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1 red pencil, 1 blue pencil, 1 regular pencil. Data sheet to write down scores. Stickers and sticker chart. Procedure: 1: Cold Read (CR). Student reads a passage ...
Intervention: Rereading Intervention Protocol Student: Student Name Teacher: Ms./Mr. Teacher Time: X minutes Materials Needed: Stop watch Rereading progress monitoring passages (student copy and numbered instructor copy) 1 red pencil, 1 blue pencil, 1 regular pencil Data sheet to write down scores Stickers and sticker chart Procedure: 1: Cold Read (CR). Student reads a passage previously unread for one minute. Mark her goal line** for WCPM with a blue pencil, and tell her what it is and show her where it is. Instruct her “We are going to do your cold read, read the passage the best that you can and try to beat the blue line. Begin.” 2: Start timing when she begins reading and time her for one minute. During the reading mark any errors with the blue pencil and if she is stuck at a word for 3 seconds, tell it to her and mark it wrong. 3: At one minute instruct her to “stop.” Mark a bracket “]” with the blue pencil at her stopping point. Provide her with the WCPM and errors as feedback and write them on the data sheet. 4: If she reaches her goal inform her she has earned one sticker; have her place it on her sticker chart. 5: Error Correction (EC). Review the errors with her by pointing to and asking her to say the words she read incorrectly. If she reads them correctly, offer her praise. If she reads it incorrectly, tell her the correct word and have her repeat it; underline it with the blue pencil. 6: Choral Read (ChR). Have her read the cold read passage out loud with you (timed 1 minute), mark where you stopped using a carrot “^” with a “c” under it. 7: Practice 1 & 2 (P1 & P2) Have her read the cold read passage on her own and provide corrective feedback while she reads (timed 1 minute), mark where she stopped using a carrot “^” with a “1” under it. Have her read the cold read passage on her own and provide corrective feedback while she reads (timed 1 minute), mark where you stopped using a carrot “^” with a “2” under it. 8: Hot read. Jasmine reads the passage she has practiced for one minute. Mark her goal line** for WPM with a red pencil and tell her what it is and show her where it is. Instruct her “we are going to do your hot read, read the passage the best that you can and try to beat the red line. Begin.” 9: Start timing when she begins reading and time her for one minute. During the reading mark any errors and if she is stuck at a word for 3 seconds, tell it to her and mark it wrong. 10: At one minute instruct her to “stop.” Mark a bracket “]” with the red pencil at her stopping point. Provide her with the WCPM and errors as feedback and write them on the data sheet. 11: If she reaches her goal inform her she has earned one sticker; have her place it on her sticker chart. **The goal line is one word more than her previous session’s performance of Words Correct Per Minute



cold Errors


hot Errors







Intervention: Rereading Intervention Protocol Monitoring Check Sheet Student: Student Name Teacher: Ms./Mr. Teacher Time: X minutes Materials Needed: Stop watch Rereading progress monitoring passages (student copy and numbered instructor copy) 1 red pencil, 1 blue pencil, 1 regular pencil Data sheet to write down scores Stickers and sticker chart Procedure: _____1: Cold Read (CR). Goal line is marked in blue pencil. _____2: Start timing. Errors marked in blue pencil. _____3: At one minute Bracket made in blue pencil; score recorded on data sheet. _____4: Goal Attainment. Sticker on chart if appropriate. _____5: Error Correction (EC). Words corrected underlined in blue pencil. No errors, no circles or underlines. _____6: Choral Read (ChR). Stopping point marked using a carrot “^” with a “c” under it. _____7: Practice 1 & 2 (P1 & P2) Stopping point marked using a using a carrot “^” with a “1” under it. Stopping point marked using a using a carrot “^” with a “2” under it. _____8: Hot read. Goal line is marked in red pencil. _____9: Start timing Errors marked in red pencil. _____10: At one minute Bracket made in red pencil; score recorded on data sheet. _____11: Goal Attainment. Sticker on chart if appropriate. **The goal line is one word more than her previous session’s performance of Words Correct Per Minute

Firefighters Firefighters are always busy, even when there are no fires to put out. After each fire, the firefighters have to dry their fire hoses. ~ h e ~ \ a l clean s o their trucks and inspect(their tools. The air tanks and the water tanks must be refilled. Even the boots, hats, and coats must be cleaned and checked. Everything must be ready for the next call. When they are not at fires, firefighters spend time getting ready for the next call. They also provide training in fire prevention and fire safety. They go to schools and businesses to make people aware of all they can do to prevent fires. They know the best way to respond to a fire is to keep it from happening in the first place. When there is a call, the firefighters really get busy. l'he firefighters must get to the fire as quickly as possible. lf the fire is in a building, the first job is to make sure everyone is safe and out of the building. They also try to prevent the fire from spreading. The firefighters hook up their hoses in front of the building and quickly put out the fire. Everything must be fast and organized. After the fire is out, firefighters must check the building carefully and wait to make sure there is no fire lcft. Even one live ember can get the fire started all over again. After each call the firefighters go back to their station and clean up all over again.

DIBELS" Oral Reading Fluency Q 2007 Dynamic Measurement Group

ORF Progress Monitoring 20 Firefighters

rt: C-




Firefighters are always busy, even when there are no fires to put out. A b r each fire, the firefighters have to dyr$& fire &&. ~ h e ~ l a l cs ol e ~ h e Ii ~ u cakns~ n f i e c t l t h e ~ lThe s. air@nks and the water tanks mustse refilled. Even the boots, ha&, and coats must be cleaned and checked. Everything must be ready for the next call. When they are not at fires, firefighters spend time getting ready for the next call. They also provide training in fire prevention and fire safety. They go to schools and businesses to make people aware of all they can do to prevent fires. They know the best way to respond to a fire is to keep it from happening in the first place. When there is a call: the firefighters really get busy. The firefighters must get to the fire as quickly as possible. If the fire is in a building, the first job is to make sure everyone is safe and out of the building. They also try to prevent the fire from spreading. The firefighters hook up their hoses in front of the building and quickly put out the fire. Everything must be fast and organized. After the fire is out. firefighters must check the building carefully and wait to make sure there is no fire left. Even one live ember can get the fire started all over again. After each call the firefighters go back to their station and clean up all over again. Total words: Retell: 12 3 26 27 49 50 72 73

94 106 120

149 164 176 I 87 199 200 210 223 236 248

- = words correct: 8

3i- 1 = 3\ 4 5 6 7 28 29 30 51 52 53 74 75 76

II 23 34 46 57 62 72


ORF Total:

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

24 47 70 93

25 48 71 94

Retell Total:' O 2007 Dynamic Measurerne~lrGroup

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