Phase transformations in methanol at high pressure

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the viscosity data for liquid methanol9, 10 were obtained, over- laps the region of existence of the solid γ-phase.2 Computer simulation11 of the methanol phase ...
Phase transformations in methanol at high pressure measured by dielectric spectroscopy technique M. V. Kondrin, A. A. Pronin, Y. B. Lebed, and V. V. Brazhkin Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 084510 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4819330 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing

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Phase transformations in methanol at high pressure measured by dielectric spectroscopy technique M. V. Kondrin,1,a) A. A. Pronin,2 Y. B. Lebed,3 and V. V. Brazhkin1 1

Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow, Russia General Physics Institute RAS, 117942 Moscow, Russia 3 Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, 142190 Moscow, Russia 2

(Received 14 May 2013; accepted 13 August 2013; published online 30 August 2013) The dielectric response in methanol measured in wide pressure and temperature ranges (P < 6.0 GPa; 100 K < T < 360 K) reveals a series of anomalies which can be interpreted as a transformation between several solid phases of methanol including a hitherto unknown high-pressure low-temperature phase with the stability range P > 1.2 GPa and T < 270 K. In the intermediate P-T region P ≈ 3.4–3.7 GPa, T ≈ 260–280 K, a set of complicated structural transformations occurs involving four methanol crystalline structures. At higher pressures within the narrow range P ≈ 4.3–4.5 GPa methanol can be obtained in the form of fragile glass (Tg ≈ 200 K, mp ≈ 80 at P = 4.5 GPa) by relatively slow cooling. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [] I. DIELECTRIC SPECTROSCOPY AND PHASE DIAGRAM OF METHANOL

Methanol is an interesting object for studying its P-T phase diagram because it is the simplest organic substance with only one hydrogen bond per molecule. It can be regarded as a simple (one-bonded) approximation of water where one of the hydrogen bonds is capped with the alcyl group. It is well-known that the P-T phase diagram of water is extremely complicated, but it turns out that by now it is better studied than the phase diagram of its significantly simpler interconnected counterpart — methanol. At ambient pressure there are two crystalline phases of methanol — the high-temperature one (just below the melting curve) is a plastic crystal, orientationally disordered β-phase which exists in the temperature range T = 169–155 K. At lower temperatures, the β-phase transforms into an ordered α-phase, which is stable down to very low temperatures. Both these phases were shown to persist at least up to pressures of about 1.6 GPa.1 The single-crystal x-ray diffraction in diamond anvils showed that the high-pressure phase of methanol, which is stable at room temperature in the pressure range 4–6 GPa (called γ -phase2 ), differs from the α-phase. It should be noted, that this observation contradicts earlier optical studies at high pressures,3, 4 when no difference between the high- and low-pressure phases was found. However, the phase boundaries, not only between the crystalline phases, but even the melting curve above 2 GPa, have not been known as yet (although the efforts of their determination5 date back to Bridgman himself). Low entropy and volume changes accompanying the transitions (Vα−β /V0 = 0.6%, Vmelt /Vβ = 3%,6 Sα–β = 3.8, Smelt = 18.0 J/(K mole)7 at ambient pressure) require a high sensitivity of standard methods based on measurement of ena) Electronic mail: [email protected]


ergy output (like DTA/DSC technique, although these methods were also tried at elevated pressures8 ). Another difficulty in experimental studies of methanol at high pressure is the easiness with which methanol can be obtained in the metastable liquid phase (supercooled or superpressed) — the feature noted by many researchers who studied methanol at high pressures. For example, the P − T region, for which the viscosity data for liquid methanol9, 10 were obtained, overlaps the region of existence of the solid γ -phase.2 Computer simulation11 of the methanol phase diagram (despite a great progress achieved recently in the computational molecular dynamics) predicted hugely overestimated values for transition temperatures and pressures. Although at ambient pressure methanol is practically impossible to obtain in the glassy form by cooling of liquid,12 the existence of methanol glass at elevated pressures was widely discussed,9, 10, 13–15 so methanol is an interesting model object for studying the transitions between various (and variously) disordered phases at high pressure. Structural determination of the material composed of light atoms by direct diffraction methods is very technically complicated, especially at high pressures.16, 17 Therefore, indirect methods for locating possible phase boundaries (which could be subsequently refined by structural studies) are very important in this case. Liquid and solid methanol were thoroughly studied at ambient pressure by the dielectric spectroscopy (DS) technique.18–21 These studies provide a consistent picture of phase transformations in methanol at ambient pressure. Since methanol molecules are highly polar, any arrest of their motion will invariably result in a significant change of dielectric susceptibility values. Just that is observed in practice in the sequence of transitions from liquid to β-phase and then to α-phase (ε ≈ 70, 6, 3 respectively18, 19 ). These observations substantially contributed to understanding the disordered nature of the β-phase. Due to its independence on the scanning speed (in contrast to the DTA/DSC one), the DS technique also eliminates the problem of metastable

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Kondrin et al.



T (K) 250



1.8 1.6



1.4 ← P=1.45 GPa





0.8 β γ

P=3.4 GPa →

1.6 1.4 1.2












0.8 0.6


← P=4.1 GPa






cooling heating

1.8 1.6 P=6.0 GPa → δ




The samples of 99.5% pure methanol (MERCK) were used. The previous research8 demonstrated that the influence of impurities (6.5 mol. % (Ref. 34) expedites this process significantly. However, the DS data on the vitrification in methanol-water mixtures have only recently become available.35 If small concentrations (10 and 20 mol. %) are used, the relaxation process clearly consists of two seemingly non-symmetric (and consequently non-Debye) modes, which were ascribed to methanol and water. By fitting the methanol component relaxation time published there with the VFT relation and using the same conventions as above, we obtain the values Tg = 109–114 K (depending on water content) and mp = 65, which are in good accordance with our results. Relatively slow rise of the glassification temperature with pressure and fragility increase at high pressure were recorded previously in many hydrogen-bonded glassformers (e.g., glycerol22, 23 ). Glassy methanol obtained by compression is more controversial topic. It was introduced by Piermarini13 as an explanation for the ruby R1 fluorescence line widening observed in diamond anvils filled with pure methanol at 8.6 GPa. However, the glassification pressure Pg = 8.6 GPa is almost certainly an error (though it is still occasionally cited36 ), and this widening most likely was caused by the crystallization of methanol at this pressure. Moreover, it was directly disproved by the viscosity measurements10 at similar conditions (P = 8.3 GPa, η ≈ 104 Pa s, that is quite liquid-like) and by the analysis of methanol crystallization process at high pressures.14 The extrapolation of viscosity data9, 10 yields larger values Pg = 11–20 GPa (depending on the model used), which roughly corresponds to the results of Ref. 14. Although the translationally disordered methanol phase was observed at pressures above 10 GPa,14, 15 no other information on its nature and relaxation properties is available as yet. We can compare the DS relaxation frequencies of methanol at P = 4.1–4.6 GPa with the viscosity data9 (see Fig. 6) obtained in the same pressure range but at higher temperatures (T = 298–245 K). The extrapolation of viscosity data by the Arrhenius law yields9 the values Tg = 120–160 K, but this is surely an underestimate because this extrapolation does not take into account dynamic crossover to steeper dependence (like the VFT one) close to the glassification temperature. Viscosity (η) and relaxation time (τ ) are related to each other by the Maxwell relation: η=

τ , G∞


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Kondrin et al.

where G∞ is the infinite frequency shear module. This modulus is of order ≈50 GPa for common window-pane glass, but for small molecule organic glassformers it is likely to be lower and lay in the range 0.9–9 GPa (characteristic of two popular molecular glassformers DGEBA and glycerol, respectively).37 For methanol, we choose the value G∞ = 1 GPa which is comparable by the order of magnitude with the value suggested by the viscosity data for its close analog — ethanol38 and the methanol relaxation data at room temperature at P = 3.7 GPa (G∞ = 1.67 GPa).15 Although the VFT fit of our data yields a slightly underestimated value of characteristic frequency than one would expect from the viscosity data (Fig. 6), this sort of discrepancy was already observed in molecular glassformers (see the comparison of “Maxwell” and DS times in DGEBA in Ref. 37). There may be two sources of this discrepancy: either the contribution of another high-frequency process to the overall viscosity (as a result, the substance is less viscous than it could be expected from the consideration of only one low-frequency relaxation), or, most probably, the dynamic crossover observed in the majority of organic molecular glassformers.38 For example the extrapolation of low temperature data for ethanol at ambient pressure by the VFT relation produces underestimated values of characteristic frequency39 too. Nonetheless, our measurements are the first parametrization of the glass transition in methanol and the first report of methanol vitrification by cooling at high pressure. V. DISCUSSION

The most interesting question arising from our measurements is whether there is a relation between the vitrification of methanol and the phase transitions taking place in adjacent pressure ranges. Answering this question requires a closer examination of diffraction data available from the literature.29–31, 40 The main point of this examination is to establish the type of phase transformations observed in methanol at high pressures. Indeed, the ordering of hydrogen bonds in solid methanol at lower temperatures can be formally described by a symmetry loss. Such displacive or order/disorder transformations typically have low transition enthalpies. In contrast, reconstructive transitions involving the formation of new bonds with accompanying new symmetry operations have greater energy differences (see, e.g., Refs. 41–43). Although the energy of hydrogen bonds which are present in molecular methanol is not large, one may expect reconstructive phase transitions in solid methanol (for example in the α − β transformation) to result in a much greater enthalpy output than it was observed in practice.6 It was already shown that this output (as suggested in Ref. 8), as well as the volume effect1 diminish with increasing of pressure. Therefore, the phase transformations in methanol (at least α − β) are likely to be displacive. Thus, certain restrictions must be imposed on the experimental structural data reviewed below. Although all of the authors29–31 are unanimous about the structure of β phase (space group Cmcm with 4 molecules per conventional unit cell Z = 4), there is a disagreement about the α-phase. The controversy can be summarized as follows: whether the β → α transformation leads to the

J. Chem. Phys. 139, 084510 (2013)

unit cell multiplication or to the inversion center loss in the α-phase. The first x-ray measurements of single-crystal29 and polycrystalline40 samples demonstrated that the center of inversion is retained (space group P21 /m), but the conclusion about the cell size was not so definite. The value Z = 2 was suggested as a preferred one but allowances29 were made for a larger cell which is twice as large as the original primitive unit cell with duplication of the a parameter. The next 30 years of optical3, 12, 44–48 and NMR49 research demonstrated that the number of optical modes is only compatible with the propositions that either Z > 2, or no inversion center exists, or both. The orthorhombic lattice (P21 21 21 ; Z = 4) suggested lately30, 31, 50 realizes the last case. However, in this case the β → α phase transition is reconstructive. Thus, on the basis of a small enthalpy difference between the phases, the earlier monoclinic version but with a larger cell (P21 /m; Z = 4) seems more preferable for the α-phase. Such a duplication of the unit cell can be only produced by lattice distortions with the wave vector in S (k = (1/2, 1/2, 0)) point of Brillouin-zone of the β-phase. Moreover, all other transformations observed in methanol at high pressure can be explained in a similar way as freezing of vibrational modes at the S point. Using available software51–53 one can demonstrate that any of the four 2-dimensional irreducible representations in the S-point of the Cmcm space group involves not only symmetry breaking with the full 2-dimensional order parameter (η in Fig. 4 and Table I) but also has two more symmetrical directions (isotropy directions) in the order parameter space. The identification of methanol phases and unit cell transformations brought about by the S2− irreducible representation of Cmcm space group is shown in Table I. This consideration is somewhat oversimplified and does not take into account possible coupling of the S- and -point order parameters which would lead to even higher symmetry breaking in the γ -phase down to the P 1 space group observed earlier in γ -phase.2 However, the center of inversion is retained in the transition Cmcm → P21 /m (or Cmcm → P 1) and it can be shown51, 54 that these transitions are improper ferroelastic transformations. Although in general the spontaneous elastic strain in improper ferroelastic transitions is not large, it can be observed in samples subjected to external mechanical fields like sound waves. In methanol, for example, the volume effect in the β − α transition at pressures P < 1 GPa is small and volume variation in the transition from liquid to α-phase is quite smooth.1 However, the β → α transition as measured by ultrasound methods produces quite large variation in the sound velocity values, which can indicate the ferroelastic nature of this phase transition. Moreover, the relation between ferroelastic transitions and amorphization at high non-hydrostatic pressure was considered previously,55–57 and this may be the rationale behind the glassy state formation in methanol at the pressures P = 4.3, 4.6 GPa. Roughly speaking the process responsible for amorphization of methanol may result from the nucleus growth hindering due to the elastic strain between domains of different ferroelastic phases (α,γ ,δ) in the vicinity of phase boundaries between them. The same consideration is applicable to methanol glass obtained by fast compression at room temperature.14 The P-T path of this process also takes place

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Kondrin et al.

J. Chem. Phys. 139, 084510 (2013)

TABLE I. Previously determined solid methanol phases with respective references (column 1) and structural parameters of solid methanol, number of molecules per unit cell Z, and molecular volume V  (columns 2-3). The corresponding structures induced by the S2− irreducible representation of the Cmcm space group with the respective isotropy order parameter η and approximate transformations relating the hypothetical conventional unit cell (a, b, c) to the β-phase one (a , b , c ) are shown in columns 4-5. S.G./Z(S2− )

Phase (Refs.)

S.G./Z/V  (Å3 )

β (Refs. 29–31)

Cmcm Z=4 V  = 53.0

a = 6.41 b = 7.20 c = 4.64

Cmcm Z=4 η = (0, 0)

α (Refs. 29 and 40)

P21 /m Z=2 V  = 52.4

a = 4.53 (4.59) b = 4.69 (4.68) c = 4.91 (4.92) γ = 90 ± 3 (97.5)

P21 /m Z=4 η = (α, 0)

a = a + b  b = a /2 − b /2 c = c

α (Refs. 30 and 31)

P21 21 21 Z=4 V  = 52.1

a = 8.87 b = 4.64 c = 4.87



a = 7.67


a = 2a

Z=6 V  = 39.5

b = 7.12 c = 4.41 α = 88.10 β = 93.85 γ = 102.2

Z = 16 η = (α, α)

b = 2b c = c

P21 /m Z=8 η = (α, β)

a = a + b  b = a − b  c = c

Unit cell(Å, o )


in the vicinity (but at higher temperatures) of the region under consideration. So it probably involves the quenching of liquid methanol into δ-phase, which is likely to be present at the room temperature at higher pressures (≈10 GPa) as suggested by the phase diagram (Fig. 4). The straightforward testing of the structural model of phase transformations in methanol is determining the density of γ -phase. The experimental value2 Z = 6 was based on the density value measured in liquid methanol,58 which is likely to yield an underestimated value of the solid methanol density. In the present consideration, the primitive unit cell with comparable volume should contain Z = 8 methanol molecules, so it should be at least 25% denser. However, the resolution of this contradiction requires a more thorough examination of methanol solid phases structures at ambient and high pressures in a wide temperature range.


Dielectric spectroscopy measurements in methanol in the pressure range up to P = 6.0 GPa demonstrate the existence of two high-pressure phases of methanol. The room-temperature one obviously corresponds to the known γ -phase,2 and the lower-temperature one is a previously unknown phase (tentatively called the δ-phase). In the intermediate pressure range P = 4.3–4.6 GPa, we observed vitrification of methanol and evaluated phenomenological parameters describing its temperature evolution. We propose a simple structural model describing phase transformations in methanol as condensation of vibrational modes at the S-point of the Brillouin zone of the disordered β-phase. Possible relation of this model to the


vitrification of methanol at high pressure was considered as well. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

This work was supported by the RFBR Grant Nos. 1302-00542 and 13-02-01207. The authors are grateful for A.V. Rudnev and A.V. Gulyutin for technical assistance in accomplishing our experiments. 1 E.

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