrington of AHOYI AHOY! said "The system is so easy to use that II didn'l didn't need the documalion·· documation".. "lI"s "It's fun. fun. challenging, and educational. educational, and for playability payability and ease of use it is nothing shari short of spectacular."


Ne"W York T imes Says ••• New Times . . . Erik Sandberg·Diment Sandberg-Dimenl of the New York Times states "really usdul useful and instructive item ... Tanya, our 10 year old beginner quickly caught caught the spirit spirit of matching the dance of her fingers to the measured metronome." ""One One piece of educational software thaI. that, unlike most most of its its kinfolk. kinfolk, ac· ac tually delivers. These software·hardware so ft ware-hardware combinations offer a a 101 lot of entertainment entertainment to to the Commodore owner."

RUN Magazine Says •. •• . . Tom Benford of RUN notes "Whenever a a selection of products of Ihe the same genre is available, one among the bunch rises head and and shoulders above the rest. rest, Such is the case with Melodian ConcertMaster keyboard and soflware. software. The combined features 01 of RhythmMasler RhythmMaster and ConcertMaster give YOl{ you a • a complete music tutoriaL" tutorial." Satisfac;tion Satisfaction Guaranteed When You Buy Direc;t Direct By selling directly to you. you. we are able to givi give you the Melodian Keyboard and Software a a far lower prices than ever offered before You take no risk. If the Melodia. Melodiai

keyboard or any of the program: progra m! don't please you, for fur any reasor reasoi -wha tsoever, send it back b a ck -with i., whatsoever, withir. 60 60 days for a full rafund! refund!

800.327.4566 800-327-4566 IN RIDA. 800·351·8777 in FLO Florida, 800-351-8777

~ 1985. erda.lo. FL All rlg lu s ro sorvod. 19B5. Melodlan Meladian.. Inc Inc.... 970 370 Wesl WeSI McNab McNab Road. Roiid. FOr1 Fort Laud Laudardale. FL 33309. 33309. All fighls resen-ad.

Melodian Musical Musical Melodian Keyboard Keyboard $99-95 kb-oi kb -O l

RhythmMaster Rhythm Master Software rm rm-oi Software -ot


Software Software em-Ol cm-oi


Keyboard Keyboard

40 Keys Keys (A·C) (A-C) in in professional professional gauge gauge spring spring 40 loaded to lo give give the the feel feel and and response response of of aa leal real loaded

RhylhmMaster RhyihmMaster leaches leaches aa beginner beginner how how to to read read music music and and play play ilit correcUy correctly and and in in rhylhm rhythm on on the the musical musical keyboard keyboard.

keyboard instru instrument. Polyphonic. keyboard ment. Polyphonic.

Registers (with ConcertMaster) ConcertMaster) Regi s ters (with Organ. Trumpet. Trumpet. Flute, Flute, Clarinet. Clarinet Piano, Piano, Harp. HarpOrgan.

RhythmMaster RhyihmMaster Will will havc have you you reading reading and and playing playing musical musical noles notes inin minules minutes with wilh fun fun and and excitement. excitement. RhythmM a ster features: RhythmMaster Features: •• Trumpet. Trumpet, organ. organ, violin. violin, and and synthesizer synthesizer instrument sounds sounds, instrument Built In in metronome metronome. •• Buill Pause/Play control control •• PausclPlay •• Set·up Set-up menu menu fOI for customiZing customizing RhythmMaster. RhythmMaster. RhythmMaster ches: RhythmMaster Tea Teaches: How to lo read read notes notes on on the the treble treble and and bass bass •• How musical staffs. staffs. musical The names names of of the the notes. notes. •" The •• Where Where the the notes noles ~re are on on the the keyboard. keyboard. •• How How to lo play play whole whole noles. notes, half half IlOtcS. noles, quarler quarter notes. noles. eighth eighth notes notes alld and sixteenth sixteenth notes in /. in combinabons. combinations, in in both both Ji. 3/4 and and .4/4 time. hme different lempos. tempos. •• How to play in dlfferent

sicord. Violin. Violin. Cello, Cello. Bass, Bass. BanJO. Banjo. Mando~n. Mandolin. sleerd,

Calliope. Concertma. Concertino. Bagpipe. Bagpipe, Synthesizer Synthesizer I,i. Calliope. Synthesizer 2. 2, Clavier Clavier I,I. Clavier Clavier 2. 2, which which Synthesizer can be be played played over over aa 1z octave octave range. range. ProPro can grammable sounds sounds as as well. well, grammable Recording (with [wilh ConcertMaster) ConcertMaster) Rec.ording Three track track sequencer sequencer (recorder) (recorder) WIth with overoverThree dubbing and and multltlmbrnl multitimbral (different (different instrument instrument dubbins sounds at the Ihe same same time) lime) effects. effects. wund s at Interface Inter face Built in in Interface interface for for Commodore Commodore 64. 64. ComCom Bu~1 modore 126. 128. plugs plugs nghl right in in to to joystick joystick pori port no no modore and uscr user port. port. 22 and

Power Supply Supply Power

direct by by the the compuler, computer, no no batleries batteries PPowered owelt~ d direct

and cords cords requucd required. and

Finish Finish Table Model Model in in white white high·impact high-impact material. material, Table with carrying carrying handle. handle, protective protective key key cover. cover, with and built buill in in music. music stand stand. Size Size 29 29 ·d8 -i/e x X ami 9-9/16 X X 3-11/16. weighs 99 pounds. pounds. 9"9116 ~·11116 . weighs

RhythmMaster Requires:

Commodore 64 64 or or Commodole Commodore 128 12a •• Commodole wilh dISk. disk drive drive. With Melodian Musical Musical Keyboard Keyboard kb-ol kb-oi IS is •• Melodl3n required 10 to study the Ihe IcadinE! reading alld and playin!! playing of musiCIII musical notes. notes, However. However, RhylhmMaster RhythmMaster can be used wilhoul without the Melodl1ln Melodian Musical Keyboard by playing the Keyboard 10 to study study rhythm. rhythm, by playing the notes on the th e computer keyboard. keyboard.

Melodian ScoreMaster ScoreMaster Melodian

sm-Ot ""-01

$29*95 $29·95

With the program your With the ScoreMaster ScoreMaster program your music music can be notation, which which can be printed printed out oul in in music music nolation, other can read other musicians musicians can lead and and play. Pt.1Y Any Any music music recorded recorded wilh With the the ConcertMasler ConcertMaster pro program gram can can be be pnnted printed by by ScoreMasler. 5c.oreMasler.

Programmer's Tool Kit Tool

ScoreMaster Score Master Requires: Requires: •• Commodore Commodore 64 64 or or Commodore Commodore 12a 128 with with


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disk disk drive drive and and printer prinler compatible compatibte with with the the

Contains programs, programs. and and BASIC BASIC source SOurce listings listings Contains for reading reading the the Mefodian Melodian Musical Musical Keyboard, Keyboard. for and for for reading re ading and and creating creating music music files files for for and Melodlan ConcerlMaster. ConcertMaster. Melodian

Commodore Commodore graphics graphics mode mode such such as as the the Commodore Commodore MPS MPS aoj, 80~ . 1515, ISIS, and and 1525. 1525.

•• Melodian Melodian CancertMasler ConcertMaster program. program.

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ConcertMaster ConcertMaster leaches leaches how ho* aa compOsition composition isis put put togcther. together, note note by by note. nole, instrument instrument by by In' in strument. strument. You You learn learn to to ptay play j~ j;, pre·recorded pre-recorded songs songs from from Bach Bach tolo Rock. Rock. Then Then you you can can c;ompasc compose your your own own songs songs and and record record them them right right onlo onto your your floppy floppy disk disk.

ConcertMa ster Tea ches: ConcertMaster Teaches:


• Scales

:• Bass lines •• Familiar Familiar Beginner Beginner Songs Songs such such as as ""Jingle Jinglc Bells" Bells" •• Easy Easy classical classical songs songs such such as as "Bach "Bach Minuet" Minuet" and and Ravel's Ravel's "Bolero" "Bolero" •• Advanced Advanced classics classics likc like "A "A Midsummer's Midsummer's Night Nigh! Dream" Dream" by by Melldelssohn Mendelssohn •• Popular Thriller" Popular hits hits such such as as ""Thriller"

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Three Three back Irack sequencer sequencer (recorder) (recorder) with with over· overdubbing dubbing and and mullrhmbral multitimbral (different (different instrument instrument sounds sounds al at the the same same lime) lime) cffecls, effects. Ench Each track track can can be be sct set 1 to0 one one of of sevcn seven dif· dif feren ferentt functions: funclions: •• Monitor: Monitor: Leis \0 play play Lets you you use use aa Irack Irack to music music live. live, without without recording recording II. it. Record: Records Records aa track track as as you you play. play. •• Record: Playback : Lets Lets you you hear hear whatever whatcver has •• Playback: has been recorded recorded or or loaded loaded inlo into Ihe the track. track been Yau may may playback playback one one track Irack while while record record· You Ing another another to to build build layers layers of of instruments, instruments ing Mutel Turns Turns aa track trnck off, ofr. This This isis useful useful •• Mute: when you YOll want wnnt to 10 listen lislen to 10 or or record record one onc or or when two Iracks tracks at at aa time. time. two S a v e: Stores Stores aa track Irack to to the the disk. disk. •• Save: Load : Loads Loads aa track track from from Ihe the disk. disk. •• Load: Prote ct : Write Write protects protects aa track. track . •• Protect:

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