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Jun 8, 2008 - Thomas Griesser, Stefan Brönnimann, Andrea Grant, Tracy Ewen, .... cal radiosonde, aircraft and kite measurements processed at ETH Zurich ...
Reconstruction of Upper-Level Temperature and Geopotential Height Fields for the Northern Extratropics back to 1920

Technical report

Thomas Griesser, Stefan Brönnimann, Andrea Grant, Tracy Ewen, Alexander Stickler Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science ETH Zurich Universitätstr. 16 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland

8 June 2008


We present reconstructions of upper-level GPH and temperature up to 100 hPa for the northern extratropics. The reconstructions are based on a large amount of historical upperair data as well as information from the Earth’s surface. They cover the period 1920-1957. ERA-40 reanalysis is used to calibrate the statistical models that are used in the reconstruction process. This report describes the data used for the reconstruction, the reconstruction method as well as validation experiments. Validations were performed within the calibration period (split-sample validations) as well as in the reconstruction period by using independent historical upper-air data. The validation results suggest an excellent skill for GPH (up to 100 hPa) for the winter season. The skill is slightly worse for lower to mid-tropospheric temperature in winter and is lower for GPH in summer. Care should be taken when analyzing the temperature for the summer season, when the skill is relatively low. The data are made available to the public. The reconstructed fields as well as accompanying fields of the Reduction of Error (RE) can be downloaded from:


1. Introduction For the study of interannual-to-decadal climate variability in the 20th and the late 19th century a variety of global gridded datasets of different variables on a monthly or daily base at the surface are available (e.g., HadSLP2, Allan and Ansell 2006; CRU TS 2.1, Mitchell and Jones 2005; HadCRUT3, Brohan et al. 2006; HadISST, Rayner et al. 2003; ERSST, Smith and Reynolds 2004). Although, many phenomena can be addressed to some extent based on surface data, the analysis remains limited as long as no upper-air data are available. Datasets consisting of direct upper-air measurements, like radiosondes or pilot balloons, exist for the second half of the 20th century (e.g., CARDS, Eskridge et al. 1995, see also Lanzante et al. 2003; HadRT/HadAT, Parker et al. 1997; Thorne et al., 2005; IGRA, Durre et al. 2006). Parts of these datasets, supplemented with additional information from the surface and satellites, were assimilated into weather prediction models to generate the probably most widely used 3D datasets: ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (Uppala et al. 2005, Kistler et al. 2001). Although, the continuously updated NCEP/NCAR reanalysis provides now data for the past 60 years (1948-2008), there is still a general lack of knowledge about the variability of the upper-level circulation in earlier times and on an interdecadal timescale. Several authors have tried to complete the image of the upper-level circulation for the first half of the 20th century. Klein and Dai (1998) presented a method to statistically reconstruct 700 hPa geopotential heights (GPH) for North America, extending to the Pacific and Atlantic, using surface air temperature (SAT) and sea level pressure (SLP) data. Schmutz et al. (2001) reconstructed 700, 500 and 300 hPa GPH for the European and Eastern North Atlantic region based on SLP, SAT and precipitation (RR) data. Gong et al. (2006) derived 500 hPa GPH for the Northern Hemisphere based on SLP and SAT fields. All the presented studies have one major shortcoming. They do not include any upper-air measurements. Brönnimann and Luterbacher (2004) pointed to the availability of upper-air measurements before 1948. They reconstructed 700, 500, 300 and 100 hPa GPH and temperature using ground and newly available upper-air measurements. In this paper we extend and refine this approach and present statistical reconstructions of GPH and temperature for the extratropical Northern Hemisphere (15°N-90°N). The dataset consists of monthly reconstructions on the levels 850, 700, 500, 300, 200 and 100 hPa for the period 1920-1957, in order to allow a seamless connection to the ERA-40 reanalysis.

2. Data For the reconstruction we define two major time periods. On the one hand the calibration/validation period (1957-2002) and on the other hand the reconstruction period (19201957) (hereafter: historical period). The multiple linear regression model demand, like every regression model, the predictand (Y) and the predictor (X) dataset. In this reconstruction approach the predictand consists of the upper-level temperature and GPH fields in the reconstruction period. The predictor comprises the upper-level and groundmeasurements spanning the whole period from 1920 to 2002. A third independent dataset is required for the validation in the reconstruction period; although a first quality assess-


ment is already performed within the calibration period using cross-validation. In the following sections the three datasets are briefly described and their quality discussed. For a deepened discussion of each dataset the reader is referred to the indicated literature.

2.1. Predictand data in the calibration/validation period As predictand we need a long, global and homogeneous 3D dataset. The two most often used data sets are the ERA40 and NCEP/NCAR reanalyses. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis starts in 1948 and is permanently updated to the present (Kistler et al. 2001). The ERA-40 Reanalysis starts in 1957 and ends in 2002 (Uppala et al. 2005). The operational forecasting system and assimilation procedure in the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis was designed in the mid-1990s, while the core of the ERA-40 reanalysis was developed after 2000. Therefore, the two reanalyses belong to two different generations of reanalyses. In direct comparisons the ERA-40 reanalysis clearly outperform the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (Simmons et al. 2004, Santer et al. 2004, Bengtsson et al. 2004). For this reason we choose the ERA-40 reanalysis as predictand for the reconstruction. Although most deficits apparent in the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis were removed in the ERA-40 reanalysis, some problems remained unsolved. In the Southern Hemisphere the data coverage is still poor in the early years, especially before 1967 (Uppala et al. 2005). Resulting from differences in the bias correction of satellite measurements, small jumps in the mean temperatures in the troposphere are present, with the largest inhomogeneity expected around 1975/76. In the presatellite years the extratropical Southern Hemisphere exhibits a cold tropospheric bias (Bengtsson et al. 2004). In the same years a cold bias in winter and springtime in the Antarctic lower stratosphere is apparent. The disadvantage of the shorter timer period, compared to the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, is expected to be at least compensated by the increased data quality. Furthermore, despite the above mentioned problems with the ERA-40 reanalysis, there are good reasons to use it as predictand. Our reconstruction approach primarily focuses on spatial variability patterns for the whole troposphere and the lowermost stratosphere and is therefore less affected by inhomogeneities in either a subregion or a specific layer. Furthermore, the month-to-month variability is large relative to the observed jumps. Inhomogeneities in the predictand dataset only affect the quality of the reconstruction to the extent to which they project onto patterns of variability occurring naturally. Also, they do not normally introduce trends in the reconstruction period. The quality of the reconstruction can be assessed with a statistical bootstrap procedure in the calibration period and additionally with the independent validation data in the reconstruction period. Finally, the reported shortcomings in the ERA-40 reanalysis are largest in the Southern Hemisphere and do not influence the reconstructions in the Northern extratropics. In our case we use monthly mean fields of geopotential height (GPH) and temperature at the 850, 700, 500, 300, 200 and 100 hPa levels (thereafter termed Z850, T850, Z700, T700 etc.) interpolated to an equal area grid. Hence, the number of grid points on a latitudinal circle decreases towards the poles. The distance on a longitudinal circle is kept constant with a resolution of 2.5°.


2.2. Predictor data The predictor data can be divided into two major groups: surface data and upper-air data. The surface data again consist of gridded sea level pressure (SLP) (HadSLP2; Allan and Ansell 2006) and homogenized surface station temperature data (GISSTEMP) (NASAGISS; Hansen et al. 1999). The SLP dataset is incorporated as it is with a spatial resolution of 5 by 5° and spanning from 1920 to 2002. For the surface temperature predictors, stations with high data quality and good spatial and temporal coverage are preferred. Therefore, the GISSTEMP dataset was reduced according to the following criteria: First, all stations with less than 90 percent of available data in the calibration period 1957-2002 were eliminated. Second, we calculated the Pearson correlation between the temperature anomalies of each single station and the ERA-40 reanalysis 925 hPa temperature anomalies, interpolated to the station location. Stations with a correlation 0 points to a model with predictive skill. Due to stochastic properties, RE values can be above zero by chance. Therefore we consider reconstructions useful if RE values are above 0.2. This approximately corresponds to R2 equal 0.2 to 0.25 (see Brönnimann and Luterbacher 2004). Because our validation period in the SSV procedure is 14 years long, equation (1) sums over 14 time steps. The result of each SSV experiment is a spatial field of RE values on the predictand grid. 10

For the model validation it is useful to aggregate the information into a single number. As the RE skill score has a fixed upper boundary at one, distributions of RE values tend to be skewed. In this case the appropriate location estimator is the RE median. For the selection of an optimal subset of predictand and predictor PCs (see section: statistical model: setup) the RE median over the entire field is calculated and maximized. For the analysis of the fields usually the averaged RE value from the two split sample validation is given.

4. Validation results 4.1. Split-sample validations Results from the SSV experiments are shown in the form of times series of the fieldmedian value of RE, averaged from both SSVs, and in the form of RE maps for specific months as an example, similar as in Brönnimann and Luterbacher (2004). The time series of the RE medians show a strong seasonal variability. Generally, reconstructions are better in winter and worse in summer. This is not surprising and has been found in previous studies (Brönnimann and Luterbacher, 2004). Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns are easier to reconstruct, and such patterns are more dominant in winter than in summer. GPH is in general better reconstructed than temperature, and lower levels are better reconstructed than higher levels. Concerning the temporal variability, there are two main changes in the predictor network. The first one is the inclusion of radiosonde data around 1939 (although some series reach as far back as 1934). This more qualitative change is not visible in Fig. 1, where kite, aircraft and radiosonde are shown as one category. The second change is the increase of wind data in the 1940s. In the case of GPH, the inclusion of radiosonde data increases the skill somewhat at upper levels in the summer season. The second change, the increasing amount of wind information, brings the RE series from different levels closer together and is a year-round effect. Temperature shows similar temporal evolution, although the skill is generally lower than for GPH. Both changes in the network increase the skill year-round (strongest in summer). The inclusion of radiosonde data has a strong effect on 200 hPa temperature, which prior to 1939 has no skill at all. In general the skill is satisfactory, with median values in winter reaching 0.75 for GPH at all levels and 0.6 for temperature at 850 and 500 hPa. The skill is worse in summer, but for GPH useful reconstructions can still be found in summer. Note, however, that the skill is generally not good for temperature in summer. As an example of the spatial variability of RE, corresponding fields are shown for temperature and GPH at 700, 300 and 100 hPa for January 1933 and July 1938. The fields show that the skill of the reconstruction is regionally variable. Generally the skill is largest at midlatitudes, which is expected due to the better station coverage there. However, the skill is also good in some fields over the North Atlantic, while it is not very good over parts of Asia. In any case, care must be taken when using the reconstructions for a specific purpose. 11

Fig. 4. Time series of the median value of RE as a function of variable and level, averaged from both splitsample validation experiments.

Fig. 5. Fields of RE for temperature and GPH at 700, 300, and 100 hPa level for two selected months (January 1933 and July 1938), averaged from both split-sample validation experiments.

4.2. Validations with historical upper-air data In addition to the SSV, we also compared the reconstructions with independent (i.e., not used in the reconstruction) historical upper-air data. The results are shown in the form of scatter plots (Fig. 6) as a function of level and variable, and in the form of time series of anomalies (Figs. 7-9).


The scatter plots show a good overall agreement. They also show that the variability is underestimated (due to the least-squares fitting). But no overall bias is evident. The underrepresentation of variability is stronger for temperature than for GPH.

Fig. 6. Observed and reconstructed anomalies of GPH and temperature at 500, 300, and 100 hPa GPH for Ellendale (green), Lindenberg (blue) and Oalkand (red). Anomalies are with respect to 1961-1990.

Fig. 7. Time series of observed (brown) and reconstructed (blue) anomalies of temperature and geopotential height at 700 hPa at Lindenberg, 1923-1938. Error bars give the assumed uncertainty of the observations and the 95% confidence intervals for the reconstructions, respectively. Anomalies are with respect to 1961-1990.


The results confirm the results from the SSVs in that the skill of the reconstruction is better for GPH than for temperature, where the correlation drops off already at 300 hPa. The agreement for 100 hPa GPH (although n is only 15) is excellent. Figs. 7-9 show time series of monthly anomalies of temperature and GPH at three locations from historical upper-air data and from the reconstructions. The overall agreement is good, and extremes are well represented. Data and reconstructions are mostly within each other’s confidence intervals. There are some periods that show biases, such as in Oakland in 1942/1943. Since the number of predictors (from different networks) is large in these years, it is unlikely that the bias is real. Also, the validation of previous reconstructions (Brönnimann and Luterbacher, 2004) using different stations did not show this feature. We therefore suspect that this bias is a remaining data problem.

Fig.8. Time series of observed (brown) and reconstructed (blue) anomalies of temperature at 850 and 700 and 500 hPa at Ellendale, 1923-1932. Error bars give the assumed uncertainty of the observations and the 95% confidence intervals for the reconstructions, respectively. Anomalies are with respect to 1961-1990.

Fig. 9. Time series of observed (brown) and reconstructed (blue) anomalies of temperature and geopotential height at 500 hPa at Oakland, 1938-1945. Error bars give the assumed uncertainty of the observations and the 95% confidence intervals for the reconstructions, respectively. Anomalies are with respect to 1961-1990.


5. Conclusions In this report we present reconstructions of upper-level GPH and temperature up to 100 hPa for the northern extratropics. The reconstructions are based on a large amount of historical upper-air data as well as information from the Earth’s surface. They cover the period 1920-1957. ERA-40 reanalysis is used to calibrate the statistical models that are used in the reconstruction process. Validations were performed within the calibration period (split-sample validations) as well as in the reconstruction period by using independent historical upper-air data. The validations show that a good skill is found for GPH and for the winter season, while care should be taken when analyzing temperature during the summer season. Specifically, it should be noted that the data are not suitable for trend analysis. Any analysis should always be accompanied by a thorough analysis of the reconstruction skill. These reconstructions will be supplemented both back in time and for other regions of the globe.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Project “Past climate variability from an upper-level perspective”. We wish to thank all data providers, especially Roy Jenne and Joey Comeaux (NCAR) and Tom Ross (NOAA/NCDC) as well as MétéoFrance for providing pilot balloon data. Wolfgang Adam (DWD, German Weather Service) provided the historical data from Lindenberg that was used for the validation.

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