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Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

PROPOSALS, XVIII IBC (2011) Full list of proposals to amend the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature submitted to the XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne 2011 including authors and titles of all papers. Links go either to local copies (copyright IAPT for all material from Taxon) or to websites, where PDFs are accessible. See also: • Congress action • conversion table Dire ctions John McNeill, Nicholas J. Turland & S. Robbert Gradstein Proce dure s and time table for proposals to ame nd the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature [ John McNeill & Nicholas J. Turland ] Submission de adline s and change of date s

Taxon 56:   270-271. 2007

Taxon 59:   656-656. 2010

Proposals Roy Mottram & Root Gorelick (001) Proposal to re quire prior de position of type s

Taxon 57:   314-314. 2008

Jacek Drobnik & Barbara Bacler (002​ 0 03) Proposals to re comme nd usage of Taxon 57:   314-315. 2008 the diae re sis mark on the le tte r e (ë ) in Latin name s Yu-Min Shui & Jun Wen (004) Proposal to re comme nd citation of he rbarium se rial numbe rs of type spe cime ns Mithilesh K. Pathak & Subir Bandyopadhyay (005) Proposal to add a ne w Re comme ndation 37B

Taxon 57:   315-315. 2008

Taxon 57:   315-316. 2008

Gerry Moore & Catherine Rushworth (006​ 0 08) Proposals to ame nd the Code re garding orthographic conse rvation

Taxon 57:   316-317. 2008

Josef Niederle (009​ 0 11) Proposals to ame nd Art. 9 e tc. to clarify the me aning of ​ protologue ​

Taxon 57:   317-317. 2008

Tseng-Chieng Huang, Ming-Jou Wu & Shing-Fan Huang (012​ 0 13) Proposals to ame nd Article 53 *Ex. 9

Taxon 57:   318-318. 2008

Subir Bandyopadhyay & Mithilesh K. Pathak (014) Proposal to add a ne w paragraph to Re comme ndation 8A

Taxon 57:   318-319. 2008

Mithilesh K. Pathak & Subir Bandyopadhyay (015) Proposal to add a ne w paragraph to Re comme ndation 37A

Taxon 57:   319-319. 2008

David L. Hawksworth, Pedro W. Crous, José C. Dianese, Marieka Gryzenhout, Lorelei L. Norvell & Keith A. Seifert (016​ 0 20) Proposals to ame nd the Code to make cle ar that it cove rs the nome nclature of fungi, and to modify its gove rnance with re spe ct to name s of organisms tre ate d as fungi

Taxon 58:   658-659. 2009



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Josef Niederle (021) Proposal to ame nd Art. 9.10 to fill a logical gap Paul van Rijckevorsel (022​ 0 27) Misce llane ous proposals, mostly re late d to the Glossary

Taxon 58:   660-660. 2009 Taxon 58:   660-661. 2009

Subir Bandyopadhyay & Mithilesh Kumar Pathak (028​ 0 29) Proposals to add two ne w paragraphs to Re comme ndation 9A

Taxon 58:   661-662. 2009

Paul van Rijckevorsel (030​ 0 36) Some proposals on automatically typifie d name s

Taxon 58:   662-663. 2009

Tarciso S. Filgueiras & Jefferson Prado (037) Proposal to maintain the te rminations of plant name s cite d in a validating Latin de scription or diagnosis in a ne w protologue Pankaj Kumar, Gopal Singh Rawat & J.F. Veldkamp (038) Proposal to broade n the scope of Art. 37.5 allowing an illustration as a type whe n it is ​ impossible ​ to pre se rve a spe cime n Joăo Marcelo Alvarenga Braga & Ana Joffily (039​ 0 41) Proposals to e lucidate the conce pt of ​ illustration with analysis​ Marcin Nobis, Agnieszka Nobis & Krzysztof Piątek (042) Can the name of the author be a proble m in de scribing a ne w taxon? A proposal to ame nd Re comme ndation 46D.1 on citation of the author​ s name Paul van Rijckevorsel (043​ 0 44) Late r homonyms Laurence J. Dorr (045​ 0 47) Proposals re garding e pithe ts de rive d from acronyms Scott A. Redhead, Paul M. Kirk, Patrick J. Keeling & Louis M. Weiss (048​ 0 51) Proposals to e xclude the phylum Microsporidia from the Code Paul van Rijckevorsel (052​ 0 77) Se ve ral proposals conce rning the Glossary

Taxon 58:   663-664. 2009

Taxon 58:   664-665. 2009

Taxon 58:   665-666. 2009

Taxon 58:   666-666. 2009

Taxon 58:   667-667. 2009 Taxon 58:   667-668. 2009

Taxon 58:   669-669. 2009

Taxon 58:   670-672. 2009

Paul van Rijckevorsel (078​ 0 79) A proposal on the protologue , plus a misce llane ous proposal

Taxon 59:   303-303. 2010

Jarosław Proćków (080​ 0 82) Proposals to ame nd the Code re garding the proce dure of le ctotype de signation

Taxon 59:   303-304. 2010

Jefferson Prado, Kanchi N. Gandhi, Michael Sundue & Robbin C. Moran (083) Proposal to include the te rms ​ isole ctotype ​ , isone otype ​ ​ , and ​ isoe pitype ​ in the Code

Taxon 59:   304-304. 2010



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Mithilesh K. Pathak & Subir Bandyopadhyay (084) Proposal to ame nd Art. 9.10 Subir Bandyopadhyay & Mithilesh K. Pathak (085) Proposal to include a Note unde r Art. 9.10 Richard K. Rabeler & Kanchi N. Gandhi (086​ 0 87) Proposals to ame nd Arts. 7.11 and 9.21 Jefferson Prado & Robbin C. Moran (088) Proposal to modify Re comme ndation 9A.4 of the Vienna Code Alexander Sennikov (089) Proposal to discard the nome nclatural value of re prints and translations of botanical publications first printe d be fore the re le vant nome nclatural starting-point date Scott A. Redhead (090​ 0 91) Proposals to add two e xample s on the valid publication of the name s of highe r-le ve l taxa Ramesh K. Saxena (092​ 0 94) Proposals conce rning full and dire ct re fe re nce to the basionym of a ne w combination or a ne w ge ne ric name with a basionym, and to the re place d synonym of an avowe d substitute (nome n novum)

Taxon 59:   305-305. 2010 Taxon 59:   305-305. 2010 Taxon 59:   305-306. 2010 Taxon 59:   306-307. 2010

Taxon 59:   307-308. 2010

Taxon 59:   308-309. 2010

Taxon 59:   309-309. 2010

Wen-Bin Yu, Hong Wang & De-Zhu Li (095​ 0 96) Proposals to ame nd Art. 53 *Ex. 9 & *Ex. 10 Taxon 59:   310-310. 2010 Richard K. Rabeler & Kanchi N. Gandhi (097) Proposal to re vise Art. 60 Ex. 21 and add a ne w Example

Taxon 59:   310-311. 2010

Scott A. Redhead (098​ 1 00) Proposals to limit hardcopy publication of Appe ndice s II​ V

Taxon 59:   311-311. 2010

Christopher J. Cleal & Barry A. Thomas (101​ 1 03) Proposals to modify the provisions in the Code for naming plant fossils

Taxon 59:   312-313. 2010

-  Christopher J. Cleal & Barry A. Thomas Botanical nome nclature and plant fossils Wen-Bin Yu Hong Wang & De-Zhu Li (104​ 1 08) Proposals to ame nd Article 9.15, add an e xample to Article 37, and make additions to Appe ndice s III and IV Soumen Kumar Basu, Partha Pratim Ghoshal, Subir Bandyopadhyay & Md. Nehal Aziz (109) Proposal to add a ne w paragraph to Re comme ndation 9A Ahmed H. Alfarhan, M. Sivadasan, Jacob Thomas & Boudjema Samraoui (110​ 1 14) Proposals to de le te Article s 18.5, 18.6 and 19.7, re placing the m with thre e Note s, and to provide conse que nt change s to App. IIB

Taxon 59:   261-268. 2010 Taxon 59:   656-657. 2010

Taxon 59:   657-657. 2010

Taxon 59:   ;658-659. 2010



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

and to Article s 10.6, 11.1, 18.1, and 19.4 Estrela Figueiredo, Gerry Moore & Gideon F. Smith (115​ 1 16) Proposals to e liminate the Latin re quire me nt Taxon 59:   659-660. 2010 for the valid publication of plant name s -  Estrela Figueiredo, Gerry Moore & Gideon F. Smith Latin diagnosis: Time to le t go

Taxon 59:   617-620. 2010

-  Per M. Jřrgensen Latin diagnose s: A ne ce ssary e vil

Taxon 59: 1196-1196. 2010

-  Estrela Figueiredo, Gerry Moore & Gideon F. Smith Latin diagnose s: An unne ce ssary impe dime nt – A re sponse to Jřrge nse n

Taxon 59: 1565-1566. 2010

David L. Hawksworth, Jerry A. Cooper, Pedro W. Crous, Kevin D. Hyde, Teresa Iturriaga, Paul M. Kirk, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Tom W. May, David W. Minter, Jitendra K. Misra, Lorelei Norvell, Scott A. Redhead, Amy Y. Rossman, Keith A. Seifert, Joost A. Stalpers, John W. Taylor & Michael J. Wingfield (117​ 1 19) Proposals to make the pre -publication Taxon 59:   660-662. 2010 de posit of ke y nome nclatural information in a re cognize d re pository a re quire me nt for valid publication of organisms tre ate d as fungi unde r the Code Linda in Arcadia (120) Proposal to re place Article 46 Example 10 with a more appropriate e xample David L. Hawksworth & Ove E. Eriksson (121) Proposal to pe rmit acknowle dge me nt to be give n to an author whose de signation is validate d by anothe r without ascription Paul van Rijckevorsel (122​ 1 34) Some proposals on orthography Alfred Traverse (135​ 1 37) With a bow to ICZN, proposals for a ne w approach to the typification of fossil palynomorph name s Takashi Nakada (138) A proposal on the de signation of culture s of fungi and algae as type s

Taxon 59:   662-663. 2010

Taxon 59:   663-663. 2010

Taxon 59:   664-665. 2010 Taxon 59:   666-666. 2010

Taxon 59:   983-983. 2010

Jarosław Proćków & Anna Jakubska-Busse (139) Proposal on how to avoid the impossibility of Taxon 59:   983-983. 2010 re je ction of type s whe n in conflict with the protologue Josef Niederle (140) Proposal to ame nd Art. 23 by adding e xample s of corre ct usage of Latin compounds

Taxon 59:   984-984. 2010

Linda in Arcadia (141) Proposal to clarify Article 23 for the case of Gre e k e pithe ts e nding in -ma

Taxon 59:   984-985. 2010



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Paul van Rijckevorsel (142​ 1 48) A fe w proposals on cultivate d plants Josef Niederle (149​ 1 50) Proposals to ame nd Art. 30 by adding a condition of e ffe ctive publication and an associate d Re comme ndation Mithilesh K. Pathak, Partha Pratim Ghoshal & Subir Bandyopadhyay (151) Proposal to add a ne w paragraph to Re comme ndation 31A

Taxon 59:   985-986. 2010 Taxon 59:   986-986. 2010

Taxon 59:   986-986. 2010

Hiroyoshi Ohashi & Kazuaki Ohashi (152​ 1 53) Proposals to add two ne w re comme ndations in Re comme ndation 37A

Taxon 59:   987-987. 2010

Christine Barker & R.K. Brummitt (154) Proposal on the ge nde r of ge ne ric name s e nding in -ites

Taxon 59:   987-988. 2010

Alexander Sennikov (155​ 1 57) Proposals to ame nd Article 7.7 and add a ne w e xample to Article 7

Taxon 59: 1292-1292. 2010

Subir Bandyopadhyay & Mithilesh K. Pathak (158) Proposal to add a ne w article unde r Article 8 Robbin C. Moran, Jefferson Prado, James Lendemer & James L. Reveal (159​ 1 62) Proposals to ame nd Article s 9.1 and 9.2 to take into account a single spe cime n use d, but not indicate d as ​ type ,​ by a de scribing author(s), with e xample s Alexander Sennikov (163​ 1 64) Proposal to ame nd Article 9.8 Note 4 and add a ne w e xample to Article 37 Paul C. Silva (165​ 1 67) Misce llane ous proposals to ame nd the Code Josef Niederle (168) Proposal to ame nd the Code by changing the de finition of autonyms Alex S. George (169) Proposal to ame nd Article 32.1 David M. Williams & Juliet Brodie (170) Proposal to e liminate the Latin re quire me nt for the valid publication of name s of non-fossil algae Mithilesh K. Pathak, Soumen Gantait & Subir Bandyopadhyay (171) Proposal to ame nd Article 37.7

Taxon 59: 1292-1292. 2010

Taxon 59: 1292-1293. 2010

Taxon 59: 1293-1293. 2010

Taxon 59: 1294-1294. 2010 Taxon 59: 1295-1295. 2010

Taxon 59: 1295-1295. 2010 Taxon 59: 1296-1296. 2010

Taxon 59: 1296-1297. 2010

Walter Gams, Walter M. Jaklitsch, Roland Kirschner & Martina Réblová (172​ 1 74) Thre e proposals to ame nd Article 59 of Taxon 59: 1297-1297. 2010 the Code conce rning te le otypification of fungal name s -  Walter Gams, Walter M. Jaklitsch, Roland Kirschner & Martina Réblová



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Te le otypification of fungal name s and its limitations Richard M. Bateman & Jason Hilton (175​ 1 76) Proposals to modify the provisions in the Code for naming fossil plants R.K. Brummitt (177​ 1 82) Proposals conce rning name s of taxa above the rank of family

Taxon 59: 1057-1064. 2010 Taxon 59: 1607-1609. 2010

Taxon 59: 1609-1610. 2010

Walter Gams (183​ 1 84) Proposals to re quire de position of information Taxon 59: 1610-1611. 2010 conce rning typification of name s of fungal taxa, with an associate d Re comme ndation Vincent Demoulin (185​ 1 90) Proposals to ame nd Article s 15, 36 and 45

Taxon 59: 1611-1612. 2010

Hiroyoshi Ohashi & Kazuaki Ohashi (191) Proposal to modify Article 37 Example 4

Taxon 59: 1612-1612. 2010

Alexander B. Doweld (192​ 1 93) Proposals to ame nd Article 38 to oppre ss unillustrate d ge ne ric name s of fossil plants publishe d on or afte r 1 January 1912

Taxon 59: 1613-1614. 2010

Jefferson Prado & Regina Y. Hirai (194​ 1 96) Proposals to modify Article 42.4

Taxon 59: 1614-1615. 2010

Paul van Rijckevorsel (197​ 1 98) Two proposals on the illustration with analysis

Taxon 59: 1615-1616. 2010

Leslie R. Landrum (199​ 2 02) Four proposals for Division III, Provisions for the Gove rnance of the Code

Taxon 59: 1616-1616. 2010

Special Committee on Electronic Publication (203​ 2 13) Proposals to pe rmit e le ctronic publications Taxon 59: 1907-1908. 2010 to be e ffe ctive ly publishe d unde r spe cifie d conditions -  Sandra Knapp, Alan Paton, Katherine Challis & Nicola Nicolson Run for your live s! End of the World!​ ​ – Ele ctronic publication of ne w plant name s -  Prepared by Arthur D. Chapman, Nicholas J. Turland & Mark F. Watson Re port of the Spe cial Committe e on Ele ctronic Publication Gillian Perry (214) Proposal to ame nd the wording of Article 7 Example 7 Gillian Perry (215​ 2 22) Proposals on original mate rial Scott A. Redhead, Lorelei L. Norvell & Shaun R. Pennycook (223​ 2 32) Proposals to ame nd article s re gulating the typification of name s in sanctioning works

Taxon 59: 1009-1010. 2010

Taxon 59: 1853-1862. 2010

Taxon 59: 1908-1909. 2010

Taxon 59: 1909-1910. 2010 Taxon 59: 1910-1913. 2010

-  Gillian Perry



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Comme nts on proposals for the Me lbourne Congre ss Taxon 60:   916-919. 2011 de aling with original mate rial and the typification of sanctione d name s Nicholas J. Turland (233​ 2 37) Five ​ house ke e ping​ proposals Taxon 59: 1913-1913. 2010 to ame nd the Vienna Code Jarosław Proćków & Anna Jakubska-Busse (238) Proposal to re move a supe rfluous rule that is followe d whe n ge ne ric name s are typifie d

Taxon 59: 1914-1914. 2010

Nicholas J. Turland (239​ 2 42) Proposals to prote ct the e ntrie s in Appe ndix IIB (or in Appe ndice s II​ IV)

Taxon 59: 1914-1915. 2010

Gillian Perry (243​ 2 45) Proposals to pe rmit the conse rvation Taxon 59: 1915-1916. 2010 of the name of an infraspe cific taxon and of a subdivision of a ge nus whe n that name is the basionym of the name of a spe cie s or ge nus propose d for conse rvation Scott A. Redhead (246) Proposal to ame nd Article 16 to provide for Taxon 59: 1917-1917. 2010 automatic typification in the abse nce of a family name James L. Reveal & Kanchi N. Gandhi (247​ 2 61) Fifte e n proposals for the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature de aling with suprage ne ric name s Nicholas J. Turland (262​ 2 75) Proposals on Article 33 and othe r Article s conce rning ne w combinations, status novi, and nomina nova

Taxon 59: 1917-1919. 2010

Taxon 59: 1919-1921. 2010

Gillian Perry (276​ 2 87) Proposals conce rning the validation Taxon 59: 1922-1924. 2010 and author citation of name s publishe d with more than one pote ntial de scriptive state me nt Paul van Rijckevorsel (288​ 2 89) Two conditional proposals

Taxon 59: 1924-1924. 2010

R.K. Brummitt (290) A proposal on illustrations with analysis

Taxon 59: 1924-1925. 2010

Gillian Perry (291) A proposal to ame nd the wording of Article 48.1 and inse rt a ne w Article 48.2

Taxon 59: 1925-1925. 2010

R.K. Brummitt (292) Acacia: a solution that should be acce ptable to e ve rybody

Taxon 59: 1925-1926. 2010

Gillian Perry (293) Proposal to add an e xample to Article 52

Taxon 59: 1926-1927. 2010

Scott A. Redhead (294​ 3 06) Proposals to de fine the ne w te rm ​ te le otype ​ , Taxon 59: 1927-1929. 2010 to re name Chapte r VI, and to modify Article 59 to limit dual nome nclature and to re move



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

conflicting e xample s and re comme ndations -  Scott A. Redhead Re port on the Spe cial Committe e on the Nome nclature of Fungi with a Ple omorphic Life Cycle

Taxon 59: 1863-1866. 2010

Walter Gams, Walter Jaklitsch & Roland Kirschner (307​ 3 13) Proposals to modify Article 59 in orde r to harmonize it with pre se nt practice

Taxon 59: 1929-1930. 2010

Kanchi N. Gandhi & James L. Reveal (314​ 3 37) Twe nty-four proposals to ame nd the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

Taxon 59: 1930-1933. 2010

Raymond Stotler & Pekka Isoviita (338) Proposal for Division III.2 (3): Committe e for Bryophyta

Taxon 59: 1933-1933. 2010

Congre ss John McNeill (Rapporteur général) & Nicholas Turland (Vice-rapporteur) Synopsis of Proposals on Botanical Nome nclature – Me lbourne 2011: A re vie w of the proposals conce rning the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature submitte d to the XVIII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss list of proposals [ voting form ] Nicholas J. Turland & John McNeill Revised list of institutional votes at the Nomenclature Section of the XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011

Taxon 60:   243-286. 2011

Taxon 60:   284-286. 2011

[one to each member]

Note regarding Institutional votes

[one to each member]

Results of the 2011 preliminary mail vote

[one to each member]

[ voting form, for card vote (afterwards) ]

[one to each member]

[ photograph ]

PhytoKeys 41:  2-2. 2014

XVIII International Botanical Congress, July 2011: Resolutions

[Congress website]

James S. Miller, Vicki A. Funk, Warren L. Wagner, Fred Barrie, Peter C. Hoch, & Patrick Herendeen Outcome s of the 2011 Botanical Nome nclature Se ction PhytoKeys 5: 1-3. 2011 at the XVIII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss John McNeill & Nicholas J. Turland Major change s to the Code of Nomenclature– Me lbourne , July 2011 Sandra Knapp, John McNeill & Nicholas J. Turland Change s to publication re quire me nts made at the XVIII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss in Me lbourne : What doe s e -publication me an for you?

Taxon 60: 1495-1497. 2011

Taxon 60: 1498-1502. 2011



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo & Gerry Moore English and Latin as alte rnative language s for validating the name s of organisms cove re d by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants: The final chapte r? Gideon F. Smith & Estrela Figueiredo Conse rving Acacia Mill. with a conse rve d type : What happe ne d in Me lbourne ? John McNeill, Nicholas J. Turland, Anna M. Monro & Brendan J. Lepschi XVIII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss: Pre liminary mail vote and re port of Congre ss action on nome nclature proposals Lorelei L. Norvell 1. Me lbourne approve s a ne w Code

Taxon 60: 1502-1503. 2011

Taxon 60: 1504-1506. 2011

Taxon 60: 1507-1520. 2011

Mycotaxon 116: 481-490. 2011

Christina Flann, Nicholas J. Turland & Anna M. Monro Re port on botanical nome nclature –Me lbourne 2011. PhytoKeys 41:  1-289. 2014 XVIII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss, Me lbourne : Nome nclature Se ction, 18​ 2 2 July 2011 [Proceedings] [ Institutional votes, as exercised ]

PhytoKeys 41: 279-285. 2014

Committe e advice Lorelei L. Norvell Re port of the Nome nclature Committe e for Fungi: 17

Taxon 60:   610​ 613. 2011

Willem F. Prud​ homme van Reine Re port of the Nome nclature Committe e for Algae : 11

Taxon 60:   898-899. 2011

Niels Klazenga Re port of the Nome nclatural Committe e for Bryophyta: 10 Willem F. Prud​ homme van Reine Re port of the Nome nclature Committe e for Algae : 13 Patrick S. Herendeen Re port of the Nome nclature Committe e for Fossil Plants: 8

Taxon 60:   900-902. 2011

Taxon 60:   919-921. 2011 Taxon 60:   921-923. 2011

Supporting pape rs Fungi L.K. Weresub, K.A. Pirozynski Ple omorphism of fungi as tre ate d in the history of mycology and nome nclature

Whole Fungus   17​ 30. 1979 [BHL]

Amy Y. Rossman & Gary J. Samuels Towards a single scie ntific name for spe cie s of fungi

Inoculum 56(3):

Walter Gams Towards a single scie ntific name for spe cie s of fungi: a re buttal

Inoculum 56(6):  [1]-3. 2005 [MSA]

3-6. 2005

Walter Gams, Walter M. Jaklitsch, Roland Kirschner &



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Martina Réblová Te le otypification of fungal name s and its limitations [David L. Hawksworth] De cision-making on the nome nclatural rule s for fungi

Taxon 59:  1057-1064.  2010 IMA Fungus 1:   3-3.   2010

Scott A. Redhead Re port on the Spe cial Committe e on the Nome nclature Taxon 59:  1863-1866.  2010 of Fungi with a Ple omorphic Life Cycle Lorelei L. Norvell, David L. Hawksworth, Ronald H. Petersen & Scott A. Redhead - IMC9 Edinburgh Nome nclature Se ssions - IMC9 Edinburgh Nome nclature Se ssions - Edinburgh 2010: The 9th Inte rnational Mycological Congre ss Nome nclature Se ssions Joost A. Stalpers Some proble ms in the Inte rnational Code of Botanical Nome nclature (ICBN) and some sugge stions for solutions Walter Gams & al. A critical response to the Amsterdam Declaration [later in Mycotaxon, accompanied by photocopies of two other upcoming papers in Mycotaxon, see below]

Mycotaxon 113: 503-514. 2010 IMA Fungus 1: 143-147. 2010 Taxon 59: 1867-1868. 2010

IMA Fungus 59: 18-20. 2011

[handout to Section]

[Scott A. Redhead & al.?] [ untitled ]

[handout to Section]

[Scott A. Redhead & al.?] [ untitled ]

[handout to Section]

James C. Lendemer Proposal of a new article excepting lichens from the newly passed arts. 14, 56, 57.2, & 59 Lorelei L. Norvell 1. Me lbourne approve s a ne w Code

[handout to Section]

Mycotaxon 116: 481-490. 2011

David L. Hawksworth, Pedro W. Crous, Scott A. Redhead, Don R. Reynolds, Robert A. Samson, Keith A. Seifert, John W. Taylor, Michael J. Wingfield, & 80 signatories 2. The Amste rdam De claration on fungal Mycotaxon 116: 491-500. 2011 nome nclature IMA Fungus 2: 18-20. 2011 The Amste rdam De claration on Fungal Nome nclature Walter Gams, Walter Jaklitsch & 77 signatories 3. A critical re sponse to the ​ Amste rdam De claration​ Mycotaxon 116: 501-512. 2011 [handout to Section] A critical response to the Amsterdam Declaration Paul J. Morris, James A. Macklin, Jim Croft, Nicky Nicolson, Greg Whitbread 4. Le tte r of conce rn re garding Props. (117​ 1 19) to ame nd the ICBN to re quire pre -publication de posit of nome nclatural information David L. Hawksworth A ne w dawn for the naming of fungi: impacts of de cisions made in Me lbourne

Mycotaxon 116: 513-517. 2011

Mycokeys 1: 7-20.   2011 IMA Fungus 2:   155-162.   2011 [NCBI] 10/14


Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

in July 2011 on the future publication and re gulation of fungal name s Institutional vote s Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr. (182) Nome nclatural suffrage for all re giste re d he rbaria John McNeill & Nicholas J. Turland Institutional Vote s at the Nome nclature Se ction of the XVIII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss, Me lbourne , Australia, July 2011 Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo & Gerry Moore Who ame nds the International code of botanical nomenclature? Wendy L. Applequist, Martin W. Callmander, Gerrit Davidse, Alexander Sennikov, Mats Thulin, Piet Vorster & George Yatskievych Apportionme nt of institutional vote s for the Nome nclature Se ction: A re buttal to Smith & al. Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo & Gerry Moore Who ame nds the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature? A re sponse to Apple quist & al. (2010) Nicholas J. Turland & John McNeill Revised list of institutional votes at the Nomenclature Section of the XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011 [Nicholas J. Turland & John McNeill] Note regarding Institutional votes

Taxon 53:   595-595. 2004

Taxon 58:   971-973. 2009

Taxon 59:   930-934. 2010

Taxon 59: 1567-1570. 2010

Taxon 60:   213-215. 2011

[handout to Section]

[handout to Section]

Misce llane ous John G. Day, Thomas Pröschold, Thomas Friedl, Maike Lorenz & Paul C. Silva Conse rvation of microalgal type mate rial: Taxon 59: Approache s ne e de d for 21st ce ntury scie nce Herwig Teppner A point of vie w on Article 30.5 of the Vienna Code conce rning e ffe ctive publication of the se s Paul M. Oliver & Michael S.Y. Lee The botanical and zoological code s impe de biodive rsity re se arch by discouraging publication of unname d ne w spe cie s



Taxon 59:   621-622. 2010

Taxon 59: 1201-1205. 2010

Acacia Anthony E. Orchard & Bruce R. Maslin (1584) Proposal to conse rve the name Acacia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) with a conse rve d type R. K. Brummitt Re port of the Committe e for Spe rmatophyta: 55.

Taxon 52:   362-363. 2003

Taxon 53:   826-829. 2004 11/14


Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

Proposal 1584 on Acacia Anthony E. Orchard & Bruce R. Maslin The case for conse rving Acacia with a ne w type

Taxon 54:   509-512. 2005

Melissa Luckow, Colin Hughes, Brian Schrire, Pieter Winter, Christopher Fagg, Renee Fortunato, Johan Hurter, Lourdes Rico, Frans J. Breteler, Anne Bruneau, Marta Caccavari, Lyn Craven, Mike Crisp, Alfonso Delgado S., Sebsebe Demissew, Jeffrey J. Doyle, Rosaura Grether, Stephen Harris, Patrick S. Herendeen, Héctor M. Hernández, Ann M. Hirsch, Richard Jobson, Bente B. Klitgaard, Jean-Noël Labat, Mike Lock, Barbara MacKinder, Bernard Pfeil, Beryl B. Simpson, Gideon F. Smith, Mario Sousa S., Jonathan Timberlake, Jos G. van der Maesen, A.E. Van Wyk, Piet Vorster, Christopher K. Willis, Jan J. Wieringa, Martin F. Wojciechowski Acacia: the case against moving the type to Australia Taxon 54:   513-519. 2005 John McNeill, Tod F. Stuessy, Nicholas J. Turland & Elvira Hörandl XVII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss: pre liminary mail vote and re port of Congre ss action on nome nclature proposals Gideon F. Smith, Abraham E. van Wyk, Melissa Luckow & Brian Schrire Conse rving Acacia Mill. with a conse rve d type . What happe ne d in Vie nna? Paul van Rijckevorsel Acacia: what did happe n at Vie nna? G. Moore The handling of the proposal to conse rve the name Acacia at the 17th Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss – an atte mpt at minority rule Gerry Moore Action on the proposal to conse rve the name Acacia at the Nome nclature Se ction of the XVII Inte rnational Botanical Congre ss in Vie nna: Did the aye s have it? Jane Carruthers & Libby Robin Taxonomic impe rialism in the battle s for Acacia: Ide ntity and scie nce in South Africa and Australia John McNeill & Nicholas J. Turland The conse rvation of Acacia with A. penninervis as conse rve d type

Taxon 54: 1058-1059. 2005

Taxon 55:   223-225. 2006 Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 63:   107-110. 2006 Bothalia 37:  109-118. 2007

The Linnean 24(2): 16-20. 2008

Trans. Roy. Soc. S-Africa 65:   48-637. 2010 Taxon 59:   613-616. 2010

Gerry Moore, Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo, Sebsebe Demissew, Gwilym Lewis, Brian Schrire, Lourdes Rico & Abraham E. van Wyk



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress

(Co-ordinating authors) Acacia, the 2011 Nome nclature Se ction in Me lbourne , Taxon 59: 1188-1195. 2010 and be yond R.K. Brummitt (292) Acacia: Taxon 59: 1925-1926. 2010 a solution that should be acce ptable to e ve rybody Kevin R. Thiele, Vicki A. Funk, Kunio Iwatsuki, Philippe Morat, Ching-I Peng, Peter H. Raven, José Sarukhán & Ole Seberg The controve rsy ove r the re typification of Acacia Mill. Taxon 60:   194-198. 2011 with an Australian type : A pragmatic vie w H. Peter Linder & Mike Crisp The fate of Acacia Gerry Moore, Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo, Sebsebe Demissew, Gwilym Lewis, Brian Schrire, Lourdes Rico, Abraham E. van Wyk, Melissa Luckow, Roberto Kiesling & Mario Sousa S. The Acacia controve rsy re sulting from minority rule at the Vie nna Nome nclature Se ction: Much more than arcane argume nts and comple x te chnicalitie s Andy Moore & Fenton P.D. Cotterill The Acacia re typification de bate : Pe rspe ctive s of African amate ur botanists Nicholas J. Turland A sugge ste d compromise on the nome nclature of Acacia R.K. Brummitt Acacia: do we want stability or total change ? Paul van Rijckevorsel [ untitled ]

Taxon 60:   570-571. 2011

Taxon 60:   852-857. 2011

Taxon 60:   858-859. 2011

Taxon 60:   913-914. 2011 Taxon 60:   915-915. 2011 [handout to Section]

Gideon F. Smith & Estrela Figueiredo Conse rving Acacia Mill. with a conse rve d type : What happe ne d in Me lbourne ?

Taxon 60:  1504-1506. 2011

Christian A. Kull & Haripriya Rangan Scie nce , se ntime nt and te rritorial chauvinism in the acacia name change de bat

Terra aust. 34:  197-219. 2012

2014 Š, Paul van Rijckevorsel



Proposals to the 2011, Melbourne Congress
