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Target MDGs 7C sektor air dan sanitasi adalah menurunkan hingga separuhnya proporsi penduduk tanpa akses .... legalitas atau peng-SK-an Pokja AMPL.


diajukan oleh: Yayasan Wahana Indonesia Membangun (WIN Development) Maret 2013

Daftar Isi


I. LATAR BELAKANG ………………………………………………………………………….. 1 II. RUMUSAN MASALAH ……………………………………………………………………….. 2 III. USULAN PROGRAM/KEGIATAN …………………………………………………………..4 IV. DURASI WAKTU PELAKSANAAN ………………………………………………………… 4 V. MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN PROGRAM ……………………………………………………… 5 VI. KEGIATAN YANG DIUSULKAN ……………………………………………………………. 6 VII. METODE PELAKSANAAN …………………………………………………………………. 7 VIII.SASARAN KEGIATAN/PROGRAM ……………………………………………………….. 8 IX. JADUAL TENTATIVE KEGIATAN (terlampir) X. USULAN BIAYA (terlampir) XI. PERSONIL INTI (terlampir) XII. PROFIL WIN DEVELOPMENT (terlampir)



Target MDGs 7C sektor air dan sanitasi adalah menurunkan hingga separuhnya proporsi penduduk tanpa akses terhadap air minum layak dan sanitasi layak pada akhir 2015. MDGs 2015 merupakan kesepakatan dunia dan Pemerintah Indonesia ikut serta meratifikasinya. Maka sebagai konsekuensinya Indonesia wajib menjalankan amanat yang tertuang dan ditargetkan dalam MDGs. Khusus MDGs target 7C Pemerintah Indonesia telah memformulasikan target tersebut seperti tertera dalam table dibawah ini: Target Akses Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan hingga 2015 Air Minum Penyehatan Lingkungan/Sanitasi Kota : 75,29% Kota : 76,82% Desa : 65,81% Desa : 55,50% Total Kota + Desa : 68,87% Total Kota +Desa : 62,41% Sumber: Direktorat Permukiman dan Perumahan Bappenas

Sementara hingga tahun 2011 menurut grafik yang dirilis dari Bappenas, capaian akses air minum baru mencapai 55,04% (perkotaan dan perdesaan). Sedangkan capaian sanitasi pada tahun yang sama sebesar 55,6%. Grafik dibawah ini menggambarkan capaian sejak 2006:

Membandingkan antara angka target yang akan dicapai hingga tahun 2015 dan capaian hingga tahun 2011, nampaknya optimis target MDGs akan dapat tercapai. Namun perlu diingat bahwa disparitas antar daerah masih sangat besar. Selain itu belanja disektor ini masih jauh dari memadai. Sebagai contoh, berdasar catatan Bappenas, kebutuhan investasi 2010 -2014 sebesar 66 T untuk air minum hanya tersedia 38 T. Sedangkan untuk sanitasi dari kebutuhan investasi sebesar Rp 62,624 T hanya tersedia Rp 44.938. Maka tidak mengherankan apabila cakupan target air minum sebesar 3,5% per tahun hanya tercapai 1,5% per tahun Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa tantangan kedepan hingga akhir 2015 cukup besar. Sehingga persoalan air bersih dan sanitasi merupakan isu nasional yang dialami oleh hampir seluruh


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development

wilayah di Indonesia. Cakupan layanan pembangunan sarana air minum di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas sehingga masih belum mampu mengimbangi laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Kondisi seperti ini merupakan tantangan serius dalam pencapaian target MDGs 2015. Di tingkat lokal khususnya di Provinsi Jawa Barat, dari hasil Susenas 2009 – 2010, capaian Provinsi Jawa Barat di sector air dan sanitasi ini termasuk kategori rendah jika dibandingkan dengan provinsi lainnya yang ada di P Jawa. Posisinya masih dibawah Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan DI Yogyakarta. Walaupun masih lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Sedangkan kabupaten dibawahnya capaian layanan air minum dan sanitasi di Kabupaten Bogor, Sukabumi dan Subang seperti tergambar dalam table berikut ini: Kabupaten Bogor

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Air minum

Air Minum

Perkotaan Perdesaan Total

37.53 Sanitasi

Perkotaan Perdesaan Total

37,53 67.70


Perkotaan Perdesaan Total Perkotaan Perdesaan Total

Air Minum 19.44


Kabupaten Subang

19,44 38,99 38,99

Perkotaan Perdesaan Total Perkotaan Perdesaan Total

50.94 Sanitasi

50,94 66,85


Sumber: Hasil Assesmen WASPOLA Facility 2012

Dari gambaran seperti diatas mengindikasikan bahwa pemenuhan layanan air minum dan sanitasi di 3 kabupaten itu masih belum memberikan layanan yang optimal guna pemenuhan target MDGs target 7C, sebagaimana yang dicanangkan dalam target nasional. Dari sisi kemiskinan Kabupaten Bogor, Sukabumi dan Subang adalah 3 kabupaten dari 26 kabupaten/kota yang berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat Kab.Subang Kab.Bogor tingkat kemiskinannnya berda pada kisaran 9 – 14%. Prosentase kemiskinan terendah berada di Kabupaten Bogor 9,97%, kemudian Sukabumi Kab.Sukabumi 10,65%, dan paling tinggi di Subang 13,54. (Menurut BPS 2010). Nampaknya hanya Kabupaten Subang yang memiliki angka kemiskinan lebih tinggi dari angka kemiskikan Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu 10,93%. Sementara dari 3 kabupaten itu tidak ada yang lebih tinggi dari angka nasional yaitu sebesar 13,81%. Secara hakiki akses terhadap air dan sanitasi adalah layanan dasar yang harus dipenuhi sebagai standar hidup yang layak. Pemenuhan air yang aman adalah hak azasi seperti terlontar: “Access to safe water is a fundamental human need and, therefore, a basic human right. Contaminated water jeopardizes both the physical and social health of all people. It is an affront to human dignity.”Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary-General.


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development

Terkait dengan hal itu, dan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang tentang Pemerintah Daerah No. 32 Tahun 2004 bahwa pemerintah daerah bertanggungjawab penuh untuk memberikan pelayanan dasar kepada masyarakat di daerahnya masing-masing, termasuk pelayanan air minum dan sanitasi. Meski demikian, pengejawantahan tanggung jawab ini terasa belum optimal, khususnya di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena masih adanya ego sektoral yang menyurutkan upaya yang terkoordinasi untuk mencapai layanan yang ideal. Selain itu pendekatan berbasis masyarakat belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan konsekuen. Hal ini barangkali terjadi karena belum menjadi landasan kebijakan bagi para pengambil keputusan di daerah ini. Akibatnya, keberlanjutan proyek tidak dapat dicapai secara optimal. Sarana dan prasarana telah terbangun di lapangan tidak dipelihara dengan baik sehingga tidak lagi berfungsi dan dapat dimanfaatkan lagi. Keadaan seperti ini bisa dimungkinkan terjadi karena masyarakat sebagai penerima manfaat belum diperankan secara optimal sebagai subyek pembangunan. Walaupun demikian, pengalaman pelaksanaan pembangunan penyediaan air dan sanitasi oleh Yayasan Pembangunan Citra Insan Indonesia (YPCII) di Desa Nanggerang, Desa Tangkil dan Desa Mekarsari, Kabupaten Sukabumi memberi pengalaman yang berbeda. Kegiatan ini memberikan inspirasi bahwa pendekatan pembangunan AMPL yang berbasis masyarakat dan berorientasi pada pemberdayaan membutuhkan ketekunan dan proses yang cukup lama. Misalnya di Desa Nanggerang mulai dilaksanakan Juli 2010 dan berakhir Juni 2012. Karena pada intinya pendekatan ini menekankan masyarakat sebagai subyek atau pelaku pembangunan yang pada hakekatnya adalah pengejawantahan dari demand responsive approach. Selain pelibatan penuh pihak pemerintah sebagai aktor yang mendampingi keberlanjutan. Pendekatan seperti yang telah dilaksanakan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi spirit dan dijelmakan oleh para pelaku pembangunan AMPL di 3 kabupaten ini, termasuk para mitra swasta yang didorong ikut berperan aktif dalam pembangunan AMPL pada semua tahapan kegiatan pembangunan AMPL. Baik pada tahap persiapan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan monitoring- evaluasi serta tindak lanjutnya. Sementara ini disadari bahwa amanat UU Perseroan Terbatas No.40/2007 khususnya Pasal 74 menegaskan suatu perseroan terbatas wajib melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial belum dipahami oleh berbagai kalangan termasuk pemerintah. Hal ini sebenarnya merupakan potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk ikut mendorong pemenuhan layanan air minum dan sanitasi. Terutama bagi masyarakat miskin di perdesaan.



Dari latar belakang yang telah diuraikan diatas permasalahan yang dapat ditangkap utamanya adalah pencapaian target MDGs 7C sector air dan sanitasi yang belum optimal yang ditengarai dikarenakan:


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development

(1) Masih belum diprioritaskannya pembangunan di sektor AMPL yang salah satu indikasinya adalah masih rendahnya alokasi budget untuk pembangunan di sektor AMPL atau masih berkisar kurang dari 2% dari APBN; (2) Masih rendahnya koordinasi antar sektor yang berakibat pada terjadinya inefisiensi pembangunan sektor AMPL sehingga kurang efektif dalam pencapaian target layanan termasuk dalam pengelolaan sistem informasi datanya (3) Belum adanya visi dan dokumen rencana pembangunan AMPL yang terformulasi dengan jelas dan terarah yang dapat dipakai sebagai acuan bersama bagi para pelaksanan pembangunan AMPL di daerah termasuk bagi sektor swasta, (4) Masih rendahnya swasta potensial yang diikut sertakan dalam pembangunan AMPL khususnya di 3 kabupaten ini III.


Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dirumuskan diatas Yayasan Wahana Indonesia Membangun atau WIN-Development mengusulkan untuk melaksanakan upaya memperkuat kemitraan pihak swasta dengan 3 pemerintah kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi, yang disebut dengan “Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang, dan Sukabumi”. Program ini sebagai sasaran antara untuk mendorong akselerasi pencapaian akses pemenuhan layanan AMPL untuk masyarakat, khususnya bagi yang kurang mampu di 3 kabupaten tersebut.



Durasi waktu pelaksanan program ini diperkirakan akan memakan waktu selama 18 bulan atau 1,5 tahun V.




Program ini dimaksudkan untuk mewujudkan terjadinya akselerasi pencapaian target MDGs di 3 kabupaten tersebut melalui kemitraan multi pihak dalam rangka peningkatan akses masyarakat terhadap layanan air minum dan penyehatan lingkungan di 3 kabupaten tersebut Kemitraan multi pihak dapat dimengerti sebagai upaya untuk mengintegrasikan semua pihak yang peduli dan melakukan tindakannya pada landasan visi yang sama dalam pembangunan AMPL. Dalam hal ini adalah satu komitmen untuk mencapai target MDGs 7C. Dalam kaitan ini, lebih difokuskan pada peran pihak swasta potensial agar lebih aktif dalam pembangunan AMPL di 3 kabupaten ini. 2.


Adapun tujuan dari program ini yang terdiri dari 3 keluaran (out-put) adalah sebagai berikut:


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development

2.1. Keluaran 1: Tersedianya perencanaan pembangunan AMPL yang strategis dan komprehensip Indikator: • Data terkait sektor AMPL yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan untuk penyusunan rencana strategis AMPL dan data dasar di 3 kabupaten tersebut tersedia pada akhir bulan 1 program, Data meliputi data cakupan layanan AMPL, kelembagaan yang ada, dan data terkait lainnya. • Dokumen-dokumen perencanaan di sektor AMPL yang telah, sedang atau akan disusun di 3 kabupaten tersebut terkumpul pada bulan 1 program, • Dokumen-dokumen perencanaan yang ada tereview bersama dengan semua stakeholder, pada pertengahan bulan 2 program, • Lokakarya pembentukan Pokja AMPL (apabila belum ada Pokja AMPL) terselenggara dan terdokumentasi dalam laporan, • Media koordinasi seperti Pokja AMPL di 3 kabupaten tersebut (apabila belum ada) terbentuk dan di SK kan • Lokakarya formulasi Renstra AMPL terselenggara dan terdokumentasi dalam laporan, (terlaksana di tingkat provinsi dan 3 kabupaten) • Renstra AMPL terformulasi, disepakati dan legal di 3 kabupaten tersebut, • Masalah dan potensi AMPL desa di 3 kabupaten lokasi program terpetakan dan terdokumentasi, 2.2. Keluaran 2: Terformulasinya kebijakan dan mekanisme kemitraan multi pihak di masing-masing 3 kabupaten, Indikator: • Lembaga mitra, baik swasta/CSR maupun NGO (Nasional dan/atau Internasional) yang berminat dalam pengembangan AMPL di 3 kabupaten teridentifikasi dan terdokumentasi, • Draft konsep kerjasama multi-pihak di masing-masing 3 kabupaten terformulasi, • Lokakarya Membahas Konsep Kerjasama multi-pihak terselenggara dan terdokumentasi dalam laporan (terlaksana di tingkat provinsi dan 3 kabupaten, 2.3. Keluaran 3: Terwujudnya dukungan berbagai pihak termasuk pihak swasta terhadap peningkatan pelayanan AMPL Indikator: • Lokakarya Multi Pihak terselenggara dan terdokumentasi dalam laporan, • MOU kerjasama pihak swasta tertentu (CSR dan/atau NGO nasional atau internasional) dengan pemerintah kabupaten di 3 kabupaten lokasi program terformulasi dan legal


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development

VI. KEGIATAN YANG DIUSULKAN Berdasarkan keluaran dan indikator yang dirumuskan di atas maka kegiatan terkait dengan upaya untuk mendorong terwujudkan kerjasama multi-pihak, khususnya mendorong peran swasta dalam pembangunan AMPL di 3 kabupaten itu, diusulkan kegiatannya adalah sebagai berikut: 1.


Assessment, dalam rangka memperoleh informasi/data terkait AMPL kepada para SKPD. Dokumen dan persepsi akan dicari dan digali kepada para SKPD. Dilaksanakan di masing-masing kabupaten (Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi), 1 kali kegiatan, selama 5 hari,. Lokakarya Pembentukan (atau Refresher) Pokja AMPL, yang dilaksanakan atas dasar perolehan (masukan dari assessment yang dilakukan sebelumnya. Dilaksanakan di masing-masing kabupaten (Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi), masing-masing dilaksanakan 1 kali, selama 3 hari, dengan peserta 30 – 40 orang.


Pendampingan daerah dalam rangka pembentukan Pokja khususnya dalam mengawal legalitas atau peng-SK-an Pokja AMPL. Dilaksanakan di semua kabupaten lokasi program. Dilaksanakan selama waktu kontrak. i


Lokakarya Penyusunan Dokumen Perencanaan AMPL (Renstra, Roadmap, Mapping Potensi dan lain sebagainya) di masing-masing kabupaten. Dilaksanakan 2 kali, a’ 3 hari, peserta 30 - 40 orang,


Pendampingan daerah dalam rangka Penyusunan Dokumen Perencanaan. Dilaksanakan selama waktu kontrak,


Lokakarya Finalisasi Penyusunan Dokumen Perencanaan AMPL, dilaksanakan di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bandung. Dilaksanakan 1 kali, selama 3 hari, dengan peserta 30 -40 orang


Pendampingan daerah dalam rangka legalisasi Dokumen Perencanaan AMPL Daerah (Renstra, Roadmap, dan lain sebagainya). Dilaksanakan selama waktu kontrak.


Assessment Calon Mitra Swasta Potensial (seperti CSR, NGO dan lain dan lain sebagainya). Dilaksanakan 1 kali, selama 5 hari


Pendampingan daerah untuk penyusunan draft kerjasama multi pihak. Dilaksanakan selama waktu kontrak.

10. Lokakarya Daerah untuk Membahas Konsep Multi Pihak, diikuti oleh 3 kabupaten diselenggarakan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Dilaksanakan 1 kali, selama 3 hari, dengan peserta 30 – 40 orang 11. Lokakarya Multi Pihak yang diikuti oleh pihak swasta seperti CSR, NGO Internasional/Nasional dan lain sebagainya. Diselenggarakan di Provinsi Jawa Barat di Bandung. Dilaksanakan 1 kali, selama 3 hari, dengan peserta 30 – 40 orang 12. Pendampingan para swasta yang berkomitmen untuk menindak lanjuti (action) di lapangan. Dilaksanakan selama masa kontrak.


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development



Agar maksud dan tujuan yang telah terformulasi dapat diwujudkan dengan nyata, maka beberapa metode dan cara yang akan dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut: 1.

Pengorganisasian Proyek/Program Koordinator Proyek




Penanggung Jawab

Penanggung Jawab

Penanggung Jawab

Petugas Admin

Petugas Admin

Petugas Admin

Fasilitator-fasilitator Lokakarya/Pelatihan/ Pendampingan Per aktifitas 2 orang


Fasilitator-fasilitator Lokakarya/Pelatihan/ Pendampingan Per aktifitas 2 orang

Fasilitator-fasilitator Lokakarya/Pelatihan/ Pendampingan Per aktifitas 2 orang

Peran dan Tugas Pelaksana

2.1 Koordinator Proyek (1 orang): • Berperan mengkoordinir personil, • Mengkonsolidasikan pelaporan proyek • Sebagai perantara untuk mengkomunikasikan hal-hal yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan proyek kepada pihak peminta jasa Perhitungan kerja man/month 2.2 Penanggungjawab Kabupaten ( 1 orang di masing-masing kabupaten) • Bertanggungjawab terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan program yang dilaksanakan di masing-masing kabupaten. • Memastikan waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masing-masing kabupaten. • Menjalin hubungan/komuniakasi dengan pihak terkait di kabupaten Perhitungan kerja man/month


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development

2.3 Petugas administrasi dan pesuruh (2 orang setiap kabupaten) • Bertanggung jawab untuk pengadministrasian kegiatan yang dilakukan di masingmasing kabupaten, • Membantu mempersiapkan tempat lokakarya, pelatihan, dan lain sebagainya Perhitungan kerja man/month

2.4 Fasilitator (2 orang setiap kali kegiatan) Fasilitator adalah petugas yang akan memberikan fasilitasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang direncanakan di masing-masing kabupaten lokasi proyek, dengan area tanggungjawab: • Mempersiapkan TOR lokakarya, pelatihan, dampingan dan lain sebagainya, • Memimpin fasilitasi lokakarya, dampingan, dan lain sebagainya • Menyusun laporan kegiatan yang difasilitasi Perhitungan kerja man/day 3.

Tempat Untuk efektifitas pelaksanaan disetiap kabupaten lokasi proyek perlu disediakan tempat (Posko) yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana pertemuan sebelum ada dan setelah acara fasilitasi dilaksanakan. Selain itu sebagai kantor kecil bagi Penanggung Jawab Kabupaten dan Tenaga Adminsitrasi. Sekalian sebagai tempat sekiranya pihak setempat menghendaki konsultasi.


Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Pencatatan dilaksanakan pada setiap saat diperlukan khususnya ketika kegiatan dilaksanakan. Sementara untuk pelaporan program akan dilakukan setiap bulan, kuartalan, semesteran dan laporan akhir program. Sedangkan untuk laporan keuangan akan dilaporkan setiap bulan.

VIII. SASARAN KEGIATAN/PROGRAM Sasaran langsung dari program ini adalah masyarakat yang belum terlayani oleh air dan sanitasi sebesar % dari seluruh jumlah penduduk yang berada di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Sasaran tidak langsung adalah para pihak yang terkait di tingkat Kabupaten, Provinsi dan Pusat.Seperti Pokja AMPL, SKPD terkait, mitra swasta dan lain sebagainya. Namun khusus untuk program ini fokus pada sasaran tidak langsung dalam kerangka membangun kondisi yang kondusif (enabling environment). Dengan harapan ketika program diluncurkan ke sasaran langsung para pihak sudah terkondisikan sebelumnya.


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development




USULAN ANGGARAN (seperti terlampir)


PERSONIL INTI (seperti terlampir)


PROFIL WIN-DEVELOPMENT (seperti terlampir)


Proposal Teknis

Program Kemitraan Multi Pihak dalam Pembangunan AMPL di Kabupaten Bogor, Subang dan Sukabumi disampaikan oleh: WIN-Development




PERSIAPAN 1. Pertemuan Pendahuluan/Negosiasi Kontrak 2. Penandatanganan kontrak 3. Mobilisasi tenaga, persiapan tempat & peralatan lainnya 4. Audiensi dengan Pemda setempat PELAKSANAAN 1. Asesmen ke SKPD di 3 Kab. 2.

Lokakarya Pembentukan Pokja/Refresher di 3 Kab.


Pendampingan Pembentukan Pokja/Legalitas Pokja di 3 kab.


Lokakarya Persiapan Penyusunan Renstra AMPL di 3 Kab.


Pendampingan Penyusunan Renstra AMPL di 3 Kab.


Lokakarya Final Penyusunan Renstra AMPL di 3 Kab.


Lokakarya Final Renstra AMPL di Provinsi, Bandung


Pendampingan legalitas Renstra AMPL


Asesmen ke calon Mitra Swasta

Pendampingan penyusunan draft konsep Multi Pihak di 3Kab Lokakarya Daerah Membahas Konsep Multi Pihak di 3 Kab. Lokakarya Multi Pihak diikuti oleh Swasta Potensial di 12. Bandung 13. Pendampingan ke Swasta u/ merealisir komitmennya PENCATATAN & PELAPORAN 1. Laporan bulanan 2. Laporan kuartal 3. Laporan semester 4. Laporan final





























x x x xxx xxxxx xxx xxxx


xx xxx

x xx



xx xxxx

10. 11.







x x






x x



x x









Overhead Cost 12%



Management fee 15% dari gaji/honor + Overheadcost



Sub Total






Perjalanan Dinas (Transportasi Lapangan & Perdiem)


Kegiatan-kegiatan lapangan (Asesmen, Lokakarya, dampingan dsbnya)


Sub Total

276,600,000 792,500,000 1,166,300,000




B. I



Komponen FIXED COST Gaji/honor 1. Koordinator Proyek 2. Penanggungjawab Kabupaten (Bogor, Sukabumi, Subang) 3. Admin Support 3. Facilitator untuk kegiatan * Assessment/Lokakarya/Pelatihan, 7 kegiatan * Pendampingan, 18 bulan a' 5 hari Sub Total Overhead Cost Management fee 15% dari Sub Total + Overheadcost Total REIMBURSABLES Biaya Kantor 1. Sewa Posko/Kantor di lapangan 2. Komunikasi 3. Komputer + Printer 4. Alat tulis/foto copy Sub total Perjalanan Dinas 1. Transportasi lapangan 1.1. Koordinator Proyek 1.2. Penanggungjawab Kabupaten (3 kabupaten) ke lapangan 1.3. Fasilitator ke kegiatan dan dampingan 2. Perdiem 2.1. Koordinator Proyek 2.2. Penanggungjawab Kabupaten ke Bandung 2.3. Fasilitator ke kegiatan dan dampingan Sub total Kegiatan-kegiatan 1. Assessment 1.1. Ke SKPD, Legislatif, dan Pimpinan Daerah Pertemuan awal, menggali info, dan membahas hasil 1. 2. Assessment ke swasta di Jakarta/Bandung/Kabupaten 3. Pelatihan/Lokakarya/Pertemuan 3.1. Lokakarya Pembentukan Pokja AMPL/Refresher a. Meal & lodging., 3 hr per kab, a' 40 org peserta b. Honor nara sumber pusat, 2 orang c. Honor nara sumber provinsi, 2 orang d. Biaya untuk kunjungan lapangan 3.2. Lokakarya Penyusunan Renstra AMPL, 2 kali pelaksanaan a. Meal & lodging, 3 hr per kali lokakarya, a' 40 org peserta



Satuan (Rp)

1 org 3 org 3 org

18 bln 18 bln 18 bln

18 54 54

20,000,000 8,000,000 5,000,000

2 org 2 org

75 hari 90 hari

150 180

2,000,000 2,000,000

12% 15%

3 3 3 3

ktr tlpn ktr ktr

6 trip 12 trip 2 trip

18 18 18 18

Total (Rp)

360,000,000 432,000,000 270,000,000 300,000,000 360,000,000 1,722,000,000 206,640,000 289,296,000 2,217,936,000

bln bln bln bln

54 54 54 54

500,000 300,000 750,000 250,000

27,000,000 16,200,000 40,500,000 13,500,000 97,200,000

18 bln 18 bln 18 keg

250,000 100,000 250,000

27,000,000 21,600,000 9,000,000

400,000 500,000 400,000

72,000,000 15,000,000 132,000,000 276,600,000

36 kali 6 kali 2 orang

5 hari 5 hari 165 hari

108 216 36 0 180 30 330

6 pert

30 psrt



9,000,000 -

360 12 12 3

400,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000

144,000,000 30,000,000 24,000,000 6,000,000




40 2 2 3

org org org kab

40 org

9 6 6 1

hr, 3hr per kab. (pax) hr, utk 3 kab hr, utk 3 kab kali, untuk transport

18 hr u 2 x lok. (pax)

b. Honor nara sumber pusat, 1 orang c. Honor nara sumber provinsi, 1 orang 3.3. Lokakarya Penyusunan Renstra (Final) di Bandung a. Meal & lodging, 3 hr 40 org peserta b. Honor nara sumber pusat, 1 orang c. Honor nara sumber provinsi d. Transport peserta e. Biaya untuk kunjungan lapangan 3.4. Lokakarya Daerah untuk Bahas Konsep Multi Pihak di 3 Kab. a. Meal & Lodging, 3 hr per kab, a' 40 org peserta b. Honor Nara sumber Pusat c. Honor Nara Sumber Provinsi 3.5. Lokakarya Multi Pihak (mengundang pihak swasta) a. Meal & Lodging, 3 hari untuk 40peserta b. Honor Nara Sumber Pusat c. Honor Nara Sumber Provinsi 4. Pendampingan-pendampingan Pertemuan-pertemuan untuk meals Sub Total Grand Total

1 org 1 org 40 1 2 40 1

org org org org kali

3 hr u 1 x lok di 3 kab 3 hr u 1 x lok di 3 kab 3 2 1 1 1

hr, (pax) hr hr trip trip

3 3

2,500,000 2,000,000

7,500,000 6,000,000

120 2 2 40 1

500,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 500,000 2,500,000

60,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 20,000,000 2,500,000 144,000,000 15,000,000 6,000,000 60,000,000 2,500,000 4,000,000 -

40 org 2 org 1 org

9 hr, 3 hr per kab (pax) 3 hr, di 3 kab 3 hr, di 3 kab

360 6 3

400,000 2,500,000 2,000,000

40 org 1 org 2 org

3 hr, (pax) 1 hr 1 hr

120 1 2

500,000 2,500,000 2,000,000



3 kali

18 bulan

27,000,000 792,500,000 3,384,236,000

CV Nugroho Tomo



Nugroho Tomo 14 July 1954 Indonesian Perumahan Taman Century 2, Jl. Tanjung IV/Blok K14, Pekayon, Bekasi 17148, Indonesia 6221-8271102; mobile phone 0812 960 5217

[email protected] • •

• • •

Has experience for more than 20 years working in the area of Water and Sanitation Sector that includes managing its personnel, policy formulation as well as budgeting. Those all happened when he worked with Yayasan Indonesia Sejahtera, CARE International Indonesia, and WASPOLA Has experience focusing in CLTS/STBM for more than 5 years especially in the area of training, workshops, and other related capacity building activities when he worked as independent consultant In additional he also has capacity in developing scaling-up proposal for Grobogan’s CLTS, Community Based Total Sanitation (STBM’s) technical manual book, editing of translated bahasa for Kamal Kar’s CLTS Hand Book, and other related matters. These were done when he worked with PLAN Indonesia Has experience work with several organizations in Timor Leste such as World Vision International (as facilitator MPA-PHAST ); CONCERN (Social Mobilization Training); and East Timor Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (as CLTS Consultant) Has experience in conducting micro-finance program when he worked as a board of directors member Yayasan Karya Mandiri Indonesia (YKMI), a local NGO, that is based in Pacitan, East Java In total he has 30 years extensive experience work in the area of non-profit organization, particularly on the field of community development program


Doktorandus (Drs) degree, equivalent to bachelor) in International Relation Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta passed in 1981 Diploma degree in English language in Extension Course of the Institute of Education and Sciences Sanatha Dharma, Yogyakarta passed in 1977


Participation in training/workshops on the certain topics of community development program such as child survival, basic education, primary health care, achievement motivation training (AMT), MPA-PHAST, water and sanitation, environment and so on. The training/workshops attended are mostly conducted at national level, but several of them are done in abroad e.g. USA (4 times), the Philippines (3 times), Thailand (2 times), and Egypt.


Involving and responsible in designing CLTS Scaling-up project; Social Mobilization Training; MPA/PHAST; Regular Workshops on Implementing National Policy on WSES Community Base Training; Capacity Building for Field Facilitator’s; CLTS (Community Led Total Sanitation) for Lectures and Students of Tirtayasa University; and other related training/workshops. This involvement also includes to facilitate all those mentioned training. The training/workshops were requested by several NGO such as RWSSP Timor Leste, PCI, PLAN, WVI-Timor Leste, CONCERN Timor Leste, WASPOLA and Government of Indonesia.


English (moderate) Indonesia (fluent)


Indonesia & Timor Leste



TO: present ( intermitten basis with 150 working days per FY) Water and Sanitation –East Asia and the Pacific (WSP-EAP), World Bank Office, Jakarta Local Government Capacity Building Specialist in Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning Project (WASPOLA) focusing on local capacity building of water and sanitation working group that includes in developing WATSAN local policy formulation, WSES strategic planning, facilitating in Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing (TSSM), etc. In coordination with the WASPOLA team leader and project coordinator to design local capacity building training/workshops. Develop training needs assessment for other related activities and preparing proceedings of related training and workshops. This WASPOLA Project is funded by AusAID through WSP-EAP World Bank, Jakarta.

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CV Nugroho Tomo


TO: 5 December 2009 East Timor Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP) CLTS Specialist The specialist will support and facilitate the following activities (1) Primary Facilitation of CLTS trainings: (a) at least 2 training of Facilitators (6 days each); (b) at least 2 orientation programs (2 days each); and (c) at least 1 Training of Trainers (3 days each); (2) Support to build a CLTS Master Trainer Team. The consultant will work closely with the RWSSP Sanitation Advisor and the training institution to build a CLTS Master Trainer Team (CLTS-MTT).


TO: 30 June 2008






Project Concern International Consultant for CLTS (Community Led Total Sanitation) in Nabire, Papua. Designing and conduct triggering around of 5 – 10 kampongs or hamlets at the targeted project areas by CLTS method. Shared ideas, experiences, and skills on triggering to Field Facilitators (FF) of PCI Nabire in term of improving skill of those FFs. In additional was also to improve of concern to CLTS for government extension workers especially health sector personnel.

TO: 31 May 2005 (for an effective of 4 months period of work or 120 days)

Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines Local Consultant for Integration of Poverty Considerations Into Decentralized Education Management – TA 3957-INO The local consultant assist the team leader in undertaking all activities including prepare and designing the participatory poverty studies and conducting the study, preparing training modules and conducting the training for key stakeholders, and preparing its guidelines.

TO: 31 April 2004

The British Council, Jakarta, Indonesia Implementation Specialist – Central Java for Decentralized Senior Secondary Education Project , ADB Project TA-4239-INO; Regional Network Consultant for Central Independent Monitoring Unit (CIMU) on Scholarship and Block grant Project (SGP) and School Improvement Grant Project (SIGP) of Social Safety net Program Design and conduct monitoringb tools for provincial and district level during TA implementation, aiming at, but not limited to, the development of district proposal and cost-sharing arrangements of districts in the project; Designing monitoring and evaluation concept that to be implemented for SGP and SIGP project areas and worked with the Regional Independent Monitors (RIMs) and report to the CIMU Team Leader.

TO: December 2000

CARE International Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia Chief Representative West Nusatenggara Field Office; Program Co-ordinator for Environmental Education and Media Development; Human Resources Development Consultant; Provincial Management Advisor (PMA) on Water and Sanitation for Low Income Community (WSLIC) in the province of North Sulawesi; Chief Representative of East Java Field Office Co-ordinate all field office related project design, planning, administration, program implementation and evaluation as well as reporting for all project implemented at field office level; Responsible for overall management of CARE International Indonesia's Environmental Education and Media Development (EEMD) project, including project design, co-ordination of project activities in CARE International Indonesia; Develop concept and manual as well as implementation of HRD for all CARE International Indonesia staff; and Assist the client, Provincial Co-ordination Team; on managing this project relates to strengthen water user groups

TO: April 1991

Yayasan Indonesia Sejahtera, Solo, Central Java Coordinator, monitoring and evaluation division; Coordinator, community health development program division; Staff, small NGO development program division; Team Leader, research team; Staff, training department Coordinate (including design and implementing) monitoring and evaluation of all YIS’ program; Coordinate implementation of community health program including monitoring and reporting; Designing, implement and supervise project development program that included its monitoring that carried out based on regular basis and also under government or non-government request; As a training facilitator for either regular or on request YIS’s training program that focusing on community development Member of writer board of bi-monthly magazine “Asyik”. This magazine was a learning material for elementary school students at grade 4 – 6 on the main topic of environmental education. This was issued by CARE page 2 of 3

CV Nugroho Tomo International Indonesia. My involvement was when I coordinated the CARE’s program called EEMD (Environmental Education and Media Development) since 1996 to 2000. Coordinating on book 3 for operating national policy on community base WSES development. This guidance book is published by National Working Group on WSES that chaired by BAPPENAS and in collaboration with WASPOLA , May 2008 Develop technical manual book on Community Based Total Sanitation in which this assignment was under PLAN contract for the Ministry of Health, July – September 2011


Present Yayasan Wahana Indonesia Membangun (WIN-Development) Executive Director Managing all of aspect management of this organization that includes personnel, finance, and administration. Negotiation with other organization such as developing collaboration is also his area of work.


Present Yayasan Karya Mandiri Indonesia (YKMI), based in Pacitan, East Java Head of Board of Directors To formulate and direct the policy of this institution especially in the area of micro finance at this present time since 1998.


1. Jesse Shapiro, Water and Sanitation Advisor, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, Marshall Island, Telp. (692)455 0894, email: [email protected] 2. Gary Swisher, Task Team Leader WASPOLA, mobile 62811195367, [email protected] 3. Eka Setiawan, WASH Program Manager PLAN-Indonesia, Mobile: +6281375700199, email: [email protected] 4. Iskandar, Independent Consultant, mobile: +62811914065, email: [email protected]


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief this bio-data correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experiences, I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.


Date of signing: 12/03/12

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Ir. Udi Maadi


Date of Birth


September 29, 1961


Address & Email


Jl. Sindangkasih No. 11 Antapani, Bandung, 40291 Ph. +62227217492; Cellphone. +628158085243 [email protected]; [email protected]




Bachelor Degree, Planology, ITB, 1990.


Membership in Professional


Asosiasi Konsultan Pembangunan Permukiman


Indonesia (AKPPI)


Key Qualification





The majority of my experiences in the field of community base development and monitoring and evaluations.

- Training member of Basic Facilitation for AMPL-BM National Policy Implementation, WASPOLA Project - Training member of Lokalatih Penyusunan Renstra AMPL-BM (Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan Berbasis Masyarakat), WASPOLA Project - Trainer for TOT of Urban Poverty Project, Ministry of Kimpraswil, 2003 - Training member of Penyusunan Program Kerja, by Ministry of Housing and Settlement and UNDP (project INS-003), 1998. - Training member of Pengorganisasian Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Perumahan Bertumpu pada Kelompok., by ASPEK in cooperations with Ministry of Housing and Settlement, UNDP, AKPPI and SKEPPO-1, 1997. - Training member of Basic Training for Development Consultant, by Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembagan Permukiman (Pusat LITBANG Permukiman), Public Works in cooperations with Ministry of Housing and Settlement, UNDP, AKPPI, URDI (Regional Development Institute), 1997. - Training member of Management Koperasi Kredit, Bandung, by Badan Kerjasama Koperasi Kredit Daerah (BK3D) West Java, 1992. - Training member of Cooperative Housing Construction Management II, by Association Cooperative Settlement (ASPEK) in association with PT. Indeco de Unie, 1991.


Employment Record


Period of Duties Project Name Position

: : :

: November 2006-December 2011 (60 Months) WASPOLA 2 Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Pages 1 of 4

Company : Description of Duties :

WSP-EAP Monitoring and evaluation of the project performance; Designing impact evaluation study using qualitative methode; Designing web base MIS of project implementation; Designing part of data manajemen system for monev of water and sanitation sector.


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

July 2004-October 2006 (28 months) Urban Poverty Project (UPP) II Evaluation and Project Documentation Specialist PT. Amythas and Associates Implementation of UPP-2: monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation, conduct monitoring and supervision; Project preparation for UPP-3: developing manuals for implementation, project scheduling, developing TOR fo consulting services.


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

June 2003-June 2004 (13 months) Project Preparation of UPP2 (P2KP II) Evaluation and Project Documentation Specialist Ministry of Public Work – Individual Consultant monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation, conduct monitoring and supervision, technical assistance to the PMU of UPP, designing impact evaluation study for UPP2


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

December 2002-June 2003 (7 months) Project Preparation of UPP2 Project Preparation Specialist PT. Mitra Lingkungan Dutaconsult Preparing of the UPP-2 manual: general gudeline and technical guideline; preparing TOR for National Management Consultant and District Management Consultant; preparing Project Schedule Plan


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

August 2002-December 2002 (5 months) Revise of West Java Province Master Plan Project Urban and Regional Planning Specialist PT. Teknoplan Nusantara Consultant conduct evaluation and planning revisions of regional land use, developing criteria for priority development and sectoral development.


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

January 2002-June 2002 (6 months) Development of Public Good Governance Bappenas Project Project Preparation Specialist Bappenas – Individual Consultant conduct study of Public Good Governance, developing criteria of public good governance, developing project implementation plan.

Pages 2 of 4


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

August 2001-Februari 2002 (7 months) Sumatera Utara Shrimp Pond Planning Project Team Leader PT. Raya Consult conduct evaluation of the existing shrimp ponds areas, planning of shrimp ponds area, DED for pilot area, developing model concept for community base shrimp business development


Period of Duties Project Name

: :

July 1997-December 1997 (6 months) Settlement Development Project in the Jatiuwung industrial area - Tangerang Team Leader PT. Monekatama Selaras developing criteria for housing development, developing manuals of community organizing for community base housing development

Position : Company : Description of Duties :


Period of Duties Project Name

: :

Position : Company : Description of Duties :

January 1996-October 1996 (10 monts) Regional Water Suply System Planning for Central Regions of Indonesia Urban and Regional Planning Specialist Dept. of Public Work – Individual Consultant conduct Identification and assesment of water resources based on watershed, assesment of water suply demand, regionalization of water suply system planning


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

September 1994-December 1995 (16 months) Urban Land Use and GIS Botabek Project Urban planning specialist PT. Monekatama Selaras & PADCO Inc. designing categorization of land use, preparing manuals for land use surveys, implement training to govervment aparatus for using and updating


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: August 1994-March 1995 (8 months) : Detail Plan of Situ Cipondoh Area - Tangerang : Team Leader : PT. Monekatama Selaras : conduct detail plan of situ Cipondoh


Period of Duties Project Name

: :

August 1994-February 1995 (7 months) Project of PDAM Business Improvement and Performance Improvement of PDAM Kab. Sumbawa - NTB Position : Institutional Development specialist Company : PT. Monekatama Selaras Description of Duties : Assesment staff capasities, designing and implement training need assesment, implement training to the PDAM staffs in Sumbawa, BPAM Plampang, Empang and Jereweh. Pages 3 of 4


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

August 1993-February 1994 (7 months) Performance Improvement of PDAM Kab. Gianyar, Bali Institutional Development and GIS Specialist PT. Monekatama Selaras developing GIS using Mapinfo of pipe distributions systems, assesment of staff capasities, designing and implement training need assesment, implement training to the PDAM staffs


Period of Duties Project Name Position Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

May 1992-July 1993 (15 months) DED for Regional Water Suply System of Kab. Majalengka Urban planning specialist PT. Monekatama Selaras conduct evaluation of spatial planning of Kab. Majalengka, assesment of water demands, designing alternatives for integrated regional water suply systems


Period of Duties Project Name Position Held Company Description of Duties

: : : : :

August 1991-March 1992 (8 months) Cirebon District Master Plan Project Team Leader PT. Teknoplan Nusantara Consultant planning of regional land use and priority development and sectoral development, transportation system and RPJM.






Speaking Mother Tongue Good

Reading Mother Tongue Good

Writing Mother Tongue Good

Date : February, 2011

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CV Wiwit Heris



Wiwit Wahyuning Heris Mandari


.August 15, 1967




Menteng Square Apartement, Tower B 15th Jl. Matraman Raya no. 30E Jakarta Mobile phone 08164260809, 08111909912 -


[email protected], [email protected]

With vast experience in training and facilitating, communication strategy, promotion, social marketing and advocacy for more than 15 years. She was training and community development manager in SAV PUSKAT Yogyakarta until 2002, and 2004 start to be director in training and communication institution that called S.P.E.A.K Indonesia (Strategi Pengkajian Edukasi Komunikasi Alternatif ) based in Jakarta. Since 2006, she worked as communication and gender consultant in WASPOLA (Water & Sanitation Policy and Action Plan) under World Bank and BAPPENAS, and facilitated in series of training and event related CLTS and STBM with some projects under Pokja AMPL. During her career she developed many training methodology in facilitating of community development, gender awareness, communication strategy, media and also TV/Radio broadcasting training. So she familiar with developing curriculum,, training design. methodology, training organizing, facilitating and tutorial. The most recent work of hers is to develop Communication, Advocacy and Networking Strategy for Water and Sanitation, including enhancing capacity on that matters to local government and also stakeholders, deal with legislative and media relation in some provinces and distict. she also training expert and facilitator capacity building program for water and sanitation sector, including gender mainstreaming in this sector.

EDUCATION She’s a post graduate program on Communication Management - Political Communication from the University of Indonesia in 2007. This program focus on Communication Management for political and governmental communication. Wiwit also graduated from Education Technology & Curriculum, University of Yogyakarta in 1991. This program study focus on Curriculum Development and media learning materials in education.


    

She participated on 10-step Promotion Toolkits of Water and Sanitation Service Expansion in Bangkok, Thailand, training conducted by ECO Asia/USAID She participated and facilitating on Intercity Workshop on Urban Sanitation Approach, Bangkok under WSP/World Bank, Bangkok, Thailand, April 2008 Participated on CLTS Training for Water and Sanitation conducted by WSP EAP- World Bank in Semarang, 2007 Participated on STBM Workshop conducted by Heath Ministry and Pokja AMPL in Jakarta, May 2010 Participated on Water and Sanitation Communication Strategy Workshop for Water and page 1 of 5

CV Wiwit Heris

 


   

          

Sanitation conducted by WSP EAP- World Bank. in Bangkok, Thailand, 2007 Participated on Gender Empowerment Workshop that conducted by UNESCO Asia, in Mataram Indonesia, 1999 Participants of Summer Training Course for Community Development for social worker in Asian Social Institute, Manila Philippines, March – May, 1992

Facilitator & trainer in some STBM series workshop from STBM roadmap, STBM participatory monev and STBM RAD Development under WIN Development and PLAN Indonesia in Centre of Java (Grobogan) and NTT ( SOE and Kefamenanu), in 2009-2011 Researcher in STBM strategy in Urban Area related Formative Research under High Five Program, Jop Hopkins University/USAID in three cities (Medan, Surabaya, Makasar), in 2011-2012 General Secretary for Indonesia Watsan Networking (Jejaring AMPL) which focus on develop in communication, advocacy and synergy among AMPL stakeholders in Indonesia, since 2011 until 2014 Main Instructor/facilitator of 10-Step Promotion toolkits in water and sanitation sector in several PDAM’s in Indonesia, including some PDAM’s that have wastewater sewerage system or septage management, under SPEAK Indonesia and ECO Asia/USAID Bangkok, 2010-2011 Develop design 6 (six) of kind of training communication, customer service and public relation for water utility (PDAM) base on competency, under SPEAK Indonesia with cooperation with YPTD- PAMSI, 2011-2012 Trainer and motivator for some motivation and team building activities for some institution, for example HIVOS (October 2011) and IUWASH/USAID for Region Central Java (Maret 2012) Develop modules for PALYJA customer service awareness and communication capacity building program from staff, unit head, section head and management, 2011. And in 2012 coordinate and trainer for PALYJA customer service awaraness training. Communication Advisor –Consultant in WASPOLA facility ( Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Implementation and Action Plan), under WSP-EAP/ World Bank 2006-2011 Facilitator of Roadshow and Dissemination of PSPP ( Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman) for three region in Indonesia, Jan-Feb 2010 that is conducting by TTPS and WES Unicef Coordinator and facilitator on PPSP preparation on several activities Training need assesment, facilitator recruitment on three region , Training of Trainers (TOT) and Training of Facilitator, that was conducted by TTPS and WES Unicef , Okt-Dec 2009 Facilitator of CLTS Training conducted by Health Ministry and WASPOLA in Semarang, on 2007. Also lead public campaign event about CLTS in Pandeglang related MURI Award 2007 for CLTS activities Insructor/facilitator on in management regular training by Yayasan Pendidikan Tirta Dharma PAMSI for management and staff level. Teach about Advocacy, Communicatiion, public relation and customer service training, since 2003-2011 (until now) Facilitator and trainer on Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) for 10 university CKNET-members and stakeholder. Workshop was conducted by CKNet-Ina and Merdeka University on 19-25 July 2009 Facilitator on Sanitation Public Campaign and Education, that held by Dit.PLP, Public Work Departmen, May – August 2009 in Jakarta and Bengkulu Facilitator and trainer for water quality improvement to PDAM through Zona Air Minum Prima was concucted by BPPSPAM, Departemen Public Wiorks on 2008 and 2009 page 2 of 5

CV Wiwit Heris

   

Regular Workshops and technical assistant on Implementing National Policy on WSES Community Base for 62 WASPOLA’s assisted district within 9 provinces in Indonesia. This kind of workshops related on communication and advocacy in WSS Sector. Conducted by WASPOLA in 2006 till end of June 2009. This kind of workshop was organized by WASPOLA and/or related government agencies in collaboration with WSES national working group Training Expert and facilitator in Participatory Approach on Capacity Building Needs Assessment for the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project (UWSSP) in Ciamis and Jambi, WASAP B, World Bank, November-December 2008 Facilitator for Workshop of Intercity Sharing on Urban Sanitation Approach in East Asia, WSP-EAP/ World Bank, in Bangkok April 2008 Facilitator and trainer on Communication Strategy and Media Development for Sanitation, conducted by Tim Teknis Pembangunan Sanitasi and Water & Sanitation Networking (Jejaring AMPL) on 2008 Facilitator on City Summit of Indonesian Sanitation Sector Development Program in Den Pasar Bali on 2007 Facilitator on Water Supply Capacity Building Workshop, was conducted World Bank Institute on Communication strategy workshop, Non Revenue Water and Asset Management during 2 years on 2005-2006 and continued to technical assistant in some PDAM pilot Etc


TO: Januari 2012 High Five Program, CCPP-Jop Hopkins Researcher To develop the tools of formative research about STBM strategy in urban area, conducting desk review, implemented the research process in 3 (three) cities as pilot and reporting the result of research and presenting the STBM strategy in urban area workshop in National Level


TO: Juni 2012 S.P.E.A.K Indonesia Director To lead managerial and develop communication and capacity building program for institutions, community and clients that work on water and sanitation sector in Indonesia,as like as ministry/department, PDAMs, PD Pal, local governace, NGO’s and some others instititution.


TO: 30 Desember 2010 WASPOLA/ WSP-EAP/ World Bank Communication Development and Gender Strategy Consultant Project is a partnership activity led by the Government of Indonesia (GoI), facilitated by the World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program (WSP-EAP) with majority funding from the Australian Government’s AusAID. The scope of work is develop the communication strategy and Gender mainstreaming in WSS policy implementation during 5 years, including enhancing capacity on that matters to local government and also stakeholders, in some provinces, facilitating the building commitment , communication and advocacy strategy development in regional level ( provinces and regency) : Bangka Belitung, Sumatra Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara, Banten, Kebumen and SOE/TTS, Also developed and assisted on Watsan Networking (Jejaring AMPL in National level.

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CV Wiwit Heris


TO. 31 August 2009 BPPSPAM, Public Work Department


Consultant and Trainer for PDAMs on Water QualityImprovement. To train about communication Strategy in Water Supply for some workshop that conducted by BPPSPAM in Jakarta, Malang and Banjarmasin for PDAM’s (Water Utility) in Indonesia. Besides training, she also give technical assistant to some 5 (five) PDAMs to improve water drinking quality with the program water zone that’s called program Zona Air Minum Prima, develop in house training, communication with customer and stakeholders, preparing public campaign etc.


TO: 30 January 2009 (for an effective of 2 months period of work or 30 days) in UWSSP Program, WASAP B, World Bank .


The local consultant assist SWOT workshop activities including prepare the participatory process and building commitment of key stakeholders, and reporting the workshop process.


TO: 30 April 2008 ISSDP/ DHV Communication Development Strategy Consultant The consultant also develop CSS (City sanitation Strategy ) document on chapter 5 “ Communication and Social Marketing Strategy in City Sanitation Strategy (CSS) in six cities as a ISSDP Pilot Project as like as Blitar, Payakumbuh, Den Pasar, Surakarta and Jambi. The task is facilitated local government to develop CSS on chapter 5, including assessment, regional workshop, consultation, writing document, reporting and finalization


Facilitator and training specialist of workshop of Participatory Approach on Capacity Building Needs Assessment for the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project (UWSSP) in some PDAM’s.

 Book of “Building Commitment for Water and Sanitation Reformation, WASPOLA Lesson Learned Produced by Bappenas/Waspola/WSP/World Bank 2009, as a writer  Module of Gender mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resource Management, produced by CKNET-Ina, 2009, as a editor and writer  Book of Morality Communication for Children, Produced by Elex Media-Gramedia production, 2003 as writer  Modules of Clean Water Communication Strategy Through Woman Participation, Produced by US-AEP & PERPAMSI, 2003 as a writer.  Book of Group Dynamic on Participative Facilitating, Produced by Plan International, 2000 as a editor  Several Hand Out /paper of Televisi/Video , Radio Program and Community Media on 1995-2002 as a writer  Several video/TV production (more than 60 programs) broadcasted by Indosiar, SCTV, Trans TV and several video program and radio production for advocacy and communication materials, 1992-2002. Some of TV program ( more than 30 programs have broadcasted in TV Stations). She held job on TV program director, script writer and executive producer.

CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief this bio-data correctly describes my my experiences, I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualificatio

page 4 of 5

CV Wiwit Heris Date of signing:

20 June 2012


Dra. Wiwit W. Heris .Mandari M.Si

page 5 of 5

Dormaringan H. Saragih Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Ph : 021-82605522; MP: 0812-108-2760

PERSONAL DATA 1. Name 2. Place/Date of Birth 3. Address

: : :

4. 5. 6. 7.

: : : :

Phone Mobile phone E-mail Passport

Dormaringan H. Saragih Pematang Siantar, 13 May 1971 Jl. Cendana III Blok C-107 Perumahan Pondok Timur Indah – II Bekasi Timur-BEKASI 17510-INDONESIA +6221-82605522 +628121082760 [email protected]; [email protected] Indonesian, Oct 2013

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION • Facilitator/trainer with participatory approach, including : MPA-PHAST, CLTS, TSSM, asset management, community action plan, communication with community, etc. • Strategic planning development and medium term of development planning in WSS sector areas • Policy development, advocacy and local government capacity building, • Knowledge management, communication strategy and sector development networking, • Data management and monitoring, • Research/Study/Analysis, • Water supply and sanitation engineering for sustainable development and effective use (water treatment plan, pipe network, corporate business plan), • QUALIFICATIONS 1. Education


: 2011: Graduated Master of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia : 1995: Bachelor of Environmental Engineering , Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Languages Proficiency:  Indonesia  English  Batak Tobaness (local language)  Simalunguness (local language  Javaness (local language)

: Mother tongue : Good : Excellent : Excellent : Good


Computer Proficiency:  Excellent: Ms Office (Ms-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Adobe Distiller, Ms-Project)  Water network program : EPANET 2.0


Related Member of Public/Professional Association: • International Water Integrity Network (based in UK, to promote transparency, accountability and anti-corruption in water sector). • Health Economic Professional Networking (e-networking) • Indonesia Environmental and Sanitation Engineer Association (IATPI) • National Water and Sanitation Networking (NGO, Government and Private, Univ., etc) • Indonesia Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Working Group (composed of the National Planning Agency, Department of Public Works, Department of Health, Department of Home Affairs, Ministry of Environmental).



Curriculum Vitae-2012

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Dormaringan H. Saragih Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Ph : 021-82605522; MP: 0812-108-2760

International-level: Participate in many international level trainings/conferences: such as: Third East Asia Ministerial Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene (EASAN)-2012; Rural Sanitation Development Program and Sanitation Marketing, participants from 8 countries in East Asia- 2011; Health Economic and Universal Coverage Workshop, Seoul, South Korea-2010; Inter-country workshop on Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) for WSS sector, (WHO-Unicef-GOI)- 2009; Monitoring and Evaluation of WSS sector, (World Bank), Jakarta-2009; Anti Corruption in Water Sector, Water Integrity Network (WIN)-IBON PhilippineTransparency International, Manila, Philippine-2008; Household Water Treatment Conference, (UnicefMOH), Jakarta-2008; Business Plan Development and Capacity Building (WSP-EAP), Cambodia (2010), Thailand (2008,2007, 2004),Indonesia (2006), China (2005); Communication Development for Sector Reform, (World Bank-AusAID-WSP), Bangkok-2006; World Bank Orientation Course for New Staff Working in Water Sector, include VC 8 countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Kenya, Uganda, Honduras, Pakistan, WB-HQ/Washington- 2005; Southeast Asia Water Forum, (an international event collaboration-managed by GWP-ADB-JBIC-WB), Bali-2005; Ecological Sanitation, Guilin China-2005; and Water Week Conference and WSP Capacity Building Training , Washington, 2005 National level: Participate in many national level trainings/conferences, which managed by World Bank, USAID, AusAID, UNICEF, WSP, GTZ, WBI, GWP, Plan International, and so on; some of them are: WASH Coordination in Disaster, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, 2011; Budget For Performing-Modernizing Public Financial Management, (World Bank/WB-IMF-OECD-APIK-GOI), Jakarta 2008; Asset Management Assessment Program in Water and Sanitation Sector, 2008; Indonesia Water Forum/Nusantara Water, Jakarta, 2004/2008; Climate Change and Water Resource (World Bank InstitutePerpamsi), Jakarta 2008; Enhancing communication skill for sector policy reform, Yogyakarta, 2007; Asset Management Training for Water Service Development, (WBI), Jakarta, Oct 2006; Upstreamdownstream water resource management, Semarang 2007; Communication and Public Relation Training for Water and Sanitation Practitioner, Jakarta, (GTZ), August 2006; Training Project Monitoring and Project Completion Report (World Bank), Jakarta, April 2006; Integrated Water Resources Management, (Global Water Partnership/GWP–Indonesia Water Partnership/KAI), Jakarta April, 2006; Total Sanitation Campaign (TSM) Training, (Plan International-NGO), Kebumen, Indonesia, Feb. 2006; Strategic Planning of Water and Sanitation Development, Makasar, 2007; Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Training, Indonesia 2005 (WSP-EAP) with Kamal Kar facilitator ; MPA-PHAST training for community development, (WSP), Bogor, 2004; and Participatory Approaching Training (MPA-PHAST), (WSP),Solo, Indonesia, 2002 EMPLOYMENT RECORD  UNICEF Jakarta, Urban Water, Water and Sanitation Officer, Apr 2011-Sept 2012  The World Bank- Water and Sanitation Program, October 2002 – March 2011  PT. Pundi Kencana Mas, private company of water and sanitation, Jakarta, May 2001-Sept 2002  PT.Intikarsa Adimandiri, consultant firm of water and sanitation, Jakarta, July 1997 – Apr 2001  PT. Indra Karya, state-owned consultant firm, (based Irian Jaya), January 1995 – June 1997  PT. Tirta Dharma, private consultant firm, Yogyakarta, March 1994 – December 1994 WORK/CAREER EXPERIENCE Temporary/Freelance Support 1. Plan International (Int. NGO), Facilitator and resource person for Plan International’s trainings/workshops, include: Strategic Planning for WSS Development, Proposed-Project Design Discussion/Simavi (2009-2010). 2. ProAir-GTZ, Facilitator and resource person on ProAir’s trainings on WSS Strategic Planning (2008)

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Dormaringan H. Saragih Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Ph : 021-82605522; MP: 0812-108-2760

3. UNICEF (WES), Facilitator and resource person for Unicef’s trainings: WSS Strategic Planning, Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for WSS Development, Data Management for WSS Development, Project Implementation Preparation (2008-2009). 4. World Vision (WVI), Study on Evaluation Water and Sanitation Development Program in District Flores Timur, NTT (2008). 5. ADB (CWSHP Project), Facilitator and resource person for CWSHP’s trainings: WSS Strategic Planning Development, Local Government Capacity Building (2009-2010).

Accomplished by Task Assignment: 1. April 2011-Sept 2012 (Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Officer, UNICEF Jakarta) Key Accomplished Outputs: Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing (TSSM) roadmap; national gathering on CLTS/TSSM key players on CLTS acceleration; key program manager workshop on sustainability and scaling up CLTS/TSSM approach; Develop DED and CAP Urban WASH Program Implementation in slum area in 2 locations in West Jakarta; study on potential private sector involvement in the clean and green urban WASH in slum Are Program in West Jakarta; advocacy to policy maker at city and village level; finalized and approved Local Regulation on Water and Sanitation Development at district level; US Ambassador visited and conducted a ground breaking for the water and sanitation facilities construction in urban slum area in Makasar City; Advocacy to the National Planning Agency on Minister participation in the High Level Meeting on Sanitation Water for All (SWA) New York; Design and advocacy WASH UNICEF strategic role in the East Asia Ministerial Conference on Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (EASAN)2012, WASH UNICEF Annual Work Plan 2011; Implementation WASH UNICEF Review and Vision 2012-2015; and monitoring report of WASH field office activity.

2. Sept 2009 – June 2010 (Coordinator of Sector Management for WASPOLA Program) Project : Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning (phase-2,) Institution/Firm : Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank Jakarta Key Accomplished Outputs: Documentation of CTLS implementation in various-model approach; CLTS/TSSM roadmap; module gender mainstreaming in WASH sector; training on participatory approach for data management and monitoring in WASH sector; capacity building to the national and local WSS Working Group members, such as: WASH strategic planning,; WASH budget analysis and MDG investment; national WASH network strengthening; develop knowledge management strategy to promote and strengthen WSS issues in district, provincial and national level through various communication channels. 3. July 2004 – June 2009 (Coordinator of Knowledge Management for WASPOLA Program) Project : Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning (phase-2,) Institution/Firm : Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank Jakarta Key Accomplished outputs: The first CLTS training in Indonesia by Mr. Kamal Kar facilitated; national wide dissemination and trainings on CTLS approach in Indonesia; facilitated MOH degree on CTLS/STBM approach in Indonesia; identifying stakeholder inputs for drafting the WASH national mid-term development planning in two provinces (Central Java and Southeast Sulawesi); capacity building to the community and local government on community-based WASH strategic planning development; study on outcome evaluation on community-based urban sanitation implementation (SANIMAS); study on WASH asset management (NAMPA); study on small scale independent water providers (SSWIP); facilitated drafting and completion the WASH UNICEF’s project implementation document (PID) and WASPOL’s Project Design Document (PDD); facilitate initiative on up-stream and down-stream water resource management; piloting, training and develop module for community-based water and sanitation monitoring system;

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Dormaringan H. Saragih Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Ph : 021-82605522; MP: 0812-108-2760

WASH communication development materials; facilitate knowledge management strategy for policy makers and program managers at local level; national facilitator on World Water Day (WWD), International Year of Sanitation (IYS), Global Hand Washing Day (GHD); Global Water and Sanitation Monitoring (GLAAS); Indonesia Water and Sanitation Conference (IWSC/KSAN); develop WASPOLA knowledge management products. 4. October 2002- June 2003 (District Facilitator and capacity building): Project : Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning-WASPOLA(phase-1) (based Sumbawa) Institution/Firm : Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank Jakarta Key Accomplished outputs: Developed WASH stakeholders communication forum, members are include: government programs, Plan International, IFAD-PIDRA, World Bank-NTAADP; World Bank-WSLIC, universities; local NGOs, etc; strengthening and capacity building on rural water supply and sanitation implementation; dissemination and training on low cost water supply and sanitation facilities; initiate join-monitoring for communitybased development in a mixed-project location in rural area, 5. May 2001-Sept 2002: PT. Pundi Kencana Mas (base Jakarta) Key Accomplished Outputs : Survey and identify potential locations for water supply investment in urban area; annual investment planning and report; company business service planning and monitoring; investment proposal of water service development to be presented and consulted to the Major, Governor and Local Parliament; detail engineering design of water supply system for approved investment planning in urban area; established 2 Joint-Operation private companies to manage water supply management in cities in West Java Province. 6. July 1997- Sept 2001 :

PT. Intikarsa Adimandiri Consultant Jakarta (Jakarta-based)

Key Accomplished Outputs: Feasibility study, detail design, supervision and monitoring of Water supply development in small town areas in 4 provinces in Sumatera island (ADB funded) and Papua province (World Bank funded); draft a 25 BOT (built operate transfer) scheme of water supply system in 4 cities; DED resettlement for the postconflict refugees in Ambon, Maluku; design self-reliance housing for industry labors; technical guideline of transmigration settlement development; study on formulation of government regulation on ecologicalprecondition assessment for settlement area; technical-guideline for water supply system development in rural’s water-scarcity area.

7. January 1995- June 1997 : PT. Indra Karya Consulting Engineers (based Jakarta) Key Accomplished Output: Study Watershed Management in Province Irian Jaya; developed field survey, water resources mapping, hydrological assessment, guideline of catchment area management, coordination LG and forestry stakeholders, institutional assessment and reporting; study on availability potential water resources in Province Irian Jaya, collecting data, assessment of dependable water flow, potential groundwater survey, water-needs projection sheet, and reporting. 8. January 1996- June 1997 : PT. Indra Karya Consulting Engineers (based Irian Jaya) Key Accomplished Outputs: Advisory service to PMU/PIUs-Irian Jaya water supply project (IBRD funded) in Jayapura; construction 12kms transmission and distribution pipe works, pipe bridge; training to local water enterprises; supervision to reservoir construction, pumping house, office, and house connection; training to community on save water initiative.

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Dormaringan H. Saragih Email : [email protected]; [email protected] Ph : 021-82605522; MP: 0812-108-2760

OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCES: • Network with at least 74 local working groups • Network with Jakarta-Based international and national NGOs • Participate in discussion on CLTS/TSSM-related study, such as: CLTS evaluation, outcome monitoring, CLTS in urban area; CLTS guideline; CLTS roadmap, CLTS verification, etc • Trainer and facilitator for water and sanitation development in community level PUBLICATION : • Article “Outcome monitoring of WSS policy implementation, a homework for policy implementation at local level”, prepared to be published by Percik Magazine, June 2009. • Article “10 million-House connection policy, why we need it”, submitted to Sinar Harapan, 2008 • Understanding of Urgency of International Year of Sanitation in Indonesia sanitation state, Percik Magazine, 2008 • Water history from silent spring to global spirit, Percik Magazine 2007 • Communication enhancing for local government, why they need it, Percik Magazine , 2007 • WASPOLA, from principle to action, Percik Magazine, 2006 • Ecological Sanitation, learning of global village in China, Percik Magazine, 2005 • MPA/PHAST an orientation training for water working group to understanding of participatory assessment, Percik Magazine, 2004 I certify that provided data and information is valid and responsibly. Jakarta, Oct 2012

Dormaringan H. Saragih References: 1.

Mr. Gary D. Swisher, WSP-Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, WASPOLA Task Team Leader WASPOLA Secretariat, Jl. Lembang No. 11 Menteng, Jakarta Indonesia Mobile Phone: +62811195367 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]


Mr. Nadaradjah Moorthy Chief of WASH UNICEF Jakarta Wisma Metropolitan II, 10Fl Jl. Sudirman Kav 29 Jakarta. Phone: +6221- 2996 8045 Mobile Phone: +62.8119109275 Email: [email protected]


Mr. Eka Setiawan Program Manager Plan Indonesia Country Office Menara Duta Building 2nd/6th fl Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B-9 Jakarta 12910 Phone: +6221-5229566 Mobile Phone: +6281210507344 Email: [email protected]

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Name of Firm Name of Expert Date of Birth Education




Membership of Professional Association


8. 9.

: : : : :

Freelance Consultant TEGUH SUMIYARSA 28 February 1960 Citizenship : Indonesian Bachelor in Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta – Central Java. Jln.Kediri Utama No:28 Bonorejo Rt 04 Rw 16 Nusukan, Banjarsari, Surakarta 57135 Central Java. Phone (0271)-735363. Mobile : 08122631588


  

PERSAHI ( Persatuan Sarjana Hukum Indonesia )

ASPPUK (Association for Women In Small Business Assistance) IIRR Philippines Social Worker Alumni.

Other Training : Training on Strategic Planning for City Facilitator, Solo, May 2007; Training on Methodology Participatory Assessment/Participation Hygiene & Sanitation Transformation (MPA/PHAST), Water & Sanitation Program, World Bank, Denpasar, 2002; • Training on Housing Development & Human Settlement Consultancy, Semarang – Central Java, November 1997; • Workshop on Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Participant of Credit Micro Project, Bandung – West Java, April 1997; • National Workshop Policy Development to Reach Self – Reliance of Community Group/Self Help Group, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, March 1997; • Workshop on Marketing and Small Enterprise Women Networking, YKTI, Jakarta, November 1996; • Workshop on Planning Monitoring Evaluation Dialogue Process (PME Dialogue) – Regional South East Asia Partners, Yayasan Indonesia Sejahtera, Solo, October 1996; • Workshop on Back – draw for the Members of Religious Leader in the Transformation Era, Jakarta, April 1995; • Training on Team Up, Surabaya – East Java, December 1994; • Workshop on Women Training Program, Peranan Wanita, Jakarta, October 1994; • Workshop on Banking with the Poor, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, September 1994; • National Dialogue on Rural Economy Development, Secretariate Bina Desa, January 1994; • NGO Informal Discussion dealing with Presidential Instruction of Underdeveloped Village Project (Inpres Desa Tertinggal), Bina Swadaya – Bina Desa – LP3ES – PDF – PK3LH – YIS & Ford Foundation, Bogor – West Java, November 1993; • Exposure Visit (Small Scale Enterprise) to NGOs and Government Institutions in Philippines, February 1993; • Workshop on Agrarian, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga – Central Java, April 1992; • Study on Rural Credit Program, NGO Development and Monitoring & Evaluation through Staff Exchange Program between YIS and International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in Silang Cavite, Philippines, 1991; • Training on Management of Non – Governmental Organization, IIRR Philippines – Yayasan Indonesia Sejahtera & Bina Swadaya, 1987. Countries of Work Experience : Indonesia Languages : Speaking Reading Writing English Good Good Good Indonesia Fluent Excellent Excellent • •

10. EMPLOYMENT RECORD From : 1988 Employer : Position Held :

To :

December 2006

From Employer Position Held

: March 2006 To : Dec 2006 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Head of Local Institutional Development

From Employer Position Held

: Feb 2002 To : March 2006 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Program Coordinator of Community Development in Health Program

From Employer Position Held

: July 2001 To : Jan 2002 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Program Coordinator of Community Development in Slump Areas in Surakarta Municipality


: Dec 2000

To :

July 2001 Teguh Sumiyarsa


Employer Position Held

: YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Program Coordinator of Community Development of Polewali Mamasa District, South Sulawesi Province

From Employer Position Held

: Jan 1999 To : Dec 2000 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Manager of Community Strengthening Program

From Employer Position Held

: Oct 1992 To : May 1999 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Manager of Self Help Groups and Small Enterprise Development Unit/Rural Credit Scheme

From Employer Position Held

: June 1989 To : Sept 1992 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Program Officer in Division of Small NGO Development

From Employer Position Held

: 1984 To : 1988 : YAYASAN INDONESIA SEJAHTERA, SOLO, CENTRAL JAVA : Part Time Staff in Yayasan Indonesia Sejahtera (YIS)


Work Undertaken that the Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned

Name Of Assignment or Project :PPTA - MSMIP (Project Preparatory Technical Assistance - Metropolitan Sanitation Management Invesment Project. (ADB TA 7993 - INO) Year

: April 2012 – November 2012 ( 8 month )


: Jambi, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Cimahi and Makassar


: Ministry of Public Work

Main Project Features Preparing the Metropolitan Sanitation Management and Health Project, which sought to reduce the exposure of low-income urban communities from health risks associated with raw,untreated sewage and wastewater. As with the previous PPTA, MSMIP aims to improve local urban environments by enhancing their sanitary conditions through strategic investments and institutional setups. The PPTA is in line with the provisions of ADB’s country strategy and medium-term program, with explicit macro economic goals of poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth, and attainment of the MDGs. Position Held : Sanitation Promotion Specialist. Activities Performed (i) Define the preparation, planning and management of the public information and marketing programs; (ii) Plan and deliver initial briefing, training and orientation for public information and marketing programs; (iii) Define how to manage and co-ordinate the implementation of the environmental public health and sanitation awareness programs; (iv) Evaluate specific measures to ensure participation of vulnerable groups, including women and the poor; (v) Define requirements for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials for information and marketing campaigns; (vi) Draft Public Information campaign based on (a) the need for and application of user charges for improved urban services, (b) optimization and conservation program, (c) public health, environmental and social issues; (vii) Disseminate information about the MSMHP II to the target groups especially women. Build stakeholders’ awareness on the long-term benefits and short-term inconvenience of the Project in order to gain full support of the beneficiaries towards the Project. Name of Assignment or Project : CWSHP (Community Water Services and Health Project ) ADB Loans No. 2163/2164 (SF) - INO Community Water Services and Health Project – Central Support Team Year

: 1). November – December 2011 contract with PT Miskat Alam Konsultan and PHIBETHA KALAMWIJAYA 2). Medio July 2011 – Medio September 2011 as individual contract consultant (As Bridging Consultant ) Contract No.01.02.VI/01074/2011 Under ADB Loans No:2163/2164(SF)-INO Client,Main Project Features, Position Held and Activities Performed (same as below )

Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client

: CWSHP (Community Water Services and Health Project ) ADB Loans No. 2163/2164 (SF) - INO Community Water Services and Health Project – Central Support Team. : July 2009 – May 2011 (24 months ) : Jambi,Bengkulu,West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan Provinces ( and 20 districts in the provinces of Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Jambi and Bengkulu ) : Ministry of Health Teguh Sumiyarsa


Main Project Features : The Local Government Capacity Building is one of the four project’s components, which aims at improving the local government (LG) capacity at province and district for facilitating, regulating, and delivering quality services in water and health. The component will help district government, their subsidiaries at the sub-district level, ad village administration to define their role in providing these services through customized training and consulting services, thus enabling them to perform better. Position Held : Capacity Building Coordinator Activities Performed : Improve local government capacity for facilitating, regulating, and where necessary-delivering quality services in water, sanitation, and health to the targeted communities. This component covers [1] conducting Capacity Building Needs Assessment, [2] Designing Capacity Building Strategy and Program, [3] Implementing Capacity Building Action Plan, and [4] developing sector specific performance indicators (Minimum Standard Services). Detailed Task Assigned : • Responsible in managing and coordinating the CB-AP (Capacity Building Action Plan) CWSH implementation. • Organize and manage the core team member and module development expert. • Managing and coordinating of CB-AP implementation by Regional Packages. • Preparing grand strategy for CB-AP implementation. • Coordinate the CB-AP management team in elaborating the CB-AP ToR into work specification of CB-AP line item. • Provide supervision, management assistance and quality control to ensure the achievement of CB-AP implementation conducted by Regional Packages. • Provide support and guidance to all team members. • Work closely and maintain coordination with CPMU(Central Project Management Unit). • Provide regular reports to CPMU. Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client Main Project Features

: Sea Defence Program ( SDC ) NAD - Nias : June 2008 – Sept 2008 (4 months) : Aceh and Nias : Aceh – Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR), Government of the Netherlands. :

This is a project addressed to the people suffered from tsunami disaster. The project is intended to prepare the targeted groups in implementing a recovery program.The project aimed to improve health status, environment and community welfare for poor

communities through improvement on provision sanitation services and development of sustainable poor - community based sanitation services framework as well as development of strategic sanitation development plan.

Position Held : Sanitation and Institutional Expert Activities Performed : Replicated the ISSDP Project 6 Cities in Kota Banda Aceh assessment (quick scan) of current sanitation conditions, issues and

opportunities, introduction of experience gained and planning approaches developed under ISSDP;discuss and develop with the city government a workplan for the introduction of integrated sanitation planning at city level,sanitation mapping and the preparation of a sanitation White Book which would include the implementation of an Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) at city level, initiate the development of a CSS and sanitation action plan which should result in the identification and formulation of priority sanitation projects as an input for the city annual workplan for 2010 (RKPD 2010).and the medium term regional investment plan (RPIJMD)

and responsible to facilitate establishment local institutions in the participating cities (Banda Aceh) as the Sanitation Working Group (SWG/POKJASAN/Kelompok Kerja Sanitasi); Prepared and established Pokjasan and developed into functional organization; Provided a range of consulting expertise to support and cooperate with the Pokjas in the strategy development process; Together with the Pokjasan prepared and developed comprehensive sanitation assessment and mapping reports; Prepared and developed white book which covers result of sanitation situation assessment and mapping. Name of Assignment or Project

: Indonesia Sanitation Sector Development Program (ISSDP) – Water Sanitation Program, World Bank Year : Oct 2007 – March 2008 (6 months) Location : Surakarta, Blitar, Payakumbuh, Jambi, Denpasar and Banjarmasin Client : National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) Main Project Features : The project aimed to improve health status, environment and community welfare for poor communities through improvement on provision sanitation services and development of sustainable poor - community based sanitation services framework as well as development of strategic sanitation development plan. Component of the project covers [1] management, coordination and technical support program, [2] development National Sanitation Development Plan, which includes advocacy strategy, regulation, institutional development and guideline (component 1); [3] enhance and raise up demand on sanitation through sanitation awareness campaign and health promotion in national level (component 3); and improve sanitation services in district/municipality level though institutional capacity building in sanitation Position Held\ : Campaign Manager Activities Performed : Rensposibility for Aweerenes Campaign Sanitation Pro-Poor Communities. The program campaign was conduct in 6 cities. Fasilited campaign for poor communities is based on personal activities whereby fasilitators operate in direct interaction with the target group. And alternative campaigning heavily rely on the use of mass media are considered less appropriate. campaign is to make poor communities aware of unacceptable health risk in their living area, and of collective action that can be taken against acceptable cost and effort. Fasilatated improve and understanding of sanitation conditons and behaviours and related health risk, informed collective decisions for improvement as self provisioning alternative or as proposal sanitasion action plan. Teguh Sumiyarsa


Name of Assignment or Project

: Indonesia Sanitation Sector Development Program (ISSDP) – Water Sanitation Program, World Bank Year : April 2006 – July 2007 (16 months) Location : Surakarta, Blitar, Payakumbuh, Jambi, Denpasar and Banjarmasin Client : National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) Main Project Features : The project aimed to improve health status, environment and community welfare for poor communities through improvement on provision sanitation services and development of sustainable poor - community based sanitation services framework as well as development of strategic sanitation development plan. Component of the project covers [1] management, coordination and technical support program, [2] development National Sanitation Development Plan, which includes advocacy strategy, regulation, institutional development and guideline (component 1); [3] enhance and raise up demand on sanitation through sanitation awareness campaign and health promotion in national level (component 3); and improve sanitation services in district/municipality level though institutional capacity building in sanitation Position Held : City Facilitator Activities Performed : Supported and facilitated establishment of local institutions in participating cities as the Sanitation Working Group (SWG/POKJASAN/Kelompok Kerja Sanitasi); Prepared and established Pokjasan and developed into functional organization; Provided a range of consulting expertise to support and cooperate with the Pokjas in the strategy development process; Together with the Pokjasan prepared and developed comprehensive sanitation assessment and mapping reports; Prepared and developed white book which covers result of sanitation situation assessment and mapping. Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client Main Project Features

: World Vision International (WVI) – Nias Island Reconstruction Project : Jan 2006 – March 2006 (3 months)) : Nias : Aceh – Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) :

Task Facilited and Development in the Community 20 villages Strategy which used to achieve aim and objectives. ie: PRA ( Participatory Rural Appraisal ) methods used for problem analysis and need assessment in order to make a planning in cooperation with the local community, Community Based – approach used in every phase of implementation, Self-Help-Groups used as a place for learning and executing activities in the targetted communities, Social key persons and religious leaders of the community who are recognized by the community will involved.

Position Held : Community Dev Specialist. Activities Performed : Facilitated and developed community village strategies in 20 villages; Assisted local community to develop community plan as well as conduct problem analysis and need assessment using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and community based approach; Enhanced establishment of Self Help Group as a group for learning activities in the targeted communities; Prepared reports. Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client

: Sanitation for Community Project (Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat/SANIMAS) – Water Sanitation Project – World Bank cooperation with BORDA (Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association) : Sept 2002 – April 2004 ( 20 months) : Blitar, Kediri, Mojokerto, Pasuruan, Sidorajo and Denpasar : Ministry of Health, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)

Main Project Features


The Sanitation by Neighborhood Project ( Sanitasi oleh Masyarakat = SANIMAS ) assisted poor communities located in densely populated municipalities of East Java and Bali to plan, implement and manage CBS ( Communities Based Sanitation )- systems the reflected preferred choices of communities in sustainable manner and provide sufficient waste water treatment capacity to keep environmental health risks at a low level.SANIMAS demonstration projects were carried out in poor urban communities within 5 cities of East Java ( Blitar, Kediri, Mojokerto, Pasuruan, Sidoarjo) and within one city of Bali ( Denpasar ) In order achieve the project goal “ To improve environmental sanitation condition in poor urban communities “ in a systemic manner, the SANIMAS demonstration project was divided into 3 project components: 1. “Development of effective CBS implementation capacity” 2. “CBS Demonstration and Dissemination” 3. “Project Management and Co-coordination” During SANIMAS appropriate CBS mechanism, tools and technical options were successfully tested and demonstrated. Lessons Learnt from SANIMAS provide a basis do develop a realistic and efficient dissemination strategy for CBS in Indonesia.

The SANIMAS aimed to increase environmental health quality. The program assisted poor communities to implement and manage community based sanitation (CBS) systems which reflected community preferences and provision of sufficient waste water treatment to keep environmental health risk at low level. Position Held : Community Development Specialist / Environmental Health Training Expert Activities Performed :

Teguh Sumiyarsa


Component 1 : CBS PROCESS AND CAPACITY Analyze & synthesize suitable Community & Environmental Health Training options, To recommend a set of CBS suitable Com & Env Health Training options, convert finalized a set of CBS suitable Com & Env Health Training options and training workshop media, adapt training/workshop materials to expected needs at WSP local executing agencies Tingkat II, Finalize blueprint of all training/workshop materials for publishing, To train local executing agencies in “Community & Environmental Health “ Component 2 : CBS DEMONSTRATION AND DISSEMINATION To participate in presentation of detailed CBS concept in selected 6 Kabupaten and Kodya, Participate in presentation of CBS concept in Short listed Kelurahans, present Community & Env Health Training concept at “SANIMAS Forum” for RT/RW in 8 selected Kelurahans, present Com & Env Health Training concept at “SANIMAS Forum” for RT/RW in 8 selected Kelurahans, participate in “Rapid CBS, appraisal” conducted short listed communities, participate in initial participatory neighborhood meetings in CBS target communities, participate in facilitating the preparation of overall CBS implementation/action plan.

Name of Assignment or Project

: Summative Evaluation of Sulawesi Rural Community Development (SRCD) IV – CARE International Year : Sept 2001 – Oct 2001 (2 months) Location : South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi Client : CARE International Main Project Features : The Sulawesi Rural Development Project (SRCD) aimed to improve access to safe drinking water and increase knowledge about the management of water resources on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, one of the poorest areas of the country, as well as to increase economic growth, improve health, and enhance the development. SRCD was formulated around notions of the “community management approach,” which ensures community participation from the initial stages of the project and therefore increases sustainability. It was conducted in three phases; [1] preparation, including surveying, motivation, and planning; [2] construction of water and sanitation devices, training, and establishment of credit unions; and [3] monitoring and evaluation of previous efforts and continuation of training. Position Held : Evaluation Team Members Activities Performed : Prepared and conducted evaluation tools & material of Care International Project through community with CIPP ( Contex Input Process and Product ) method; Prepared project proposals, briefing papers, and budgets; Responsible for developing tool for data gathering, collecting data in the field, and data analysis, and report writing. give recommendation on how the existing system.

Name of Assignment or Project

: Project Evaluation of Indonesia HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Project (IHPCP) AusAID Year : Jan 2001 – April 2001 (4 months) Location : South Sulawesi Client : Ministry of People's Welfare, AusAID Main Project Features : Indonesia HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Project (IHPCP) objective are to support the efforts of the Indonesian Government and civil society to control spread and impact of HIV/AIDS, including activities aimed at reducing new infection through sexual transmission and injecting drug use, enhancing access to quality care, support and treatment services. The project aimed to increase awareness about HIV/AIDs among IUDs (Injecting Drug Users) and the community, bring back ex-IDUs to their community after improving their quality of life, reduce number of IDUs, suppressed new cases of HIV transmission through IDUs, increase condom use for prevention of STI/HIV infection, increase and enhance sustainable local government support (budget & policy) for HIV/Aids prevention, care and treatment of IDUs in community, increase accessibility of health services for IDUs, develop early detection and care of STIs/HIV infection among young IDUs as well as provision oral substitution therapy for IDUs. Position Held : Evaluation Team Members Activities Performed : Prepared and conducted evaluation tools & material of Indonesia HIV/AIDS Prevention andCare Project (IHPCP) - AusAID Project through community with CIPP ( Contex Input Process and Product ) method; Prepared project proposals, briefing papers, and budgets; Responsible for developing tool for data gathering, collecting data in the field, and data analysis, and report writing. give recommendation on how the existing system

Name of Assignment or Project : Family Health and Nutrition Project – ADB Loan 1471 - INO Year : July 2001 – Aug 2001 (2 months) Location : Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan Client : Ministry of Health Main Project Features : The Family Health and Nutrition Project seek to establish a closer partnership between beneficiary families and service providers to work jointly to improve the status of health and nutrition in the project area. Under the project, beneficiary families, with the support of their community and local health providers, will be trained to identify their health and nutritional problems and choose appropriate solutions. It is hoped this will help improve and sustain their health and nutritional status, and enable them to participate fully in the social and economic development of their region. The project consists of four parts: (i) family partnership for health; (ii) improving the quality of health services; (iii) project monitoring, evaluation and research; and (iv) project implementation support. Project activities will help families improve their health and nutritional levels, and appropriately utilize health and family planning services. It will also enhance service providers' technical capacity and skill, thereby improving service quality. Position Held : Community Development Specialist Activities Performed :

Improved materials of : health knowledge & Skill of cadres; Capacity building & training for local partners; provide technical assistance to local Self Help Group/Community Groups (UB-KSM) on small enterprise development, make and develop training module, curriculum & reading material Water, Hygiene & Sanitation, Community; facilitate focus group discussion on programmatic & management related issue to community & local partners; make a activity report final evaluation to value the success and failure of the program by using qualitative methods.and make the models for sustainaibility development.

Teguh Sumiyarsa


Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client

: Urban Poverty Project – World Bank 3210 IND : Nov 1998 – April 1999 (6 months) : DI Yogyakarta and Central Java : DG of Urban & Rural Development, ministry of Settlement & Regional Infrastructure and National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) Main Project Features : The project seeks to improve basic infrastructure in poor urban neighborhoods and to promote sustainable income generation for its poor urban residents - mostly long term poor, whose incomes are eroded by high inflation, or who lost source of income in the economic downturn. The project also seeks to strengthen the capability of local agencies to assist poor communities; mobilized informal and private sector local institutions and expertise; encourage broader participation in decision making about community matters; and provide equal opportunity to men and women. Position Held : Consultans Coordinator Activities Performed : Task: responsible for recruitment of qualified persons as facilitator in the Kelurahan (village level). The facilitator will implement UPP for working areas 5, 6 and 7 in DIY (Yogyakarta Sequel Region) and Central Java and support urban poverty program implementation by preparing Kelurahan Facilitator Officer for each SWK (Satuan Wilayah Kerja),Training Specialist, activities performed: Make and develop Training Module, Curriculum & Reading Material for Community Development & Empowerment, Micro Credit; Prepared training materials & schedule; Makes report of training, Name of Assignment or Project

: Self Help Promotion for Low Income Communities in Critical Rural Areas Integrated Food Security Program (PPSTN) – GTZ Year : July – Aug 1996 (2 months) Location : Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Client : Ministry of Home Affairs Main Project Features : The program emphasize on the concept of self – help promotion with the goal to empower rural poor to overcome poverty. The overall objective is poverty reduction of the rural poor in selected areas in Nusa Tenggara. The role of the project is one of facilitator and catalyst that enables the poor to overcome poverty. The focus is on raising self – help capacities, as a process of empowerment. It is believed that empowerment and capacity building are the key sustainable poverty alleviation. The project also aimed to raise capacities of village institutions, so they can provide improved services to action groups in managing self – help oriented activities to overcome poverty. Position Held : Training expert Activities Performed : Survey and assessment of educational needs, development of materials/tools of training and trainer on community development and self help groups. Improved health knowledge & Skill of cadres; Capacity building & training for local NGOs partners; provide technical assistance to local NGOs partners & Self Help Group/Community Groups (KSM) on small enterprise development, make and develop training module, curriculum & reading material, Community Development, and Micro Credit; facilitate training on programmatic & management related issue to community & local NGO partners; Prepared training materials & schedule; make a activity report

Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client Main Project Features

: Chatolic Relief Services (CRS) : Aug 1995 – Sept 1995 (2 months) : Kupang, Ende, Flores : Chatolic Relief Services (CRS) :

Assistance program to the Indonesian NGOs in setting up partnership with CRS for delivering community development program. The assignment is to support the provision of improved the knowledge on integrated House Hold Management for ID/ CRS counterparts NTT Province

Position Held Activities Performed

: Training Specialist :

Responsible for conducting need assessment, training and midterm Program Planning for NGO’s of CRS Counterparts ( Yasska Atambua, Yapenskak Kupang, Yusra Ende, Yaspensel Larantuka )

Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client

Evaluation of Social Economy and Health Program - The Palangkaraya Bishopric June 1995 - July 1995( 2 months) Kapuas, Barito Selatan, Barito Utara, Kota Waringin Timur and kota Warinign Barat, Central Kalimantan Province Ministry of Health,The Palangkaraya Bishopric

Main Project Feature The evaluation was a qualitative evaluation to study the impact of Social and Economy Development Commision the Palangkaraya Bishopric programs to the target community. The programs consisted: community health, sustainable rural development,credit Position Held Evaluator Activities Performed Baseline survey as a basis for policy decision in assisting villages with development program , data collecting and writing up the report

Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client Main Project Features

: Study on Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities (WSSLIC) – UNDP & World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group for East Asia and Pacific : Jan 1995 – Feb 1995 (2 months) : Buton and Muna District : Ministry of Health : Teguh Sumiyarsa


The WSSLIC works to provide safe, reliable and accessible water supply services to over 2,000 rural communities, and emphasized the formation of task – specific water and sanitation committees both to maintain neighborhood water points and (at the village level) to manage the entire system. Study on WSSLIC conducted to assess the effectiveness of the program focused on how differing project rules produced differing result. The study hypothesis was that the project rules that lead to greater responsiveness to the needs and desires of service consumers will lead to more sustainable water system Position Held : Local Consultant Activities Performed : Make case study are to learn the success and failrure factors in thsee cmmunities by examining the process during planning and implementation of the program, inter relationship between different institutions and organization levels from the district level downwards. Name of Assignment or Project

: Nucleus Estate with Smallholder Participation (NESP) – Ophir Oil Palm Project, KfW/GTZ Cooperation Year : July 1993 – December 1992 – August 1992 ( 3 months) Location : West Sumatra Client : Ministry of Forestry, GTZ Germany Main Project Features : The project supposed to contribute to increased income generation for small farmers and to the larger production of palm oil products. In the target group were 2,400 small farmers who had come from Java and parts of Sumatra as migrants. The basic idea of the NESP model was to involve the PT. Perkebunan VI plantation company as a development agent for the smallholder plantation sector. The plantation company served as a “nucleus”, with an oil mill for its own plantations and the smallholders. The company also in charge of marketing for both types of producers. The KfW financed a processing facility, a network of all – weather roads for the transport of palm fruits to the mill, the construction of houses for the farmers and an infrastructure for the settlements. Technical support by GTZ focused on the development of a community organization. Position Held : Facilitator Field Staff Training Activities Performed : Make and develop Training Curriculum & Training Schedule; Prepared technical project proposal and budget; Develop and conduct the pretest & posttest; Conduct monitoring & evaluation of training implementation; Make report of the training

Name of Assignment or Project : Madura Groundwater Irrigation Project (P2AT) Year : March – August 1990 ( 6 Months) Location : Madura Client : DG of Irrigation, Ministry of Public Works Main Project Features : The project was originally designed to intensify wet rice (sawah) production. Soils were classified according to their suitable for wet – rice, the classification being generally assumed to indicate the general suitability for irrigated development. One of the main changes envisaged as a result of groundwater development in Madura was on conversion of tegal (un-irrigated land), previously supporting a rain fed cropping pattern of padi gogo rancah (dry land rice) and/or maize, to land suitable for wet – rice. The aim was to grow two irrigated wet land rice crops. Such a change in land use was expected to result in a very large increase in agricultural production and be one of the major benefits of any groundwater development. Position Held : Community Development Specialist Activities Performed : Carried out community development training work with participatory approach for water supply schemes in a selected number of villages representative of different parts of Madura; Fasilited the training for HIPAM (Himpunan Pemakai Air Minum ) in villages of Sumenep, Pamekasan and Bangkalan District. Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client

: Sanitation Improvement Project (SIP) : 1988 ( 2 months) : Purwodadi and Lesanpuro, Malang – East Java Province : Ministry of Public Works

Main Project Features : This was a consultancy project to assist the partners of client in conducting participatory progrqam planning for sanitation in East Java ( middle town ) Position Held : Training Facilitator Activities Performed : The various training are Training for Trainers, PRA Training, Training on Community Development Management in simple sanitation.

Name of Assignment or Project : Sanitation Pilot Project in 6 Cities. Year : April 1988 – December 1988 (9 Months) Location : Malang – East Java and Central Java Client : Ministry of Public Works Main Project Features : As Pilot Project implementation sanitation level district, sub district and community level for simple sanitation/on site sanitation. With developt institution of sanitation : Sterring Committees and Sanitation Working Groups and contributing fund in community level Position Held : Community Development Specialist Activities Performed : Gathered qualitative and quantitative data on existing sanitation provisions, deficiencies and needs, community attitudes to on-site sanitation in Malang town selected for detailed survey; Liaised with Tingkat II Administration, Sanitation Steering Committee and Sanitation Working Groups; contributed to sanitation seminars, training workshops and community motivational programs. Name of Assignment or Project Year Location Client

: Small Towns Urban Development Sector Project (STUDP) Improvement of Sanitation for 38 Small Towns : June 1987 – January 1988 (8 months) : Central Java : Ministry of Public Works Teguh Sumiyarsa


Main Project Features : STUDSP Improvement of Sanitation for 38 Small Towns ( 6 city for pilot project ) conduct the developt models for institutions of sanitation level district, sub district and community level.As Pilot Project implementation sanitation level district, sub district and community level for simple sanitation/ onsite sanitation, with developt institution of sanitation in 6 cities in Middle of Java Position Held : Community Development Specialist Activities Performed : Gathered qualitative and quantitative data on existing sanitation provisions, deficiencies and needs, community attitudes to on-site sanitation in the six project towns selected for detailed survey; Liaised with Tingkat II Administration, Sanitation Steering Committee and Sanitation Working Groups; contributed to sanitation seminars, training workshops and community motivational programs. Name of Assignment or Project

: Study Evaluation of Water Supply and Sanitation Project - (RWSS)

Position Held Activities Performed

: Evaluator : Responsible for proposal writing, tool development, data collection and analysis, and report writing.

Year Location Client Main Project Features

: January - February 1986 (2 months) : West Nusa Tenggara : Unicef, AIDAB Australia : The evaluation was a qualitative evaluation to study the impact of the RWSS programs to the target community. The programs consisted: community health, sustainable Rural development for health.

Name of Assignment or Project

: On – Site Sanitation Institutional/Investment Study with Implementation Support of Sanitation in Kampung Imporvement Program (KIP) Semarang - Surakarta Year : November 1986 (1 months) Location : Semarang, Surakarta Client : DG Environment Health, Cipta Karya, Ministry of Public Works Main Project Features : Preparing for choises the location for implementation support of sanitation in Kampung Improvement Program. Position Held : Social Economic Surveyor Activities Performed : Conducted the social economy survey for urban community in several sub district in Semarang and Surakarta, Analysis the data and make up report the surveys.



I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief (i)

this CV correctly describes my qualifications and my experience


I am not employed by the Executing/Implementing Agency


I am/am not in regular full-time employment with the Consultant or the Sub Consultant

I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

_____________________________________________________________________________Date : 27 February 2013 (Signature of expert) Day/Month/Year Full name of expert: Teguh Sumiyarsa

Teguh Sumiyarsa


CURRICULUM VITAE Alma Arief Nationality : Indonesian

Mail Adress : Pulomas VIII / No. 8 Kayu Putih, Jakarta Timur, 13210 Phone : 021 4720331 Mobile : 085239369131 Email : [email protected]

I. Education and Training 1. EDUCATION


-Sarjana Degree University of Indonesia, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Sociology (1984). Thesis: Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction. - Master of Philosophy Degree Murdoch University, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Institute for Sciences and Technology Policy (1999). Thesis: Sustainable Settlement Policy for the Ciliwung River Bank Community.


: Language













- Facilitator of Training for Trainers (TOT) in Development Strategic Planning - Trainee in

Methodology for Participatory

Pradipta Paramitha Foundation in




AUSAID Indonesia and the World Bank ( April 4 to April 18, 2002) - Facilitator for Participatory Rural Appraisal Training and Workshop for Local NGOs, Research Institute, University of Indonesia (2001) - Global Training in Methodology for Participatory Assessments, the World Bank (Indonesia) in collaboration with IRC (2000) - Trainee in Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA), DFID in collaboration with the World Bank (2000) - Trainee in

Participatory Rural

Appraisal, Research Institute,

Bandung Institute of Technology in collaboration with the World Bank (1999) - Participant of

Workshop on Participatory Learning Assessment

(PLA) , Research Institute, University of Indonesia in association with the World Bank (1998). - Environmental Impact Assessment, Centre for Research on Human Resources and the Environment, University of Indonesia (1996) - English Intensive Course for Overseas Students, Griffith University (Australia), 1994 - English

Intensive Course for Academic Purposes,


Agricultural University, 1993 - World Decade for Cultural Development: International Symposium on Cultural and Environment, the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO in association with UNESCO Paris, 1992. -Trainee in Population and the Environment, Centre for Research on Human Resources and the

Environment, University of Indonesia, 1989. - International Workshop on Jakarta Bay Management Study, Centre for Research on Human Resources and the Environment, University of Indonesia, 1988. - Trainee in Methodology for Environmental Assessment, Centre for Research on Human Resources and the Environment, University of Indonesia, 1987.

4. 1.


: October 6, 2009 to October 28 2009


: YIPD (Yayasan Inovasi Pemerintah Daerah)

Name of Project

: Participatory Poverty Assessment in West Java and South Sulawesi,


Position Held

: Team Leader for South Sulawesi Region


: November 14, 2009 to November 21, 2009



Name Of Project

: Water and Sanitation Strategic Planning for the Government

of Jaya Wijaya Regency


Position Held

: Facilitator


: June 2008 to June 2009


: The World Bank

Name of Project :

Indonesia Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Program Implementation




: June 2008 to December 2008


: SMERU Research Institute in collaboration with OXFAM

Name of Project

: Participatory Poverty Assessment in Aceh Province

Position Held

: Senior researcher


: June 2008 to June 2009


: The World Bank

Name of Project

: Indonesia Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Program Implementation



: June 2006 to June 2007


: The World Bank

Name of Project

: Indonesia Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Program Implementation



: June 2005 to June 2006


: The World Bank

Name of Project

: Indonesia Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Program Dissemination

Position Held

: Province Facilitator


: Facilitating Focus Group Discussion Designing Workshop for Stake Holders Writing the Report



: June 2004 to June 2005


: The World Bank

Name of Project

: Indonesia Water and Sanitation Policy and Action Planning Program Dissemination

Position Held

: Province Facilitator


: Facilitating Focus Group Discussion Designing Workshop for Stake Holders Writing the Reports



: September 2003 to January 2004


: SMERU Research Institute

Name of project

: Poverty Reduction Program

Position Held

: Sub-team leader


: -Designing the Method for Participatory Poverty Assessment -Writing the Report -Presenting the Report



: July 2003 to August 2003.


: The World Bank ( up/id number: 246695)

Name of project

: Evaluation of the Urban Poverty Project

Position Held

: Sub-team leader


: -Coordinating the team -Writing the report -Presenting the report



: October 2002 to June 2003,


: The World Bank (up/id number 246695)

Name of Project

: Water Supply and Sanitation National Policy Trial

Position Held

: Area team leader


:- Facilitating the government official of Sumba Timur Regency. - Socializing the National Policy on Water supply and Sanitation. - Conducting Regional Workshop on Water supply and sanitation Policy - Writing the Report on National Water Supply and Sanitation Policy in Sumba Timur Regency.



: April 21 to June 12, 2002


: Pradipta Paramitha Foundation in collaboration with the World Bank.

Name of Project

: Assessment of Specific Sites in Flores

Position Held

: Team Leader


: -Facilitating Focus Group Discussions -Writing the site report - Managing team work -Presenting the report



: September to December 2001


: UNDP (Community Recovery Programme – CRP)

Name of Project

: Evaluation of the Performance of NGOs in Indonesia

Position Held

: Team Leader


: - Visiting NGO offices and projects (field appraisal) - Interviewing NGO directors and the target groups of their programs - Writing the site report and final report - Presenting evaluation results to UNDP.



: May 2001 to December 2001


: Centre for Regional and Urban Studies, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.

Name of Project

: Feasibility Study on the Development of Apartments for Transportation and Industrial Labourers.

Position Held

: Team leader


:- Designing the study framework - Constructing the questionnaire - Supervising team members - Writing the reports (Inception, Interim, and Final) -Presenting the reports to the Jakarta municipality officialss.



: April 2001 to September 2001


: Sciences and Technology Research Centre, Research

Institute, University of Indonesia Name of Project

: Domestic Solid Waste Minimisation (Zero Waste Program)

Position Held

: Participatory Appraisal Expert with particular reference to methods to encourage community involvement in the waste management process.


:-Presenting a Design for Domestic Solid Waste -Minimisation Programs to the DKI Jakarta Sanitation Officials -Facilitating communities as target groups - Designing the tools for Participatory Learning Assessment -Training communities about waste minimisation programs.



: June 2001 to December 2001


: PT Reka Desindo

Name of Project

: Study of Land Use Planning in the West Bogor Region

Position Held

: Socio-economic and institution building expert


:-Facilitating focus group discussions with stakeholders -Designing questionnaire -Writing Inception Report, Interim Report and Final Report -Presenting the report to Bogor District Official.



: July 200 to December 2000


: Sciences and Technology Research Centre, the Institute for Research, University of Indonesia

Name of Project

: Constructing Guidelines for empowering Districts Government

Position Held

: Capacity Building Expert.


: - Discussing the material of the guidelines with stakeholders - Writing the guidelines book - Presenting the results to the Directorate of Regional Development of the Home Affairs Department.



: February 2000 to March 2000


: DFID (the World Bank)

Name of Project

: Study of the Vulnerability of the Poor (analysed from the Sustainable Livelihoods perspective).

Position Held

: -Team leader


: -Making the research design -Defining and designing instruments for participatory assessment -Writing and editing the report - Presenting the report



: December 2000 to February 2001


: the World Bank

Name of Project

: Evaluation of water supply and sanitation programs for low income communities.

Position Held

: Participatory learning assessment (PLA) expert


: -Making research design -Defining and designing instrument for participatory learning assessment (PLA) -Writing and editing the report - Presenting the report



: September 2000 to October 2000


: AusAID

Name of Project

: Evaluation of Land Administration Program

Position Held

: Evaluator (using Participatory Assessment Method)


: -Making research design -Defining and designing Instrument for participatory learning assessment -Writing and editing the report -Presenting the report.



: May 1999 to July 1999


: The World Bank (Indonesia)

Name of Project

: Consultations With the Poor: the World Bank Annual Report Dealing With Poverty Alleviation.

Position Held

: Participatory Assessment Method Expert


: -Facilitating Focus Group Discussions -Writing site report -Presenting the report



: October 1998 to December 1998


: The World Bank (Indonesia)

Name of Project

: Evaluation of Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities

Position Held

: Participatory Learning Assessment (PLA) Expert


: -Facilitating Focus Group Discussion -Writing the site report -Presenting the report



: July 1998 to December 1998


: Science and Technology Research Centre, University of Indonesia in association with Development Planning Board of Jakarta Municipality

Name of Project

: Research on Primary Commodities of the Jakarta Province

Position Held

: Socio-economic expert


: -Writing the report -Presenting the report



: April 1998 to December 1998


: Science and Technology Research Centre, University of Indonesia in association with Tourism, Art and Culture Department .

Name of Project

: Empowering Small-scale Handicraft Industries

Position Held

: Socio-economic expert


: -Writing the report - Presenting the report to stakeholders.



: October 1996 to November 1997.


: PT Asthon Mercu Buana in association with the Institute for Research, University of Indonesia.

Name of Project

: Environmental Impact Assessment of the Kahayan alluvial gold mining activities

Position Held

: Socio-cultural expert


:-Translating the proposal -Making the questionnaire -Collecting primary and secondary data -Writing and editing the report -Presenting the report



: June 1993 to December 1993


: Department of Home Affairs in association with the Centre for Research on Human Resources and the Environment, University of Indonesia.

Name of Project

: Institutional Development for Afforestration and Land Conservation

Position Held

: Socio and Cultural Expert


: -Making the study design -Collecting primary and secondary data -Writing the report -Presenting the report to stakeholders



: June 1992 to Nov 1992


: PT. Parama Consultant

Name of Project

: Environmental Impact Assessment on Transmigration in Teluk Batang, West Kalimantan.

Position Held

: Socio-economic expert


: -Making the research design -Making the questionnaire -Collecting primary and secondary data -Writing the report -Presenting the report



: April 1990 to December 1990


: Centre for Research on Human Resources and the Environment

Name of Project

: Environmental Evaluation Study of the Swamp Development Program in South Kalimantan


Position Held

: Socio-economic expert


: -Writing the report


: July 1988 to September 1988


: PT. Citra Adipa Mahkota

Name of Project

: Socio and Cultural Aspects of the Abrasion of Pulau

Seribu Position Held

: Socio-cultural expert


:-Making the questionnaire -Collecting secondary data -Interviewing the community living on Pulau Seribu -Writing the report -Presenting the report.



: June 1987 to July 1988


: Centre for Research on Human Resources and the Environment, University of Indonesia in association with IFIAS

Name of Project

: Jakarta Bay Management Study

Position Held

: Research Assistant


: -Collecting data -Processing the data -Writing the report

11. PUBLICATIONS ( in Daily Newspapers, Magazines and Journals) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Environmental Problems as Political Issues (Media Indonesia, 1989) Domestic Solid Waste Management in DKI Jakarta (Media Indonesia, 1989) Problems of Ciliwung River Pollution (Media Indonesia, 1990) Problems of Air Pollution in Jakarta (Media Indonesia, 1990) Who are the Real Heroes? (Panji Masyarakat, 1990) The Need for Environmental Education (Media Indonesia, 1991) Environmental Impact Assessment VS Individual Behaviour (Media Indonesia, 1991) Time Limit s(Panji Masyarakat, 1991) The Cost of Environmental Damage (Media Indonesia, 1992) From the Name of Things to Rio de Janeiro (Panji Masyarakat, 1992) The Good Things of Australia (Republika, 1995) Environmental Problems in Western Australia (Pos Kota Perth, 1996) The Faces of Jakarta (Poskota Perth Australia, 1996) Jakarta: Alienating its People From Nature (Poskota Perth Australia,1996) Kahayan River for Ecotourism : Is It Possible? (Suara Pembaruan, 1996) Population Density and the Sustainability of Cities (Suara Pembaruan, 1997) The Role of Youth in Economic Development (Pos Kota Perth, 1997) The Silent World of Indonesia (Pos Kota Perth, 1997) Tourism as the Main Foreign Exchange Source in the Future (Suara Pembaruan, 1997) Some Impacts of the Economic Crisis on Indonesian Manpower (Media Pranata, 1998) Lets Go Indonesia and Impediments in the Tourism Sector (Journal Indonesia

Capital Market, July 1998) 22. Applying Participatory Methods as Instruments to Collect Information (Journal Analysis Sosial, No.2, May 1999). 23. Dringking Water : Sustainability and Its Effect upon Community Well-Being (Percik, June 2004) 24. Water and Sanitation problems in Kebumen Regency (Percik , August 2004) 25 Flood and Land Sliding in Rainy season, Long Drought in Dry Season (Percik, July 2005) 26. The Ideal Type of Community Based Water and Sanitation Development (Percik, October 2005) 27. Story About Water and Sanitation From Lonuo, Gorontalo ( Percik, December 2005) 28. Gorontalo Province will realize the MDG target on Water Supply (Gorontalo Post, February 2006). 29. The Role of Water And Sanitation Management for the Sustainability of the Infrastructure (Percik, September 2006) 30. From Plato to Community Based Water and Sanitation Policy (Percik, November 2006) 31. What Makes CLTS Work : A Review from Social Science Perspective ( Percik, May 2007) 31. Rote Ndao Regency : Prioritizing to Conserve Water Catchment Areas (Percik , March 2008) 32. In the Next five Years , Tetaf Will Be come a Prosperous village (Percik , July 2008) 33. MPA-PHAST : a method to measure the performance of Water and Sanitation Development (Percik , June 2009) 34. Community Led Total Sanitation as Social Movement (Percik, June 2009) 35. Sticky Cloth : the main media to facilitate National Policy on Water and Sanitation Development (Percik, June 2009)

I, herewith, certify that the above information is true. Jakarta 9th , 2010

Alma Arief



Yayasan Wahana Indonesia Membangun atau disingkat dengan WIN adalah lembaga terdepan dalam pengembangan keswadayaan masyarakat yang bergerak diberbagai sektor pengembangan masyarakat seperti air bersih, penyehatan lingkungan, kesehatan masyarakat, pertanian, pendidikan, usaha mikro masyarakat, dan usaha lain terkait dengan membangun potensi diri masyarakat dan kemampuan manajerial lokal. Dengan maksud agar terciptanya pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.

Yayasan Wahana Indonesia Membangun with acronym WIN is a leading to develop people self-reliance in multisector community developments such as water and environmental health, community health, education, micro finance, and any other related sectors through improving people potentials and local managerial capacity. This is in order to get sustainable development.

WIN, walaupun relatif muda berdiri pada tahun 2007 namun didirikan oleh orang-orang yang rata-rata telah banyak berpengalaman selama lebih dari 20 tahun dalam berbagai bidang pengembangan dan studi kemasyarakatan. Sebagian besar bidang pengembangan dan studi kemasyarakatan yang banyak digeluti adalah sektor air bersih dan penyehatan lingkungan dengan model pendekatan pada penguatan kemampuan manajemen lokal dan masyarakat. Demikian pula model pendekatan yang sama dilakukan untuk pengembangan dan kemasyarakatan di sektor yang lain.

WIN, though immature established which was 2007, has a lot of experienced founders who have commonly more than 20 years working in the field of community development and study of that development. Most of their experience is in the sector of water supply and environmental health through an approach on empowering local community management and capacity. This similar approach is also used when they manage other community development sector projects.

Pendiriannya didasari oleh kemauan bersama yang kuat dari para pendiri untuk menyumbangkan pemikiran dan tenaga dalam pembangunan masyarakat di Indonesia dan negara berkembang lainnya yang dilandasi oleh prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan, transparan, bertanggung-jawab, professional, kebersamaan dan keberlanjutan. Hal ini selaras dengan tujuan cita-cita pembangunan yang menempatkan pembangunan sumber daya manusia sebagai sasaran utama dan sangat relevan dengan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh WIN dan personilnya. WIN yakin bahwa dalam setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan menempatkan manusia sebagai subyek pembangunan maka sosok manusia menjadi spirit pembangunan yang pada gilirannya mampu mewujudkan keberlanjutan program.

The reason of its establishment is base on strongly willingness of the founders to contribute their ideas and acts in the area of national community development in Indonesia and other developing countries which is based on the principles of empowerment, transparent, accountable, professional, common understanding and sustainable. These are in line with ideal development goals in which place people is the subject of development. This principle is closely relevance with what WIN and its personnel done. WIN beliefs that at all project activities is done by putting people as a subject of development will make people to be a spirit of development and in turn sustainability of development will come through.

WIN berorientasi pada kegiatan nirlaba, yang tidak berafiliasi pada golongan politik dan ras serta agama tertentu. Didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 27 April 2007 di Jakarta dengan Akta Notaris Yudo Paripurno SH No 05 Yayayan Wahana Indonesia Membangun, dengan No. NPWP 02.604.210.1-018.000

WIN orients to non-profit, non-sectarian, and non-certain political and religion affiliation. It was established in Jakarta April 27, 2007 by notary act of Mr. Yudo Paripurno SH No. 05 labeled Yayasan Wahana Indonesia Membangun, with tax number 02.604.210.1-018.000

Visi: ” Lembaga terdepan dalam mendorong pelaksanaan pembangunan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan”

Vision: “Institution leader in accelerating sustainable community development”

Misi: • Mengembangkan dan menyediakan berbagai tenaga ahli untuk memperkuat kapasitas pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan pembangunan. • Mengembangkan kerjasama dengan sektor swasta dalam mewujudkan tanggung jawab swasta dalam pembangunan sosial kemasyarakatan (CSR). • Menyelenggarakan penelitian sosial ekonomi

Mission: • To develop and provide variety of experts in order to strengthening government (GO), non-government (NGO), and community (CO) capacity in implementing social development, • To develop collaboration with private sector in term of realization of private sector responsibility in social development (CSR), • To conduct socio-economic study.

Pendekatan Program Sebagaimana telah dikemukakan di atas bahwa kesinambungan program hanya akan dapat tercapai apabila manusia ditempatkan sebagai titik sentral pembangunan. Oleh karenanya pendekatan program yang dipakai oleh WIN adalah pada manajemen berbasis masyarakat. Pendekatan ini merupakan pendekatan yang menekankan keterlibatan masyarakat (partisipatoris) sasaran pada seluruh tahapan program sejak awal proyek hingga pasca program seperti persiapan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian, operasional dan pemeliharaannya. Dengan demikian, maka masyarakat atau kelompok sasaran akan mampu, berdaya, dan mandiri mengatasi persoalannya sendiri. Dengan pendekatan seperti WIN percaya bahwa kesinambungan program dan penggunaan efektif dapat terwujud. Pendekatan partisipatoris ini juga berlaku untuk kegiatan lainnya seperti pelatihan, lokakarya, dan lain sebagainya.

Program Approach As mentioned earlier that program sustainability would only be achieved if human being is placed as a centre of development. So that program approach that will be applied by WIN is community based management. This approach is focused on community involvement (participatory) in which target audience actively involve since the beginning until post stage of project such as preparation, planning, implementation, M&E, and operation-maintenance. In turn, community/audience targeted will be skilled, empowered, and self-reliance to solve their-own problems. WIN belief that program sustainability and effective used will be happened by using this approach. This approach will also be used on workshops, training programs, and other related matters.

Kegiatan-kegiatan: Dalam rangka mencapai visi dan misi seperti yang disebutkan di atas baik secara lembagawi maupun individual beberapa program kegiatan yang pernah dilakukan yaitu:

Activities: In order to realize that vision and vision mentioned above either institutionally or individually some program activities that have been conducted as follows:

1. Di bidang air bersih dan penyehatan lingkungan

1. Water supply and environmental sanitation

Beberapa kegiatan yang pernah dilakukan dengan kontrak WIN dibidang ini adalah antara lain: a. Kerjasama PT Delasonta, Bandung dalam rangka pengembangan DED (Detailed Engineering Design) untuk sistem air bersih dan penyehatan lingkungan di Provinsi Gorontalo dalam kerjasama dengan CARE Indonesia b. Penyiapan desain dan fasilitasi Pelatihan/Lokakarya: • Lokalatih MPA-PHAST untuk World Vision – Timor Leste dan Church World Service-

Several activities have been done under WIN contract is among other things: a. Collaboration between WIN and PT Delasonta, Bandung, was to develop DED (Detailed Engineering Design) for water supply and sanitation system in Gorontalo in collaboration with CARE Indonesia b.

Designing and facilitating training-workshops: • Training-workshop on MPA-PHAST for WVI-Timor Leste and World Vision Timor Leste, Training on

Indonesia; Pelatihan Mobilisasi Social untuk CONCERN Timor Lest; • Lokalatih STBM/CLTS, Church World Servic Indonesia; World Vision- Indonesia; dan Lokalatih CLTS untuk RWSS Timor Leste

Social Mobilization for CONCERN Timor Leste; Training on Social Mobilization for CONCERN Timor Leste • Training-workshop on STBM/CLTS for Church World Service, World Vision Indonesia and Training-Workshop 0n CLTS for RWSS Timor Leste

c. Penyiapan Fasilitator Program Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman (PPSP) sebagai tugas dari Tim Teknis Pembangunan Sanitasi (TTPS), meliputi: • Penyiapan instrumen wawancara dan pelaksanaan rekrutmen/penyaringan calon fasilitator dilakukan di Jakarta, Medan, dan Surabaya, • Pelatihan Pelatih Fasilitator PPSP, Jakarta • Pelatihan Fasilitator PPSP, Gunung Geulis, Bogor,

c. Preparing facilitators for Acceleration Sanitation Development (PPSP), assignment from Technical Team on Sanitation Development (TTPS) that includes:

d. Pengembangan Pokja AMPL dan Rencana Strategis • Community Water and Sanitation Health Project (CWSHP)-Hibah ADB untuk wilayah Aceh-Nias meliputi 5 kabupaten di Aceh dan 2 kabupaten di P Nias, 1 September – 30 Februari 2010. Penugasan dari CPMU-CWSHP Kemenkes melalui PT Aquatic Consultant. • Community Water and Sanitation Health Project (CWSHP)-Loan ADB untuk wilayah Provinsi Bengkulu (3 kabupaten), Jambi (5 kabupaten), Kalimantan Barat (6 kabupaten), dan Kalimantan Tengah (6 kabupaten). Meliputi 4 fase selama Juli 2010 – November 2011 secara intermitten. Penugasan dari CPMU-CWSH Kemenkes melalui PT Surya Abadi, PT Arkonin, PT Rifa Bestari, PT Lenggogeni, dan PT Bina Swadaya Konsultan.

d. Working Group and Strategic Plan Development on WSES • CWSHP- ADB Grant for area of Aceh-Nias covering 5 project district in Aceh and 2 district in Nias Island, September 1 – February 30, 2010. This assignment from CPMU-CWSHP MoH through PT Aquatic Consultant.

e. Penyiapan FasilitatorPokja Perumahan • Mendisain dan memasilitasi pelatihan fasilitator provinsi untuk Pokja Perumahan meliputi 33 provinsi, Jakarta, 2 – 7 Februari 2011. Penugasan dari Kemenpera

e. Housing Working Group Preparation • Designing and facilitating taraining on provincial facilitator for Housing Working Group formation. This covered 33 province, Jakarta February 2 – 7, 2011, this was assigned from Ministry of Housing.

Selain itu, secara individual, semua personil WIN dalam kurun waktu lebih dari 15 tahun pernah melaksanakan kegiatan pembangunan di sektor ini dengan spesifikasi program berbasis masyarakat. Program kegiatan yang dimaksud antara lain keterlibatannya dalam WASPOLA (Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning Project) GoI-AusAID-WSP-EAP; CSFWS (Community Self-finance for Water and Sanitation) CARE International Indonesia; WSLIC (Water and

Individually, all of WIN personnel have mostly been working for more than 15 years at this sector which program is community based. This program is in regard to their involvement in WASPOLA (Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning Project) GoIAusAID-WSP-EAP; CSFWS (Community Self-finance for Water and Sanitation) CARE International Indonesia; WSLIC (Water and Sanitation for Low Income Community) GoI and the World Bank; CWSHP (Community Water Supply and Health Program) GoI and

• Interview guide preparation and selection of facilitator candidate that was done ini Jakarta, Medan, and Surabaya. • Training of Trainers PPSP, Jakarta • Training on PPSP Facilitators, Gunung Geulis, Bogor

• CWSHP- ADB Loan covering province of Bengkulu (3 districts), Jambi (5 districts), West Kalimantan (6 districts), and Central Kalimantan (6 districts). These run in 4 phases within July 2010 – November 2011 in intermitten basis. This was assigned by CPMU-CWSHP of MoH through PT Surya Abadi, PT Arkonin, PT Rifa Bestari, PT Lenggogeni, and PT Bina Swadaya Consultant

Sanitation for Low Income Community) GoI and the World Bank; CWSHP (Community Water Supply and Health Program) GoI and ADB; ESWS (Environmental Sanitation and Water Supply) GoI and AusAID; dan proyek-proyek air bersih dan sanitasi lainnya yang terkait.

ADB; ESWS (Environmental Sanitation and Water Supply) GoI and AusAID; and other relevant water supply and sanitation projects.

2. Dibidang ekonomi: Di bidang kegiatan ini meliputi kegiatan pembentukan kelompok dan mendorong kelompok menjadi dinamis dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan anggota dalam kelompok dengan menyediakan modal dan kapasitas kepada kelompok lewat usaha produktif individu atau kelompok.. Beberapa personil WIN pernah ikut terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan seperti ini antara lain program UPPKA (Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Aseptor) BKKBN-YIS; KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) Pemkab Pacitan-YKMI; SEAD (Small Enterprise Activity Development) CARE International Indonesia; KUB-Petani (Kelompok Usaha Bersama untuk kepentingan sarana produksi pertanian) YIS, dan kegiatan ekonomi produktif lainnya

2. In the field of economic At this sector includes activity in group formation in which accelerate the group to be dynamic in term of improving group member income through provide seed capital and capacity to gain economic product and income individually or group. Some of WIN personnel have directly involved at this such activity i.e. at the program of UPPKA (Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Aseptor-Income Generating Program for Family Planning Acceptor) BKKBN-YIS; KUB (Cooperative Group for small business) Disrict Government of Pacitan-YKMI; SEAD (Small Enterprise Activity Development) CARE International Indonesia; KUB-Petani (Cooperative Group for Agriculture Production) YIS, and other related small scale productive activities.

3. Bidang Pendidikan: Beberapa personil WIN sebelumnya pernah ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan di bidang ini yaitu di EEMD (Environmental Education and Media Development) CARE International Indonesia; Monitoring untuk Scholarship and Grant Project the British Council-the World Bank-ADB-Royal Dutch Government; SSDP (Senior Secondary Development Project) the British Council-ADB; Integration of Poverty Considerations Into Decentralized Education Management – ADB 4. Di sektor lingkungan Di sektor lingkungan ini beberapa personil WIN ikut terlibat langsung dalam menangani proyek-proyek seperti, CLEAN Urban (Coordinated Local Environmental Action Network) USAID-RTI-CARE International Indonesia; CSSP (Civil Society Strengthening Program-P3M Otda) USAIDChemonic-CARE International Indonesia; KIP-MHT (Kampung Improvement Project-MHT) Bank DuniaPemda DKI Jakarta; CEMIS (Community Environment Management Information System) UN Habitat. 5. Bidang Pelatihan: Hampir semua personil WIN ikut serta dalam mengorganisir dan memfasilitasi pelatihan, lokakarya, pertemuan, dan kegiatan sejenis lainnya yang terkait dengan berbagai sektor pengembangan masyarakat utamanya air bersih dan penyehatan lingkungan.

3. In the field of education Formerly some of WIN personnel have directly involved to these such projects i.e. EEMD (Environmental Education and Media Development) CARE International Indonesia; Monitoring for Scholarship and Grant Project, the British Council-World Bank-ADB-Royal Dutch Government; SSDP(Senior Secondary Development Project) the British Council-ADB; Integration of Poverty into Decentralized Education Consideration Management-ADB 4. Environmental sector At this sector, some of WIN personnel have also directly got involve in the project of CLEAN Urban (Coordinated Local Environmental Action Network) USAID-RTI-CARE International Indonesia; CSSP (Civil Society Strengthening Program-P3M Otda) USAID-Chemonic-CARE (Kampung International Indonesia; KIP-MHT Improvement Project-MHT) World Bank-Pemda DKI Jakarta; CEMIS (Community Environment Management Information System) UN Habitat. 5. Training sector: Most of WIN personnel get involve in organising and facilitating training, workshops, meeting etc that related to the area of community development with emphasize on water and sanitation program.

Secara individu personil WIN juga diminta untuk mengorganisir dan memfasilitasi beberapa kegiatan pelatihan dan lokakarya dalam rangka persiapan staf lapangan PCI (Project Concern International) di Baboo (Irian Jaya Barat) dan Aceh Selatan dan Tengah (NAD). PLAN Indonesia juga sering meminta personil WIN untuk mengembangkan dan memfasilitasi beberapa kegiatan proyek. Seperti pengembangan desain proyek CLTS-Grobogan, pengembangan manual STBM, fasilitasi pelatihan fasilitator STBM, penyusunan road-map STBM, dan lain sebagainya. Meliputi lokasi Grobagan, TTS dan TTU

Individually, WIN’s personnel was also requested to organize and facilitate several training and workshops from PCI (Project Concern International) in Baboo (Irian Jaya Barat) and in South and Central Aceh (Nangroe Aceh Darusalam) for field officer orientation. PLAN Indonesia was also frequently to request WIN’s personnel to develop and facilitate several project activities. These were such as to design project of CLTS Grobogan, STBM manual development, facilitate STBM training facilitators, STBM road-map development, and other related matters which covered area of Grobogan, TTS and TTU.

Pendanaan WIN menerima dana dari usaha kerjasama mitra yang memiliki kesamaan pandangan dengan WIN. Dalam hal ini bisa dengan Pemerintah Indonesia, baik di tingkat kabupaten, provinsi maupun pusat yang bersifat tidak mengikat. Demikian pula dengan LSM lainnya baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional, baik melalui kerjasama program lapangan dan/atau kegiatan konsultansi.

Funding WIN receive fund from its efforts in collaborating with partners that have similar view with WIN. This could be Government of Indonesia (GOI) at central, province, and district, national and international NGOs that collaboration could be through joint project and/or consultancies.

Personil Saat ini WIN memiliki 15 orang dalam jajaran kepengurusan, yang juga untuk sementara ini berperan melaksanakan program lembaga. Ke 15 orang ini terdiri dari 1 orang bergelar doktor, 4 orang berlatar belakang S2 dan sisanya S1. Adapun latar belakang pengalaman kerja mereka adalah dibidang pembangunan sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh lembaga dengan rata-rata pengalaman kerja 20 tahun.

Personnel At this moment WIN has 15 board members who also take a role as executive. Among others doctor degree is 1, master degree 4 persons, and the remaining is bachelor or sarjana degree. Most of their work experience is in the area of community development with in average 20 years of experience.

Alamat WIN WIN berkantor di Jl.Tanjung IV Blok K14, Bekasi 17148, Indonesia. Telp.021-8271102; Mobile: 0812 960 5217 Untuk keterengan lebih lanjut hubungi alamat di atas atau via email; [email protected]

WIN Address WIN is addressed in Jl.Tanjung IV Blok K14, Bekasi 17148, Indonesia. Telp.021-8271102; Mobile: 0812 960 5217954 For further information please contact to the mentioned above address or via e-mail: [email protected]