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Klaus-Jürgen Range* and Helmut Meister. Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Universität Regensburg,. Universitätsstraße 31, D-8400 Regensburg.


T h e Crystal Structure o f Sodium N ick el A rse n a te, N a N iA s 0 4

Klaus-Jürgen Range* and H elm ut M eister Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Universität Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, D-8400 Regensburg Z. Naturforsch. 39b, 118—120 (1984); received September 19, 1983 Sodium Nickel Arsenate, Crystal Structure

and oxygen refined only isotropically. For all calcula­ tions the program system SHELX-76 [3] was used on a TR 440 com puter. Scattering factors and anom a­ lous dispersion corrections were taken from Interna­ tional Tables of X-ray Crystallography. Refinem ent in space group R 3 resulted in a final R = 0.045. Lattice dimensions, final atomic param eters, bond distances and angles are given in Tables I and II. Fig. 1 shows the unit cell of N aN iA s0 4. The com­ pound crystallizes in a pronounced layer structure

The unit cell of N aN iA s04 is rhombohedral, space group R 3, with a — 4.955(5) Ä, c = 26.47(3) Ä and Z = 6. The crystal structure com­ prises three-layer units consisting of one “octahe­ dral” layer, built up from NiO^-octahedra, and two “tetrahedral” layers, built up from A s0 4-tetrahedra. Sodium ions are situated between these layers, having a distorted (4+3) coordination.

Ladwig and Z iem er [1] investigated the compound K N iA s0 4 [2] by X-ray pow der and spectroscopic m ethods. They proposed a structural model similar to silicate micas and representing a new M M 'X 0 4 structure type: tetrahedral — octahedral — tetrahe­ dral three-layer units with potassium ions in the in­ terlayer space. H ow ever, detailed informations con­ cerning arrangem ent of the tetrahedra, distortion of the coordination polyhedra, kind of stacking of the three-layer units and position of the alkali ions were still lacking. The present paper gives these informa­ tions for the com pound N a N iA s0 4, isostructural with K N iA s0 4. Yellow-green mica-like lamellas of N aN iA s0 4 could be prepared by heating a stoichiometric mixtu­ re of N iC 0 3 and N aH 2A s 0 4 up to 1000 °C, followed by slow cooling to room tem perature. Single crystal X-ray data were collected for a nearly regular hexa­ gonal lamella (edge-length 70 /xm and thickness 1 2 //m ) on an autom atic two-circle-diffractometer (H uber R H D 402, M oK n radiation, graphite m ono­ chrom ator, 1847 reflections in co-26 scan mode, 26 ^ 60°, 0 < h < 3 ,|* | < 8 , |/| ^ 51, A to = ±0.6°). A fter data reduction absorption corrections were applied (transmission factors between 0.43 and 0.89). From 1015 sym m etry-independent reflexions ( Rim = 0.07) 855 with |F0| > 5 o (|F 0|) were considered as obser­ ved and used for calculations. The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier methods. H ow ever, not all param eters could be re­ fined at the same time due to strong correlations. The tem perature factors for the light atoms sodium

* Reprint requests to Prof. D r. K.-J. Range. 0340-5087/84/0100-0118/$ 01.00/0

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Notizen Table I. Crystallographic data for N a N iA s0 4 (here, and in the following Table, the e .s.d.'s of the last figures are given in parentheses). Space Group: Axis: Density:

R3 a c da D*

= 4.955(3) Ä = 26.47(3)Ä = 5.34 — 3.905 g/cm3

Positional and Thermal Parameters: Atom




B (Ä 2)

N i(l) Ni(2) A s(l) A s(2) 0 ( 1) 0 (2) 0 (3 ) 0 (4 ) N a (l) Na(2)

0 0 0 0 0.0015(12) 0.6625(13) 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0.3506(12) 0.9956(12) 0 0 0 0

0.1240(3) 0.4528(3) 0.7214(3) 0.8534(3) 0.4083(3) 0.4994(3) 0.6597(4) 0.9163(4) 0.0000 0.5774(4)

0.67(9) 0.41(7) 0.69(7) 0.35(6) 0.58(6) 0.66(6) 2.7(4) 1.0(3) 2.0(3) 2.5(2)

Isotropic B ’s are given for sodium and oxygen. The equi­ valent isotropic B ’s for nickel and arsenic were calculated from the anisotropic temperature factors U;j according to Hamilton [5].

built up from tetrahedral — octahedral — tetrahedral three-layer units. T hese three-layer units are stacked along[0 0 1 ] and shifted against each other by (2/3,1/3, 1/3), giving a layer spacing c/3 = 8.82 Ä. Each one of the three-layer units is built up from a central, twodimensional infinite N iO e-octahedral layer (mean N i(l) - 0 ( 2 ) - 0 ( 1) Ni(2) - 0 ( 1 ) - 0 (2) A s(l) —0 (1 ) -0 (3 ) As(2) —0 (2 ) -0 (4 ) N a (l) —0 (4 ) - 0 ( 1) -0 (3 ) Na(2) —0 (3 ) - 0 (2) -0 (4 )

2.003(7) 2.072(8) 2.093(7) 2.072(7) 1.694(5) 1.63(1) 1.719(5) 1.66( 1) 2.21(2) 2.56(1) 2.867(5) 2.18(2) 2.65(1) 2.684(5)

0(2)—Ni(l) —0(2) 0(1)—Ni(l) —0(1) 0(1)—Ni(l) —0(2) 0(2)—Ni(l) —0(1) 0(2)—Ni(l) —0(1) 0(2)—Ni(2) —0(2) 0(1) —Ni(2) —0(1) 0(1)—Ni(2) —0(2) 0(1) —Ni(2) —0(2) 0(1)—Ni(2) —0(2)

0 (1 ) - 0 ( 3 ) - 0 ( 1) - 0 ( 1) - 0 ( 1) - 0 (2) - 0 (2) - 0 (2) 0 (2) - 0 (2) - 0 (2) - 0 (2) -0 (4 )

92.0(3) 85.1(3) 174.5(4) 93.2(2) 89.6(2) 87.9(3) 91.7(3) 90.6(2) 89.7(2) 177.3(4)

N i- O distance 2.06 Ä ), which is enclosed by two A s 0 4-tetrahedral layers (m ean A s - O distance 1.67 Ä). In the octahedral layer each N iO e-octahedra is connected with three other N i0 6-octahedra via a common edge. In this way, a netw ork of six-membered rings built up from N i0 6-octahedra develops around unoccupied oxygen octahedra. Three oxygen atoms of an empty octahedron form the basal plane for two A s 0 4-tetrahedra pointing up and down in the c-axis direction. The Na atoms are placed in the tetrahedral layers, occupying isolated tetrahedra (distance 4.95 Ä). They are located above the three oxygen atoms of a N i0 6-octahedra at the same level as the top atoms (0 (3 ), 0 (4 )) of the A s 0 4 -tetrahedron. The N a —Odistances to the tops of the tetrahedra are the short­ est ones (2.2 Ä ). For Na results a (4+ 3) coordina­ tion. Above three triangular faces of the strongly distorted tetrahedron three additional oxygen atoms are located. The present structure determ ination for N aN iA s0 4 confirms the essential structural features proposed by Ladwig and Ziem er [1] for the hom olo­ gous com pound K N iA s0 4 and explains readily the capability of N aN iA s0 4 and K N iA s0 4 of forming in­ tercalation complexes after treatm ent with alkylammonium ions [4], The financial support of the Fonds der Chemischen In­ dustrie is gratefully acknowledged. All calculations were performed on the TR 440 computer of the Rechenzentrum of the University of Regensburg. Table II. Interatomic distances (A ) and angles (°).

2.70(1) 2.783(6) 2.802(9) 3.002(6) 2.87(1) 2.937(9) 2.96(1) 2.824(6) 2.878(5) 2.881(6) 2.75(1)

0 ( 3 ) —A s (l)—0 (1 ) 0 ( 1 ) —A s (l)—0 (1 ) 0 ( 4 ) —A s(2)—0 (2 ) 0 ( 2 ) —A s (2 )- 0 (2 ) 0 ( 4 ) —N a (l) —0 (1 ) 0 ( 4 ) —N a (l)—0 (3 ) 0 ( 3 ) —N a ( l) - 0 ( 3 ) 0 ( 3 ) —Na(2) —0 (2 ) 0 (3 ) —Na(2) —0 (4 ) 0 ( 4 ) —Na(2) —0 (4 )

108.5(4) 110.4(3) 108.5(4) 110.5(3) 140.8(2) 86.3(3) 119.6(1) 114.2(2) 87.1(3) 119.7(1)

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N otizen

120 [1] G. Ladwig and B. Ziemer, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 457, 143 (1979). [2] C. Lefevre, C. R. Acad. Sei. 110, 405 (1890). [3] G. M. Sheldrick, in: Computing in Crystallography, Delft University Press 1978, p. 34ff.

[4] K. Beneke and G. Lagaly, Clay Minerals 17, 175 (1982). [5] W. C. Hamilton, Acta Crystallogr. 12, 609 (1959).

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