Plasma Concentrations of Lutein and Zeaxanthin ...

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Key: BMI, Body Mass Index; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale;. ApoE4, Apolipoprotein E ε4 alleles; MMSE, Mini Mental State ...
Supplementary material: Table S1. Comparison of included and excluded participants Overall population (n=395) Included


(n = 184)

(n = 211)

68.5 31.5 82.3 (4.3)

67.3 32.7 83.1 (4.3)

No education or primary school only



Secondary school or higher Clinical characteristics BMI (kg/m²) (%) < 23 23 - 27 > 27 CES-D score (%) Hypertension (%) Diabetes (%) ApoE4 (%) Pack-year of cigarettes, mean (SD)



21.7 44.0 34.2 7.1 84.2 10.9 14.1 8.5 (18.3)

30.0 38.2 31.8 17.0 86.4 21.1 18.4 8.2 (16.3)

0.004 0.57 0.007 0.27 0.88

Alcohol (glasses/week), mean (SD)

6.1 (7.3)

7.9 (8.4)


MPOD 0.5° (optical density unit)*, mean (SD)

0.69 (0.2) 0.41 (0.3) 3.8 25.4 (7.5) 11.5 (1.9) 27.9 (6.2) 27.7 (2.0) 56.0 21.7 48.4

0.68 (0.3) 0.37 (0.2) 12.8 23.4 (8.4) 11.0 (2.3) 26.5 (6.7) 26.5 (3.4) 55.6 18.8 52.7

0.78 0.12 0.002 0.03 0.02 0.04