Purification and partial amino acid sequence of osteogenin, a protein

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Aug 15, 2018 - Communication ... and alkylation of purified osteogenin in 7 M guanidine ... urea, 50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, containing 1 M NaCl, 100 mM c-.
THEJOURNALOF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Val. 264, No. 23,Issue of August 15, pp. 13377-13380,1989 Printed in U.S.A.



Purification and Partial Amino Acid Sequence of Osteogenin,a Protein InitiatingBone Differentiation*

Partial Purification-For the purification of osteogenin, 5- to 10kg lots of dehydrated diaphyseal bovine bone matrix powder (particle size 74-420 pm, American Biomaterials) were demineralized at room temperature in 0.5 N HCl (seven extractions of 4 volumes each) (2). The acid-demineralized matrix was extracted with 20 volumes of 6 M urea, 50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, containing 1 M NaCl, 100 mM c(Received for publication, December 15, 1988, amino-n-caproic acid, 5 mM benzamidine HCI, and 0.5 mM phenyland in revised form, May 3, 1989) methanesulfonyl fluoride a t room temperature for 16 h (7). The Frank P. LuytenS, Noreen S. Cunningham$, S. Ma$, extract was concentrated, exchanged with 6 M urea to reduce the salt concentration, and loaded onto a 2-liter hydroxyapatite (Pharmacia N. MuthukumaranS, R. Glenn Hammondsg, LKB Biotechnology Inc.) column. The column was washed and eluted W. Byron Nevinsg, William I. Wood$, as described (6). The 100 mM sodium phosphate eluate was loaded and A. N. ReddiST directly onto a 0.5-liter heparin-Sepharose (Pharmacia LKB) column, which waswashed and eluted as described (6). The 0.5 M NaCl eluate From the $Bone Cell Biology Section, National Institute of was concentrated and loaded onto tandem Sephacryl S-200 gel filtraDental Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, tion columns (2.6 X 100 cm each), equilibrated with 4 M guanidinium Maryland 20892 and the §Department of Deuelopmental chloride (GdmCl),’ 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4. The material was eluted Biology and Protein Biochemistry, Genentech,Inc., with the same buffer at a flow rate of 36 ml/h; 20-ml fractions were South San Francisco, California 94080 collected and assayed for biological activity. Gel Elution-Active fractions (25, 26, and 27) from the S-200 Osteogenin was purified from bovine bone matrix column were concentrated and equilibrated first with 6 M urea, 50 and its activity monitored by an in vivo bone induction mM Tris-HCI, pH7.4, and thenwith SDS sample buffer (0.05 M Trisassay. The purification method utilized extraction of HCl, pH 6.8, 10% glycerol, 1%SDS with 6 M urea). Fraction 25 was the bone-inducingactivity with 6 M urea, followed by then applied to a 12.5% acrylamide gel (8 cm X 7 cm X 1.5 mm) prepared according to Laemmli (8).The separating gel was cast 1day chromatography on heparin-Sepharose, hydroxyapain advance and subjected to pre-electrophoresis for 30 min a t 100 V/ tite, and Sephacryl 5-200. Active fractions were fur- gel in order to remove charged impurities (9). Prestained molecular ther purified by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel weight standards (Bethesda Research Laboratories) were included in electrophoresis without reduction. Osteogenin activity lanes at either end of the gel. After electrophoresis, a nitrocellulose was localized in a zone between 30 and 40 kDa. The replica of the gel was made by soaking the gel briefly in phosphateamino acid sequences of a number of tryptic peptides buffered saline (PBS, calcium and magnesium free, GIBCO) at room placing a nitrocellulose membrane (presoaked in PBS, of the gel-eluted material were determined. Reduction temperature, Schleicher & Schuell, BA 85) over the gel, and putting two pieces of and alkylation of purified osteogenin in7 M guanidine Whatman 3“ paper (cut to thesame size as thegel and presoaked hydrochloride resulted in the total loss of biological in PBS), a stackof dry paper towels, and a weight over this assembly. activity. Sodiumdodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis Transfer by capillary action was allowed to proceed for 10 min, after under reducing conditions revealed a broad bandwith which the blot was washed in PBS supplemented with 0.3% Tween 20 at 37 “Cfor 15 min with three changes of buffer, washed extensively an apparent molecularmass of 22 kDa. with distilled water, and incubated for 1h in Aurodye Forte (Janssen, Life Sciences Products) with constant agitation. The molecular weight markerson the stained blot were then aligned with the prestained standards on the unstained gel and used as a template for It is well known that bone has a remarkable potentia1 for gel slicing. The 2 X 2-mm slices were electroeluted at room temperrepair. However, the biochemical and cellular mechanisms ature in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate, 0.1% SDS for 5 h using a underlying bone repair are not understood. The presence of Bio-Rad (model 422) electroeluter a t a constant current of 8 mA/ factors in bone which initiate endochondral bone formation glass tube. At the end of the electroelution, the polarity of the was reversed for 1 min in order to minimize losses of has been amply demonstrated by implantation of demineral- electrodes protein on the dialysis membrane. The eluates were filtered through ized bone matrix in extraskeletal sites (1-4). The sequential an Acrodisc 13 (Gelman) filter and bioassayed for bone-inductive developmental cascade in response to implantation of demin- activity. Fractions 26 and 27were separated on 16 cm X 20 cm X eralized matrixconsists of the following major steps: 1) 0.75-mm SDS gels and electroeluted using radiolabeled gel-eluted chemotaxis and attachment of mesenchymal cells to the ma- material from fraction 25 as a marker (10). Amino Acid Sequence Analysis-The gel-eluted fractions with in trix; 2)proliferation of progenitor cells; and 3) differentiation uiuo biological activity were pooled, acetone-precipitated, and digested resulting in the formation of cartilage, bone, and hemato- with trypsin (Worthington) in0.1 ml ofammonium bicarbonate. Two poietic marrow (4, 5). The bone-inductive protein that initi- 0.5-rg aliquots of trypsin were added during the 18-h incubation at ates this cascade, osteogenin, was recently isolated from bo- 37 “C. Digestion was terminated by the addition of 0.1 mlof 6 M GdmC1,20 mM DTT, 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH7.5. Tryptic peptides were vine bone matrix by heparin affinity chromatography (6). separated by reverse-phase chromatography, and the sequence of each This report describes an improved purification method for peptide was determined using an automated gas-phase sequenator osteogenin as well as theamino acid sequence of a number of (ABI, 470A). Reduction of Osteogenin-To determine if the in vivo biological tryptic peptides obtained from this protein. activity was sensitive to reduction, partially purified samples after S* The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by 200 filtration were dialyzed under nitrogen overnight a t 4 “C against the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby 7 M GdrnCl in 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.5, with or without 10 mM DTT. marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. ‘The abbreviations used are: GdmCI, guanidinium chloride; SDS, TTo whomcorrespondence should be addressed: Bldg. 30, Rm. 211, sodium dodecyl sulfate; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; DTT, dithiNIH, Bethesda, MD 20892. Tel.: 301-496-6529. othreitol; HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography.



Purification and Amino Sequence Acid

of Osteogenin

Iodoacetamide was added to a final concentration of 50 mM, and the pH was readjusted to 8.5. The samples were again purgedwith nitrogen and kept for 2 h in the dark at. 4 "C. Following incubation aliquots of the nonreduced control and the reduced/alkylated sample were reconstituted directly for bioassay. The bulk of the sample was run on a Superose 12 gel filtration column (HR 10/30, Pharmacia LKB), equilibrated in 6 M GdmCI, 50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.5, to remove DTT andiodoacetamide from the samples, and aliquots of individual fractions were tested in the bioassay. I n Vivo Bioassay-Fractions obtained from various steps of the purification were tested for bone inductionby reconstituting a portion of the sample with 25 mg of guanidine-insoluble collagenous residue of rat demineralized bone matrix (11). Typically, either 2-20 mg of the urea extract, 0.2-2.0 mg of the hydroxyapatite fraction, 20-200 pg of the heparin-Sepharose fraction, 2-20 pg of the S-200 fraction, or 0.1-1 pg of the final gel-eluted fraction were used in each reconstitution. One milligram of chondroitin 6-sulfate, sodium salt (Seikagaku Kogyo Co., Japan), and 500 pg of acid-soluble type I rat tail (11). The tendon collagen were added to each sample as carriers samples were mixed and left for 1 h a t room temperature before the Fraction Number proteins were precipitated with absolute ethanol overnight. The sam. ples were then centrifuged a t 12,000 rpm (Beckman Microfuge) for 15 min. The supernatants were discarded, and the pellets were washed three times with 85% ethanol, dried, and implanted subcutaneously into male Long-Evans rats (28-35 days old) a t bilateral sites located over the ventral thorax. Each animal received two implants, and fractions were assayed in quadruplicate.The dayof implantation was designated as day 0, and the implantswere removed on day 10. They were cleared of adherent tissue,weighed, and homogenized in 2 ml of ice-cold 3 mM sodiumbicarbonatecontaining 0.15 M NaCI. The homogenate was centrifuged a t 4,500 X g for 30 min. Alkaline phos17 *32 phatase activity of the supernatant andcalcium content of the acidsoluble fraction of the pelletwere used as quantitative parametersfor new bone formation (12). Implants were also examined by histology. FIG. 1. Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration. The bioactive heparinThe specific activity of osteogenin was expressed as unitsof alkaline Sepharose fractions were equilibrated with 4.0 M guanidine hydrophosphatase or as micrograms of calcium/mg of protein usedfor chloride, 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, concentrated, and loaded on a reconstitution in the bioassay. Sephacryl S-200 column. The column was eluted with the same buffer, and the absorbanceat 280 nm is shown (top).V, is the void volume. The arrows indicate theposition of elution of molecular mass standRESULTSANDDISCUSSION ards (Sigma): 1, ovalbumin (43 kDa);2, chymotrypsinogen (25 kDa). Purification-Table I summarizes the resultsof the purifi- The fractions were bioassayed, and the calcium content of the imcation of osteogenin. After acid demineralization of 5 kg of plants, an index of bone formation, was determined.Calcium values bovine diaphyseal bonepowder approximately 1 kg of demin- are depicted in theinset of the figure. The fractions were analyzed by silver eralized matrix was obtained. Extraction with 6 M urea, 1 M 15% SDS gel electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions and stained (bottom).


NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, yielded about 18 g of protein. After hydroxyapatite and heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, the active fraction contained 119 mg of protein. analyzed by SDS gel electrophoresis under nonreducing conAs is shown in Table I, there is an increase in total activity ditions (Fig. 1, bottom). The apparent low recovery of total activity from theS-200 column is due to exclusion of all but after hydroxyapatite and heparin-Sepharose chromatography, the most active fractionsfor further purification. Final puriin comparison to the crude urea extract. This increase has fication of osteogenin was obtained by preparative SDS gel been observed previously and suggests the possible removal of endogenous inhibitors of osteogenic activity (6). Gel filtra- electrophoresis of fractions 25-27 and electroelution of the tion of the active heparin-Sepharose fraction on Sephacryl S- active material.Activity was onlyfound in theregion from 30 was confined 200 is shown in Fig. 1. Bone-inductive activity was found in to 40 kDa (Fig. 2). In other preparations activity a narrow region from 28 to 32 kDa (data not shown). The to a single peak.The proteinprofiles of the S-200 fractionswere apparent low yields may be due to surface adsorption and possible inactivation of osteogenin activity during electroeluTABLE I tion from SDS gels. In more recent experiments, electroenPurification of osteogenin dosmotic elution after preparative SDS gel electrophoresis Osteogenin Purification (13) of the bioactive S-200 fractions yielded substantially activity specific Purification Protein step higher recoveries of osteogenin (7-17%). activitP Previous work had established the utility of heparin affinity units unitslw -fold mR chromatography for the isolation of osteogenin activity (6). protein In that work, a 22-kDa protein band was found on SDS gel 1 Urea extract 140 0.008 18,000 1.1 130 electrophoresis of 12,400-fold purified material. Localization 1,500 1,400 Hydroxyapatite 119 76 9,500 Heparin-Sepharose 9,000 of activity in the gel was not established, however. In the s-200 6.3 419 52,000 2,600 present experiments, employing 5-15-kg lots of starting maGel elution 0.02 60 3,000 380,000 terial, we demonstrate that the major activity was confined a Specific activity of osteogenin was expressed as specific activity to the 30-40-kDa region on nonreduced SDS gels (Fig. 2). of the alkaline phosphatase in the implant per mg of protein used for The reasonfor the broad rangeof molecular mass is unknown bioassay. Alkaline phosphatase activity is a reliable marker for new bone differentiation. Protein was measured by the method of Lowry but could be due to heterogeneous glycosylations, proteolytic gel artifact et al. (16). For the gel-eluted fractions, protein content was deter- or acid cleavage duringisolation,oranSDS mined by amino acid analysis. perhaps related to solubility. poor

of Osteogenin

Purification and Sequence Amino Acid 1.5









O.l2I 25b



cu 0.08






t I

4 0 - 6 03 2 - 4 03 0 - 3 22 8 - 3 02 6 - 2 82 0 - 2 61 4 - 2 0


kDa kDa
















Time (minutes) 26, 18, 14, a




FIG. 2. Preparative SDS gel electrophoresis and elution S-200 column was electrophofraction 25 from the Sephacryl resed on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel with prestained standards. The gel was sliced, electroeluted, and bioassayed. The results demonstrate that activitywas confined to theregion between 30 and 40 kDa (top).The gel-eluted fraction was radioiodinated by the IODOyield Initial Sequence GEN method (14) and analyzed by SDS gel electrophoresis under nonreducing ( l a n e a ) and reducing conditions (10 mM DTT, lane b; 20 mM DTT, lane c; 20 mM DTT with 1% 8-mercaptoethanol, lane d), (bottom).

FIG. 3. Reverse-phase HPLC of tryptic peptides. A trypsin digest of gel-eluted osteogenin waschromatographed ona Synchropak RP4-4000 column (100 X 2.1 mm). The column was equilibrated in 0.08% trifluoroacetic acid, 8% acetonitrile, and eluted with a linear gradient to 0.093% trifluoroacetic acid, 40% acetonitrile in 60 min. The numbered peaks were sequenced (Table 11). Peaks 25a and 25b were sequenced together. TABLE I1 Amino acid sequence of tryptic fragments of osteogenin X indicates an unknown residue, and parentheses indicate uncertain residues. No sequence was found for peaks 21 and 38. Peak pmol

15 17 24-1 24-2


34 12 36 10

The major advantage of the current urea extraction method over the previously described GdmClextract is that it circum- 25-1 10 vents the time-consumingbuffer exchange from guanidine to 25-2 3 urea. It is also noteworthy that fewer contaminating bands 26-1 10 were observed on SDSgel electrophoresis of material isolated 3 26-2 by urea extraction. 27 6 Analysis of Reduced Osteogenin-A gel-eluted active frac28 11 tion was radiolabeled with ‘‘‘1 (IODO-GEN procedure (14)). SDS gel electrophoresis of this labeled material showed coincidence of radioactivity and protein visualized by silver material from Sephacryl S-200 fractions 25-27 was digested staining(datanot shown). SDS gel electrophoresisunder with trypsin and the tryptic peptides separated by reversenonreducing and reducing conditions of radiolabeled protein phase HPLC(Fig. 3). Table I1 shows the aminoacid sequences is shown in Fig. 2. Without reduction, thegel showed a broad that were obtained. Four peaks gave unique sequences and band at 35 kDa; following reduction with 20 mM DTT, 1%p- three gave mixtures. The uniquesequence from peaks 27 and to resolve themixture sequences. Thesame mercaptoethanol (15) the gel showed a broad band centered 28wasused from a number of at 22 kDa. Incomplete reduction was observed when only 10 sequencewas found in different peaks or 20 mM DTT was used (Fig. 2). Reduction of osteogenin tryptic fragments, perhaps dueto incomplete digestion of the with10 mM DTT in 7 M GdmCl followed by alkylation sample. Computer-assisted searches of a protein data base resulted in a total loss of biological activity, while alkylation (17) showed that these sequences do not match any known without reduction or the same reduction and alkylation in6 proteins. We do note,however, some homology of peptide 15 with inhibin-a (18) and decapentaplegic gene product (19), M urea had noeffect on thebiological activity. These findings and thegel results described abovedemonstrate that stringent twomembers of the transforming growth factor-@ family. Transforming growth factor-@either purifiedfrom human conditions are required to fully reduce osteogenin. platelets (6) or expressedby recombinant techniques*was not Amino Acid Sequencing-Several attempts to obtain amino acid sequences directly from gel-eluted material were unsuc* F. P. Luyten, N. S. Cunningham, S. Ma, N. Muthukumaran, R. cessful (data not shown),suggesting that the amino terminus G. Hammonds, W. B. Nevins, W. I. Wood, and A. H. Reddi, unpubof osteogenin may be blocked. Therefore, active gel-eluted lished data.


Purification and Amino Acid Sequence of Osteogenin

osteogenic in this bioassay. In conclusion, osteogenin was purified more than 300,000-fold,and amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides of active highly purified protein were determined. Final proof that the protein we have characterized here is in fact the osteogenin activity will require molecular cloning and expression of sufficient recombinant material to demonstrate bone formation in vivo. Acknowledgments-We are grateful to Drs. Jesse Roth and Hugh Niall for suggesting this collaborative investigation. We thank Drs. Steve Spencer and Vishwas Paralkar for valuable discussions. We are grateful to Drs. Jill Carrington and Edith Wolff for critical review of the manuscript. Note Added in Proof-Since the submission of this manuscript, amino acid sequences of four bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) were reported (20). The amino acid sequences reported here for osteogenin show considerable homology to BMP-3. However, unlike recombinant BMP-3 which only induces cartilage, purified native osteogenin initiates both cartilage and bone formation in vivo. REFERENCES 1. Urist, M. R. (1965) Science, 1 5 0 , 893-899 2. Reddi., A. H., and Huggins, C. B. (1972) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.U.

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