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PROBLEM SOLVING ASSESSMENT (CBSE-PSA). CLASS IX ENGLISH. ITEM NO.1. GRAMMAR & USAGE (1 x 8 =8). Rearrange the following words or phrases ...
PROBLEM SOLVING ASSESSMENT (CBSE-PSA) CLASS IX ENGLISH ITEM NO.1 GRAMMAR & USAGE (1 x 8 =8) Rearrange the following words or phrases given below to make meaningful sentences. Choose from the given options. 1. sea change/ of / has /undergone / the /curriculum /concept / a. a. The concept of curriculum has undergone a sea change. b. A sea change has undergone the concept of curriculum. c. The curriculum of concept has undergone a sea change. d. A sea change the concept of curriculum has undergone. 2. the / education / It / is / a / which prepares / pupil / life / for. a. It is the which education a pupil prepares for life. b. It is the education which a pupil prepares for life. c. It is the education which prepares a pupil for life. d. For life it is the education which prepares a pupil. Which of the following options in Reported Speech convey the same meaning as in Direct Speech in the question. 3. The teacher said to us, “Have you completed your homework?” a. The teacher asked us that if we had completed our home work. b. The teacher asked me whether we had completed my home work. c. The teacher ordered us whether we had completed our home work. d. The teacher asked us whether we had completed our home work. 4. The doctor said to the patient, “Take your medicine on time.” 1

a. The doctor told the patient that he should take his medicine on time. b. The doctor advised the patient to take his medicine on time. c. The doctor ordered the patient to take his medicine on time. d. The doctor advised the patient to take your medicine on time. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option. 5. He was late. When he………….at the airport, the plane ……………….. . a. arrived; had already left b. had arrived; had left c. had arrived; left d. has arrived; left 6. …………………………………soccer? a. Did you ever played c. Has you ever played

b. Have you ever play d. Have you ever played

Complete the headlines by choosing the most appropriate of the options given below. 7. MAJOR QUAKE STRIKES TAIWAN, 4 INJURED An earthquake, measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan__________________the capital of Taipei. a. caused injuries and damage in b. causing injuries with damage in c. causing injuries and damage in d. having caused injuries and damage in 8.RESEARCH WORK AT AIIMS STALLED FOR WANT OF ANIMALS All India Institute of Medical Sciences _________________research work for want of animals to conduct experiments on. a. stalled 2

b. has stalled

c. have stalled

d. stalls

ITEM NO.2 VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT(1 x 8 =8) Guess the correct meaning of the underlined words choosing the most appropriate option. 1. The story in the newspaper was seen as an attempt to defame the leader. a. pamper b. praise c. attack reputation d. criticize 2. One could make out from their solemn faces that they had lost. a. smiling b.sad c. looking very serious d. lovely 3. Various art forms evolved in earlier times as the rulers would offer patronage to the artists. a. scholarship c. tuition fee

b. support and encouragement given by a patron d. hostel accommodation

4. To demonstrate their aggressive nature, the regiment decided to use a tiger as their mascot. a. symbol b. sign c. brand ambassador d. person, animal or thing that is believed to bring in good luck 5. They decided to cancel the celebrations in order to show solidarity with the troops engaged in the war. a. unity and agreement as a result of shared feelings or interests b. oneness c. support d. appreciation 3

6. The players thought that the referee had erred and were reluctant to accept his verdict of a penalty. a. unwillling and hesitant c. demanding d. disagreeable 7. The colonel was a recipient of many bravery awards. a. person who deceives b. person who receives c. person who achieves d. person who perceives

8. The organization started by the leader lies defunct after his death. a. discontinued b. demoralised c. dismantled d. no longer effective or treated with respect ITEM NO.3 PASSAGE COMPLETION(1 x 8 =8) Read the passage given below and write the option that you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet: (1x4=4) PASSAGE 1 Ask people whether credit cards are a necessity or a luxury and most would probably term them a necessity these days. Credit cards are considered a boon for the ready convenience they confer on the useryou don’t have to worry about carrying enough cash when you go for shopping or to a restaurant. Just flash your card, sign and walk out. But there are many who criticize credit card for the ‘easy money’ syndrome they generate. It is true that many people fall into a debt trap-thanks to the extensive use of their cards. But if you are careful with your expenses, they can be a handy thing to have around. Hence, you need to consider the term ‘responsible usage’ and understand the actual significance of living on credit. 4

Remember that using a credit card does not mean living on credit. In effect, what you are doing is merely postponing payment. While it looks real good to pay only one or two thousand a month on your card, remember that you are paying interest on the amount that you ‘revolve’ from one billing cycle to the next. 1. Those who favour credit cards regard it as: a. Luxury b. Necessity c. Easy money d. Luxury and convenient 2. One can escape from the debt trap by: a. Using credit cards extensively b. Postponing payments greatly c. Paying interest regularly d. Being very careful about expenses 3. Which of the fact about credit card is not true? a . Credit cards make our shopping easy b. If we are not careful about our shopping, we can fall into a debt trap. c. Credit cards just enable us to postpone our payment d. Credit cards are favoured due to the easy money they generate 4. Choose a word from the passage which is antonym of ‘curse’’. a. Luxury b. Boon c. Convenience d. Flash PASSAGE 2 (1x4=4) Apparently it is only the Taj’s minarets that are tilting. But historians point the tilt in the Qutub Minar that needs to be checked. This tilt was not there when it was built in the 12th century. The upper two storeys were added in the late 14th century. Subsequently there was an 5

earthquake that affected the structure. The Qutub has a natural tilt of nine degrees of the latitude of Delhi. This tilt is proved by the fact that there is no shadow of the monument on the ground on June 21 when the sun is directly above the Minar. The major problem today is that the tilt could be increasing, and that must be controlled and rectified. The tilt is partly influenced by the quality of the soil on which the structure stands. The Taj rests partly on rock and partly on soil. The Qutub, in turn, stands on rocky ground. It needs to be found out whether the whole Minar is tilting or only the upper two storeys. Modern technology makes it possible to control the tilt. 1. When was the Qutub Minar built? a. 11th century b. 12th century c. 13th century d. 14th century. 2. How is the tilt of the Qutub proved? a. Shadow of the monument on the ground is formed on June 21. b. Shadow of the monument on the ground is not formed on June 21. c. Shadow of the monument on the ground is formed on Sept. 23. d. None of the above 3.The tilt of the Qutub is influenced by: a. Quality of soil b. Quantity of soil c. Colour of soil d. Smell of soil 4. On which kind of ground does Qutub stand? a. Alluvial b. Loamy c. Plain d. Rocky