Revitalization of the Basque language: the case of the Northern ...

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Oct 27, 2008 ... Introduction : a short presentation of the Basque language and of the ... language policy pursued in this part ofthe Basque Country (c.f. the ...
Revitalization of the Basque language : the case of the Northern Basque Country. How to reinforce synergy between agents of the linguistic policy, authorities and society? Jean-Baptiste Coyos

To cite this version: Jean-Baptiste Coyos. Revitalization of the Basque language : the case of the Northern Basque Country. How to reinforce synergy between agents of the linguistic policy, authorities and society?. ”Language Emancipation of Historical Minorities” Nordic-French workshop - Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Oct 2008, Paris, France.

HAL Id: artxibo-00334717 Submitted on 27 Oct 2008

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Linguistic Policy


Society – Citizens

the Linguistic Policy contractor - provider

ordering - funding

Authorities – Government

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